IRC log for #bzflag on 20090709

00:01.20*** join/#bzflag swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
00:08.46Allejocan anyone help me compile plugins? i am completely clueless...
00:09.50blast007use the script and then replace the sample files with your plugin files (and add lines to each of the files that the script mentions)
00:10.09trepanjoevano: congrats, qwerty / dvorak?
00:11.19spldartPogo is threatening to learn dvorak. I'm from old school Typing class ala late 70's early 80's qwerty
00:11.58trepanand Pogo is?
00:12.57spldartPogovina.... Wife... for a little longer.... Thought that was common knowledge... sry
00:13.25spldart..... the wife part.
00:13.34trepanyou could let her know that 'colemak' is another layout she might considerne to look at
00:13.41JefferyMtrepan, is the returned postion from checkHit a world postion?
00:13.42trepans/ne to*//
00:13.58CIA-64BZFlag: 03wyk3d * r20082 10/branches/gsoc_bzauthd/m4/openldap.m4: Added better checks for openldap.
00:14.07trepanJefferyM: um, maybe?
00:14.12trepanah, it returns a float
00:14.15trepanso that a time
00:14.15JefferyMk, I'll dig into it
00:14.21spldartI'll try to remember trep
00:14.26JefferyMsorry meant the postion param
00:14.36JefferyMI'll see what it does, was just curious if oyu knew off your head
00:14.49SpazzyMcGeeWas the material feature to automatically swap out denied textures hierarchically ever made?
00:15.01JefferyMI have something that I'll try testing tonight to see if it's a similar hit volume
00:15.20SpazzyMcGeeI remember it getting discussed eons ago, but I'm guessing it never made it past discussion
00:15.31JefferyMafter I find out where bzfs/lua/Double.cxx went :)
00:15.35trepanspldart: it's much closer to qwerty, so easier to learn
00:15.49trepanJefferyM: it's gone to never-never land
00:16.01spldartinteresting... What's it's advanatages?
00:16.04trepanguess i forgot to update the MSVC files
00:16.06spldarterr... n/m
00:16.11spldartmaybe to OT
00:16.16trepanspldart: it's roughly on par, from what i've read
00:16.29trepan(in terms of finger travel distance, alternation, etc...)
00:16.34JefferyMwell they were never updated for lots of things, I'm doing it now
00:17.59trepanspldart: and one last note  :)  the ZXCV keys are in the same spot as qwerty; handy for common windows keyboard shortcuts  --  see
00:19.05spldartair keyboards a bit and realizes that colemak isn't to far off.
00:20.12spldartFunny how many people have walked up to me while I'm typing and my hands continue to finishe a sentence and my face has already turned and listening to them.
00:20.25spldartEven with the typo's :)
00:23.57trepanSpazzyMcGee: not that i know of
00:24.23trepaneasy to do, not like bz's ever going to support multitexturing  ;)
00:25.15SpazzyMcGeeIt would be useful for places like mofo, where we have images that can't be hosted on that we host on our own server
00:25.38SpazzyMcGeewe could put up a 'censored' replacement if it gets denied
00:25.51trepan -- 'really nice' features
00:26.06trepanhaven't even looked at it yet though
00:26.16trepanfeel free to submit a patch  ;)
00:26.32SpazzyMcGeeheh, someday, trepan, someday :p
00:26.56trepansame goes for the autoJoin feature
00:27.09trepani thinking i'll just set the defaut to 'allow *'
00:28.35trepanthere, that was easy  ;-)
00:31.40joevanotrepan: Dvorak... giving it a shot, but it ain't easy.. yet
00:32.14joevanoi do like the feel of it though, very solid
00:47.18*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
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00:57.40*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (
00:58.18randomparticleok, sussed it
00:58.55randomparticlethe moment i stopped thinking about it and concentrated on chocolate, that's when the solution popped into my head
00:59.14JefferyMswept volume intersections?
00:59.17randomparticlei forgot to trim out some code from the new SegmentedShotStrategy.cxx
00:59.53randomparticlethe original code has this weirdological 0.99f multiplier in it, for no apparent reason
01:00.05randomparticlebut also a test that always evaluates to true
01:00.17randomparticlewhich is an odd test to have :)
01:00.19CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20083 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/ (bzflag.sln bzfs.vcproj): lua, good for the soul.
01:00.47randomparticlewhat i'm referring to is this: if (closestPos.lengthSq() < radius2) {
01:01.10randomparticleat that point in the code that test can only be true, unless i'm mistaken
01:01.24JefferyMit's just a sanity check IIRC
01:01.42*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
01:02.19randomparticlethat's what i trimmed in my original mod, but i also trimmed out the 0.99 multiplier that was passed into the sphere intersection test
01:02.41JefferyMthat's a fudge factor
01:02.47randomparticlei feel a bit queasy about that 0.99f
01:02.47JefferyMhelps mask small ammounts of lag
01:02.52JefferyMbut yeah we don't need it
01:03.20JefferyMby making it smaller visualy you will always see the shot go INTO the radius where if it was 1.0 it could skim it
01:03.27randomparticleanyway, the patch as pastebinned before, with this seems to work now:  if (1 || closestPos.lengthSq() < radius2) {
01:03.29JefferyMbut since the shot is treated as a point it's moot
01:03.47randomparticlebut i haven't tested it as thoroughly as i did last feb when i gave it a real going over
01:03.54JefferyMwell trepan does have plans to replace all the hit logic with swept shape inersactions at some point
01:04.06JefferyMI am looking at various shot volume for gameplay now
01:04.08randomparticleof course  if (1 || closestPos.lengthSq() < radius2) { can be eliminated, that's just a quick hack
01:04.28JefferyMI don't think we need the patch now that you've been able to explain the problme clearly and we understand it
01:04.38randomparticleany solution, as long as it works, better than what we have now
01:05.17JefferyMit'll need playtesting
01:05.20randomparticlewill be interesting to see what you guys come up with
01:05.34JefferyMwell at first it'll just be a small mod of what we have now
01:05.38JefferyMsimilar to your patch
01:05.52JefferyMincase a better soluttion is not writen before release
01:06.35randomparticlewas thinking about computational complexity (informal sense of the words) of the various possibilities
01:07.03randomparticlei would have thought a box test would be simpler than the sphere test, perhaps less elegant
01:07.16randomparticlei.e., the work out which side from 6 thing
01:07.25*** join/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
01:07.28JefferyMit's all wraped in classes so from a code standpolint it's all "simple" :0
01:07.44JefferyMyou just do a rotation into the boxes CS and then check axes
01:07.51JefferyMif it's outside all axes it's outsdie the box
01:08.30JefferyMwhat I'm not sure of is if guided and segmented strats need to have duped code
01:08.52randomparticleyeah. i was a bit worried when someone mentioned gm the other day :)
01:08.58JefferyMor if a "check hit segment" method can be put into the base class and have everyopne call that
01:09.05randomparticlethere's that and narrow i haven't really looked at
01:09.11randomparticlelaser too i guess
01:09.20JefferyMnarrow uses a box test
01:09.21JefferyMit'll be fine
01:10.55randomparticlehmm.. i noticed the cursor had changed in 2.99... i wonder, is raw mouse data used now?
01:11.16randomparticlei should say pointer rather than cursor
01:11.19JefferyMno, just the cursor was changed :)
01:11.31JefferyMat some point I want to just remove it
01:11.32randomparticleah, ok
01:11.33CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20084 10/trunk/bzflag/src/clientbase/SegmentedShotStrategy.cxx:
01:11.33CIA-64BZFlag: initial test of box based hit volume for normal shots.
