IRC log for #bzflag on 20120904

01:01.55*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
01:16.35*** join/#bzflag macsforme (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
01:21.02*** join/#bzflag bier (
02:51.59*** join/#bzflag noyb (~noyb@
05:20.58*** join/#bzflag jeffm (
05:20.58*** join/#bzflag jeffm (~jeffm@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
05:20.58*** mode/#bzflag [+v jeffm] by ChanServ
05:27.55*** join/#bzflag noyb (
05:46.58*** join/#bzflag ashvala (~ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
07:13.46*** join/#bzflag ashvala (~ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
09:00.23*** join/#bzflag Guest862 (d91e2019@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:19.17*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
10:18.08*** join/#bzflag moriah (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
11:09.53*** join/#bzflag ashvala (~ashvala@unaffiliated/ashvala)
11:58.36*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (~bzmeteori@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
12:28.51*** join/#bzflag CIA-131 (
13:50.38*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
13:50.38*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
13:58.56*** join/#bzflag spldart (
13:58.57*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
13:58.57*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
15:06.23*** join/#bzflag moriah (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
15:35.05*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@
15:35.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
15:35.06*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
16:36.52*** join/#bzflag allejo (
16:53.42I_Died_OnceJeffM, theres players on the Passion with your bounty plugin running if you wanna check it out
16:56.12JeffMI have a think called a job that would prevent that ;)
17:09.25I_Died_Oncehey, i'd told ya i'd let you know
17:09.55I_Died_Oncemight solicit you for a help file to go with that
17:17.28JeffMdo you have the max bounty set to a positive number?
18:06.45*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (~aaa@
18:18.29*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (~aaa@
18:37.29*** join/#bzflag allejo (
18:40.01I_Died_Oncebounty_InitalBounty 1.000000
18:40.12I_Died_Oncebounty_MaxBounty -1.000000
18:51.59*** join/#bzflag moriah (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
18:56.52*** join/#bzflag mahem1 (~beckett@
19:05.28*** join/#bzflag allejo (
19:17.09JeffMthen there isn't much for a help file, the bounty will keep going up untill
19:17.12JeffMthey leave
20:56.28kierrasure would be nice if bz had full screen radar again :D
20:56.49JeffMmod your client
20:57.24kierraJeffM: :P trying to get me banned for cheating?????
20:57.37JeffMyou would not be cheating
20:57.50JeffMperhaps your rules are not well suited to an open source game?
20:58.00kierrai dont believe that is whitelisted in gu league
20:58.08JeffMthen get it changed
20:58.42kierraright, the only female in a sea of male gu admins and I'm going to get that changed.....
20:58.44JeffMif it would be accepted if we did it then there is no reason it should not be accepted if you did it
20:58.54JeffMshow them who's boss
20:59.18kierraJeffM, are you still working on the project?
20:59.24ashvalahey, quick sort of nab level question
20:59.24JeffMI work on many projects
20:59.38JeffMI work on it as much as others do
20:59.42JeffMashvala, go for it
20:59.49kierrayou're purposely vague
20:59.51ashvalais it possible to set a bind to toggle radar zoom and radar shot length at the same time?
21:00.26JeffMkierra, just like the project's desig goals ;)
21:00.40JeffMI wrote a plugin recently
21:00.48JeffMand pushed for the 2.4.2 release
21:00.52JeffMso sure, I work on the proejct
21:01.01kierraty, that was a clear answer
21:01.09JeffMashvala, I don't know off the top of my head, try it and see
21:01.22ashvalayeah, cool
21:01.25JeffMkierra, we are not that clear ;)
21:01.38ashvalaoh, and what happened to displayFOV?
21:01.38kierratrue, mostly you arent
21:01.41JeffMif you were to ask "who is working on it now" nobody could tell you
21:01.55JeffMgnomes take everything good
21:02.01JeffMthey took full screen radar
21:02.26kierrabe nice if they put it back :)
21:02.36kierragoes gnome hunting
21:02.41JeffMnaw, bzflag is a 3d game ;)
21:02.53JeffMI put up a design for an acceptable full screen map
21:02.57JeffMnobody every implemented it
21:03.27ashvalamapview, jeffm?
