IRC log for #bzflag on 20110702

00:00.02trepanlua is a little nicer than json in that you can do {'val1', 'val2', namedkey = 'val3' }
00:00.30trepan(and it's much easier to embed)
00:01.58blast007with modern PHP, it's really easy to encode/decode JSON though :)
00:02.13blast007echo json_encode($array);
00:02.32trepanwas thinking more about the client
00:02.32blast007(of course, with the correct content-type header sent as well)
00:03.03trepannice to have options...
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01:05.18*** join/#bzflag Mopar_madness (a81c8812@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:12.38*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
02:11.27Thumper_is offline (on dialup) until Sunday evening
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04:56.28blast007makes note of this
04:57.25blast007I have it applied locally here but haven't tested it yet .. and I'm falling asleep at the desk right now, so I'll have to try it in the morning
05:23.19TD-Linuxthere's a noTeamkills option now? o.O
05:26.44TD-Linuxtrepan: also having both named and indexed values in the same map? :<
05:28.32TD-Linuxyour example in json is { mylist: ["val1", "val2"], namedkey = "val3" } which makes more sense to me
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08:07.23Constitutionwhat happened to RC3?
08:10.55BulletCatcherWe didn't bother.
08:11.48BulletCatcherWe have only made a couple of plugin changes since RC2.
08:12.45BulletCatcherThere is a fix pending for -noTeamKills, however.
08:13.35*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
08:20.02Constitutionanyone have a mac 10.4 ppc machine?
08:21.02BulletCatcherJeffM and blast007 said they do.
08:22.30*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
08:24.29BulletCatcherWe played a 2v2 GU fm with RC2 a little while ago.
08:24.32BulletCatcherEverything seemed fine.
08:45.25*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
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10:07.20trepanTD-Linux: you'd get used to it; lua only has one script data structure, tables; it does not have distinct map, array, set, list,etc...  
10:11.40*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
11:10.28*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
12:40.12blast007Constitution: I have limited access to a PPC 10.4 eMac
13:13.36delusionaldid 10.5 work out?
13:25.28blast007note that I updated my servers with this patch, so they won't show up (there was a proto bump)
13:25.55blast007if anyone else wants to help test the noTK fixes, patch your code with that and build
13:28.14blast007I have a flagbuffet up with a tweak (the box in the map has the 'ricochet' option) with the -noTeamKills option turned on
13:29.48Pimpinellablast007: which patch and which version needed?
13:30.06Pimpinellanah, patch found
13:31.20blast007it applies to the latest trunk
13:37.45Pimpinellawill take a minute, seems it builds everything new
13:39.48blast007hmm, the ricochet on the object didn't work
13:52.29Pimpinellablast007: still need me?
13:52.47blast007let me turn rico on for that map first though
13:54.05blast007okay, join the flag buffet as red
14:02.07trepanblast007: that's odd, ricochet on 'box'es is working for me
14:03.09blast007yeah, worked for me on my test map
14:03.19blast007I probably just screwed something up :)
14:03.56blast007gonn test again
14:04.41*** join/#bzflag QuantumB (4cba65ad@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:05.01blast007yeah, works fine now.. maybe I forgot the restart the server or something stupid like that ;)
14:05.21trepanbeen there, done that   :)
14:05.53blast007the self-kill fixes seem to be good, so I'm going to push that patch in
14:06.04blast007but there's still two cases that need to be thought about
14:06.16blast007with -noTeamKills on, you can't use thief on your teammates
14:06.31blast007and also, a geno self-kill will still kill your teammates
14:09.20CIA-5BZFlag: 03blast007 * r22044 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (bzflag/LocalPlayer.cxx bzflag/playing.cxx date/buildDate.cxx): Accept patch 3347575 from McSpider ( mctarantula ) - Fixes some special cases with -noTeamKills (self kills and SR)
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14:48.33blast007where would I find documentation on the various escape codes in our man/ files?
14:49.13blast007line 53 of has this:  [\fB\-masterBanURL \fR\URL\fR]
14:49.20blast007should that \ before URL not be there?
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14:49.59blast007(noticed that man2html was throwing a warning on that)
15:03.50delusionalthis is still broken too
15:04.19blast007we'll fix that later ;)
15:11.44delusionalyou could really team up on someone
15:14.57delusionalThe klingon "day of honor" ritual has the twenty pain sticks.
