IRC log for #bzflag on 20100118

00:11.07teatreenite nite
00:12.02DeepaThey have more awesome images!
00:12.15DeepaAnd... flying tanks = improved airforce
00:15.56JeffMnot the way bzflag tanks fly
00:16.09JeffMgunship woudl take those things out in a hearbeat
00:16.26JeffMthe airforce ones worked when the site was blue
00:16.32JeffMbut it won't be blue anymore
00:16.48JeffMdo you know what the new ones look like?
00:16.54*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
00:16.55*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
00:23.00*** join/#bzflag BlasterWisconsin (
00:35.33*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
00:55.27*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
00:56.28DeepaI liked the blue site :(
00:56.38JeffMwe are trying to match the main site more
00:56.41JeffMand it isn't blue
00:57.36DeepaSee what I'm getting at :-)?
00:58.06DeepaReally? personally I have no idea
00:58.27JeffMyou like the blue site, and you are insenuating that we could make the main site blue
00:58.40DeepaThat sounds alot better than what I was thinking
00:58.50JeffMit's what you were thinking
00:59.48JeffMdeletes a bunch of ranks
01:00.57JeffMnot many people have them
01:00.59JeffMif any at all
01:01.30DeepaI kinda miss playing BZFlag at school now
01:02.25Deepaand back then, we had a blue site!
01:02.40JeffMbefore it was blue, it was gray
01:02.44JeffMbefore that it was white
01:03.06JeffMhave you looked at the new site?
01:06.31DeepaYeah, just did
01:07.53DeepaAnd as part of my "time to learn C/C++" I'm gonna try and write a patch!
01:08.05JeffMumm ok
01:11.05*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
01:12.56CIA-75BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20745 10/trunk/web/art/bb/rankbase.psd: Add GSOC overlay
01:13.29JeffMand there we go
01:13.30CIA-75BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20746 10/trunk/web/art/bb/ranks/ (43 files):
01:13.30CIA-75BZFlag: Update ranks for new less blue bzbb layout.
01:13.30CIA-75BZFlag: Change from airforce-style double stripes and stars to army-like stripes and bars.
01:13.30CIA-75BZFlag: Removed and Consolodated some ranks since post count is no longer used.
01:13.30CIA-75BZFlag: Added techincal,tactical, and admin overlays
01:15.04JeffMDeepa: the big reason is, the old blue site was just the first theme for phpbb that we found that didn't look crummy when we did the update, it wasn't really planned that well. This time we can make it match the main site the best we can.
01:15.55Deepaoh no, the blue site I talked about were our stats-website
01:16.06DeepaA small hack made to keep track of who was the weakest link
01:22.38*** join/#bzflag Murielle (n=murielle@unaffiliated/murielle)
01:23.13Muriellehi!!! is jit only a variation between two consecutive measurement of the lag ?
01:23.38JeffMnot 2 consecutive pings, but yes that is the idea
01:23.41JeffMit is the change in lag
01:24.22Murielleif lag is small,but jitter is around 20ms...why would it be a problem ?
01:24.44JeffMthe more your lag changes the harder it is for the game to predict where you are between updates
01:25.06JeffMso it may guess wrong if your updates don't come at a regular interval
01:25.52Murielleok...becauqse the client interpolate the position and speed of the tank,right?
01:26.13JeffMit has to, you don't send out an update 100 times a second :)
01:26.28Murielleand it assumes a constant  lag in its calculi?
01:26.43JeffMyes and no
01:26.50JeffM2.0.x dosn't use the lag
01:27.00JeffMit assumes that when you get the packet the person is there
01:27.25JeffMso if you are jummping around in lag, then it'll make a tank look like it's jumping faster or slower then it should be
01:27.38JeffM2.99.x tries to use the last lag
01:27.42JeffMand a synced clock
01:27.59JeffMin general jitter is bad, it means your conection is not constant
01:28.24Muriellei have jit when using wireless
01:28.24JeffMit usualy goes along with higher then normal packetlloss
01:28.29JeffMand THAT is teh bad thing
01:28.34JeffMyeah wireless is not great for games
01:28.39JeffMplug that sucker in
01:28.50JeffMwireless has higher then normal packetloss
01:28.50Muriellethe box is ver far:(
01:28.58JeffMwires are very cheap :)
01:29.19Murielleshould ask parent do holes in walls for me playing bz??:P
01:29.21JeffMone big problem with high jitter and low lag is that you could get packets that come in out of order
01:29.23TheRedBaronunless they are monster cables
01:29.28JeffMand that makes it REALY wacky
01:30.30Muriellety for the info JeffM
01:30.40*** part/#bzflag Murielle (n=murielle@unaffiliated/murielle)
01:32.49JeffMthere we go, ranks all done.
01:33.03blast007sometimes just changing the wifi channel can make it suck less
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (n=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
01:54.13*** join/#bzflag catay (
02:02.06JeffMdo we want to do special icons for "hot" topics?
02:03.04*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
02:04.35spldartranks were changed?