01:11.33CIA-64BZFlag: TODO: playtest and then commonize with other shots in the base class.
01:11.48JefferyMit dosn't have any real bearing on a screen postion, and you never click on anything
01:12.03JefferyMbetter to do a real axis UI element that just shows your input axes and current speeds
01:12.09JefferyMthen it would work for mouse, keys, and sticks
01:12.46JefferyMI'll work on that code a bit more when I get home
01:12.49JefferyMponders the dinner
01:13.03randomparticlei had it working with raw mouse input using directinput before
01:13.08spldartBK ftw
01:13.14spldartdollar menu
01:13.16JefferyMthere is no BK around here
01:13.22JefferyMI'd have to to to Simi
01:13.26JefferyMI'll live
01:13.37JefferyMI could go to In-N-Out if I want a burger
01:13.43spldartorange chicken
01:13.51KingRobotTaco Bell
01:13.55spldartMongolian beef?
01:13.57JefferyMdouble eww
01:14.05spldartI'm just lose for lose
01:14.06JefferyMTB == a night in the bathroom
01:14.29KingRobotYC's Mongolian Grill
01:14.52spldarttB crunchy taco's never hurt me to bad..
01:14.55spldartoh.. done
01:14.57KingRobotme either
01:15.02KingRobotoh well
01:15.15KingRobotmaybe the tb's are especially bad in his part of town
01:15.15spldart... fire sauce
01:15.26spldarthis part of country.. :)
01:15.31KingRobotthe Denny's around there are horrible.
01:15.52spldartprepares to jump on kawi....
01:16.03spldart... for din din.
01:22.15JBdiGrizDinner is easier when the company provides it.
01:23.31KingRobotWhere do you work? ;)
01:53.57*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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02:21.25trepandoes not think that Player::getDimensions() means what you think it means ;)
02:22.37trepanbut you might want to remove that 0.5f factor
02:22.55JeffMat the end?
02:23.08trepanfor anything that uses tank.size.x/y
02:23.11JeffMis not happy with his code and is redoing it all in a better way
02:23.22trepanstill going to use the radius as the width?
02:23.32JeffMI was gonna try that
02:23.38JeffMif its' not too big
02:24.12trepani'd set it to exact tank dimensions, and setup a 3d margin bzdb var
02:24.35JeffMI'm worried about the exact size being too small
02:25.10JeffMI don't think we should extend it under the tank at all but around in XY and + in Z is probably a good idea
02:25.34JeffMshould default it to at least a shot rad in X and Y I think
02:25.36trepan -- search OOB, and old related convo
02:26.07trepanbut setting it to exact dimensions with a 3d bzdb var for configurable margins is flexible
02:26.14JeffMyeah I agree
02:26.24JeffMI just don't have to deafult the margin to 0 :)
02:26.30trepancould even do something as simple as x & y get padded with shotRadius if you'd prefer
02:27.16trepanbut then shotRadius is used for visuals, so that'd suck in its own special way
02:27.17JeffMI'm making a PointShotStrat class that GM and regular shots use, and putting the checkhit in there, because it's nearly identical code
02:28.15JeffMI'll start with a var then, that'll help with testing too, we can tweak it with rebuild and see how it plays
02:28.57trepanBZDB_fvec3 can be used
02:29.02CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r20085 10/trunk/bzflag/ (14 files in 6 dirs):
02:29.02CIA-64BZFlag: * fixed WallObstacle IDs (add them before OBSTACLEMGR.makeWorld() is called)
02:29.02CIA-64BZFlag: * added some lua junk from the client-side stuff
02:29.08JeffMok cool
02:29.38trepannote that the BZDB_ types should usually be used as static vars
02:29.50trepan(to avoid a bunch of callback register/unregister crap)
02:30.19JeffMyeah I see that for the debugShotSegments, I'll do that the same way
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02:31.46trepanheh, looks like i added debugTankDraw in r20073
02:33.24trepanthought that i was still holding on to that one, locally
02:33.38JeffMsleep commits
02:33.40trepanif you do decide on the box hitzone, the box drawing code is already in there
02:33.57trepan(currently commented, in favour of the sphere code)
02:34.10spldartoh crap
02:34.21JeffMit build?
02:34.25spldartmy bad
02:34.33JeffMwhat error?
02:34.36spldartthe "princess bride:
02:34.42JeffMoh heh
02:35.01spldartActually that commit froma  while ago brought it way closer
02:35.13spldartbut I don't have tha info in front of me atm
02:36.54trepanand, if you throw in margins, don't forget to bump up the bbox size in LocalPlayer.cxx  (or BaseLocalPlayer.cxx, but I'd prefer the former, as that's where the ShotCollider data is being setup)
02:37.33spldartTesting build again too ;)
02:37.41trepanactually, should probably just adjust collider.size right there ...
02:37.56spldartooOOoo.. no on that
02:38.35JeffMso you are saying that instead of computing the volume inside the strat to have it send in with the collider and just use it form there?
02:39.23JeffMohh yeah I have to do it to the AABB too
02:39.28JeffMnot just the OBB
02:42.40JeffMI don't have that problem
02:43.39JeffMmy code has MAXFLOAT
02:43.42JeffMnot FLT_MAX
02:43.46JeffMyou sure you have current code?
02:45.12spldartme? I'm 20085. But in windows I've not been the most stable build...oh well. lemme try wimux
02:45.32JeffMit's not your build system
02:45.36JeffMyou don't have current code
02:45.42JeffMyour svn up did not up
02:46.01spldartoh wow.... I did it twice
02:46.08JeffMopen up Extents.h, what do you have on line 55?
02:46.10spldartbut... in gui of course
02:47.22JeffMhmm _collisionFudge? ;)
02:48.14spldartis looking
02:48.38spldartbtw linux is up to 20085 as well... sourceforge behind?
02:50.21*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (
02:50.42spldartOh geeeeez
02:50.56bryjenhmm, fudge
02:50.56spldartIt's a race between windows search and updatedb
02:51.13randomparticlemight be better under os x than gettimeofday:
02:51.14JeffMthe file is in /include, just open it ;)
02:51.22bryjenslocate is faster, no animated dog ;)
02:52.38randomparticlethere's an issue with gettimeofday(..) if the system clock is reset during play
02:52.41*** join/#bzflag TheMacGuy (
02:52.56spldartmaxs.x = maxs.y = maxs.z = -MAXFLOAT;
02:52.58JeffMgettimeofday shoudln't be used for anything important
02:53.04JeffMnot when playing
02:53.13JeffMI belive we get our game times from SDL
02:53.23TheMacGuyHello.  I have a Mac here with Leopard 10.5.7.  I have a USB gamepad and it doesn't seem to work correctly in BZFlag: It's detected properly (says 0 - Logitech Gamepad) but X and Y axes are N/A and can't be changed.
02:53.24JeffMspldart: then that is not the file your error was building
02:53.36TheMacGuyDoes anybody know what I should do?  Other games work fine with the X and Y axes on this gamepad
02:54.07JeffMIIRC we just use SDL joystick to check for game devices, if it can't see it I'm not sure what we can do about it.
02:54.26trepanconst float dt = float(TimeKeeper::getTick() - prevTime); // from guiplaying.cxx
02:54.32trepanTimeKeeper uses gettimeofday()
02:54.36trepanSDL probably does too
02:55.03randomparticledoes queryperformancecounters under windows use the chip tick counter?
