IRC log for #bzflag on 20090416

00:08.17*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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00:19.05KingRobottrepan: I've put up a small patch to fix the teleporter alignment error
00:19.26*** join/#bzflag Murielle (
00:19.29KingRobotIt turned out to be ignoring the border in all three directions
00:20.12KingRobot(It's a separate issue from the dual-teleport problem)
00:20.30*** part/#bzflag Murielle (
00:20.37blast007was that the small to big tele issue?
00:20.49KingRobotblast007: mentioned in the same bug
00:20.54KingRobotbut no, not the fix
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00:22.50KingRobotit was the cause of the offsets
00:23.02KingRobotfixing that makes the bullet go through at the correct position
00:24.41KingRobotbut doesn't correct the small-to-big tele problem
00:28.56*** join/#bzflag brad (
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00:59.27JefferyMKingRobot, just commit it
01:03.39CIA-60BZFlag: 03kingrobot * r19680 10/trunk/bzflag/src/obstacle/Teleporter.cxx: teleporter traversals are now more accurate; may also need to account for face offset
01:09.14*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
01:18.16*** join/#bzflag Ratfink (
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01:57.09*** join/#bzflag Jeff__ (
02:01.18delusionalas long as your talking about teleporter borders...  I removed mine and put 12-segment arcs, 1 unit wide,  in their place... and was really surprised how much better it plays than square borders. Teles can be choke points, this allows ricochets to bounce back at the shooter from all angles.  You're in danger of self-kill when you shoot at a tele from any angle. But it's really good when a jumping tank hits them. It's not like hitting a flat w
02:02.01delusionalThere's a world of difference between square tele borders, and roun ones.
02:39.28*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
02:40.30delusionalBW, the tetrahedron object has been deleted from future veersions
02:40.45trepan1. BTW?
02:40.55delusionali only mention because you'r just about the only person to ever use it.
02:40.56trepan2. are you talking about your maps?
02:41.03delusionalwoop, ww
02:41.41trepanthe map object hasn't actually been killed yet
02:41.56trepanit just gets replaced by a mesh by bzfs
02:42.29delusionalah.. the commit looked like it. * removed the TetraBuilding obstacle type
02:42.54delusionalBw is blasterwisconsin
02:43.34trepanr19679 * removed the TetraBuilding obstacle type (MeshObstacles are generated server to replace them)
02:43.46trepannot the best wording, and it was supposed to be server-side  ;-)
02:44.12*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
02:46.01CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19681 10/trunk/bzflag/src/obstacle/Teleporter.cxx:
02:46.01CIA-60BZFlag: * fixed Teleporter::getPointWRT() (all 3 axes)
02:46.01CIA-60BZFlag: * more fvec'ery
02:46.39CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19682 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (14 files in 5 dirs): * fvec'ery 'til it hurts
02:47.53trepan(the full tele fix required x offset adjustment, but that couldn't be done in a relative fashion because of the singularities/poles/div-by-zeroes/...)
03:01.26CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19683 10/trunk/bzflag/src/obstacle/Teleporter.cxx: * more symmetry is more better
03:16.00*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
03:23.44YassenThis is really weird: Whenever I have a robot on my team and send a team message, then I'll get 1 + number of robots on my team in reply. handleMessage (in playing.cxx) is being called the number of times it displays, but yet the server says that it's only broadcasting once...
03:25.05Yassenso, basicly, the server is saying it's sending one MsgMessage packet, yet the client says it's receiving 2 (if one bot on team)...this only happens on team messages with robots.
03:26.28*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
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03:33.19YassenNevermind, I put the logging code in the wrong spot.
03:34.51*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
03:40.46*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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03:41.14PrezKennedyJeffM, brlcad was just k-lined
03:41.32JeffMumm ok
03:41.36JeffMgood for him
03:42.00blast007two people on .bz were, actually
03:42.18JeffMnever thought it should be used for IRC like it was ;)
03:48.59KingRobotblast007: trepan's updates to getPointWRT seem to have fixed the teleporting problem
03:49.05KingRobot(s) :)
03:49.10blast007the small-to-big one?
