IRC log for #bzflag on 20100924

00:06.04*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (
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00:24.22mrapplehi everyone i need some ideas on how what to give points for on the zombie plugin and what to take points away for
00:24.33mrappleim thinking the team you start on, if that team wins, you get a point
00:24.48mrappleif you kill someone, you get a point. (if you tk or get killed you loose a point)
00:25.00mrappleany suggestions, comments, ideas?
00:27.03BambinoI suggest giving the last tank standing at least 5 points
00:27.21mrappleoh yes that too
00:27.33mrappleand i was going to give who made the last kill a good 2 points
00:27.33me1If you go a round without dying you get a cookie (cookie == 10 points or something)
00:27.56McSpiderfirst person to die = -5 points
00:28.04mrappleyeah i should add some clever phrases like "For eating 10 human brains in a row, me1 was awarded 5 points!"
00:28.06me1and a server message: X gets a cookie for being a bad ass/brain eater
00:28.08kierrathinks you should give kierra bonus points :)
00:28.20mrapple"kierra signed on and gained 5 points!"
00:28.24Bambinokierra gets points if you joins as obs
00:28.38kierrayou guys are gooood!
00:28.38AAA_awrightExcept it's really hard to add and subtract points at will
00:28.42AAA_awrightI don't think it can be done
00:28.42mrapplewatches kierra rejoin a couple hundred times and set the record
00:28.47BambinoAAA_awright: it can be done
00:28.50me1AAA_awright, it
00:28.51Bambinoyou need to play bz more
00:28.57me1's just that only other players will see it
00:29.01mrappleAAA_awright: i mean not like actual scoreboard points
00:29.01BambinoCapBonus awards point
00:29.05mrapplelike a server announced points
00:29.10AAA_awrightAh, yes, actual scoreboard points
00:29.13mrappleor maybe, should it be scoreboard points?
00:29.19Bambinooh....why not scoreboard points?
00:29.24mrapplei would need trepan to share the CapBonus code
00:29.30mrapplewinks in trepan's general direction
00:29.38Bambinoask ever so kindly ;)
00:29.45AAA_awrightmrapple: I think it credits... hmm
00:30.03AAA_awrightI think it credits the a kill to the player instead of destroying their tank without any kill being registered
00:30.10AAA_awrightBut I would like to see how that's done
00:30.15Bambinomrapple: IIRC CapBonus also needs a bzfs api mod, like most of his plugins (geoip)
00:30.32kierrait's amazing what good manners will get you
00:31.22Bambinoand being polite in general
00:31.35mrapplegoes back to his homework
00:35.06trepanBambino: geoip does not require a bzfs api mod
00:35.21trepanCapBonus does (for sending raw network messages)
00:37.47mrapplei wonder if i could apply that raw network messages part to update the team
00:38.02mrappleim assuming it uses the code from 3.0 to send the messages
00:38.15mrapplein 3.0 theres a bz_changeTeam() but not in 2.0.x
00:38.25Bambinotrepan: Okay. Do you plan on releasing CapBonus and GeoIP?
00:38.28blast0073.0 has real support for changing teams
00:38.30blast0072.0.x does not
00:38.40JefferyMit's more then just the api to send the message
00:38.46JefferyMthe client know to accept the message
00:39.04JefferyMwhat are you trying to do?
00:39.04blast007heck, in 2.0.x, the rabbit team doesn't even exist ;)
00:39.13blast007in 3.0 it will be an actual team
00:39.20mrapplei wonder if theres a different way to change the team without signing off and rejoining the player
00:39.27blast007not in 2.0.x
00:39.33mrappleyou sure? ;)
00:39.38blast007yeah, I'm sure
00:39.45blast007there is no "change team" message in 2.0.x
00:39.52JefferyMthe team is sent with the join message IIRC
00:39.58JefferyMsame time the player ID
00:40.07me1but you can change from hunter to rabbit, could that work similarly?
00:40.10mrappleso i guess deleting the player and readding will have to do
00:40.22JefferyMthe API can pick the rabbit
00:40.26blast007me1: what version are you referring to?
00:40.34mrapplebz_changeRabbit iirc
00:40.40blast0072.0.x has a MsgNewRabbit or something like that that just says who is the rabbit
00:40.45blast007no support for multiple rabbits
00:41.00JefferyMthere is a "this ID is the rabbit" variable in the client
00:41.04JefferyMand that one just happens to be drawn white
00:41.05mrappleisnt bz_newRabbit and bz_removeRabbit supported in 2.0.x?
00:41.15mrappleguess not
00:41.16blast0073.0 probably has the same thing, but it COULD be made to have multiple rabbits by using the team change thing instead, since rabbits are a true team in that code
00:41.18JefferyMthat dosn't imply multirabbit
00:41.20mrappleMinimum API Version: 2.99.x or later
00:41.43trepanBambino: geoip, probably
00:41.45mrappleblast007: yeah true. never thought about that.
00:41.58mrappletrepan: want to help me out with the capbonus kills part?
00:42.02trepan(the simple version, not the MaxMind version with city locations  ;)
00:44.02trepanthank should help, the incscore.[h|cpp] is even broken out
00:44.35mrappleill take a look
00:45.38trepanand here's geoip:
00:46.07mrapplewhat license?
