IRC log for #bzflag on 20120413

00:35.51kierratoo late
01:02.36*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
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01:30.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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01:54.40*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
01:54.41*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Toybox@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:26.01JeffMman.. they sure do love them some youtubes
02:30.34spldartServer ownerz... heads up... dunno for sure but he ran when i called him out... Player Pinkle. Cheating
02:30.41spldartPossible cheating
02:31.03spldartSwitched to observer and saw crazy stuff
02:34.09*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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04:20.26BulletCatcherThe spam be gone.
04:21.32JeffMglory bee
04:22.19spldart#/kill religion
04:23.35spldartzomg.... please tomorrow... come now
05:02.32CIA-104opencombat: 03JeffM2501 * r118 10/trunk/unit0/game/ (Utilities.cs Game.csproj): Common utils, like computing an MD5
05:03.54CIA-104opencombat: 03JeffM2501 * r119 10/trunk/unit0/gridWorld/ (Cluster.cs ClusterGeometry.cs World.cs): Serialization of worlds to and from memory buffers so they can be transmitted as single files.
05:07.37CIA-104opencombat: 03JeffM2501 * r120 10/trunk/unit0/gridWorld/World.cs: have the buffer based serialization allocate it's own data info object
05:22.25*** join/#bzflag noyb (
05:32.37CIA-104opencombat: 03JeffM2501 * r121 10/trunk/unit0/ (6 files in 2 dirs): store random maps as resource blobs to send to clients
07:35.02*** join/#bzflag cods (~cods@rsbac/developer/cods)
08:23.45*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
08:58.20*** join/#bzflag bier (
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16:07.25*** join/#bzflag a_liberal (
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16:39.15a_liberalhows it going.
16:49.14*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@
16:49.15*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:55.49blast007JeffM: tabs are more challenging!!
16:56.37JeffMhe's an idiot
16:56.44JeffMjust posting to post
17:01.51blast007I do feel like I lose a couple IQ points every time I read one of his posts
17:02.07blast007I'm just gonna pull his posting rights later today
17:06.13a_liberalwho lol
17:10.54blast007that guy on the forum
17:11.29a_liberalthatguy... dont know him
17:12.46blast007ding ding ding, you win!
17:13.41a_liberalI lol'd at his 2.0.14/16 post.
17:14.32blast007"Stop changing textures!! And by textures, I mean anything related to the graphics on the screen!!"
17:19.04JeffMhe wants to feel important
17:19.14JeffMsuch is the way of youngsters sometimes
17:20.34blast007JeffM: that new GM texture has too much depth. it's like it's a 3D or something.
17:21.13JeffMyeah it's funny, he comments on the post about the changes needed to keep people, then says the new version sucks and we should not change it :)
17:21.24JeffMI bet he dosn't like 2.4 cus he'd have to rebuild his cheats
17:24.21a_liberalI like 2.4. So yeah. lol. And yeah, updates are plenty necessary
17:24.30blast007nah, he's just one that thinks only the changes he wants should be included :P
17:24.55blast007a_liberal: I like trains.
17:24.55a_liberalI mean 1.8 was wonderful, and one of my fav releases, but Im glad we've updated.
17:25.00a_liberalI do like trains.
17:25.04blast0071.8 was never released.
17:25.11a_liberalYeah it was.
17:25.12blast0071.10.8 you mean?
17:25.17a_liberalSame diff
17:25.22a_liberalIts been that long xD
17:25.22blast007no, completely different
17:25.43blast0071.8 was a development version that was largely abandoned
17:25.51a_liberalFair enough. You get what I mean. I was going to look it up to make sure I said the right version.
17:26.04JeffM1.8 was TOTALY different then 1.10
17:26.23JeffM1.10 was made because 1.8 had code nobody wanted to use
17:26.35JeffMin some ways 1.8 is better then enve 2.4
17:26.50a_liberalSo why didnt people want the code?
17:27.04blast007only things I remember from 1.8 is that it had rain and the thief flag.  can't remember anything else about it.
17:27.08JeffMit was the last code worked on by the origonal author and nobody else understood it
17:27.19JeffMblast007, it has bzdb and genric XML model support
17:27.25JeffMoog support and a bunch of other stuff
17:27.31blast007ah, fun
17:27.50JeffMyeah it had a lot of neat stuff, but was written by like one guy so nobody followed along and would help.
17:28.21a_liberalGeez. Kinda harsh to him.
17:30.15a_liberalBy original author, do you mean the creator of BZ?
17:30.39a_liberalAnd no one would go along with him? That seems harsh.
17:30.40JeffMhe did a lot of code, then left
17:30.51a_liberalAh so there was bad blood there.
17:30.53JeffMhe did a lot on his own then had huge code drops
17:30.58JeffMno it had nothing to do with that
17:31.03JeffMit was his dev style
17:31.27a_liberalGotcha. Didn't really do anything incremental, just threw stuff out in bulk.
17:31.30JeffMit's very hard to have others get up to speed when someone just keeps droping huge code changes with no discussion
17:31.39JeffMyou need to work with people
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17:33.08JeffMso when he went to his other job, we all just decided to keep the 1.7 codebase and pull what we wanted from 1.8 and call it 1.10
17:33.21a_liberalAny project needs that, but I'd imagine its very important with open-source projects.
