IRC log for #bzflag on 20110615

00:02.18*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~thomas@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
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00:17.38CIA-103BZFlag: 03Thumper 07 * r7731 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade:
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01:15.51*** join/#bzflag mdskpr_ (~mdskpr@
01:37.04CIA-103BZFlag: 03trepan * r21914 10/branches/experimental/v2_99continuing/bzflag/src/include/foreach.h:
01:37.04CIA-103BZFlag: * this version of << foreach(var, con) >> balks on temporary containers
01:37.04CIA-103BZFlag:  (it sets up a pointer to the container to avoid redefinition in the macro)
01:38.57trepanDTRemenak: foreach(c, std::string("ouch")) -- doesn't compile anymore  :)
01:39.58Erroneousheh. that's one way to handle it, I guess :)
01:41.46trepandisallowing temporaries is not such a bad thing
01:42.48delusionaltook me awhile, but here it is....    upgraded SDL to 1.3 and compile poops....  I have my warnings with V.1.2.....     then I upgraded and that's at the end.....
01:42.49Erroneousnot sure useful cases of foreach over temporaries are common anyway
01:43.02Erroneousand the workaround is easy enough
01:44.05trepanErroneous: agreed
01:44.47trepanalthough i do find myself using:  for k in { 'data', 'goes', 'here' } do ...  structures in dynamic languages
02:18.14*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~TimRiker@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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02:43.31blast007hmm. so OpenFFA doesn't send a MsgTeamUpdate, which explains why my script hangs :)
02:53.43blast007ah, the perl and python versions also hang
02:55.17blast007Thumper_: when the game mode is OpenFFA, the MsgTeamUpdate never comes - seems that the pl/py version of bzfquery still assume it will come and sit there waiting.
02:56.37blast007also seems like the time limit isn't multipled by 10 before being sent out anymore, since my script divides it by 10 and is showing 3 instead of 30
02:59.52trepanblast007: wouldn't be too hard to setup bzfs to reply in xml/python/lua/json with the current server state
03:00.18blast007true, but not much point now
03:00.38trepan"now" being now the 2.3 is feature frozen?
03:00.45trepan*now that
03:00.48blast007we'll have HTTP plugins soon enough which can handle that, and we'll be doing push stats soon(ish) anyway
03:01.00trepanit can't be a plugin
03:01.24blast007why not?
03:01.33trepanyou'd want it to always work
03:03.17trepanbut as you mentioned, if pushstats works out, it may not matter
03:18.58CIA-103BZFlag: 03blast007 * r21915 10/trunk/bzflag/misc/bzfquery.php: Update bzfquery.php to support the 2.3 protocol
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03:23.00CIA-103BZFlag: 03blast007 * r21916 10/trunk/bzflag/misc/ ( Update to the 0213 protocol string
03:40.29CIA-103BZFlag: 03blast007 * r21917 10/trunk/bzflag/misc/ Do not try to read MsgTeamUpdate when the server is OpenFFA, and display the same time/wins when they are enabled.
03:41.08blast007Thumper_: so just the needs some work done now to properly support OpenFFA.
03:59.09*** join/#bzflag Chestal (thilo@
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04:17.20*** join/#bzflag CIA-117 (
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04:55.57CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7732 10/w/Bz_Load: wrote page for bz_load
05:00.30CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7733 10/w/Bz_registerEvent:
05:04.43CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7734 10/w/Bz_Load: fixed typo
05:07.54CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7735 10/w/Bz_removeEvent: added deprecated info
05:15.31CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7736 10/w/Bz_Unload: wrote page for bz_Unload
05:23.05CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7737 10/w/Bz_removeCustomSlashCommand: added bz_removeCustomSlashCommand page
05:33.44CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7738 10/w/Bz_registerCustomSlashCommand: added bz_registerCustomSlashCommand page
05:38.26CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7739 10/w/Bz_PlayerRecord: added page to redirect to new bz_BasePlayerRecord info
05:43.51allejowoops. sorry about the wiki revision spam
05:53.00CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7740 10/w/Functions%28API%29: added registration and clean up info of events for 2.3+
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11:42.47mdskpr_why /playerlist for everyone? <---from changelog
11:56.27Thumper_blast007: thx, I'll take a look at it
12:16.50blast007mdskpr_: it shows you just your own if you don't have rights to see others
12:17.20mdskpr_kinda worthless
12:18.10blast007less worthless than the Useless flag ;)
12:18.28braduseless flag is great!
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12:30.18ibotACTION starts crying and hides from a_meteorite in the darkest corner of the room. :(
12:37.32blast007a_meteorite: meanie
12:37.54Thumper_mdskpr_: I backported it from one of tupone's 2.99 commits - We can drop it if it's useless
12:39.19blast007it's not useless
12:40.05blast007here's an example use:  someone is caught in a ban on another server, and they see an admin from that server on a different server - it's much easier to give them your IP that way then it would be to switch back and forth between a web browser
12:41.18Thumper_... or that admin could just look the player up with /playerlist there :)
12:41.41blast007taht's assuming that admin is an admin on that server too
12:41.54blast007I'm not an admin at bztank, but someone might track me down there for a ban on my server
12:42.23Thumper_and filter through the 40+ lines of output
12:42.25Thumper_oh yeah :)
12:42.48blast00740 lines of.. what?
12:43.25Thumper_(I have admin perms on all the servers I play - didn't think of that)
12:43.25Thumper_assuming we have 40 players... on the box
12:43.26Thumper_and you are an admin...
