IRC log for #bzflag on 20100320

00:47.42*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
01:02.53blast007any bztank admin around? there's a user on there that's been rather vulgar. Name starts with "pump" if you want to go get rid of him.
01:02.55*** join/#bzflag jeffm (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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01:18.28*** join/#bzflag xaver__ (
01:22.18*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
01:29.19*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
01:32.33temporalDblast007:  I am - missed him - will try to find his current IP and ban it
01:37.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
01:37.03*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
01:38.33temporalD[SERVER->] (523990.0 minutes) banned by: temporal distraction
01:39.02JeffM2501you ban yourself again?
01:39.25temporalD:) no - that's the IP for that troll that blast007 mentioned above
01:39.45JeffM2501musta missed that
01:41.59blast007temporalD: thanks. :)
01:42.27blast007confirms he's already banned on my server. logDetail doesn't always show the 'join' when someone is banned...
01:42.29temporalDhe changes IPs often - probably doesn't make sense to do a year ban
01:42.44temporalDcould ban all of MN Comcast - lol
01:43.00temporalDor I could geolocate and go kick his butt
01:43.15JeffM2501geolocate is often off by a lot
01:43.22JeffM2501it says I live in los angeles
01:43.26temporalDprobably right down the street from me
01:51.07*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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01:53.13*** join/#bzflag jcp (~jw@bzflag/contributor/javawizard2539)
02:03.55JeffM2501who here has (as in uses on a game machine ) a video card older/less powerful then a GeForce 6000 serries or an ATI 9000 series?
02:06.26JeffM2501I'd think even macs would have a 6000 or better
02:07.40*** join/#bzflag Bambino (~Bambino@unaffiliated/sniper15)
02:11.16JeffM2501sorry make that radeon X1000 series :/
02:12.37blast007Does an Intel 845 classify this as a "game machine"?  Wait, wait, I know the answer to that question. ;)
02:13.06JeffM2501845 dosnt' have any shades
02:13.08blast007though the Intel 945 at work can almost run Portal
02:13.16blast007crashes though
02:13.17JeffM2501900 has shader 2
02:13.23blast007right after you go through the first portal
02:13.26JeffM2501teh X3000 has shader 3
02:13.54blast007and when I say "run" I mean "lowest settings and still slow"
02:14.14blast007when I had the portal depth set at 1, it was slide-show mode
02:14.51blast007my mom has a 7900GTO, but that's just cuz I upgraded my box
02:15.23blast007I would think most "gamers" would have at least a GF6
02:15.40blast007even my terrible laptop has a 7600GT
02:15.51JeffM2501that' means at least GL2
02:16.13blast007"You mean my TNT2 isn't new enough??"
02:17.45JeffM2501I think GL 3 would take it up to a high end 8k/9k series
02:17.53JeffM2501and that's probalby more restrictive
02:19.34blast007it "might" even work on the FX series
02:19.37blast007"GeForce FX series has limited OpenGL 2.1 support(with the last Windows XP driver released for it, 175.19)."
02:19.57JeffM2501the FXs were buggy :)
02:20.09blast007I have an FX 5200 here yet ;)
02:20.24JeffM2501that card sucked compared to what else was around at the time
02:20.31JeffM2501as in before it
02:20.38blast007currently in my PIII system
02:20.40JeffM2501a GF4 was better for most things at the time
02:20.42blast007PCI only
02:21.02blast007was a lot better than the intel 810 onboard ;)
02:21.44JeffM2501trepan, I think you convinced me, shaders or nothin ;)
02:21.56JeffM2501wants GITS style thermoptic-camo anyway
02:22.34blast007that would be sweet
02:22.56JeffM2501it should not be too hard to render it as mostly transperant, and jitter the r,g,b channels around a smidge
02:23.10JeffM2501make it so you can see it if you look hard ;)
02:23.20JeffM2501maybe tie the jitter to speed
02:23.29JeffM2501harder to see the slower you go
02:23.59JeffM2501I want "radar" to work like that, the faster you go, the more you shoot, the more accurate your position on the sensor display is
02:25.39JeffM2501not that I need to care now, the first client is friggin text only :)
02:28.56blast007"look west"  "You see a tank. You are dead."
02:29.25JeffM2501more of a client/server regression test
02:29.52JeffM2501it starts a server in a thread, then connects the client code to it, does a full login and makes sure it gets all the messages
02:30.48JeffM2501hmm here's a decent chart of what hardware supports what,
02:35.19BulletCatcherIf it helps, I have a GeForce 6100, but that is merely "as old as" rather than older.
02:35.39JeffM2501do you consider it an old card?
02:35.59JeffM2501as in would you replace it if you found a game that would not work on it?
02:36.00BulletCatcherIt is on the motherboard of my 3-year old system.
02:36.33JeffM2501yeah they shipped a lot of those onboard
02:36.45BulletCatcherAt this point, if I needed something better I wouldn't hesitate to get it.
02:36.52BulletCatcherBut it works fine for BZFlag. :-)
02:36.55JeffM2501yeah it does
02:37.06blast007I consider the 7500GT in my other laptop 'old' because it can't run CUDA ;)
02:37.12JeffM2501tho 7k card would run ya 18$
02:37.46BulletCatcher(Actually, my system is about 4 years old now.)
