IRC log for #bzflag on 20120615

00:07.33*** join/#bzflag jeffm (
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00:17.56*** part/#bzflag kierra (~quassel@unaffiliated/kierra)
00:18.15*** join/#bzflag kierra (~quassel@unaffiliated/kierra)
01:12.24*** join/#bzflag Deadalot (
01:16.00khonkhortisanso that's who you are
01:24.54blast007fail attempt and showing him how to change nicknames :P
01:34.56*** join/#bzflag mdskpr_ (~mdskpr@
01:35.28khonkhortisan"This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. There is a 800 character limit." they forgot an "n"
01:41.54khonkhortisanBZflag forums -> User Control Panel -> Profile -> Edit signature
03:07.27*** join/#bzflag apeman (
03:18.00CIA-106BZFlag: 03khonkhortisan * r22484 10/trunk/bzflag/ (13 files in 4 dirs): Attempt POV hat support
03:49.48*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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03:52.08allejoany admins on bzexcess? cheater
03:54.50blast007allejo: I'm there now
04:55.24*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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05:49.24*** join/#bzflag Flash (
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08:02.03CIA-106BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r22485 10/trunk/bzflag/
08:02.04CIA-106BZFlag: Do not automatically add -g or -O2 to CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS
08:02.04CIA-106BZFlag: when --enable-debug is used, to prevent override of "-g -O0".
08:07.03BulletCatcherThat ought to fix your strict-aliasing problem, blast007, by disabling the warning-treated-like-an-error when debug is enabled.
08:08.02BulletCatcherYou'll probably get a non-fatal warning when you don't use --enable-debug.
08:20.05*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
08:52.24*** join/#bzflag catay (
09:19.45*** join/#bzflag allejo (
10:12.54*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
12:55.54blast007BulletCatcher: yup, that builds succesfully now.  thanks.  I imagine it was also broken on Debian Stable since it has a similar g++ version.
13:01.17*** join/#bzflag mdskpr (~mdskpr@
15:45.07*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (~l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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16:03.53*** join/#bzflag meeba (
16:04.28BulletCatcherRequiring a license to make maps is the best bad idea I have seen in a while.
16:27.26*** join/#bzflag bier (
17:22.34*** join/#bzflag alezakos (~kongr45gp@unaffiliated/alezakos)
17:32.04*** join/#bzflag Tanx (411f04e9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:41.02khonkhortisanI've seen the warnings are errors message and didn't think anything of it
17:58.18TanxA slight problem with a mesh using drawInfo by hand. texcoords are fine, but whenever the area around the center of a spinning object is out of view, the whole object seems to just vanish. can normals cause this?
18:02.14Tanxand the distance from the object doesn't seem to matter
18:36.43*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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18:39.17blast007checking to see how hard it would be to add SSL support to BZFlag for handling authentication securely
18:40.51blast007It looks like libcurl has a curl_version_info method that lets you check what protocols are available.  In addition, it seems like using curl_easy_setopt to set CURLOPT_URL will return a status code indication an unsupported protocol if you pick one it wasn't built with.
18:42.11blast007so my thought is to add a second configuration option for an SSL enabled list server URL that will be used when SSL is enabled, and then it can fall back to the non-SSL version if not.
18:43.36blast007and there's free SSL from here:
18:44.34ruskieor ;)
19:03.28blast007does cacert have the same level of browser support?
19:07.04blast007seems to be a definite "no" based on this:
19:09.19ruskieconsiders browser inclusion as bad but that's just him
19:11.45blast007I consider a warning poppup on on the screen for everyone as bad :P
19:12.02ruskieI consider it good... it means people will go grab the right root cert
19:12.10ruskieand thus actually know who it was that provided it
19:12.29ruskieanyway as said... I don't care ;)
19:13.39blast007I'd pay for an SSL certificate before I'd make people install their own root certificate.
