IRC log for #bzflag on 20091106

00:17.29*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
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01:38.54*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=Adium@bzflag/player/Dexter)
01:45.14brlcadblast007: nice write-up
01:46.21*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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05:39.58BulletCatcherbrlcad: That picture would be good for motivating the red team in GU league.
06:26.05*** join/#bzflag xaver (
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15:53.57brlcadBulletCatcher: heh
16:08.45*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
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16:12.31*** topic/#bzflag is || || Channel Logs: || |
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19:08.41*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=iWinny@bzflag/contributor/Winny)
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19:40.50*** join/#bzflag Cobra_Fast (
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19:41.24Cobra_Fastwhat does the client send after MsgEnter to login successfully on global login?
19:44.30*** join/#bzflag Rob5a (
19:46.55Cobra_Fastor does the global login only need the token?
19:47.07BulletCatcherThe authentication token is included in MsgEnter.  That should be all that is needed.
19:47.54*** mode/#bzflag [+v Thumper_] by ChanServ
19:48.00Cobra_Fastif i join with client, the debug output says
19:49.33Cobra_Fastfiguring something...
19:52.37Cobra_Fastok if i login with client, something like "Identify COBRA_FAST" appears after the token was there
19:52.48Cobra_Fastwhats that then?
19:53.36BulletCatcherThat occurs after bzfs has contacted the auth server to verify that the token is valid.
19:53.58Cobra_Fastcan/do you trigger that?
19:54.45BulletCatcherbzfs does that automatically when it receives a token in MsgEnter.
19:55.07Cobra_Fastit doesn't with the program i wrote
19:55.22Cobra_Fastis there a minimum length for the token and why does the token change that often?
19:56.05BulletCatcherBefore connecting to a bzfs server, the client contacts the auth server to get a token.  That token is sent in MsgEnter, which bzfs then validates.
19:56.24BulletCatcherYour program probably does not have a valid token.
19:57.11Cobra_FastIt's obtaining it via contacting*** and parsing the information there
19:58.36BulletCatcherDoes it do that immediately before each connection?
20:00.56BulletCatcherDoes the bzfs "has joined" debug message show the same token the client program uses?
20:01.12Cobra_Fastill figure that out
20:01.13BulletCatcherIt should be a string of digits.
20:02.14Cobra_Fastyay i just fiddled around with my token obtaining method and now it works
20:02.18Cobra_Fastthanks for your help!!!
20:02.28BulletCatcherYou're welcome.
20:02.35Cobra_Fastit parsed the token wrong
20:02.38Cobra_Fastthat was the point
20:02.46Cobra_Fastdidnt think about that before, thanks!!!
20:03.49*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
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20:14.05*** join/#bzflag Landon__ (n=chatzill@
20:26.31*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
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20:27.30Ebertcan someone explain why setting fpsLimit to 90 still looks jittery/not smooth?
20:28.47blast007have you tried just using vsync instead of the energy saver?
20:30.53Ebertno i havent
20:32.05Cobra_Fastmine looks fine @85 fps
20:32.13Cobra_Fastsmooth n nice
20:33.17Eberthm i was using energy saver, how do I use vsync?
20:33.29blast007in your video driver settings
20:33.42blast0072.0.x doesn't have an in-game option for that
20:33.52blast0073.0.0 does, but I'm not sure if it works 100%
20:34.01blast007(well, 2.99.x does)
20:34.07Ebertso it will then limit to whatever fps i set in bzflag?
20:34.21blast007it will limit to your refresh rate
20:34.55Cobra_Fastso every new written screen on your monitor is fresh
20:35.10blast007(or a fraction of your refresh rate if it drops below that. i.e. if you have a fresh rate of 60, but you can only push out 50FPS, it might limit to 30FPS)
20:35.28Ebertwill this show up in bzflag's fps reading?
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20:35.43Manuhugs brlcad
20:35.45blast007might be 1 off, but it should be close
20:36.34Ebertok ill try that, once i figure how to mess with vsync on OSX
20:36.51blast007oh, OSX. have fun
20:37.25Ebertmeh, I havent got bzflag looking right since i was on a 13" imac
20:37.30Ebertmy screen's too big, etc etc
20:40.02Ebertlooks like I need that option in bzflag :p
20:40.43*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
20:43.07blast007not even sure if the option works in OSX
20:43.22blast007I've only tried it on linux and Windows
20:45.31*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
20:47.23Ebertguess ill leave FPS unlimited, my displayconfigx program isnt for 10.5
20:50.36*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
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20:54.03BulletCatcherSetting fpsLimit to double your screen refresh rate may get the job done.
20:54.58BulletCatcher(Assuming that the FPS goes that high when unrestricted.)
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20:57.33Eberthm, it goes up to 400 on maps i play, dont know my refresh rate though
20:58.13Ebertoh, its 60hz
20:58.23Ebertso 120 fps you say
21:02.29BulletCatcherIt is worth a try.
21:03.48Ebertthat looks much better, still blocks sometimes dont render uniformly
21:04.13BulletCatcherSo try 180. :-)
21:04.13Ebertlike you're looking through a wave of heat
21:06.45BulletCatcherThe goal should be to get it looking good enough that you don't notice the rendering flaws and can concentrate on the game itself.
21:07.53Ebertand i think 180 does it :) thx sir. its just funny that some can play at 60 or 90
21:09.26BulletCatchervsync limiting is the best way to go (I use it), but if you can't make that work then fpsLimit is the next best thing.
21:12.26*** join/#bzflag R0b0t1 (n=Enigma@unaffiliated/r0b0t1)
21:22.20*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
21:44.02brlcadhugs Manu back
21:47.40*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
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22:56.48*** join/#bzflag Landon__ (n=chatzill@
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23:16.27*** join/#bzflag mrapplecomputer1 (
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23:40.46*** join/#bzflag bier|tp_ (
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23:43.42*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
23:58.57*** join/#bzflag Bambino (

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