IRC log for #bzflag on 20110424

00:08.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (
00:08.10*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
00:08.10*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM2501] by ChanServ
00:25.37KTL     <- now ie6 definitely wont cooperate anymore
00:26.13KTLi'm getting quite confident the genetic algo doesnt get stuck in suboptimal spots, generally
00:27.18KTLbecause i plot the error for a player, i see the curves and they usually have on optimal value
00:27.23KTLonly one
00:28.14KTLand usually the genal finds that location (i'm going to improve it for this...)
00:31.10Constitutiondidn't realize it was more than an image until now
00:31.22KTLit all just added the past 48 hours :D
00:31.28KTLjust got*
00:35.18KTLi still need some trick to find a specifc player easily
00:38.44trepanfwiw, you might consider changing the font color depending on the rectangle's color
00:39.02blast007KTL: don't think even IE8 supports XHTML ;)
00:39.05trepan(or use black text with a white halo, or vice-versa)
00:39.10KTLi could but what would be a good choice of color?
00:39.25trepandepends on the rectangles colar
00:39.31blast007(when sent with the proper XHTML content-type, that is)
00:39.54KTLi was surprised konqueror could show most of it, except the svg graphs
00:40.53KTLtrepan, if i used a different border color for the text, then it would get messy, ( 3 colors: label border text-fill(
00:41.10KTLso in function of the label color ... what is a good contrasting text color?
00:42.18KTL... mmm i need to go to HSL colors first for that it seems
00:42.39trepanah, SVG, could probably do the halos with a filter
00:42.44blast007KTL: that page works fine in IE9, btw :)
00:42.49KTLah nice :)
00:43.08KTLtrepan, i keep the main image bitmap because otherwise i will end up with eternal font-problems
00:43.28trepanrendered how?
00:43.45KTLself-made fragile stuff, it depends entirely on the monospace-font
00:43.54trepaneven better
00:44.23trepanrender the text 4 times with black (N,S,E,W), and then with white in the center
00:44.27trepaneasy halo
00:44.50trepanor just use HSV rotations, or whatever makes the names readable  :)
00:45.19KTLseveral options here ...
00:45.22KTLgood :)
00:47.02KTLbtw some players are barely readable for a reason
00:47.12KTLbut indeed, black on blue is not very good
00:47.24trepanall names should be readable
00:48.30trepanbtw, cool interactive graph  :)
00:48.45trepanreminds me of a christmas tree being dipped into fire
00:49.35KTLthose players down there burn in hell
00:52.44*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
00:52.44*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM2501] by ChanServ
00:56.42KTLgetting the stuff from that qt webpage working without the qt overhead, just a simple include, would be very handy ...
01:15.13*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (
02:02.49KTLmmm ... i managed to calculate the complementary color but hehe ... imagemagick mixes the colors and ... that leads to white
02:03.04KTLtries stuff
02:26.43KTL  <- my eyes aw aw aw
02:39.53KTLwill implement a color circle tomorrow, interpolating between some fixed values
04:59.57*** join/#bzflag Constitution (18fbf756@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
06:41.56*** join/#bzflag Marzipan- (
06:43.35*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)

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