15:15.48delusionalfollowed by a fight with a bat'leth master, and traversing the sulfur lagoons of gorath
15:24.18blast007delusional: OpenFFA + noTK = FFA + noTK, no?
15:25.17delusionalI'm still trying to wrap my head around the concepts, without having seen them in actual practice.
15:35.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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15:36.06blast007JeffM: I put that patch in for the -noTeamKills stuff
15:36.15JeffMok cool
15:36.16blast007just two cases that we might want to tweak before release
15:36.30blast007one is that you can't use thief on a teammate if -noTeamKills is enabled
15:36.41blast007and the other is that shooting yourself with geno still kills your teammates
15:36.53JeffMlets leave those
15:37.05blast007thief I'd rather still work
15:37.13JeffMI think it shouldn't
15:37.27JeffMsometimes it sucks to get your cool flag yanked by a teamie
15:37.27blast007since the way it is you can't grab a team flag from a teammate to cap it or get it closer to the base
15:37.47JeffMI'd be ok with it only working on team flags in noTeamkills
15:38.02JeffMas for geno it has a lot of problems
15:38.12JeffMand they can pull the flag if they want
15:38.15blast007we should also be sure that the rabbit chase issues are really on the server-side
15:38.32blast007since there is a small bit of logic on the client that tells the server "I shouldn't be the rabbit"
15:38.43JeffMyou want another RC just to be sure?
15:38.57blast007not sure if we need that
15:39.02blast007just a bit of testing
15:39.39blast007I think the only cases that the client tells the server to pick a new rabbit are when the client pauses
15:43.42BulletCatcherI am looking at a man page can of worms opened by a question blast007 asked earlier.
15:43.44BulletCatcherOnce I understand the macros I'll make what I hope will be a small fix.
15:43.58blast007BulletCatcher: I think it's just removing that \
15:44.09blast007and if you can find out where that stuff is documented, let me know :)
15:44.11BulletCatcherThere may be more to it.
15:44.34BulletCatcherFedora has groff_man(7), which helps.
15:44.39JeffMok, then we'll leave today for testing and that stuff and see if we can release tomorow on monday dependig on where people are
15:45.37BulletCatcherWe had a good (except for the score :-) 2v2 GU fun match with RC2 last night.
15:45.52BulletCatcherNothing came up that needs fixing.
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15:49.33blast007JeffM: as for thief, 2.99.x had a thiefControl plugin that prevented teammates from stealing non-team flags from their teammates
15:49.43blast007and I had backported that to 2.0.x for my own server
15:49.52JeffMshould that be a plugin or some bzdb vars?
15:50.33JeffMif you backported that we can do that and go from there
15:50.40JeffMthe flag transfer is done by the server right?
15:50.56blast007let me check
15:52.56blast007yeah, looks like it
15:53.05blast007the client just sends a flag transfered message
15:53.26blast007with a from/to... not sure why it needs a from..
15:53.36blast007hopefully we sanity check that ;)
15:54.12blast007for 2.6.0 we could just remove the 'from'
15:54.50blast007(and we do sanity check that)
15:55.28JeffMand in 2.4.2 we can change the logic for what flag you get :)
15:55.42JeffMor does it assume the message works?
15:56.18blast007it looks like it waits for the server to respond back
15:57.45blast007we'll have to add a flag transfer event for the thiefControl plugin (2.99.x and my local 2.0.x have it)
15:58.45blast007wait, nvm, it's there
15:58.54blast007was looking in bzfsPlugins.h not bzfsAPI.h ;)
15:59.13JeffMyeah not many API functions in the plugins header
16:00.32delusionalIwhy geno self-kill not yanked a long ago?
16:00.54blast007it hasn't been yanked, and won't be yanked
16:01.15blast007it's a side effect of the flag, which is still too powerful
16:01.16Pimpinellablast007: the giving client sends a from/to flag transferred message?
16:01.32blast007Pimpinella: yeah, the one who was hit by the thief shot
16:02.50Pimpinellathat might make sense if the flag transfer interferes with the giving tank dying
16:03.08Pimpinellanot very likely but possible
16:03.47blast007you mean if they die between getting hit with thief and the flag transfer message coming back?
16:03.57Pimpinellano, thould be both tcp messages, right?
16:04.07blast007should be TCP, yeah
16:04.32Pimpinellathen they should arrive in the right order
16:14.16BulletCatcherblast007: \fB == change to bold font, \fI == italic, \fR == roman (normal)
16:15.08BulletCatcherI am fixing a small number of other nroff errors in the man pages, too.
