IRC log for #bzflag on 20111220

00:11.25JeffM1.5 million players.. pre launch.. that's a good marketing campaign :)
00:16.08bradfor bz 3.0?
00:16.27JeffMoh god no
00:16.31JeffMstar wars the old republic
00:16.54JeffMI doubt bzflag has ever had more then 1000 people playing at one time
00:17.18JeffMswtor is just an example of the types of people a good game can get
00:17.44JeffMand figure every one of those 1.5 million people spent at least 60$ on the game, and will spend 15$ a month on it
00:18.04JeffMimagine what you could get for a good free game
00:18.46bradeww it's subscription?
00:19.19JeffMnot even microtransactions
00:19.31JeffMtho I'm sure they will move to that when numbers fall
00:24.21JeffMthere are a great number of free to play games out there these days
00:25.36apemani've been in a room of 60 people playing bz
00:25.47JeffMon a lan server?
00:25.52JeffMor online?
00:25.58apemanthink online
00:26.01apemanin 2004
00:26.15JeffMthat long ago maybe
00:26.17apemannot all same server
00:26.40apemanstudents ;)
00:27.57JeffMbut still the game isn't set up well for that kind of scaleablity
00:28.17JeffMeach update you send it sent to every other player
00:28.46apemanhow can you do better, token ring? :P
00:28.59blast007by not sending unnecessary updates
00:29.01JeffMno, by doing smarter updates
00:29.07JeffMyeah combinging states
00:29.18JeffMhave the server do more smarts about what it sends out
00:29.20blast007if someone has ST and is not in your field of view, updates don't need to go to you at all
00:29.38blast007and other cases like that
00:29.46JeffMalso you don't need to send as many updates for players that are far away
00:29.48blast007someone far away from you doesn't need to get as many updates
00:29.58JeffMmost modern games have solved these issues
01:21.32cpi was running bzfs on windows, but im switching to linux
01:21.57cpi have a couple of modified plugins
01:22.10cpand i cant figure out how to recompile them for linux
01:22.24JeffMyou have to add them to the make system
01:23.05blast007there's a script that copies the SAMPLE_PLUGIN to a new name
01:23.15cpso look at that?
01:23.19JeffMthen you just add it to the dirs that are used in configure IIRC
01:23.21blast007and then you can place your plugin file overtop the copy of the sample plugin
01:23.42JeffMlinux builds the plugins at the same time as the server
01:23.52cpso i need to recompile server?
01:23.58blast007the attempts to (and generally does) add your plugin to the plugins/ file, but you always have to manually add it to the file
01:24.09blast007and then you have to run autogen, configure, make and make install again
01:24.20blast007it won't have to rebuild everything
01:24.25blast007just what's changed (namely your plugin)
01:36.23cpfor linux
01:36.34cpdo i not need to manually load plugins?
01:36.38cpor i still do?
01:36.47blast007no, you still do :P
01:37.16blast007if you 'make install' (well, 'sudo make install') you can just do -loadplugin pluginname
01:37.20blast007don't need the extension
01:37.31blast007so, for serverControl, -loadplugin serverControl
01:37.35blast007it is case sensitive
01:37.41cpfrom a cpp file
01:37.52cphow do i install it?
01:38.05blast007oh, you haven't done that yet?
01:38.16cpnot yet
01:38.22cpone sec
01:38.25blast007thought that's what you were doing this whole time ;)
01:38.28cpwhile i copy the code
01:38.55cpdo i just need the cpp
01:39.01cpor also the def
01:39.06blast007just the cpp
01:39.19blast007the def will be created when you run
01:39.29blast007what is the name of your plugin?
01:40.00blast007the filename, specifically
01:44.43blast007cd plugins/
01:44.47blast007./newplugin mapchange
01:45.00blast007then copy your cpp to plugins/mapchange/mapchange.cpp
02:02.58cpdo i need to redo autogen and configure if i edit source code?
02:03.04cpor just redo make?
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02:45.18cpif i change src code
02:45.26cpdo i need to redo ./
02:45.30cpand ./configure?
02:50.02blast007if you just change source, run 'make'
02:50.24blast007if you change a or, run autogen and configure and make
02:51.15blast007if you change what development libraries you have installed (like, say, you install the libcurl development headers and want to use those instead of building the curl we bundle), then run configure and make
02:52.18blast007autogen builds the configure script and preps generates an intermediate step for the makefiles.  configure detects what your system has for libraries and features and generates the final makefiles.  make actually does the building of code.
