IRC log for #bzflag on 20110617

00:43.19*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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01:07.11*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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01:08.35JeffMjust FYI I will be gone pretty much Friday morning to Sunday night
01:15.57*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
02:08.21*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (~a_meteori@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
02:25.09Thumper_JeffM: bzfs segfaults on WorldEventMgr.cxx:34 when a bogus world file is loaded -> bzfs -world foo.bzw
02:25.31Thumper_on the delete (*itr); call
02:26.55Thumper_the flagbuffet map moved and that server died
02:29.15Thumper_*** glibc detected *** src/bzfs/bzfs: free(): invalid pointer: 0x083430cc ***
02:55.29blast007looks like the only two events that get added are bz_eNewNonPlayerConnection and bz_eTickEvent
03:28.42trepanblast007: it's the 'return 1;' after the world error message
03:29.30trepanbzfsHTTPAPI doesn't get to remove it's plugin==NULL special bz_EventHandler's, and ~WorldEvent... nukes the 'con' var
03:29.53trepanp.s. 'con' is not a good name for a static variable in a large file ... connEvent would be easier to find
03:30.33trepanheh, who am I kidding, it's not even static, it's global  :)
03:35.09trepaneasy fix, only delete bz_EventHandler's (in that loop) that have plugin!=NULL ?  (don't know the rest of the code, but it looks like bzfsHTTPApI is the only special hack)
03:38.22trepan(you could also unloadPlugins(), or refactor main() as pre()/loop()/post())
03:39.52trepanmain() lines 5225 -> 6432, not the 'screenful' that's recommended  :)
04:44.37*** join/#bzflag CIA-5 (
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06:57.23*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
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08:10.36Constitutionhm, someone remind me not to pass a 17,000 member std::map *by value* to a recursive function... ever... again...
08:11.06a_meteoriteDon't ever do that again.
08:12.37Constitutionalbeit building a quadtree with 17,000 vertices might take a little juice, I thought 49 seconds was a bit long even for that
08:13.22a_meteoriteso much for optimizing away
08:14.51*** join/#bzflag jujibo (~jujibo@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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08:15.07Constitution~calc 49 / 0.03
08:15.59Constitutionibot 49 / 0.03
08:16.11cygaloh it uses bc -lq
08:16.27Constitutionthanks cygal... had to figure out the bot anyway :)
08:16.39ConstitutionI'd say 1,633 times faster is a decent "optimization"
08:16.42a_meteoritewhat happened to addressing with ~
08:16.57a_meteorite~lart me
08:16.57ibotrm -rf's a_meteorite
08:17.12a_meteoriteoh, yeah, now you work
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10:34.58blast007~49 / 0.03
11:16.04jujibo~0 / 0.0
12:21.22Pimpinelladon't you confuse ibot, jujibo !
12:22.27Pimpinellago, test 2.3!
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13:32.31CIA-5BZFlag: 03blast007 * r21935 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Prevent a crash by unloading plugins if we have to bail out due to an invalid world file.
13:32.35blast007Thumper_: that should do it
14:01.26jujiboPimpinella: may be it's still thinking ;)
14:10.19KTLlol 17k datastructure by value :)
14:20.00*** join/#bzflag meeba (
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17:17.44*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (~randompar@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
17:17.55randomparticlewell well. zip vs dmg
17:18.17randomparticlei understand the new bzflag will be zip packaged. am mulling through pros and cons
17:20.59blast007pros: easier to automate   cons: no fancy background telling you to drag it to the Applications folder
17:23.06randomparticleis there a size difference? compressed dmgs use bz2
17:23.19randomparticlehow does that compare to what zip uses?
17:24.21randomparticlei will try it now and see
17:24.40Pimpibz2 is smaller
17:25.08Pimpibut notthat much
17:27.53Pimpithere are not a few hundred megs to save
17:29.07randomparticleok, tried on
17:29.18randomparticleTest.dmg:  39942194 39458392
17:29.33randomparticleI used zip -9
17:29.59randomparticleso zip is slightly smaller there, but nothing much in it
17:30.27Pimpidoesn't dmg have extra data in it
17:31.43randomparticleit's actually a native filesystem
17:31.59randomparticleso it will have everythinga  filesystem would have
17:33.37randomparticleone thing to bear in mind is that the versions of zip/unzip used in os x are out of date
17:33.41randomparticlezip is still on version 3.0
17:33.42Pimpiso you just put it in the appropriate directory and it's mounted as a loop device?