19:15.03Tanxno need to answer me now, only took a good 2 hours to figure out lol
19:15.49blast007Tanx: so what was the solution?
19:19.31Tanxapparently doesn't need sphere or extents :p
19:20.45blast007ah, so you found a workaround and not necessarily a solution :P
19:22.09Tanxnot my fault they don't make drawInfo handeditor friendly ;)
19:23.30blast007I wouldn't call any part of mesh objects "text editor friendly"
19:23.52Tanxshear is far worse then mesh though
19:24.07Tanxhate the thing
19:24.22Tanxits 3:24 pm :p
19:24.42blast007I wish it was 3:24 pm here, cuz then I could go home in 6 minutes ;)
19:26.14blast007then again, time zones are irrelevant
19:26.16ibotmethinks ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
19:26.48Tanxmesh is easy when you realize the faces are supposed to wind counter clockwise ;)
19:27.02blast007mesh is easy when you have simple objects
19:27.06Tanxtook me like 5 months to find that out
19:27.16khonkhortisanthat time zone actually makes sense
19:27.18blast007now go type out a teacup by hand!
19:27.34TanxI've done a 256 vertex mesh before :p
19:27.48Tanxthough it was symetrical
19:28.03Tanxwhy would I need a teapot?
19:28.13khonkhortisanDid horizantal teleporters ever work?
19:28.42Tanxlol that would've been so fun, and so much potential for evil
19:29.02Tanxlink two Z+ sides together ;)
19:29.16blast007  <-- third one
19:29.36blast007khonkhortisan: 2.99.x lets any mesh face be a teleporter
19:30.00blast007and it worked quite well, though some momentum was lost, probably due to floating point inaccuracies
19:30.31TanxI did always wonder what would've happened if you had linked two Z+ facing sides together?
19:30.34blast007I had made two surfaces that aimed up, and I jumped in one and come out the other one, then fall back down into that one and came out the other one
19:30.47khonkhortisanportal had horizontal teleporters figured out
19:31.02blast007khonkhortisan: we had all that and more :)
19:31.13Tanxthen *splat*
19:31.24blast007the 2.99.x teleporters could even adjust your speed as you came out
19:31.28ruskieneed portal flag in bzflag
19:32.02blast007or restrict it to just shots, tank, or limit it by teams.. or require the tank be moving a certain velocity to enter the teleporter
19:32.04khonkhortisanwould portal shots still kill?
19:32.26Tanxlol blast, that's actually tempting me to try to handedit a teapot :p
19:32.47ruskiekhonkhortisan, sure if they opened a portal to an incoming bullet
19:35.34Tanxblast: actually extents and sphere are calculated by bzfs, and mine apparently were wrong, and unnecessary
19:36.03Tanxwhich is great for my sake
19:36.54ruskiethough would be nice to make it a teleport area as well so if it hits a tank it can teleport it to where the other portal is
19:37.01ruskiecould see some interesting strategy with that
19:37.46blast007and I should clarify that I don't know if dynamic portal surfaces were supported
19:38.04blast007what I was speaking of was map defined teleporter surfaces
19:38.30ruskieyeah just thinking out loud
19:39.14blast0072.99.x did have a lot of neat features
19:39.27blast007like the ability to have dynamic text show up in 3D space
19:39.38Tanxdid it have unmessupable links for beginners to mapping? ;)
19:39.46khonkhortisanthe third shot would remove the first portal
19:40.13Tanxok thats beginning to sound like some of the crazy flag ideas I read in the wiki awhile back
19:40.30khonkhortisanthe crazy flag ideas never go away
19:40.30ruskiekhonkhortisan, could just have two different shots...(like lock on the gm)
19:40.50khonkhortisanoh that works
19:41.04blast007khonkhortisan: we'll consider starting to work on that after Valve releases the next installment of Half Life ;)
19:41.17blast007(it's the new Duke Nukem Forever!)