12:43.33Thumper_needs coffee in order to be coherent
12:43.56blast007my example is if I'm *not* an admin somewhere and someone tracks me down and asks to check on a ban
12:44.28blast007otherwise there's be no point to my example ;)
12:44.50Thumper_yes -- that was the 'oh yeah :)' part
12:44.51Thumper_as in the light went on
12:45.14Thumper_needs coffee in order to be coherent
12:45.50blast007I've got a fever... and the only perscription is more coffee!
12:46.17blast007prescription*   knew that didn't look right
12:56.44short_circuitmmMMmm coffeeeeeeee
12:56.59short_circuitheads to work where the coffee is.
13:13.39trepanblast007: initially read it as 'perspiration', odd how the mind tweaks
13:22.28CIA-117BZFlag: 03bthansen * r21918 10/trunk/bzflag/misc/ Handle missing team information for OpenFFA style
13:23.17Thumper_blast007: Does it really make sense for OpenFFA not to return team info (as opposed to returning zero counts for the teams)
13:23.29Thumper_you need to know the game style before querying this information - is it valid
13:23.39Thumper_to query for players without knowing the game style?
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14:05.19blast007Thumper_: I'm not sure if it makes sense to not send it.  Even rabbit mode sends the team info..
14:06.37blast007we'll need to make a note of that for anyone who has a stats site
14:08.00blast007if we wanted to send it, it's only a two line change
14:08.25Thumper_I think it makes sense for the format to be the same no matter what the game style is
14:08.35blast007then we could turn it back off for 2.6.x and make rabbit mode do the same at that time
14:08.38Thumper_the interface is much simpler then
14:08.53blast007or to just send 0 teams, but still send the message
14:09.15Thumper_personally I'd like the same set of messages for everything and just fill with zero team sizes
14:09.37blast007for now we could just make it send it as we have been
14:09.39Thumper_then you don't need to query the game style first
14:09.47blast007then do it properly in 2.6/whatever
14:10.13Thumper_replay servers should probably also have a style definition
14:10.29Thumper_currently it reports TeamFFA
14:10.38blast007ooh, I see
14:10.49blast007what if you load a CTF replay on it?
14:10.49Thumper_so Replay should probably be a game style :)
14:13.29Thumper_hmm seems I broke it
14:13.42Thumper_Requesting World Hash... and it hangs
14:13.50Thumper_when connecting to teh reply server
14:14.03blast007maybe it's 2012 already and nobody told us.  the world ended.
14:14.44Thumper_I'll look at that later
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14:17.17Thumper_are replays between 2.0.x and 2.3 compatible?
14:19.20blast007probably not.
14:19.33cygalI fixed a bug in replays in 2.99, and it looks like it would not work only if the underlying "struct" changed, which is only the case for 2.99/old trunk
14:19.50blast007the protocol isn't quite the same
14:20.03blast007messages, for instance, have a 'type'
14:20.11blast007chat messages*
14:20.15Thumper_my replay server was still pointing at the 2.0.x recording dir - will try again with a 2.3 recording
14:22.00blast007cygal: you do realize that our replay system is essentially a network traffic recorder, right? :)
14:22.15blast007it saves the raw packet data and just resends it when playing the replay
14:22.29cygalI don't know what changed between 2.0 and 2.3 anyway
14:22.31blast007so there is no way it would be compatible cross majors
14:22.58blast0072.3 is incompatible with 2.0
14:23.58*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@
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14:25.14blast007JeffM: thoughts on this:  currently OpenFFA doesn't send a MsgTeamUpdate, but all other modes do (including rabbit chase).  Should we just send that for 2.4 and then fix it properly for 2.6?
14:25.38JeffMwhat would you send for data? 0 in all team counts?
14:25.52blast007the same thing that rabbit chase sends - all zeros
14:26.15blast007think it's less risky than leaving it out (it breaks query scripts)
14:26.34Thumper_currently you need to know the game stye because the response you get changes with the game style
14:26.38JeffMand if rabbit does it then we know the rest of the code works with zeros
14:26.39Thumper_which is more work on the receiving end
14:26.55blast007for 2.6 we should look at that area more closely
14:27.14blast007cuz there is another spot that sends out some other team count, and it always seems to send 8 in my testing
14:27.15JeffMmaybe we should add a bit to the message that means "teamless"
14:27.27JeffMI don't mind sending a message that says "I have no teams"
14:27.44JeffMthen you know for sure it's not teamless and not that the team message got dropped
14:27.52blast007we could even make it more generic and not hard code team names into the game
14:27.58blast007and have a string passed with the team update
14:28.08JeffMthat I'd leave fro 2.6
14:28.42JeffMbut I don't think a teamless bit now would hurt
14:28.46JeffMand it may make the script easier
14:28.46blast007eventually it would be nice to move team selection to after you're joined as well, since some modes (rabbit chase) don't use the team selection
14:28.58JeffMyes just like every OTHER game in the world ;)
14:29.13blast007wasn't really a problem when it was just FFA and CTF
14:31.20JeffMyeah and I don't see there beeing less game modes in the future
14:31.22Thumper_replay servers should also have a gameStyle entry - they report TeamFFA regardless of what replay is playing (currently showing a CTF game)
14:31.31JeffMas we add less flags then what will happen is more game modes
14:32.05Thumper_and only connected observers show up as players on the replay server (which is what I expected)
14:32.27JeffMgood lord..they are still talking about music?
