IRC log for #bzflag on 20090502

00:09.39*** join/#bzflag Bambino_ (
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00:44.57gmangreyhi all
00:45.02gmangreywhats up?
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00:57.59bzflag2hi guys
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01:01.19gmangrey_hey guys
01:01.47gmangrey_anyone awake on here?
01:02.34gmangrey_anyone here?   (hm)
01:03.18gmangrey_Well then
01:03.42gmangrey_4I believe I have better stuff to be doing
01:03.52Thumper_please turn off the colour
01:04.02gmangrey_um ok sry1
01:04.13gmangrey_something wrong with it?
01:04.25Thumper_other than it being annoying?
01:04.35gmangrey_haha, point taken
01:04.55gmangrey_so what do you happen to be up to tonight?
01:05.16Thumper_setting up tents for a cub weekend
01:05.26gmangrey_fun fun
01:06.11*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
01:06.44gmangrey_well peeps gtg
01:06.51gmangrey_c u all later
01:06.58gmangrey_on the battlefield
01:07.07gmangrey_u too
01:08.09MindstormsKidHe stole my quit message :O
01:08.38MindstormsKid(Not that I didn't steal it from someone else D:)
01:30.03spldartMeh.... exciting ;-p
01:36.29*** join/#bzflag Electric1lf (
02:04.23panopticalok... im trying to compile bzflag for a linux build, but during the configure process, it comes up that libcurl is missing, and configure cant continue... it points me to the curl site, but i cant seem to find where to download libcurl (and i already have curl installed from an rpm)...
02:12.13MindstormsKidpanoptical: No idea, I don't use linux..
02:12.32MindstormsKidSorry.. Can't think of anyone specific that does..
02:13.45panopticalall i really want out of this is a bzfs build for linux, as my build for osx doesnt work with my server...
02:17.00panopticalim seeing several people online that i know use linux, but they dont seem to be active at the moment...
02:17.23trepantake a look at your config.log, see why curl wasn't picked up
02:24.00blast007panoptical: make sure you have the curl development package too (if your distro separates them), not just the normal one
02:25.58panopticalwhat rpm would that be, if it is one?
02:37.06BulletCatcherWhat Linux distro?
02:37.26panopticalcentos, but i found it under curl-devel
02:37.45BulletCatcherThat should do it.
03:00.28*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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03:05.44JeffMof course we have to have an earthquake right when I'm moving my TV :/
03:05.57panopticalare you in california?
03:06.37*** join/#bzflag Foo_man_choo (
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03:07.59Bambino_California getting earthquakes after my science teacher talked to us about how screwed we will after "the big one"
03:08.20JeffMheh, dude we have them all the time
03:08.35Bambino_yeah, Jaun de fuca plate?
03:08.38JeffMwhen I went to go find it on the "big list o' quakes" page
03:08.49JeffMit wasn't at the top
03:09.03panopticaleven some of my professors (in GEORGIA, of all places) have talked about the "big one"...
03:09.11Foo_man_chooMy only earthquake experience was Narita Japan :-/
03:09.18Bambino_how big?
03:09.33panopticalsomething like 8.5+ richter
03:09.49Bambino_we're suppose to be getting a 10.o :/
03:10.05TkTechDon't the islands of japan get constant micro-quakes
03:10.16Bambino_pretty much
03:10.24Foo_man_chooIt's seismecally busy over there <sp>
03:10.30JeffMpfff no tiny little Jaun de fuca plate
03:10.37Bambino_because the fault lines look like a mess
03:10.44JeffMis all about the pacific on north american action
03:10.59JeffMfault lines are fun to walk in
03:11.10Foo_man_chooyes they are
03:11.11Bambino_is siting on a fault line (not literally)
03:11.27TkTechWoo for ottawa :)
03:11.33Bambino_The BC Ferries go over one
03:11.39TkTechno tornados, floods, quakes, droughts, ect ect
03:11.47*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
03:12.03Bambino_and the Swine flu
03:12.05TkTech-_- Thats Toronto that really felt it
03:12.09panopticalno... SWINE FLU!  :P
03:12.13spldartYay... Swin... nah
03:12.36TkTechIf you have your vaccines for this year your mostly-safe against H1N1
03:12.41TkTechits a similar strain
03:12.48Bambino_ther is no cure!
03:13.00spldartThat's not what cdc is saying that I've read
03:13.10TkTechWell, you can inhibit a persons immune system
03:13.11panopticalcdc has stated that a proper vaccine would have to wait until at least this fall
03:13.14TkTechwhich carries high risk
03:13.15spldartBut that's a bit OT for this channel isn't it
03:13.20TkTechbut it would stop it
03:13.21Bambino_yells at his misinformed teachers
03:13.24panopticalthe only "cure" is tamaflu or antivirals
03:13.50spldartNo cure. No immunization yet.
