IRC log for #bzflag on 20110718

00:13.12*** join/#bzflag swigg (
00:13.57swiggQ: Is it possible in 2.4 to revert to the older WG flag jump behavior?
00:25.37*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Anxuiz@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
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01:47.14*** part/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (~BlasterWi@unaffiliated/blaster-wisconsi/x-3628685)
02:02.27*** join/#bzflag dcat (
03:42.07*** join/#bzflag meeba (
04:04.30*** join/#bzflag BZAnathema (
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04:48.53allejowas +showadmin ever added to bzfs or is the plugin still required? or does the plugin still work?
04:53.06allejominus the last question
05:04.50allejonvm, updated the plugin anyways
05:11.08BZAnathemayou always were a sucker for plugins :P
05:21.20allejoif that's what you call it
05:21.45BZAnathemacall what
05:21.50BZAnathemayour condition?
05:22.01BZAnathemaor the plugin.
05:22.15BZAnathemaoh forget it
05:22.19BZAnathemaif that's what i call what
05:24.16BZAnathemaehm *cough* I didn't say anything
06:01.03*** join/#bzflag Tuxist (
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10:13.19*** join/#bzflag blast007 (~blast007@bzflag/developer/Blast)
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14:21.35mdskpr_observers dont have teamchat in offa.....
14:59.47*** join/#bzflag quantumdot (~jmlopez@bzflag/player/QuantumDot)
15:11.19*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:12.50quantumdotblast007: the new MW 2.4 server is much more fun with teamkilling enabled, thank you.
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15:37.49joevanoMono lives!
15:38.28JeffMI don't think it ever died
15:38.40JeffMit just moved houses
15:39.12joevanono probably not... and I'm not sure that having Novell in any part of a relationship is good
15:44.38JeffMthey'll be fine
15:44.49*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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15:56.18TimRikerhas anyone gotten deb packages built yet? I'm back working on that today. setting up pbuilder on to build multiple deb releases.
16:06.45blast007TimRiker: I had started to play with pbuilder, but I was kinda lost :)
16:07.07*** join/#bzflag sirquine (
16:07.11blast007also hasn't ever built a .deb that actually worked on other computers
16:10.52TimRikerheh. well, we'll see how much time I get to put in today. I hope to at least get a deb pushed into debian.
16:11.23JeffMhow long would that take to be seen in a repository a "normal" person is using?
16:11.37JeffMsince I assume you'll be pusing to unstable or testing
16:12.09TimRikerabout 2 weeks normally. but I can host an apt-get feed on xmission so they show up sooner.
16:12.43JeffMthen how long till that gets pushed to stable? next time debian releases or when ubuntu updates?
16:12.52TimRiker2 weeks for sid (unstable) that is. stable as an update may or may not happen. politics.
16:13.35TimRikerI'll try to get it pushed as an update to stable as the version there is properly deprecated so this is needed to connect. that should be a valid reason to push to stable.
16:14.29JeffMit should be, or it's a rather pointless distrobution method for online games
16:15.18JeffMI assume firefox and the like have good enough reasons to get updates in quicker?
16:16.00JeffMcus having our game come out on debian in 2014 would suck ;)
16:16.54JeffMhow would they feel if the debian package was just a small shell app that went and got the components from another server and installed/used them?
16:16.58JeffMWOW style
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16:17.32TimRikerthat happens with things like the acroread wrappers, but not in main.
16:18.06JeffMthat limits debian for MMO style games in the future
16:18.14JeffMwhere they all have to be same version
16:18.15TimRikerwe don't have the machines to build all the different deb platforms though. better to submit the source and get approvals happening.
16:18.31JeffMor make our app be able to compile it's replacement ;)
16:19.03TimRikerugh. that would pull in a complete dev environment on every machine you install it on.
16:19.46JeffMthat's the main advantage I see in .net stuff one bin all platforms
16:20.14TimRikernods, or java apps
16:20.38JeffMyeah but java sucks ;) dosn't require a runtime install on your major platform
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16:21.58JeffMbut that's nether here nor there
16:23.33JeffMbut still it looks like we will have to expect several weeks at the least for a turnaround on updates for debian even at a best case
16:23.51JeffMI think we should really look at hosting our own repository then
16:24.11JeffMand build some of the major platforms
16:24.26JeffMat least the 36/64 bit intels
16:24.30JeffM32 even
16:25.05TimRikeryeah, I was hoping to do both anyway. quick updates for those that want, and as low lag on the mainstream package as we can get too.
16:25.22JeffMthat'd be good
16:25.26JeffMit's all driven by the servers
16:25.31JeffMand they seem to be on th ball
16:25.44JeffMsince the server token is weeding out some of the less then responsive owners
16:27.00TimRikerstill need to fix the perl monitor script for ibot and mrtg stats sometime.