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14:37.25Thumper_replay servers should also probably have the protocol in the recording file and refuse to load recordings from incompatible protocols
14:37.56Thumper_(I tried loading a 2.0.17 recording on a 2.3 server and that didn't go real well) :)
14:38.32JeffMyeah I'm not happy with replay system
14:38.42JeffMI'd rather it not record packages but "events"
14:38.53Thumper_'packets' ?
14:39.03BulletCatcherIt looks like the BZFS0026 string is already the replay file, so bzfs just needs to check it.
14:40.15JeffMIIRC the record system just records the packed up network data
14:40.22JeffMand saves them
14:40.31JeffMthen replay creates message packets for them
14:40.44JeffMso the protocol of the recording is burned into the data it saves
14:42.11JeffMif it stored just a "player joined" or "Player moved" bit of data we could then have it create the correct packet for whatever version was being run
14:42.25JeffMbut then it may not make sense cus client behavor may be different
14:42.34JeffMprobalby can't get there untill we have server state
14:42.52Thumper_there's a lot of extra maintenance work if we change it to events - everytime you add something new you need to update the record/replay code too
14:43.01JeffMthen a replay would just be something that drove server side players
14:43.14JeffMohh yeah it's a total reqwrite :)
14:43.22JeffMdidn't say it was easy
14:43.34Thumper_and we want to keep the data as compressed as possible so online replays don't eat all the server memory :)
14:43.36JeffMoptimaly there would be a simulation class on the server that would have a serialize method
14:43.44JeffMcompression is easy
14:44.01JeffMjust gzip the stream as you save it
14:44.45Thumper_I currently use replays only in a memory buffer so the last N minutes of game play are available to save
14:45.14Thumper_most of the time we don't care about the data so saving it to a file permanently isn't the way I'd want to use it
14:45.18JeffMI'm sure a similar system could be made to work
14:45.20Thumper_but that probably makes sense to matches and leagues
14:45.40JeffMwell no it dosn't they think that it shows them "hard data" :)
14:45.56JeffMonce we have an authoritive server they will use it a lot less
14:45.59Thumper_yes it needs to be 'fixed' too ;)
14:46.33Thumper_so if we get there it may not be worth redoing the current replay system since it won't be needed/used as much as it is today
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14:49.06Thumper_JeffM: I took a first stab at the server upgrade doc:
14:49.11Thumper_Am I missing anything major?
14:51.15blast007this could be referenced for the publickey thing:
14:51.35JeffMdid the code to disable TK in team games get backported?
14:54.37blast007I had thought it did, but I'm not seeing a command line option for it
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15:05.56CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21919 10/trunk/bzflag/package/win32/nsis/BZFlag.nsi: The current package version number is 2.3.13.
15:07.34BulletCatcherI am looking at the release instructions in DEVINFO.
15:07.35BulletCatcherShould we increment BZ_PROTO_VERSION when doing a protocol-breaking release like 2.4 to lock out all previous development versions?
15:08.06JeffMthat's what we have always done in the past
15:08.17BulletCatcherI'll work that into the instructions.
15:08.26JeffMthat locks that protocoll as the "release" one to be used for the entire compatable line
15:08.33JeffMand it should be as clean as possible
15:20.45CIA-117BZFlag: 03Thumper 07 * r7741 10/w/ServerAuthentication: -publickey starts in version 2.4
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15:22.45BulletCatcherI still think we need a better name than -publickey.
15:22.46BulletCatcherIt isn't too late to change it to -serverkey or something like that.
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15:23.05CIA-117BZFlag: 03Thumper 07 * r7742 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade: Reference the ServerAuthentication page for more details
15:23.54JeffMI'm wondering why we need a seperate option for it
15:23.54JeffMit's required
15:23.55JeffMmake it paramater 2 for -public
15:23.55JeffM-public "name" "key"
15:24.12Thumper_-serverlistkey but then we start getting into -really-ridiculously-long-option-names
15:24.28Thumper_-public is optional
15:24.54JeffM-publickey and -public go together
15:25.00JeffMyou can't do -publickey with out public
15:25.00Thumper_but it's not very useful to be listed on the server list without a map name
15:25.08JeffMand public with out publickey
15:25.24Thumper_2.0.x can list servers without -public (not that that's a feature I want to keep)
15:25.39Thumper_specify -publicaddr and -p only
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15:25.46Thumper_-public is just the map name
15:25.53JeffMyeah make em put a description
15:26.03JeffMmake it one option
15:26.15JeffMit's publicaddr that should be optional
15:26.21JeffMcus we can always figure out the IP
15:27.01CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21920 10/trunk/bzflag/ (DEVINFO src/date/buildDate.cxx):
15:27.01CIA-117BZFlag: Update the list of files to be changed when the protocol changes.
15:27.01CIA-117BZFlag: Add conditional increment of BZ_PROTO_VERSION to release instructions.
15:27.02Thumper_-publicaddr is normally hostname:port (not IP)
15:27.10Thumper_since multiple names can map to the same IP
15:27.39JeffMyes but if you don't specify it we use IP and port
15:27.44JeffMso it is optional
15:28.09JeffMI can run a public server with just -public
15:28.19JeffMif I want it to have a fancy name then I use -publicaddr
15:28.23Thumper_I think -publicaddr currently controls if it is listed on the list server but I may be wrong on that
15:28.35JeffMthe both must
15:28.43JeffMcus I have done -public only
15:29.37Thumper_can you see on the 2.0.x server list?
