IRC log for #bzflag on 20100221

00:10.02*** join/#bzflag mrapplecomputer1 (~mrappleco@bzflag/player/MrAppleComputer)
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00:38.17*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
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01:23.29*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
01:51.37*** join/#bzflag Abc (
01:53.29*** join/#bzflag Tonywolfe (
01:53.51Abcis there anything on forum or wiki about the /set syntax?
01:58.44blast007dude, chill out
01:59.06blast007it's /set _variable value
01:59.38blast007stop changing your name
01:59.42aVchey blast it's me zz
02:00.06aVci need to learn, b/c i don't understand well :S
02:00.16blast007did you read what I said?
02:00.21aVcum yes
02:00.28blast007that's all there is to it
02:00.29aVcbut i tired and nothing
02:00.44blast007are you an admin on the server you are trying to run /set on?
02:00.54aVcum yes,
02:01.09blast007what was the command you ran?
02:01.19aVcum idr
02:01.36blast007well give me an example of what you might have run ...
02:01.52aVchey there's a server where everyone is admin
02:02.11aVcjoin plz and teach me
02:02.32aVcdang thk
02:02.32blast007that's the various variables that may be available
02:02.45blast007and they are case sensitive
02:03.03blast007it means they are sensitive to case. Upper case and lower case.
02:03.14blast007so _tankspeed is wrong, but _tankSpeed is right.
02:03.30blast007so you can do /set _tankSpeed 50
02:03.32blast007for example
02:03.33aVci just didn't know THAT WAS WHY I COULDN'T DO THINGS!
02:04.06blast007and now ... the all admin server will have a tank speed of 500000 ...
02:05.09Constitutionjust sets a quickkey for /reset *
02:10.53brlcadwow, that was almost kick-worthy :)
02:11.45brlcadblast007: you should teach him the beauty of "/quit annoying" to make the annoying players disconnect, since he's admin and all..
02:13.10jeffmdon't be sexist brlcad that could have been a she :)
02:14.03jeffmI honestly hope it wasn't....
02:19.36*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
02:25.50*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
02:26.07brlcadand I resemble that remark!
02:26.12brlcadat least per 50/50 odds
02:27.22DTRemenakdoes not endorse the singular they, and thinks "him" was just fine
02:27.38jeffmwas just being a bastard
02:30.17DTRemenakis just sensitive about epicene pronouns :)
02:37.37brlcadthem's fightin' words
02:38.35jeffmbut his klingon is higher level then me he'll kick my ass ;)
02:39.34brlcadthey'll will?  that's not very nice of them
02:39.56DTRemenakshe will :)
02:40.17jeffmshe dosn't have a word for nice is my guess
02:40.35jeffmAnd the USS Niven is so very new :)
02:40.41DTRemenakheh, actually klingon, like esperanto, has a universal negation prefix
02:40.46DTRemenakso she can un-hate you :)
02:41.10jeffm"I hate you the least"
02:42.01jeffmtho taking the USS Gatling against some bops could be fine, once I learn how to fly her
02:42.36DTRemenakyeah, you should try some pvp sometime :)
02:42.47DTRemenakalthough ship pvp is kinda boring for feds at this point
02:42.56DTRemenakthe predominant metagame is the "fedball"
02:43.10DTRemenakeveryone sits close together and surrounds themselves with mines
02:43.23jeffmis trying ps3 demos now
02:43.27DTRemenakand then they just...sit there...until a klingon is stupid enough to decloak within weapons range
02:43.36jeffmyou were right, Heavy Rain is a VERY intersting concept
02:43.50DTRemenakyeah, isn't that one of the coolest ui's you've seen?
02:44.07jeffmit's interesting
02:44.18jeffmit's better then the nonUI of the last burnout
02:44.24DTRemenak100% contextual and almost 100% symbolic
02:44.39jeffmbut I had some issue with it, not knowing WHAT I could do just that I could do it
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02:44.49jeffmalso no my kinda storr
02:44.56jeffmbut still very interesting
02:44.59DTRemenakyeah, the symbols are not as clear as maybe they should be
02:45.19DTRemenakthe first demo level, for example, uses the same icon in the same position for putting money on the table as for putting your card on the table
02:45.38jeffmit's just the motion you have to make
02:45.41jeffmnot WHAT you do
02:45.50DTRemenakwell, it's what you do with your body
02:45.59DTRemenakyou know you're going to take something from your pocket
02:46.05jeffmbut not what
02:46.09DTRemenakyeah, exactly
02:46.17jeffmI know I'm going to knock on a door, OR hit someone in the face
02:46.29DTRemenakwell, that's where the context comes in
02:46.30jeffmand those are very different things
02:46.36DTRemenakif you're facing a dude, you're gonna hit him
02:46.43DTRemenakif you're facing a door, you're going to knock on it
02:46.53jeffmunless the dude is in a doorway :)
02:46.59DTRemenakbut you don't necessarily know what's in your pocket :)
02:47.40*** join/#bzflag zz_Quol (~Quol@
02:47.40jeffmstill kudos to them for trying something different
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02:48.10DTRemenakyeah, it's cool to see people trying new stuff
02:48.26jeffmtried a tank game
02:48.30jeffmit was HORRIBLE
02:49.03jeffmhad cute little tanks like I'd like BZ to have
02:51.04jeffmbrlcad: you see the backlog about "flag passing" ?