03:49.24KingRobotyep, and cleaned up the alignment issues too
03:49.42KingRobottested as working over here, anyway
03:49.55AAA_awrightDoes trunk compile right now, anyone know?
03:50.28blast007AAA_awright: no, only on Tuesdays
03:51.21KingRobotjust did a few minutes ago with rev 19683 which is the latest unless CIA-60 forget to tell us about something ;)
03:55.52AAA_awrightLooks like I don't have a package
03:56.08blast007AAA_awright: error?
03:56.09JeffMmust... resist... bad..... jokes.....
03:56.32AAA_awrighturldata.h:117:18: error: ares.h: No such file or directory (...)
03:57.07blast007that's included..
03:57.23JeffMdid you redo autogen and configure?
04:00.18*** join/#bzflag KingRobot1 (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
04:00.33AAA_awrightJeffM: Yes
04:01.21AAA_awrightI just got it off of SVN
04:01.21AAA_awrightFor a new system
04:01.21JeffMhave you reticulated the interoceter?
04:01.44JeffMyou have the compilers and curl and ares dev packages?
04:02.23AAA_awrightI don't think so
04:02.35AAA_awrightBlast just said that's included
04:02.47JeffMwe'll try to use external first'
04:03.01JeffMwhat distro is it?
04:03.33AAA_awrightUbuntu (looks like there is no ares-dev)
04:05.04*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
04:05.39BulldozerAAA-awright: libc-ares-dev ?
04:05.56JeffMyou get the C++ compiler?
04:06.19AAA_awrightInstalling the 4 packages listed in README.Linux
04:06.39AAA_awrightPackage libcurl3-dev is a virtual package provided by:
04:07.22BulldozerAAA-awright: ares dev is libc-ares-dev on recent Ubuntu's
04:09.11*** join/#bzflag nightstrike (n=nightstr@
04:09.19AAA_awrightLooks like that works, thanks Bulldozer
04:09.48*** join/#bzflag brad` (
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04:17.56BulldozerAnyone else getting popping sounds with trunk?
04:18.40Bulldozer... and "sticky" control keys, i.e. the tank keeps going forward after letting go of the forward key (not a mouse issue)
04:19.22Yassenyeah, I've gotten the sticky control keys a few times, but not a popping sound...
04:20.52trepanBulldozer: using automatic input control?  (switching between mouse and keyboard)
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04:21.48Bulldozertrepan: Yes, but the mouse is centered so it should be stopped (and there's no notification of switching to mouse control)
04:23.01trepanBulldozer: ya, think i've seen the same thing, haven't looked into it
04:24.00BulldozerI'm able to replicate it about 30% of the time now, but not under a debugger
04:24.15BulldozerWhen it's slowed down it won't do it
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04:28.40trepanBulldozer: looks like you can kill off a FIXME while you're at it  (the one in LocalPlayer.h)
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04:32.24BulletCatcherBulldozer, if you can improve the package suggestions in README.Linux, please do so.
04:32.27BulletCatcherWe're sure keeping the new guy busy! ;-)
04:35.16*** join/#bzflag Swigg_ (
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04:39.47JeffMtrepan: so bzflag loads it's projection and view matrix info into GL right from the frustum class? no calls to glPerspective, etc?
04:41.31Yassenlooks like there is a bug where [robot tank]->getFlag() returns Flags::Null even though the robot has a flag.
04:41.48blast007-solo robots?
04:41.55blast007I don't think they support flags anyway
04:42.51Yassenthey support flags in least they can pick up flags
04:43.02blast007guess I haven't tried them
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04:50.34*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
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04:57.25*** join/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
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05:02.40Yassenthere is a handleGrabFlag and a handleDropFlag, then a handleFlagDrop, but no handleFlagGrab? Where does the client figure out if it has grabbed a flag?
05:05.41AAA_awrightYassen: I think the server does that now?