21:04.12JeffMfullscreen radar dosn't work for a number of reasosn, mostly it's tied to chat and blocks out the screen
21:04.27JeffMbut a map overlay would be acceptable since it would go above the chat
21:04.53mahem1ashvala, I've play around with bind keys and not all variables can be bound. But I think you can't bind shot length.
21:05.11JeffMI don't remember a FOV variable
21:05.40JeffMthe FOV would change based on aspect ratio
21:05.40ashvalathe two are unrelated. :P
21:06.09ashvalaIs it possible to custom set a FOV setting?
21:06.20JeffManything is possible, just crack open the code
21:06.34JeffMI don't think we have a control for it by default
21:06.43JeffMa flag changes it
21:06.47JeffMso we have to set it somewhere
21:07.39ashvalaI thought you could set it in the config file
21:07.46JeffMkierra, enough people seem to love the concept of full screen radar so I'm sure you could get support for having it added as a whitelist mod
21:07.59JeffMpossibly, I don't remember all variables
21:10.14mahem1Wouldn't fullscreen radar have the disadvantage of getting in the way of you 'out the window' view?
21:10.28JeffMthats one reason we removed it and won't implement it
21:10.36mahem1So then I wouldn't mind people using it.
21:11.20ashvalamap view seems like a more elegant solution to the fullscreen radar thingamajig
21:11.22mahem1Couldn't you just make it toggleable to the current radar type?
21:11.44JeffMwe don't want to enable a mode where the primary input is a 2d view
21:11.55JeffMthat was my argument against it
21:12.05JeffMsince it is really isn't "radar" it's god view
21:12.26mahem1True true. Makes alot of sense.
21:12.27JeffMradar can't actualy see though things
21:12.39JeffMproper radar would show you the edges of what is around you
21:13.21blast007ashvala: you can define a separate key down and up event for a single key, if that helps with your radar zoom thing.  and I think there might be some more magic with key mapping beyond that.
21:14.42blast007but you'd have to do that in the config file directly, or possibly with the /bind command
21:15.56JeffMjust blame it all on blast, it's always his fault anyway ;)
21:18.46ashvalais there a list of all the variables one can change in the config file somewhere?
21:18.58mahem1In the config file itself?
21:19.11JeffMthe wiki pribably has a list, the config file contains all the ones that have inital values
21:19.18JeffMthere are some that are not set and don't show in the config
21:22.29mahem1In my config all values that aren't the inital ones seems to be commented out. Are there even more?
21:22.47JeffMyeah some are optional and the code checks to see if they exist
21:22.54JeffMsome of them are for debugin
21:23.09JeffMthere arn't many but some do exist
21:23.23JeffMhappens more often on the server and with plugins
21:24.29mahem1What would the server's plugin have to do with it?
21:24.47JeffMthe system that runs the client config is the same system that runs the servers variable system
21:24.57JeffMand that is used by plugins to set options
21:25.01JeffMit's all BZDB
21:25.14mahem1I see.
21:25.21JeffMthe client config just stores the variables that are marked as "client"
21:25.45JeffMwhen you connect to a server all the variable settings on the server are merged into your list of variables
21:25.54JeffMand the game then runs from one DB of settings
21:26.15mahem1So a server could potentially change your client settings?
21:26.24JeffMno, there is a security setting that prevents that
21:26.36JeffMeach record is marked with who can set it
21:26.46JeffMjust like your config can't overide the server
21:27.40JeffMthat's why your config only has options that affect the local client functions, like drawing or input
21:27.46JeffMand not things like "tank speed"
22:25.13JeffMblast007, maybe he's on windows 8 and dosn't have a start menu
22:48.05*** join/#bzflag bier (
22:52.27*** part/#bzflag mahem1 (~beckett@
22:56.13*** join/#bzflag catay (
23:02.32trepanradar can see through cardboard, and balsam wood
23:02.47JeffMthen your tank should be able to drive though buildings ;)
23:02.53JeffMwith out OO
23:03.12trepanhm, got me there  :)
23:03.42JeffMmaybe OO is just that parking radar that tells you if you are going to run over a bike

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