IRC log for #bzflag on 20120315

00:08.49blast007well, BZFlag tries to be as future proof as possible.  Like so: uint8_t Address::getIPVersion() const { return 4; }
00:09.00blast007all we have to do is change that to a 6 and bam, ipv6 support!
00:09.05blast007it's like magic
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00:09.21blast007heck, we could put an 8 there and be ready for the FAR future when they run out of IPv6 addresses
00:09.28*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
00:10.04khonkhortisanbzflag will crash in the year 2101
00:10.58khonkhortisanif no one changes it by then, of course
00:13.38spldartI <3 bzflag
00:15.05blast007I think there'd be issues far before that - we probably have some code in there that assumes 32-bit timestamps that will bork in the year 2038 ;)
00:23.56*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (u557@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
00:50.41JeffMI dobut bzflag will run on the cloud of monkey brains we'll be using in in the 22nd century
00:51.59spldartugh... I'll be 70 in 2038
00:52.22JeffMjust upload your conciousness to the bionet
00:53.31spldart8~D! Oh yeah!!!! I'll be like Emilio Estevez as the race car driver in that one movie...
00:54.03spldartoops... My age showed again ;)
02:03.33*** join/#bzflag Quol_Home (
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04:02.06DelusionalWhat's the trick to get team flags to spawn away from bases?
04:02.25DelusionalfreeCTFSpawns works only for players?
04:02.33JeffMfirst you get a chicken
04:02.40JeffMand it has to be a full moon
04:02.40Delusionalsome kind of zone?
04:03.05JeffMI belive you can define a zone where flags can't spawn
04:30.47FlashLooks like another Mofo flag glitch (just guessing)
04:32.15JeffMthat's a drawing bug
04:32.36Flashbut it's from addFlags (just a hunch)
04:32.47JeffMyeah but it's when drawing a flag, not networking like the last one
04:33.22JeffMit's semi useless with out knowing the contents of the sceneNode object
04:33.26JeffMand wher eit got it from
04:35.59Flashdo Macs dump core files by default? I'm not sure where to look
04:38.17JeffMwas it built debug?
04:38.43Flashhmmm. I think I was running a pre-built binary... probably not
04:38.50JeffMyeah then no
04:38.57JeffMit won't have the objects I would need
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04:39.58JeffMthey arn't adding new flags at runtime are they?
04:40.03FlashI'll get in the habit of running my source build
04:40.30FlashThey have a couple of new flags (ass cannon, triple barrel)
04:40.45JeffMif all this crap had been made using containers instead of handles then we'd have a decent exception to read
04:41.11JeffMif they are registerd custom flags, and defined on the map at startup then it should be fine
04:41.22JeffMif they are adding them to the map after startup it will be wierd
04:41.35FlashI have no idea... I_Died_Once is on line
04:41.35JeffMthe server sends out a maxium number of flags on the field to each client
04:41.54JeffMthere are only enough graphical flags for those flags allocated
04:42.22JeffMare you adding flags at runtime?
04:42.31I_Died_Onceall that is in the conf
04:42.42JeffMso the flag count is static for the entire run of the server
04:42.44I_Died_Onceplugin and flags & all
04:42.53I_Died_Onceyeah as far as i know
04:43.02I_Died_OnceI'm not adding flags mid game
04:43.07JeffMyeah but does a plugin say "hey there are 10 people on, let me add 2 more ass cannons"
04:43.12JeffMcus that would be bad
04:43.31I_Died_Oncei would bet
04:43.51I_Died_Oncei classify some plugins as ones you can load mid game and those you can not
04:44.25JeffMdo flags change type at runtime?
04:45.04I_Died_Oncenot that i know of
04:45.08JeffMwell you were sending out bad flag IDs last week
04:45.24I_Died_Oncei'm not manually changing or dicking with the flags
04:45.41JeffMwell thats good because there is no way to do that :)
04:45.42I_Died_Onceaside from having the plugin for the custom flags
04:46.12JeffMyou have the custom flags defined in the map/config in addition to loading the plugin right?