17:33.58randomparticleyeah, more or less
17:34.46randomparticleit will end up mounted under /Volumes, just like a normal hard disk filesystem
17:35.28randomparticleregarding automation: disk images can be created from the command line, too. it's not necessary to use Disk Utility
17:35.38randomparticlehdiutil etc
17:39.18BulletCatcherBZFlag-2.0.16.dmg is 50408395 bytes.
17:39.22BulletCatcherWhen I do a "zip -r BZ BZFlag-2.0.16" command in /Applications the resulting file is 43143394 bytes.
17:39.24BulletCatcherSo it looks like .dmg files don't have their contents compressed.
17:41.45randomparticlewhen you create a dmg there is a choice of compressed/uncompressed
17:42.02blast007randomparticle: we'll, we'd be making the .zip on OSX, so I think we'll be fine with unzipping it :)
17:42.17BulletCatcherNote: use "zip -y" to preserve symbolic links as such.
17:42.29blast007randomparticle: and the "automated" part I was referring to was the fancy background stuff
17:42.45blast007which might just be nicely arranged icons
17:42.54randomparticlepersonally, if it were my choice, i'd use dmgs since that's guaranteed to preserve everything properly
17:43.09randomparticlefor example, in zip files metadata has to be stored in separate files
17:43.18randomparticleso you get a load of _* stuff
17:43.38randomparticlethat's not necessarily a problem as the unzip program on os x should deal with that
17:44.08randomparticlebut still, it's an extra level of complication that may be a cause of future problems
17:44.57randomparticleanother thing to note: if you drag an unzipped app to /Applications, it doesn't get the same permissions you'd get if you dragged the app from a dmg
17:45.00blast007I've seen other projects put their .app's within .zip files (or other similar containers)
17:45.13randomparticleblast007:  yeah. colloquy, e.g.
17:45.36blast007can you be more specific on the permissions?
17:45.56blast007cuz that's the only thing you've said so far that *could* pose a problem
17:46.11randomparticlethis explains it well:
17:49.17BulletCatcherThe group membership of files may be different with zip vs. dmg, but it doesn't matter for us because none of the files are group writable.
17:49.35BulletCatcherAnd all of them are world readable.
17:51.39BulletCatcherAs long as we can clearly explain to players that they must double-click on the downloaded .zip file, and then move the .app to /Applications, then I don't see a problem with using zip instead of dmg.
17:51.57randomparticlehere's something slightly amusing. try this at the os x command line:
17:52.00blast007doesn't safari automatically open zip files?
17:52.06CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21936 10/trunk/bzflag/ Do not check for SDL 1.3, as its new features are not used even when present.
17:52.08randomparticleecho hello | zip -
17:52.10blast007or am I thinking of DMGs
17:52.37randomparticlezip under os x can produce files that unzip can't unzip :--)
17:53.03BulletCatcherThen we will be careful not to do that.
17:53.17randomparticleyeah, definitely avoid pipes
17:54.27randomparticlethe problem is that apple are using zip v3.0, but unzip v5.52
17:54.35randomparticleand the two are not completely compatible
17:55.06blast007though Ubuntu is the same, though with unzip 6
17:55.30randomparticleyeah. i downloaded the unzip v6.0 source and compiled it and it will unzip that archive unzip 5.52 won't
17:56.00randomparticleit seems to be that if you use pipes, zip 3.0 uses the large filesystem option (doesn't know the size of the input)
17:56.13randomparticlebut the large filesystem option isn't available in unzip 5.52
17:56.30randomparticlemaybe i should say, large file option
17:57.54randomparticle"For the UnZip 6.0 release, we want to give special credit to Myles Bennet, who started the job of supporting ZIP64 extensions and Large-File (> 2GiB)"
17:58.27randomparticleif you compile unzip 6.0 without large file support, it fails in the same way as 5.52]
17:59.38*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (~DTRemenak@
18:01.14blast007I'm not against using DMG if it can be automated more, but I think we should just do whatever is easier for now so we can get our release out
18:02.30blast007on Windows I think we've reduced the build process to a single button
18:02.56randomparticleif you'd like a dmg creation script, i could write one
18:03.01randomparticlejust need to know what you want to do
18:04.13randomparticlei'm not particularly for or against either method though
18:04.40blast007I'd just say we could go with a .zip for this release and see how it goes
18:05.10blast007we could easily release a basic .dmg if it's found to be a problem
18:05.52blast007and we should have a package for the beta, so we'll have some people trying it out
18:05.55randomparticleprobably won't be a problem, unless you get windows users downloading it thinking it's for them and wondering why it won't run
18:06.18randomparticleat least with dmgs, they can't even open the archive :--)
18:06.25blast007I can
18:06.29blast0077-zip ;)
18:06.43randomparticleok ok, but if you were a typical n00b
18:07.18blast007well, we do group our downloads on the SF site
18:07.39randomparticlei seem to recall someone saying you could loopback mount dmgs under linux
18:07.53randomparticlebut doesn't work with compressed ones though
18:09.12randomparticlei'm guessing dmgs are just a sequence of disk blocks and are partitioned and formatted like ordinary disks
18:09.32randomparticlemaybe compressed dmgs are the same, but compressed afterwards using bzip2
18:10.45blast007apparently there's even a tool that can uncompress and decrypt DMG files on linux
18:12.36*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
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18:12.58*** join/#bzflag Mari (
18:13.30randomparticlesomething i wondered about...