02:21.21mebigfatguyenjoys that a thread he started in 2003 on bzbb is at the top of the list
02:21.29CIA-75BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20747 10/trunk/web/art/bb/ranks/ (6 files): missed a few old ranks
02:22.38JeffMblast007: the theme images are already set up on .bz so it's good to go
02:23.41CIA-75BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20748 10/trunk/web/art/bb/ (29 files): icons for new forums
02:25.42*** join/#bzflag Guest16065 (
02:27.32*** join/#bzflag me1_ (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
02:50.42*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
03:05.42*** join/#bzflag allejo (
03:46.16*** join/#bzflag jomojo (
03:48.17*** join/#bzflag Landon__ (n=chatzill@
03:49.27blast007JeffM: ok
03:54.00*** join/#bzflag llrr (
04:10.58*** join/#bzflag jorgenpt_ (
04:45.29*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
04:54.19blast007okay, starting the upgrade of the forum
04:54.50blast007the list server might be down for a bit while I shuffle stuff around, since it points directly to phpBB files ;)
04:55.13JeffMthat'll make the server run faster then :)
04:57.42JeffMif only brlcad would be around
04:58.58JeffMbrlcad: ping, we need to talk about what's running on the list server and maybe splitting some of it off to another machine (mine, i.e.)
05:09.07JeffMI wonder how much of an impact SportChick's IRC is
05:09.14JeffMit seems to be using lots of memories
05:17.55JeffMif anything I think we should get the fourms and list redirecting to and respectivly
05:19.36SportChicksomething you need from me, JeffM ?
05:20.09trepanSportChick: you run crayZ ircs...
05:20.35JeffMSportChick: not directly, we were just discussing the possible implications to performance that your IRC stuff has on the bzflag list server
05:20.47JeffMit is the top process in memory
05:20.56blast007top 3, actually ;)
05:20.56JeffMand we are using 95% of the swap file
05:21.03*** join/#bzflag Bambino (
05:21.33JeffMSportChick: part of me is wondering if bz would work better if we moved your IRC to my system
05:21.36SportChickhrm, one of those shouldn't be eating much memory at all
05:21.38JeffMit's in the same datacenter
05:21.39*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (i=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
05:21.49JeffMSportChick: one is using just over a gig of memory
05:21.58blast007that was total
05:22.01JeffMahh ok
05:22.18blast007and I'm not sure how 'res' vs 'size' goes
05:22.25JeffMstill if performance of the list server is an issue, running extra processes is not a great thing for it I think
05:22.26blast007the total 'res' was around 200MB
05:22.46JeffMand I have a machine that's not doing much, unless DTRemenak fires up never winter nights
05:23.25JeffMother options could be to split sql and apache on 2 machines
05:23.31JeffMand lock it down
05:23.36JeffMthey are on the same local network
05:23.41JeffMor should be at least
05:24.37blast007not even sure I can do the upgrade right now - I can barely type commands into SSH
05:24.40JeffMwhat'd be awesome would be if we coudl convince them to move my server to the rack unit below .bz and put crossover cable between em ( if they have 2 nics)
05:28.44blast007well, I guess that explains a lot - .bz has packet loss bad right now
05:29.00blast007explains the SSH lag, I mean
05:30.12BulletCatcherFWIW, I was just kicked from for packet loss, but it does not seem to be a problem local to me.
05:30.38blast007BulletCatcher: well, I'm getting loss to .bz from both my home connection and my server
05:30.41JeffMnaw, I got 2 pings running one to my host and one to .bz is craping out about half of em
05:30.54JeffMsame ping
05:31.02JeffMit has to be the machine
05:31.17JeffMsory 93-99 ms
05:31.22JeffMnot 55, that was ttl
05:32.05JeffMthis kinda crap will be the death of BZ before developer atrophy
05:32.15blast007haha, after 2 minutes it finally gives me the list of screen window list
05:32.32blast007gives me the screen windows list*
05:32.50BulletCatcherI get 0% packet loss to the the last router before .bz, so that confirms the location of its problem.
05:33.38BulletCatcherMaybe we should upgrade its modem from 2400 baud to 9600. :-)
05:33.54blast007woo, lost my SSH
05:34.05JeffMmaybe he should just read his logs ;)
05:34.18JeffMhe must be rather busy of late
05:36.11blast007this upgrade went a lot faster on my server :)
05:36.27blast007and I haven't even gotten to the "making a backup" part yet
05:36.33JeffMso did printing the command prompt :)
05:40.50*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
05:44.50JeffMsplitting it up would also make more people be "arround" if needed
05:45.04JeffMDTRemenak is a full root user of our server
05:45.11JeffMand even on the list of contacts for the ISP
05:46.29DTRemenaksplitting what up?
05:46.44blast007the bzflag services
05:46.57JeffMmoving some stuff to our machine DTRemenak
05:47.02JeffMif it'll help
05:47.11DTRemenaknot sure we could do that in a logical way
05:47.20JeffMlike even taking over SportChick's IRC to free up some "omph"
05:47.32DTRemenakif someone came up with a good plan I'd be happy to help
05:47.41JeffMyeah I dunno what we could do
05:47.52JeffMwe are on the same site, so we have phat bandwith between the machines
05:48.37JeffMand I know we arn't capped at 10m/s as we peaked to 40 during the STO torrent
05:52.56BulletCatcherThings like IRC that don't interact with other local services should be easy to move.
05:53.20JeffMno matter what we should get the fourms pointed to there own domain
05:53.24blast007the wiki isn't tied into the forum either
05:53.45JeffMget em moved to then some of those are easy to move
05:53.48JeffMmain website too
05:54.36JeffMcan apache be set to forward to ?
05:54.51JeffMand forward whatever paramaters for a get/post as well?
05:55.30JeffMso it'd do to
05:55.43BulletCatcherIt can send a permanent redirect response to any request, which the client would then repeat at the new location.