05:05.49*** join/#bzflag L4m3r__ (
05:06.03AAA_awrightIn trunk, I have to double check
05:06.19*** join/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
05:07.34Yassenah, yes, found the flag grabbing stuff on the server
05:12.43*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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05:19.59*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
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05:51.33AAA_awrightI haven't compiled the client on Linux before, I think I have the OpenGL development packages installed but configure still reports no OpenGL
05:54.47blast007and you do have g++, correct?
05:55.57blast007but anyway, I think there is a mesa dev package, or dev packages specific to nvidia (and maybe ATI too)
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06:05.25Yassenfound the problem with robots and flags: the Player class for the 'bot is being updated, but not the RobotPlayer part.
06:06.45Yassenso if you go "Player *tank = lookupPlayer(id); FlagType *flag = tank->getFlag();", it'll be correct, but if you replace "Player" with "RobotPlayer", it won't work.
06:07.31JeffMcan you make and submit a patch for that?
06:24.32YassenHere's a demonstration of what I'm saying:
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06:45.13JeffMok, so it helps a HELL of a lot if you initalse your matrix to the identy :)
06:45.54The_Traitorhi, is 2.99 ready for casual testers?
06:46.15JeffMdefine "ready"
06:46.23JeffMand "casual"
06:46.25JeffMand "is"
06:46.35The_Traitorlol workable
06:46.38The_Traitorperhaps playable
06:46.55JeffMit's not compatable with existing servers, you know that right?
06:47.07The_Traitoryes. someone told me there were test servers
06:47.14JeffMa few
06:47.16JeffMnoone plays on them
06:57.36JeffMtrepan: are the frustum planes, near, left, right, top, bottom, far? in the indexes?
06:57.51JeffMdoes not see comment, nor fully understand the math
06:59.17Constitutiondoes not fully understand JeffM
06:59.52JeffMit's ok, nor do I
07:14.04YassenI think I've got it working now...patch pending
07:14.32JeffMhas had enough of looking at frustums and will get plane extraction working tomorow :/
07:23.22YassenOkay, posted it to sourceforge. All patches have been tested.
07:33.15CygalYassen: the team message bug is a known bug, but thanks for the report (although reporting bugs on the sf tracker is better)
07:34.11Yassenit is on the sf tracker aswell...
07:34.17Cygalokay :)
07:35.35Cygalright, so this is the bug you posted a few days ago
07:35.56Cygalwould have been better to split the three bugs in three bug reports, but thanks anyway
07:38.57Cygaloh, and you added a comment to post another bug
07:41.29Cygalwell, if you feel like fixing one of those, go for it :)
07:50.54*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
07:57.02*** part/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
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08:09.51AAA_awrightblast007: It isn't mesa-dev
08:10.26AAA_awrightNo such package, though other packages refer to it (?)
08:10.28Manublast007: the ban (k-line) is being removed ;)
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12:50.47CIA-60BZFlag: 03DonnyBaker 07 * r5770 10/w/Category:Stubs: Reverted edits by [[Special:Contributions/|]] ([[User talk:|Talk]]); changed back to last version by [[User:DTRemenak|DTRemenak]]
12:55.03*** part/#bzflag IneQuation (
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13:44.44nightstrikefinds the wait till april 20th excruciating
13:45.26Thumper_nightstrike: go play BZFlag -- blowing stuff up can be therapeutic
13:45.58nightstrikehehe, sadly, my assignments and exams won't let me spend too much time doing anything else
13:46.13nightstrikeI wish I could be here submitting patches like the other applicants!
13:46.17Thumper_then you're too busy to wait for the April 20th deadline :)
13:46.50nightstrikelol, its the thought of what'll happen on the 20th which ain't letting me study in peace :P
13:47.02nightstrikewill i or wont i? :)
13:47.58nightstrikeI think I'll go play nexuiz and cool off :)
13:48.03Thumper_we all have to wait until Google officially announces how many slots we get and which students get placed
13:54.07*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
13:55.29*** part/#bzflag Dontkillmyimabeg (
14:06.29*** part/#bzflag MariusM (
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16:42.55*** join/#bzflag Santosh_IIIT (
16:45.19BulletCatcherSantosh_IIIT, I was just looking at your latest Flag Help patch and there are still some problems.
