IRC log for #bzflag on 20110213

00:05.56*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
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00:26.43*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:15.47JeffM2501does this compile on gcc? int i = 10; double a[i];
02:40.43BulletCatcherNo compiler errors.
02:42.07BulletCatcherAnd if I print (sizeof a) it says 80, so it seems to work as one would hope.
02:42.14JeffM2501how about int i = 10; if (rand()%2) i = 2; double a[i];
02:42.56JeffM2501it's not part of the standard behavor, you can only define compile time structures with const values, otherwise you need a new or malloc
02:44.47BulletCatcherThe second example always gives a size of 16.  I'm checking the conditional.
02:45.46JeffM2501amazing they let that go :)
02:45.52BulletCatcherrand()%2 seems to always be true.
02:46.05JeffM2501looks more like managed code then C++ :)
02:46.34JeffM2501guess GCC just converts array defs to new calls
02:46.46JeffM2501instead of letting the compiler preallocate it
02:46.50BulletCatcherCould be.
02:46.53JeffM2501wonder if it changes with optimizations
02:47.26BulletCatcherCompiling with -O3 makes no difference.
02:48.09JeffM2501guess that means the gcc optimizer can never do anything with those
02:48.22JeffM2501on windows it won't compile unless i was const
02:48.25BulletCatcherAh. rand() always returns the same value since I don't call srand().
02:49.46JeffM2501wonder if you put it in a function, called it more then once would it change the size of that on each call?
02:52.21BulletCatcherIt does precisely that.
02:52.44BulletCatcherBut inside a function a[] is an automatic variable.
02:53.14JeffM2501wierd, just never seen anyone try to do stuff like that
02:53.36JeffM2501I wonder if it's part of C99
02:54.19BulletCatcherHere is the program I wrote:
02:54.45JeffM2501yeah that would not fly on windows
02:55.01JeffM2501you'd have to define a as a double* and malloc it
02:56.24JeffM2501ahh yeah variable lenght arrays are part of C99
02:56.45JeffM2501and VC isnt' as compliant in C99 as it is in C++0x
02:58.22BulletCatcherIt works the same in gcc with -std=c89 .
02:58.59JeffM2501how is gcc at C++0x support? can it use auto?
03:00.22BulletCatcherI'm not sure about general compliance, but again  -std=c++0x gives no warnings and the program runs the same.
03:00.36JeffM2501yeah it would for that program
03:00.45JeffM2501since that is c not c++ :)
03:00.51JeffM2501auto is awesome
03:01.08BulletCatcherI have gcc 4.5.1 if that matters.
03:01.28JeffM2501looks like gcc has supported C99 for a long while
03:01.36JeffM2501and ms "has no plans to implement it"
03:01.46BulletCatcherIsn't that special.
03:02.10JeffM2501yeah it's odd, they don't care about c99 but seem to be on a C++ standards kik
03:02.20BulletCatcherI'm sure you can get gcc on Windows if you really want it.
03:02.25JeffM2501I don't
03:02.47JeffM2501I was just helping Constitution port some of his code to windows and he had variable arrays and I had never seen it before
03:03.07JeffM2501it was pretty easy to change to work on both, he didn't realy need them to be variable
03:04.06BulletCatcherEven if he did, new or malloc() is very portable.
03:04.24JeffM2501yeah he had one case where he did need it variable and I just did that
03:04.32JeffM2501now all he has to do is make it not crash on startup :)
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03:34.31trepanalloca() is similar to variable arrays  (stack allocation)
03:42.25trepaniirc, gcc also has a weird interaction between alloca() and variable arrays (something about c++ destructors?)
03:43.36trepanah, here it is:
03:44.07trepan... nothing to do with destructors
04:33.22*** join/#bzflag Scythio (
06:41.16*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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09:44.03*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
09:48.16Constitutionthinks about pulling the "it works on my machine" excuse and see how that flies ;)
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15:27.20mrappleConstitution: It compiles? Ship it!