05:55.54blast007okay, this is pointless. I'll do the upgrade another night when the server wants to respond. :)
05:56.07JeffMthen it should not be too hard to get the main services to there own domains
05:56.41JeffMthink it's the rsync blast007?
05:56.47blast007no idea
05:57.02JeffMbet a netstat looks horrible
05:57.04blast007I don't know how to check beyond 'top'
05:59.29JeffMreboot it :)
05:59.47BulletCatcherIf the ifconfig command shows accumulated bytes transferred, then do it twice at a timed interval and compute the bandwidth used.
06:00.04blast007BulletCatcher: well, that part isn't the problem
06:00.15blast007something is beating the crap out of the server - some service
06:00.24blast007either CPU, memory, or disk
06:00.46blast007or a combination of those :P
06:01.07JeffMmysqld is using 35% of the CPU
06:01.09blast007out of RAM, so using the swap partition heavily, whic makes the disk slow
06:01.37JeffMthe system is at 84% total usage
06:01.52JeffMit does say it has 2 zombies
06:02.21JeffMand a crapton of www requests
06:02.39blast007shuts down apache - Hey look, much faster! (kidding)
06:02.42JeffMI'm curious if it'd run faster if you took apache offline for a sec
06:02.45JeffMI'm not
06:02.59JeffMif it goes offline for 10 min while you do the upgrade, that's FINE
06:03.01blast007worth a try
06:03.25JeffMyou see that critxfer shhd too?
06:03.28JeffMthat seems odd
06:03.38blast007just that bzflag stuff isn't the only thing that runs on the apache
06:03.54JeffM10 min won't kill anyone :)
06:04.11JeffMand if it's a huge deal they call sean and he shows up here :)
06:04.16JeffMether way we get what we need
06:04.22BulletCatcherThe iostat command shows that disk I/O is less that 1 MB/sec, so that isn't the problem.
06:04.27blast007JeffM: lol
06:04.42JeffMBulletCatcher: my gut says CPU
06:04.53JeffMit's down under 50% now
06:05.03JeffMooh back up to 80
06:05.13BulletCatcherThe CPU load of 3 or so is not bad.
06:05.17blast007lots of 'system' time, whatever that is
06:06.17JeffMSportChick's bigest process has 518 megs up
06:06.53BulletCatcherI think her irssi processes are a significant part of the problem.
06:07.13BulletCatcherThere is no free RAM, so the system is paging a lot.
06:07.28JeffMSportChick: you'd probably be best served by getting your own vps just for your IRC
06:08.56JeffMI'll gladly host her if she won't kill my machine too
06:08.56BulletCatcherI take that back about the RAM.  The vmstat program shows that memory is busy, but not overloaded.
06:09.09JeffMis it still paging a lot?
06:09.20BulletCatcherYes, lots of paging.
06:09.27JeffMand that ain't fast
06:09.40blast007I just don't like to see *any* of the page file being needed
06:09.56JeffMyeah its' always best to run them fully in ram
06:10.03JeffMthat's why we upgraded to 2 gigs
06:10.15JeffMDTRemenak had us close to 100% ram
06:10.41BulletCatcherOkay, a couple of minutes of running "vmstat 5" shows occasional spikes of memory shortage.
06:10.47JeffMit was only 75$ to upgrade
06:11.31JeffMwould there be benifit in asking SportChick if she could kill em all for a bit for us to see if that's the issue?
06:11.57BulletCatcherIf that would be easy for her, then it would be a nice test.
06:12.47BulletCatcherbets it isn't easy enough
06:12.54JeffMif we just say her name more often she'll read one of the thousands of blinking windows
06:13.07blast007if we say what? SportChick ?
06:13.28JeffMsay it 3 times in a mirror at night and you summon her to kline trollz
06:13.48JeffMoh I bet she's mobile
06:14.21BulletCatcherBeetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
06:14.23JeffMBulletCatcher: did it tell you how much ram is in the machine?
06:14.31JeffMcus I think it's only got a gig
06:14.35blast007it is
06:14.45JeffModd that he didn't upgrade that oo
06:15.03BulletCatcherYeah, it looks like 1 GB.
06:15.23JeffMBulletCatcher: we moved to the new server right?
06:15.43BulletCatcherI am looking on
06:16.10JeffMyeah but there was a time when we moved from the old .bz to the new .bz
06:16.13JeffMI thought
06:16.17JeffMthe IP changed
06:16.23JeffMand I thought you posted in the fourms about it or something
06:16.37JeffMit took a bit for the game servers to resync ect...
06:16.39BulletCatcherI think they just physically moved the same hardware a few months ago.
06:16.54JeffMif there was an IP change, then it's the new machine
06:17.00JeffMhe had them both running for like a year
06:18.36JeffMponders building a small server and just driving it out to SportChick's house so she can IRC from home :)
06:19.02BulletCatcherShe'd need bandwidth, too.
06:19.19blast007BulletCatcher: it's just IRC :P
06:19.22JeffMit's all instream, a decent home DSL should be fine
06:19.27JeffMit's not outbound
06:19.46JeffMand she plays WoW so we know she ain't on no dialup
06:19.53BulletCatcherBut she types like an infinite number of monkeys. :-)
06:20.02JeffMon her phone
06:21.03JeffMtho there are some cheap VPS services that could work
06:25.04blast007heh, well one of her clients is doing something now
06:25.09blast007using more CPU than mysql
06:25.20blast00720% ;)
06:25.21JeffMwell mysql dropped off
06:25.42JeffMssh may be better now
06:25.46blast007yeah, it is
06:26.05JeffMbet it was doing a backup of mysql over rsync
06:26.21JeffMand it's just so far outa ram that it takes forever
06:28.49JeffMhopefully msql is now freaking out beceause blast007 poke it
06:29.03blast007nope, I didn't touch it
06:29.29blast007wonder what all it's doing
06:29.41blast007bet it's calculating Pi again
06:29.54trepanany of youz have root on that machine?
