IRC log for #bzflag on 20120702

01:35.16*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
02:47.55*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
02:50.42*** join/#bzflag nielsle (
02:58.56*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
03:00.57*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
03:00.58*** mode/#bzflag [+o ChanServ] by
03:01.00*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
03:24.54*** join/#bzflag severs (
03:26.35*** part/#bzflag severs (
05:43.09*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
05:43.09*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
07:24.15*** join/#bzflag alezakos (
07:24.30*** join/#bzflag alezakos (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
07:48.07*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux_ (
08:25.57*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
09:20.16*** join/#bzflag bier (
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag SportChick (~essy@freenode/staff-emeritus/sportchick)
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag allejo (
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~josh@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag kierra (~quassel@unaffiliated/kierra)
09:56.45*** join/#bzflag Quol (
09:56.45*** mode/#bzflag [+v SportChick] by
11:32.40*** join/#bzflag bier (
11:36.49*** join/#bzflag dcat (
12:33.32*** join/#bzflag bier (
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13:37.35*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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15:45.31*** join/#bzflag kongr45gpen (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
16:44.45*** join/#bzflag zozito (
17:32.47*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
17:33.00khonkhortisanDoes the sourceforge tracker let me edit posts?
17:34.46BulletCatcherAfter creating an item you can add additional comments, and add/delete attachments.
18:00.39*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
18:00.40*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r_] by ChanServ
18:01.58kongr45gpenBulletCatcher: Do you play World Of Tanks?
18:13.58BulletCatcherNo, I am strictly a BZFlag kind of guy.
20:00.19*** join/#bzflag alezakos (
20:00.28*** join/#bzflag alezakos (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
20:32.52*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
20:32.52*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r_] by ChanServ
20:47.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:47.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
20:47.06*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM] by ChanServ
21:26.27*** join/#bzflag ibot (
21:26.27*** topic/#bzflag is || || || Channel Logs: || Please test SVN trunk for 2.4.2 release so we can have a debian package
21:26.27*** mode/#bzflag [+o ibot] by ChanServ
21:28.46*** join/#bzflag catay (
21:38.45*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
21:38.45*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
21:41.20*** join/#bzflag khonkhortisan (
21:46.47*** join/#bzflag emm386 (~emm386@pdpc/supporter/active/emm386)
21:47.47emm386Howdy. What's the status of multi-monitors on bzflag? I have a tripple head and would like the layout to be left-main-right, similar to -view three.
21:50.25blast007most of the -view stuff is for 3D head mounted displays or 3D glasses
21:50.38blast007or other things like that
21:50.54blast007(like perhaps a room with projectors aiming at walls around the user)
21:51.08JeffMif you tell the OS it's one big display bzflag will try to fill it
21:51.09JeffMthat's about it
21:51.25JeffMwe don't make multiple contextes at different view angles.
21:51.48blast007dunno what it'll do for the field of view with three screens - would it look squashed?
21:52.05JeffMyou can set the FOV to be correct
21:52.14JeffMit should infer it from the aspect ratio
21:54.18emm386I sort of want three different views. Like, -view three looks like it gives a left and right camera angle. What are the major caveats/difficulties in getting three full screens going with GL? I'm checking out the svn for the first time now. Host is OS X. Any advice?
21:54.44JeffMwe only build a single context right now
21:55.02JeffMso you'd have to span that over all displays
21:55.13blast007does OSX allow you to make multiple screens look like a single screen to applications?
21:55.13JeffMa better way wold be to have a context per display
21:55.22JeffMI don't think it does
21:55.40blast007so the solution would be to install Windows?  ;)
21:55.41JeffMthe SDL we use sure as heck dosn't
21:55.57JeffMyou may be able to get a large spaning context in the native stuff
21:56.03JeffMbut that's ben unused for a while
21:56.12blast007I think BC uses it
21:56.43JeffMwell in a single context you'd have to just clip and arange 3 seperate renders
21:56.53JeffMprobalby does it with the stencil
21:58.50JeffMhow much C++ do you know?
22:01.05emm386I think enough at least.
22:01.19JeffMthen the trick will be just getting the context to span
22:01.36JeffMafter that you can modify the three view stuff to use different areas
22:01.53JeffMmainWindow->setQuadrant does the work for that
22:02.20JeffMit's all just calls to glViewport
22:02.25blast007bleh.. I was all excited about this backup system I was deploying to the server, but I don't think it can work with the free version of VMWare ESXi.. complains about "Error enabling change tracking on VM: RestrictedVersionFault"  :(
22:02.52emm386JeffM: Thanks. Digging in now.
22:03.02JeffMit also makes some assumptions about FOV, so you may have to tweak that
22:03.36JeffMyou can just search for SceneRenderer::ThreeChannel to find the places that do the drawing
22:03.54JeffMthe context will be handled by whatever platform class your build uses
22:04.39JeffMyou have 3 displays off a single card? thunderbolt?
22:05.27emm386Thunderbolt for a main 27", HDMI for one vertical 23", and daisy thunderbolt with DVI converter for second vertical 23"
22:05.45JeffMdo they all run the same resolution?
22:06.05JeffMor at least the same vertical res
22:06.17JeffMcus a single context must be rectangular over all displays
22:06.21emm386No. Which might drive me to having three contexts to make it look best.
22:06.30JeffMthat will be a MUCH larger change to the system
22:06.50emm386Can I do a context that is outside the displayable area?
22:06.51JeffMyou'll have to load all the textures and geometry into each context
22:06.56JeffMdepends on your card
22:07.24JeffMyou would also have to manage your own context swaps

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