03:13.59panopticalthats why i put cure in quotes
03:14.22JeffMyou don't cure the flue
03:14.25TkTechIf your a newborn or elderly, your safe :)
03:14.26JeffMyou survive it
03:14.36TkTechIf your middle agged and have a good immune system, your screwed
03:14.36Bambino_or die ;(
03:14.42Bambino_oh really?
03:14.48spldartJust reasonable precautions and ways of reducing symptom duration
03:14.49TkTechRead the link
03:15.00TkTechThis strain works by turning your immune system against yourself
03:15.03spldartis there an OT channel on freenode anywhere>?
03:15.13blast007spldart: yeah, such as, "no licking the pigs anymore!"
03:15.14JeffMit's called undernet
03:15.27spldart.... still lol
03:15.32Bambino_people want the name changed
03:15.37Bambino_to "Mexican flu"
03:15.52spldartJust human h1n1
03:16.08panopticalthats what the cdc wants to name it...
03:16.09TkTechMexican flu is taken
03:16.12TkTechso is Spanish flu
03:16.18TkTechSpanish flu == Swine Flu
03:16.22Bambino_Pig Flu
03:16.22spldartquarter human, quater avain, quarter eurasian swine, quater north americna swine
03:16.58Bambino_OT: Half man, half bear, half swing flu!
03:17.10spldartYay! south park
03:17.14Bambino_I know..half half half
03:17.24Bambino_I am trying 150%
03:20.02jorgenptSwing flu? Is that what you get from licking the swings in the park?
03:21.39spldartIB disturbing 'beast' stuff >:-[
03:21.48MindstormsKidNo, Swine Flu is what you get from doing this:
03:23.09spldartOh nice
03:23.15JeffMblast007, joevano. was it ether of you that moved the ...? to basement?
03:24.38JeffMoh, and blast007 I've gone an created the 1vs1 sub forum, no special perms, just the normal 27 day auto prune
03:27.52blast007JeffM: I did
03:28.08JeffMwas the poster informed of what he should do to about it?
03:28.11JeffMnot that he cares
03:36.58*** join/#bzflag panoptical (n=nedwards@
03:57.07*** join/#bzflag gmangrey (
04:00.09gmangreyhey guys
04:00.18gmangreywhats up?
04:00.47JeffMnot much ;)
04:00.53gmangreysame here
04:07.15Bambino_hey gmangrey
04:08.53gmangreycan you guys check out a website I started today?
04:09.02gmangreyim still working on it
04:10.05Bambino_the downloads take me to a unrelated site
04:10.15gmangreyyeah I know
04:10.22gmangreyI used a template
04:10.23Bambino_why ;)
04:10.33gmangreyand I still need to replace the urls
04:11.33panopticalyour using 000webhost?
04:11.52gmangreyI'm gonna rename to a .tk
04:11.53panopticalah, i used to use them, but their php config didnt meet my needs
04:12.16gmangreyyeah I don't really need everything
04:12.21gmangreyjust the main works
04:12.22panopticalnow i just run my own hosting :)
04:12.42panopticalapache, cpanel/whm... (its a web hosting company)
04:13.13gmangreyI tried apache but my pc's really screwed
04:13.31gmangreydidn't really work :(
04:13.37panopticalusually running a web server on windows doesnt work so well...
04:13.52gmangreyI have the experience :D
04:13.52blast007panoptical: works fine for me ;)
04:13.58panopticalits possible, but its a lot easier with windows server...
04:14.00panopticalor linux
04:14.11gmangreyhey man brb
04:15.36panopticalblast, do you run the server using windows client?
04:19.21blast007I run a local development copy of apache/mysql/php on Windows XP
04:19.36blast007though I use XAMPP, so it's all pre-configured
04:19.47blast007my production server is linux
04:19.51panopticalgood :)
04:20.40panopticaltell me, what ip is resolving to for you?
04:21.52panopticalthats what it should be... but for me its resolving to
04:22.54panopticali guess bellsouth fails at regularly updating their dns cache
04:24.08gmangreyok men I'm back (sw)
04:29.02*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
04:36.08gmangreyI'm off to play some wizard101 :D
04:36.13gmangreybe back later
05:44.53biggeruniverse_life is good
05:45.05panopticalthat was random...
