IRC log for #bzflag on 20100604

00:55.17*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
00:55.42CIA-86BZFlag: 03trepan * r21215 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (10 files in 2 dirs):
00:55.43CIA-86BZFlag: * changed the roam player tank selection order to match the current scoreboard order
00:55.43CIA-86BZFlag: * highlighted the current roam target in the scoreboard
01:20.23*** join/#bzflag Aeamus (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:28.53*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
01:40.31*** join/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
01:45.27*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
02:37.25*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
02:52.57*** join/#bzflag McYukon (
02:53.15*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
02:56.39*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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02:57.02*** join/#bzflag McYukon (
03:00.30*** join/#bzflag Yassen (Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
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03:18.17*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
03:22.25*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
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03:33.46*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
03:50.55brlcadhugs Manu (it's a happy day!)
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04:54.52*** join/#bzflag mrapple (~mrapple@bzflag/player/MrAppleComputer)
05:04.07CIA-86BZFlag: 0372.192.73.129 07 * r7070 10/w/GU_League: /* General Info */
05:07.01*** part/#bzflag sigonasr2 (
05:13.40*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
05:33.15*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
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06:20.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM (~Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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07:00.48CIA-86BZFlag: 0374.33.61.226 07 * r7071 10/w/Flag_ideas: /* Good Flags */
07:21.18*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
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07:36.22*** join/#bzflag Will07c5 (
07:40.50*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (~blasterwi@unaffiliated/blaster-wisconsi/x-3628685)
07:43.57Manubrlcad: thank you :)
07:44.40*** join/#bzflag TutTankAhmon (
07:46.06*** join/#bzflag tupone (~alfredo@gentoo/developer/tupone)
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07:47.22tuponeManu: happy birthday :)
07:47.43Manuthank you alfredo :)
07:50.43CIA-86BZFlag: 0374.33.61.226 07 * r7072 10/w/Flag_ideas: /* Advanced guided Missile (AM) */
08:02.25*** join/#bzflag dhouthoo (~dhouthoo@2001:6f8:1472:1:5ab0:35ff:feff:b710)
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08:23.01*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
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08:45.51*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
09:06.46*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d (
09:37.05*** join/#bzflag RatOmeter (~chatzilla@
09:37.45RatOmetermorning, folks.
09:38.24RatOmeterproblem: updated Fedora 11 yesterday... today bzflag crashes Xorg :(
09:39.48RatOmeterXorg[5199]: segfault at 0 ip 0812db26 sp bfe93ba8 error 4 in Xorg[8047000+1b9000]
09:41.55RatOmetertries running it in a window
09:42.09CIA-86BZFlag: 03trepan * r21216 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (ScoreboardRenderer.cxx ScoreboardRenderer.h): * removed the unused 'labelsFontFace' member variable
09:43.38RatOmeterThat no worky either:
09:44.10*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
09:44.31trepanglxgears work?
09:44.54trepanassuming you built bz yourself, tried recompiling?
09:45.58RatOmeterDon't think I built this one, but not sure: BZFlag client (protocol 0026)
09:46.04RatOmeterso no, haven't recompiled
09:47.48RatOmetersorry to admit that I didn't pay complete attention to what updates were installed yesterday. ffmpeg stuff, kdegames is all I remember.
09:49.27RatOmeterbz version is what's in fedora's repo, so sure I didn't build this one
09:51.24trepanvid card?
09:53.35RatOmetergrep /var/log/dmesg Intel
09:54.21trepanew, smells like integrated  ;)
09:54.32RatOmeteruh, yes.
09:55.45RatOmeter82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 10)
09:56.35RatOmeterwas an NVidia card in there until this weekend, then it smoked.  Integrated video worked... crappy, but worked
09:57.55RatOmeteris updating a different, fedora 12 machine to see it breaks too
10:03.02RatOmeterwoke up at 3am and decided to play bz.  This is probably my computer's way of saying "go back to sleep"
10:08.04RatOmeterbz still runs on F12 machine after udpates... didn't expect it to break anyway.  Still can't play since the F12 machine is an AcerOne.  Would be painful
10:08.40*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
10:10.19RatOmeterheh, actually it's not really any worse than the Intel integrated video on the desktop
10:11.54*** join/#bzflag Monster (
10:17.32RatOmeterno, it is worse. gah
11:31.43*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
12:15.40*** join/#bzflag TutTankAhmon1 (
12:55.08blast007bets RatOmeter needs to wipe out the nVidia drivers and then reinstall some of the GL packages
12:55.24blast007iirc, the nVidia drivers overwrite some of the system files relating to OpenGL ;)
12:55.34blast007proprietary drivers ftl
12:56.18*** join/#bzflag dhouthoo (~dhouthoo@2001:6f8:1472:1:5ab0:35ff:feff:b710)
13:21.08Cobra_Fasthow would i connect two points in Wings3D that are not connected by a face or anything?
