IRC log for #bzflag on 20101007

00:42.52*** join/#bzflag dcat (
01:03.27*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~thomas@2001:468:1910:1c03:21b:77ff:fec4:659b)
01:29.36*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
02:09.40*** join/#bzflag bier (
02:25.44*** join/#bzflag Will07c5 (
02:35.07*** join/#bzflag Guest589 (ca59b013@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:35.22Guest589is anyone here an admin on silvercat??
02:40.11mrapplewhats wrong
02:40.29mrappleZac_: ^
02:52.08*** join/#bzflag Will07c5_ (
03:03.16*** join/#bzflag brad` (
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03:04.32*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
03:05.27*** join/#bzflag bier (
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03:19.36*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
05:45.40*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
05:52.18*** join/#bzflag Guest89141 (~jw@
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06:23.35*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
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09:36.38*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
09:41.43*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
12:25.43*** join/#bzflag honeytank (
13:04.36*** join/#bzflag ruskie (ruskie@sourcemage/mage/ruskie)
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13:19.52*** join/#bzflag jcp (~jw@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539)
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14:11.04*** join/#bzflag Will07c5_ (
14:32.28*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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14:58.00*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~a_temp_di@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
15:56.32bradcan you intercept slash commands (specifically /kick) with a plugin?
16:22.33*** join/#bzflag xaver (
16:23.16cataybrad: yes
16:34.29*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (~JefferyM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
16:34.29*** mode/#bzflag [+v JefferyM] by ChanServ
16:56.46*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (~thomas@2001:468:1910:1c03:21b:77ff:fec4:659b)
17:04.46*** join/#bzflag bier (
17:04.53*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
17:06.51JefferyMBulletCatcher, every frame? are you sure?
17:07.07JefferyMthere is DR code that checks how Wrong DR is and sends if it's out
17:16.31BulletCatcherI'm pretty sure that PlayerUpdateSmall (which, of course, is not exactly the same as PlayerUpdate) is sent every frame.  Now I have to go look to see if that influences jitter stats.
17:26.07JefferyMevery frame makes no sense that'd flood out the server sending hundreds of them a second
17:26.45BulletCatcherEver run a sniffer against bzflag?
17:26.57JefferyMno but I remember seeing the DR check code
17:27.07JefferyMperhapos it's all very different from what I remember
17:27.18JefferyMthat woudl suck because that would have been a stupid change to make it send every frame
17:27.48BulletCatcherA BZDB variable limits the rate to 30/sec IIRC.
17:28.51JefferyMthat would still be bad, you'd blow out your first 30 in the first 30 frames then wait for the rest of the second
17:28.57JefferyMgets a branch
17:30.13JefferyMthe other poster did say that updates are used for packet loss, and I can't se that happen ether, there is no ID IRRC
17:30.48BulletCatcher_updateThrottleRate is the BZDB variable.
17:34.03JefferyMyeah it uses that AND prediction
17:34.26JefferyMso if your DR is correct enough it dosn't send out an update
17:35.38Muriellea player cant read the league thread in bzbb forum
17:35.54Murielleis there any restriction ?
17:36.29JefferyMwhat leauge
17:36.43Muriellewait..he is coming to explain
17:37.02*** join/#bzflag legoman (47bc9385@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:37.09Muriellehi lego
17:37.44Muriellelegoman cantread the league thread forum in bzbb,right ?
17:37.52*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
17:37.57legomanI think so
17:38.27Muriellecan you view this
17:39.03legoman"You are not authorized to read this forum."
17:40.09kierradid you try clicking on any of the forums
17:40.17kierraworks for me without loggin in?
17:40.35legomanThey aren't even there on my screen
17:40.47jh`mayebe the forums are r-rated?
17:40.56Murieller-rated =  ?
17:41.06jh`age thing..
17:41.29Muriellethat is why I lied on my age during registration :p
17:41.53BulletCatcherJefferyM: Just ran a sniffer against 2.0, and you are completely right.  PlayerUpdate(Small) is sent once per second when a tank isn't moving.
17:41.55BulletCatcherI'll just delete my BZBB post.
17:43.58Murielleprobably lego is bzbb banned:p
17:44.14legomanIm so dang evil
17:44.29MurielleOOOOH  YES
17:46.07Muriellelegoman ?
17:46.43MurielleI think you have to live with this:  you have to give up every league since you cant read their forum :(
17:46.54MurielleI am going to give up leagues with you....
17:47.07Murielleuh wait... I have already given up leagues:p
17:47.13JefferyMcan he get to the root?
17:47.55JefferyMsome leagues are public some are private, but the section itself is public since it contains public forums
17:50.22legomancant view any forums
17:50.38legomanit says im not "authorised" ^^
17:50.59JefferyMyeah then you were banned
17:51.32JefferyMahh there is a packet order in the state, that can be used for packetloss
17:51.57Muriellehe can get the root at but not ?
17:52.16Constitution[10:50] <legoman> cant view any forums
17:52.24JefferyMdid you ever get an email from an admin saying you were banned?
17:52.36legomanno form of mail
17:52.44legomanand I've no idea why I would be
17:52.59*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
17:53.00Muriellewe can find some idea for this, lego :p
17:53.28Murielleactually, there is a thread in ducati that explains u are banned
17:53.39legomanwait, what?
17:53.59JefferyMducati != bzbb
17:54.45legomanI banned myself:P
17:54.54Muriellenot only...
