IRC log for #bzflag on 20120110

00:02.21pabs3JeffM: copyright doesn't protect things like that, maybe you mean patents or trademarks?
00:02.45JeffMpabs3, oh I know it dosn't, the developers have full rights to defent there works
00:02.47JeffMmost just don't
00:02.50JeffMthey fold in fear
00:03.01mdskpr_JeffM: what are these 'methods'?
00:03.40JeffMmdskpr_, a system where community members can subsribe to a program to support the project with funds
00:03.48JeffMthey get access to a members only server
00:04.02JeffMand the project gets money to give out to server admins, and pay code bounties
00:04.11JeffMmoney makes people do things
00:04.22JeffMit would not be required to play of course
00:04.26braddont think server admins would need any financial support
00:04.38bradnot looking at bz anyway;p
00:04.39a_meteoriteplenty of server admins that do it on their own dime
00:04.42JeffMmy docs have a project run admin geam
00:04.49JeffMas in banning players and stuff
00:05.08JeffMthat would make the quality of those admins go up
00:05.15JeffMif they were activly managed as a whole
00:05.27JeffMI have the proejct treating servers like IRC
00:05.42JeffMwhere there are only a few offical "servers" but they run many games in various "rooms"
00:05.43mdskpr_so admins would be chosen by devs?
00:05.54JeffMnot devs
00:06.02JeffMthe project would create a server admin team
00:06.14JeffMthat team would be resposnible for picking and magaing admins
00:06.19JeffMI would not want devs to be admins
00:06.27a_meteoriteI'm not sure if I like the idea of a project-blessed admin team... too much potential for favoritism
00:06.27JeffMI want them to write code, not ban people :)
00:06.43mdskpr_ah, much nicer and i suppose the rooms are connected through a lobby?
00:06.44JeffMa_meteorite, ok then you don't have to play :)
00:06.53JeffMyeah sorta
00:07.08JeffMthat would be one or more "default" instances on each meta server
00:07.14JeffMwhere you go automaticly
00:07.21JeffMthen you can jump into other games
00:07.29JeffMteam games, leauge games, etc..
00:07.37mdskpr_and how would leagues fit into the room idea? would leagues have their own official server?
00:07.53JeffMI would make a server net for leauges
00:08.02JeffMyou would register a leauge
00:08.09JeffMget access to all the management tools
00:08.23TimRikerpokes his head in and scans the logs
00:08.24a_meteoriteJeffM: just saying the likelihood of anything project-endorsed being fair goes to zero
00:08.25JeffMbe able to make leauge rooms on the server ets..
00:08.31JeffMa_meteorite, ok
00:08.53mdskpr_hm, could there be global league teams, so all leagues used the same teams?
00:09.10JeffMmdskpr_, I don't see the point in that
00:09.12TimRikerlol. same conversations, a few new faces.
00:09.29a_meteoriteHey, it's TimRiker
00:09.35JeffMTimRiker, a bug was submited to debian to remove bzflag from apt
00:09.41TimRikerJeffM, feel free to start a new project. oh, I forgot you already started 3 of them and they all died. well, start another then.
00:10.00JeffMyeah I'll get to it when you get to karma
00:10.26JeffMI know what I"m able to do I'm just explaining what I'd like to do to others
00:10.30JeffMsince it is hard to do it on your own
00:10.35JeffMis that a problem?
00:10.39TimRikerit's easy to sit there and complain. I can sit here and complain too. just don't confuse complaining with working on the issues.
00:10.55TimRikernope, it's all fine with me.
00:11.11JeffMwhen I see work on the issues I will fully acknowlege it
00:11.23TimRikerheh. awesome. me too.
00:11.48JeffMthe debian games team would like to keep bzflag, they are going to ask blast007 if he'd like to mainatin it with them
00:12.06JeffMI know he got some ways getting a package together but I don't know how far he got before he got frustrated with it.
