IRC log for #bzflag on 20110118

00:24.50*** join/#bzflag utrrrongeeb (~mhciipecw@
00:28.43utrrrongeebBZFlag isn't sensing the buttons on my gamepad above #9. (Version is old -- it came with Debian Lenny.)
00:36.45*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
00:39.56KTLi made a bsp tree with the bzw boxes and pyrs in it, now generating some very first map with fractals that are supposed to be in the buildings ....
00:41.13*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
00:47.53*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
00:52.34*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
01:09.59*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
01:11.21KTLit works :)
01:17.29*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz_ (
01:23.55*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz__ (
01:25.09*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
01:26.20*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
01:37.10*** part/#bzflag MJ94 (~mj94@wikimedia/mj94)
01:43.24*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
01:43.24*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
01:45.30*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
01:49.49*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
01:57.14*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
01:57.14*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
01:57.54*** join/#bzflag soxs (
01:58.19*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
02:07.35*** join/#bzflag soxs (
02:20.39Constitutionhm, we've crossed the 50,000th bzid
02:20.58blast00725k of them are spammers
02:21.11kierra_awaydoes bzbb allow tor hosts for access to join
02:21.12blast007and 10k are people that don't play ;)
02:21.23blast007don't ever play*
02:21.38blast007since there isn't anything blocking Tor right now
02:21.45kierra_awayah, ok
02:31.04smooothi know one guys who has like 48,000 bzids ;)
02:32.51smooothabout 90% of GU league players show up 1 weeks before the riker cup and then, after its over, don't show back up again until the next one, lol
02:33.29kierra_awaysmooth, you're always such a wealth of information
02:33.49Constitutionthere are only about half as many existent accounts... many of the bzids are from deleted spammers accounts. even so, about half of the user accounts are inactive, so about 10,000 real accounts is probably a good estimate
02:33.50smooothi know, it's just a sad state of affairs.. heh
02:34.44smooothi'm trying to figure out ways to not only bring in new people, keep the ones we have!
02:34.49Constitutionsmoooth: the riker cups are held when school is out... don't you think that has more to do with it?
02:35.51smooothConstitution: agreed there are several factors
02:35.52blast007Constitution: pfft, now you're tring to use facts to disprove a conspiracy! it won't work!
02:36.11smooothisn't school going now?
02:36.34kierra_awaysome colleges are out till end of january
02:38.15smooothi guess i'm saying i recognize a trend. :)
02:38.56Constitutionblast007: frivolous, I know
02:40.03smoooth"facts" ;)
02:42.21Constitutionsmoooth: if tournaments/events drive league activity, perhaps there should be more of them
02:42.29smooothgood idea
02:42.37smooothweekly riker cup :)
02:42.46blast007daily rikers cups
02:42.53smooothmy riker cup is everyday
02:43.04kierra_awaydo you drink it?
02:43.04smooothna ill tell you what will boost, prize money!
02:43.22blast007smoooth: yes, buy me prizes
02:43.32blast007or money
02:43.36smooothdo you think that would be leagal to hold a tournament and provide prize money? or is that in the realm of gambling
02:43.42blast007I accept Visa too, but I may not give it back
02:43.52kierra_awaycarnage did that with OL
02:44.11smooothreally? dollars... let me guess he won everytime ;)
02:44.14kierra_awayand  the prize $ was donated to the project
02:44.33trepan$ based on bz's code, not smart
02:44.49kierra_awaywell, that was 2 yr ago when we had hopes
02:45.06smooothwhere'd that money go? a lap dance for JeffM? ;)
02:45.26blast007if it went to the project via, it went to Tim
02:45.31kierra_awayjealous, smooth?
02:47.57smooothblast007: you have to win for me to buy you prizes.
02:48.23blast007plays against -solo bots
02:48.40blast007actually blast01 would probably win ...
02:48.56smooothgives blast007 a high-five, congrats you won!
02:53.44smooothhere's an idea! -- for gu league. Have monthly "cups" and the winner of the most monthly cups gets to play in the annual "rikers" cup..
02:53.58smooothwill boost activity
02:54.04*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
02:54.04*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Konversat@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
02:56.10smooothyeah that's a real good idea smoooth, i'll start working on that
03:04.20*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
03:18.07*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
03:18.07*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
03:41.07*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
03:41.07*** mode/#bzflag [+v JeffM2501] by ChanServ
04:23.58*** join/#bzflag JeffM_ (
06:20.53*** join/#bzflag xaver (
07:11.05*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
09:35.40*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
09:40.28*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
09:52.39*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
10:22.14*** join/#bzflag utrrrongeeb (~mhciipecw@
10:25.59blast007utrrrongeeb: as for your gamepad issue (not seeing buttons above #9) that may or may not be a BZFlag issue
10:26.05blast007it might be an SDL issue
10:26.33utrrrongeebblast007: thanks for responding -- so I should try it in another SDL-based game?
