IRC log for #bzflag on 20100117

00:22.14*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
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02:11.19*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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02:26.41*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
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12:31.42*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (
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13:56.49delusionalhelpfiles are OK in Unicode UTF-8 format, correct?
13:57.24delusionalor should I use UTF-16?
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16:53.07Cobra_Fastlooks just like another spam bot attacked the bzbb ^^
16:53.52DontkillmeOh, let me look
16:54.27DontkillmeI hate those spammers :/
16:55.13Cobra_Fasti wonder who clicks on the links at the end of the spampost
16:55.34DontkillmeI think we need something to report users, not posts...
16:56.09Cobra_Fastand we need some anti-spam plugin, which detects multiple exact posts
16:56.37Cobra_Fastlike 3 times the same post -> user banned & posts deleted ^^
16:57.52DontkillmeA plug-in for censoring posts and profiles would be great too...
17:35.44*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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17:47.46*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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17:52.02*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
17:52.10dexter-eww global's overloaded
17:58.03DontkillmeOh, someone deleted the spammer :)
17:58.18JeffMyeah... that's what we do
18:03.45*** join/#bzflag teatree (n=Pook@
18:40.01*** part/#bzflag dexter- (n=Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
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20:41.34blast007JeffM: what was the name of the new theme?
20:41.47blast007actually nvm, I can just look at the forum  :/
20:48.14blast007blah, the permissions system of phpBB3 is difficult to use
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20:56.22JeffMproformel I think blast007
20:56.32blast007yeah, it is
20:56.32blast007already got it
20:56.45blast007trying to find the damn "allow quick reply" option
20:57.02blast007it was some permission iirc
20:57.37JeffMdid the test upgrade work?
20:58.49blast007have it set to use reCAPTCHA right now
20:59.14blast007not sure if that'll be any better compared to the old one
20:59.27blast007but they have the question one too
20:59.41blast007and it should be possible to write a new plugin if we need to
20:59.48JeffMwell, posting works :)
21:00.02JeffMthat's at least something that didn't with proformel and the current board
21:01.09JeffMyay for temporary databases :)
21:03.19blast007arrrg, can't find the option
21:06.20blast007ah, it's not a forum permission, it's a forum option
21:07.28blast007JeffM: there's an example of the built-in quick reply:
21:07.41blast007defaults to being hidden, but I'll probably make it show up by default
21:09.29*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
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21:25.25blast007JeffM: there, now it shows up by default ;)
21:25.52JeffMdont' see it
21:26.14blast007are you signed in, and on that specific forum? I only turned it on for the General Discussion forum
21:26.30JeffMgot it
21:26.41JeffMyeah that works
21:26.43JeffMnice and simple
21:27.50JeffMyou didn't have to mod the template did you?
21:27.58JeffMif not then I'll have to take my mods out of the one on bzbb
21:28.04blast007I just changed 4 characters in a single file
21:28.11blast007in the quick reply template
21:28.14JeffMthen I'll go pull the mod I made
21:28.17JeffMit was to viewtopic
21:28.25blast007trying to pull down the template from .bz right now, but it's reaaaaly slow
21:28.34JeffMall the mods I did were in DB
21:28.37JeffMnot files
21:28.44JeffMI used the theme editor
21:29.03blast007and that doesn't tweak any of the files?
21:29.05JeffMwhat's chewing up time on .bz?
21:29.15JeffMit says it keeps them in the database
21:29.16blast007think it was doing an rsync
21:29.52JeffMall I really moded was CSS,
21:30.00blast007and images?
21:30.09JeffMyeah and images
21:30.17JeffMI didn't edit any HTML or anything
21:31.18JeffMand all I changed in view_topic_body was this
21:31.21JeffMI had added:
21:31.22JeffM<!-- IF S_QR_ENABLED -->
21:31.22JeffM<!-- INCLUDE posting_qr_body.html -->
21:31.22JeffM<!-- ENDIF -->
21:31.28JeffMI just removed it so it should be stock
21:32.17blast007I'll probably duplicate the changes to my server
21:32.31JeffMwant the css file that is in the editor?
21:32.34blast007that way in case the upgrade resets the DB stuff I don't lose it :P
21:32.35JeffMI'm on the page now
21:32.39JeffMthen you can just paste it in
21:33.02blast007is that the only thing you changed in the editor?
