IRC log for #bzflag on 20110723

00:11.22joevanohad a tornado rip siding off our building @ work today
00:19.04joevanothe girls up in client services watched it through the big picture windows in front... duh, head for cover
00:19.33joevanoripped the furnace and air conditioner off  the building next door
00:19.57joevano(they were on the roof)
00:20.27Nidhoggryeah, watching tornado through a big window is not the smartest thing. :)
00:29.37joevanohehe... just found a video of it
00:33.16*** join/#bzflag delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
00:38.11NidhoggrI think that guy's hands are shaking from holding a tattoo gun all day long.
00:41.23joevanogah, mjy ipad client is possessedjk
00:41.50NidhoggrI missed hanging out on #bzflag. It's been a few years. I tried to play today but my handle is registered and I don't know how to make the client authenticate global.
00:42.01Nidhoggror if somehow my old handle was biffed and someone re-regged.
00:42.08Nidhoggrwhat client are you using on your ipad?
00:43.22NidhoggrI have limeIRC on my ipad. don't really use it though.
00:43.40echelonoh ok, thanks blast007
00:50.06*** part/#bzflag echelon (~echelon@gateway/tor-sasl/harel)
01:00.19*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
01:05.04moireeNidhoggr: Tried already?
01:05.17blast007he got in
01:05.27Nidhoggrhad to log into forums
01:05.39blast007just had to log into the forum once (he hadn't logged in since the phpBB upgrade in Jan 2010)
01:06.11NidhoggrI wonder if I can find my old maps. it might be fun to throw one up. secretplace maybe.
01:06.49Nidhoggralthough I like the one that had the big building. I forget what it was called.
01:06.55NidhoggrI was using it on for a while.
01:07.21moireeYou mean Missile War 2.3?
01:07.44Nidhoggrno... it was a giant building that had rafters and a roof.
01:07.56moireejapanese castles?
01:08.04NidhoggrI'd remember the name if I heard it.
01:08.16blast007"Basement by Corndawg" ?
01:08.27blast007wayback machine FTW! :)
01:08.35Nidhoggr! woot !
01:09.00blast007moiree: older maps :)
01:09.29Nidhoggrdoes anyone run the map from secretplace anymore?
01:09.30blast007  before I even hosted maps
01:10.29blast007Nidhoggr: I don't see "secret" or "spiral" on the list at all
01:10.31NidhoggrI forgot secretplace map was called spirals
01:11.07Nidhoggrsee if I can get scipio to come back and play some games, too.
01:11.51blast007on that wayback page, it says "Now playing Spirals 3.0 by BZDoug."
01:12.21NidhoggrI think we started out on an earlier version and moved to 3.0 at some point.
01:12.33NidhoggrI can't believe it was 2004
01:12.56Nidhoggrdoes the map maker still exist?
01:13.16blast007dunno.  I haven't heard anyone using that name, anyway.
01:13.53Nidhoggrthere is a version 7.0. wow
01:15.46Nidhoggrdoes bzedit only run on windows?
01:16.01blast007bzeditW32 does, yes
01:16.12Nidhoggrno mac osx version, eh?
01:16.19blast007we have a newer editor that's partially finished called BZWorkBench
01:16.31blast007cross platform
01:16.46Nidhoggris it usable yet?
01:16.50blast007hasn't been touched in a good while though
01:16.57blast007not sure how far along it is
01:17.00blast007I haven't built it in a while
01:17.26blast007  <--- here's some screenshots of it
01:17.33NidhoggrI could probably fire up my windows partition, which I only use for ffxi, and play with some maps.
01:18.15Nidhoggrwow. looks nice.
01:18.41blast007it can't edit the freeform mesh objects, but it can at least display them
01:19.02NidhoggrI also don't mind downloading the windows bzedit for now and booting into xp.
01:19.24Nidhoggrmy mac cries every time I do it, but what's a guy to do? :)
01:19.41blast007BZWB does build on OSX, last I heard
01:20.05Nidhoggrsomeone got ffxi to work in wine, but I keep having issues, so I gotta keep my xp partition.
01:20.30NidhoggrI'll see if I can play with it later. I installed xcode 4.1.
01:21.26Nidhoggrwaiting for a text message so I can head to the movie. excited about seeing the last Potter film.
01:22.04blast007(note that BZWorkBench hasn't been released, so you'd have to grab the source from SVN if you want to build it)
01:23.08Nidhoggrwhen I am ready to build, I'll come here for info on svn settings.