06:30.11JeffMdoes not, that he knows of
06:30.14blast007I think I do
06:30.23blast007but I'm scared of it :P
06:30.29JeffMbe a man :)
06:30.33BulletCatcherI have sudo privs.
06:30.40trepankill -s STOP <pid>   might suffice to get her attention
06:30.43JeffMnut up and reboot it
06:31.05JeffMif she gets pissed I'll go drive out and buy her sushi
06:31.27blast007really want me to reboot it?
06:32.05blast007probably won't solve anything except for not having any irssi instances anymore :P
06:32.19JeffMtho not tomorow cus tomorow I get doped up by a surgon
06:32.22BulletCatcherWe should kill things before rebooting.
06:32.31JeffMyeah kill IRC before reboot for sure
06:34.48JeffMhopes the upgrade helps, the spam is getting worse
06:38.13JeffMyeah it's probably not great that top shows the "free ram" bouncing between 25 megs and 900k
06:38.15blast007actually the spam is great right *now* ;)
06:38.33blast007but yeah, when the forum isn't disabled :)
06:39.04BulletCatcherAs an easy experiment, I am going to lower the priority of the rsync process using "renice".
06:39.32JeffMdo you get to sternly shake your finger at it?
06:40.57JeffMwell that's enough bugs reported in STO for one night
06:41.10BulletCatcherDone. Can't say that it made a difference.
06:41.50blast007bet it's just all the paging
06:42.04BulletCatcherI think so too.
06:42.28JeffMyeah, really need to get some of those IRC threads down before we can know
06:42.48BulletCatcherI have returned the rsync priority to normal.
06:42.49JeffMdoes it keep all the logs in ram?
06:43.11blast007well, I'm gonna beat the crap out of the server now for a bit anyway ;)
06:43.29blast007gonna copy all of the uploads over into my new phpbb directory
06:43.42JeffMbet that won't be too bad
06:43.56JeffMthat's just a disk op, not much ram needed
06:44.15JeffMunless the page swaps make it seek like mad
06:44.45blast007wonder if the hard drive is in PIO mode
06:44.57blast007versus DMA
06:47.17BulletCatcheriostat still shows disk I/O less than 2 MB/sec, so I don't think that is a problem by itself.
06:47.47blast007doesn't mean it's not seeking like crazy
06:50.16BulletCatcherYou may be right about that.  iostat also shows some very high (nearly 2 seconds) seek times.
06:50.45JeffMevery big op is probably inturupted by a seek back to the pagefile
06:51.45Constitutionwe're gonna hit the ceiling on swap too :)
06:51.47blast007swap is in it's own partition, so definately out of the way compared to the rest of the data
06:53.07JeffMit really should have 2 gigs of ram and another CPU if it's meant to do all this stuff
06:53.36blast007hell, in the current state, we'd be pushing close to 2GB of usage
06:53.53BulletCatcherSportChick's giant irssi processes should be the first to go, but I do not feel empowered to kill them.
06:54.02blast007yeah, don't
06:54.07blast007she's working on stuff
06:54.12JeffMshe's using them now I think
06:54.31JeffMbut yeah it'd be nice to at least pair them down ( maybe close a couple hundred windows or so ;))
06:54.32BulletCatcherI just got an away message in response to my highlight.
06:56.11blast007hehe, still copying
06:56.17blast00710 minutes so far
06:59.59*** join/#bzflag dcat (
07:09.55blast007hehe, and now I think some logs are compressing with bzip2
07:13.47JeffMat least you are able to dump the db now
07:15.50JeffMyay, I get my tax refund in 2 weeks :)
07:17.10*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
07:17.44blast007okay, let's see if this upgrade works ;)
07:22.55*** part/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
07:22.58*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
07:22.58*** part/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
07:23.06*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
07:23.44blast007(list is broke right now - trying to fix it)
07:24.06JeffMsome files change location?
07:24.13blast007had a copy of one I guess
07:24.14a_meteoriteblast007 broke it! bad blast007!!!
07:24.26JeffMthat'll take some load off
07:24.39blast007what will?
07:24.51blast007I mean I had a copy of some phpBB file
07:24.53JeffMlist server not being able to do sql requests
07:25.00blast007oh, it's still doing it
07:25.06blast007it just has a bunch of errors at the start
07:25.26JeffMI still think turing the authenticator into a app and just having php call that'd be good
07:25.38JeffMthen we wouldn't have to load all that mysql php
07:25.51blast007and you'd have one persistent connection
07:25.56blast007to the database
07:26.01JeffMdepends how you wrote it but yes you could
07:27.52JeffMit's password verification can't be THAT complex can it?
07:28.04blast007it's all the UTF-8 crap
07:28.22blast007there's like 3MB of PHP files to handle that :P
07:28.44JeffMprobably could be done better as an app then
07:29.18JeffMdo we even allow UTF8 usernames and passwords?