02:55.04spldartjust rebuilds all
02:55.31JeffMrandomparticle: on some chips yes, but we have code that looks for loops and cycle changes IIRC
02:55.50JeffMlaptops got screwey when they went into low power mode untill we fixed that
02:56.27randomparticlei'm not sure how resilient mach_absolute_time would be
02:56.33randomparticlei might give it a try
02:56.42JeffMhow long does gettimeofday take to reset?
02:57.29spldarthurumph... those darn "Error 61 error C2065: 'FLT_MAX' : undeclared identifier"
02:57.46randomparticlei'm not quite sure what you mean. but i do know that ntpd can reset the system clock quite frequently
02:57.55randomparticlethe default os x ntpd settings aren't very good
02:58.03JeffMso it's not a count since app started or anything?
02:58.06JeffMoh it's real clock
02:58.08JeffMthat sucks
02:58.34randomparticlei found this out because: i was in a game a made a huge jump. like 5 times higher than a normal jump
02:58.51JeffMtrepan: got a better name then, TANKSHOTPROXIMITY ?
02:58.51randomparticleso i went to the logs on a hunch and there it was. at that exact time the clock had been reset by ntpd
03:00.53trepanJeffM: works for me
03:01.00TheMacGuyOkay so I just tested.  It works okay in SuperTux (an SDL game I believe).  However.  In BZFlag I go forward/backward (up/down) and nothing happens.  Left puts me in a perpetual forward-moving left-turning circle.  Right does the reverse (a backwards-moving perpetual left-turning circle).  There is nothing I can do?
03:01.07trepanrandomparticle: you may also want to look at clock_gettime  (and friends)
03:01.23randomparticleok, thanks
03:01.36TheMacGuyThere are not a whole lot of search results for just BZFlag Gamepad on :(
03:02.08JeffMTheMacGuy: if we don't see it that means that the library we use for gamepads dosn't see it
03:02.12JeffMnot much we can do
03:02.33JeffMon the mac we don't directly access the gamepad device IIRC.
03:02.40TheMacGuyOkay so I should find out what's wrong with SDL and try to find out if there's a way to fix it?
03:02.53JeffMif it bugs you that much, sure
03:03.04TD-Linuxiirc ntpd changes system time by slowing down or speeding up clock
03:03.26trepanit's usually gradually (drift), but sometimes it kicks like a mule  ;)
03:03.34TheMacGuyIt bugs me because I can't play BZFlag with my gamepad.  Okay.
03:03.48JeffMwhatever floats your boat :)
03:04.43JeffMShotCollider.length is the lengh of the extrusion, isn't it?
03:05.06trepani have no idea what that's supposed to be
03:05.19JeffMcus there is also .size
03:05.34JeffMgoes to see how it's built up
03:06.26JeffMnope it's bzdb tank length
03:07.04JeffMsize is getDimensions()
03:07.07trepani know what it's set to, just not what it's supposed to be used for  :)
03:07.21JeffMyeah, it was only used in the narrow test
03:07.30JeffMto test a box 1 shot wide by 1 tank long
03:07.34randomparticleTheMacGuy: which gamepad do you have?
03:07.44JeffMwhy they can't get that from dimensions, I dunno
03:07.47TheMacGuyrandomparticle: It's a Logitech Precision gamepad
03:08.13JeffMdimensions should be the size of the tank's obb right?
03:08.40trepanin halfX/halfY/fullZ format
03:08.45trepan(like bzw boxes and crap)
03:08.52TheMacGuyrandomparticle: It is USB and I bought it a while back on  I'm sure they still have it because one of my friends liked it and bought one for herself. :)
03:08.55JeffMahh ok, so no need to mult that by .5
03:09.04JeffMthe tankLengh is full IIRC
03:09.09trepanya, that's what i was hinting at  :)
03:09.26JeffMwell I was using len with .5, and that's full
03:09.31JeffMwasn't using dims yet
03:09.46JeffMis it bad when mnt Dew "game fuel" starts to taste good?
03:11.44trepanfwiw, the tank looks better with _tankWidth 3.5  (or something bigger than 2.8)
03:12.02trepannote that track marks were recently fixed for adjusted tank sizes ...
03:17.32JeffMis X or Y the tank's "lenght"?
03:17.38JeffMfinds his mesh
03:18.10trepanmodel is set at 0 degrees, so x
03:18.25JeffMshould the Y pad be added to the narrow width?
03:18.31JeffMor just leave it as a fixed shot rad?
03:19.53trepanprobably just shot rad, but somebody will complain no matter what you do  :)
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03:24.06JeffMhah, GM didn't even do the test to see if the shot was inside the bbox
03:33.43JeffMtrepan: text for fvec3 in bzdb is x,y,z ?
03:33.53JeffMor space?
03:35.28JeffMnm, found it, spaces
03:40.01JeffMgoes to find another PC to test with
03:43.16*** part/#bzflag randomparticle (
03:52.59Metsoh dear...
03:53.28MetsI update trunk, tell msvc to build, and it says there are 335 errors :-/
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03:55.20JeffMgood for it
03:55.31TheMacGuyMets: I think they're actively working on it.
03:55.32JeffMwhen did you get code?
03:55.48Metsupdated 30 seconds ago
03:55.51TheMacGuyFrom what I can tell anyway.  Besides, most trunks are broken, that's why you get trunk: to help make the code better...
03:55.53JeffMwhat compiler?
03:56.05JeffMactualy trunk should build fine
03:56.08MetsI'm using msvc 2008
03:56.17JeffMwhat is one of the errors?
03:56.24TheMacGuyMets: You have the Windows SDK, yes?
03:56.42Metsyeah all is setup well, it built fine three days ago
03:57.00MetsJeffM: I'll post my buildlog
03:57.08JeffMjust tell me ONE of the errors
03:57.24Mets2>guiplaying.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "class ControlPanel * controlPanel" (?controlPanel@@3PAVControlPanel@@A)
03:57.40JeffMdid you do a rebuild solution or just build solution?
03:57.48JeffMand what target are you using? debug or release?
03:58.06Metsjust build, and debug, want me to rebuild?
03:58.15JeffMyeah a lot moved, do a rebuild
04:04.02MetsJeffM: getting a bunch of these: "error C2065: 'FLT_MAX' : undeclared identifier" still rebuilding though
04:04.24JeffMmayhaps EE sucks
04:05.37JeffMwhat version of the platform SDK do you have?
04:06.26Metsplatform sdk for windows server r2003, directx sdx nov 2008
04:06.52JeffMdoes it have a float.h?
04:07.29Metsreally not sure never looked
04:10.45*** join/#bzflag AppleGuy (
04:13.25Metsyeah float.h
04:13.38Metsin C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\src\crt
04:14.00Mets22 succeeded, 2 failed, 1 skipped
04:14.30JeffMopen that file, in there does it define FLT_MAX ?
04:15.21Mets#define FLT_MAX         3.402823466e+38F        /* max value */
04:15.39AppleGuyI got the gamepad to work in BZFlag.  All I had to do was install XCode.
04:15.52AppleGuySo thank you all and wish me luck!
04:15.56AppleGuygoes off to play
04:16.02JeffMsomething with ee is not compiling correctly then
04:17.12Metsis there a newer SDK?