13:49.47*** join/#bzflag spldart (~spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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14:00.32*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (~nightstri@
14:09.40*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (~er@
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14:41.52*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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14:49.31*** join/#bzflag Constitution (~const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
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15:41.11*** join/#bzflag lut4rp (
15:41.16lut4rpHey folks!
15:41.29lut4rpHow much does it take for a server to register on the public listing?
15:41.49Constitutionit is provided to you absolutely free of charge
15:42.01lut4rpoops, I meant how much time :p
15:42.19Constitutionit should be immediate
15:42.31lut4rpI still can't see mine. I'm using -public
15:42.44Constitutionare you also using -publicAddr?
15:42.53lut4rpuhm, let me check
15:43.09blast007also, what is the host and port?  we can check if connectivity is working 5154
15:43.19Constitutionalso make sure the port is exposed to the external network, if you're running on a LAN
15:43.23lut4rpI turned it off, it was working fine
15:43.26lut4rpWe just played
15:43.32blast007connection refused
15:43.42blast007well, start it back up ;)
15:43.45lut4rpConstitution, no, its my VPS. People can connect from external IPs. We just played.
15:43.49lut4rpblast007, ok
15:44.02lut4rpI'm checking for -publicAddr
15:44.09blast007lowercase a
15:44.50lut4rpyes, I'm using -publicaddr
15:45.33blast007"Requesting address is while server is at"
15:45.46lut4rpuh oh
15:46.00blast007wrong IP
15:46.14lut4rpI should probably use the IP directly instead of the domain?
15:46.28blast007or use a domain that points to the actual server ;)
15:46.31lut4rpRight, there's 2 IPs on the VPS, the main one has no external ports open
15:46.34lut4rpblast007, ok
15:47.52*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
15:48.43lut4rpblast007, changed, started it up
15:50.05blast007meaning you changed what IP your domain points to?
15:50.14lut4rpblast007, no, I set it to the IP directly
15:50.21blast007don't see it on the list
15:50.27lut4rpExactly :|
15:50.33lut4rpHowever, you can join.
15:50.57blast007or not
15:51.08lut4rpoh no, its on
15:51.57lut4rpwonders what the issue could be
15:52.53blast007it's the same issue
15:52.59blast007try adding this:
15:53.41blast007the problem is that it's still communicating to the list via
15:53.49lut4rpoh it is?
15:54.02lut4rphow did you check?
15:54.10blast007I have access to the logs for the list
15:54.25lut4rpblast007, ok, restarted with the addition
15:54.27blast007"Requesting address is while server is at"
15:54.29blast007still doing it
15:54.40blast007not sure what to tell ya to try next
15:54.47lut4rpThis is weird...
15:55.28blast007might be some way to make an IP or interface the "main" one
15:55.53blast007I used to have a similar issue - not sure if I've resolved it or not
15:55.57lut4rpdunno if my VPS would allow that.
15:56.14blast007I used to use sub interfaces (think that's the term) for my 5 IPs
15:56.59lut4rpThis is just sad :|
15:57.02lut4rpdamn my VPS
15:57.14blast007you could just run the server on instead ;)
15:57.26lut4rpI should try :)
15:59.01blast007(hehe, watch - it will use the OTHER one to communicate out then)
16:02.11*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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16:23.52*** join/#bzflag Rex1 (
16:27.37*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (~DTRemenak@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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16:33.05*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (~JefferyM@unaffiliated/jeffm2501)
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16:34.56Cobra_Fastdoesnt't the 2.0.16 source .zip a VS2008 project file?
16:35.35JefferyMit should
16:35.55Cobra_Fast\VC71\ is empty
16:36.10JefferyMbecause that is the 2003 version
16:36.14JefferyMwhat about the vc9 dir?
16:36.19Cobra_Fastsame thing with the vc9 dir
16:36.25Cobra_Fastpretty much nothing in there
16:36.28JefferyMthen the linux people screwed up
16:36.38JefferyMthe projects are in SVN
16:36.41JefferyMjust go grab them
16:38.54Cobra_Fastthere isnt even a win32 directory ...