02:52.27blast007s/preps //
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03:07.11Propane_Tankwhere do you get the free version of XChat? I downloaded the evaluation copy...
03:07.40JeffMI use the silverax one
03:07.53Propane_Tankmdskpr: huh?
03:08.10JeffMmdskpr, actualy the offical project charges for windows builds
03:08.40JeffMthere build system is SO bad that nobody will build on windows unless paid to do so
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03:10.05Propane_Tankhow does the registration process work? couldn't i just "hack" this build or is that implemented into the source code?
03:10.16Propane_TankI always thought they made a registry key, but i've never found em yet
03:10.26JeffMI don't know what they do
03:10.33Propane_Tanki've always wondered that
03:10.49JeffMif you build form the source it dosn't have the timeout
03:10.58JeffMbut building from the source is VERY hard
03:11.03JeffMthats why they charge for it
03:11.19JeffMsilverx makes a better installer anyway
03:11.59JeffMit should keep your settings if you uninstall the offical one then install the free one
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03:12.24Propane_Tankwell i found a way to atleast get the window to open, then just minimize the register window. delete the registry key called 'installed'
03:12.33JeffMwhy bother with that?
03:12.58JeffMit's not that great of a chat client anyway
03:13.09Propane_Tankwhat do u suggest?
03:13.19JeffMnothing else
03:13.28JeffMI just can think of stuff it could do that it dosn't
03:13.34JeffMits' very generic
03:13.59swiggany idea on the new IP faking exploit?
03:14.16JeffMdon't trust Ips?
03:14.36swiggyes, but since they can't be faked in two directions...
03:14.37JeffMrequire reg and ban on that?
03:15.11swiggthought it was odd that a user got the local IP of the bots
03:17.31cpon linux
03:17.40cphow do i pass info to a plugin?
03:17.48JeffMsame way you do on windows
03:18.05cpim trying -loadplugin x,~/conf/x.conf
03:18.10cpand it isnt working
03:18.22JeffM~ is probably not a valid path
03:18.32cpchanging that
03:18.39JeffMthat's a shell thing not all apps support converting it to a full path
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04:20.50cpfor bzadmin
04:20.59cphow do i set who i send to
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12:31.15randomparticleadmins please report to duty on bzf:5154
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14:28.44kierrareport for duty????? show me the money!
14:29.10brad~givemoney kierra
14:29.24braddoesn't look like that's gonna happen :p
14:30.59ibotwell, money is something which is not affordable for most OpenSource guys
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18:01.17CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22253 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsPlugins.cxx: Reindent some pieces of code and there respect DEVINFO rules
18:34.29*** join/#bzflag kierra (~Jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
18:38.08apemani have a broken libtool installed, and a locally installed libtool, how can i make find the local one?
18:39.38CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22254 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsPlugins.cxx:
18:39.38CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'plugins' emptiness.
18:39.38CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
18:45.12blast007what OS are you on with a broken libtool?
18:45.31blast007apeman: ^
18:45.51apemandebian, libtool broken from repo
18:46.00blast007which debian version?
18:46.19apemanbrlcad answered my original question
18:46.44blast007which debian version?
18:47.02apemanLinux debian 2.6.26-2-xen-amd64 #1 SMP Wed Sep 21 05:57:38 UTC 2011 x86_64 GNU/Linux
18:47.14blast007that's not your debian version, that is your kernel version
18:47.23blast007are you on squeeze? lenny? etch?
18:47.38apemani don't know
18:47.42apemanwhat that means
18:47.52blast007you don't know what you installed? :)
18:48.01apemani didn't install it
18:48.14blast007what does /etc/debian_version show?
18:48.23blast007if that file exists at all
18:48.58blast007that system should be updated soon
18:49.17blast007debian lenny (5) only gets updates until Feb 6th - after that, no more security updates
18:50.20CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22255 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/BZWError.h: (style) Technically the member functions 'BZWError::hasHadError' and 'BZWError::hasHadWarning' can be const.