07:29.27JeffMcus the game dosn't
07:30.10blast007password doesn't matter cuz it's a hash anyway
07:31.36JeffMauth from the game sends the password, we'd still have to make the hash
07:31.49JeffMso the hash function could potentialy have to support it
07:38.43trepanhash function probably supports any raw data
07:38.51trepanwouldn't have to be unicode aware
07:40.13JeffMprobably not
07:40.35JeffMthe only thing I can't think of would be a unicode username in order to make it a case insensitive compare
07:55.56JeffMwish we could at least kill one of SportChick's things
07:56.00JeffMthen we'd at least know
08:02.38trepancan't sudo, or i'd at least put the big one to sleep for ya ;)
08:03.07JeffMhow's the upgrade going?
08:03.14blast007not sure
08:03.15JeffMif its' going to take a lot longer we have to do it
08:03.32blast007and right after I say that it finishes
08:03.33JeffMI mean kill one
08:03.44blast007it didn't show any progress
08:03.58blast007and then all of a sudden it shows all of the progress 'dots' :P
08:04.21blast007gotta copy over the old template quick
08:04.28JeffMyeah it's still the default
08:04.54a_meteoritethe bb is broke I assume
08:05.00blast007a_meteorite: yes ..
08:05.06JeffMnot broke
08:05.09a_meteoritetook forever to load (as usual)
08:05.09JeffMbeing upgraded
08:05.26a_meteoriteso much for a painless upgrade
08:05.32blast007it would have been
08:05.34JeffMit was a painless upgrade
08:05.46blast007yeah, the upgrade part itself was
08:05.49JeffMfor a system wth 1.7 megs of free ram
08:06.24JeffMwhen I get back tomorow I'm going to keep hounding brlcad and SportChick to see what we can do about finding out if that's the main problem tho
08:06.45JeffMcus it's just not right that something like an IRC client can kill the entire machine
08:07.19blast007I killed my server with a bad 'dd' once :P  it loaded 1GB of data into memory
08:07.22blast007and I have 1GB of RAM
08:07.25blast007*that* was fun
08:07.37a_meteoriteat least it didn't load 1GB onto your HD
08:07.48JeffMwhy? a gig on a disk is nothing
08:07.58blast007a_meteorite: that's what I was intending to do ..
08:08.09a_meteoritethe problem would be more like dd wiping the MBR and corrupting the filesystem
08:08.09blast007I was creating a 1GB file so I could test bandwidth :P
08:08.19blast007I was outputting to a file, not a device
08:08.27blast007but I did it in a single block
08:08.43blast007so I was copying a lot of zeros to my RAM
08:08.47a_meteoritebs=1M to solve that, eh?
08:09.03blast007nah, I just vowed to never touch dd again ;)
08:11.14blast007gah, it shouldn't take this long to type the commands to copy a single directory :P
08:13.06JeffMits' done I think
08:13.13JeffMit wants you to remove the install dir
08:13.26blast007k, that'll be done shortly
08:13.32blast007and by shortly I mean within the hour
08:13.34JeffMI'll go change the theme
08:13.37JeffMif I can
08:13.56blast007admin panel will work
08:14.03JeffMif it'll load
08:14.08JeffMscrew it, kill one
08:14.12JeffMI'll take the heat
08:14.21JeffMlets just SEE if it does anything
08:14.28JeffMthis is friggin ridiculous
08:15.14blast007which one should I go for? most usage?
08:15.29JeffMcan you tell the one that hasn't been used in the longest time?
08:15.38JeffMI'd like to screw her up the least if we could
08:15.40blast007doesn't work that way, no
08:15.46JeffMtry the smallest then
08:15.50JeffMsee if that does something
08:16.28JeffMI mean I can't realy blame her, she's just using what brlcad set up for her, it's just gotten a lot bigger then I think he origonaly intended.
08:16.30blast007waiting for it to type out 'top'
08:16.40JeffMI have it up, want a PID?
08:16.49JeffMkill 85592
08:17.03JeffMthat's 250 megs
08:17.27a_meteorite250MB for an irc client?
08:17.31a_meteoritethat'd be an IRC client I wouldn't keep!
08:17.32JeffMthat's a small one
08:17.43blast007a_meteorite: total was around 1058MB across three of her clients
08:17.56JeffMby our counts 84% of the swap is full of IRC clients
08:18.11cygalsmall memory leak :)
08:18.11a_meteoritelooks like those devs need to check out their memory leaks, hah
08:18.16JeffMcygal: nope
08:18.23JeffMthat's just USAGE
08:18.49blast007JeffM: that one has the most overall CPU usage
08:18.58blast00761827 has the last CPU time overall
08:19.06JeffMwell one of em
08:19.09JeffMlets jsut see what it does
08:19.30a_meteoritewaits for SportChick to have her connection dropped
08:19.34blast007I'll go for the one we originally said
08:19.57JeffMthat's the biggest one
08:20.08JeffMwhoot, 79% free swap
08:20.14JeffM125 megs of free ram
08:20.25blast007and no, 79% swap usage
08:20.28blast007down from 94
08:20.35JeffMsorry that's what I meant
08:20.49JeffMwell it ain't peppy but at least pages are loading
08:21.29JeffMwaiting on the install delete then we can go active
08:21.39blast007working on it
08:21.44JeffMno you arn't
08:21.48JeffMyou are waiting on it ;)
08:22.00JeffMthe computer is trying REALY hard to work on it
08:23.17JeffMwaiting for acp to load :(
08:23.26JeffMthere we go
08:24.17JeffMI bet that swap is fragged all to hell
08:24.26JeffMI reboot would not hurt it
08:25.18JeffMtho unfortontaly QR needs to be set on all the forum perms
08:25.21JeffMbut that can wait till tomorow
08:26.03Landon__shnazzy logo
08:27.02JeffMI do think killing one of the IRC clients did help it speed up
08:27.09JeffMall my pages timed out before that
08:27.31a_meteoriteit's slow, but way more peppy now
08:27.33blast007my letters typed out a lot faster :P
08:27.49JeffMwell at least we have a possible culprit then
08:28.11JeffMI think it bears more investigations... tomorow
08:28.38JeffMI'd also be interersted in seeing what her IRC clients are when they first start
08:28.45trepanlooks good
08:28.52JeffMif they are a lot less, perhaps they can be made to reboot every day orsomething
08:28.58JeffMor log to a file and keep less in memory
08:29.14blast007/set scrollback_lines 5
08:29.50JeffMI can understand her needing a lot of logs/channels being a staffer
08:30.45JeffMbut not if it's going to kill the game
08:30.58JeffMand if he dosn't want to move her, we can move the site
08:31.32blast007and then we just have to wait for Tim to update the DNS ;)
08:31.55JeffMdoes he still host it?
