IRC log for #bzflag on 20110727

00:07.09*** join/#bzflag NTH (~NTH@
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02:36.01*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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05:16.02*** join/#bzflag Bambino (~bambino@unaffiliated/sniper15)
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15:01.16*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~a_temp_di@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
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16:21.54*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:23.48blast007JeffM: so far seems like fastmap is working - or at the least, it's being hit and sending the data ;)
16:33.53JeffMok cool
16:34.01JeffMin my tests if it gets that far it seems to work
16:36.33BulletCatcherHas recoil (from shooting) ever been tried for tanks?
16:36.34BulletCatcherIt seems like it would be tolerable only on single-shot maps.
16:39.25PlasticTankI have this picture of using recoil for dodging purposes :D
16:40.39BulletCatcherI thought of that too. :-)
16:40.40BulletCatcherIts effectiveness would depend on the magnitude of the movement.
16:41.23BulletCatcherThe server friction setting would have to figure in to it.
16:42.38BulletCatcherThe "noisy cricket" scene from Men in Black comes to mind. :-)
17:27.03*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
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17:28.37JeffMI don't think anyone has writen code to do it
17:28.50JeffMI think it would be an interesting bzdb var
17:28.54JeffMthat we probably default to 0
17:29.09JeffMadd it to the 2.6 list
17:32.40BulletCatcherRecoil is in SF feature request #3223265.
17:32.42BulletCatcherI won't reject it outright. :-)
17:32.54*** join/#bzflag NTH (
17:34.22JeffMit should be somewhere on the roadmap
17:34.34JeffMwe should go thru all the feature requests and add the ones we want to the roadmap
17:55.52blast007JeffM: unless I'm missing it, is there no way to determine the IP address of a bzhttp_Request?
17:56.21JeffMfrom where?
17:56.27JeffMI have the info I may not have exposed it
17:56.28JeffMI can
17:56.58JeffMit is stored in the nethandler for the nonplayerconnected peer
17:57.03JeffMwe should make an API for it
17:57.14JeffMand expose it as part of the request class
17:57.21blast007was looking to do it within here:    virtual bzhttp_ePageGenStatus GeneratePage ( const bzhttp_Request& request, bzhttp_Responce &responce )
17:57.33JeffMno it won't be there, I'll add it
17:58.45blast007I'll probably poke around our session handling code too and make sure we "secure" that a bit (comparing stuff like IP and user agent)
18:08.29JeffMI thought I did somethign like that
18:08.41JeffMthat's done at a level higher then the vdir so it has access to the connection handler ID
18:08.55JeffMsorry lower
18:09.53JeffMyeah it does
18:10.07JeffMthen we check to see if it matches the IP we stored
18:10.23JeffMso all we have to do is shove that IP into the request class
18:10.49JeffMthe session is created on line 968
18:11.18JeffMand GetSessionByID does the IP check
18:13.03blast007ah, okay
18:13.11blast007good :)
18:13.21JeffMdid think a little about it ;)
18:13.26blast007hadn't looked it over in detail yet
18:13.46JeffMwe've been going thru HTTP security issues here, so it's been in the forefront of my mind :)
18:16.47CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22095 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsHTTPAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsHTTPAPI.cxx): add IP and host to the HTTP request
18:17.04JeffMyou'll have to rebuild fastmap with that change too
18:17.46JeffMbefore we ship 2.4.2 I'll add a version to those classes so we can extend them in a compatable way in the future
18:18.12blast007my server checks every 5 minutes for new commits and rebuilds (and then schedules all the servers to restart when they're empty)
18:26.54*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (~DTRemenak@
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18:26.54*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
19:06.44Supra7if you make changes to AnimatedTreads.cxx does that only affect the client or bzfs?
19:07.41blast007are you asking if it would affect other people's view?
19:08.24Supra7yes like other clients
19:08.26blast007AnimatedTreads.cxx would only affect your local client
19:08.41Supra7ok so that's a client resource.
19:09.22Supra7blast007: i would like to do something like.... when a player tk's he gets 2 losses instead of 1.... the person he kills gets 0 losses.... where would i change something like that?
19:09.52blast007do that in a plugin
19:10.13blast007there's some score event, iirc
19:10.22Supra7ok... is there a guide to plugin's possibly?
19:10.33Supra7or developing plugins?
19:10.54Thumper_JeffM: is the player motto available to plugins?
19:10.55blast007the wiki documents most of the API calls
19:11.05blast007and there are plenty of other plugins to look at
19:14.11blast007Thumper_: I see a bz_eGetPlayerMotto event, but it doesn't seem to actually get called anywhere
19:15.06blast007does not seem to be a way to get it via the API
19:15.13JeffMprobalby7 should add that
19:15.25JeffMSupra7, the server dosn't do anything with regards to drawing
19:15.32JeffMor movement
19:17.47JeffMblast007, the event was intended to let the server overide the motto in 2.9, not sure if that's possible in 2.4
19:17.58JeffMsince the client may not show the change to it's own motto
19:19.01Supra7is Allejo still helping out with dev or plugins? Have not seen him in some time.