16:46.03BulletCatcherFirst, the while loop in makeHelpString() loops infinitely when starting the bzflag program.
16:48.07BulletCatcherLess critical, you changed the "position" variable from "unsigned int" to "int" type, which seems to require casting almost every time it is used.  It would be cleaner to leave it unsigned.
16:48.47BulletCatcherThere are a couple of other places where variable types could be changed to eliminate the need for casting, too.
16:48.53*** join/#bzflag dcat_ (
16:50.37BulletCatcherFinally, your most recent patch is against an older revision.  Other changes have occurred to HUDRenderer.cxx that made it difficult to apply your patch to the most recent revision.
16:52.01BulletCatcherIt is best do a "svn update" command and resolve any conflicts before creating a patch file.
16:52.58BulletCatcheradds a comment to the SF patch page
16:54.10*** join/#bzflag Santosh_IIIT (n=chatzill@
16:54.47BulletCatcherSantosh_IIIT, did you see my previous comments before you rejoined just now?
16:55.18Santosh_IIITI lost connection. Not all of them
16:55.34Santosh_IIITI saw the one that it goes into an infinite loop
16:55.52Santosh_IIITand also that the use of int instead of unsigned int
16:56.06Santosh_IIITActually I modified it to prevent a warning
16:56.32Santosh_IIITwhich showed that there was an integer being assigned to an unsigned int
16:57.46Santosh_IIITActually the previous patch was fine but had such warnings, so I thought of removing them too
16:58.18BulletCatcherYour new code uses casts both times the "position" variable has values assignd to it.
16:59.35Santosh_IIITyes. Instead of using size_t, I thought it would be better to typecast it
17:00.09Santosh_IIITcos' I'll need to compare it with some other integers or unsigned ints
17:06.31BulletCatcherIt looks like "size_type" is the best type to use for the "position" variable.
17:06.44BulletCatcherNo casting should be required.
17:09.25BulletCatcherThat doesn't work.
17:12.12BulletCatcherI'm not sure why "std::string::size_type" is giving me errors.
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17:16.45Wyk3dwhat errors ?
17:18.13BulletCatcherNever mind, it was my own typo.  Declaring "std::string::size_type position" makes casting unnecessary.
17:18.55CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19684 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ogl/OpenGLPassState.cxx:
17:18.57CIA-60BZFlag: * removed the TODO listings
17:18.59CIA-60BZFlag:  (patch 2745030 relates to this, but it doesn't come close to doing
17:19.01CIA-60BZFlag:  what would be required to fully implement matrix stack counting).
17:19.29trepanalso updated the SF patch 2745030 for that ...
17:20.46trepanheh, SpringRTS still has that TODO, think it's an OLD one  ;-)
17:37.36CIA-60BZFlag: 03cygal * r19685 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ (CmdLineOptions.h bzfs.cxx):
17:37.36CIA-60BZFlag: * now tells the bot host if some bots get kicked
17:37.36CIA-60BZFlag: * udpated botsPerIP default value to be coherent with the doc
17:37.49Cygal(this is only part 1 of the bug fix, the one that does not change the protocol)
17:40.44BulletCatcherSantosh_IIIT, I added a comment with my concerns to the SF 2741555 patch page.
17:40.50BulletCatcherI hope you aren't discouraged by this process.  Your patches are getting better each time, and it shouldn't be long before this one is ready to be committed.
17:41.03Santosh_IIITYes. I saw the comment
17:41.57Santosh_IIITI did not update the subversion since I first downloaded, about 10 days ago.