18:50.30blast007I'm not even going to bother making bins for that
18:52.30JeffMouch, old debian
18:53.25blast007oldstable, so just one version behind
18:53.38blast007but still old ;)
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18:54.36CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22256 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CmdLineOptions.cxx: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
18:54.39blast007for Ubuntu, I'll probably push out bins for 10.04, 10.10, 11.04, and 11.10, since they're all supported yet
18:54.56blast007could even do one for 8.04 server
18:55.26blast007I'm getting closer now
18:55.34blast007still need to finish reading that documentation
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19:21.27CIA-109BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22257 10/trunk/bzflag/ (MSVC/build/config.h src/bzflag/playing.cxx):
19:21.27CIA-109BZFlag: disable new behavior warnings for all of atupone's recent changes
19:21.27CIA-109BZFlag: fix double to float cast warning.
19:22.10CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22258 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/commands.cxx:
19:22.10CIA-109BZFlag: (error) Possible null pointer dereference: fPlayer - otherwise it is redundant to check if fPlayer is null at line 1511
19:22.10CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'argv' & 'params' emptiness.
19:22.10CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
19:22.58JeffMyay it's no longer a warning machine on windows anymore
19:35.53blast007mmmmm, Windows 7 on 2GHz Pentium 4's
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19:49.27Constitutionwhy would a double to float cast be a warning? isn't the loss of precision obviously intentional?
19:50.03blast007not necessarily
19:50.57blast007what if a variable was previously an int and it was being cast to a float somewhere.  and now someone comes along and makes the original variable a double?
19:51.47blast007the compiler shouldn't assume you want to lose precision
19:53.05Constitutionhow does making a float a double lose precision?
19:53.30blast007double to float
19:54.39Constitutionok... but I still don't understand your point. an "original" variable will always be the type it was declared as
19:55.56blast007read my line again
19:56.05blast007I said that someone changed the original variable to be a double now
19:56.26blast007so now instead of an int being cast to a float, it's a double being cast to a float
19:58.08Constitutionyou can't "change" a variable from an int to a double in C afaik
19:58.28blast007you're thinking about this too hard
19:58.52blast007I mean someone places the cursor after 'int', hits backspace three times, and then types double.
19:59.20blast007I'm quite sure you can edit C files ;)
19:59.37Constitutionok, I see what you mean
20:01.42Constitutionwell if you do that you have to add/remove casts almost everywhere the variable is used anyway... I don't really see how that purpose stands when you extend it to other things. a cast is an obvious and intentional change in data type
20:02.01Constitutionanyway, </rant>
20:02.40ConstitutionI just don't see why compilers have to generate warnings for something that has a fairly clear purpose like that
20:05.01blast007if you're casting a double to float a lot, perhaps it's better to just make it a float
20:06.09CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22259 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomBox.cxx: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'faceList' emptiness.
20:08.30CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22260 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomMesh.cxx:
20:08.30CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'faces' emptiness.
20:08.30CIA-109BZFlag: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
20:09.49blast007Constitution: also, in the case that JeffM fixed, it had been an implicit cast, and he replaced it with an explicit one
20:09.58blast007it was the implicit cast that was causing a warning
20:10.12JeffMdoubles are not floats!
20:10.41blast007double x = 5;  float y;  y = x; // Implicit cast   y = (float)x;  // Explicit cast
20:11.01blast007and heck, might be a warning because I didn't do x = 5.0
20:11.28blast007can't remember how that works.. too much PHP on the brain ;)
20:11.42JeffMyes it will give a warning on VC that you may loose data
20:11.47JeffMcus double has more precision
20:12.00blast007I mean the first part.  assigned x an int value.
20:12.19blast007the y = x part should generate an error, as expected
20:12.36JeffMnot an error, a waraning
20:12.50JeffMinto to double dosn't loose data IIRC
20:12.59blast007right, not saying that
20:12.59JeffMint to double I mean
20:13.04blast007just wondering if it will complain about that
20:13.19blast007because when we assign float values, we do it like float whatever = 5.0f
20:15.18JeffMConstitution, the warning is to make sure that you know about the precision loss since all you did was an assignment
20:15.29CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22261 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomPyramid.cxx: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'faceList' emptiness.
20:15.34JeffMjust given 2 variable names you may not know that they are different
20:17.23CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22262 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomTetra.cxx: (warning) Member variables 'CustomTetra::*' are not initialized in the constructor.