03:00.12*** join/#bzflag Quol_away (~Quol@
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03:41.44*** join/#bzflag Quol_away (~Quol@
04:31.17*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
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05:43.20*** part/#bzflag jeffm (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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05:52.51*** join/#bzflag Marzipan (~Marzipan@bzflag/player/Marzipan)
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08:02.14jorgenptbrlcad: So I'm asking my professor to write a letter to strengthen my petition to extend my stay here as an exchange student.
08:02.29jorgenptbrlcad: And he asks me for things like a transcript and a resume, so I send it to him
08:02.46jorgenptbrlcad: And he sends back: "I used to play BZFlag all the time. :-)"
08:02.49jorgenptbrlcad: \o/
08:03.11jorgenptbrlcad: (I put my stints with GSoC/BZFlag on my resume)
08:05.26*** join/#bzflag noyb (
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16:15.49*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
16:16.18*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (~JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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17:24.41*** join/#bzflag mrapplecomputer1 (~mrappleco@bzflag/player/MrAppleComputer)
17:38.45*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
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18:01.01*** join/#bzflag Wreckage_ (
18:04.02joevanojorgenpt: tell him to play again ;-)
18:16.18*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
18:24.59*** join/#bzflag Quol_away (~Quol@
18:27.14*** join/#bzflag asdfasdf (
18:31.28*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
18:34.27*** join/#bzflag SparkyXI (
18:34.50SparkyXIHello all - are there any admins here for the servers?
18:35.04SparkyXIIf not, do they have a website/IRC channel?
18:35.59bradand zaphod is the owner, you can contact him on bzbb
18:36.20*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
18:36.41temporalDSparkyXI: zaphod is on a server now
18:36.47SparkyXIwhich server?
18:37.28SparkyXII'm banned from his servers for some reason... that's why I need to get in touch with him.
18:37.51temporalDsend a PM via the BZBB at
18:37.52JeffM2501the ban message will tell you who did the ban and you can PM them
18:38.27SparkyXIalright. thanks for the help, as always.
18:39.31*** join/#bzflag Wreckage_ (
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18:42.24*** join/#bzflag goingberserk (
18:42.43*** join/#bzflag Wreckage_ (
18:49.36*** join/#bzflag Yassen (~Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
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19:02.11*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
19:09.18*** join/#bzflag xaver (
19:15.50jorgenptjoevano: Hehe, yep
19:19.21*** join/#bzflag mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
19:25.19*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (~Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
19:39.45*** join/#bzflag mac-mini (~mac-mini@unaffiliated/macmini/x-648924)
19:50.45CIA-88BZFlag: 03Cobra Fast 07 * r6952 10/w/BZFS_Command_Line_Options: -time added.
20:31.59*** join/#bzflag Upsetter1 (~Ups@
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20:52.46*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
20:53.00*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (~fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
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21:24.05*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
22:49.27*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
22:51.30WreckageHowdy: on a few servers with textures it tries to download when i connect it sayd "not downloading: http://"... and the surfaces are white
22:51.41*** join/#bzflag Zw3rgy|MrSupp0rt (
22:51.46WreckageHow to enable downloading?
22:52.14blast007edit your access list file
22:52.52WreckageI did and removed lines still did not worj
22:53.15blast007did you restart the client?
22:53.32blast007they you're doing something else wrong ;)
22:53.37blast007works for me
22:54.05blast007or try adding allow * at the end
22:54.16WreckageExample is
22:54.33blast007that one should be allowed by default
22:54.43Wreckageyes i read
22:55.07WreckageThat buy tried editing access anyway...
22:55.41Wreckage(buy=but I) heh
22:58.37Wreckagenot some odd proxy issue (again) i hope..
23:00.13Wreckageset doDownloads 0?
23:00.51blast007you might have downloads turned off then
23:01.01blast007check in the Cache menu
23:01.03blast007cache settings
23:01.19blast007"Automatic Downloads"
23:01.56Wreckagelol great
23:02.22blast007was it set to off?
23:02.33Wreckageanother case of me overthinking it... Its off
23:02.51blast007not sure what "connection updates" is. I have that one off.
23:03.23WreckageHeh i did too- just turned it on...