00:12.45JeffMthen came the qeustion of time so he submited the removal bug, so at least players would not be confused
00:13.05JeffMif he was able to get a package and a maintainer he would resubmit it for addition
00:13.38TimRikerthere should be folks on the games team that can get a package pushed out pretty easily. I built 2.4 on ubuntu, but I don't currently have an appropriate debian box. I've got old ones, and modified one, and... but not a clean dev box.
00:15.22JeffMI am not sure how it all works, I'm just saying what I recall from memory
00:15.52JeffMpabs3 is here from the games team, perhaps you could discuss it with him?
00:16.14TimRikerjust had a chat with pabs3
00:16.34JeffMcus a package dosn't seem to be formin out of thin air :)
00:17.00TimRikerthat's fer sure
00:17.09pabs3TimRiker just joined Debian pkg-games, we would definitely be glad if blast007 or anyone else wants to join the Debian games team too
00:17.21JeffMa_meteorite, I would simply have the project start the admin team then let it manage its'ef
00:17.29JeffMand not make it up from the developers
00:17.37JeffMthat should help prevent the favoratism
00:18.15JeffMmdskpr_, I'd keep the leauge teams seperate since you may want to play in more then one leauge
00:19.41mdskpr_ic, cause the player bases in each league could be very different
00:22.21a_meteoriteJeffM: that's a lot better than I thought, as long as it was a nicely balanced team
00:22.44a_meteoritestill what we need most is motivation and effort from lots of people
00:25.19TimRikerhandles a couple more coppa requests and then will head home.
00:27.32blast007reads the scrollback
00:33.59blast007TimRiker: building it on debian/ubuntu is easy - building a proper package is a bit more challenging
00:34.04pabs3hi blast007
00:34.09blast007the debian directory was rather out of date
00:34.16blast007hello pabs3
00:34.47pabs3lots of things to do on the package:
00:35.04TimRikermostly just be the gl/mesa dependencies that need fixing.
00:35.42blast007TimRiker: nah, it was based on old standards too
00:36.42blast007pabs3: some/most of those issues are fixed in SVN trunk, and I have a repo with the debian directory here:
00:37.01blast007pabs3: would you prefer this move over to OTFC/#debian-games ?
00:37.11pabs3blast007: so are you interested in joining pkg-games and getting it updated?
00:37.26pabs3excellent, lets move to #debian-games then?
00:37.36TimRikerI gotta head. life calls. on later. thanx for the interest and efforts!
01:06.30blast007JeffM: do you know if we have any "source" files for our data?
01:06.51blast007I'm looking at the page here:
01:07.08blast007"Pre-rendered images of layered raster images are not source."  and   "Pre-encoded compressed audio files are not source."
01:45.41JeffMwhat about fonts?
01:45.59blast007our fonts should be fine
01:46.11JeffMthat should be all we have
01:46.14blast007and someone wasn't worried about our textures/audio either
01:46.26JeffMthe only other thing that could happen would be shader files
01:46.30JeffMif those ever happen
01:46.50JeffMand the language translations
01:47.15JeffMit all really is data that is used at runtime
01:47.45JeffMmdskpr_, yes it would be up to each leauge to define how they want to run and what the scoring, maps, etc. would be
01:47.57JeffMmdskpr_, but I would charge each leauge a hosting fee of 25$ a year
01:48.30JeffMa_meteorite, I would have the development group and project management work up the rules and guidelines for the admin team.
01:48.44JeffMjust to provide some checks and balances
01:49.07JeffMso there would be an "admin lead" just like there was a "graphics lead"
01:49.39JeffMbassicly a community relations manager
01:50.54JeffMcommunity run servers would not use the project admin team or anything ether, it would only be for the offical servers
01:51.25JeffMso if you wanted to run a server your way that'd be fine, we'd list it under the "Community servers" section
01:51.30JeffMand peopel could join
01:55.03a_meteoritewould any server meeting requirements be able to be an official server?