16:27.34blast007hehe.. player counts are just a *bit* off ;)
16:31.57TimRikermisc/ has the same issues.
16:33.55blast007seems to work here - are you looking at the one in trunk?
16:34.33TimRikerhmm. I might have firewall issues then. I'll try from home later.
16:48.52*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (~randompar@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
16:49.31randomparticleafter compiling bz on my mac i have a plugins directory containing files with a 'so' extension
16:50.05randomparticlethese appear to be mach-o dynamic libraries. the expected extension would be 'dylib'
16:50.15randomparticle'so' is a linux convention, afaik
16:51.18TimRikerso is generic for many *nix platforms
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16:51.43JeffMthe macinstosh is not *nix, it just has some *nixisms
16:51.56JeffMit's not BSD but it plays one on TV
16:52.40randomparticlewhy do you say macintosh is not *nix?
16:52.54blast007JeffM: on Apple TV(tm), specifically
16:53.00randomparticleit's certified as unix
16:53.18JeffMrandomparticle, yes that just means it supports a very specific feature set.
16:53.27blast007so you're saying it's certifiable?  ;)
16:53.29JeffMthat does not mean it works exactly like linux
16:53.35JeffMthere are differences
16:53.38randomparticlelinux is less like unix than os x is
16:53.40JeffMand this is one
16:53.54JeffMwell bzflag is using the linux build system on mac ;)
16:53.55randomparticle'so' is a foreign extension name
16:54.09*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~a_temp_di@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
16:54.09randomparticlenobody else uses it but you :)
16:54.26randomparticleok, i can't verify that statement but..
16:54.27TimRikerI didn't say os x is not unix. what I said was that .so is common on many unix platforms.
16:54.27JeffMI'm just saying that not all of our linux assumptions may work on the mac
16:54.40JeffMmany but not all
16:54.43randomparticlehaving installed dozens of programs i have never seen a library with an 'so' extension
16:55.05TimRikerrandomparticle, and how many *nix plaforms have you installed programs on?
16:55.29randomparticlethat's not the point. mac os x isn't all those other platforms
16:55.38JeffMthat was my point too
16:56.05JeffMI think we make too many linuxlike assumptions with our build system on OSX
16:56.06randomparticleshow me a document that says a unix system must have libraries with the 'so' extension :)
16:56.15JeffMhe didn't say that
16:56.19JeffMand you are getting way off point
16:56.28randomparticlei'm not saying you can't use it. it's just very odd to do so
16:56.30JeffMhe said that MANY, not ALL unix system CAN support the .so
16:56.39JeffMthat's what we are all saying
16:56.42randomparticlewould be less odd to simply have no extension at all. that's quite common on os x
16:56.55TimRikerosx uses Mach-O where as many *nix platforms use ELF. Mach-O allows multi cpu librarys which ELF does not natively handle etc.
16:56.58JeffMfor the main app that is common
16:57.28JeffMwikipedia says ".so, a filename extension for "shared object" dynamic library files in Unix"
16:57.34randomparticlewould be easy to rename those files in the xcode project when they're copied
16:57.48randomparticleassuming there are not 'so' links inside any files
16:57.51JeffMbut yes, due to the multi cpu structure on the mac they do some different stuff with binary formats for native apps != .dylib   renaming sounds like a bad idea to me.
16:58.12JeffMyeah they are probalby not compiled as the correc thing
16:58.26JeffMautotools may have been told to make the wrong thing
16:58.34JeffMsince GCC does support cross compiling
16:58.45JeffMit bears investigation
16:59.01JeffMBulletCatcher, I don't belive the loading code for plugins is different on OSX
16:59.08JeffMit uses the same load calls as linux
16:59.17TimRikerwhat does "file <>" show on osx? does it think they are Mach-O dynlib files? I would not think so, but I don't have an OSX install here to check on.
16:59.38randomparticleTimRiker: it shows it as a mach-o dynamic library
16:59.40JeffMon a native app in OSX how does one load a dynlib?
16:59.55randomparticlee.g.: Mach-O 64-bit dSYM companion file x86_64
17:00.31randomparticlei'm assuming that's referring to a dynamix library. perhaps not
17:00.56TimRikerrandomparticle, really? hmm. ok, then I withdraw my assumption. perhaps we should be naming them .dynlib if that's what we are correctly building. I'd have to dig deeper on an OSX build before casting a vote.
17:01.14randomparticlei'll see if i can verify further what they are
17:01.21randomparticlejust to be sure
17:01.25JeffMI would not rename at the xcode level but at the makefile level
17:01.35JeffMso that OSX builds could be done both ways
17:01.58JeffMautotools should be able to take an output name I would think
17:01.59TimRikerJeffM, yeah, I mean looking into automake/make and seeing if we can steer the output in that direction.