08:32.00JeffMI thought we moved it
08:32.21JeffMhell Ill pay for for it if he'll give it up
08:32.29JeffMand give him the login to add whatever the hell he wants
08:32.34blast007first NS record is
08:32.37JeffMthen at least we can edit the bloddy thing
08:33.05JeffMhe probably still hasn't removed the .org user addresses and turned them into .net
08:35.46JeffMbetween us I'm sure we could come up with some dns servers as well :)
08:35.55blast007I think auth is actually a bit faster now ;)
08:36.22JeffMthey clean up some php maybe?
08:36.42blast007no, I mean cuz there's more RAM free
08:36.49blast007to load all of that PHP ;)
08:37.05blast007doubt they changed that part much
08:37.25blast007and I bet that's only necessary because they support multiple database systems
08:37.38JeffMnot sure I like the bell for announcements :/
08:38.57Landon__I thought that was temporary, is there a tank theme available?
08:40.52JeffMtank theme?
08:41.33Landon__For the icons
08:41.57JeffMI used the tank icons for the fourm ones
08:42.01Landon__It seems like there were, maybe its just on the index
08:42.09JeffMthere were too many variants of a "post" to just use tanks
08:42.16Landon__I see
08:42.30JeffMand I didn't want it to get too confusing where a tank was a forum and a post
08:42.57JeffMthe bell is all my fault, I picked it :)
08:43.03JeffMmaybe a bullhorn
08:44.38JeffMmakes sleep
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11:51.45bradquite a few images missing on the forum...
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16:19.02blast007brad: where?
16:19.07blast007and have you tried clearing your cache?
16:20.43bradand yes, I have
16:20.55blast007where did you see that rank image?
16:21.09bradin the forum under just about every name
16:21.39bradit's the Private First Class image
16:22.18blast007bet I didn't copy something over then
16:22.52bradhalf the smileys are missing too
16:22.57blast007yeah, I'll fix that
16:23.00brad:) thx
16:26.56blast007ranks should be there now, unless I need to tweak permissions first
16:27.30bradall good
16:29.39blast007smilies should be fine now too
16:30.09bradyep all there now, thx
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17:05.57BulletCatcherThe forum seems to be working well, and page load times are almost snappy.
17:07.30DontkillmeYeah, and the forum looks very cool
17:08.40blast007and I didn't even clear out the bans yet ;)
17:08.51blast007might be faster once there isn't 1400 bans to process ever page load
17:13.23*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (i=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
17:14.56joevanoanyone else having problems with the "View active topics" link returning no results?
17:15.55DontkillmeYeah, me
17:16.05DontkillmeIt says "No suitable matches were found."
17:16.16joevanook... just found the "fix"... working on it
17:17.08Manublast007: more bans than players ;)
17:18.43blast007joevano: while you're in there, if you get bored, turn on the quick reply for each forum too ;)
17:18.48blast007since I think it's in the same spot
17:19.27joevanoi'm on it :)
17:26.29*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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17:28.10JeffMyay , stitches again :\
17:28.35joevanohorrible helicopter accident?
17:28.54JeffMtooth removal for an implant
17:29.07JeffMnow has parts from another human in him
17:29.24JeffMdosn't hurt
17:30.06JeffManyone ever use one of those cloud based VPS services?
17:30.18JeffMwonder how they'd work for something like auth/bzfs
17:30.20JeffMsorry bzbb
17:30.38joevanobeen tempted, but haven't done it yet... looking at ec2?
17:30.52JeffMI saw the site
17:30.59joevanoyeah, I had the same thought
17:31.03JeffMthey do a lot of dynamic node config
17:31.09JeffMand it's very cheap
17:31.20blast007has amazon EC2 firewalled from his server
17:31.21JeffMI don't think our web services alone use boatloads of ram
17:31.38blast007someone was using EC2 to evade bans ;)
17:31.48JeffMand it would not be horrible to throw some more cores at it
17:32.41blast007and you might be surprised how much RAM phpBB3 uses
17:37.36JeffMsure, but I don't think it uses a lot at once and keeps it
17:37.39JeffMit's lots of little hits
17:37.41JeffMand that's fine
17:38.07JeffMthey allocate like 256megs per node
17:38.26JeffMfor the price it wouldn't hurt to set one up for a month and test some stuff on it
17:38.54JeffMyou can do daily alocations of nodes for a buck a node/day so it'd be possible to spend 5$ and test performce with more nodes
17:39.20JeffMif it dosn't work out you cancel after a month and are out 25$ :)
17:39.30JeffMthen at least you know more then you did before
17:39.55JeffMhas brlcad been around at all?