04:17.25JeffMyour SDK is fine, you just said it was defined
04:17.30JeffMso how could it be undefined :)
04:17.46Metseh, I know, but solving problems on windows usually consists of rebooting or updating something
04:17.53JeffMno it dosn't
04:18.07Metslol, I'm joking :)
04:19.06JeffMopen include/win32.h
04:19.28JeffMdoes it say, #ifndef MAXFLOAT at the top?
04:20.16Metsnope no maxfloat anywhere
04:21.08Metsactually there's no win32.h, just win32.mak
04:21.20JeffMok, well say THAT first
04:21.40JeffMthis would be in your bzflag/include dir
04:21.46JeffMnot your platform SDK
04:22.15Metsyeah just opened the first win32 file, took me a second to see it wasn't source
04:23.02Metsk yup for maxfloat
04:23.51JeffMchange FLT_MAX to 3.402823466e+38F
04:24.41Metsok done
04:24.50JeffMthat shoudl compile
04:24.57JeffMalso do you have a float.h anywhere in your bzflag dir?
04:26.23Metsthere's a float.h there
04:26.49JeffMhmm ok
04:27.07JeffMthat may be the problem
04:27.57Metswhat exactly is lua?
04:28.18JeffMa scripting language
04:28.25Metsoh an old plugin?
04:28.35JeffMit's a scripting language
04:29.15Metsalright well shall I give her a go?
04:29.23JeffMit has to be fixed
04:33.09Metsalright, well I changed the float from flt_max
04:33.21JeffMthrow that file away
04:33.32Metsfloat.h in \lua?
04:33.42JeffMthe one you edited
04:34.19Mets\include\win32.h gone
04:35.33CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20086 10/trunk/bzflag/ (7 files in 2 dirs): change Float to LuaFloat so it dosn't conflict with the windows file of the same name.
04:35.45JeffMget that
04:36.21Metsgot it
04:37.09JeffMbuild it
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04:45.34Metsmmm no I'm afraid, still showing same error count
04:45.44JeffMsucks to be you then
04:46.08Metsin this department it does :P
04:46.19JeffMit is development code
04:46.28JeffMare the errors the same ?
04:46.37MetsI totally understand, some days it compiles, some days it doesn't
04:46.46Metsmostly the following error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
04:46.53JeffMso no, they are not
04:46.58JeffMwhat is the symbol?
04:47.13Metsthere's a lot of different ones
04:47.20JeffMok, what is ONE of them
04:47.24JeffMI can't read your mind man
04:47.24Metsclass ControlPanel
04:47.36MetsI know, don't want to post everyone
04:47.48Metsprivate: static class LocalPlayer * LocalPlayer::mainPlayer
04:47.57JeffMbut one is better then 0 ;)
04:48.02Metslast one is in mainmenu.obj
04:48.46Metsa good chunk, maybe half, are  form guiplaying.obj
04:49.02Metsall are related to .obj files
04:49.25Metsand all are either LNK2001 or LNK2019
04:49.49*** part/#bzflag bryjen (
04:50.27JeffMwhat .sln file did you open?
04:50.33JeffMbzflag.sln or fullbuild.sln?
04:51.36MetsI don't recall doing anything with a .sin file actually
04:51.54JeffMhow did you open bzflag in the IDE?
04:52.18JeffMthat may be the problem
04:52.34JeffMin the solution explorer does it have a list of stuff?
04:52.38JeffMor just bzflag?
04:52.45Metslist of everything
04:52.59JeffMincluding plugins?
04:52.59Mets25 projects it says
04:53.09JeffMso it openend the .sln
04:53.24JeffMjust so you know you are suposed to open the .sln not the vcproj
04:53.32JeffMa vcproj just has one part of an app in it
04:53.58Metsoh, my bad, I can try doing that
04:54.07JeffMit probalby won't matter
04:55.33MetsI don't even see any .sin files
04:55.41CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20087 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/clientbase.vcproj: don't use unicode, use mulitbyte.
04:55.45JeffMkeep scrolling ;)
04:56.06CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20088 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/ (bzflag.vcproj fullbuild.sln): bzflag needs clientbase in fullbuild too
04:56.07Metswhere would it be? trunk\bzflag\MSVC\build?
04:56.17JeffMbzflag.sln, bzfs.sln, bzrobots.sln, and fullbuild.sln
04:56.26JeffMsame place as the vcproj
04:56.43Metsoh got it
04:57.30MetsI didn't learn programing in c/c++ in msvc to say the least :P
04:58.05Metsfullbuild loads 58 projects
04:58.22JeffMthat would be the "full" part of it ;)
04:59.01Metswonders what he was even buildilng...
04:59.51JeffMclient, server, and bzadmin
05:01.23CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20089 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/bzflag.sln: fullbuild is used for distro builds, so don't bother trying to do the man pages with the dev build.
05:09.07Metswow, jeff that cut it from 335 to 2 in the error department
05:10.13Metsc1xx : fatal error C1083: Cannot open source file: '..\..\src\clientbase\PointShotStrategy.cxx': No such file or directory
05:10.13MetsBSCMAKE: error BK1506 : cannot open file '.\bzflag_debug\PointShotStrategy.sbr': No such file or directory
05:10.38JeffMwell that makes my choice easy
05:11.37JeffMthat's my bad
05:11.47JeffMI was fixing .vcproj things but forgot it would pick up my new file
05:11.57JeffMso now we get the joy of untested shot code :)
05:12.08CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20090 10/trunk/bzflag/ (14 files in 3 dirs):
05:12.08CIA-64BZFlag: consolodate the shot code into PointShotStrategy
05:12.08CIA-64BZFlag: make the hit test be a volume with a margin pulled from the bzdbvar _TankShotProximity
05:12.12Metssounds exciting
05:14.08JeffMI can't really test it solo anyway
05:14.34Metshappy to give it a run for you
05:15.56JeffMnaw I'm too tired to test it tonight
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05:17.56Metsno worries, just p-ing me if need a crash test dummy, I should be around
05:20.26MetsI see what happened, and now were back to the start: .\bzflag_debug\bzflag.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 197 unresolved externals
05:42.00*** part/#bzflag KingRobot1 (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
06:12.44CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r20091 10/trunk/bzflag/src/clientbase/GuidedMissleStrategy.cxx: * renamed a shadowed variable, PointShotStrategy::segment
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08:39.44quantumdot~seen uso
08:39.44ibotuso <> was last seen on IRC in channel ##guleague, 435d 6h 48m 28s ago, saying: 'he did get caught in a range ban from nightmare, I unbanned the range so he should be able to play again on the public servers'.
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09:36.39bradcan anyone remember how to grab a list of people in a bzbb group? there was a hidden file somewhere iirc
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11:51.14blast007brad: key word is "was"
11:51.38blast007I didn't migrate that over when I upgraded to phpBB3
11:51.49bradahh, right
11:52.04bradis there another easyish way to get a list then?
11:52.44bradthanks anyway#
12:20.42*** join/#bzflag Wits (
12:22.14_WarPig_Something is still broken.   Did svn up, autoconf, configure, make.  Got:  
12:32.03*** join/#bzflag TutTankAhmon (
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13:01.23BulletCatcher_WarPig_: What version of "libtool" do you have?  A "libtool --version" command will give the answer.
13:02.10CIA-64BZFlag: 03wyk3d * r20092 10/branches/gsoc_bzauthd/m4/openldap.m4: Added even better checks for openldap. (GNU libtool) 1.5.26 Debian 1.5.26-1ubuntu1 (1.1220.2.493 2008/02/01 16:58:18)
13:03.24BulletCatcherThat version works.  Give me half an hour to check out something else.