20:17.45JeffMit's about type safety
20:19.14CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22263 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomWaterLevel.cxx: (warning) Member variable 'CustomWaterLevel::height' is not initialized in the constructor.
20:20.53CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22264 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomWeapon.cxx: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'delay' emptiness.
20:22.01CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22265 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CustomZone.cxx: (performance) Possible inefficient checking for 'qualifiers' emptiness.
20:22.35Constitutionok, a warning for an implicit cast makes sense
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20:23.08Constitutionpersonally I find it easier to just use one or the other throughout as much as possible
20:23.26CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22266 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/FlagHistory.cxx: Reindent following DEVINFO rules
20:23.51CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22267 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/FlagHistory.cxx: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
20:25.29CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22268 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/FlagInfo.cxx: (warning) Member variables 'FlagInfo::*' are not initialized in the constructor.
20:27.12JeffMConstitution, sure if you are the only developer ;)
20:27.43JeffMbut if you call Bob's GetVectorMag function and he stupidly made it return a float you could spend days tracking down a bug
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20:30.40CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22269 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/GameKeeper.cxx: (warning) Member variables 'Player::*' are not initialized in the constructor.
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20:34.51CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22270 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ListServerConnection.cxx:
20:34.51CIA-109BZFlag: (style) Unused variable: hdr
20:34.51CIA-109BZFlag: (warning) Member variables 'ListServerLink::*' are not initialized in the constructor.
20:35.52CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22271 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/Permissions.cxx: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
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20:39.59CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22272 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/RecordReplay.cxx: (style) The scope of the variable 'i' can be reduced
20:43.30CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22273 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/RejoinList.cxx: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
20:51.23SupertankerHow big is the bzflag svn trunk?
20:51.32JeffMthat big
20:51.35SupertankerDebating whether to try pulling it on dialup or wait until school starts up again.
20:51.41SupertankerDang, man. That's huge.
20:51.45JeffMnot really
20:51.45SupertankerThere's no way I can pull that on dialup.
20:52.02JeffMit's like 40 megs IIRC
20:52.02SupertankerGot a number in MB?
20:52.07SupertankerOh, I can handle that.
20:52.09JeffMit's just text files
20:52.15SupertankerI'll just start it in a few minutes and walk away.
20:52.17JeffMif you are talking about the game
20:52.21JeffMnot all that is in trunk
20:52.34JeffMtrunk/bzflag rather then just trunk
20:52.42SupertankerI can handle 40MB.
20:52.56SupertankerSlowly. :)
20:53.11blast007JeffM: you forgot the "Not to scale" on that diagram ;)
20:53.13JeffMget not dialup
20:53.51SupertankerJeffM, this is the same connection I've had since I was ten. If I could've changed by now, I would've. :)
20:54.22SupertankerI have a family to take care of.
20:54.25SupertankerFamily > Internet access.
20:54.55JeffMmove them too
20:55.13blast007yeah, about 45MB.  My checkout directory takes up 90MB, which includes the copies of all the files within the .svn dirs.
20:55.27SupertankerIf only it were so simple.
20:55.35SupertankerThanks blast007. That's reasonable enough. The Blender checkout was worse.
20:55.38JeffMit is as smiple as you make it :)
20:55.58JeffMheck my dad lives down a dirt road and he has DSL
20:56.21JeffMcrappy 1.5 meg but at least it's DSL
20:56.26blast007you know what's worse than dialup?  satalite.
20:56.34SupertankerYeah, which is why I don't have satalite.
20:56.39JeffMit can be
20:56.42SupertankerChecked that, saw latency and bandwidth caps and went, "no way."
20:56.44JeffMfor this download it would be better
20:56.51blast007at least on dialup you can play games
20:56.51JeffMfor gaming it sucks
20:57.03SupertankerYah, but for this download at any other time of the year I can go to the college or work. :)
20:57.04JeffMasmyetric latency
20:57.09SupertankerHorrible latency.
20:57.16blast007(well, some games, like double solitare and scrabble)
20:57.19JeffMwell there is that speed of light thing
20:57.20SupertankerOur neighbor had serious stability problems when she had it as well.
20:58.01SupertankerMy dialup modem tends to stay connected for 12+ hours at a time, even if it is fairly slow. It's more stable than some of my friends' cable connections. Which is really, really sad.