15:29.40JeffMyes options.publicizeServer  is set for both
15:29.51Thumper_eek nevemrind
15:29.53Thumper_Segmentation fault (core dumped)
15:30.03Thumper_bzfs -publicaddr
15:30.03JeffMI'll clean it up
15:30.56Thumper_bin/bzfs -publicaddr
15:31.01Thumper_this is listed on the 2.0.x server list
15:31.13Thumper_(it's running on the wrong host so you can't connect to it)
15:31.45trepanBulletCatcher: the reason it wass -publickey instead of -serverkey is to keep it to keep it close to its associated options; and it's the key required for a publicized server, so "publickey" made sense
15:32.32*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (~JeffM@
15:32.36JeffM_and making -publicaddr only set the address not the public status
15:33.10JeffM_the point of the server key is to increase the quality of servers that players see, so they should have descriptions
15:33.51trepanyou could still do  -public "" 3249823498
15:33.55BulletCatcherHow about combining all 3 things into one option?
15:34.03trepangoing to enforce a desc length?
15:34.13JeffM_I think the address should be optional
15:34.17JeffM_trepan, already does
15:34.29trepanah, an addition I hadn't see  :)
15:34.42JeffM_BulletCatcher, I may not have a domain so I want the list server to just use my IP and port
15:35.07trepanhm, where is the desc length check done?
15:35.17JeffM_when -public is read
15:35.19trepani see that it's clipped at 127
15:35.45JeffM_is that too long?
15:35.46BulletCatcherSomething like can be used for servers without domain names.
15:36.02JeffM_BulletCatcher, yes and the list server can figure that out
15:36.10JeffM_so there is no need to provide it
15:36.27JeffM_if you are on a dynamic IP you want the list server to get it every time you hit it
15:36.31JeffM_so I don't want to provide it
15:36.41Thumper_JeffM_: I don't think there is a minimum length check is there?
15:36.51JeffM_ahh min len
15:36.51trepan-public " "  is something else that might want to be avoided
15:36.53JeffM_yeah I can do tht
15:37.36bradhas lack of description ever been an issue?
15:38.06JeffM_it would be nice if they all had them
15:38.48Thumper_my admins can post maps on test server ports and without the -public it's blank on the server list. I added a check on my website used for starting the server but it would be better if bzfs just refused to list it
15:39.18JeffM_that's what it's going to do when I'm done here
15:39.46JeffM_what is the min lenght for a key?
15:39.46Thumper_sounds good to me
15:40.50BulletCatcherIIRC, keys are random numbers so a single digit is possible.
15:41.27blast007JeffM_: I think it's better to hae -publickey on it's own, since if someone ran their own list they wouldn't necessarily need them.  And it's easier to have multiple servers share a common config (interface to bind to, public key, etc)
15:42.00Thumper_current 2.0.x servers with names are all > 8 chars.  3 minimum should be fine
15:42.22Thumper_read 'names' not 'keys'
15:42.25JeffM_I'm less concerned about the "running your own list server" cus nobody has EVER done that IIRC
15:42.31JeffM_but the config thing is valid
15:42.46bradI have!
15:42.56JeffM_and for how long?
15:42.58blast007for the lulz?
15:43.00bradfor like a day...just to see how it worke
15:43.14JeffM_then you could have made it accept any string as a key :)
15:43.20trepanblast007: you trying to bring down the heat? they scan for that string  :)
15:43.26JeffM_yeah nobody runs one for realsies
15:43.33blast007trepan: heh
15:43.38bradwell, could be someone somewhere :p
15:43.59JeffM_it just seems odd that both are efetivly required
15:44.02BulletCatcherI am convinced.  Keep the option, and keep it named -publickey .
15:44.22blast007we'll get better errors when people are upgrading to 2.4 as well
15:44.27JeffM_actualy I'm convinced that -public should just take the key, and -publicdesc should be added
15:44.38blast007if we make it part of -public, it will make their config go crazy as it will read the next option as the key
15:44.38BulletCatcherNote that we don't support different keys for different list servers.
15:44.57Thumper_is it the list server that enforces the requirement for -publickey so if you had your own list server you could remove that requirement?  (of course it's completely hypothetical...)
15:45.20trepan-publickey is more descriptive, but maybe s/-public/-publictitle/ ?
15:45.36JeffM_trepan, that's what I was thinking
15:45.37trepanor -publicdesc
15:45.46JeffM_yeah cus that's all it does
15:45.53BulletCatcherI like title better than desc.
15:45.59trepani suggesting leaving -publickey with the 'key' attached
15:46.16JeffM_then make it so if you set any of the -public options we flag the server for listing
15:46.46JeffM_that should make everyone happy
15:46.53trepanand flag missing opts as necessary, sounds good
15:49.11blast007also, is our "local bzfs detection" useful anymore?  I haven't seen it work in a workstation environment, at least.. it grabs the netbios name, which ares can't resolve.  Not sure if it works in a domain environment or on linux/OSX.
15:49.32Thumper_-public is currently the name of the map normally
15:49.52Thumper_blast007: a local non-public server shows up on my workstation in linux
15:49.53blast007(and it generally seems to confuse people that are trying to host because they see it on the list)
15:50.08blast007k - can you connect to it via the entry on the list?