18:13.50randomparticleyou download a file from a server and it's got a name, say "somefile.ext"
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18:13.57randomparticleand it's saved with that name locally
18:14.14randomparticlebut what if the name was, somehow (not sure how), "../somefile.ext"
18:14.26randomparticlethat is, the name before downloading
18:14.28blast007your browser should handle that
18:14.39randomparticlewould it save it locally in the parent directory
18:15.16blast007it would just use somefile.ext as the name
18:15.29randomparticlething is, it's not easy to create a file with a name "../somefile.ext" here
18:15.49randomparticleif i try that, it just creates it in the parent directory
18:16.09blast007you probably can't ;)
18:16.20randomparticleyeah, maybe :--)
18:17.15randomparticlei'm always discovering weird things about os x though
18:17.26randomparticlefor example, i discovered that sticky bits don't work
18:18.09randomparticleif, as root, you save a file with root wheel rwx------ permissions in /Users/Shared, then other users may be able to delete it
18:18.16*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
18:18.18randomparticlethat shouldn't happen
18:19.07blast007even non-admin users?
18:22.18randomparticlebash: ls -led bleh
18:22.18randomparticle-rwx------  1 root  wheel  6 17 Jun 19:21 bleh
18:22.18randomparticlebash: rm bleh
18:22.18randomparticleoverride rwx------  root/wheel for bleh? y
18:22.59randomparticleuser there was ordinary nonadminuser:staff type
18:23.47randomparticleit gets worse. sometimes it won't let you delete the file, but if you create another file in the same directory, then after that it will let you delete it
18:24.49randomparticleand for some people it does work as expected, except when it doesn't. it's not obvious what the conditions are that allow deletion
18:27.03blast007shoulda got a PC
18:27.14blast007then your expectations are already set low
18:27.42randomparticlei never owned a pc. the viruses did ;--)
18:30.05randomparticlewell, i don't know. everything is broken. it's just a matter of the degree of breakage
18:30.37randomparticleif i was running windows 7, the windows shell would occasionally crash
18:30.49randomparticlerunning os x, i've tripped it into a kernel panic using gdb twice
18:31.01randomparticleand running linux, apt-get has completely trashed my system
18:31.06randomparticlenothing works!
18:31.44bryjen"everything is broken" -- is that the pessimistic phrasing of "nothing is perfect" ?
18:31.58mdskpr_randomparticle: gentoo works : )
18:32.35randomparticleoh sigh.. gentoo. let me tell you about my emerge disaster... ;--)
18:32.45mdskpr_do tell
18:33.14randomparticlewell, they changed the way emerge works, but the only announcement was a tiny comment in an internet forum
18:33.31randomparticleand because they changed the work it worked, it didn't work
18:33.46mdskpr_how long ago was this?
18:33.53randomparticleunless you followed some obscure undocumented procedure
18:34.07randomparticleabout 6 years ago. maybe it's more refined now
18:34.39mdskpr_ah, i started using it only 4 years ago...its alot more documented and refined now
18:35.17randomparticlegenerally i liked gentoo, but i got a bit tired of compiling everything, especially given that i was on a 667MHz PIII laptop
18:35.33mdskpr_hehe...i suppose you have a faster one now?
18:35.57randomparticle2 x quad core workstation :--)
18:36.21mdskpr_aww you have to try gentoo : )
18:36.46randomparticlemaybe i should. ok, you've semi-convinced me
18:43.21Thumper_blast007: thanks - that works for me.