01:27.03Nidhoggrbzexcess is a nice site. good job, blast
01:30.28*** join/#bzflag soxsccb (484ad77c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:50.20soxsccbmsg me pls
01:50.25soxsccbim on this web irc thing..
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02:20.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:20.40JeffMblast007 or joevano can you help Nidhoggr with his auth issues on bzbb?
02:21.05blast007already resolved, unless there's another problem
02:21.36JeffMis just reading his messages
02:22.03JeffMoh look, one that says it's resolved :)
02:24.49*** join/#bzflag kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
02:25.08kierrablast007: ping
02:58.45*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (
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06:20.07*** join/#bzflag Guest346 (ca59b013@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:23.36Guest346what am i supposed to build bz with on linux for 2.4?
06:28.39KTLjust the usual ./configure and make, make install
06:29.03KTLmmm trol alert :) /me gone anyway
06:30.33Guest346when it built with the default setting i had no sound and certain keys didnt work
06:30.37Guest346like scroll wheel
06:30.44Guest346which i use to shoot
06:44.06*** join/#bzflag Marzipan- (
06:45.49*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
07:20.20BulletCatcherGuest346: You probably need to install the SDL develompent package.
07:21.03BulletCatcherAfter doing that you should do a "make distclean" then go back to ./configure .
07:24.35BulletCatcherOn Fedora Linux a "yum install SDL-devel c-ares-devel libcurl-devel gcc-c++ glew-devel libidn-devel libtool ncurses-devel zlib-devel" command will follow dependencies to automatically install all of the packages required to compile BZFlag.
07:26.53*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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07:46.00*** join/#bzflag T-roy (470d8679@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:39.06joevanoNidhoggr: i use iSSH to remote into my server, use irssi there
10:39.21joevanoahs3-: Happy Birthday
11:15.04ahs3-joevano, Thanks, Happy Birthday to you as well
11:48.15bradhappy birthday fellas
11:48.36brad~bday joevano
11:48.36ibotACTION jumps out from his hiding place and screams HAPPY BIRTHDAY joevano!!!
11:48.45brad~hapbir ahs3-
11:48.45ibotACTION sings a variant of Happy Birthday (to avoid royalty fees) to ahs3-
12:22.30kierraHappy birthday, ahs3- and joevano. Hope you have a great day
12:48.37delusionalmy mountains disappeared and hey won't come back... even downloading a new app won't fix it.
12:50.00delusionaldelete config.cfg is the only way
12:52.21blast007you had 'set directory' in your config, then
12:55.22delusionalnope.. tried that repeatedly
13:05.34Nidhoggrjoevano, I only use ssh on my ipad if I really have to, although it would probably beat limeirc for clients.
13:05.52Nidhoggroh, and happy birthday. :)
13:09.19ahs3-thanks, brad and kierra_away
13:27.54*** join/#bzflag jh` (
14:10.46brlcadhowdy Nidhoggr ltns!
14:11.30blast007delusional: you tried what repeatedly?
14:13.24delusionalblast, there is no -directory in cfg
14:13.58blast007wouldn't have a -
14:14.52delusionalthere is no directory then.  when I ran 2.0 and 2.4 at the same time....  my 2.4 mountains disappearedt
14:19.35Nidhoggrhi brlcad@
14:19.39Nidhoggr! even
14:21.35blast007delusional: but only when you run both clients at the same time?
14:58.35delusionalthat's what causes it... they stay permanently gone from 2.4 afterwards
15:07.55*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:02.41blast007delusional: well, then compare your config before and after and see what changed
16:27.27JeffMso blast007 I've been testing fastmap today and it seems to be working
16:27.43blast007on linux or Windows?
16:27.53blast007never tried it there
16:28.16JeffMthink you could set up a test server on linux with fastmap? then I can debug the client and see what it gets?
16:37.20blast007JeffM: should be one running at
16:37.37blast007er wait
16:38.06blast007forgot the important part - the fastmap plugin ;)
16:38.46blast007hmm, still didn't load
16:54.54blast007have to build it yet I guess. wasn't in the build system.
16:55.06JeffMthat's right we disabled it
17:12.24blast007JeffM: there, *now* it has fastmap :)
17:12.56JeffMI'll give it a go
17:16.53JeffMhmm yeah it stalls on the second chunk
17:16.58JeffMcan you send me the map please?
17:17.19JeffMor can you run a fastmap server with a random map so it's small
17:17.23JeffMI bet that i'll work
17:20.38blast007and I'll start a random one now too
17:21.13blast007hmm, actually that won't work. fastmap doesn't let you do it for random worlds.  I just make a tiny one box map.
