IRC log for #bzflag on 20100902

00:01.13a_meteoritedownloading.. I'll let ya know
00:01.47mrappleconst the name space for "BZFlag" looks a little bit wide imho
00:03.01*** join/#bzflag delusional (~delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
00:03.02Runicit usually has a dash not a space in the name
00:03.20mrappleit has a dash
00:03.35mrappleim saying the PNG background
00:03.45Runicnot in what you typed
00:03.55mrapplei missed the dash in my
00:05.24delusionalConstitution:   fixed my problem
00:06.23Constitutionok good
00:08.49a_meteoriteno more profont ugh
00:09.26Runicthe is an unneeded extra file in the bundle:
00:09.30Constitutionmrapple: please don't criticize my artistic perfection which I created in 3 minutes in gimp
00:10.27delusionalscolling the console with my fancy new mouse is jumpy
00:10.51ConstitutionRunic: wups, thanks
00:12.27a_meteoriteis it just me or do the experimental 3.0 shots look kinda yellow when on green team?
00:13.24a_meteoritethey're also turned on on all display qualities
00:14.37a_meteoriteF1 and minimizing work fine
00:15.14a_meteoritealso, Intel Mac Mini (~2008) with 10.5.8
00:18.47delusionalit's the momentum-scroll mouse setting that is not being handled properly.  Remove that, and the scroll is correct
00:19.26delusionalwith the momentum... it scrolls normally during acceleration, but begins to scroll backward during deceleration
00:22.13*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
00:29.37Constitutionalright it's up
00:46.23*** join/#bzflag mmu_screen (
00:47.30*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
00:49.33trepandelusional: BZDB link blocks _block_ the tanks or shots from going through the link
00:52.36*** join/#bzflag mmu_screen (
00:54.49delusionaltrepan, what i don't understanf is the  BZDB variable blocks in the link object
00:55.00delusionalhow does it block a variable?
00:55.11trepanthe variable controls the blockage
00:55.19trepanif true, stuff don't go through
00:55.46delusionalahh, i see.... you can open and close the door!
00:56.12trepannotes that the luaserver hooks are there for per-player door control
00:56.19delusionalvery nice
00:57.48trepanprobably doesn't matter too much at this point   :)
00:58.55delusionalshould just start teaching everybody to use svn, and compile.
00:59.43trepangoing to pull a Lazarus?
01:00.54delusionalgoogle is not my freind on that reference
01:06.39delusionalI guess bring it back from the dead?   I thought lazarus was the one who lived to 800 years old.  Is that methusala?
01:06.56trepanLazarus  n 1: the person who Jesus raised from the dead after four days in the tomb; this miracle caused the enemies of Jesus to begin the plan to put him to death
01:07.04trepan(From WordNet (r) 2.0 [wn]:)
01:07.51delusionalmaybe when it's released, 3.0's name should be methuselah.
01:09.29delusionali refuse to give up hope.
01:11.09trepanhope can buy you lots of stuff, like free smiles at Mickee D's
01:24.03*** join/#bzflag Bambino (~bambino@unaffiliated/sniper15)
01:24.15delusionalI'll probably lose hope before i'm 969 years old.
01:48.06*** join/#bzflag dcat (
01:55.11*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
02:29.31Constitutionwow I think apple has so killed movie rental shops
02:32.16Bambinoyep...had two in my area close down...
02:35.22RunicBlockbuster Inc. to throw in the towel and file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy
02:35.49blast007if only the RIAA/MPAA would go bankrupt...
02:37.22*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
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02:46.22Constitutionhopes they are expanding the internet pipes to cope with massive movie files being transferred more and more frequently
02:52.30short_circuitr we talking o t in bzflag?
02:58.18*** join/#bzflag mmu_screen (
03:05.09Constitutionshort_circuit: other pastimes such as movie watching have impact on bz player population as far as how playing time is impacted and how movies may change player desires/interests
03:10.15*** join/#bzflag mmu_screen (
03:11.20blast007also, the oscillation overthruster is from a movie
03:12.07*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
03:25.29*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
04:27.33*** join/#bzflag cygal (
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04:57.34*** join/#bzflag BerntH (
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06:06.43*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (
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06:51.11*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
08:09.05short_circuitbuckaroo bonzai still rules.... and ot is ot. ok? ;)
08:09.45short_circuitand since it was ot..... I really need to find BB on ebay ;)
08:52.53*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
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09:51.37*** part/#bzflag ibunny (~alex_2@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
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12:16.44*** join/#bzflag ibunny (~alex_2@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
12:17.01*** part/#bzflag ibunny (~alex_2@pdpc/supporter/active/jolie)
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14:01.10*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (~gabe@bzflag/player/GabrielG)
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15:58.01*** join/#bzflag me1 (~ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
16:13.22*** join/#bzflag Manu (~jujibo@BZ.BZFLAG.BZ)
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16:14.59*** join/#bzflag xaver (
16:16.55*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
16:20.04*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~a_temp_di@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
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17:43.39*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (~JefferyM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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20:01.43*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
20:32.46*** join/#bzflag echelon (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/harel)
20:34.20echelonanyone else have issues with bzflag freezing up when starting it up after resuming from a pm-suspend?