01:55.19JeffMmy idea dosn't have a one server = 1 game
01:55.39JeffMa server owner could donate resources to the project to be used as game instances for official servers
01:55.46JeffMlike freenode does
01:55.57JeffMbut the server team would manage what software got run on those resources
01:56.10JeffMI would only have 3 offiical "servers"
01:56.17JeffMbut they would be able to host N games
01:56.27JeffMsince each would actualy be a cloud of actual machines
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01:57.10JeffMleauge games would pick a physical node that had optimal lag for the teams involved for instance
01:57.23JeffMbut everyone would still connect to the same "server" they saw in the list
01:57.41JeffMthat server would just redirect them to the correct game node on join
01:58.42JeffMit's a more scaleable system
01:58.59blast007it's a system that's actually designed for internet play, not a LAN party ;)
01:59.11JeffMyeah I would not even care about lan stuff
01:59.22a_meteoriteI'm sure there will be a lot of people who will want to be the one to host an official server
01:59.27JeffMyou could have a group of people type in a lan address and connect to a local server
01:59.31a_meteoriteSimply because it looks good
01:59.44JeffMa_meteorite, sure, and we'll have a policy in place like freenode has
01:59.52JeffMtho I don't know why it would "look good"
02:00.02JeffMthe player would never see the domain name of your hardware
02:00.05JeffMjust like freenode
02:00.17JeffMdo you know who hosts the node you are connected to?
02:00.33JeffMor do you even care?
02:00.34a_meteoriteSure, if I looked up what subdomain I'm on I could find out
02:00.49JeffMother then a log window, did you see it anywhere?
02:00.57JeffMso there isn't much advertising for that
02:01.02a_meteoriteJust saying it might turn into bragging rights
02:01.12a_meteoriteThat wouldn't be good
02:01.25blast007a_meteorite: so who hosts ? :)
02:01.39JeffMI think that you are putting to much of how it is now into it
02:01.41blast007without using 'whois' ;)
02:01.55JeffMI would not even show the end user what node they connected to
02:01.56JeffMthey don't care
02:02.21JeffMthey just know they conencted to alpha, beta, or gama servers
02:02.25JeffMand it put them in a room
02:02.39JeffMif they want a new game, they request a room and the metaserver allocates an instance for it
02:02.56JeffMthey get a message that tells them where to connect and the client shunts them over
02:03.15a_meteoriteI do like the idea of this, much more modernized like games today
02:03.15JeffMthey just sit on a loading screen during the shunt
02:03.34JeffMit's treating it like a MMO not a lan game
02:03.34a_meteoriteJust always concerned about pissing matches and other drama
02:03.57blast007pissing matches would be made into a proper game mode
02:04.00JeffMthe policies for oficial servers and nodes would be clearly spelled out
02:04.03a_meteoriteblast007: heh
02:04.15JeffMif you want to run your own server then fine, you go on the community tab
02:04.53a_meteoriteI think a ranking by the community of community servers would be nice
02:05.01JeffMby what?
02:05.03a_meteoriteMaybe a rating or karma system
02:05.11a_meteoriteJust an idea
02:05.12blast007you said the k word!
02:05.13JeffMthere is no metric that would be fair
02:05.27blast007maybe Tim could implement karma for us ;)
02:05.33JeffMI would not expect there to be many comunity servers
02:05.47JeffMsince the people that want to play maps can just request a room on an official server
02:05.59JeffMyou can even request private rooms
02:06.06JeffMpassword protect them
02:06.36a_meteoriteyou underestimate server owners, I would host a community server
02:06.52JeffMcus you want to win a pissing match? :)
02:06.54JeffMyou can
02:07.04JeffMyou won't have leauge services or any of the fancy stuff
02:07.06JeffMbut you can
02:07.19JeffMnot sure why people would want to go to you instead of an offical one
02:07.40a_meteoriteHigh quality gameplay?
02:07.45JeffMwhat does that mean?
02:07.55JeffMno noobs?
02:08.00JeffMthat's what beta server is for
02:08.12a_meteoriteGood sane admin team, community of players, good maps
02:08.12JeffMonly reged players that have played enough time on alpha can get into beta
02:08.31JeffMif the project can't be trusted why play the game?