19:19.36blast007Supra7: then you must never look at the forums ;)
19:19.43Supra7sadly not often
19:19.48blast007he has ported a large quantity of the 3rd party 2.0 plugins to 2.4
19:19.49JeffMhe updated a bunch of third party ones
19:19.59JeffMhe does not work on the main project
19:20.28Supra7ok. i see something of a "tutorial" from him on one forum entry... wondering if it will work with 2.4
19:20.44JeffMprobalby not
19:20.48JeffMthe API changed a lot
19:20.49blast007look at our 2.4 plugins
19:20.54JeffMthere is a document on the wiki about the changes
19:20.59JeffMbut yes there are many samples
19:21.02JeffMwhat are you trying to do?
19:21.26JeffMthat's info on how to compile for linux
19:21.30JeffMnot on how to make them
19:21.32Supra7want to do something with the scoring... tk's render the tk'er a double loss but gives the tk'd zero losses :-)
19:21.47Supra7so -2 pts for a tk and 0 for being tk'd
19:21.52JeffMso that's just some events
19:21.59JeffMshould be pretty easy
19:23.38blast007there's bz_ePlayerScoreChanged (which itself does not tell you if it was a TK or not - it just says "there was a score change")
19:24.12blast007bz_eKillEvent would tell you who killed who
19:24.27JeffMdosn't the event info have the change in score?
19:24.28blast007or I assume
19:24.35blast007it does
19:25.01JeffMso you sould see that the TK score changed
19:25.03blast007but it doesn't say why it changed
19:25.15blast007that only solves half the problem
19:25.23JeffMbz_eScoreElement should say it was a TK
19:25.35Supra7ugh i have no idea where to begin (though i did run the script and set the name for it).
19:25.42JeffMhow much C++ do you know?
19:25.52blast007ah, that's an enum
19:26.22Supra7im a Python/Java/Bash person but I did study a semester of C++ back in the day ... so i can generally read it.
19:26.26blast007still, wouldn't it only say it was a TK for the one who TKed someone?
19:27.05Supra7i think more than anything I just dont know the bzflag libraries well.
19:27.07blast007the one who got shot would just have it as a loss?
19:27.09JeffMyes it would only be for the person that had the score change, you may need to check killed based on your logic
19:28.37JeffMis there anything else you want to know about a player that we don't do now Thumper_ or blast007 ?
19:29.26temporalDprevious callsigns that have logged in from that ip address
19:29.32JeffMwe don't track that
19:29.39blast007temporalD: I'm working on a plugin + website for that :)
19:29.43JeffMI mean that bzfs has now that we don't expose in the API
19:33.15CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22096 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx):
19:33.15CIA-5BZFlag: add a V2 player record that has the motto
19:33.15CIA-5BZFlag: add motto access function
19:33.15CIA-5BZFlag: bump API version
19:35.25blast007ooo, server segfaulting
19:35.39Thumper_JeffM: I can't think of any other data I want exposed in the API right now
19:36.17Thumper_blast007: I got a bunch of segfaults yesterday when I restarted servers en-mass - somewhere in libcurl, restarting them manually afterwards worked okay
19:36.45blast007well, I only have two servers :)
19:36.47Thumper_the backtrace I looked at wasn't every enlightening
19:37.05blast007it crashing on join
19:37.14Thumper_hmm ok that's different
19:37.15blast007in the HTTP stuff
19:37.20blast007fastmap isn't happy
19:37.42Thumper_goes to try to find hooks to hang up his Christmas lights
19:38.32CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22097 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsHTTPAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsHTTPAPI.cxx): add versions to the HTTP request and responce classes for compatible expansion.
19:39.14blast007JeffM:  (think that is from r22095)
19:39.48JeffMthat dosn't really tell me much
19:40.17blast007I'll look at it more when I get home
19:40.36JeffMdid you rebuild the fastmap plugin too?
19:40.53blast007it should have rebuilt everything, but let me check
19:41.15JeffMcus that changed the size of the structure
19:42.40blast007it's building r22097, so I'll check when it's done
19:42.45CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22098 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsHTTPAPI.cxx: verify that the host has been resolved before we try to set it.
19:42.54blast007but the date on the file matched
19:43.30JeffMthen it coudl be that fix I just did
19:43.38JeffMares on the host may not be done yet
19:43.42JeffMso it'll return null
20:45.42CIA-5BZFlag: 03bthansen * r22099 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/logDetail/logDetail.cpp:
20:45.42CIA-5BZFlag: Add player motto string for PLAYERS data line and fix the output format
20:45.42CIA-5BZFlag: This corrects the PLAYERS line format to conform to existing 2.0.x
20:45.42CIA-5BZFlag: parsers that rely on the email/motto string for callsigns in parenthesis.
20:45.42CIA-5BZFlag: Player callsign details also separated by a space character.
21:19.24JeffMThumper_, you should note that since I bumped the API version bins made of your plugin won't work in older versions
21:19.39JeffMbut older versions of the plugin will work in newer versions of the server

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.