16:18.20BulletCatcherYou are correct about removing the \ in front of U, but the preceeding \fR should be \fI .
16:22.10CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r22045 10/trunk/bzflag/man/ (
16:22.10CIA-5BZFlag: Fix some font selection syntax errors.
16:22.10CIA-5BZFlag: Add whitespace between two sentences.
16:28.29blast007heh, all of a sudden my clients both dropped off the server and I thought it crashed - then I realized it had just finished automatically recompiling after the last commit and restarted my servers ;)
16:34.25blast007JeffM: okay, it looks like the rabbit problem can be solved server-side
16:35.02blast007I'm going to make a simple test to see if I can fix it (regardless of if we would want to apply it before or after release - just to make sure it CAN be fixed server-side)
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17:20.57blast007JeffM: maybe we should do an RC3 so that people can see the current servers, since I want Mopar to test my rabbit chase stuff if he gets a chance
17:21.07blast007I'll do a build here
17:24.27blast007oh, and how do you do the 64-bit build or should I not bother with that?
17:24.58blast007nvm... I see the dropdown, duh.
17:26.02JeffMhave someone do a source build too
17:26.35blast007I can
17:30.37blast007oh, I should probably make the thief change first..
17:30.53blast007we want to wait on the thiefControl plugin until 2.4.2?
17:36.13CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r22046 10/trunk/bzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Update other files to complete the protocol change of r22044.
17:36.38BulletCatcherI think it is too late to be adding plugins.
17:38.24blast007BulletCatcher: oh yeah, forgot to look at those other files :P
17:38.40blast007~lart blast007
17:38.40ibotwhacks blast007 with the cluebat
17:44.11CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r22047 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Comment out a debug message that merely reveals misunderstanding of reality, and mark it as TODO.
18:00.05*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
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18:06.17blast007can I get some people on  want to test my thief fix
18:08.01BulletCatcherI just started a full rebuild.  It takes 13 minutes IIRC.
18:10.59blast007ping me when you (or anyone) are ready
18:22.52BulletCatcher14 1/2 minutes for single core
18:24.11BulletCatcherI'm there, blast007.
18:26.44BulletCatcherHmm, there is no texture on the top of the teleporter.
18:40.20BulletCatcherThe oldest version I still have lying around is from r21981, and the teleporter top texture is missing there, too.
18:42.05blast007BulletCatcher: bleh, sorry, my SSH dropped, so I didn't hear the ping
18:42.25BulletCatcherI'll be there again, in a moment.
18:45.46blast007heh, had a stray set of logic there
18:45.58blast007building again and I'll be right back
18:46.23blast007okay, I'm there
18:51.21BulletCatcherAs blast007 pointed out the teleporter top texture is stretched extremely, rather than missing.
18:54.20blast007Also, the house lost power for a couple after I switched to observer.  I think we should look into that.  Might be a major bug with BZFlag 2.4 when mixed with the power grid.
18:54.29blast007couple seconds*
18:56.08BulletCatcherMaybe we can upgrade to solar-powered tanks.
18:58.09blast007go hybrid
18:58.12BulletCatcherBut not before we release 2.4.
18:58.38blast007yeah, for 2.6 we'll add regenerative falling
18:58.55BulletCatcherYay, BZFlag will be green!
18:59.12blast007but only for green team
19:04.07blast007BulletCatcher: and I noticed that it doesn't matter what quality setting you use - still stretched weird
19:04.55BulletCatcherok, I saw a change having to do with quality that could possibly have been relevant.
19:05.25blast007r21616 ?
19:06.37BulletCatcheryes, in SceneBuilder.cxx
19:06.59BulletCatcherAt this point I think I am going to have to rebuild some old versions to find out where the problem appeared.
19:06.59bryjenteleporter looked OK to me
19:07.09blast007bryjen: the top of the teleporter?
19:07.19bryjendouble checks
19:07.21blast007the sides were fine for us, but the top wasn't
19:07.50blast007easier to see it with observer as you can look down
19:08.32bryjenthe border looks fine all the way around
19:09.15BulletCatcherEven the horizontal top?
19:09.31BulletCatcherYou gotta fly to see it.
19:10.46bryjenhmm, close-up it's got some lines in it, but i figured that was part of the "distressed" look the vertical parts have
19:11.04BulletCatcherIt should have diagonal stripes like the sides.
19:11.27bryjenyellow/black, yes it does
19:11.49BulletCatcherWhat operating system?