16:39.08JefferyMbecause that is trunk
16:39.11JefferyMyou want branch
16:39.37Cobra_Fastk thx :P
16:40.12JefferyMyeah stick your tonuge out at the person helling you... quality
16:40.49Cobra_Fasti excuse for using an inappropriate smily
16:42.57Cobra_Fastfatal error: Cannot open include file: "common.h": No such file or directory ... huh?
16:43.13JefferyMdid you get that too?
16:43.16Cobra_Fastdid i miss something before hitting build?
16:43.34JefferyMsince you are trying to patch together something and you don't know what you are doing
16:43.50JefferyMI woudl recomend getting a full tree from svn
16:44.13JefferyMsince you know some files are missing from one dir in the zip, you can expect others to be missing as well
16:44.27JefferyMand people wonder why I used to not use linux to make the tarballs.....
16:45.42JefferyMwindows is often forgotne and mistreated
16:47.38JefferyMnot like it'll matter in the end
16:48.49blast007not sure what you're talking about, Cobra_Fast
16:48.55blast007there is project files in the VC9 folder
16:49.10blast007and in the VC71
16:50.00Cobra_Fastok then something went wrong during extracting all the files
16:50.01blast007so, I'm betting you have a corrupt download, or your unzip program is stupid
16:50.33JefferyMyep its there when I look at it
16:51.21JefferyMdid you download it from sourceforge or "elsewhere"?
16:51.54JefferyMwhat was the name of the file?
16:52.13Cobra_Fasti just redownloaded it and now it seems fine
16:52.17JefferyMwhat did you use to unzip it?
16:52.24Cobra_Fastdefault windows unzip stuff
16:52.48JefferyMhighly unlikely that it zip would have a valid checksum and be missing files
16:53.00blast007he downloaded it again and it works now
16:53.28JefferyMsou8nds like a good story for him to stick to ;)
16:53.31Cobra_Fasti'd say it was random weirdness
16:54.03blast007JefferyM: hehe
16:54.12*** join/#bzflag Will07c5 (
16:54.12Cobra_Fastwhats wrong with this untouchable vc90.idb file? :S
16:54.39blast007you have to uncheck the Forcefield option under folder options
16:55.14JefferyMdo you have VC still open?
16:55.31Cobra_Fasti already tried to close it and reopen it
16:55.36Cobra_Fastbut it stays
16:55.49JefferyMVC will keep that file open when it is running
16:55.56JefferyMit is a cache file for the build
16:57.22Cobra_Fastok running fine now
16:57.31Cobra_FastBuild succeeded.
16:57.42JefferyMwhat patch are you applying?
16:58.17Cobra_Fastim building a debug version to debug properly
16:58.21JefferyMand did you set up a crul?
17:01.00Cobra_Fastok this is weird
17:01.10Cobra_Fastthe debug version i just compiled runs just fine
17:01.20Cobra_Fastbut the build from the installer throws an exception
17:01.29JefferyMthat can happen
17:01.43JefferyMdebuger inits all memory to 0, release dosn't
17:01.58JefferyMand debug is not optimised
17:02.09JefferyMwhat's the exception say?
17:02.28Cobra_Fastit says Unhandled exception 0x0048ff85 in bzfs.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00bcc000.
17:03.02JefferyMbuild pdbs for release
17:03.16JefferyMthen you can attach the debuger when release crashes
17:03.21JefferyMand load symbols
17:03.32Cobra_Fasti will try
17:04.54Cobra_FastRelease -> Config. -> Debugging -> Attach = Yes ?
17:05.40Cobra_FastRelease -> Config. -> Linker -> Debugging -> Generate Map File = Yes ?
17:06.23Cobra_Fastyes ok that looks like it turned everything on in there
17:06.59JefferyMyou don't want the map file
17:07.09JefferyMit looks liek we allready make PDBs
17:07.15JefferyMwell we have a path set
17:07.22JefferyMyou want to turn on Generate Debug INfo
17:07.51JefferyMthat will make a bunch of PDBs in the src folder
17:07.58JefferyMthen build release
17:08.04Cobra_Fastdoing so.
17:08.08JefferyMthen run in release (NOT in the debuger)
17:08.21JefferyMwhen it crashes and it's on that exception dialog don't close it
17:08.31Cobra_Fastrun jit-debugger?