16:36.02short_circuitHaven't tried a build in a long time.... I'mma try on this slow machine and see what happens. (nightstand computer)
16:36.45short_circuitcurious "svn: Failed to add file 'bzflag/plugins/COPYING': object of the same name already exists"
16:38.05blast007short_circuit: delete the file and try again
16:38.32blast007it was probably automatically created by a previous build, but now it actually exists in SVN
16:39.02short_circuitcurious. Ok.... I didn't have any bzflag files still on this rig... that was a freshly created 'bzflag' checkout
16:39.06short_circuitbut I'll delete
16:40.14short_circuittaps finger while waiting for autogen to finish. didn't feel like killing mid process
16:41.46blast007well what command had you run that complained about that? an svn checkout?
16:42.25blast007svn up?
16:45.16short_circuitactually a fresh checkout did it.. then I went into the directory and did an 'up' and it gave the exact same error
16:45.46short_circuitoop.. and i'm getting a bunch of warnings from autogen... me checks
16:46.12blast007short_circuit: trunk or branch?
16:47.12short_circuitdelete copying made it stop complaining.. up ran fine
16:47.25short_circuitre autogen in case that was the reason for it's spewing
16:47.55short_circuitthere have been alot of updates on this machine since the last time I did a test build on it.
16:47.58short_circuitwho knows
16:48.05blast007clean checkout worked fine here
16:48.33short_circuitmeh... need to update to deb 6.0 on this and my game rig soon. One pc here and work are already up'd
16:52.51short_circuitpoop........ getting auto reconf failed again. Pretty soon it will puke a bunch of warnings again
17:06.39BulletCatcherThe README.Linux file contains notes about package dependencies.
17:06.41BulletCatcherPlease update it if needed.
17:07.39short_circuitI will
17:07.57short_circuitI know this machine WAS doing successful builds once upon a time
17:08.23short_circuitI was gonna use bzflag pastebin to put the verbose autogen error in but it doesn't seem to wanna pull up
17:08.28short_circuitwhat's a good pastebin?
17:08.30*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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17:11.35CIA-99BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r21364 10/trunk/bzworkbench/INSTALL: Add apt-get command to install needed development packages on Ubuntu.
17:16.20*** join/#bzflag kongr45gpen (~alezakos@unaffiliated/alezakos)
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17:32.06iboti guess bzpastebin is too full of spam
17:32.11BulletCatcherno, bzpastebin is Use for anything over 3 lines to avoid flooding the channel.
17:32.24ibothmm... bzpastebin is too full of spam
17:32.33BulletCatcheribot: no, bzpastebin is Use for anything over 3 lines to avoid flooding the channel.
17:32.33ibotBulletCatcher: okay
17:32.38ibotit has been said that bzpastebin is Use for anything over 3 lines to avoid flooding the channel.
17:32.54Cobra_Fastthat bot isnt very smart
17:33.16BulletCatcherBut we keep trying to teach it, anyway.
17:33.56ibotmethinks mrapple is a great BZFlag map maker, or a bzextreme leader and hoster, or a super-ultra website designer
17:34.11mrapplereally? to kind ibot, to kind.
17:34.39ibotextra, extra, read all about it, blast007 is a cheese stealer
17:35.08ibotIt's me
17:35.18JeffM2501the bot is only as smart as it's users
17:35.19ibotextra, extra, read all about it, timriker is a noob who does c/p
17:35.30JeffM2501you know it works with /msg too right?
17:35.37BulletCatcherPlease play with ibot in private messages.
17:35.48Thumper_seconds that idea
17:37.41short_circuittakes a break from his odd autogen failure troubleshooting and runs to the store. bbl and i'lll try to find out if this is a new dependency my prolonged abscense from test builds created or if I just have a bunked build system on this machine.
17:39.32BulletCatchershort_circuit: I don't think you really had a clean checkout.
17:39.53BulletCatcherA "make maintainer-clean" command should clean things up.
17:40.09BulletCatcherThen "svn up" to be sure you are up to date.
17:40.29BulletCatcherThen confirm cleanliness with a "svn stat --no-ignore" command.