02:08.53JeffMand you can have any map made and published on the officail servers, just click a button
02:09.06a_meteoriteIf it's licensed correctly
02:09.11JeffMagain I think you are assuming too much of the current stuff
02:09.16a_meteoriteBecause the project would indirectly be picking admins and such, that's why
02:09.21JeffMa propritary map would be a valid reason
02:09.35a_meteoriteAnd only certain people would have the privilege of being a hoster
02:09.40a_meteoriteSeems like a house of cards
02:09.54JeffMit's not a privilage
02:09.57a_meteoriteDepending on people to pour money into hosting nearly all the games?
02:09.59JeffMit's a donation of resources
02:10.21JeffMany project requires people to put in something
02:10.44JeffMthats why there would be the membership program
02:10.52a_meteoriteYeah, but I'm getting the hint that it would be a small group of people
02:11.05JeffMit would depend on how big the game got
02:11.20JeffMhow many people run freenode?
02:11.28JeffMyou don't run your own IRC server do you?
02:11.38JeffMyou didn't pick any admins here
02:11.40a_meteoriteI run my own channel
02:11.46JeffMthat's like a room
02:11.47blast007you don't host it
02:11.56blast007you just join it
02:12.02JeffMand freenode admins can ban ANYONE in it regardless of your wishes
02:12.05a_meteoriteYes but for the most part I have autonomy
02:12.07JeffMthis would be the same way
02:12.16JeffMyes in your own room you would also have the same thing
02:12.31JeffMthats what a private room would be for
02:12.44JeffMwhy do you care what machine on the interwebs hosts it?
02:12.59JeffMas long as you can configure it the way you want
02:13.15a_meteoritea private room could be hosted indefinitely and you pick the people you want to admin or...?
02:13.37a_meteoriteis it more of a temporary, create this private room and I'm the only admin and it's only hosted as long as people are on?
02:13.38JeffMI would limit it to as long as people are logged into it
02:13.45JeffMmore like the latter
02:13.50JeffMthere would be no need for the former
02:14.09blast007it's not like we're running a MMORPG with a persistent world..
02:14.12JeffMeach leauge would have it's own private instance that would launch
02:14.15JeffMas needed
02:14.28JeffMteams could even request training instnaces
02:14.31JeffMthat are team only
02:14.40JeffMwhat need are you trying to fill?
02:14.45a_meteoriteJeffM: I've had people personally tell me that they like going to my servers (or any other named server) specifically because of certain properties of that
02:15.06a_meteoriteBe however they choose that, it kinda takes away from supporting groups you like
02:15.06JeffMa_meteorite, sure in bzflag's current community structure that makes sense
02:15.11JeffMcus there are so many other bad places
02:15.23JeffMin this case the default place is not as bad as a random bzflag server
02:15.41JeffMso that type of need would be minimized to specific gameplay needs for groups of people
02:15.56JeffMyou are thinking too much like a bzflag server owner ;)
02:16.04JeffMthink of it more like IRC
02:16.21a_meteoriteApparently. But not all modern games do what you want to do (I'm thinking of Counter-Strike Source)
02:16.34a_meteoriteFor CS:S I choose specific servers I know and love
02:16.35JeffMif need be we could make it easy to save and restore private room settings
02:16.45a_meteoriteThat would be quite welcome
02:16.47JeffMyes CS is made more like a lan game
02:16.55JeffMthis would be more like a MMO
02:17.12JeffMit would not have the persitant world, but it would treat users like perminant members of the community
02:17.12a_meteoriteYeah, I caught the classification of skills thing
02:17.56JeffMsubspace did a similar system to this and it worked out well
02:18.13a_meteoriteI think though in any case this isn't gonna get done with BZFlag... would need a new BZ-inspired game
02:18.23JeffMand with VMs being so cheap these days a room based system would let you spread a "server" all over the world
02:18.36JeffMa_meteorite, this was never a plan for bzflag
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02:18.48a_meteoritelaunching servers as needed on EC2 or such would be kinda cool
02:18.49JeffMI said this was in the design documents for a new project
02:19.01JeffMEC2 is not well suited for it
02:19.02a_meteoriteJeffM: is any of this outlined in the wiki or something?