17:55.07JefferyMsounds like you don't take much seriously probably why you were killed from services
17:55.29MurielleJefferyM: because you do not seem to get the answer
17:55.36JefferyMI can't get the answer
17:55.39JefferyMI am not an admin
17:55.57JefferyMbut with all the LOLs I can guess the answer
17:56.11Murielleoh please let us know
17:56.19JefferyMyou would not understand
17:56.22legomanIs it a crime to be young and humorous? :P
17:56.30Muriellejust try to explan it
17:56.48JefferyMcrime? what does bzflag have to do with laws?
17:56.54Muriellei will focus all my force to try to understand
17:57.10Muriellegimme a try
17:57.39JefferyMnot worth the effort
17:57.56Murielleyou so friendly..great
17:58.02JefferyMblast007 or Constitution can go search out the real reason, take it up with them in private
17:58.24Constitution1... 2... 3... not it
17:58.42Constitutionactually pm me... I will try to help :P
17:58.56Muriellethank you Consti
17:59.17Murielleit is pleasant to see there are still people who are not systematically hating others
17:59.24JefferyMsee that's why I'm not an admin anymore, so I don't have to be friendly to everyone ;)
17:59.35JefferyMoh there is no hate
17:59.38JefferyMhate is wrong
17:59.46JefferyMdisapointment.. sure but not hate
18:00.16Murielleif u prefer to  call ur hate by "disappointment"... it is ur right
18:00.41JefferyMenglish please
18:00.46legomanIt's not this important..  let's stop arguing ;]
18:01.16JefferyMoh I know what hate is, there are things I hate, and for sure those things are not you, at least as far as I know.
18:01.39Murielle"english please"  is it a gramatically correct sentence? where is the verb ?
18:02.12Constitutionthe verb is inferred
18:02.34JefferyMit's a lot better then assuming that "U" is a word ;)
18:02.40JefferyMain't perfect
18:02.47Constitutionbut it is not your place here to criticize chanops' english skills
18:03.19Murielleyou would be better person by giving up your grumpy attitude, jeff
18:03.24JefferyMgoes back to researching CGIs
18:03.43JefferyMMurielle, I am a very nice person, I just get anoyed with some things, we'll leave it at that ;)
18:04.09kierra~wine JefferyM
18:04.10ibotACTION pours JefferyM a glass of the very best pinot noir from the cellar
18:04.19JefferyMtoo early
18:04.22JefferyMway to early
18:04.35kierrasome things defy timestamps
18:04.55JefferyMheh, but that is not one of them
18:05.11JefferyMConstitution is figuring out what happend on bzbb he'll get it worked out
18:06.23Constitutionwell, I would if he would pm me like I asked him
18:06.30JefferyMI mean I can stop helping him if you want.
18:21.24*** join/#bzflag xaver (
18:27.10*** join/#bzflag xaver (
18:42.49*** part/#bzflag legoman (47bc9385@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:51.06Murielleanyway, you were not very helpful, admit it
18:57.50honeytanklol ;)
19:26.14JefferyMahh coppa violations, that explains it
19:26.29JefferyMso yes.. there is a law against it ;)
19:49.55*** join/#bzflag xaver__ (
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19:51.19*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
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19:55.57*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (
19:55.57*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
20:01.56JefferyMsadly the problem is that it's criminal for us, not them
20:04.21*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23_ (~gabe@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
20:07.11*** join/#bzflag cods (
20:08.30*** join/#bzflag cods (~cods@rsbac/developer/cods)
20:56.17*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
20:56.50*** join/#bzflag bryjen (~bryjen@
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21:16.15*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
21:26.20mrappleok is anyone else getting these alerts on bzbb ?
21:28.16JefferyMyou go there but don't see anything new?
21:28.34mrappleno, just curious if they are knew as of the upgrade
21:28.47mrapplei wasnt getting them yesterday (even though i had a new message) but i am today?
21:28.54mrapplealso if you ask me, they're kind of annoying.
21:29.21JefferyMit tells me when I have a new message, has for a while
21:29.27JefferyMeven in phpbb2
21:29.53mrapplewierd. i mustve accidentailly changed something in the prefrences -_- ill go take a look
21:41.27mrapplewhy is there no delete button on your posts -_-
21:41.32mrappleor atleast i cant seem to find one
21:42.29blast007mrapple: it shows up, at least if you don't auth in the game between getting the PM and going to the forum
21:42.48blast007doing auth in the list seems to reset some timestamp, so it won't show up if you join a game and then go to the forum
21:42.48mrappleoh that makes sense
21:43.00mrappleok what about the delete button on posts -_-
21:43.11mrapple(stupid safari double posted :P)
21:45.26mrappleyeah i cant find that delete button. if you wanna erase this post that'd be great
21:54.20*** join/#bzflag Scrumpy (
22:01.02*** join/#bzflag Scrumpy (
22:22.00mrappleblast007: propane is on mw2! :P
22:31.03mrapplewrong channel. *sigh*
22:33.28*** join/#bzflag honeytank (
22:40.11*** join/#bzflag McYukon (
22:56.45*** join/#bzflag tannerld (
23:15.03*** join/#bzflag Marzipan- (
23:15.28*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
23:17.59*** join/#bzflag Yassen (
23:17.59*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
23:36.27*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
23:46.21*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (
23:46.21*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
23:49.51*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (
23:49.51*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
23:51.27*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
23:54.23*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)

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