19:43.37khonkhortisanportals can't be done with a flag plugin
19:50.59blast007khonkhortisan: not in 2.0.x, at least
19:51.06blast0072.99.x has Lua scripting
19:51.29blast007there was a Lua script that trepan made where shots were not lethal until they bounced off a object
19:51.42blast007and they were rendered differently when they were not lethal
19:58.02khonkhortisanthen we need to get not-lethal-until-ricoche'ed released
19:59.11khonkhortisanIs there a roadmap for v2.99 that says what it would need or is it completely dead?
20:00.14TanxI'm sure they'd complete it with a litte $ :p
20:02.15blast007there's a roadmap, but we keep taking a wrong turn at Albuquerque.
20:03.13blast007Tanx: I don't think you could pay us enough to work in 2.99.x :P
20:04.13Tanxblackmail then? :p
20:04.45khonkhortisanwork on 2.99 or we'll tell people about the backdoor in 2.4.1!!
20:04.51blast007Tanx: BZ's code is more embarrasing than whatever dirt you have on is ;)
20:05.37Tanxblast ik
20:05.43TanxI've seen it :p
20:06.15TanxI put more comments in my map, and thats only usually at the beginning if any :p
20:06.16blast007But.. Mr. Anderson... how can you see it.. if you have no eyes?  *yoink*
20:07.07khonkhortisanthe agility flag is grouped with the bad flags
20:07.37khonkhortisanI don't remember that line
20:09.05blast0072.99.x turned right onto Failure Lane
20:09.42blast007well, I suppose we got past hard work and then just off-roaded to Failure Lane
20:15.10khonkhortisanI just realized a portal gun would only work in 2.99 because the tank has to go halfway through the teleporter. You can't just place a teleporter there, it has to modify the face the bullet hits
20:24.21CIA-106BZFlag: 03khonkhortisan * r22486 10/trunk/bzflag/src/common/Flag.cxx: Group Agility with the other good flags
20:38.59khonkhortisanHere's an idea: While looking through the server list, if I already have the map a server uses, load that map so it shows up in the radar
20:45.44*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:45.45*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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20:46.01khonkhortisanHi JeffM try your joystick hat
20:46.11JeffMwhen I get home
20:54.20khonkhortisanhahaha "/localset sizedradarshots 100"
20:55.58Tanxgiant blobs on the radar don't usually do much good
20:56.20khonkhortisanit shows you shots are drawn in chronological order
20:56.51Tanxwell duh
21:41.09JeffMyeah they are drawn in ID order
21:54.20JeffMyay, 2.4 is less then a month away from it's first birthday
21:55.42JeffMdebian hasn't had a new package in over 2 years now :)
21:56.29*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (
21:56.29*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (~blasterwi@unaffiliated/blaster-wisconsi/x-3628685)
21:57.44blast007won't be done before the freeze either
21:57.55JeffMwhy even bother then?
21:58.04blast007I'm not ;)
21:58.35JeffMnot with a bang, but a whimper
21:59.14blast007if anything, I'll probably just host a repo
21:59.33JeffMmake the package just install a link :)
22:00.26JeffMhonestly ,why not? just have it bring up a web page on how to connect to the repp
22:00.53blast007well, I don't think such a package would even make it into the official repos, would it?
22:01.01JeffMI dunno
22:01.18JeffMbut if we are going to host a repo, we should not have one in the officials
22:01.36blast007yeah, we'd just have them drop the package then
22:01.47JeffMshould do that before the freeze
22:02.20JeffMor you'll have overlap
22:04.19blast007"overlap" meaning what?