15:50.32blast007hmm.  does it show the server name, FQDN, or the IP?
15:50.57Thumper_I get as the host and I just pick it from the list with my 2.3 client
15:51.20blast007and I imagine that your internal DNS can resolve that to the correct IP?
15:51.41blast007probably not a typical situation then
15:51.47Thumper_tries a fake /etc/hosts entry
15:51.53JeffM_it dosn't have to be the map that's just convention
15:52.19JeffM_if we wanted it to always be the "name" of the map then we'd have a name field in the world info object and send it automaticly
15:52.38JeffM_because map and server not the same thing
15:53.35Thumper_blast007: works with a host entry for the ip too
15:53.43Thumper_192.168.1.5 ding
15:54.03CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r21921 10/trunk/bzflag/ (man/ src/bzfs/CmdLineOptions.cxx):
15:54.03CIA-117BZFlag: rename -public to -publictitle
15:54.03CIA-117BZFlag: make -publickey also force the server to be listed
15:54.17blast007I imagine that would work on Windows as well if I threw in a hosts entry, or if I was in a domain environment where systems had FQDN's registered in the local DNS server
15:55.40Thumper_but I'm not married to it showing up in the list - since I start it myself I know the ip/address and port
15:55.53Thumper_and if it's a private server on another host I need to manually enter that info anyway
15:56.09Thumper_it _might_ help people who start their own servers from the menu (if that works)
15:56.12blast007and afaik, it only detects servers on 5154
15:56.31CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 07 * r7743 10/w/BZFS_Command_Line_Options: /* The Options */ -public and -publickey
15:56.33blast007generally though people just get confused by it cuz it doesn't work, or they think their server is publically listed cuz it's on the list
15:56.41JeffM_that should do er
15:56.41Thumper_looks like
15:56.48Thumper_bzfs -p 10000 doesn't show up
15:57.15Thumper_so I guess I don't care if we pull that feature or not
15:57.38blast007yeah, something to think about for 2.4.2/2.4.4/whatever
15:57.41JeffM_in the longrun we should optimize for internet play
15:57.49JeffM_lan people can set up servers internet style
15:58.01blast007is the multicast stuff for the server discovery?
15:58.23JeffM_tho the server used to use multicast for playing
15:58.33JeffM_sending out player updates etc...
16:00.17BulletCatcherThumper_: Would you mind if the "serverControl - %d total players, %d observers" message were changed from debug level 2 to 3?
16:00.18BulletCatcherIt is noisier than I'd like.
16:00.41Thumper_not at all. I only care about level 0 messages
16:01.01BulletCatcherOkay, thanks.  I'll do it.
16:01.04Thumper_and at the time I didn't want it buried in the network stuff at level 4
16:02.16trepanJeffM_: CmdLineOptions.cxx:967 -- that supposed to be 'false' ?
16:02.48Thumper_goes for lunch
16:03.03JeffM_probably not
16:03.14JeffM_can't really run a public server at work :)
16:03.37trepanif (options.publicizedKey.length() == 0) {  \n  options.publicizeServer = true;
16:03.38CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21922 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/serverControl/serverControl.cpp: Change player count messages from debug level 2 to 3.
16:03.43JeffM_yeah I see it
16:03.43blast007JeffM_: you mean 'probaby' ;)
16:03.48blast007it's true right now
16:04.43CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r21923 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CmdLineOptions.cxx: make servers NOT be public if they provide an empty key
16:05.07trepanmight want to move the -publiclist processing to after -publickey, it doesn't seem to trigger options.publicizeServer
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16:05.57JeffM_order matters in that thing?
16:06.00JeffM_I thought it was a loop
16:06.40blast007shouldn't matter
16:06.48JeffM_if -publickey is after it would go and set the flag alone and then when it is all done it'd use both settings
16:07.20blast007should we even be setting options.publicizeServer to false?
16:07.41JeffM_I only did it when they specify a bad key
16:07.41trepanjust remove the check and let it fail?
16:07.51JeffM_figured it was nicer
16:08.00JeffM_if they are on another list server they won't specify a key at all
16:08.18JeffM_if we let it go thru they don't get any indication of a problem
16:08.22JeffM_it just isn't on the list
16:08.55CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 07 * r7744 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade: note -public was renamed -publictitle
16:09.24CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 07 * r7745 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade: /* = -public is now -publictitle */ missing =
16:12.04*** join/#bzflag JUR (d50a0f36@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:22.03CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21924 10/trunk/bzflag/TODO:
16:22.06CIA-117BZFlag: Remove multiple list servers item; it is done.
16:22.06CIA-117BZFlag: Remove idea for -email command line option; it is superseded by -publickey.
16:23.43CIA-117BZFlag: 03Thumper 07 * r7746 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade: Move the TODO items up front so they are more visible
16:27.30CIA-117BZFlag: 03Thumper 07 * r7747 10/w/BZFS_2.4_Upgrade: Demote the heading levels
16:30.55CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21925 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/CmdLineOptions.cxx: Add -publickey to usageString.
16:36.43CIA-117BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21926 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 4 dirs):
16:36.43CIA-117BZFlag: More changes of -public to -publictitle.
16:36.43CIA-117BZFlag: Update man page descriptions of dependencies between the -public* options.
16:47.21JeffM_I thought I did the manpage
16:47.25JeffM_what'd I miss?
16:52.16*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~a_temp_di@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
16:59.04BulletCatcherThe old -public option was mentioned inside some of the other man page descriptions, and not necessarily in a way that was consistent with the code.