20:34.53echeloncan't even switch to a different tty
20:45.09Muriellepm suspend = ?
20:45.46echelonsuspend for linux
20:46.03echelonpart of pm-utils
20:58.54echelonya, but hibernate stores to disk, suspend stores to memory
20:59.37*** join/#bzflag xaver__ (
21:02.38Muriellei have solution, echelon
21:02.44Muriellestop to suspend
21:02.54Muriellehi temporalD
21:03.01temporalDheya Murielle  :D
21:03.24MuriellerebootingPCtake 15sec
21:03.30Muriellerebooting PCt akes 15sec
21:03.35Muriellerebooting PC takes 15sec
21:03.39Muriellerebooting PC takes 15 sec
21:03.45Murielle(( finally ))
21:03.50temporalDfixing spacebar takes 5 minutes
21:04.01Murielleneed a new kb,temp
21:04.11temporalDi see :)
21:04.26Muriellei am going to sell my plugins..THOISE THAT ARE NOT OPENSOURCE !!!
21:05.45temporalDmake sure the licenses are obvious - heh
21:06.39Murielle"Current Muri code cannot be used due to GPL issue, which is an  obligatiory requirement. Murielle's status as a minor means US courts  will not enforce a license contract between her and other developers."   <--- was on ducati news section
21:06.57Murielleso i declare there is no GPL
21:07.27Muriellebtw..this news was a real shit ;)
21:07.51Muriellefrench..and yours?
21:07.57temporalDoui oui
21:08.05Murielleu have improved!!!
21:08.23Murielleyou told 2 words in french (even if it is twice the same)
21:08.36Muriellecongrats, temporalD
21:08.49Murielleeh..i am not spanish
21:09.25me1Hola murielle, que paso?
21:09.47Murielleme llamo Muriella la bella
21:11.24MurielletemporalD: you realize you are speaking in spanish, right?
21:14.18Muriellebtw....  do you know, dear people, there are two server running a random blocs, 2 shots, ricos map ( in USA) and (in EUROPE) that are waiting for you with an autoreport plugin to be tested ????
21:14.50Muriellehum? If I were you, I would run there and enjoy them :)
21:15.55temporalDstill work time here in USA
21:15.59Muriellechto te rachit, me1
21:16.01temporalD(for most)
21:16.24Murielleoh ...ur bosses are back,temp ? :(
21:17.24temporalDyea - unfortunately
21:19.46trepanMurielle: GPL issues? obligatory requirement for what?
21:20.53Muriellebah..i have forked bzflag and I have found someone who accept to buy it. I did think it would annoy you since you do not stop to say it is dying ;)
21:21.12MurielleI did not think **
21:21.39MurielleDid I do something bad again ???
21:21.50jh`only funny
21:22.27MurielleTrepan: more seriously,  it was related to a plugin i coded
21:23.18Murielleactually, I will never code in GPL anymore. I got too much troubles
21:23.56Murielledead to GPL !!
21:24.27MurielleLGPL ?
21:24.48trepanthat's the license bzflag uses
21:25.46Muriellei am using MGPL
21:31.06Muriellekierra: ping
21:31.19Murielleyou forgot brl servers :p
21:31.36*** part/#bzflag echelon (debian-tor@gateway/tor-sasl/harel)
21:38.09*** join/#bzflag McYukon (
21:52.25*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
22:11.27*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
22:11.50*** join/#bzflag Murielle (
22:17.41*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
22:24.31*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
22:28.13JefferyMmind control... in a license?
22:29.34*** join/#bzflag Murielle (~Murielle@unaffiliated/murielle)
22:34.11JefferyMactivates the mind controll section of bzflag just for Murielle
22:34.25Muriellewhat is it?