17:40.07JeffMlike to see what he thinks about moving the wiki
17:40.44JeffMeven if the wiki isn't slowing down the list server, it'd be nice for to have a slow list server not affect the wiki ;)
17:40.48JeffMsame for the main site
17:40.48joevanowhere to? i haven't read back
17:41.02JeffMjoevano: I have a server in the same facility
17:41.09joevanoah, cool
17:41.24JeffMjoevano: ahh then you didn't see the fun of last night
17:41.37JeffM96% swap utilisation :)
17:42.18joevanono.. i was avoiding it this morning... was trying to solve so hydraulics issues with my daughters science project last night
17:42.45JeffMwe may have found out what one of the big slowdown things on the server is
17:42.55JeffMit's outa ram and hitting swap
17:43.06joevanothat will do it
17:43.13JeffMthere are/were 4 large processes that were eating up 84% of the swap
17:43.40JeffMwe eventualy killed one to get the upgrade done last night and it did help it move along
17:43.56JeffMso there is a high likelyhood that they are part of the problem
17:44.38joevanowell that looks like some solid leads into the performace issues
17:44.46JeffMwe are down to 77% swap use now
17:45.10JeffMI think we need to get those processes off the machine, or get our stuff off the machine
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17:45.26JeffMtop was reporting free ram as low as 200k
17:45.30joevanoknowing the exact issues definatelly makes it easier to solve :)
17:45.47JeffMwell there may be other issues, but this seems to be the major one
17:46.03JeffMBulletCatcher was showing seek times of up to 2 seconds on the drive
17:46.12JeffMI think because it's constantly having to go back to swap
17:46.51joevanoi would agree that sounds reasonable
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17:48.02JeffMso when I see brlcad I'll ask him what he wants to do, we have some options
17:48.27JeffMI'd like to get the major services at least pointed to their own domains, like
17:49.10joevanothat is where i tried to put it, but Tim was opposed for some reason
17:49.29JeffMbecause he thinks that the internet still runs IE4
17:50.27JeffMwhen I asked he had some issue with it because "you can't have one cookie for all sites if the subdomain is different"
17:50.57JeffMnot that we are even CLOSE to a unified login system
17:51.08JeffMif we were it'd not be that bad to keep multiple cookies
17:51.18JeffMeven tho domain cookies work fine
17:51.21joevanoah, yeah i was just a bzadmin noob at the time so I just put my head down and said "ok"
17:51.24JeffMI Mean hello... ebay?
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18:00.30BulletCatcherAn "iostat -o -w 5" command on bz shows occasional seek times of up to 1/2 second right now (the msps column).  That is much better than last night, but clearly leaves much room for improvment.
18:03.41BulletCatcherIf SportChick would restart those other two irssi processes it would free up almost all of the swap space, and that should make the system much more efficient.
18:06.00joevanook, 'quick reply' and 'display active topics' is turned on for all forums (I think)
18:06.19joevanolet me know if you notice differently
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19:16.31JeffMare the new ranks ok with everyone?
19:21.09Think_Differentlwoah, the forums look very different
19:24.50Think_Differentlthe new version of phpBB is pretty cool
19:33.39mrapplecomputer1I havent checked the ranks yet, but the forum looks great JeffM!
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19:36.00mrapplecomputer1Yah the ranks look fine, but I liked it when each dev had a seperate rank
19:36.02temporalDyea agreed - very good job everyone who worked on it
19:51.40JeffMmrapplecomputer1: each dev never had a separate rank
19:56.16mrapplecomputer1Well for example L4m3r had Hater of Everything
19:56.21mrapplecomputer1and you were a rogue scientist
19:56.31JeffMthose were not dev ones
19:56.35JeffMthose were admin ones
19:56.38mrapplecomputer1well i meant admin ones
19:56.43mrapplecomputer1anyways... nice upgrade
19:57.14JeffMumm he still has that rank
19:59.31spldartSo is there a general template you followed to assign the mil-spec style ranks? Dev's get one, admin's another etc?
19:59.38JeffMjoevano: we want to not only enable QR in all forms but make it default to on. blast007 did that on his site.
19:59.46JeffMspldart: my gut ;)
19:59.56JeffMplayed it by ear
20:00.35JeffMin general the longer/more you've done the higher you are
20:00.55JeffMwhat'd you end up with?
20:01.08spldartlemme check.
20:03.00spldartprivate first class. hehe
20:03.16JeffMwell that's not right
20:03.24BulletCatcherI was going suggest that we bust spldart back down to private, but nvm. :-)
20:03.46JeffMI should make one for "motor pool"
20:04.33spldartI figured it was cuz my r/w had sucked me away from bzflag so much lately ;)
20:05.06JeffMnaw, we just have to set them manualy
20:05.39JeffMgives BulletCatcher one too
20:05.49BulletCatcherwoo hoo!
20:06.42spldartYay! I'm an officer! :)
20:06.52JeffMbut not a gentleman ;)
20:07.05spldartI like Louman's :)
20:07.20BulletCatcherBut officer, I'm sure I was doing the speed limit!
20:07.36JeffMBulletCatcher: you outrank him
20:07.55spldartBut if I become an MP ...... muwahaaaha. j/k
20:08.09JeffMyeah I could make an MP overlay
20:08.27*** part/#bzflag Upsetter (n=er@
20:10.16BulletCatcherThe combination of spldart's avatar and rank is really funny.