21:33.07JeffMand images
21:33.19JeffMI have the images here IIRC
21:33.27blast007well, I'll see what happens when I copy this one over
21:35.42JeffMthat's my local copy of the theme
21:35.44JeffMwith new images
21:36.15JeffMI updated the ranks too, but that won't matter
21:36.33JeffMthinks it's time for new ranks
21:37.23JeffMahh put them in svn too, good for me
21:38.46JeffMthere is less need for so many now
21:53.29blast007JeffM: okay, there - used the theme and CSS you provided
21:54.00JeffMhmmm the header image isn't the right one
21:54.03JeffMflushes cache
21:54.14JeffMthere we go
21:55.06blast007seems to work well enough :)
21:55.15blast007so I'll probably do it for real tonight
21:55.27JeffMI thought I had redone the main fourm bullets too
21:55.53blast007I thought some of them were the BZ icons just a bit ago
21:56.05blast007but after a refresh without cache, they're not
21:56.20JeffMbahh, looks like I didn't keep them in there
21:56.27blast007hehe, oh well has the right ones
21:59.22*** join/#bzflag McSpider (
22:28.20*** join/#bzflag blendmaster1024 (n=blendmas@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
22:28.31blendmaster1024anyone wanna help debug a rouge network problem?
22:29.44blendmaster1024whatever it is, it's making it so that anyone on the lan who joins games hosted on my linux system can't right-click-alive, it just sits there one the world is loaded
22:30.04JeffMsomething is blocking UDP
22:30.36blendmaster1024that's an interesting lead
22:30.42JeffMcheck the firewal on the linux server and make sure both TCP and UDP are alvailable on the game port
22:30.44temporalDadd -requireudp to your conf
22:30.48blendmaster1024lemme try a nc in udp mode
22:30.53JeffMtemporalD: that won't do it
22:31.02JeffMthat will make it so noone will connect
22:31.05blendmaster1024i know what i'm doing fairly well
22:31.17blendmaster1024just not quite well enough
22:31.19blendmaster1024hold on
22:31.41JeffMUDP is effectevly required, the command line option just kicks em if they don't send it
22:34.23blendmaster1024i see
22:34.27blendmaster1024lemme do the nc
22:37.29blendmaster1024no, it gets through with "nc -u -l -p 5154" on the server and "nc -u <host> 5154" on the client, messages can be sent back and forth
22:37.41JeffMdunno then
22:37.53JeffMsomething is blocking the spawn messages
22:38.15JeffMbassicaly the "you can spawn" message never gets to the clients
22:38.17blendmaster1024lemme do and iptables -L
22:38.25JeffMif you host on another machine does it work differently?
22:39.00JeffMgotta be firewall then
22:39.02blendmaster1024on the machine i'm currently using as a client, the server works fine
22:39.26blendmaster1024with the client and server swapped (this machine is client, current client is server) everything works fine
22:39.50blendmaster1024no anything i can see..
22:40.00blendmaster1024there is nothing in the default chains
22:40.23JeffMwhat OS is the machine that works as a server?
22:40.56blendmaster1024both are linux
22:41.11JeffMsomething has to be different between them then :)
22:41.13blendmaster1024the current client is ubuntu 9.10, the current server is 9.04
22:41.28blendmaster1024that's the only know difference in the software
22:41.36JeffMsame version of BZ?
22:41.51JeffMthen gotta be networking
22:42.00blendmaster1024no, 9.04 has 2.10, 9.10 has 2.13
22:42.12blendmaster1024but that's shouldn't be enough, should it?
22:42.32JeffMis one from a package and one built by you?
22:42.50JeffMboth by you?
22:42.59blendmaster1024wait - it *works* with -requireudp !
22:43.05JeffMthen there ya go
22:43.07blendmaster1024no, both distro
22:43.19JeffMubuntu made a packag of .13
22:43.28JeffMthat was never released as an official version
22:43.35blendmaster1024this is a plain "bzfs -requireudp"
22:43.35JeffMthey should not be doing that
22:43.53JeffM2.0.13 was never released as stable
22:43.56blendmaster1024they do that all the time, with all their software
22:43.58JeffMit's a dev version only in SVN
22:44.09JeffMwe never made a tarball or anything
22:44.36JeffMthat's stupid of them if they did, as WHAT version of.13 is it, all the chagnes post .12 are called .13
22:44.53blendmaster1024and yes, it's pretty annoying, it's why i never use the latest version of ubuntu on my main desktop machine
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22:45.56JeffMwho's the maintainer for that thing
22:46.23blendmaster1024i don't know, i would go get really angry on #ubuntu
22:46.34JeffMno, that would be silly
22:46.39JeffMand unproductive
22:46.46blendmaster1024would it/
22:46.54JeffMbetter to be civil and actualy acheive a solution
22:47.00blendmaster1024well, not angry, but ... civil angry
22:47.06blendmaster1024get it?