02:19.08JeffMbut a similar method in a private cloud would be used
02:19.11JeffMa_meteorite, yep
02:19.16JeffMnot the bzflag wiki
02:19.19JeffMmy wiki
02:19.29a_meteoriteis it public? link?
02:20.17JeffMthe idea would be that you have a set of tierd places that people are used to going
02:20.28JeffMand once there they interact with a large subset of the community
02:20.49JeffMand the services allow them to organicly create the games they want/need
02:20.53a_meteoriteYeah, I do like this concept in general, the membership thing is nice too
02:20.59JeffMinstead of a group of server owners telling them "here is what you can play now"
02:21.40JeffMif everyone is wanting CTF then a bunch of CTF instances are spawned
02:21.49a_meteoriteYou would need a minimum amount of players to make this work.. a critical mass I suppose. right now there's barely enough players to fill 2-3 servers at a time.
02:21.51JeffMand it dosn't leave a bunch of FFA instances idle
02:22.11JeffMwell thats the point of it, if there are only enough players for a single room, so be it
02:22.17JeffMit can scale from one to N rooms
02:22.30JeffMlow player counts just mean it dosn't need that much hardware
02:22.43JeffMyou add hardware as you need more rooms
02:22.46a_meteoriteI guess what I'm saying is the ability to do private rooms and such encourages segmentation
02:23.09a_meteoriteAnd the tiered servers
02:23.12JeffMpeoeple are going to segment on playstyle anyway
02:23.27JeffMthis lets them segment on natural lines instead of forcing them into molds
02:23.35a_meteoriteTrue I suppose
02:24.09JeffMand it lets people decide what sement they want to belong to on any day
02:24.19JeffMand lets segments evolve and change over time
02:24.24JeffMso it dosn't stagnate
02:25.04JeffMI expect most games to be played on beta server, with the people that want "high quality" on gama server
02:25.22JeffMtho they would move in and out as populations varied
02:26.54a_meteoriteTo be honest, I'd get behind any promising spiritual successor to BZFlag. I've been around BZ so long that I'd hate to see it die and leave a void.
02:26.54JeffMI would not expect anyone to play any kind of serious game on alpha server
02:26.59JeffMthat'd be the wilds :)
02:29.07JeffMgoes home
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18:23.08JeffMdid the debian games team get the answers they were looking for yesterday?
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19:24.36kierra1wonders why Tim simply doesn't hands the project over?
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20:02.04pabs3JeffM_: we did, thanks
20:03.35pabs3kierra: AFAICT it already is, there are lots of people listed as admin and probably more who can commit:
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22:04.21JeffM_pabs3, few of those people are still active
22:04.43TyroneFHornighMany of them still lurk
22:04.50JeffM_oh most lurk :)
22:04.58JeffM_silly skulkers
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22:05.22TyroneFHornighOf the ones listed on that page, it seems most are still around.
22:05.45kierratakes the pulse....she thinks they need CPR
22:05.48JeffMI didn't say they were gone, just not active at development
22:06.07TyroneFHornighkierra: Are you offering?
22:06.12JeffMbut who am I to talk, I've never started a project
22:06.36kierrabut you wouldn't like my product
22:06.58TyroneFHornighI thought you were offering CPR for blast, brlcad, etc.
22:07.28kierraoh, I'll take brlcad in a heartbeat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
22:07.32kierrathat man is hot
22:07.45kierrano offense to blast, never seen him
22:11.47JeffMpabs3, did you find someone to join the team?
22:12.02pabs3JeffM: blast007 & TimRiker
22:12.19JeffMis there an eta on the package so I can tell people who ask?
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22:12.49pabs3no, blast007 already had some updates in bzr though, so probably not long
22:13.13JeffMand that would get into the next version of debian/ubuntu right?
22:16.41blast007ubuntu is done with automatic imports from debian, now
22:16.59blast007think their next freeze is at the beginning of Feb
22:17.26JeffMso people with existing installs will have to wait, or will it go into backports too?
22:20.14blast007worst case for those, we could make our own packages
22:37.47JeffMthen karma right?

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