05:45.17biggeruniverse_video killed the radio star
05:45.32panopticalok... now its getting annoying
05:45.43biggeruniverse_well no one asked you :P
05:46.05JeffMforget to renew the meds?
05:46.15biggeruniverse_I knew I forgot something
05:48.24panopticaljeff: why does only have 1 nameserver for it?
05:48.50panopticalerm... nvm... stupid whois site loaded it wrong
05:49.41panopticali guess my question is... why does it have 5 namservers? and from different domains too...
05:50.00JeffMthat's what the dns system is for ;)
05:50.31panopticalyes... but thats why most sites have 2... even google only uses 4 :)
05:51.06JeffMis there a problem with having more?
05:51.22panopticalwell, with redundancy like that, wouldnt it be a bitch to update the site?
05:51.26biggeruniverse_no one can have more than google
05:51.29biggeruniverse_it's illegal
05:51.44biggeruniverse_there's one master man
05:51.52JeffMbiggeruniverse_: go sleep it off
05:51.53biggeruniverse_the rest are just doing zone transfers
05:52.03biggeruniverse_JeffM: sleep what off?
05:52.11JeffMwhatever the hell you are on ;)
05:52.28panopticalthen how do you update the site, when you do?
05:52.38JeffMwhat do you mean by "update the site?"
05:52.39panopticalor rather, what do you use?
05:52.51JeffMdo you mean move it from one IP to another?
05:53.13panopticalno, as in change it... renovate it, update it
05:53.23JeffMthat has nothing to do with the nameserver
05:53.33JeffMthe site is hosted in one place
05:53.41JeffMthe nameservers are just that servers of NAMES
05:54.28panopticalso, you have all the nameservers pointed at 1 server's IP
05:54.39JeffMfor the www name, sure
05:54.54JeffMthe redundancy is if the nameservers go down
05:55.12JeffMdo you know how the DNS system works?
05:55.34JeffMthen you should know that nameservers are not the same as hosts for a specific hostname in a domain
05:56.24panopticali know... and its almost 2am here, so i had a lapse of thought... but ive still never seen any site to have 5 nameservers from 5 different domains
05:56.37JeffMputting them on the same domain is silly
05:56.49JeffMsince that means they are usualy located at the same place
05:57.03panopticalwell, if the main server goes down, then it doesnt matter if your nameservers work...
05:57.04JeffMand if the net conenction to that one place is poofed has 5...
05:57.24JeffMour nameservers arn't on the same network as the host server for the website
05:57.48JeffMso if goes down, or is unreachable, you hit
05:57.59JeffMthey all point you to
05:58.13JeffMfor the root and www hosts
05:58.16biggeruniverse_microsoft has 5, and they update IPs like every hour, because MS has redundant web servers at several co-lo sites
05:58.36JeffMwhen you have redudant servers you usualy do round robin
05:58.44JeffMor some sort of aggrigator
05:59.01panopticali understand... im just saying that most people have their nameservers listed as ns1/, and have bind running on the server the host from
05:59.07biggeruniverse_well, if one site goes down, even if no one notices, MS DNS will auto switch after at most 60min
05:59.19JeffMyeah, they do. and that isn't very redundant ;)
05:59.29biggeruniverse_well... it's MS after all
05:59.35JeffMyou have dns entries for more then just our host is game servers for instance.
06:00.04JeffMso if we hosted that and went down, now all those game domains are down
06:00.07panopticaloh, ok...
06:00.12JeffMby spreading it out, at least you can get to the OTHER services
06:00.24JeffMconsoldating all your services in one machine is silly
06:00.30JeffMif there are people that depend on it
06:00.49JeffMwe used to have the list server and www on different systems
06:00.57panopticali see... i was just referring to your web site, and not the gameservers at all, but it makes sense...
06:01.09JeffMdns is for more then websites
06:02.20JeffMtho honestly if we got controll over the .org domain name, we'd probably not use that many servers
06:02.42panopticaldo you not have control over the .org domain?
06:02.51JeffMtim has that controll
06:03.07panopticalcouldnt you ask him?
06:03.13JeffMand we have
06:03.43JeffMif it had been a positive answer, do you think I would have made my first statement? ;)
06:04.43panopticalim assuming he has control over the domain only, while you (and others) have control over the site associated with it?
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06:05.52JeffMthe major sites are hosted on right now
06:07.17Bambino_any devs around?
06:07.24panopticalother than jeff?
06:07.36Bambino_JeffM will do fine ;)
06:07.48Bambino_Ok, I was on Planet MoFo
06:07.51panopticalJeffM: what are the "major sites"?
