IRC log for #bzflag on 20110130

00:15.23*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
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02:40.13shadowonehow do u make a picture enlarged instead of many pictures repeating on a wall?
02:41.16KTLby using texture coordinates
02:41.43KTLsay "this corner here, a vertex, is to be associated with this coordinate on my vertex"
02:42.04KTLyou can later adjust that using the material options, if the scaling is not as you want
02:42.45KTLyou will need meshes instead of classic boxes/pyramids
02:43.09shadowoneok let me take a look
02:43.18KTL"this coordinate on my _texture_"
02:45.50blast007would the 'texsize' attribute also help?
02:46.50KTLright ... that is easier but less flexible ...
02:47.04KTLtry setting the texsize to the size of the object maybe ?
02:47.21blast007I can't remember how it actually works
02:47.39blast007at least, I think I used that before
02:47.40shadowonewhats the command then...
02:47.54blast007let me see if I can find my cardboard box BZW
02:48.01KTLi remember those box-attributes as ugly hacks
02:48.22blast007shadowone: are you just doing this on a box, or is the object more complicated?
02:48.33shadowonea box
02:49.14shadowonejust want a picture on it
02:49.53KTLdid that with a separate mesh in the past
02:49.55KTLis cleaner
02:50.20blast007hmm, on a regular 'box' I textured, I just did 'texsize 1 1'
02:50.22KTLsearches how that was
02:50.47shadowoneok just "texsize 1 1" ?
02:51.39KTL   <- this is just a ... this  cane be done better actually ... with drawinfo
02:51.47blast007shows how you can texture each side too
02:52.06shadowonei just need one side though
02:52.26blast007exactly :P
02:52.35blast007you want to texture one side
02:52.43blast007so you'll need to know how to texture each side
02:52.51blast007(in this case, just the one you want)
02:53.32blast007also note that it will convert the box into a 'meshed box', which may cause collision issues if you're driving from a box to a meshed box
02:57.22shadowoneok i got it blast thanks  ;)
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03:08.15CIA-111BZFlag: 03Schnabel 07 * r7401 10/w/Rebate_Affair_Garments_-_Several_Useful_Recommendations: New page: Getting relating to a dream wedding gown is a incredibly exciting season any kind of bride-to-be; during the what on earth opposite meaning when it comes to her way of life has become your...
03:08.47mrappleblast007: ^
03:09.25blast007wakes the spammer from their dream
03:11.31CIA-111BZFlag: 03Blast 07 * r0 10/w/Special:Log/delete: deleted "[[Rebate Affair Garments - Several Useful Recommendations]]": wake up
03:11.52CIA-111BZFlag: 03Blast 07 * r0 10/w/Special:Log/block: blocked [[User:Schnabel]] with an expiry time of 1 year (account creation disabled, e-mail blocked): Spamming links to external sites
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04:17.03*** part/#bzflag shadowone (
05:41.22*** join/#bzflag Bountty_Hunter (474008a9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:41.41Bountty_HunterHey... Is anyone by chance a moderator of
05:44.47blast007yes, someone is
05:45.32Bountty_Hunterwell could you like accept my image or something... cause im being really impatient about this... :P its my first time testing our textures..and well i just cant hold the thrills. ;)
05:45.55blast007I could
05:46.40blast007wow, ther's quite a backlog in there
05:47.12Bountty_Hunterbtw.. the pictures are completely legal.. i didnt steal or violate any terms.... i even checked it with the creator
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13:26.37KTLall sf passwords gone
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15:40.40KTLbug ? using a texturematrix with a fixedscale and a shift (->moving texture) together makes the texture jump once in a while
15:40.53KTLwithout the scale you get a smooth movement
15:41.14KTLwith the scale the effect is broken sometimes
15:49.24Constitutionany and all planet mofo admins, ping
15:49.32Constitutiondelusional ping
15:49.49Constitutionoh... or maybe brad, ping
15:51.16Constitutionnvm... taken care of
15:57.40delusionalyeah...  no more, no more when it comes to murielle.... really is a shame because she has real talent.
15:58.12delusionalwish she could find a way to use it constructively.
15:58.28delusionalI was manipulated.
15:59.12cataydelusional: no worries, you aren't the first ;)
15:59.24*** join/#bzflag enrico123 (~enrico123@unaffiliated/enrico123)
15:59.51delusionalwhere is she now?
16:00.08delusionalshe hooked up with someone else.. dont know who.
16:09.20kierra_awayfor her xleague site and servers?
16:09.47blast007brad is hosting those now, afaik
16:12.24jh`well, i dont know about other servers but we use brads hosting only for development of site
16:12.43jh`nothing wrong with that
16:15.45blast007jh`: oh sure, nothing wrong with using it for development of your soon-to-be-GPL'ed site
16:16.17blast007when you planning to release the code for that anyway?  might be nice to do it sooner than later to attract more people to it (and to develop it out in the open)
16:16.39jh`dont know yet
16:17.41jh`some fine day
16:17.51*** join/#bzflag red-der (
16:19.03jh`i know murielle and duc council etc. has their fights, but the brad hosting account has nothing to do with them, not anymore
16:19.22jh`we promised to keep it clean and thats what it will be
16:19.25blast007yeah, not since brad made her stop posting those news articles on the site
16:20.35jh`personally, id just like to see this fighting end
16:20.42jh`one thing leads to another etc.