04:46.13I_Died_Oncebut we're not loading and unloading that during game play
04:46.27JeffMso like +S AC
04:46.40I_Died_Once+f AC{5} #  Ass Cannon
04:46.41I_Died_Once-loadplugin /usr/local/lib/bzflag/
04:46.46JeffMok good
04:46.49I_Died_Onceand thats the only referance to it in the conf
04:46.56JeffMthat's as it should be
04:47.37I_Died_Oncenow this has nothing to do with anything
04:47.42JeffMwell it's ether your server, the fact that macs suck, or bzflag sucks
04:47.45I_Died_Oncebut the triple barrel has a setting
04:47.57JeffMtripple barrel is going to do all kinds of wierdness in some cases
04:48.05I_Died_Onceif i add it to the conf the server wont start
04:48.10I_Died_Oncei gotta set it manually
04:48.19JeffMI don't even know how it gets arround the server shot limits
04:48.49I_Died_Oncei'd tell you but then i'd have to kill ya
04:49.15I_Died_Oncei promised my mother i wouldnt do that no mo
04:49.17JeffMahh it dynamicly resizes
04:49.23JeffMmy mother is dead
04:49.38I_Died_Oncesorry to hear that
04:49.41JeffMso I can't keep no promises no mo :)
04:49.48I_Died_Onceoh snap
04:50.16JeffMwell the shot thing won't be as bad as I thought
04:50.27JeffMsome of the shot limit stuff got backported for world weapons
04:50.47JeffMyou just have to handle the score yourself
04:51.02I_Died_Oncethe problem when getting it up was the world weapon killing you and tk issue
04:51.17JeffMyeah there will be a lot you have to do on your own
04:51.18I_Died_Oncefixed with the addition of team based world weapon and the use of the no team kill option
04:51.25JeffMsince the client dosn't know who shot it
04:51.39JeffMyou could deal with teamkill if you put the smarts in
04:51.43I_Died_Onceproper crediting
04:52.05I_Died_Oncei think its perfect like it is
04:52.15I_Died_Oncethe settings are in degrees
04:52.16JeffMother then the lag ;)
04:52.23JeffMradians are better, more pi
04:52.37I_Died_Onceone shot always goes front, the other two can be set
04:52.48JeffMI understand how it works
04:52.58JeffMthose side shots arn't created untill the server sends them
04:53.20JeffMand they may have a small error based on a 1/2 lag
04:53.26I_Died_Oncei use 7.5 for a nice frontal spray
04:53.28JeffMbut it's probably not enough to worry about
04:53.57JeffMif someone was very close to you, you may not hit them
04:54.08JeffMif they time comp the shots
04:54.08I_Died_Oncehad a padfactor too
04:54.24JeffMpad is proalby just an offset
04:54.31I_Died_Onceit is
04:54.47JeffMall that just defines where the new shots are made, not when
04:54.58JeffMby it's nature the plugin can not make the shots spawn in the past
04:55.06I_Died_Oncewhen i click my mouse
04:55.25I_Died_Oncethats when they show up for me
04:55.31I_Died_Oncenot sure about anyone else
04:55.33JeffMif your lag is low enough
04:55.42JeffMthat's just it, it will depend on each persons lag
04:55.51JeffMand they will be off by that small amount based on the speed
04:56.13JeffMthey may show as spawing in you to someone with higher lag
04:56.25JeffMdoes the center shot always seem a bit ahead of the otehrs?
04:57.00JeffMthe timestamp is there, so they could be comping for your lag, that'd be decent
04:57.27I_Died_Onceyeah its always faster
04:57.54I_Died_Oncei always thought it had to do with momentum of the shot going forward where the side shots dont have the same relative fororwad momentum for them
04:58.21JeffMno that's the lag difference betwen the real shot your client created, and when the server created the world weapons
04:58.30JeffMthat distance will be different for each player
04:59.23BulletCatcherThe different shot speeds and timing makes triple barrel looks pretty on radar.  The 3 shots look like an expanding arc.
04:59.56JeffMyeah if your lag is low it's probalby nice
05:00.06JeffMtho it's more of an arrow then an arc :)
05:00.24BulletCatcherYeah.  Arrow is better.
05:00.38JeffMit's cool that they were able to do it
05:00.48JeffMbut it'll have some issues and I'm sure it was a lot of work
05:01.04BulletCatcherA diabolical arrow of death. :-)
05:01.07I_Died_Oncethe noobs seem to like it
05:01.15JeffMwell it's a pingpong ball of death
05:01.25I_Died_Onceamong many
05:01.52JeffMoof, only 59 players today
05:01.59JeffMeveryone must be celebrating pi day
05:02.18I_Died_Oncehere, i'll share a rejected mofo idea before i go - anyone seen any of the "saw" movies?