22:47.14blendmaster1024oh well lol
22:47.16JeffMthey may have valid reasons
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22:48.21JeffMhad I know they were going to do that I'd have had us snap off a .14
22:48.25JeffMjust so we KNOW
22:48.41JeffMwe woudln't have to release it, but it'd be nice if it was at least a release version number
22:49.29blendmaster1024anyway, yeah, and a ubuntu is now the most widely used distro, i'd get a tester with it
22:49.35blendmaster1024heck, i'll be a tester
22:49.48*** join/#bzflag McYukon (
22:52.17blendmaster1024goes to play
22:52.21*** part/#bzflag blendmaster1024 (n=blendmas@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
22:53.41JeffMdidn't the ubuntu maintainer come around here sometimes?
22:54.29JeffMdecideds not to care
22:57.01JeffMworks on ranks
22:58.58JeffMwell at least the rank inteface on phpbb3 is pretty good
23:02.37JeffMman, they look like ass on the blue theme :)
23:08.33CIA-75BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20744 10/trunk/web/art/bb/rankbase.psd:
23:08.33CIA-75BZFlag: update rankbase for new less blue bzbb layout.
23:08.33CIA-75BZFlag: Change from airforce-style double stripes and stars to army-like stripes and bars
23:09.21JeffMnew system also has 3 generic overlays that can be applied to any rank, techincal, tactical, and administrative
23:09.29JeffMI'll have to do a google overlay too
23:10.10JeffMtoo bad we can't do a "service medal" kinda thing that puts like acheivements under the rank
23:10.27JeffMthen SOC, donator, developer and stuff could be put there.
23:12.17JeffMgoes to get foods
23:21.47*** join/#bzflag blendmaster1024 (n=blendmas@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
23:22.05blendmaster1024what's the bzflag gameplay etc channel, since this is dev?
23:24.02*** part/#bzflag blendmaster1024 (n=blendmas@unaffiliated/blendmaster1024)
23:31.42*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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23:32.50JeffMblast007: so are you ready to go live with the phpbb upgrade, other then the custom capatcha?
23:33.25blast007later tonight I'll back everything up again and go for it
23:33.35JeffMI say do the upgrade first, then do the custom capatcha later if need be
23:33.53blast007they have a built-in "question" captcha
23:34.04JeffMahh cool
23:34.12JeffM"Who is your daddy?"
23:34.43blast007there's a bit more tweaking I have to do to the template because of how we're abusing he group system, but that's trivial
23:36.25JeffMwhat had to change in the groups?
23:36.51teatreehey guys
23:37.03JeffMhey guy
23:37.44teatreesince which version
23:37.54teatreehave the shots got "gravitation"
23:38.03teatreei mean you jump, and the shot sort of goes with it
23:38.10JeffMthat's a server option
23:38.15JeffMbeen there for a while
23:38.18JeffMlong while
23:38.19teatreeusally its only straight ahaid
23:38.23JeffMall of 2.0.x IIRC
23:38.27teatreeok new to me
23:38.31blast007JeffM: turned off some options in "manage groups" page
23:38.41JeffM"Shots keep vertical velocity"
23:38.42teatreewell ive been away for a while
23:38.44JeffMblast007: ahh
23:40.38blast007JeffM: and debian has the 2.0.13 in there as well, which Tim did
23:40.43blast007and Ubuntu just copied that ;)
23:41.44JeffMtim did that? wtf?
23:41.54JeffMso much for version conventions :)
23:42.14blast007he's the maintainer of the package, at least ;)
23:44.15blast007looks like it might have been the font stuff we changed
23:44.27JeffMahhhh ok
23:44.31JeffMthen that makes sense
23:44.33blast007and a couple other fixes
23:44.37blast007(GCC 4.3 fixes)
23:44.41JeffMprobably should have snaped it as 14 then
23:58.49*** join/#bzflag Amodorri (n=lisa@wrongplanet/deepa)
23:59.24DeepaJeffM, Why move away from airforce-styled stripes?
23:59.53JeffMcus the airforce dosn't have tanks ;)

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