23:03.52Wreckagedownloading works thx
23:03.56blast007probably don't need that one on
23:04.05blast007(connection updates)
23:04.26Wreckageheh maybe when i restart it will automatically update to .14? :D
23:04.52blast007no, it's something with the cache files
23:09.17Wreckageheh when does debian catch up to bzflag updates?
23:11.44Wreckageor must a lovely volunteer make a .deb
23:11.59JeffM2501tim posts them
23:12.09JeffM2501current debian is very close to .14
23:12.16JeffM2501it's a verson of .13
23:12.42JeffM2501so you've already got most of it
23:12.49Wreckageyep thats what i have :)
23:14.20JeffM2501they just released a version of debian so it'll be a while before 14 goes into stable
23:14.30JeffM2501but tim will probalby get it into testing in a couple months or so
23:14.46blast007there is a new bug in the .14 stuff though.  If you try to spawn while the server is checking your global auth, it kicks you off for "invalid request"
23:15.40blast007basically just needs to also allow MsgAlive
23:15.55*** join/#bzflag temporalD (~ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
23:16.01blast007(it gets added to a queue for later anyway)
23:16.32WreckageWas 2.0.13 just for deb?
23:16.44blast007Wreckage: debian, and then Ubuntu copied what debian did
23:16.52blast007and there's probably other distros that did it too
23:17.13Wreckagewell thats the story of ubuntu :o
23:17.19*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
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23:17.27JeffM2501.13 is what we labeld the code after 12
23:17.29JeffM2501odd is for dev
23:17.39WreckageI dont remember updating to .13 on windows
23:17.42JeffM2501to solve a problem for debian tim pushed a package of current code
23:17.44JeffM2501you didn't
23:17.53JeffM2501nor did you update to 12 on windows
23:18.21JeffM2501when Tim pushed code up to stable for debian, he should have named it 14 but he didn
23:18.30JeffM2501so we made 14 just to get everyone back in sync
23:18.40JeffM2501the changes from 10 to 14 are very minor
23:18.48JeffM2501so it's not important what one of those you have
23:19.02WreckageAah. now i have to live in disgrace at every clientquery! :P
23:19.36JeffM2501windows users have been on .10 for ages
23:19.46Zw3rgy|MrSupp0rtnow i am on .14
23:19.52JeffM2501so it's a commn thing for a platform to be behind a bit
23:20.02JeffM2501and the way debian works makes it even harder to push new packages up
23:20.03Zw3rgy|MrSupp0rt.14 works fine
23:21.27WreckageMmh. so if i compile .14 what will be the difference to what i have?
23:21.44JeffM2501not much
23:21.53JeffM2501UV snaping is probably it
23:22.02trepan.15 gives you new shots
23:22.18WreckageIs that the anti flicker?
23:22.27JeffM2501uv snaping
23:22.33JeffM2501why are shots in 15?
23:22.43trepanbecause it amused me to make it so  ;)
23:22.55JeffM2501we are never going to finish anything
23:23.05WreckageGood quote!
23:23.20trepancame to that realization quite some time ago ... the lingering DR was the big tip-off
23:24.29WreckageSpread the hope! heh i heard a rumor that anti flicker makes screen not turn yellow around teles... dont see what that would have to do with stopping flickering
23:24.40JeffM2501that's not what it does
23:24.42trepanJeffM2501: probably have better luck starting from the C# work you've done
23:24.50JeffM2501trepan, that's my hope
23:24.55JeffM2501almost got auth done
23:25.08trepannet+sim worked out yet?
23:25.13AAA_awrightDoes 2.0.14 let the server change the client's score? I know you can change anyone's score but your own, right?
23:25.20Wreckageindeed i heard that before i got it. GU people...
23:25.43JeffM2501AAA_awright, no
23:25.55JeffM2501that requires a protocoll change to get all clients to do it
23:26.03JeffM250114 is just small bug fixes from 12
23:26.15Wreckagewish trepan had that for me back in bloodbaths days :D
23:26.21AAA_awrightI would count that as a small bug fix, if the client is ignoring an existing feature of the protocol
23:26.44JeffM2501AAA_awright, yeah but it wouldn't fix anything as old clients could still join
23:26.53JeffM2501so it was something that was put into 3 to ensure it was consistent
23:27.02JeffM2501the proto change was not a techincal reason but a logical one.
23:27.08AAA_awrightWorst case you could use a plugin that blocks clients by their version if necessary
23:27.17JeffM2501we do not want to go down that road
23:27.29JeffM2501players should not be blocked for reasons they are not told about
23:27.38JeffM2501it's not good practice
23:27.54AAA_awrightDoesn't the server send an error string?
23:28.16WreckageHmm there are a few admins who need a scolding JeffM
23:28.17AAA_awright1.x would block clients if they didn't support a particular flag
23:28.20JeffM2501still they should not be told to upgrade if they can see the server in the list
23:28.29JeffM2501Wreckage, huh?