17:42.04Santosh_IIITI shall do my best
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17:42.55JeffMyeah updating your code is paramount
17:43.06Santosh_IIITI never bothered much about typecasting  in the  small codes which I worked on till now , So will have to get used to them
17:43.55BulletCatcherUsing the correct type is an essential part of writing portable and maintainable code.
17:47.00*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
17:47.17JeffMyeah in an odd turnaround in the past 4 years, windows has become rather picky about it's types
18:04.36CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19686 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ScoreboardRenderer.cxx: * removed a printf/FIXME (not mine, this time ;-)
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18:35.18Cygalany easy way to compile with -pg to be able to use the gprof profiler?
18:41.34Santosh_IIITUplaoded another version of the patch. can you see this one.
18:42.13Santosh_IIITTo my knowledge, this one didnot give any sort of warnings and I also resolved the infinite loop problem
18:42.25Santosh_IIITuploaded on
18:42.46trepanCygal: tried  ./configure --enable-profiling ?
18:43.45Cygalno. I will, thanks!
18:43.48BulletCatchertrepan: Oooh.  That is much easier than the suggestion I was going to make. :-)
18:44.17BulletCatcherSantosh_IIIT: I see the new patch.  Thanks.  I'll look at it tonight after I get home from work.
18:44.21Cygalwas planning to compile the concerned file by hand and adding -pg :)
18:44.52Santosh_IIITok sure. But the thing is that it is night for us. So can you atleast mail me your comments on that
18:45.28Santosh_IIITand another small clarification
18:45.43BulletCatcherI'll just add a comment to the patch page.  You probably get notified when that happens.
18:46.08Santosh_IIITok about playing the game with the mentors as mentioned in the wiki
18:46.23Santosh_IIITit seems that it is mandatory
18:46.37*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (n=Greywhin@
18:46.52blast007I'd be up for it tomorrow or over the weekend :)
18:47.10BulletCatcherMe too.
18:47.12Thumper_where and when? :)
18:47.58BulletCatcherThis time of day seems to be good for some, but not others.  We may have to have two games to involve everyone.
18:48.33Santosh_IIITI guess I can be ready tomorrow or the day after that.
18:48.41blast007I'm pretty much available any time friday or sunday, and after 4 on saturday
18:48.49BulletCatcherTime zone?
18:48.51blast0074PM central time, that is
18:48.57JeffMwe say it's manditory, but we've never gotten anyone together to do it ;)
18:49.04Thumper_I just need to know when
18:49.23BulletCatcherHow about 23 hours from now?
18:49.29Santosh_IIITthis time is about 12.30 am for me.
18:49.30joevanowe could play a little lasermania \o/
18:49.39Thumper_trunk/branch :)
18:49.46blast007joevano: is lasermania running on trunk?
18:49.46BulletCatcherI think it is supposed to be trunk.
18:50.08joevanodoes trunk work well enough to play ;)
18:50.10Thumper_blast007: not yet but that could be fixed
18:50.16Santosh_IIITAnd I am in a hostel and some sites might be blocked for us. And I am not sure if we are allowed to connect to outside servers to do onine gaming
18:50.34BulletCatcherI have mods that let Lasermania work with trunk, but I thought it was supposed to be a Ducati-style match.
18:50.49Thumper_will play anything
18:50.58Thumper_but I won't be 'good' at it ;)
18:51.08JeffMdevelopers traditionaly play decks
18:51.23Santosh_IIITI shall confirm it by tomorrow this time and let you know of my status.
18:51.46blast007rebuilds his bzfs
18:52.04blast007though I think someone is/was running a decks map
18:52.07Thumper_builds a new trunk client
18:52.13JeffMibot decks
18:52.19Santosh_IIITSo I guess it would be better about 40 hrs from now(i.e. the day after tomorrow)
18:52.30blast007dead link :(
18:53.07joevanoJeffM: i thought developers traditionally don't play :P
18:53.26Thumper_joevano: well traditional could mean they played once... a long time ago
18:53.31JeffMthis is very true
18:53.35JeffMthat's why decks is never played
18:53.37BulletCatcherIt's hard to be a good developer and a good player at the same time.