22:34.32JefferyMI can't tell you
22:34.45Muriellewhere is the source?
22:34.52JefferyMsince bzflag isn't under the MGPL and allows for mind control
22:35.13Murielleu know MGPL?
22:35.47Murielleoh dog
22:36.13MurielleMGPL does exist   ???
22:36.36JefferyMI like the MPL personaly
22:36.54Muriellelol for dog*, blast or for the MGPL ?
22:37.37Muriellei thougth i was going to copyright the MGPL and put it on MMGPL licence
22:37.55JefferyMyou could
22:38.10Muriellebut i cannot do, i guess
22:38.13JefferyMwhy not?
22:38.21JefferyMyou can't copyright 4 letters
22:38.25Murielleu said "u could" and not "ucan"
22:38.36JefferyMNo I use the correct word "you"
22:38.47JefferyMsince I am not on a cell phone
22:38.56JefferyMand not 4
22:39.04blast007I don't even write like that *on* my cell phone
22:39.18Muriellei dont even have cell phone
22:39.26JefferyMthen you have no reason to talk like a baby ;)
22:39.27blast007and I don't even have a qwerty keyboard
22:39.58JefferyMcopyright isnt' the same as trademark, all it is, is a protection for an author if they want to sue someone who is infringing on there work
22:40.04blast007thinks about how RC talks and shudders
22:40.04Muriellethat explains, blast007... it explains whyu havenot submitted code for months
22:40.12blast007Murielle: on my phone
22:40.15blast007I don't code on my phone
22:40.16JefferyMand making something with the same name as something else that is just copyright isn't a full infringement
22:40.27Muriellemaybe u should try
22:40.33blast007why would I do that?
22:40.36Bambinoblast007: wat r u talk bout?!
22:40.40JefferyMhe will if you talk right
22:40.49Bambinoare see iz ausom
22:40.52Muriellei talk right
22:40.57blast007no, I will not write code on my phone even if people talk right ;)
22:41.11blast007on my computer, sure
22:41.13JefferyMmind controls blast007 into coding
22:41.24blast007AS YOU WISH
22:41.29Muriellemaybe YOU (<-- not u) will commit more code
22:41.34*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
22:41.41JefferyMnobody will commit more code
22:41.48blast007ALL HAIL THE HYPNOTOAD
22:44.28JefferyMoh Murielle you can sell bzflag if you want, the license dosn't prevent that.
22:44.52blast007that's one of the freedoms it gives you, actually
22:45.00Muriellenah..i cant. he wanted release 3.0
22:45.04JefferyMyou just can't relicnese it
22:45.19JefferyMbut if you can con someone into buying it, hey that's your deal ;)
22:45.24JefferyManyoe can release 3.0
22:45.45Muriellelet do it!!
22:45.54Muriellelet be crazy
22:45.55JefferyMhave fun, let us know when you are done
22:46.02Muriellerelease 3.0 tomorrow
22:46.09JefferyMbuld it and post it
22:46.13JefferyMyou don't need us
22:46.25Muriellei will build 2.0.18
22:46.35JefferyMwhatever floats your boat
22:46.35Murielleand release it under 3.0
22:46.43JefferyMyou have that right
22:46.58Murielleit is my right?
22:46.59blast007screw it. release 1.8 as 3.0! bam, done.
22:47.08JefferyMyeah, you have FULL rights to reuse and redistribute any of the sourcecode
22:47.11JefferyMthat's what the license says
22:47.19JefferyMyou just can't relicnese it
22:47.25Murielleif it is my right, then i wont do it. I prefer do things i have not right for them
22:47.30JefferyMand if you release it you must provide the source code on request
22:48.06JefferyMthen there isn't much you can do with bzflag that you don't have rights to do ;)
22:48.45Muriellei have to find another game in whicj i have less righrs
22:48.51JefferyMthe LGP is rather permisive in a practical sense
23:01.05*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
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23:39.04*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
23:49.13Constitutionwould love to see the EULA Murielle writes for her software
23:49.41Muriellei would love to see some people playing on my servers
23:50.03Murielleand for your info, Vika (aka honeytank) is not owner
23:50.50Muriellei am planning to do some other things, but i really need people to join and test my autoreport
23:50.54Murielleit would help
23:51.00Muriellepleeeeeaase help
23:53.11*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
23:57.44delusionalwhat is it called, muri?
23:58.23Murielleautoreport plugin
23:58.37Murielleacutally, i merged it inside league_assistant
23:58.55Muriellebut i would like people test it

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