18:43.28mdskpr_randomparticle: make sure you do it correctly by building your own kernel
18:43.51randomparticlemdskpr_: i'd never use a secondhand kernel. am fussy like that
18:44.58randomparticleis maybe one for the winter, so i can get those xeons heating up the room nicely
18:47.29randomparticlethese make nice radiators:
18:51.17*** join/#bzflag Cobra_Fast (~coprah@2a01:4f8:7d:200:0:4e2f:b550:1)
18:53.13randomparticlehi Cobra_Fast
18:53.22Cobra_Fasthi randomparticle
18:56.21randomparticlei installed the ios dev kit last night and have the bzadmin phone version proof of concept working in the simulator
18:57.30randomparticleit's pretty terrible looking at the moment, and just connects to my local server:
18:58.09randomparticlebear in mind, this is my first effort after a sum total of 1 hour iphone development in my whole life :--)
18:59.59Cobra_Fastit gave you a double nose?
19:00.13randomparticleexcuse me?
19:01.09randomparticlea dog with two noses:
19:01.26Cobra_Fasti was just messing with your :--) smily
19:01.54randomparticleah. that is to evade the smilicon processing
19:02.07randomparticlei like my emoticons ascii-style
19:28.45*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
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19:56.48randomparticlei've been thinking about the nose thing, and how we have two nostrils, and that may enable stereo sniffing, including the nasal delineation of 3d scent shapes
20:03.48randomparticleinteresting link, thanks, blast007
20:05.56randomparticlesort of random anatomical observation here but...
20:06.27randomparticlewhen looking through my petit robert french dictionary (all french, not french-english)
20:06.46randomparticlei noticed that the definition for "left" was the side of the body the heart is located on
20:07.08randomparticlewhich is all well and good if that is indeed the side where your heart is
20:07.14randomparticlebut what if it isn't on that side?
20:07.36randomparticlewell, i've just found confirmation that, indeed, some people are born with their organs mirrored:
20:09.12randomparticlemaybe the french don't suffer from that congenital condition ;--)
20:14.50randomparticlemistake also made here:
20:14.58randomparticle"se dit du côté correspondant chez l'homme au côté du cœur"
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20:24.27Pimpinellawonders wether philosophizing about noses is bz related
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20:26.02randomparticleprobably not. when playing bz, though, i tend to think of the barrel as a nose. the two lights atop a tank are of course eyes
21:05.22*** join/#bzflag KTL (~KTL@
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21:35.15*** part/#bzflag Upsetter1 (
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22:44.26CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21937 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/ares/ Do not actually install any ares files when "make install" is done.
22:45.31CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21938 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/curl/ (6 files in 6 dirs): Do not actually install any curl files when "make install" is done.
22:49.11blast007BulletCatcher: is that something we'll have to keep in mind for when we update curl/ares in the future?  (as in, will we have to re-do those changes?)
22:49.54BulletCatcherYes, we will have to carefully preserve those changes.
22:49.56BulletCatcherThere are other changes we need to preserve too, especially in curl.
22:50.24blast007should we document such changes within a file in src/other/?  like src/other/CHANGES or similar?
22:51.27BulletCatcherAfter we release 2.4 and both ares and curl have been upgraded to the current version, I'll commit patch files to document our changes.
22:53.58mdskpr_it seems that the flag capturing bug was inexistent before r21838.
22:56.45BulletCatcherIf we can't fix the flag grab problems today or tomorrow we should revert in time to test what's left before the beta release on Monday.
22:59.00CIA-5BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21939 10/trunk/bzflag/misc/ Distribute the files that are in the new misc/maps directory.
22:59.10BulletCatcherYou snooze, you lose, blast007.
23:03.24akoswho can help me with developing? i would like to make death effects, but i dont where to start, i saw some "templates" effectsrenderer
23:03.32akosIm zuii
23:06.47BulletCatcherHave you already learned how to compile BZFlag for yourself?
23:07.50akosim familiar with svn too(so so)
23:08.17akoscurrently im cimpiling one of the revision
23:09.57*** join/#bzflag moiree (
23:10.42BulletCatcherIn effectsRenderer.cxx you can see some of the new death effects by JeffM.
23:10.44BulletCatcherHe has left them disabled for the upcoming 2.4 release, but you should be able to use them as examples.
23:14.43akosso if i make a class derived from DeathEffects then it will appaer on the game? or somewhere in the source i have to add to a list
23:16.56BulletCatcherIn EffectsRenderer::addDeathEffect() there is a commented out "if" statement that shows how to make an effect appear.
23:17.00akosi find it , sry line 484 if sentences
23:17.10BulletCatcherYes, that's it.
23:17.23akosok ty
23:18.10BulletCatcherGlad to help.
23:18.12BulletCatcherI look forward to see what interesting effects you can invent.
23:31.58*** join/#bzflag zuii (
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