IRC log for #bzflag on 20110207

00:35.14*** join/#bzflag soxs (
01:18.33*** join/#bzflag jcp (alex@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539)
01:48.30*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (~gnurdux@EASTCAMPUS-ONE-O-TWO-HUNDRED-FIFTY.MIT.EDU)
02:15.15*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
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02:29.17*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
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03:03.25*** join/#bzflag FastLizard4 (fastlizard@wikipedia/
03:20.37*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
03:25.50*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
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06:10.58*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz__ (
07:13.46*** join/#bzflag Marzipan- (
07:15.27*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
08:00.12*** join/#bzflag Wits (
09:31.39*** join/#bzflag TASAIRES (
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16:09.55*** join/#bzflag GvzEvxre (~TimRiker@
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16:50.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
16:50.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:50.58*** join/#bzflag GvzEvxre (~TimRiker@
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18:07.13ibotsomebody said logs was,  or stats
18:13.43*** join/#bzflag bier (
18:14.20*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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19:52.25*** join/#bzflag bier (
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20:28.05*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~thomas@2001:468:1910:1c03:21b:77ff:fec4:659b)
20:29.30JeffMtrepan, you can't do billboards as a map object can you?
20:52.08*** join/#bzflag alezakos (~alezakos@unaffiliated/alezakos)
20:58.19*** join/#bzflag catay (
21:20.46trepanJeffM: not with v2.0
21:22.14JeffMthats what I thought
21:22.35trepan(assuming you mean billboards that remain coplanar with the screen plane)
21:22.53JeffMthe normal usage of the term in 3d graphics ;)
21:24.38trepannot a lot of 3d gfx talk 'round these here parts, always best to check  :)
21:26.57*** join/#bzflag Marzipan_ (
21:28.55Marzipan_it seems like i can't run the new version of bz
21:29.03Marzipan_screen is all flickery
21:30.00Marzipan_i mean, i can run it ^^
21:30.11Marzipan_but it flickers all the time
21:33.33Marzipan_you know, i m totally clueless in things like that
21:34.44Marzipan_and if i change resolution it simple won't reopen again ^,^
21:35.07Marzipan_i mean it minimizes and once i try to maximize it again it simple doesn't do it...
21:36.04Marzipan_guess i will use an older version then thanks
21:41.21Marzipan_also doesn't work :(
21:41.32Marzipan_i m using windows 7 right now
21:42.09Marzipan_with an ati mobility radeon hd 5470 1gb if that helps
21:52.18*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (~jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
21:55.00KTLim trying to rebuild the sky clouds using drawinfo
21:55.27KTLthe sky clouds seem to be infinite ?
21:55.55KTLit goes beyond 1600 in world coordinates
21:57.38KTLvisibility doesnt go that far for ordinary map objects
21:59.37KTLand topskyboxmaterial is still not cooperative
22:01.45trepan1. case sensitive
22:01.57KTLname TopSkyboxMaterial
22:01.58trepan2. you need all 6, iirc
22:02.18KTLtries again
22:19.28KTLwill never get this working again ...
22:24.28KTLconst bool doSkybox = haveSkybox && (renderer.useQuality() >= 2);
22:28.27KTLthinks the skybox is really broken
22:28.52KTL(is there a single map being run atm where it works??)
22:40.47trepanare your skybox materials unique?  (try saving the map from the client)
22:40.55KTLtexture caution
22:41.07KTLah they should be all different???
22:43.08trepansimilar materials are merged  (regardless of names, iirc)
22:43.50trepanso try saving the map from the client to see what material names it is using
22:44.24KTLbut euhm ... there is not a single skybox case online at the moment ...
22:44.34KTLthat i know of
22:44.37trepan(i thing that I changed that behaviour a little in 2.99.x)
22:44.57trepanbut, euhm; so what?
22:45.22KTLah ok now i see what you mean
22:46.52KTLit has thrown the skyboxmaterials away
22:46.54trepanfwiw, you can use the 'ambient' or 'shader' properties to make materials unique
22:47.27trepan(they aren't used for anything in 2.0.x, iirc)
22:48.56KTLWORKS :D
22:57.24CIA-111BZFlag: 03KTL 07 * r7409 10/w/Skybox: /* got to be unique materials. */
22:57.43KTLmmm /me forgot to refer to "your sister buying hot cars"
23:06.21CIA-111BZFlag: 03KTL 07 * r7410 10/w/Skybox: /* working skybox now*/
23:07.33KTLis messing up newlines
23:09.12CIA-111BZFlag: 03KTL 07 * r7411 10/w/Skybox: Undo revision 7410 by [[Special:Contributions/KTL|KTL]] ([[User talk:KTL|Talk]])
23:11.09CIA-111BZFlag: 03KTL 07 * r7412 10/w/Skybox: /* working skybox, hopefully good newlines */
23:25.59*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
23:25.59*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
23:38.44*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
23:39.41KTLno texmat on skyboxmaterial
23:48.31*** join/#bzflag Scythio (
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23:49.37KTLand the player only sees a 1/4 of the height of the side texmats, no top or bottom
23:50.48KTLand mirrored too

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.