16:22.03jh`it is only a game:P
16:22.09jh`for fun
16:23.22mrapplehey i can get to xleague again
16:25.12mrapple*goes back to spanish homework*
16:25.48mrappleif anyone is good at reflexive verbs...
16:27.21kierra_awaysi necesitas ayuda, mandame su tarea a ducmail
16:27.40kierra_awayen 2 horas te contestare
16:27.59me1but that's cheating!
16:29.23mrappleok my keyboard and mouse just stoped working...
16:29.37mrapplethats wierd -_-
16:29.39me1how are you typing then?
16:29.41enrico123how did you type that message then ;)
16:35.24KTLthis is interesting
16:49.05CIA-111BZFlag: 03Phochstenbach 07 * r7402 10/w/Options_%28object%29: /* Code */
16:50.03CIA-111BZFlag: 03Phochstenbach 07 * r7403 10/w/Options_%28object%29: /* Code */
16:52.11CIA-111BZFlag: 03Alezakos 07 * r7404 10/w/Options_%28object%29: another minor fix
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21:18.54*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (~BlasterWi@unaffiliated/blaster-wisconsi/x-3628685)
21:38.00KTLso as far as i understand, if i generate the same cache 10 times i would expect 10 times the same md5sum
21:38.16KTLbut my file is a bit complicated and somehow triggers ... 10 different checksums
21:38.31KTLstill has to find out why
21:41.30blast007do you have drawinfo?
21:44.36KTLyes, not all components have it, i am narrowing down the source
22:02.07trepanare you using the latest v2_0branch bzfs source code?
22:02.53trepan(specifically, r21345 or higher)
22:03.02KTLno, just my debian 2.0.16 package
22:03.19trepanmentionned the drawInfo/bzfs bug to you last week ;)
22:03.35trepanand yesterday, when the http d/l failed on that server ...
22:03.45KTLsome quite complicated drawinfo's work well
22:03.58KTLso i am trying to find out what kind of drawinfo triggers the bug
22:04.04trepandon't bother
22:04.12trepanupdate to that SVN rev
22:04.21KTL(otherwise delusional can go upgrade his bzfs too)
22:04.28KTL(because he runs it)
22:05.11delusionalI have the latest revision
22:05.41delusionalCache did work for us, once
22:07.01KTLmmm not deterministic ... memory bug ?
22:07.04trepandid you keep the http:// file updated?
22:07.09trepanKTL: yes, it was
22:07.36trepanan array indexing problem
22:08.01KTLdelusional, only option: upgrade i'm afraid
22:08.36trepanhe says he doesn't need to -- so for delusional, it might be worth seeing the -cache file and http:// sources match
22:08.43trepanKTL: but you need to  ;)
22:08.48delusionaldo YOU have the latest server rev, KTL
22:09.00KTLnot the svn
22:09.08KTLbut euh i dont have to generate the cache
22:09.23KTLit is easier if the bzfs that has to run it generates it ?
22:09.28KTL-> delusionals
22:10.05KTLruns to svn
22:10.15*** part/#bzflag kierra_away (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
22:11.34delusionalmy version is almost exactly 2 weeks old... I thought that that was recent enough to get the cache fix
22:12.05KTLbut somehow yet again the checksums dont match
22:12.20KTLgenerated with that version
22:14.14trepanKTL: assuming your using r21345 or higher, it shouldn't matter where you generate the -cache
22:14.38trepanbut maybe there's another bug  :)
22:14.43KTLgets the latest with branches/v2_0branch/bzflag
22:14.55trepanKTL: send me your .bzw?
22:15.00KTL(i hope that is the right module/branch?)
22:15.11KTLwill send one mesh that has it
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22:24.56KTLdelusional, my svn version gives a stable checksum no
22:25.42KTLchanging the server options results in a different cache though
22:26.01KTLso ... maybe if you woud not put the -cache and -cacheout in the configuration file ?
22:26.55delusionali dont change any options
22:27.51*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (
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22:28.16KTLwellheight influences the cache
22:28.47KTLworldsize too
22:29.05KTLdrawcelestial too
22:29.30KTLbut not drawmountains and skycolor
22:29.37delusionalwell, i dont change any of that
22:31.04delusionalwhat you want me to do?
22:31.45KTLgenerate the cache 5 times and each time check the md5sum
22:31.49KTLsee if it changes
22:31.55KTLif not ... it should work
22:32.20KTLif it does update svn and rebuild
22:32.27delusionali dont know how to check md5
22:32.37KTLin debian apt-get install md5sum
22:32.46KTLi dont know what system you run
22:33.08KTLenjoy the blessing of the little tool md5sum
22:36.25KTL(you could use it to index all your files and quickly find the duplicates too)
22:42.15*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
23:04.47KTLit seems delusionals bzfs is just segfaulting on it :(
23:14.43delusionalunless I use -dd
23:14.59delusionalmore or less -d's and it's not good
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23:55.23KTLis fascinated by

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