IRC log for #bzflag on 20090829

00:23.40*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (n=gabe@unaffiliated/GabeG23/x-028472)
00:24.03*** join/#bzflag Yassen (n=Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
00:54.17*** join/#bzflag Will07c5 (n=William@
01:29.33*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
01:29.38*** join/#bzflag bier|tp_ (
01:53.23*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
02:25.23*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
02:28.07*** part/#bzflag Allejo (
02:32.23*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
02:40.18*** join/#bzflag Allejo (
04:32.50*** join/#bzflag DocScrutinizer2 (
05:01.13*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
05:01.13*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
05:23.52*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
05:42.30Djpenguinglobals been down for over an hour :\
05:46.58*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@bzflag/contributor/menotume)
05:46.58*** mode/#bzflag [+v menotume] by ChanServ
05:47.20menotumedo we need help at the list server?
05:51.07Djpenguinbeen over an hour meno
05:51.14menotumeok, looking
06:07.04*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (n=ups@
06:25.02menotumeI can't fix it
06:25.12menotumeproblem with mysql, and a disk 99% full
06:27.12menotumeoh, it IS running :P
06:27.16menotumejust slow
06:28.26menotumeok, i fixed it then :P
06:59.49think_tankthat seems to be an often recurring problem. can't we automate some sort of fix?
09:37.53joevanothink_tank: automating deletion of files is dangerous
09:38.52joevanocause it isn't \temp that we are getting rid of
09:59.33*** join/#bzflag trepan (n=trepan@unaffiliated/trepan)
09:59.33*** mode/#bzflag [+v trepan] by ChanServ
12:14.43*** join/#bzflag emknox (
13:01.57*** join/#bzflag polydektes (
13:02.17polydektesman... for some reason ever since ive moved i cannot log on to missle wars
13:02.30cygaldo you get some kind of error?
13:02.31polydekteswell it's like i can log in but it gets stuck at the front
13:02.35polydektesi can see the flags
13:02.37polydektesbut that's it
13:02.42polydektesno no error
13:03.06polydektesi havent played in a week or so
13:03.12polydektesbut when i try to log in now i cant do it
13:04.00polydektesi havent changed any of my software... nothing like that... is there any known issue to look at? i rmember a long time ago i had to remove a cache list but i dont see anything like that anymore
13:04.30cygalwhat OS are you using?
13:04.31polydektesdoes anyone know who the master admin for missle wars is?
13:05.12polydektesi can log in to any other server no problem
13:05.35cygalI don't know where the config files are in windows
13:05.44cygalbut you could try deleting that
13:06.09polydektesok ill try that cygal ... thanks for the help
13:16.45polydektesman i think that screwed up my bzflag client
13:16.54polydektesill just blow away and reinstall
13:24.56polydektesman this is so depressing
13:25.11cygalI'm not sure that reinstalling restores the config
13:25.19cygalyou can try to ask on the forums too
13:25.27cygal(maybe the missile wars guy will be there)
13:25.57polydektesanyone here who is a missile wars admin?
13:46.26joevanopolydektes: yep
13:46.48joevanoyou are probably stuck in a range or host ban
13:46.49polydekteshey... i keep trying to conect to missile wars and cant do it
13:46.56polydektesbut why?
13:46.59polydektesi didnt do anything
13:47.17joevanosame idiot on your isp who woulnt go away
13:47.26polydektesman that stinks!!
13:47.36joevanowhat is your IP?
13:47.49polydekteslet's see... just a sec
13:47.49joevanoi can fix it
13:48.30polydektesoh wait
13:48.35polydektesyou need my internet ip
13:48.41polydektesill see
13:48.59polydektes98.88.31.132 joevano
13:49.15polydektesbut to be honest, i think mine changes from time to time
13:49.23joevanoyep thats it... give me a minute or two
13:52.57joevanook, i cleared the ban
13:53.03joevanotry it
13:53.11polydektesok will try
13:53.13polydektesjust a sec
13:53.42polydektesthat's it!
13:53.45polydektesthanks joevano
13:54.10polydektesa question for you though joevano
13:54.22ibotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
13:54.29polydektesi think my ip changes every week or so... do i have to do that next time?
13:54.45polydektesor have someone open it up?
13:54.49joevanonope.. cleared the ban on the isp
13:55.10polydektesi wish there was a way we could find people who do this crap
13:55.10joevanonit was for "an aggressive player"
13:55.21polydektestotally sccrews up everything for everyone
13:55.30polydektesok thanks joe
14:49.48*** join/#bzflag Sk3letr0n (
15:01.37*** join/#bzflag Falk__ (
15:06.47*** part/#bzflag Falk__ (
15:48.06*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
15:54.05*** join/#bzflag Abominable (n=Zack@smartserv/support/Abominable)
15:55.59*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d (
16:14.32*** join/#bzflag matelich (n=tom@
16:30.19*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
16:30.19*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
16:41.46*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
16:43.52tsWow lot of compiling "fun" with 10.6
16:46.35temp_distts, will you document the "fun" somewhere?
16:47.52tstemp_dist: SDL doesn't build
16:48.32tstemp_dist: Tried to get the original Mac platform working in 64 bit and it kind of worked
16:48.58tstemp_dist: but then I came to the no longer available sound manager
16:49.08tstinkering with sdl now
16:49.24temp_distts, sweet - I appreciate the work you are doing
16:50.37tsI'm only messing with my installation
16:55.30tsbut it's funny..configure finds my sdl.h and then in sdlmain it isn't found :)
16:56.29temp_distI recall some others had an SDL problem with earlier OSX versions - fixed those problems with a symlink
17:01.57tsalready did that..
17:02.07tsbut the error was funny
17:09.14*** join/#bzflag Allejo (
17:14.02*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (n=msk@Wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
17:18.35tsI bet someone will slap me when I replace SDLK_FIRST with SDLK_UNKNOWN
17:20.31*** join/#bzflag Jefenry (
17:23.28*** part/#bzflag Jefenry (
17:33.10BulletCatcherIf SDLK_UNKNOWN is just a new name for SDLK_FIRST, then it is reasonable to #define one to the other to support both names.
17:33.49tsIt seems to have the same value
17:34.05tsand I ran into another problem later (SDL_GetMouseState)
17:34.31tsint index; SDL_GetMouseState((int) index,&mx,&my);
17:34.47tsIn official documents SDL_GetMouseState has only 2 args
17:35.12tsbut now I have a x86_64 build of bzflag
17:36.16BulletCatcherDo you still have an older Mac with an older version of xcode that you can reference to see how these things have changed?
17:36.21tsHowever it looks like some buttons are now no longer working (such as esc)
17:37.34tsYes but seems not very useable anyway
17:39.06tsMouse doesn't work anymore
17:39.43tsThe buttons to be more precise
17:40.16BulletCatcherKeyboard playing FTW! :-p
17:41.58tsHeh, changing the order made mouse work again
17:42.35tsand fullscreen switching kills it
18:26.27CIA-72BZFlag: 03t-s * r20567 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): Some datatype changes
18:27.29tsThe rest seem to be all SDL side problems
19:48.36*** join/#bzflag Yassen (n=Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
19:56.05*** join/#bzflag Wreckage (
20:25.45Allejoif you make a world weapon shoot phatom shots will the shots appear like a zone shot or a regular shot?
20:45.57*** join/#bzflag PrezKennedy (
21:12.42*** join/#bzflag Yassen (n=Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
21:40.24*** join/#bzflag Yassen (n=Yassen@unaffiliated/yassen)
22:06.31*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
23:44.11*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
23:59.25*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)

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