06:08.08JeffMpanoptical: www, list server, wiki, forums, etc..
06:08.34Bambino_JeffM: ping?
06:08.46a_meteoritejust ask, no need to ping first
06:08.46panopticalarent all those on the .org domain?
06:08.55JeffMBambino_: yes, get to the question part, or do you just want me to comment about you being on mofo? ;)
06:09.10JeffMpanoptical: and .com and .net
06:09.24a_meteoritejust make sure you call them hosts when Tim is around
06:09.47Bambino_I could not die
06:09.49Bambino_at all
06:09.53JeffMok, good for you
06:10.04Bambino_it was really annoying
06:10.11Bambino_have you heard of that bug?
06:10.13JeffMthen drop OO
06:10.18Bambino_I was sealed
06:10.21JeffMno but it dosn't sound suprising
06:10.30JeffMbzflag ain't perfect
06:12.02JeffMif you care that much about it, test it with 2.99.x find out how to duplicate it and report it
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18:48.10biggeruniverse_It are I!
18:48.31biggeruniverse_unhand me, villian!
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21:17.14JeffMbrlcad: 42
21:23.55biggeruniverse_panoptical sez: that was random....
21:24.19JeffMit is the answer to a question
21:24.21JeffMone he asked
21:24.37biggeruniverse_I hope he asked the right question
21:24.54biggeruniverse_How many roads must a man walk down?
21:25.07JeffMhow big is your new TV
21:25.17biggeruniverse_that's no fun
21:25.45JeffMsome times the truth is booring
21:30.47spldartHeh.... I like that double entendre
21:33.19spldartyeah... if it was intended it's amusing me
21:33.37spldartfor a friendly jibe
21:33.52spldartif it was a typo then it gives me a nice idea
21:34.01spldartTo use on my boss ;)
21:34.03JeffMjust FYI spldart the windows 7 beta does not support HDCP
21:34.16spldartthanks for that tidbit
21:34.25JeffMso no BD or HDDVD
21:34.48spldartis piecing together a best P4 junker he can for X86 testing aside the X64 machine.
21:35.50spldartI will have to upgrade in 4 months anyway... I hear windows 7 ultimate testing ends then
21:35.50spldartSo downgrade to vista for a few months and wait for the next release.
21:35.50spldart... or run xp x86 for a while
21:40.09JeffMthe current RC will run for 13 months
21:49.43JeffMbeta is over, it's all RC now
21:58.48*** join/#bzflag panoptical (n=nedwards@
22:00.42panopticalis there a way to run bzfs in the background? I usually ssh into my server to start bzfs, but when i put my computer in standby, it disconnects from the server, and bzfs quits running...
22:04.10brad../bzfs -conf bzfs.conf >> ./logs/5156.`date +%Y-%m-%d`.log &
22:04.13bradthat's what I use..
22:04.50bradthe & backgrounds it
22:07.16panopticalok, thanks
22:13.04cataypanoptical: you can also use 'screen'
22:13.29panopticalas in, "screen bzfs -conf conf.txt" ?
22:13.54catayyeah, i think that should work
22:14.50panopticalmeh, that would require me to set /var/run/screen at 777
22:15.12cataywhy ?
22:15.41panopticalidk... thats just what my terminal says
22:16.38catayif you just do 'screen' first
22:16.49cataythen start 'bzfs'
22:17.01catayand then do ctrl-d  to detach, does that work ?
22:17.08catayctrl-a d
22:18.13catayor do you run it as a different user then the one you log into the system ?
22:19.31panopticalhow would i kill the program, when necessary?
22:19.49cataywith kill
22:19.59catayps -ef |grep bzfs
22:20.04catayto get the pid
22:20.36catayor pgrep -f bzfs
22:21.51catayyou can also join the server with your bzflag client and do /shutdownserver
22:21.56catayif you have the required perms
22:22.44panopticali knew that... but im still trying to learn bzfs operation from the linux shell
22:25.49blast007panoptical: bzfs can also output it's process ID to a text file with -pidfile
22:25.53blast007makes it easier to kill later
22:26.06blast007and you can make scripts that will read that file
22:46.50panopticalwill screen continue even when im not ssh'd into the server?
22:47.23TD-Linuxthough there is a special way to detach and reattach iirc
22:47.25TD-Linuxlook it up :)
22:52.01*** part/#bzflag kierra (n=jolie@unaffiliated/kierra)
22:53.10TkTech^-A D
22:53.33TkTechTo detach the screen
22:53.57TkTechwhen you want to re-attach, `screen -r` will either launch the only one, or give you a list if there is more then one
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