17:08.54JefferyMwhy do I even bother if you are going to just jump to conclusions
17:10.57Cobra_Fastok exception is here and its offering me to run debugging ...
17:11.31Cobra_Fastbut as you intended, this doesnt seem to be the right way to me any more
17:19.06Cobra_Fastwell ok. then im not able to present results.
17:23.41Cobra_Fastwhen running from vs debugging button it doesnt throw the exception either
17:24.05Cobra_Fastwhen running it from a regular command line it does
17:24.20blast007Cobra_Fast: hmm
17:24.31blast007this is the express version of '08?
17:26.42blast007ok, well, in any case, there's an "Exceptions" item under the Debug menu
17:26.54blast007you can make it break on certain expections, afaik
17:29.00Cobra_Fastits showing an exception inside a "atonexit.c" that has copyright by microsoft
17:29.47blast007did it break? if so, you can check the backtrace (or call stack, which is what MS calls it I think)
17:31.24Cobra_Fastthats the call stack from bzfs.exe
17:32.22Cobra_Fastthe top line's got a yellow arrow
17:32.31Cobra_Fast(i think thats where the exception origins)
17:33.58Cobra_FastMeshPolySceneNode.cxx line 242
17:34.04Cobra_Fastfor (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
17:34.24Cobra_Fastit seems to fail in this loop
17:35.00Cobra_FastMeshSceneNode.css line 106
17:35.30Cobra_Fastor QuadWallSceneNode.cxx line 353
17:37.35Cobra_Fasti think im too incompetent to do this correctly.
17:38.15*** join/#bzflag mrapple (
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17:41.23Cobra_Fastnice got it from vs and the call stack says it appears in kernel32.dll
17:42.00Cobra_Fasto no that was a different one
17:42.43Cobra_Fastk im giving up
17:55.27JefferyMwhere is count initalised?
18:03.42JefferyMso how do I dupe the problem?
18:03.54JefferyMjust run with that map?
18:04.11blast007he's including the map inside his other map
18:04.33JefferyMand that other map is not posted?
18:04.58JefferyMI have a release build now with debug info
18:05.05JefferyMso I can try it if it's dupeable
18:08.47trepantime for 2.0.18, is it?  ;)
18:32.17*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
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18:50.31*** join/#bzflag joevano (~joevano@bzflag/developer/JoeVano)
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18:50.44*** part/#bzflag lut4rp (
18:54.02CIA-86BZFlag: 03blast007 * r21217 10/trunk/db/common.php: Prevent a notice from being shown if no cookies are set.
19:00.38*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (~timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
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19:12.21TimRikersomeone wants his username changed on an image submission. who should I forward the email to?
19:12.50TimRikernot sure where usernames show up for images anyway. :/
19:15.12*** join/#bzflag Rex1 (
19:18.54ConstitutionTimRiker: blast007 would probably know more than anyone else
19:22.04blast007can't even recall if the username *does* show anywhere
19:22.37blast007the folder name is based on their real name, not their username - if that's what they mean
20:05.21JefferyMit's all suposed to be username
20:05.36JefferyMsorry real name
20:05.40JefferyMusernam means nothing
20:05.48JefferyMunless we show it as the "uploaded by"
20:06.25TimRikerk, forwarded the email.
20:13.49blast007to who?
20:26.12*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
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20:53.43TimRikerjeff and chris
20:53.57JefferyMI can't do anything about it anymore
21:01.07JefferyMabjucated his powers
21:04.03TimRikerk. who does images these days?
21:04.07trepansomething between abdicated and adjudicated
21:09.26*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (~blasterwi@unaffiliated/blaster-wisconsi/x-3628685)
21:27.20JefferyMblast007, and brlcad
21:29.08*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:30.53*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
21:51.00JefferyMTimRiker, actualy we can't/shouldn't do his request
21:51.04JefferyMhe wants his real name removed
21:51.10JefferyMand we need that for copyright reasons
21:52.05JefferyMthe problem is that the author is actualy a callsign NOT a realname
21:52.33JefferyMblast007 should replace pac-man with Victor Wang as the author
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22:58.57*** join/#bzflag Qew (~qew@unaffiliated/qew)
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23:01.55*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
23:11.59brlcadhis basis for wanting his name removed is that the image is PD, so copyright is irrelevant
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23:55.23*** join/#bzflag Monster (~IRC@
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Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.