22:04.37JeffMtime when there is a version in the distro and you have a repo
22:05.00JeffMthen it may be hard to get your repo to install over an existing official package
22:05.03blast007wouldn't matter too much - the version in our repo would just upgrade the one in theirs
22:05.17blast007at least I think ;)
22:05.25blast007still a good idea to get it pulled
22:05.36JeffMor change your repo package name to bzflag2
22:05.40JeffMso they coexist
22:05.59JeffMbzflag apathy edition
22:06.22blast007and then we can have a new domain that doesn't take over a week to get DNS changed ;) is available
22:07.30JeffMand you can get the .info for FREEE
22:07.37*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
22:07.37*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional) is available as well
22:07.55JeffMthat is a better description of the game
22:08.11JeffMhow is
22:08.52blast007that works as well :)
22:09.14JeffMI would feel bad about spending money on a domain for a proejct that isn't activly developed.
22:09.14*** join/#bzflag apeman (
22:09.23JeffMI already feel bad about my own :)
22:11.12BulletCatcherWhat is still blocking getting 2.4 into Debian?
22:11.22JeffMa package that works
22:11.49JeffMor actualy I think just the act of making and subminiting a package to the games team
22:11.54JeffMso yeah nothing techincal
22:12.28blast007I'm only about 5% through my YouTube DVD collection, so that's eating up most of my time.
22:12.43JeffMso tim dosn't even show up here anymore?
22:14.35blast007Most recently he was on from May 23rd to the 28th, in his rot13 form.
22:15.57JeffMhe's on IRC now, just not here
22:16.10BulletCatcherIt never occurred to me to try ROT-13 on that nick. :-)
22:16.39JeffMhe uses that a lot
22:16.50JeffMI think he's given up files were used in bz 1.X?
22:17.58blast007I've turned off apache on the old VPS
22:18.14blast007so until Tim updates DNS to point to the new server, the main site will not work
22:18.20blast007maybe he'll notice that
22:18.34blast007I had sent him an email on Sunday
22:20.57BulletCatcherIt is time to increase your TTLs, then.
22:20.59BulletCatcherI notice the delays caused by the current 1 minute value.
22:27.38apemanwhat does "Peer .... connection timeout with data" mean?
22:30.29blast007BulletCatcher: done, now it's an hour.
22:31.08spldartttl? That's old school logic ic's
22:33.20JeffMapeman, the extension dosn't matter
22:33.30JeffMand peer just means they dropped connection
22:33.42apemanwho is a peer
22:33.45JeffMyou are
22:33.48JeffMI am
22:34.05JeffMit's a term use to mean "people connected to a network socket"
22:34.23JeffMsince a peer is not always a client
22:34.25apemani was just wondering if .map indicates the map is as old as 1.X version
22:34.31JeffMnope probably just means it was made with windows bzedit
22:34.44JeffMand I got the extension wrong
22:35.00JeffMthe server will read any file
22:35.04JeffMwith any extension
22:35.12JeffMname it .yourmom and it'll load ;)
22:35.22apemanwill do :P
22:35.50JeffMblast007, maybe he'll wait a year
22:36.05blast007maybe the domain will expire
22:36.20JeffMwhen does it expire acording to whois?
22:36.32blast007bleh, guess 2014
22:36.54JeffMguess he got sick of it expiring every year
22:36.55blast007and it's godaddy, so it'd just get auctioned off anyway :P
22:38.15JeffMhmm seems he has time to commit to other open source proejcts
22:44.57JeffMhow many changes are in svn vs 2.4?
22:48.56BulletCatcherr22052 was where the version changed from 2.3.20 to 2.4.0.  r22486 is the latest.  You do the math.
22:49.32BulletCatcher~22486 - 22052
22:49.39BulletCatcherOr we can let ibot do it.
22:49.57blast007minus the ones that were not working on trunk
22:52.13BulletCatcher"svn log -r22052:head" gives 377 entries.
22:54.00JeffMis anything outstanding other then testing the hat stuff on winderz?
22:54.14BulletCatcherTop 6 committers: atupone (161), JeffM2501 (81), bullet_catcher (63), blast007 (19), l4m3rthanyou (10), khonkhortisan (10).