13:04.06_WarPig_no rush, thanks
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13:39.13BulletCatcher_WarPig_: It works for me when I compile curl.
13:39.15BulletCatcherDoes a "/root/wrk/bzflag/src/other/curl/libtool --version" command also show version 1.5.26?
13:40.31_WarPig_yes, same version
13:41.41BulletCatcherHmm.  It might be easiest to install the libcurl3-dev package, then you won't need to compile curl at all.
13:42.16_WarPig_kk - I'll try that.  thanks
13:43.33BulletCatcherAfter installing it, do a "make distclean", then configure, then make.
13:45.10_WarPig_make running now
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15:47.07blastWyk3d: Hello  :)  What are you working on today?
15:51.44CIA-64BZFlag: 0374.190.7.133 07 * r6528 10/w/Hix: /* Description */
16:09.30Wyk3dblast: hi, just finishing off the freebsd port, these checks have been giving me a hard time
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16:13.41Wyk3dhad some bad typos and it's hard to debug as it takes a long time to autogen + configure
16:15.22Wyk3dplus other complications like the tests working on my local linux vmware but failing on freebsd's version because they refuse to use only integers in version constants ..
16:24.59cygalif you compile a lot consider installing ccache
16:26.49blastWyk3d: what features do you have left to implement?
16:26.59blastI know the group membership stuff works now (yay!)
16:27.16blastand the linux/freebsd build system is pretty close to being functional
16:27.20blastif not already
16:29.06CIA-64BZFlag: 0374.190.7.133 07 * r6529 10/w/Hix: /* Hix Tricks */
16:30.18Wyk3das for basic features bzid is the only one i think
16:30.35Wyk3dcygal: i'm not compiling a lot :)
16:30.38CIA-64BZFlag: 0374.190.7.133 07 * r6530 10/w/Hix: /* Pyramid Passes */
16:30.46Wyk3di'm autogen + configure - ing a lot
16:30.49Wyk3d* was
16:31.57blastif the build system is too much trouble right now, I'd rather have you work on the BZID feature
16:32.29blastand if you run out of features to implement, I have some ideas ;)
16:32.37Wyk3dit's important to have it up on so myself and others can test it easily
16:33.04blastdoes it build on linux?
16:33.34blastcuz I could always set it up on my dedicated server if the issue is currently with the freebsd build
16:33.47Wyk3dsure on linux it built long ago, just had to port it to freebsd too, had some compiler errors those i fixed pretty fast what kept me was that it was failing to detect openldap
16:34.07blastwhen I get done with work today, I will get it set up on my linux server
16:34.16blastthen we'll have a system we can test against
16:34.25blastthe registration still needs some stuff added to it
16:34.31Wyk3dnaw, notice i keept talking in past tense :)
16:34.33blast(email address, for instance)
16:36.36CIA-64BZFlag: 03wyk3d * r20093 10/branches/gsoc_bzauthd/m4/openldap.m4: Fixed openldap detection on FreeBSD
16:36.46Wyk3d.. and there it goes, just had to check that it builds, and it does
16:37.16blastso basically the things I see that are left: BZID, email address (with email verification), some kind of ban system
16:37.28blastthe bzauthd app does logging, right?
16:37.56Wyk3dlogging could be better i guess
16:38.12Wyk3di does log but not to a file and some more things could be logged
16:38.43blastI'm assuming that listing servers still uses the PHP based list server?
16:39.13Wyk3dthat needs changes to work with LDAP for the auth part
16:39.15blastthat's probably something that would stay there, right?  it changes quite often, so replication would be a nightmare
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16:39.41Wyk3dnaw, the plan is to eventaully integrate that into the same bzauthd daemon
16:39.57Wyk3dbut whether it uses ldap or still mysql, that's another question
16:40.06blastah, sounds good
16:47.53blastso what's your thought about how to implement the BZID? gonna go with a UUID?
16:51.19Wyk3dno the problem with uuid was that you cannot assign multiple names to them
16:51.30Wyk3de.g if you want to keep a history of what a person's names are
16:51.34Wyk3dor have alternate names
16:51.40JefferyMcygal, ok, so I checked in code last night that I haven't fully tested, I got sidetracked on some MSVC changes and ended up commiting part of my changes with them, so I had to do them all
16:51.46Wyk3dyou can use the same bzid for all of those
16:52.32blasthowever, could that not go into a custom field in that user object?
16:53.06blast(their old names, that is)
16:53.41Wyk3ddoesn't have to
16:53.53Wyk3deach user object will have a uid
16:54.05Wyk3dif you have one user, you can search for all others with the same uid
16:54.21Wyk3dno need to optimize that, it's not a frequent query
16:54.29blastwould someone else be able to register one of their old names?
16:54.37Wyk3dthat's the idea
16:55.11JefferyMcygal, it's for shot hit tests, it would help me out if you could try it out and make sure that shots still blow people up :)
16:55.49Wyk3dso you don't have to wonder if you see the same name whether it's the same person
16:56.45JefferyMWyk3d, blast, are you guys talking about being able to have more then one name associated with a single "account"/user ?
16:56.56JefferyMdamn :(
16:57.07JefferyMcus we totaly need that :)
16:57.08Wyk3dactually that is also a possibility
16:57.08blastthat was just when changing names
16:57.26blastWyk3d: ah
16:57.28Wyk3dyes the immediate discussion above refers to that
16:57.30JefferyMmultiple callsigns per player would be sweet
16:57.40Wyk3dbut the feature of common bzids for multiple callsigns
16:57.56Wyk3dcould be used just as easily for multiple callsigns for the same user
16:58.29Wyk3deach callsign will either be active or inactive
16:58.50Wyk3dso if you "change" your name, a new callsign is created and the old one is set inactive
16:59.01Wyk3dif you "add" a new name, the same thing but it remains active
16:59.56blastthat would be very neat :)
17:03.56blastI definately like that someone couldn't use your old name
17:05.05blastthat current is possible, and certain people take advantage of it for malicious acts
17:17.42_WarPig_Old names would expire after a while?
17:17.51_WarPig_...if unused
17:19.02JefferyMwe manualy delete them sometimes
17:19.07JefferyMif they are never activated
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17:38.05blastJefferyM: think he was talking about the above discussion
17:38.25blast_WarPig_: that would be possible
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19:57.19blasthi KingRobot
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20:04.01KingRobothello blast
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20:34.59CIA-64BZFlag: 03will07c5 * r20094 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (19 files in 8 dirs): implemented the ability to assign materials to objects in the GUI
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20:36.54mrapplecomputer1hey quick question when i type /usr/games/bzfs -conf /path/to.conf &
20:37.05mrapplecomputer1i get a process id, and then the server appears to be running
20:37.16mrapplecomputer1but its not when i try to connect in bzflag
20:39.42randomparticleyou could try a 'ps -aux' just before you run bzflag
20:39.48randomparticlejust in case it quit on an error
20:40.04mrapplecomputer1thanks ill try that
20:42.58mrapplecomputer1wait.. that gives me a list of what?
20:44.33randomparticlethat's a list of running processes
20:44.45mrapplecomputer1ah i figured out the error
20:44.51mrapplecomputer1dumb thing on my part
20:51.57AAA_awrightDon't append the & to debug?
20:52.24mrapplecomputer1randomparticle: do you have to use a seperate bzfs for each server you run? or can you point them all towards one
20:53.05mrapplecomputer1AAA_awright: what? remove the & and maybe add a -d to the conf?