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17:14.03*** topic/#bzflag by JeffM -> || || || Channel Logs: || Alpha testing of 2.3 is going on now || 2.4 beta on 6/20/11
17:24.12meebaI'm not sure which of you decided bzflag would be cool to work on again, but I can't wait till I'm back on a stable connection again so I can get in on the fun of playing.
17:26.51Thumper_blames JeffM
17:27.33meebaman, what a jerk that guy is. :)
17:28.03blast007wasn't it BulletCatcher that initiated the creation of the plan?  :)
17:28.25Thumper_could be - first I heard about it was the email from Jeff
17:28.27mdskpr_yup, its bulletcatcher's fault
17:28.37Thumper_see I'm wrong again :/
17:29.09Thumper_we're doing something completely new
17:29.16Thumper_... there's a plan
17:29.35Thumper_and it's not "we plan to fail"
17:29.36blast007I think this is the first time in my experience with the project that there was a plan.
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17:40.09JeffMit was BulletCatcher
17:40.19JeffMhe started the plan
17:40.32JeffMblast007, and myself just yelled at Tim
17:42.46*** join/#bzflag Calzaath (41251e55@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:43.05Calzaathcan i texture with a .gif file?
17:43.23blast007we only support PNG files
17:43.44blast007you can certainly convert a GIF to a PNG though, minus any animation
17:44.10Calzaathwould it be possible to make a plug-in that would allow me to  play .wav or .mp3 files on my map?
17:45.05JeffMplugins don't do anything with the client
17:45.14Calzaathoh well
17:45.29JeffMwell I guess you could make one but it would play the sound on the server machine :)
17:45.41Thumper_heh - he's gone
17:46.01blast007JeffM: was the reason that clients crashed when playing plugin-initiated sound files because of older versions of 2.0? or was it just buggy in general?
17:46.04Thumper_pictures sheet music floating by on the server map
17:46.21JeffMit had to do with where the sounds were located on different machines
17:46.34blast007I mean files hosted via HTTP
17:46.39blast007thought we could point them at a resource
17:46.55JeffMit wasn't saved to the disk in a good place where the client could always get it
17:47.01JeffMthe sound system assumed bzfs dir
17:47.05JeffMsorry client APP dir
17:47.10JeffMwhere the other sounds are
17:47.17JeffMwe need to make it work with the cache system
17:47.27JeffMsearch multiple dirs etc..
17:47.52JeffMit is really just an extension of what we do for images
17:50.41trepanhad started patching 3.0 to have it use BzVFS for all file accesses
17:51.17trepan"278431 Sep 27  2010 SVN.vfsChanges.diff" that one  :)
17:57.47allejois it my imagination or is there a variable that will let you take multiple hits with the shield flag?
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18:14.50blast007allejo: to be more specific, no, there is not a variable like that
18:17.56allejoalright. thanks for the info
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19:49.38CIA-117BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r21927 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: IFF should not be based off "IsKillable" so add new function "IsFriendly" to say who your true friends are.
19:51.53randomparticleplayerID is typed as both uint8_t and int
19:52.27randomparticle../../include/Address.h:typedef uint8_tPlayerId;
19:52.37randomparticle../../include/bzfsAPI.h:  int playerID;
19:53.14JeffMthe byte is jus to cap it for transmison
19:53.16JeffMint is easier to use
19:53.32JeffMI've been making as many of them int as I can so we can support more then 250 players someday
19:53.41randomparticlei've noticed the initial reply from the server is BZFS0026 + a 1 byte player id
19:54.07JeffMit's still a byte over the wire
19:54.09randomparticlebut for messages it's len + MsgMessage code + 2 byte player id + string
19:54.16Pimpinellawill we ever need more than 250 players?
19:54.30JeffMPimpinella, yes for awesomeness.
19:57.39JeffMrandomparticle, where do we pull the player as a short?
19:58.35JeffMon the client or server?
19:58.48blast007and which version of the game are we talking about?
19:58.52randomparticlei've been looking at this client side
19:58.57JeffMfor the client I see buf = nboUnpackUByte(buf, id);
19:58.59JeffMthat's a byte
19:59.02blast007in 2.3 there's a message type byte now too
19:59.04JeffMso where do you see it read 2 bytes?
19:59.16randomparticleactually looking at the incoming stream of bytes off the net
19:59.31blast007randomparticle: which version of bzflag?
19:59.48randomparticlethe string always starts 6 bytes in for MsgMessage, that is 2 bytes after the length and code header
19:59.51trepanrandomparticle: unpack src / dst / type ?
20:00.09JeffMnethandler should pull of 2 for len, 2 for code
20:00.23blast007doesn't think his question is that hard to answer....
20:00.28randomparticleso that sort of indicates the playerid is an uint16_t
20:00.33JeffMit isn't
20:00.40blast007randomparticle: please answer my question
20:00.41JeffMonly a few messages HAVE a player ID
20:00.48Pimpinellahmm, svn is either extremly slow or it hangs completly for me
20:00.51JeffMyeah trunk or branch?