22:54.57JeffMok so subtract 161 from the 377 since all I think he was doing was tweaking the debug built
22:55.03*** join/#bzflag rodgort (
22:55.04JeffMand breaking the windows build :)
22:55.40JeffMwe should just tag as 2.4.2 and someone should make a repository
22:55.51JeffMcus a year is redicatarded
22:55.54blast007only other thing I can think of is minor - just the oddity with that plugin chat stuff
22:56.41JeffMI'd be for changing the URL that the game uses as well, just like I was last year
22:56.54JeffMcus I don't see him getting any more involved
22:58.05BulletCatcherIs it any less work to make our own repo than it is to create a deb for the official repo?
22:58.36JeffMit's more work, but it means we can update it whenever we want instead of having to use official distrobutions
22:58.44JeffMit's not much more work tho
22:58.53JeffMjust the same package in a specific folder structure
22:59.05JeffMand we can self sign it instead of having to get a debian developer to sign it
22:59.09JeffMso it''s a bit easier in some ways
22:59.26BulletCatcherIt seems like Debian is willing to accept 2.4, if we would just package it.
22:59.32JeffMthey can
22:59.33blast007oh they are
22:59.50JeffMbut then if we have 3.0, they won't go and replace 2.4 with 3.0 in all old repositories
23:00.03JeffMwith our own, we can keep everyone on the same version of the game
23:00.25JeffMit's a better distrobution model then what debian does, because we arn't a word processor
23:00.39JeffMbut yes, if a package was made it could totaly go in
23:01.02JeffMand then sit for a while and eventualy be put in ubuntu
23:01.18JeffMsomeone just has to MAKE that package
23:01.37blast007with the debian packaging, I think the main thing left was the init.d script for bzfs
23:01.52blast007and then just fine tuning
23:02.02JeffMthe games team should be able to help us, but nobody ever asked for help
23:02.26JeffMI wonder how many other games they ship have a server system like we do
23:05.59BulletCatcherinit scripts aren't that hard to write.
23:06.00BulletCatcherWe would have to make a few choices, such as the name of a non-root account to be used, but it is mostly straightforward.
23:06.13JeffMare you volentering?
23:06.21JeffMwow that's spelled bad :)
23:06.33BulletCatcherYeah.  But I don't have my own Debian system.
23:06.39blast007the issue I was having was user/group stuff
23:06.43JeffMVMWare can help you with that
23:06.57blast007the only reason I had an actual Debian system was to work on the stupid packaging ;)
23:08.07spldartmmMMmm debian ;)
23:10.04spldartwhich reminds me.. svn up>./autogen>./configure>make -j5 :) running foxburrow rabbit chase. christopherreeveswheelchair.... god mode... I hope the server operator is here listening.
23:28.51spldartAny other server operators listen up cfb
23:29.30spldartWe have a cheat client online atm and he's having a blast. Sry #bzflag... I'll be quiet now.
23:29.42blast007why is he having me??
23:30.07spldartI'll reframe from the refrain
23:30.16spldartugh.. <sp>
23:30.24spldartrestrain from the refrain
23:30.41blast007spldart: where they at?
23:30.50blast007oh nvm
23:30.53spldartserver I mention... ok
23:30.56blast007didn't read that line :)
23:31.21spldartbeen along time since I've seen CRW
23:31.35BulletCatcherNot long enough, though.
23:31.44spldartTrue that
23:36.01spldartOne last quick line. Multiple other tanks shot through him, shockwaved him, etc.... I shot through him numerous times with his lagstats being in the very low 200's and mine way less. so... It's a industructable client... aka god mode and forgive my spelling. I'm kinda busy atm
23:36.44blast007yeah, it's a known cheater
23:36.58spldartyep yep
23:37.36spldartI do love RC
23:38.17spldartI'll get back to work and my xmen marathon
23:38.55I_Died_Oncethe cartoon or the movies?
23:49.16*** join/#bzflag WhoDunnit (
23:52.21*** join/#bzflag apeman_ (
23:55.41*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (

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