23:28.36JeffM2501AAA_awright, yeah and that's a bad design
23:28.47JeffM2501if you can see a game you should be able to play it (barring bans)
23:29.14WreckageReferring to kicks and bans of players who dont know why
23:29.31JeffM2501flag negotiation was a workaround for for a specific issue, not a general rule for adding features mid version
23:29.44JeffM2501Wreckage, that's different
23:29.52JeffM2501once you join it's up to the owner
23:30.04JeffM2501but we should make OUR features be such that if you can see it, you can join it
23:30.11JeffM2501that's the general design goal
23:30.16JeffM2501don't punish players
23:31.14WreckageAh but still bad practice,no ? How can they learn not to repeat of they are randomly banned for a few days... Theyll come right back
23:31.27blast007Wreckage: that's not up to the project to decide
23:31.28AAA_awrightMy example was extreme, wasn't it, if you want to change a client's score mid-game it wouldn't prevent you from playing, perhaps you just want to nag them, "Upgrade your client to 2.0.14 to support this new feature"
23:31.41JeffM2501AAA_awright, I understand your point
23:31.42blast007AAA_awright: "protocol" isn't just the network data
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23:31.48JeffM2501it is just NOT something that we wish to do in .14
23:31.51JeffM2501simple as that
23:31.53JeffM2501it was a choice
23:32.05JeffM2501we coulda changed it in 10, or 12
23:32.08JeffM2501or heck even 8
23:32.12WreckageIndeed blast (wish it was :P)
23:32.18JeffM2501the choice was made to save it for 3
23:32.22blast007Wreckage: no you don't
23:32.26JeffM2501for a more consistent experience
23:32.26AAA_awrightI assumed it just wasn't a priority
23:32.35WreckageDont I blast?
23:32.36JeffM2501then you made a bad assumption ;)
23:32.53JeffM2501Wreckage, if it was, we'd not let just anyone host a server
23:33.04JeffM2501and there would be 5 servers, not 300
23:33.34JeffM2501and then we'd be droped from debian probably
23:34.11JeffM2501that's not to say there arn't things that could be done that are inbetween
23:34.12*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
23:34.34JeffM2501if we didn't have a way to let you join "open" servers they'd get a little pissy
23:34.47WreckageHeh because server owners would leave. They need ther perms to stay.
23:34.51JeffM2501there are been some issues with them and MMO style games where you get a back end "lock in"
23:35.06JeffM2501there are ways to make it work
23:35.26JeffM2501is currently going for tiered servers
23:35.27WreckageDo tell!
23:35.49JeffM2501you just need to make there be a way to swap over to other content and they seem to be happier
23:35.56JeffM2501you can defalut to your stuff
23:37.10JeffM2501I'm trying soemthing along those lines with my current stuff
23:37.19JeffM2501it has no concept of an un-authenticated player
23:37.27JeffM2501just players that have not verified email
23:37.37JeffM2501and they can only see a specific set of servers
23:39.22JeffM2501then player run servers will be shown to verified users in a "community" tab
23:40.04JeffM2501and servers have authentication info too, so every server has an owner account that goes with it for contact info, etc..
23:41.07WreckageSo the specific main servers would be ?
23:41.37JeffM2501ones run by the project, or ones that meet a specific set of requirements to be called "prefered"
23:42.00WreckageAah such as... Universal administration!!!!
23:42.01JeffM2501players could submit servers to be part of the prefered program
23:42.14JeffM2501there would be a prefered server admin system yes
23:42.31JeffM2501but admins should be needed a lot less, as it should be a more stable gaming system
23:42.56JeffM2501the current server/client system only works with a sycned gamestate
23:43.09JeffM2501and clients send input up to the server where it keeps a state
23:43.20JeffM2501and sends updates out about aother players
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23:43.43JeffM2501then graphics is built by just readin that state once a frame
23:44.16JeffM2501both graphics and client/server networking all use the same API/events into the state machine
23:45.21JeffM2501if it all works :)
23:46.18WreckageWell... sign me up for beta :D
23:46.39JeffM2501heh, if it ever gets that far
23:47.01WreckageI expect to hear something within the next couple
23:48.07blast007no no, that's the release schedule for BZFlag 3.0.0
23:48.20blast007currently we're on track to miss it by only 2 years.
23:49.17WreckageHah. Cmon we pay you so much! :P
23:49.42JeffM2501the problem is that the projet isn't paid enou
23:49.43Wreckage(should have included timeline in contract... Sigh)
23:49.44JeffM2501in time
23:54.01WreckageAs exciting as typing on ipod touch is, fingers are tired. Have a good one thx jeffm n blast
23:54.36*** part/#bzflag Wreckage (

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