17:41.18Thumper_short_circuit: I get the same thing with my version of autoconf.  Adding this fixes it for me: export AUTORECONF_OPTIONS="-f -i -s" && ./
17:41.36short_circuitooOOoo... I'll try that when I get back.
17:41.55short_circuitI just deleted the entire directory again and I'm re checking out trunk from scratch
17:42.14short_circuitthanks for the assistance
17:42.37Thumper_hmm or maybe it's not the same
17:42.55BulletCatcherThumper_: what version of autoreconf do you have?
17:42.55BulletCatcher2.66 works fine for me on Fedora
17:43.03Thumper_ii  autoconf             2.67-2               automatic configure script builder
17:44.22BulletCatcherI wonder if they broke something in the 2.66 -> 2.67 upgrade.
17:44.27Thumper_probably :)
17:44.35Thumper_it used to work fine until I did the upgrade
17:47.16BulletCatcherPerhaps the ChangeLog says something about it.
17:48.43Thumper_I'll look later - have to run out now
17:49.00BulletCatcherI found it online, and am looking.
18:03.48BulletCatcherThe only change that stands out: "autoreconf passes warning flags to new enough versions of aclocal".
18:04.31BulletCatcherMy aclocal is version 1.11.1.
18:06.15BulletCatcherIt's a stretch to conclude that this is related.
18:18.46short_circuitjust got back. trying a second brand new checkout real quick. if fail I'm gonna try the thumper fix.
18:20.12short_circuitwell welll.. my last checkout must have been corrupted during download. this one isn't having a problem so far.
18:26.27blast007short_circuit: it does sound like you had some old checkout, since you shouldn't have gotten that "Failed to add file" error if it was a clean checkout
18:28.40short_circuitblames it on his shotty inet connection since I haven't attempted a build and had no bzflag dir in home till now. make failed but I did enable plugins and dunno if I have a dependency failure there... trying configure straight up and then retry make
18:31.36short_circuitah.. that's better.. I'm missing something for plugins. build is goin fine so far now
18:33.58BulletCatcherIn trunk, plugins are built by default unless you configure with --enable-plugins=no .
18:35.23short_circuithuh... i wonder why make failed with --enable-plugins then. I got that option from configure --help
18:35.44blast007you don't have to do --enable-plugins
18:35.49blast007they will built automatically if they can
18:35.53blast007you need libtool for that
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18:53.03short_circuiti got libtool. build still running, slow machine
18:53.14short_circuitI'll try the fast machine next methinks.
18:54.39*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
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19:03.34Thumper_BulletCatcher: My aclocal version is aclocal (GNU automake) 1.9.6
19:12.12BulletCatcherSo you have a newer version of autoconf than Fedora 14, but an older ver of automake.
19:12.21BulletCatcherHard to say whether that really matters.
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19:44.52short_circuitYeah.. it plays... ship it
19:45.10short_circuitgets back to his movie
19:51.33JeffM2501lies... all lies!
19:51.43Constitutionno more lies... only the truth
19:52.24ConstitutionVoila! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran...
19:52.50JeffM2501will bbl
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21:00.57short_circuitvaudeville ft epic w
21:01.16short_circuitRed = great.... up there with the A team movie
21:12.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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21:40.02short_circuitmultiprocessor make is -jx x=number of cores or processors correct?
21:44.40cygalI saw the "number of cores + 1" advice across different places, but I don't know what it means
21:44.55cygalmaybe it tries to take into account the fact that IO will sometimes be a bottleneck
21:47.05short_circuitI was doin make -j3 when I was running dual tbred amd processors... I'm on a overclocked quad core now on my high power machine.
21:47.16short_circuitI'lll gamble and do make /j5
21:48.01cygalit won't kill you :)
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22:03.14blast007the default is -j2, iirc
22:03.59blast007so yes, generally number of course + 1.  I've always seen somewhere that they added an extra two since it was a dual socket system. (dual quad core)
22:04.23blast007yes, that word
22:04.23gn00bieyes, I will be resident spelling nazi
22:04.42blast007of cores you will be
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