20:53.46randomparticlei think it's one per server, but you need a bzfs expert to confirm that
20:54.08mrapplecomputer1anyone here a bzfs expert?
20:55.10KingRobotYou can run as many instances of bzfs as your server can handle
20:55.21KingRobotHowever, they need to each run on a different port
20:55.37KingRobotbzfs -p 5154
20:55.38mrapplecomputer1KingRobot: it doesnt appear that way, i am running 3 servers 5154, 5155, and 5156 and only the first one starts
20:55.49mrapplecomputer1im using -conf
20:56.03mrapplecomputer1o wait never mind
20:56.18KingRobotmrapplecomputer1: I'm on a server right now that is running about 5 instances of bzfs
20:56.43mrapplecomputer1KingRobot: ok, but only 1 of mine appeared in the list sever.... hummm looks like a problem on my end ill go check everyinthg LD
20:57.16randomparticleKingRobot: I thought he might have been using the informal sense of the word "server", where "server" = bzfs isntance
20:57.39randomparticlebut your usage is more correct
21:07.11blastmrapplecomputer1: make sure you give the port in the -publicaddr as well
21:07.56blast-p sets the port it will listen on, and -publicaddr would be the port that is accessable from the outside world  (typically they are the same)
21:08.08mrapplecomputer1blast: i never do that, but i figured it out. changed my dns hostname, dont worry that was the problem
21:08.21blastyou never do what?
21:08.29blastyou never include the port on the publicaddr?
21:09.12mrapplecomputer1never include the port in publicaddr
21:09.18blastyou need to
21:09.42blastif you run on a non-default port, anyway
21:09.59blastwhich based on your comment above, you are
21:10.09blast5154, 5155, and 5156
21:10.16mrapplecomputer1ahh is that the problem? XD
21:10.29mrapplecomputer1so -publicaddr domain:port
21:10.33blastif you don't include the port when you specify the publicaddr, it will advertise them all on port 5154, thereby replacing each other
21:11.13mrapplecomputer1ahh blast your so smart thanks again,
21:11.20mrapplecomputer1would perish without blast
21:11.57mrapplecomputer1lol haha bye blast xD
21:12.14Bambinowatches mrapplecomputer1 perish
21:12.40mrapplecomputer1shouldnt be talking cause hes perished now, but o well.
21:12.48_WarPig_watches Bambino watch mrappl perish
21:12.53mrapplecomputer1thinks bambino wants him dead
21:13.13Bambinohas a /me war with _WarPig_ and mrapplecomputer1
21:13.16mrapplecomputer1think warpig also wants him dead and gone
21:13.26mrapplecomputer1is winning
21:13.36JefferyMchildren, please, that's more for the chat channel
21:13.37mrapplecomputer1has a high score of 6
21:13.43Bambinothinks we should stop before JeffM calls us children
21:13.49mrapplecomputer1haha lol xxD
21:14.36JefferyMBambino, call em like they are
21:14.37Bambinomy god..I timed that just right
21:14.37_WarPig_There's a chat channel?
21:14.37JefferyMyour god had nothing to do with it
21:14.37mrapplecomputer1ha warpig xD
21:14.37JefferyMthis is the development channel
21:14.52mrapplecomputer1thinks jeffm wants him to leave and go to the chat channel :)
21:15.21JefferyMno I just want you to stop acting like a child
21:15.31mrapplecomputer1will do :)
21:16.04JefferyMhas anyone tried the windows build after my last set of project changes?
21:16.28mrapplecomputer1i will if you want me too
21:16.49mrapplecomputer1would that help or just be a pain?
21:17.08KingRobotwill try to build it.
21:18.10mrapplecomputer1will also try to build it in a race to beet kingrobot but will probably fail due to his ignorance of bzflag svn
21:18.39JefferyMmrapplecomputer1, please just STOP using /me
21:18.45JefferyMact like an adult
21:19.26JefferyMif you can not, then please don't come here.
21:19.42JefferyMyou are getting somewhat anoying, and I don't want it to get so bad that we have to force you not to come here.
21:20.06*** part/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
21:21.52randomparticlehow does one go about setting up bzflag to use different functions for different operating systems?
21:22.08randomparticlei don't understand this autoconf or whatever it's called system
21:22.13JefferyMthat's the platform system
21:22.15JefferyMfor most things
21:22.24JefferyMit generaly depends on what function you are talking about
21:22.35JefferyMif it's the time stuff that's all done with #defs in timekeeper
21:22.43randomparticlei think there will be some hash defines in there soemwhere
21:22.44JefferyMsince that's used by more then the client
21:22.48JefferyMthere are
21:23.02JefferyMif it's video/sound/etc it's done with the platform system
21:23.11JefferyMand there is a class for each platform
21:23.11randomparticlebut suppose you don't know for sure a certain linux system will have the functino
21:23.19randomparticleand you want to use getttimeofday as a fallback
21:23.25JefferyMthen that is what you use the build system for
21:23.28JefferyMthat's what configure does
21:23.38randomparticlehow does one configure configure?
21:23.42JefferyMit sets up #defs for what is available, then writes out what oyu need in the config.h
21:23.46JefferyMwith autoconf
21:23.55randomparticlethat's what i can't get my head around
21:23.59JefferyMit has the ability to check for specific functions on the OS when its' run
21:24.07JefferyMthat's what all the _HAVE defines are for
21:24.14JefferyMto check if the OS has specific stuff
21:24.39JefferyMbassicly it writes a little C file with the functon or feature and tries to compile it
21:24.46JefferyMif it works, it asusmes it has it, if it fails, no
21:24.49randomparticlea came across this a while back. i wanted to add an os x framework to the build
21:24.56randomparticlecouldn't figure out how to do it
21:25.25randomparticleended up just editing one of the generated makefiles by hand
21:25.43JefferyMyou'd chagne the and files IIRC
21:26.05randomparticledoes someone have some sort of automated system set up to do that?
21:26.10randomparticleor is it a vi job?
21:26.19JefferyMthere is also that's may need changes to act on what you do in the config.
21:26.32JefferyMthe automake files are hand writen
21:26.39JefferyMit's bassicly a script to the automake
21:29.41JefferyMI'm not an expert on the syntax, I just know a general idea of what it does.
21:35.13*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
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21:36.44KingRobotJefferyM: r20091: ========== Build: 56 succeeded, 0 failed, 2 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
21:36.48*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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21:36.57*** part/#bzflag randomparticle (n=xell@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
21:37.02KingRobot(Using a clean build from fullbuild.sln)
21:37.10JefferyMdo you have the EE version of VC or the full version?
21:37.53KingRobotEE 2008, at that
21:38.07KingRobotI have VS 2003 full around here somewhere, but EE 08 works just as well for everything I need.
21:38.34JefferyMthat's good enouh,thanks
21:38.42JefferyMthat's the version otehrs were having problems with last night
21:38.55JefferyMso if it works for you I can tell them to just fo a full rebuild and they should be fine
21:39.27*** join/#bzflag Allejo (
21:39.51CIA-64BZFlag: 03will07c5 * r20095 10/trunk/bzworkbench/ (3 files in 3 dirs): physics drivers can now be assigned to objects
21:40.31Will07c5ok now I can finally get started on optimization
21:40.34JefferyMspldart, so do a full rebuild :)
21:40.49spldartalready started
21:50.05spldartRebuild All: 23 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 skipped with 57 warnings
21:52.42JefferyMall is ell then
21:52.48JefferyMwell even
21:53.15JefferyMnow to just get some people to see if shots still kill
21:55.28*** join/#bzflag Yassen (
21:55.44mrapplecomputer1ill play!