18:54.05Thumper_BulletCatcher: call it bug-finding or testing... instead of playing ;)
18:54.37BulletCatcherIn this case, good player == not getting pwned all the time. :-)
18:54.49Thumper_saw Tim Riker and JeffM on one of his servers eons ago
18:59.04Will07c5I wouldn't mind playing a game this weekend, although I must warn you guys I am very good... at being at the bottom of the scoreboard :P
18:59.48Thumper_Will07c5: I'll fight you for that position
19:00.04Will07c5you can never defeat me!
19:00.28JeffMshouldn't play till he has frustum culling working :/
19:00.48CygalI would just like to know when the game is going to take place (I won't be available all weekend)
19:01.12JeffMone of the mentors can put it on the SOC wiki page ;)
19:02.09Will07c5my schedule is pretty flexible this weekend but I don't have much time since I have a paper to write
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19:51.28Cygalhow does this work? currentRot = lastState.azimuth + (lastState.angVel * delta); it looks like it's always between  -m_pi and m_pi anyway
19:51.35CygalErroneous: the fmod is indeed slower.
19:52.10Cygal(concerning )
19:52.57ErroneousCygal: yeah, that's what I expected.
19:54.25Erroneousregarding your first question, you should be able to wind up currentRot by turning 360 degrees either left or right, if you disable the code that subtracts 360
19:55.19Erroneousthere may be code elsewhere that compensates for it also, so it may only be for one frame
19:55.41Cygalwhen I display currentRot before the clamping code, and keeping going left or right, it never goes beyond 360 degrees
19:55.46Cygalmaybe there is.
19:55.55Erroneousoh, and turn on energy saver
19:56.11Erroneousthat will make your dt's bigger
19:56.17trepanserver-side code ?
19:56.30Cygalyes trepan
19:56.37trepan(currentRot gave it away  ;-)
19:56.56Erroneousthe client probably clamps also
19:57.21trepanbut never trust the clients
19:57.43Erroneousyup, but from an unmodified client you may never get an out of range value
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19:59.12trepandefinitely clamped if using MsgPlayerUpdateSmall
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20:03.11Cygalso do we switch back to the old code?
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20:05.00trepana client that wants to discretely burn bzfs time ... it would like the old code  ;-)
20:05.46Cygalwith angles between -m_pi and m_pi the old one is really faster
20:06.51trepani imagine that it's insignificant, in the big picture
20:07.28trepanactually, you might be able to lock-up bzfs, if m_pi_2 was past the epsilon point
20:08.52Cygalfortunately it is not :)
20:09.28Cygalwell at least the code is now correct, and I also assume the difference is insignificant
20:11.46trepans/was past the epsilon/was past the value's epsilon/
20:11.55trepanwhich it can be, easily
20:12.12trepanthe old code could result in lock-ups
20:12.43Erroneoushm, true enough
20:15.06trepanErroneous: but it's not like there aren't dozens of other entries points for crafty clients  ;-)
20:15.24Erroneousvery true
20:15.37ErroneousDoS is pretty easy to accomplish
20:15.37trepanNaN, Inf, all sorts of fun vectors  (especially with the flaky GL drivers out there, even easier to cause crashes)
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21:01.47JeffMtrepan: do I have this correct? testAxisBoxInFrustum will return IntersectLevel::Outside if the box encloses the entire frustum
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21:08.07trepanJeffM: it's probably the other way around
21:08.42JeffMso it'll only return ouside whent he box is outside all frustum planes?
21:09.06darklustis bzflag written in visual basic?
21:09.18JeffMumm no
21:09.39JeffMgetting vb to run on irix would be a very interesting challenge ;)
21:11.02darklustoh, shows how much i know about that then :s
21:12.06JeffMwhat made you think it was?
21:14.53darklustthe fact that it ran in windows...
21:14.57darklusti know nothing about programming
21:15.18JeffMyeah windows can run more then just visual basic programs
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