10:26.48blast007couldn't hurt, yeah
10:27.03blast007I'm not sure what kind of button limit the game itself has
10:27.52blast007seems like the game *might* have a limit of 10 gamepad/joystick buttons
10:28.02utrrrongeebblast007: Okay, thanks. It works in jstest, SuperTuxKart, blobAndConquer, and maybe Neverball.
10:28.09blast007at least in 2.0.x
10:28.14utrrrongeebblast007: *might*?
10:28.22blast0072.99.x (which isn't compatible with 2.0.x) supports up to 32
10:28.45blast007in 2.0.x, I see up to BzfKeyEvent::BZ_Button_10  (starting at 1)
10:28.56blast007in 2.99.x it goes up to 32
10:29.48blast007not that it does you much good right now ;)
10:30.00blast0072.99.x is the code that would have become 3.0.0 if development wasn't dead
10:30.23utrrrongeebblast007: Thanks! The gamepad is a DualShock 3 -- so it has 16 buttons and 28 axes -- but the firing trigger is #9, so it's not too bad.
10:33.20*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright_ (
10:34.54blast007(also, you should be able to backport code from 2.99.x or just tweak the 2.0.x code in order to support additional buttons if necessary)
10:35.09blast007I'm not sure what all would be involved with that, however
10:36.36utrrrongeebI'll keep that in mind, but for now the more serious problem is my playing skill. ;-)
10:37.42bradyou won't get much better with a gamepad:P
10:38.07bradmouse is the way forward
10:38.24*** join/#bzflag nielsle (
10:38.37utrrrongeebYes, I figured that.
12:55.27*** join/#bzflag KTL (
14:08.38*** join/#bzflag brad (
14:10.00*** join/#bzflag Gilly (~btw@about/essy/ilkimys/gilly)
14:11.16*** join/#bzflag Bambino (~bambino@unaffiliated/sniper15)
14:15.48*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
14:15.48*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (~js@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
14:15.53*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (
14:15.53*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
14:20.28*** join/#bzflag kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
14:21.32*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (~I_Died_On@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
14:33.56*** join/#bzflag KTL (
14:33.56KTLjust had the situation that bzflag locked up, took 100% of its cpu core, couldnt kill it, not even with kill -9
15:14.07*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (~bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
15:17.08blast007KTL: probably not a BZFlag issue then
15:17.28blast007your video driver might be at fault
15:25.23*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
15:25.40*** join/#bzflag bier (
15:39.07*** join/#bzflag me1 (~ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
15:44.17*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
15:44.17*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
15:48.13*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
16:13.00*** join/#bzflag fx09999 (
16:55.24*** join/#bzflag soxs (
16:58.42*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (
16:58.43*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (~JefferyM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
16:58.43*** mode/#bzflag [+v JefferyM] by ChanServ
17:01.23*** join/#bzflag jcp (~jw@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539)
18:03.28*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
19:53.30*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (
20:17.25*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
20:55.20I_Died_Oncerandom math question - rent is $800 - if it goes up to $900, what the percentage of the increase?
20:57.16blast00712.5%  (since 112.5% of $800 is $900)
21:16.12JefferyMthat sounds like homework
21:17.21mrappleor his rent is going up :P
21:17.33JefferyM800$ is a wicked low ren
21:17.38JefferyMwell for here
21:18.00mrappledepends on what your renting
21:18.13JefferyMI could not get a shack out here for htat
21:18.22JefferyMmaybe a room in a house
21:19.11JefferyMbut then I am paying for this nice 75deg weather :)
21:19.48mrappleI wish, its 12 F here
21:20.32JefferyMwe pondered siting outside at lunch today
21:22.52JefferyMwell guess I'll only have to order 4 hoodies total :/ so much for demand.
21:53.27*** join/#bzflag xaver (
22:05.00*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
22:26.09*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (~gnurdux@EASTCAMPUS-FOUR-O-FOUR.MIT.EDU)
22:30.54*** part/#bzflag fx09999 (
22:45.16*** join/#bzflag kierra (~jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
23:16.30*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (
23:16.30*** join/#bzflag Anxuiz (~Anxuiz@unaffiliated/anxuiz)
23:34.40*** join/#bzflag smoooth (

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