21:55.54JefferyMyou have a trunk client?
21:56.13mrapplecomputer1whenever i type svn up it says skipped "."
21:56.22mrapplecomputer1after cding to folder
21:56.29JefferyMso is that a yes or a no?
21:56.39mrapplecomputer1i think so i dont know
21:56.43mrapplecomputer1what server?
21:57.02JefferyMwhen did you build last?
21:57.06JefferyMI can't play. I'm at work
21:57.08mrapplecomputer1a while ago
21:57.10JefferyMI just need some people to try
21:57.18JefferyMhow long is "a while"?
21:57.23mrapplecomputer1a few days
21:57.28JefferyMso no, you don't
21:57.35KingRobotWell, rico's still kill, at least
21:57.37mrapplecomputer1ok ill recompile then? ok?
21:57.40JefferyMthat would not help
21:57.53JefferyMKingRobot, I need to know if the shots still kill other tanks
21:57.53KingRobotI have pretty high lag to the norang servers
21:57.55mrapplecomputer1you need someone to play now
21:58.04JefferyMI was unable to get it running on 2 machiunes at home
21:58.08KingRobotWell, I'm on norang, if anyway else can join...
21:58.10JefferyMI changed the code for hit test.
21:58.27YassenI'll join once my client finishes building.
21:58.36JefferyMand I had to check it all in bevause I accedentaly checked in the prioject changes with fixes for the build.
21:59.04mrapplecomputer1ill join too :) once mine finishes building
21:59.08CBGI suppose I could dust off my terminal...
21:59.17JefferyMit should now check for a box around the tank that's expanded by a bit
21:59.21JefferyMinstead of a radius
21:59.41JefferyMand GM uses the same check as normal shots too
21:59.45KingRobotAh, cool
21:59.59KingRobotNo more mysterious edge kills, then :)
22:00.17JefferyMwell I don't know
22:00.22JefferyMthat's the problem
22:00.22mrapplecomputer1client building.....
22:00.26JefferyMI think the code makes more sense now
22:00.56JefferyMtrepan had the idea for having a bzdb var that can be used to modify the hit volume as well, so I added that in too
22:01.22JefferyMso a server can tighten it up or make it larger if they want
22:01.53JefferyMeventualy the hit code needs to be replaced with more accurate tests, but this should hopefully address most of the issues that randomparticle pointed out.
22:02.29ibotmethinks bzsvn is and svn co bzflag
22:06.42spldartOh really... /me boots another rig and prepares to tinker in trunk game play
22:08.13*** join/#bzflag beanpole (
22:16.31spldartI assume there was a shot/kill detection change in 20085 and 20095?
22:17.29spldartI can shoot beside the oppossing tank, a linux boxen, and it blows up without the shot contacting it. If my linux tank shoots at my windows client tank on either side it does not blow up.
22:17.36spldartboth tanks facing head to head.,
22:17.51spldartgoes to update linux checkout and rebuild
22:19.05mrapplecomputer1is building his client..............doesnt want to miss the action :)
22:20.00spldartno action at the moment.. I'm just doin some testing off and on
22:20.12*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
22:25.46*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
22:26.39mrapplecomputer1can someone tell me whats wrong with this conf:
22:26.49mrapplecomputer1does anytning look wrong
22:26.52YassenWhat's wrong with it?
22:26.57mrapplecomputer1il ltry debugging it one sec
22:27.30YassenWell, you don't have a badwords file so that could be the problem.
22:27.58CBGStill making.
22:28.24mrapplecomputer1CBG: me too
22:29.47mrapplecomputer1appears to be a problem with my router but i dont believe it
22:29.48mrapplecomputer1one sec
22:30.07*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@unaffiliated/ameteorite/x-000000001)
22:30.47spldartis that a legit addy?
22:31.02mrapplecomputer1lol it was a problem with my router
22:32.02spldartI can't resolve
22:32.44*** join/#bzflag mrapplecomputer1 (
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22:32.57CBGI would be surprised if you could resolve either of the first two, spldart.
22:32.59mrapplecomputer1lol my cpu is at 160 F
22:33.07think_tankquick, put ice on it
22:33.22mrapplecomputer1think_tank: xD will do sir
22:33.30mrapplecomputer1soak it in some water
22:33.45mrapplecomputer1yay bzflag done building
22:33.47mrapplecomputer1here i come!
22:36.49mrapplecomputer1xcode is building.......
22:38.34mrapplecomputer1spldart: its done. you on?
22:39.34spldartwindows build is ready but linux build in progress.. I wanted to test the kill 'box' again
22:39.41mrapplecomputer1ok im on
22:39.54mrapplecomputer1what server
22:39.57mrapplecomputer1map or other
22:40.01mrapplecomputer1flag or map
22:41.00mrapplecomputer1is happy to announce his new linux server is running at check it out if you want :)
22:41.30spldartah.. linux done... I'm gonna test my two clients on random map.... please don't shoot my tanks till I've tested by shooting myself several times.
22:41.48*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
22:42.56*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@
22:42.56*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
22:43.40CBGmrapplecomputer1: didn't see you on either server...
22:45.54YassenIs BZFlag suppose to compile on Windows at this point in time?
22:46.07KingRobotDo a full clean build
22:46.25YassenI've tried Debug_Dist and Release_Dist and both get linking errors...
22:46.26blast007"rebuild solution"
22:47.07Yassenblast007: I tried that, no luck.
22:47.11spldartYeah.. the kill box defenitely got fixed between 20085 and 20095.. BUT mrapple claims that while I was obese a shot didn't kill me that should have... will have to test that next
22:47.36mrapplecomputer1spldart: ill try that right now w/ to macs
22:47.38mrapplecomputer1one sec
22:48.14YassenI get over 300 linking errors in the bzflag project.
22:49.38KingRobotYassen: Perhaps try deleting your tree and downloading it again. At least three of us have successfully built the current revision.
22:49.40JefferyMYassen, why do you do the distrobution?
22:49.52*** part/#bzflag Allejo (
22:49.54JefferyMalso when you open it in VC, what do you click on?
22:50.01*** join/#bzflag Allejo (
22:50.51YassenJefferyM: I click on the drop down box next to Win32 near the top then right click the bzflag solution and select "Build Solution".
22:50.58YassenBut I've tried rebuilding and had no luck.
22:51.58JefferyMno no, I mean when you first open VC
22:52.07JefferyMwhat FILE do you click on to open the project in VC?
22:52.16JefferyMbzflag.sln? or bzflag.vcproj?
22:52.25JefferyMor fullbuild.sln?
22:52.50YassenThis time I clicked on bzflag.vcproj IIRC, but it opens up the solution anyways.
22:52.59JefferyMno it dosn't
22:53.08JefferyMcan you try for me using fullbuild.sln?
22:53.24YassenSo it makes a difference? I've had successful builds with both before.
22:55.24blast007bzflag.vcproj just opens that individual project into a new solution
22:55.33SpazzyMcGeeWhen I run ./autogen, I hit an infinite loop of:
22:55.35SpazzyMcGee./ eval: line 830: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
22:55.35SpazzyMcGee./ eval: line 831: syntax error: unexpected end of file
22:55.45blast007so it would only work if all the other projects had already been built and were up to date
22:56.01JefferyMYassen, yeah I know but someone else had a similar problem last night and it changed by changing what they openened
22:56.02spldartcan't hold the bad flag long enough.. but have a sneaking suspicion that obesity works fine
22:56.04SpazzyMcGeeNever had that before... looked in, at that line, and around it. Seems fine... no missing "
22:56.06blast007SpazzyMcGee: with the latest SVN trunk?
