IRC log for #bzflag on 20120428

00:55.36Delusionallooks good so far, I see the tank, but i should have gotten the latest commit
01:05.06DelusionalI could also change the view position?   around line 165 of view.cs
01:06.37Delusionalmaybe change to      camera.ViewPosition = new Vector3(-10, -10, 18);
01:13.10Delusionalthe tank disappears when i resize the window
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02:24.21ConstitutionJeffM: are you trying to run a beta version of windows 8 on the mac?
02:24.40jeffmnot just beta, alpha :)
02:25.23ConstitutionI was going to say, I didn't think the OS had been released yet :)
02:26.07jeffmit was the developer preview
02:26.25jeffmand yeah since there is so much custom hardware it doesn't run well
02:26.36jeffmapple only has windows 7 drivers
02:28.19Constitutiondoes it run in a VM?
02:28.31jeffmoh it runs fine on real hardware
02:28.47jeffmjust on the macbook it didn't like the trackpad and video etc..
02:29.09jeffmI have used windows 8 as my main desktop OS before
02:32.30jeffmdelusional, were you ever able to build?
02:32.57Delusionalyes, and change the tank model
02:33.14Delusionaltried to change camera pos, but it didnt seem to work
02:33.55jeffmit's locked to the tank for now
02:35.18Delusionalyou want the models to be more square than BZ tanks, when veiwed from above, right?
02:35.43jeffmnot really
02:35.58jeffmI just built that tank from the icon :)
02:36.51Delusionali thought you wanted them so that collision detection more closely matched what is seen
02:37.16Delusionalsince that is round.
02:37.42jeffmwhat makes you think it's round?
02:38.07jeffmor that it has to be a circle :)
02:38.33Delusionalthe way what looks like a near miss on the side of a tank (in bz), is a hit
02:38.47jeffmwhat does bz have to do with anything?
02:38.52Delusionaland a shot can also touch the nose of a tank
02:39.46Delusionalalso the pics you use for propsed models, the tanks seem less rectangular, more square
02:40.09jeffmit doesn't realy matter
02:40.13jeffmwe can make anything work
02:40.23jeffmand don't assume any of the limits of BZ
02:40.30jeffmthis uses NO code from bz
03:16.30Constitutionwhat kind of collision volume does it use?
03:18.07jeffmit dosn't
03:18.28jeffmso when I hook up collisions it'll use whatever we want :)
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13:40.18Delusionalthought about installing Xcode 4 from apple.  Almost half the reviews are 1 star.  Maybe I won't do that.
13:45.13Constitutionon 10.6?
13:56.11Constitutionwhat are the other options? :P
13:58.54Constitution~lart blast007
13:58.54ibothereby declares blast007 a troll
13:59.01DelusionalTread Making
13:59.23blast007Constitution: hey, it's only fair I get to do that after all the why-mac stuff ;)
14:00.20Constitutionoh that, you must mean
14:01.09blast007"It doesn't get PC viruses"  "It runs Windows and Windows applications"
14:01.23blast007but then again, I don't get PC viruses either
14:02.05blast007and the people who do are the same people who would get it on Macs ;)
14:04.41Constitutionit seems like those two benefits would be mutually exclusive of each other
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17:22.56Gabe_G23trepan: ping
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18:37.25trepanGabe_G23: pong
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19:24.03Gabe_G23trepan: how do you go about creating a new radar.png? I tried applying different gradients in gimp, saving the resulting file, and /retexturing (and later restarting) bz, but to no avail :|
19:28.22trepanwhich radar mode are you using? (it needs to be one of the "fast" ones, iirc)
19:28.26Gabe_G23fast sorted
19:28.42Gabe_G23i just don't like the default color scheming
19:29.03trepanhm, beats ... are you editing the right radar.png ?
19:29.10trepans/beats/beats me/
19:29.47Gabe_G23should be.. it's the one in (unfortunately windows) program files - bzflag - data
19:29.55trepanand I should have asked ... is the problem that don't see any change at all, or that you don't see the change that you're expecting?  ("to no avail"?)
19:30.10Gabe_G23no change at all
19:30.32Gabe_G23i tried someone else's who did it successfully and it worked like a charm
19:31.05trepanif it's a windows pathing problem, i can't help ya - don't use windows, and haven't looked at any of that code in a long time
19:31.20Gabe_G23it isn't because I applied theirs and it worked :|
19:31.55trepanyou put their radar.png in the right place and saw a change; that would be useful info up front  :)
19:32.33trepanso edit the file, save it back in exactly the same format, and it should work
19:32.51trepanthe bz code really doesn't care what colors are in the pixels
19:33.58Gabe_G23i'll try again
19:38.10trepanheh, i did use windows last week; was using an Agilent 50GHz oscilloscope - and it had XP on it, ack
19:40.34Gabe_G23ew lol
19:44.35Gabe_G23ok time to try again
19:45.04Gabe_G23now it worked :D
19:45.23Gabe_G23trepan: it was windows's fault -_-
19:47.36trepanhow's that?