20:00.52randomparticlethis is client side incoming MsgMessage
20:01.06randomparticle2.0.16 bzfs. i can check trunk
20:01.12blast007trunk is different
20:01.24randomparticleyeah. let me start it up. few moments plz
20:01.29JeffMyeah it's 2 IDs
20:01.33JeffMfrom and 2
20:01.48JeffMas trepan said
20:02.00JeffMtrunk has 3 bytes
20:02.02JeffMadding a type
20:02.31randomparticleyeah. my code isn't working with trunk:
20:02.34randomparticle2011-06-15 21:01:57.750 BZX[1544:a0f] An error occurred on the input stream. :--)
20:02.48JeffMoptimaly we would extend the type and get rid of the "to"
20:03.02JeffMsince it's only used to know if it's a team message, or what
20:03.12JeffMwe know who it's to, the socket it got sent to :)
20:03.22blast007type is if it's a chat message or an action message
20:03.34JeffMyes it is, but it could be so much more :)
20:04.17JeffMthe dst is a bit of a misnomer, cus it's not like it will ever be a message for another player
20:04.19Pimpinellathis tanks and flags don't spawn on bases after cap bug, is that a new bug or is it pre 2.0 ?
20:04.33JeffMthe only rason we need it is to know if it's to the team or a private message, etc..
20:04.37JeffMand that could be put in the type
20:04.48blast007Pimpinella: does the server have freeCtfSpawns in the map file?
20:04.56randomparticleneed a src in there really to fake messages from people you don't like ;--)
20:05.04blast007or zones?
20:05.19JeffMrandomparticle, you need the source to know who it's from, we display that in the chat window
20:05.24JeffMit's the dst we don't need
20:05.33JeffMwe know it is for us
20:05.37JeffMor the server would not have sent it
20:05.53JeffMit's a holdover from when the server sent ALL chat to ALL clients
20:05.54blast007ah, I see what you mean
20:06.00Pimpinellablast007: no, it's the buildin map that you get when you just start bzfs with -c
20:06.12blast007Pimpinella: then yeah, I'd say it's borked :)
20:06.14randomparticleok, so let's take a look at what bzfs 2.3 is throwing at me.
20:06.23JeffMrandomparticle, the extra byte
20:06.42JeffMread the code before you look at the data then you can know what to expect
20:06.48Pimpinellablast007: so, is that a really, really old bug?
20:07.01blast007does 2.0.16 do the same thing?
20:07.41Pimpinellachecks if he has a 2.0.x server locally
20:10.27Pimpinellayep, seems so
20:10.55blast007that sucks
20:11.13blast007however, spawns are server-side, so we could fix that for 2.4.whatever later
20:11.23blast007and it's not a new bug
20:12.36JeffMstupid clients FTW!
20:12.42blast007Pimpinella: document it here:
20:13.04JeffMshould we just name that page "the plan"? :)
20:13.34JeffMor make a The_Plan page that redirects there
20:13.48*** topic/#bzflag by JeffM -> || || || Channel Logs: || Alpha testing of 2.3 is going on now || 2.4 beta on 6/20/11 || The PLAN
20:14.15JeffMTimRiker, you arround?
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20:22.49CIA-117BZFlag: 03pimpinella * r21928 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Fix random spawns of flags and players after cap.
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20:23.36Pimpinellablast007: should be fixed
20:23.43blast007hehe, okay
20:25.27blast007Pimpinella: actually, could you revert that change for now?
20:25.40blast007I think we should look into that further
20:26.02blast007random worlds get recreated after all the players leave
20:26.21blast007so the real problem would probably be if it's not recreating the bases
20:27.01blast007also, above, I assume you were talking about using -cr, not -c
20:27.26blast007I'm referring to this: < Pimpinella> blast007: no, it's the buildin map that you get when you just start bzfs with -c
20:27.46blast007-c requires a world, where -cr is a random CTF map
20:30.43Pimpinellablast007: yep, i can revert it, however -c works without a world, just try
20:31.16blast007then how is -c different than -cr?
20:31.39bryjenthere was a built-in procedurally generate world, iirc
20:32.22blast007bryjen: talking about the normal random boxes through around, or the GSoC project?
20:32.59bryjenno, the built-in ctf world had more of a pattern
20:34.03blast007in any case, I don't consider it to be a critical bug, and I think we should take more time to look at it --> so after 2.4.0 is out
20:34.38blast007kills CIA-117
20:35.24bryjenheh.  when the CIA kills _you_, it'll be quieter about it
20:37.22Pimpinellano log?
20:37.33Pimpinellaah, CIA is out
20:48.59Pimpinellasvn is a pain tonight
20:52.38JeffMjust SF :)
20:55.46randomparticledoes bzfs close the socket if i don't send "BZFLAG\r\n\r\n"?
20:56.27randomparticlei'm getting BZFS0213 etc back from bzfs, but it looks like the socket is being closed
20:56.41JeffMafter a bit yes it will
20:56.55randomparticlei'll try sending that before i read anything
20:57.02JeffMit should not send anything untill you send the connection string
20:57.04JeffMyou have to
20:57.11JeffMfor trunk
20:57.28randomparticleit is sending the server identifier without me sending that (trunk)
20:57.35JeffMthat's not good
20:58.22randomparticlethat's more or less how it worked with 2.0.16. it would send the identifier when the TCP connection was made
20:58.31JeffMyes it changed in trunk
20:58.42JeffMin trunk the server waits for the client to send data
20:58.51JeffMwhat are you sending first?
20:58.51randomparticlenot here :--)
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20:58.59randomparticlenothing. just making a TCP Connection
20:59.06JeffMyou sure?