20:58.36CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22274 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (Score.cxx Score.h): (style) Technically some member functions can be const.
20:58.38blast007somewhere I have a screenshot of my dialup connection that was up for 30 days (or so) straight :P
20:59.02JeffMdo they even make modems anymore?
20:59.14blast007they still put them in laptops, no?
20:59.27JeffMmine is like 2 years old and dosn't have one
20:59.54blast007this netbook next to me doesn't
20:59.58blast007but that's a netbook
20:59.59SupertankerI'm using an old USR 56k external modem that's connecting at 28.8k or so.
21:00.08SupertankerI pretty much despise all internal winmodems because they're painful to use with Linux.
21:00.30CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22275 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ServerSidePlayer.cxx: Reindent part of the file
21:00.38SupertankerI do have a 28.8k Zoom modem connected to the othe serial port as well, just for backup. I had to get a PCI Serial card to support these. The computer is too new otherwise, heh.
21:01.05blast007ooo, get a second phone line and use both modems at once!
21:01.09blast007double the speed!
21:01.19JeffMor ISDN
21:01.23SupertankerI was tempted
21:01.31CIA-109BZFlag: 03atupone * r22276 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ServerSidePlayer.cxx: (performance) Prefer prefix ++/-- operators for non-primitive types.
21:01.45SupertankerThe lines don't physically support ISDN and AT&T is not interested in laying new lines up this far.
21:02.00SupertankerSupposedly, they'll be working their way up the mountain with fiber. That might be fun, but it's not inthe near future.
21:02.12blast007heh, I knew someone in europe that switched from ISDN to "wireless internet".  course, that wireless ISP didn't tell them that once it got to the wireless access point it went through a shared satalite uplink ....
21:02.30blast007all behind NAT too ;)
21:02.40SupertankerOh gawd, really?
21:02.40SupertankerThat's horrible.
21:02.44SupertankerWifi alone is bad enough.
21:02.51blast007yeah, their ISDN was faster
21:03.15SupertankerMy ISP is irritating me though. Whoever is the network manager of apparently thinks that blocking all ICMP Ping traffic is a good idea., even.
21:03.25SupertankerUpshot is, I can't ping out.
21:04.14JeffMthey probably don't care about the dialup sers
21:04.46SupertankerI think they drywalled over their modem pool.
21:04.57SupertankerAlthough this is shared with DSL connections (which I did ask about--no dice) and so I think they're having the same issues too.
21:05.03SupertankerIt's fairly recent, and it's a firewall issue.
21:05.09JeffMit's common
21:05.23JeffMit prevents outside people from pining badly configured homes
21:05.31blast007because if they can't ping you, you're safe!
21:05.42JeffMnot safe but it's harder to find your IP
21:05.47SupertankerYes, but apparently they didn't read the manual when they started blocking things, because it breaks *my* ability to ping out to well-known sites such as Google.
21:05.48JeffMI can understand the polity
21:05.48blast007negative ;)
21:05.56blast007it doesn't offer any protection at all
21:06.00JeffMwhy do you need to ping?
21:06.04SupertankerAnd yah, I've heard all this before. It's just another layer of security.
21:06.06JeffMjust use google
21:06.11JeffMyeah it's false security
21:06.12SupertankerJeffM, to make sure my connection isn't screwing with me. :)
21:06.21JeffMuse google!
21:06.22SupertankerI've had DNS issues in the past.
21:06.26blast007most bots probably don't even both with ping anymore
21:06.30SupertankerI don't have googles IP address memorized, sadly.
21:06.31blast007they just go straight for the ports
21:06.34JeffMgooge solves all
21:06.39SupertankerGoogle is God.
21:06.50JeffMno Joss Weadon is god, don't be silly!
21:07.00Supertanker("Someone asked Google: is there a God? Google said: There is now.")
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22:57.26cpi have to go
23:01.15blast007when you gotta go you gotta go
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23:24.10mdskprwhats the configure option to disable the build of in-bzflag ares?
23:25.35blast007what version of the code are you building?
23:26.21blast007absolute latest?
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23:27.13mdskprno a couple weeks old
23:31.28blast007svn up
23:32.51blast007the latest code should properly detect a system-installed c-ares
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