19:12.51bryjenscreenshot works again, but the brightness is off a bit :/
19:13.26BulletCatcher2.0.16 has the same teleporter texture problem.  It isn't a regression, so we can ignore it for now.
19:14.38blast007bryjen: here's what I (we?) were seeing:
19:15.20bryjennot like that here.
19:16.01BulletCatcherThat's what I see, too.
19:17.46blast007nVidia graphics here - how about you two?
19:17.56BulletCatchernVidia for me, too
19:18.07blast007wow, yeah, that's a bit washed out
19:18.30bryjenradeon on this machine
19:18.49blast007k, we'll just tell people switch to AMD if they complain
19:19.13bryjenswitches host
19:19.14BulletCatcherEven in bryjen's view, the stripes ought to be diagonal.
19:19.27blast007the top might be "special"
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19:21.29bryjenworks on my nvidia too
19:21.45blast007bryjen's screenshot matches how I see it on 2.0.x on an intel chipset
19:22.16BulletCatcherI am not surprised that the texture problem is unrelated to graphics hardware.
19:23.49BulletCatcherI am building on my Mac for yet another data point.
19:24.36blast007the anti-flicker option changes how it looks too, FYI
19:24.38BulletCatcherbryjen: What is your gamma setting?  That may be related to the washed-out screenshot.
19:26.38bryjendon't know.  i shut the other pc (laptop) off.  screenshot looks better on this desktop with nvidia video.
19:26.47blast007toggle antiflicker
19:27.07BulletCatcherChecking older 2.0.x versions may reveal when this texture problem first appeared.
19:27.09blast007on trunk, with it on I get the stretched garbage, with it off it's straight across with stripes
19:27.39blast007with 2.0.16, with antiflicker on I get angled stripes, with it off it's straight across with stripes
19:28.51bryjenah-hah.  i had anti-flicker off.  turning it on messes it up. blacks the top and misaligns slightly where the strips wrap around the beams
19:30.37bryjenmakes the brick texture on the box shift too
19:30.55BulletCatcherI think we have found the culprit.
19:31.06*** join/#bzflag meeba (
19:31.40CIA-5BZFlag: 03blast007 * r22048 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/LocalPlayer.cxx:
19:31.40CIA-5BZFlag: Thief now works on teammates when -noTeamKills is enabled on the server.
19:31.40CIA-5BZFlag: The first check also checks if the local player is rogue instead of the bullet which will bail from the check faster if they are a rogue and still work the same.
19:35.28trepanfwiw, teleporter frame geometry is so jacked I suggest replacing them with meshes (via .bzw) for 2.4 worlds; that solves the AntiFlicker/tele problem  :)
19:37.54trepanit looks like I can also fix the tele/antiflicker "issue" with a 6 character patch, if it's a real concern
19:38.47BulletCatcherGo ahead if you are confident that there won't be any side effects.
19:39.37trepanhm, QuadWallSceneNode has 2 constructors, would be more than 6 characters -- maybe 128?  :)
19:40.19BulletCatcherMy only concern is that the change not break anything else.
19:41.05trepanit wouldn't -- but it barely deserves any attention anyways, so I won't play with it on release day
19:41.06blast007Side effects may include a desire to grab white flags, jumping through windows, and burrowing underground. Stop taking BZFlag if you begin prefixing your sentences with n or m.
19:41.18trepanblast007:  :)
19:41.45BulletCatcherWe're going to do RC3 rather than release today, so go for it.
19:43.16trepanna, could still be the case that you have two large teles with coplanar survaces that you want "antiflickered", and then which style to use?   :)
19:43.35trepan2.99.x has a much better mechanism, but with a larger change set
19:43.38trepanmight as well wait
19:43.42blast007I don't see it as a major problem anyway.. just a minor graphical glitch
19:44.09blast007and antiflicker defaults to off
19:45.19trepanand i'm not kidding about replacing tele frames with meshes in maps... they suck
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19:46.00blast007isn't there even some problem where you can get stuck on the top of the tele frame? :)
19:49.05BulletCatcherAny other pending commits, anyone?
19:49.20BulletCatcherIf not, let's test r22048 a bit and then do RC3.
19:49.47blast007I think we're pretty much set
19:50.12BulletCatcherYou want to test SW and notk ?
19:50.21blast007that works
19:51.32blast007should probably ensure that it's still possible to kill other teams and that rogue works right
19:51.33BulletCatcherThe other tests you mention in server message on your flagbuffet map have been done?