05:02.37I_Died_Oncethis might be for a bad flag, or maybe a rabbit hunt mode
05:03.03I_Died_Onceplayer gets selected (by picking up the flag or at random by server via rabbit)
05:03.45I_Died_Oncethe server makes an announcement to everyone, stating the chosen players name and that they must be killed
05:03.50I_Died_Onceor everyone on the server dies
05:04.02I_Died_Oncethe server also whispers to the chosen player...
05:04.06JeffMthere are many names for that
05:06.09I_Died_Once"...I wanna play a game. Every player on the server has been instructed to ill you. You must kill one of them first. You have thirty second. Live or Die. Make your choice"
05:06.36I_Died_Oncemaybe put up a picture of that little doll on the tricycle on a billboard
05:06.45I_Died_Oncewith the swirlies on his face
05:06.59JeffMyou don't own the license to that image :)
05:07.27I_Died_Oncei'll find a pic of an old doll and put hte debian logo in its place
05:07.31I_Died_Onceno one will know the difference
05:08.06I_Died_Onceinstead of a series of sw's going off
05:08.32I_Died_Oncehave the server rain down all kinds of bullets and lasers at once
05:09.13I_Died_Oncei did say it was rejected, didn't i?
05:13.04BulletCatcherRegarding the earlier /countdown problem, says that the >> return value is "the object itself (*this)."
05:13.07BulletCatcherIf I understand that correctly, then our "if (!(timespec >> countdownDelay))" usage in commands.cxx will never detect errors.
05:13.35JeffMwell that's dumb then
05:13.41JeffMwhat's the correct way?
05:13.47JeffMset it to like -2 and make sure it got set?
05:14.02JeffMor try/catch
05:14.03BulletCatcher"Errors are signaled by modifying the internal state flags."
05:14.22JeffMin the queens english please :)
05:15.45BulletCatcherSomething like "if (timespec->bad)" ought to detect the error.
05:15.49BulletCatcherI think.
05:16.00JeffMyou want to try to fix it?
05:16.17BulletCatcherThis is one of those areas where I don't understand c++ well.
05:16.23BulletCatcherI can give it a try.
05:16.30BulletCatcherIt should be easy enough to test.
05:16.31JeffMI'll see what autocomplete tells me :)
05:16.49*** join/#bzflag bier (
05:17.31BulletCatcher->fail() should be better for us than ->bad().
05:17.56JeffMbuilding now
05:18.14JeffMstd::istringstream timespec(message+10);
05:18.14JeffMtimespec >> countdownDelay;
05:18.14JeffMif (timespec->fail())
05:18.42JeffMactualy it wants .fail
05:18.44JeffMnot ->
05:19.06BulletCatcherfail fail
05:20.12JeffMhow do I set it up for manual countdown in the command line?
05:22.27JeffMyeah looks like that works as expected with valid and invalid input
05:23.31CIA-104BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22414 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/commands.cxx: use .fail() on the countdown time stream to see if it failed instead of checking the return of the >> operator, it's a pointer and not very good at detecting errors.
05:23.39BulletCatcherYay.  Now we only have to look at how 19 other std::istringstream variables are used.
05:28.14JeffMyou could always help me draw cubes and ramps :)
05:29.20Flashok, got another crash with a debug build
05:29.29Flashanother drawing error
05:29.43BulletCatcherThose darn cubes and ramps!
05:29.46JeffMdoes it have the members of the SceneNode
05:30.10Flashno, this is SceneRenderer
05:30.16Flashlooks like a SW
05:30.29JeffMupdate your video driver
05:35.33*** join/#bzflag n_r00t (~r00t@
06:29.35*** join/#bzflag ts3d (
06:34.43FlashI_Died_Once: are you still here?
06:35.18ts3dtry /names
06:35.41Flashhe's in the room. I just want to know if he's listening
07:29.00*** join/#bzflag Flash (
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07:38.51Flashwhat's the mofo channel?
07:40.03*** join/#bzflag ts3d_ (
07:54.52Flashis anyone here?