17:02.21JeffMit may just be a switch to throw that we are missing
17:03.01randomparticlemagic number is cffa edfe
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17:07.31JeffMTimRiker, BulletCatcher wikipedia says that .dylib files are so style linked librarys with a different extension.
17:07.40JeffM"The system inherits static library conventions from BSD, with the library stored in a .a file, and can use .so-style dynamically-linked libraries (with the .dylib suffix instead). "
17:08.10JeffMand it also agrees with tim, "Most modern unix-like systems" use .so
17:08.15randomparticleoften no extension is used, though, as in many apple supplied frameworks
17:08.38JeffMyes it mentions that framework bundles are different
17:08.38randomparticlei'm not sure what these files actually are. i'm getting this from otool:
17:08.46randomparticleMH_MAGIC_64  X86_64        ALL  0x00        DSYM     6       2256 0x00000000
17:08.54JeffMbut plugins are not frameworks, since they are not bundles
17:09.01randomparticlewhereas, for one of my own dylibs, i get this
17:09.09randomparticleMH_MAGIC_64  X86_64        ALL  0x00       DYLIB    12       1760   NOUNDEFS DYLDLINK TWOLEVEL NO_REEXPORTED_DYLIBS
17:09.45randomparticledsym refers to some sort of symbolic debugging information i think
17:09.55JeffMdebug symbols
17:10.30TimRikerinteresting. Not sure what filetype DSYM as opposed to DYLIB actually means. sry, you've exhausted my osx understanding. :/
17:10.45JeffMTimRiker, it's debug symbols
17:10.57JeffMthe stuff that gets striped for release
17:10.58randomparticlebut is it a library with debug symbols, or just the symbols?
17:11.07randomparticlefile refers to it as a "companion file"
17:11.08JeffMprobably both
17:11.18TimRikerbut surely not just debug symbols, right? ie: can you strip a DSYM and end up with a DYLIB?
17:11.33JeffMthats what I'm thinking, it's imbeded
17:11.41randomparticlei could try running strip and see what happens :)
17:12.26randomparticlehmm: strip: object: /private/tmp/ malformed object (section contents at offset 0 with a size of 11211, overlaps Mach-O headers at offset 0 with a size of 2288)
17:14.56randomparticleit's not disassembling nicely either
17:15.07randomparticlethere's something fishy about that file
17:16.02*** join/#bzflag sirquine (
17:18.09randomparticlehow can i quickly test one of the standard plugins?
17:18.32randomparticlei'm wondering if it will crash bzfs
17:18.41TimRikerwonders too
17:19.23*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
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17:20.14randomparticlethe bzflag wiki isn't responding
17:20.26randomparticleis there something i can quickly add to a world file to load a plugin?
17:22.26TimRikerhmm. I can't connect to from here
17:23.36randomparticleWARNING: unable to load the plugin; ../PlugIns/
17:23.58TimRikernot looking good...
17:24.02randomparticlethat's just a random one i picked
17:24.13randomparticlei'll try an absolute pathname, just in case
17:24.39randomparticlenope. no luck with that either
17:37.16randomparticlei've hacked 2.4 so it gets actual mouse data rather than os mangled pointer data
17:37.33randomparticleand i have a nice little slider so i can adjust apparent mouse sensitivity in the game
17:37.53randomparticlei couldn't help but notice this in the HID usage tables:
17:38.44JeffMwants to redo the entire mouse input system
17:38.50JeffMget rid of the cursor entirely
17:38.53randomparticlei've got code for windows too
17:39.01JeffMand make a common UI element for all input methods
17:39.09randomparticleyeah, that's what i have :)
17:39.24JeffMwhat does it look like?
17:39.29randomparticlei get data directly from the mouse and use that in bzflag to position the cursor
17:39.35randomparticlethere is already fake cursor support in bzflag
17:39.36JeffMoh no tha'ts not what I mean
17:39.41JeffMI want to remove the cursor
17:39.47randomparticlewell, you could do that
17:39.48JeffMcursors are for clicking
17:40.11JeffMand there should be a friggin crosshair, it's a tank!
17:40.15TimRikerso how will the user know where they are trying to move? an axis slider or something?
17:40.17JeffMnot a deadbox
17:40.20randomparticlei recall you mentioning this a couple of years ago
17:40.22JeffMTimRiker, or something
17:40.27BZAnathemaor if you want to get complicated about it, clicking locks GM :P
17:40.29JeffMI will draw it before I do it
17:41.12randomparticlethe main thing for me was to avoid pointer position sampling
17:41.20randomparticlepointer position is os dependent
17:41.32JeffMand resolution dependent
17:41.37JeffMthat's my big issue with it
17:41.48JeffMthe size of your screen should not give you more input granularity
17:41.50randomparticlepersonally, i hate the os x mouse velocity curves
17:42.00blast007yeah.. I sometimes turn down the resolution for BZ just to get better response..