19:48.10Gabe_G23trepan: created some other bzflag directory
19:48.27Gabe_G23in LocalData or w/e
19:48.42Gabe_G23not where the config is
19:48.58Gabe_G23i just got rid of it and now it works like a charm, lol
19:50.17trepanwhat improvements does your change add?  (something worth commiting?)
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19:54.05Gabe_G23just personal preference
20:04.48DelusionalI never made a texture of the type mentioned..     I think I understand the concept well enough, but having problems with a method...   can somebody please suggest a tutorial?    what is the name of that type texture?  
20:06.29Delusionalif i had the name, google would be my freind.
20:07.03trepangoogle: wings3d texture mapping tutorial  (or whatever your tool is)
20:11.31Delusionali'm talking about when you  have one texture for  comletely different  areas of  entire object,  I'm used to BZ, where the treads use a different texture as the rest of the tank.
20:11.46Delusionalis it called a "compound texture"  or something like that?
20:18.24trepan - the first hit from the query that I suggested
20:18.38trepantwo part object, one texture
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23:23.40jeffmConstitution or delusional, is there a decent text editor on the mac? something like notepad++ on windows?
23:24.51Delusionalor download smultron, or textwrangler
23:26.46jeffmtext edit blows
23:26.53jeffmI'll look at the other 2 tho, thanks
23:29.24Delusionalheh, smultron used to be free, now it's sold....   tewxtwrangler used to be sold, now it's free
23:30.14jeffmI just grabbed text wranger
23:30.46Delusionalfind the C syntax highlighting
23:31.59jeffmahhh photoshop is installed, now it's a real comptuer
23:33.36jeffmtext wrangler looks better then text edit
23:33.46jeffmat least it does line ending converssions
23:40.38Delusionalit's the little brother of BBEdit.  $50
23:42.04jeffmso did you get another model to load?
23:42.46Delusionali tested the one you've seen.. making a new one is a big project for me.
23:42.58Delusionalif i'm worrying about textures, etc
23:43.03jeffmbut it loaded and showed?
23:43.12Delusionalit showed
23:43.36jeffmthat's the first script mod ever tried :)
23:45.10jeffmhow did your model look?
23:45.42Delusionali can only see the top front portion of it.. needs to be ceentered or something
23:45.51Delusionalcouldnt modifu camera pos
23:45.57jeffmis it too big?
23:46.13Delusionalno, offscreen
23:46.15jeffmyeah I was going to give it some camera controls today or tomorow
23:46.23jeffmwhere is your origin?
23:46.32Delusional0 0 0. i think
23:46.35jeffmin the middle or at the bottom?
23:46.47Delusionali centered it, in wings
23:46.51jeffmwell yes 0,0,0 IS the definition of an origin
23:46.55Delusionalits probbly beow ground
23:46.57jeffmyeah put it at the bottom of the tank
23:47.10Delusionalcant really tell
23:47.28jeffm0 should be at the lowest point of the model when it's driving
23:48.10Delusionalwould be nice to feed it a world wile too
23:48.23jeffmthe server would accept a world file
23:48.27jeffmand use it
23:48.41jeffmit just doesn't have one so it's building it
23:48.44jeffmwell a world folder
23:48.49jeffmworlds are more then files :)
23:48.56jeffmmore then a single file I mean
23:48.59DelusionalI can wait
23:49.08jeffmso it should work now
23:49.13jeffmif you could define another world
23:49.23jeffmthe editor doesn't have a lot of features
23:49.25Delusionalif i had an example.
23:49.43Delusionaloh yeah, the editor.. havent looked at that yet
23:49.45jeffmthey are not meant to be edited by hand
23:50.01jeffmyour client will cache the world files
23:50.05jeffmand the editor can make them
23:50.24jeffmtho I have NO idea where the mac will put it's cache files
23:51.13jeffmhmm Komodo edit seems pretty good for code editor
23:51.49blast007jeffm: that's what I primarily use, at least for web stuff
23:52.19jeffmit does highlight and selection indent, that's good enough
23:55.40jeffmDelusional, it would be nice if someone would work on the editor

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