17:21.23JeffMI think the core problem is how bzfshttp breaks up big responces into multiple packets
17:21.30JeffMyeah it does
17:21.37JeffMwell the new fastmap does
17:21.43JeffMit'll use ANY map data
17:21.52JeffMsince it asks bzfz to generate the cache data after load
17:22.08JeffMas long as it's public it'll build a cache file for it
17:22.24blast007ah, guess that's what I was thinking of.. the public part
17:22.30JeffMyeah it has to be public
17:23.02blast007it's back up now with a random map
17:23.46JeffMyeah that worked
17:23.51JeffMso it's an issue with long responces
17:24.00JeffMI'll try to dupe on windows with yoru map
17:26.46JeffMyeah dupes here so that's good
17:34.46JeffMok I think I see the problem
17:34.52JeffMI'm sending out the data too fast
17:35.15JeffMthrow a breakpoint in the data send function and step it and the entire map transfters
17:35.24JeffMadds some throttling :)
17:46.24*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (~frank@
17:51.32Pimpiis there a deadline for .2 yet?
17:53.02JeffMnot really
17:53.06JeffMkinda seeing how it goes
17:53.15JeffMnot sure how many people want to work on it
17:53.27JeffMif you'd like a task please put your name by it
17:54.45JeffMI'd like to get services moved soon tho
17:55.20JeffMbut that may end up waitning until your leagues move
17:55.39JeffMsince they are probably the big chunk of servers still on 2.0
18:04.36CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22080 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
18:04.37CIA-5BZFlag: make sure that we keep servicing outbound network data for non player connections every loop, NetHandler may have some buffered data.
18:04.37CIA-5BZFlag: don't try to add more data to the NetHandler TCP buffer if it isn't empty for non player connections
18:04.37CIA-5BZFlag: add throttle system to non player connections ( default to no throttle )
18:04.49JeffMblast007, update to that and try fastmap
18:05.11JeffMbet webreports will be closer to working now too
18:14.07blast007JeffM: with the random map or the large map?
18:14.14JeffMshould work with both
18:14.25JeffMI got the large map working here
18:42.35*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (~frank@
18:44.06Pimpihmm, guess my last comments didn't make it here
18:44.21Pimpii didn't follow league discussions recently as i'm on holidays, but the last i know is that they would move by the and of month
18:44.28Pimpii'll return home tomorrow evening, but we'll have a big party here next week
18:44.31Pimpiso next month i'll be back taking tasks
18:50.23blast007JeffM: it worked
18:51.45CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22081 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/fullbuild.sln: fastmap is back in the fullbuild baby!
18:51.46JeffMcan someone add it to the makefile please?
18:51.57blast007I'm gonna test it with webReport too
18:52.07JeffMwebreport has other issues
18:52.16JeffMI am working on those now
18:52.23blast007just want two of them loaded to see if it barfs
18:52.24JeffMthey are related to auth, not transport
18:52.37blast007can't remember what caused the crash before and if that has been resolved
18:52.41JeffMthe transport issue was preventing me from debuging auth
18:52.54JeffMthere was some fix you made to nethandler
18:52.56JeffMusing the playerID
18:56.02CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22082 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
18:56.02CIA-5BZFlag: add feature to disconnect non player connections when all sending is done.
18:56.02CIA-5BZFlag: make redirects force a disconnect;
18:57.52blast007actually this is probably what had fixed the crash:
18:57.53blast007[15:37:36] < CIA-5> BZFlag: JeffM2501 * r22014 /trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsHTTPAPI.cxx: dynamicly allocate the ConnectionEvent handler so the event manager can delete it in the case where the app is just killed
18:58.17blast007or somewhere around there..
18:58.43blast007r22015 "split con and tick so they can be killed separately."
19:01.43CIA-5BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r22083 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
19:01.43CIA-5BZFlag: add per connection idle timeouts
19:01.43CIA-5BZFlag: give connections a bit longer when waiting for the list server to authenticate BZID transactions for web services.
19:01.55JeffMI'll work on it more later
19:02.04JeffMtho techincaly I don't have to have it done till 2.4.4 :)
19:02.33JeffMwe'll see how fastmap works for a bit in some production servers
19:10.26*** join/#bzflag Djpenguin_ (
19:13.24delusionalfastmap is back!  woot
19:13.58JeffMplease test it
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22:33.58CIA-5BZFlag: 03blast007 * r22084 10/trunk/bzflag/ ( plugins/ Add the fastmap plugin back into the build system.
22:53.21*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Anxuiz@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
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