17:42.26JeffMconvert it to just delta samples then you get a real sensitivity controll
17:43.09randomparticlei've used the HID system for OS X, and DirectInput for Windows to get actual mouse "mickeys" (official unit of mouse movement)
17:43.13JeffMTimRiker, I am thinking of a UI element that shows where your input is from 0 to max value in that axis, with a marker that also shows where the tank actualy is on that axis, so there is a visual indication of acceleration limits.
17:43.38JeffMthen the same element is used for mouse, keyboard, and joystick input with consistent feedback
17:44.14JeffMthen sensitivity just addjusts the input to that system and you can make it as graphicaly large or small as you want with out changing the mouse responce
17:44.26TimRikersounds like an improvement
17:44.45JeffMthinks he also wants to rename OO and WG :)
17:44.51randomparticleideally mouse would report their dpi. i don't think they do though
17:44.58JeffMWings should be reanmed to JumpJets since thats what they are now
17:45.24JeffMand OO references an old movie that many people may not have sadly seen
17:46.17TimRikercourse they might go see it just to understand. :)
17:46.44JeffMtrue, but not the best thing for new player retention
17:46.54JeffMI'd call it PhaseShift
17:46.55BZAnathemawhich old movie?
17:47.02JeffMCASE IN POINT!
17:47.09JeffMwherever you go.. there you are
17:47.28blast007JeffM: is your server responding to web requests right now?
17:47.43blast007not sure if it's just something wacky here or not doesn't come up
17:48.01JeffMnegative ghost rider
17:48.16randomparticleblast007: same problem here
17:48.28JeffMBZAnathema, Buckaroo Banzai: across the 8th dimenstion
17:48.32blast007oh, .bz is in the same datacenter, right?
17:48.35blast007cuz that's down too :)
17:48.42JeffMyeah it is
17:48.51JeffMnext room
17:48.58blast007can't ping either
17:49.19randomparticlenot 5 9s availability then ;)
17:50.07randomparticleok, this is my latest modded bzflag, with mouse input change (64-bit OS X):
17:50.20randomparticlepatch file:
17:50.27JeffMactualy we have some downtime scheduled
17:50.30JeffMI just need to see when
17:50.50JeffMbut no not 5 nines that costs a bit more
17:51.16blast007and even if it is 5 9's, scheduled downtime usually doesn't count towards that
17:51.43JeffMtho I thought our downtime was at night
17:51.52randomparticleyour night!
17:52.23blast007JeffM: well, it's almost midnight in India.  ;)
17:52.44JeffMthe datacenter is in florida and I've only ever seen them do there own support
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17:53.15randomparticlequite a cooling bill in florida i would imagine
17:54.10JeffMthe maint isn't supposed to happen till tomorow night
17:54.15JeffMbet something blew
17:54.28JeffMthey were moving us to a new rack
17:55.04blast007some intern tripped while carrying the server and unplugged the important power cord
17:55.12JeffMcan't get to the mainsite ether, probably somthing big
17:58.05*** join/#bzflag kierra_away (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
18:03.33bryjenthat's different.  services are down and Tim is first one to notice? ;)
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18:09.18*** topic/#bzflag by blast007 -> Web services are down right now || || || || Channel Logs: || BZFlag 2.4.0 has been released! || The PLAN
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18:14.54joevanoback up
18:15.56quantumdotsomeone fund the missing plug :)
18:18.33JeffMthey are back now
18:19.04JeffMthere will be downtime for about 20 min, tomorow night, we get moved to another rack
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18:38.01*** topic/#bzflag by blast007 -> || || || Channel Logs: || BZFlag 2.4.0 has been released! || The PLAN
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22:12.16ibotSubversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
22:12.27ibotmethinks bzsvn is and svn co bzflag
22:34.47*** join/#bzflag yosef (468a95fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:36.46yosefI was just banned from (Desert War) by Lemon. Is this the same admin who goes by Lem0n? How can he be contacted?
22:37.27Gabe_G23bzbb PM
22:37.32Gabe_G23would be the best
22:38.38Gabe_G23and I wouldn't know if they are the same person :P
22:38.48Gabe_G23but pm the username that banned you
22:38.59yosef"Lemon -"
22:39.13yosefI was using the agility flag to accelerate shots
22:39.22yosefapparently this counts as cheating
22:50.47QuantumWorkYou should talk to Panzer
22:50.51QuantumWorkhe's no fool
22:53.27yosefQuantumWork: thanks for the advice
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23:43.04*** join/#bzflag Gilly (~btw@about/essy/ilkimys/gilly)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.