20:11.09spldartI'm a silly lieutenant
20:14.01JeffMgoes home
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20:15.07joevanoso blast007 I give.. how do you make quick reply the default as JeffM requested?
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20:24.11spldartIs it common that cheap routers like airlink and belkin only apply port forwarding or dmz to the wireless machines but cannot do so to the wired machines on that particular router?
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20:39.30blast007joevano: oh, probably have to clear the template cache
20:39.34*** part/#bzflag jftsang (n=jftsang@bzflag/player/JFTsang)
20:39.39blast007I tweaked the file earlier
20:43.03blast007on by default :)
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20:47.17joevanoJeffM: QR on by default now... thanks blast007
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21:31.04JeffMjoevano: thanks
21:31.53JeffMis so very tempted to get a vps single node server just for a month just to see how it works
21:32.11joevanoit seems very easy
21:32.16*** join/#bzflag noyb (n=noyb@
21:33.01JeffMand it'd beat this bsd crap :)
21:33.01*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
21:34.12JeffMI'm guessing the clouds don't do so well for stuff like a game server
21:35.25joevanoI would assume that as well, but then again we don't do much in way of processor power
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21:37.01tsHi, I have a license question.
21:37.15JeffMts: hello
21:37.29JeffMjoevano: was thinking more for my own stuff
21:37.50tsIf I re-use BZFlag artwork, I will be tied to the LGPL`regarding the re-used artwork, correct?
21:37.50JeffMour server at sagonet runs ventrillo, some sites, and a few game servers
21:37.58JeffMts: yep
21:38.06*** join/#bzflag temporalD (n=ATD@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
21:38.20JeffMyou can't relicense the art
21:38.22tsMy other stuff stays under the license I originally had?
21:38.42tsThe LGPL says I have to distribute a copy of the license..
21:38.59JeffMI assume this is for a website?
21:39.36JeffMI'd just put a link to bzflag and the lgpl in the footer somewhere "this site uses images from bzflag, under the lgpl"
21:39.38JeffMthat'd be fine
21:40.11JeffMI'd really like to get tim to license the art under CCSA
21:40.11tsI assume it would have to be human readable? :)
21:40.21JeffMts yes it would be nice it if was
21:40.29JeffMbut it dosn't have to be huge
21:40.43JeffMlook at the footer of bzbb for an example
21:40.52JeffMit has the phpbb and theme copyright
21:41.15JeffMwhat license are you releasing your site under?
21:41.18tshmm, okay if the artwork will good, I will ask for confirmation if the way used is ok..
21:41.35tsThere is no license right now, proabably I go propriatary
21:41.44JeffMwhat kind of site is it?
21:41.54tsumm, a league website
21:42.08JeffMwhy would you not make it open source?
21:42.20JeffMwoudl you not want others to use it as well?
21:42.54tsI first want to get it usable, then think further about license. I just don't want to nail my options down to one license at this point.
21:43.29JeffMwhy not pick a simple licnese then people can help you
21:44.36tsPart of the creation process is learning..I want to get some experience doing such a thing
21:45.08JeffMso much for brotherly love and world peace then I guess ;)
21:45.27noyblet's keep the beauty pageants tho'
21:45.51JeffMwhy? do you look good in a thong?
21:48.05noybnever tried it....  but I'm positive the answer is no.  And I don't want to know if there is somebody who thinks otherwise.
21:53.00*** join/#bzflag TylerM (n=tyler@osgeo/member/TylerM)
21:53.12TylerMauth server having troubles i guess?
21:53.20JeffMit is slow yes
21:53.32JeffMwishes the brlcad would show up
21:53.42TylerMk thx, will keep trying
21:53.49TylerMboy i play better when i can auth as admin :)
21:54.56TylerMi mean when 'i can't ' :)
21:56.43JeffMprobably less distractions
21:58.18TylerMi'd say :)
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23:32.12blast007joevano / JeffM: was there any spam today?
23:32.29JeffMI have not seen any
23:34.29blast007sweet, doesn't look like there was. admin log doesn't show any users getting deleted. ;)
23:35.06blast007JeffM: should I swap in the reCAPTCHA?
23:35.15JeffMI don't see why not
23:37.52blast007done :)
23:47.52JeffMwhere is the bzflag favicon?
23:48.32blast007which one?
23:48.37JeffMthe fourm one
23:48.39blast007think there's at least two
23:48.39JeffMit's cooler
23:48.51blast007  ;)
23:49.19JeffMugg.. that looks horible in wordpress
23:49.39blast007as what, a logo?
23:49.53JeffMas the image for a link in a sidebar
23:51.33blast007assuming that white border is part of the icon?
23:51.38JeffMit's not
23:51.46JeffMdoes not feel like editing the theme
23:51.52JeffMdoes not realy like the theme :)
23:52.14JeffMthe built in theme system is somewhat of a joke
23:52.37JeffMwhy in the name of all that is good and pure would I give them my FTP info just to have them send me a file?
23:52.54blast007hmm, I don't think I had to do that
23:53.07blast007cuz I don't even have FTP installed on my server :P
23:53.12JeffMthat's what the built in theme browser wants to do
23:53.15JeffMnor do I
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23:54.18blast007works fine for me
23:54.24blast007maybe you don't have permissions set up right
23:54.45JeffMdirs are 755 and files 644 IIRC
23:55.39JeffMwonder if I don't have mod_rewrite

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