22:56.11JefferyMI'm not sure the dependencies build right
22:56.21JefferyMYassen, I'd also like you to use just the debug target
22:56.28JefferyMnot the debug_distrobution
22:56.40YassenI'm doing fullbuild.sln with debug.
22:56.43JefferyMI have not verified the distrobution targets yet
22:56.50JefferyMand you did a reebuild solution right?
22:56.57blast007SpazzyMcGee: my line 830 is a blank line
22:56.58JefferyMalso when did you get code last?
22:57.04blast007as in 831
22:57.08YassenI just checked the code out about an hour ago.
22:58.09SpazzyMcGeeMy line 830 is ' eval "cd $dir" '
22:58.10JefferyMI had kingrobot do a build of trunk about an hour ago, in VC9 ee and his worked, so I am pretty sure that we are good to go now after what I changed last night
22:58.17JefferyMbut we'll see how yours works out
22:58.33blast007I'll try a build here
22:58.34mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: we tried shooting and it still works :)
22:58.36blast007I have EE as well
22:58.43JefferyMmrapplecomputer1, and people died?
22:58.47blast007mrapplecomputer1: which server did you join?
22:58.49JefferyMwhen they got shot?
22:58.51mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: yep
22:58.57mrapplecomputer1it all worked
22:59.02mrapplecomputer1just one problem
22:59.08JefferyMat some point I'd like to do some indepth looks at where the hit volume is
22:59.12blast007mrapplecomputer1: which server did you join?
22:59.19spldartHit volume?
22:59.25mrapplecomputer1random map
22:59.32blast007the norang one?
22:59.36spldartyeah.. we we
22:59.37JefferyMspldart, the 3d area where the tank knows to "explode"
22:59.53mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: the only problem was spldart had obese, jumped and i shot him but he didnt "explode"
22:59.54spldartOh.. that's what I was saying a bit ago..
22:59.58mrapplecomputer1blast007: yes
22:59.59spldartIt's working better now
23:00.01SpazzyMcGeedeleted, and got a new one with svn up. Still loops those lines.
23:00.04JefferyMjumps I odn't really care about
23:00.13blast007SpazzyMcGee: what is on those two lines?
23:00.14JefferyMas that's confounded by DR
23:00.18mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: he had obese though
23:00.24JefferyMmrapplecomputer1, so?
23:00.34mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: i clearly shoot hiim
23:00.39blast007could you shoot him with obese while he was on the the ground?
23:00.41JefferyMdepending on lag and bad DR, his tank may not have seen the hit
23:00.48JefferyMwe know DR has problems
23:00.52spldarta slightly older client was detecting hits when it shouldn't... the latest client is detecting in a way that seems appropirate to the current client.
23:00.55JefferyMand that I'm not concerened about now
23:01.12mrapplecomputer1JefferyM: ok sounds good. glad i could help
23:01.15spldartcurrent client = 2.0.x
23:01.15JefferyMyeah I didn't bump proto so it could be odd if oyu used an old client and new client
23:01.32SpazzyMcGeeblast007: 830 is
23:01.48SpazzyMcGee831 is a blank line
23:02.17spldartso hit vol. seems better or perhaps fixed.
23:02.24blast007hmm, guess my autogen didn't update or something
23:02.26JefferyMit's different
23:02.40JefferyMI'm not sure it's Fixed, it just works more consitently now I think
23:02.42blast007ah, silly me, I was in the 2.0.x checkout
23:03.26blast007SpazzyMcGee: run ./ -v
23:03.43blast007it should output lines like "Protecting files from automake in blah"
23:04.35blast007mine showed: Protecting files from automake in "/home/blast/bzflag-trunk/plugins"
23:04.51blast007ah, guess it shows up in several places
23:05.20blast007so I have several directories that are being protected from automake
23:06.00SpazzyMcGeeshit, I know what it is
23:06.12SpazzyMcGeethe file path contains a space
23:06.21blast007(lang) :P
23:06.31SpazzyMcGeeIt's getting confused
23:07.45SpazzyMcGeeokay, looks like it's working now
23:08.19YassenJefferyM: The fullbuild with debug target compiled successfully.
23:08.25SpazzyMcGeeIt doesn't like spaces in file paths
23:08.27JefferyMok good
23:08.47JefferyMnow can you close that and open the bzflag.sln and try the debug target with that as a full build
23:14.16*** join/#bzflag bryjen (n=bryjen@
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23:31.00*** join/#bzflag blast (i=475a244b@bzflag/developer/Blast)
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23:31.01YassenThe client died when I got shot: Vector subscript out of range.
23:31.23blastJefferyM: while getting shot with GM:
23:31.50YassenOh yes, that was with GM.
23:32.03JefferyMcall it a feature and we can ship it :)
23:32.06blastit also didn't kill me
23:32.15blast(from the side)
23:32.18JefferyMguess the bbox isn't good enough
23:32.22blastcrashed when I got shot from the front, at least
23:32.30spldartI'm sensing a renewed ferver in a release of a next revision client?
23:32.46blast"Hey it compiled... SHIP IT!"
23:33.03spldarthasn't gotten a crash.... yet...
23:33.13blastthen come get shot with GM ;)
23:33.15JefferyMthe old GM code didn't have the bbox test
23:33.32JefferyMI added it and uses the bbox of the current GM segment
23:33.49JefferyMI could move it outside the common code, but I'm not sure
23:34.30JefferyMI'll look at it tonight
23:53.02SpazzyMcGeeWhat happened to the nice tank labels?
23:53.27SpazzyMcGeeI seem to remember there were triangular markers at one point?
23:54.51SpazzyMcGeewhy forbid them?
23:55.04*** join/#bzflag swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
23:55.21JefferyMthe server may have many reasons to want to
23:55.21CIA-64BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r20096 10/trunk/bzflag/src/clientbase/ (3 files): make the test for GM a little more like the old code ( skip the overall BBox test)
23:55.55SpazzyMcGeeoh, it genuinely is a server variable :p
23:56.02JefferyMthat's what _ means
23:57.33SpazzyMcGeeheh, thought it could be some kind of a server-variable related joke.
23:57.36CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r20097 10/trunk/bzflag/src/game/global.cxx: * changed the _forbidMarkers default to 0 (i don't really care ;-)
23:57.38trepanSpazzyMcGee: there ya go
23:57.50jcpwait, if _ means a server variable, then what's the point of the localset command?
23:58.00JefferyMjcp,  to set local vars
23:58.06JefferyMthe ones that don't start with _ ;)
23:58.22jcpoh wait, can you /localset server vars too?
23:58.36SpazzyMcGeethat would kinda defeat the object
23:58.40jcpThen why not just have /set set vars locally if they don't start with an _?
23:58.42JefferyM/set is for globals, /localset is for locals
23:59.03JefferyMone could make a command that checks the var's security perms and does the right thing
23:59.06trepanalso, _ is just a convention, not a requirement
23:59.10JefferyMbut that's just not how it's writen
23:59.12bryjenblast: crashed that time
23:59.17JefferyMwith /set you know EACTLY what happens
23:59.24JefferyMyou are trying to set a global var
23:59.54JefferyMlocalset is kinda a backdoor, if anything is really important then it should have a UI item

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