00:46.19Bambinoit's in the .cpp
00:46.32mrappleah lol
00:46.35Bambinotrepan: thanks for geoip
00:46.36mrapplei usually fail at that, sorry
00:46.50trepanBambino: no prob
00:47.16Bambinoreally nifty plugin
00:47.18trepanfwiw, I crashed a couple of ahs3's server by copying a new over a running
00:47.40trepanthe problem is not specific to geoip, it'll happen to any .so file
00:48.01trepansolution: (rm; cp
00:48.20trepanie: rm the old file first, it's a mmap thing...
00:48.42Bambinogood to know...
00:48.54mrappletrepan: capbonus is very very cool.
00:49.10mrapplewhat if theres 199 players? :P
00:49.32trepanyou're screwed
00:49.32mrapple(my best bet is you could set his ID at 201 and it would still work)
00:50.50Bambinoif there are 199 players on a single server then someone has been doing some serious advertising
00:51.01Bambinoor it's just poorly setup
00:51.02mrappleor bzflag was featured on ;)
00:51.13trepanhas a rigged bzfs exec that show any number of players you want
00:51.29mrapplethats not that hard -_-
00:51.36trepannope, it isn't
00:51.38mrapplecould just make a plugin to do /players <num>
00:51.49mrapplefree advertising ;) while also getting firewalled from the listserver
00:52.11trepanmrapple: a plugin alone will not do it, afaik
00:52.29mrapplewill not do what
00:52.43trepanrig the number of player as reported by bzfls
00:52.56*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
00:53.02JefferyMyou can get the players list
00:53.04mrapplei hereby challenge you, trepan, to a plugin-show-down! :P
00:53.07JefferyMand get the info
00:53.15JefferyMbut plugins don't call /commands
00:54.16trepanlooks like I added something to bzfs.cxx:getTeamCounts(), which sets up the pingReply counts
00:54.18JefferyMfalsifying the number of users in order to get higher up on the list is against the acceptable usage policy for the list server and will result in the host being removed.
00:54.42trepanso not something that could be done easily via a plugin
00:55.58trepanmight be worth doing something like that for 2 team servers that use an extra team just for the flag (ex: red vs. green with a single blue flag)
00:56.16trepanbetter to hack bzfs to allow a blue flag when there's no blue team ...
00:58.55mrapplei made a bzfs mod to spawn a team flag even if no one is on the team
01:01.07blast007mrapple: so you changed a couple lines of code? ;)
01:08.53mrappleit was more then a couple -_-
01:12.21mrappleit was tricky >:|
01:22.42delusionalhow do you get the radar to be different for the two teams?
01:23.12sigonasr2I believe you can apply a set only to a certain client, filtering it somehow
01:23.22a_meteoritesend set packets only to certain players
01:23.28a_meteoriteforget the message name
01:24.02a_meteoriteused to have a bzfs hack for back when /set :) would make you crash, just send it to a certain player you want to crash
01:32.48delusionalwhat other settings might that work with...  lots of them i suppose
01:33.04delusionalyou could have every player on different handicaps
01:33.17a_meteoriteshould work, yeah
01:35.23delusionalim looking at the wiki variable page....  i think they ALL could be under this spell
01:39.10delusionalhmmm... that's how handicap works...  never used handicap myself
02:03.41*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:28.37trepandelusional: that's how the veldrv plugin works, released it a while ago on the BB
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15:23.24kierrablast007: pm
15:49.40*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
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16:25.24stumpgrinderhi. what happened to the bzleague homepages? it says this account has been suspendet. (?)
16:32.10BulletCatcherThat sort of thing happens occasionally (way too often, actually).
16:32.11JefferyMfor gu league?
16:32.19BulletCatcherFor pillbox, at least.
16:32.41JefferyMgu moved, the others can't really get in contact with the host owner
16:34.00BulletCatcherstumpgrinder: The new GU league web site is at
16:35.58JefferyMBulletCatcher, did you see that you were made a project admin?
16:37.07stumpgrinderah okay, thanks
16:38.01BulletCatcherUsing my new superpower, I will soon commit fixes for all of the 2.99.x bugs. ;-)
16:38.11JefferyMyou could do that before ;)
16:38.51JefferyMtho I do find it funny that with the addition of you and Constitution to the list it pushed timriker off the end and now he's under the "..." link
16:39.21BulletCatcherAlphabetical list FTL.
16:40.05JefferyMor W ;)
16:41.22JefferyMit should be based on number of commits/actions
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17:26.10bradstumpgrinder: oi!!
17:26.17bradhaven't seen you for years!
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17:50.58stumpgrinderhey bradman! :)
17:51.43kierrahowdy stumpgrinder, good to see you here
17:52.03kierranext stop is bzf :)
17:58.33bradyou coming back for a bit?
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20:58.52me1mrapple, zombieees
20:59.41mrappleim working on giving bonus points right now :D
21:00.21me1ah well, it just crashed anyways
21:00.27mrappleoh i killed it
21:00.38mrapplealso it appears if you start a poll it will also kill it for some reason
21:00.45mrappleso i need to take away everyone's poll permissions ;p
21:03.52mrapplealso i believe i found a bug in bzfs (i dont think its related to my plugin) if a NR user still has their SR flag, they can crush people with it ;D
21:04.09me1an nr person can crush a burrow as well
21:04.31trepanthat would be a bzflag bug, not bzfs
21:04.43mrappleme1: really?!
21:04.47mrappletrepan: oh yeah. right.
21:04.53mrapplethats what i meant :P
21:04.58me1mrapple, indeed
21:05.08mrapplethought so
21:08.01*** join/#bzflag dhouthoo (~dhouthoo@2002:54c5:7a99:0:9227:e4ff:feea:516d)
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