19:51.43trepanis up for some testing, just say where
19:51.52blast007also, I have some rabbit chase fixes in my servers, but I don't plan to commit that to 2.4.0 - I just want to make sure that it can be fixed server-side
19:52.08blast007(and then we'll fix that in 2.4.2 if it's all server-side)
19:52.12bryjenshooting people to watch them not-explode isn't much fun ;)
19:53.45blast007how about ?  I added -noTeamKills there (It's Louman's Metropolis FFA)   though note that the textures might not work since they're on
19:53.53BulletCatchercu there
19:55.00trepananother minute or two for compilation...
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20:32.17BulletCatcherHey, JeffM.  I am just about to do the bump for RC3.
20:32.54JeffMwas blast007 going to do a set of windows builds?
20:33.16BulletCatcherI think so.
20:33.43JeffMI'm curious to know if the process work for others besides me
20:34.00JeffMyou have nsis installed in the same drive as VC?
20:34.13blast007after they're posted, I'll nag Mopar Madness to try out my rabbit chase servers.  If the fixes work well enough, we'll do those in 2.4.2.
20:34.27JeffMthen it should be fine
20:34.27blast007I've already built installers fine here recently
20:34.33JeffMok cool
20:34.43JeffMthat was the only assumption I had to make
20:34.50JeffMway easier then the mac isn't it? :)
20:36.03blast007yeah ;)
20:36.05CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r22049 10/trunk/bzflag/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Welcome to 2.3.20, release candidate 3 for 2.4.
20:36.11blast007click. done. upload.
20:37.10JeffMI guess techincaly you could do a batch build and have it build both platforms at the same time too
20:37.43JeffMdid Constitution's .app test out ok?
20:38.05BulletCatcherYes, for Intel, but that was RC1.
20:38.26JeffMyeah I know, I was mostly concerned about the packaging not the code
20:39.00JeffMif we have an intel 10.5 at release I'll be happy
20:39.15JeffMwe can make it a 10.4 universal at a later date
20:39.20BulletCatcherIt works for me on Intel 10.4, too.
20:39.45JeffMblast007 and myself have access to PPCs if needed
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21:06.28blast007JeffM: hmm, when I try to build x64 it skips all the projects..
21:06.44JeffMdid you install the x64 compiler?
21:07.00JeffMit is not part of the default install of VC
21:11.00blast007guess I hadn't :)
21:18.52JeffMyou also have to make sure you have the 64 bit directX setup
21:19.07blast007JeffM: hmm, I not be able to do a x64 build at the moment
21:19.59blast007think I might have to uninstall SP1 from VS first or something..
21:20.08JeffMohhhh yeah you do
21:20.23JeffMyou built 32 bit with out SP1?
21:20.33blast007no, I have SP1
21:20.48blast007trying to add the x64 compilers, but it's asking for an MSI that's not on my disk
21:20.50JeffMok good, we don't what to ship anythign with out SP1
21:21.02blast007probably cuz it's part of the SP1 stuff
21:23.15blast007looks like the DX SDK is both x86 and x64
21:23.34JeffMit has both, but you have to set the dirs right in VC
21:24.11blast007I'm grabbing the SP1 update ISO to see if that file is there
21:24.31blast007I had just used the normal SP1 installer that downloads the stuff for you
21:26.29JeffMalso it's -date not _date
21:27.39BulletCatcherRC3 sources are now at and .
21:30.56JeffMwindows is up too
21:31.17blast007posting it
21:31.31JeffM32 looks done, I did 64
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21:32.03blast007yeah, I had uploaded the 32
21:33.44JeffMI renamed 32 to match source
21:35.15blast007the _ vs - thing?
21:39.43blast007yep, I saw. and the links I have work.
21:40.54blast007bleh, the stupid setup wizard for VS won't see that file
21:42.24blast007oh well, I'll worry about that later I guess
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23:30.39mdskpris the release still scheduled for today?
23:30.51blast007tomorrow or monday
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23:31.00BulletCatcherWe did RC3 instead.
23:31.06mdskprah ok
23:31.15blast007oh I guess it says "tomorrow", so the topic is still right ;)
23:31.20*** mode/#bzflag [-o blast007] by blast007
23:31.55trepanblast007: to 3.0 that path leads  :)
23:32.21BulletCatcherAFAIK, there are no outstanding problems to be resolved.
23:39.37*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
23:47.54*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
23:47.55*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
23:53.56*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)

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