20:59.12trepannor here, i see the same thing, BZFS0213 without any data sent
20:59.13JeffMoh ok, I know what's happening then
20:59.18JeffMyeah heah I know
20:59.26JeffMwhat we do is IF you time out I send out the protocoll
20:59.33JeffMso it shows in a browser if no HTTP is installed
20:59.43JeffMand so that old query scrips know to fail
20:59.46JeffMyeah that's expected
20:59.50JeffMforgot about that
20:59.58JeffMso yes it will close RIGHT after that
21:00.04JeffMthat's the error case
21:00.10randomparticleok. so i send the string first thing?
21:00.26randomparticleok. giving it a try
21:00.47JeffMif you don't send it, it looks for API handlers to try and accept the connection
21:00.50trepanabout a 3 second timeout  (from 'nc' to BZFS0213 reply)
21:01.03JeffMit won't hand the connection over to the player code untill you send the bzflag stuff
21:01.12JeffMhmm it should be longer
21:01.21JeffMwonder if I'm off by 10
21:03.20trepanJeffM: I see bzfs/idleTimeout is set to 30, odd
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21:04.57randomparticletrepan: i've been debugging using breakpoints
21:05.07randomparticlecould easily mean a >3s delay
21:05.24trepani'm seeing 3, using 'nc' (netcat)
21:05.55trepan(and counting with mississippis)
21:07.08trepanfor the record, when i 'time' it, it's consistently 2.608s
21:08.05trepanwonder if i'm developing a southern drawl, would account for the 0.4s
21:08.26trepan(oops, wrong way)
21:10.47randomparticleok. some progress. i'm getting a reject and superkill message before the stream is closed
21:11.00randomparticlebut the initial bit's looking okish now
21:11.26randomparticleso i'll have a look and see why i'm being rejected
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21:20.10randomparticlerejection reason:invalid request
21:21.32randomparticleand from bzfs.cxx:
21:21.33randomparticlelogDebugMessage(1,"Host %s tried to send invalid message before Enter; 0x%4hx\n",handler->getTargetIP(),code);
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21:27.11JeffMI wonder if I have a sec to ms timer off or something
21:28.04JeffMahh I see connectionTimeout is set to 2.5
21:28.29JeffMthe 30 sec is for if they send some data but never get accepted by anything
21:29.38JeffMthats 2500 ms , if your TCP latency is that high for your first packet then I don't think we want you playing :)
21:31.21bryjenthe 2.5 is 'cause old bzflag client only wait 5 seconds and gives up with a generic error.  new bzfs needs to give up quicker and say BZFSxxxx so the old client can say incompatible server version.
21:31.54bryjenif you're talking about what i think you are
21:32.34JeffMthat makes sense
21:33.00randomparticledoes bzfs have a debugging mode command line arg?
21:33.04JeffMthen all seems to be working as it should
21:33.27JeffMit just logs more
21:33.41JeffMthere are 4 levels depending on how many ds you put in
21:34.38Constitutionheya snick
21:35.04randomparticlePlayer [0] accept() from on 7
21:35.04randomparticleHost tried to send invalid message before Enter; 0x   0
21:35.04randomparticlePlayer  [0] removed at 2011-06-15 22:33:40: /rejected
21:35.25JeffMwhat exactly are you trying to do?
21:35.40randomparticleconnect to my local bzfs server from my program
21:35.54JeffMso implement your own version of the clientprotocoll
21:35.56JeffMgood luck
21:36.07randomparticlethat's what i'm doing. is it documented fully?
21:36.09JeffMConstitution, you willing/able to build mac bins?
21:36.15JeffMrandomparticle, oh god no
21:36.19JeffMhence the good luck
21:36.26randomparticlethanks ;--)
21:36.27JeffMyou will be reading a lot of the client code
21:36.36randomparticlehad it working under 2.0.16
21:36.54JeffMit changed
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22:07.06ConstitutionJeffM: yeah should be
22:07.16JeffMConstitution, ok
22:07.23JeffMI'd like to have one for beta
22:07.51JeffMwith no debug info this time too :)
22:07.56JeffMand we decided we don't need a DMG
22:08.11Constitutionapp store then? ;)
22:08.14JeffMI leave universal/X86 and minium OS version up to you
22:08.18JeffMnaw just a zip file
22:08.46Constitutioniirc plugins didn't link right when I stripped out symbols, but maybe I was doing it wrong
22:08.56JeffMok see what you can do
22:09.07JeffMif we have to leave em in for bzfs that's fine
22:09.22Constitutionwhen is the beta due?
22:09.37JeffMthe 20th
22:20.59trepanouch, i'm sure how useable streflop is going to be, the latest version in rough shape
22:21.48trepan(and with that, my recent work on a lua based libbzw like transfer is dead)
22:22.18trepanhad a nice lua bzw parser started and everything  :)
22:34.51CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7748 10/w/BZFS_API_2.4_Upgrade: fixed typo and corrected the name of incorrect function
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22:47.59delusionalwhat's the default path to a saved world in linux
22:48.29trepanit should tell you in the console
22:48.40CIA-117BZFlag: 03Allejo 07 * r7749 10/w/BZFS_API_2.4_Upgrade: clarified purpose of a "NAME"
22:48.45trepaniirc, it's something like ~/.bzf/worlds
22:48.54delusionalif I had linux.
22:49.59blast007delusional: in the same relative location as the config
22:50.31blast007the worlds folder will be next to the 2.0 folder
22:51.02delusionalI'm just gonna tell him to read his console
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