02:38.24blast007not actually sure how good the 7500GT is because the CPU in that thing sucks. It's a 1.6GHz Turion X2 with poor cooling
02:38.26JeffM2501video card and drives are the only thing I've replaced in this system since I built it
02:38.43blast007so it constantly downclocks to 800MHz (doens't have any speeds between full and half)
02:39.19JeffM2501my gut is telling me that GL2 is a reasonable requrement
02:40.18JeffM2501wow, you can get a 8400 for 28$
02:41.54JeffM2501the more code that's in a shader, the faster it'll run too. there is a hit for each managed GL call as it marshals
02:44.23BulletCatcher"Two Guys and a Tank"
02:44.25*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
02:57.21*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
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04:56.30*** join/#bzflag CIA-80 (cia@
05:05.20*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
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08:04.58*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
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08:50.01*** join/#bzflag QuantumTim (~tim@
09:08.22*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
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10:26.30*** join/#bzflag Scrumpy_ (
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12:45.08*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d (~wyk3d@
13:33.40*** join/#bzflag Scrumpy (
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13:47.52*** join/#bzflag dexter- (~Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
13:50.12dexter-Chestal: ping
13:55.54*** join/#bzflag atrixnet (
13:56.20*** part/#bzflag atrixnet (
14:00.23*** join/#bzflag atrixnet (
14:00.59atrixnetHas anyone heard of or seen user wooley beast
14:01.20atrixnetAlso using alias wobe
14:04.06atrixnetblast: ping
14:04.16blast007atrixnet: pong
14:04.18blast007and no
14:04.51atrixnetI have reason to suspect that he is skeletron based on capn data
14:05.08atrixnetHis ip and host match
14:05.44blast007if his IP matches exactly, then yeah, that's a *good* indication ;)
14:05.45atrixnetI wanted others to be aware
14:05.58atrixnetAnd keep an eye out
14:07.02atrixnetOk well that's all
14:07.04blast007I don't even see a player by that name
14:07.08blast007so what is their actual name?
14:07.32atrixnetHarry peanus, according to him
14:07.44atrixnetHe's got a registered nick
14:08.11atrixnetI just know how to spell wooley perhaps
14:08.22atrixnetI looked him up
14:09.12atrixnetI have to attend to the matter of adding his info to my ban list
14:10.33atrixnetSo gtg.  Just wanted to leave warning.  According to capn data sk3 has been very active and destructive lately
14:10.45*** part/#bzflag atrixnet (
14:26.44*** join/#bzflag dexter- (
14:26.44*** join/#bzflag dexter- (~Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
14:27.57*** part/#bzflag dexter- (~Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
14:58.43*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (~msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
15:11.32*** join/#bzflag Dontkillme (
16:30.01*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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16:50.38*** join/#bzflag Master_Chief (~chatzilla@
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17:22.44atrixnetBefore I write my own, is there a tool to let you import capn data into your own server's ban list?
17:23.13blast007you'd have to ask the one who runs capn
17:23.16atrixnetIf not, I'm writing one in perl and will give it to anyone who wants it
17:23.17blast007it's not a public system
17:23.28atrixnetI know that
17:23.30blast007talk to them.
17:23.36atrixnetI am in capn
17:23.49blast007yeah... I kinda gathered that
17:23.53atrixnetI know there are others here
17:23.58blast007but ask the one(s) who run it
17:24.06blast007email them
17:24.23blast007and then if they don't have one, they could post the tool on their *private* site
17:26.05*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
17:27.08ruskiecapn??? what's that?
17:30.45*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
17:35.25*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
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17:51.28*** join/#bzflag QuantumTim (~tim@
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18:09.48*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (~JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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21:14.03*** part/#bzflag aznableBZ (
21:29.47*** join/#bzflag jeffm (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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22:10.58shining^jeffm: hey
22:11.21shining^this is the testsuite I already heard about / quickly tried a while ago :
22:11.44shining^this is regularly used by mesa developers and users
22:12.45*** join/#bzflag PianoRoKR (
22:13.21jeffmsounds like they just need to add some old stuf to those tests
22:13.27shining^you can get cool html outputs like this :
22:13.39shining^or just make all the existing test pass first :)
22:14.10jeffmthat too
22:14.14shining^I didnt check yet whether the few bzflag issues I had would be covered by existing test or not
22:14.30*** part/#bzflag PianoRoKR (
22:15.18shining^but the coverage doesnt seem bad. and its much more practical to find regressions, I will try to run that regularly and collect results now
22:15.41jeffmyeah formal testing is never bad
22:17.01shining^s/formal/automated :)
22:17.13jeffmnot always
22:17.26jeffmstuff can be missed in automated tests
22:17.45jeffmmeat has to look at it at some point
22:19.08jeffmbut automation is a good tool to maximise what the meat can do :)
22:41.21*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (~Ups@
22:58.26*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
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23:13.04*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (~Delusiona@unaffiliated/delusional)
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23:55.46*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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23:59.17*** join/#bzflag McSpider (

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