07:55.37Flashnever mind... I needed someone to shoot me with geno
07:56.41Flashmofo ... but I got shot already
07:57.59ts3dAww, i haven't played in a few weeks. Usb mouse broke, and i never got into playing with arrow keys....
08:00.03Flashoh, I didn't need much. I was sitting on the other team's base waiting for someone to spawn
09:31.50ConstitutionFlash must have a death wish
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19:50.14khonkhortisanHow do I chop a float into an int where it always rounds down? eg. 123.99 -> 123
19:52.59*** join/#bzflag Quol (
20:04.42JeffMdown closer to 0 or down as in smaller?
20:10.04JeffMcus just casting to an int should truncate the decimal, so -1.12 goes to -1, but floor will take it to -2
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22:00.25khonkhortisanI had to start over, I wasn't using patch revision control and started getting segmentation faults and corruption and didn't remember what change caused it.
22:02.32khonkhortisanThe radar height being a pixel off from the message box height really shows up when using full opacity, there is a row of pixels that get drawn on by the menu. Does anyone else see this?
22:06.41khonkhortisanIs it my fault when I moved the radar to the right or was it already like that?
22:08.15khonkhortisanJeffM, I only needed floor to compare numbers between 0 and 1
22:11.50ts3dI'm compiling lastest svn now
22:11.59ts3di'll check
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22:17.51khonkhortisanhello, clone, and welcome to #bzflag
22:18.12khonkhortisangoodbye original
22:24.51ts3dSo radar off by pixel, you tried to fix and that led to segfaults?
22:29.34khonkhortisanNot quite. I allowed the radar to be on the other side of the message box, and noticed that it was off by a pixel. Then I tried to have the radar have a different opacity than the panel and got segfaults. So I started over on the opacity thing and noticed that with full opacity, that off-by-a-pixel was causing graphics problems.
22:37.19khonkhortisanSo I'm not sure if it's my fault by making it off by a pixel when I moved the radar, or if it was already like that.
22:40.07khonkhortisanAnd because it is off a pixel, should the radar be moved down or the message box up?
22:45.03ts3dWhere is it off by one pixel
22:45.15ts3dI ran the current release and svn
22:45.42khonkhortisanthe top of the radar is higher than the message box with full opacity
22:46.20ts3dHmm I don't see that here
22:47.19khonkhortisanwhat if you bring up the menu? does it leave light pixels?
22:47.46ts3dAround the message box border, yes. I noticed that
22:51.23*** join/#bzflag Delusional (
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22:53.39ts3dconnection is terrible sorry
22:54.21ts3dI didn't get anything after my lasy message. The msg box border is also misaligned horizontally.
22:54.59khonkhortisanI didn't send anything
22:56.09ts3dThe horizontal misalignement was in the previous version already. So unrelated i think.
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23:09.51ts3dI tihnk its not clearing off those pixel between redraws
23:12.50ts3dThis happened after your right handed radar addition?
23:13.14khonkhortisanthat's when I noticed it, yes
23:14.41khonkhortisanIt also does that in my installed client as well
23:15.32ts3dHmm didn't on mine
23:16.58ts3dWhat version would that be?
23:17.06ts3dI'm on 2.4.0 64bit
23:19.07blast007iirc, the game cheats when there's a fully opaque radar and doesn't redraw the chat area unless a new message is added or if the chat is scrolled
23:19.34blast007may or may not be related to your issue
23:19.36khonkhortisanBZFlag client (protocol 0221) and my compiled one is BZFlag client (protocol 0221)
23:20.28khonkhortisanyast says 2.4.0-18.6
23:25.05ts3dthere's a comment to that effect in the source, don't remember the exact place
23:25.56ts3dI'm on windows so no 2.4.1 for me
23:27.58blast007trunk builds on Windows too, ya know ;)
23:28.08blast007doesn't matter for this issue though
23:28.25blast007this issue probably exists in far older versions of the game as well
23:46.42ts3dIs MinY in controlpanel.cxx the minimum radar height?
23:50.53khonkhortisanthat's used for the spacing between the radar, panel, and window edge. I don't think it affects radar size.
23:53.27ts3dI thought radarSpace was that
23:56.04ts3dNvm about that, are x,y from the lower left corner or top left
23:57.16khonkhortisanlower left
23:57.37khonkhortisanthen an area from that point

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