17:33.39JeffMdepends on how it's managed
17:33.57JeffMones that run patch based with people that accept and review patches can work with code dumps better
17:34.09JeffMones that work like us tend to do better with colaboration.
17:37.01a_liberalSure. All depends on the team. Makes sense.
17:37.46JeffMand the management
17:40.19a_liberalSo what language should I learn first do you suggest? I've done very basic Java in the past, so Im a beginner.
17:40.42JeffMlanguage dosn't matter
17:40.52JeffMmany schools teach java
17:40.55JeffMsome teach python
17:40.57JeffMsome teach C
17:41.20blast007some teach microsoft office and call it a day ...
17:41.22a_liberalSure, Im just wondering what youd suggest.
17:41.28a_liberal^^no kidding blast
17:41.55blast007I'm trying to get some programming courses added here... there's literally nothing in the entire K-12
17:41.56JeffMit's easy to start with, has some of the simplicty of java and is open source.
17:42.09a_liberalWell Ill start with it then.
17:42.40a_liberalYeah blast, my school didnt really have anything.
17:42.55a_liberalThey had one AP Java class and it was online and the teacher didnt teach
17:43.15a_liberalHe threw stuff out there that was poorly written and threw complicated assignments at everyone.
17:44.00a_liberal45 people started the yearlong class. I withdrew halfway through as not to fail. Apparently 26 other students had the same idea.
17:44.50a_liberalYeah. Over half the class was that lost and he was never online to help. The only ones left had previous experience programming or were told they couldnt withdraw. Was hell on those forums with people pissed everywhere lol.
17:45.49JeffMmost people can learn to program online
17:45.52JeffMjust do some tutorials
17:45.55JeffMit's pretty easy
17:46.03JeffMprograming is just applied logic
17:47.04a_liberalOh no I'm sure I can. He didnt give tutorials. He gave notes with definitions. Then assignments.
17:48.26blast007in my high school, we had Turbo Pascal.  And then I did essentially and independent study of C++.  Though.. it was initially Borland C++ 4.5, which had two build targets. Windows 3.1, and Windows 3.11. ;)  OWL ftl.
17:49.26blast007But yeah, C# is really quite nice.  I much prefer it over Java.
17:50.32blast007JeffM: for the HTTP stuff in C#, are you just handling it with your own code, or are you using some library?
17:51.06JeffMblast007, .net has classes
17:51.11JeffMHTTPListener and WebClient
18:05.31blast007sweet, looks like HTTPListener can do SSL, though it requires some command-line work
18:06.07JeffMyeah the certs have to be in the right place
18:06.26blast007httpcfg is used to register the cert
18:07.59JeffMyeah I figured we'd be able to SSL all the communication
18:08.58blast007I was interested since I'm in the planning stages for a computer inventory/management system, and SSL would be nice for that (since there might be passwords/files transmitted)
18:09.24blast007and HTTP is an easy protocol to work with
18:09.39JeffMthe listener class is VERY easy to use
18:09.53JeffMtho you can also use lidgren and crypto it too
18:10.53blast007yeah, that's something that might be worth a look as well
18:11.19JeffMyou dont' need a trust relationship do you? just middleman prevention
18:11.43blast007I'm not sure
18:11.53blast007I'm still thinking of what all it would do eventually
18:12.17blast007initially, it'd be a help desk like system with inventory tracking
18:13.04blast007but over time, it'd be cool to add more features, like software deployment, remote control/view/registry, etc
18:13.21JeffMthen http and ssl would probabe be a better choice
18:13.29JeffMthen it can integreate with other systems/sites
19:29.48*** join/#bzflag TyroneFHornigh (
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20:20.37*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
20:26.36JeffMshould turn the tank into a pony and publish another video
20:27.11JeffMand to win you have to love and tollerate the crap out of the other players
20:32.05joevanoJeffM: don't we already do that ;-)
20:32.14JeffMhugs win wars
20:32.45blast007capture the hug.  team death hug.  rabbit hug.
20:32.54JeffMteam bear hug
20:33.08JeffMcapture the leapoard
20:46.35*** join/#bzflag CinSyn[Peaches] (~Colton@
20:47.21CinSyn[Peaches]Imma feel really stupid after this, but how do you get to your game after you start the server?
20:47.49joevanohow are you starting it?
20:48.04joevanoin the client?
20:48.59joevanoyou should be able to put 'localhost' (no quotes) in the server address field and 5154 in the port
20:49.05joevano(i think)
20:49.52CinSyn[Peaches]i must admit: i'm *really* clueless. Where's the Server Address Feild?
20:50.28*** mode/#bzflag [+o TyroneFHornigh] by ChanServ
20:51.42joevano"Join Game"... then there is a Server and a Port field
20:53.03CinSyn[Peaches]Oh. i told you i'd feel stupid. I completely missed the 'connect' menu option...?
20:53.24joevanono problem
20:58.44JeffMjoevano wins at capture the hug
21:09.13*** join/#bzflag Delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
21:20.29blast007CinSyn[Peaches]: and if 'localhost' doesn't work, try
22:50.46*** join/#bzflag noyb (
23:04.44*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (~aaa@
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23:24.15*** join/#bzflag catay (

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