IRC log for #bzflag on 20090413

00:00.09dexter-pretty bad lately
00:00.11dexter-aliens! :D
00:00.20JeffMor packets
00:00.29brlcadmysql is being a *****
00:00.36brlcadgive it a sec
00:09.09brlcadfor red beer
00:11.19*** join/#bzflag DextructionBoy (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
00:20.05spldartred beer?
00:26.47spldartomg.. LOL I forgot about those
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02:46.09JeffMwow, some people realy like to bite that hand that feeds em don't they?
02:46.20JeffMjust read SOC logs re: planescape
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03:09.19CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19654 10/trunk/bzflag/ (78 files in 12 dirs): * more fvec'ing (there remain some stragglers, but it's mostly done)
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03:19.14*** join/#bzflag gartral (
03:20.28gartralhello all, i cant resize the windowed mode, im running 2.0.10 from Ubuntu 8.10
03:20.49pacman87gartral: have you tried unconfining the mouse?
03:21.02gartralyes i have
03:22.56blast007you can't drag the size of the window
03:23.07blast007you have to start the game from the terminal with the desired size
03:23.20blast007example: bzflag -window -geometry 800x600
03:26.20gartralthat works, now how do i make this behavior default?
03:26.49pacman87blast007: i'm running 2.0.13 in slackware, and i can resize by dragging
03:26.51JeffMyou should be able to add it to the config
03:27.03JeffMpacman87: that's because you are on .13 ;)
03:27.09pacman87ah, ok
03:27.26JeffM.12 got some SDL window enhancments on some platforms IIRC
03:27.51blast007gartral: I think just running it with -geometry adds that value to the configuration
03:28.19gartralblast007: well, i know my system crashes wit BZ fullscreen
03:28.33blast007sounds like something you should fix ;)
03:29.01JeffMthe config won't default to window mode with just -window tho
03:29.05JeffMyou have to uncomment it IIRC
03:29.14JeffMyeah, what video drivers do you have?
03:29.26blast007not even sure if there is an option to default to windowed mode
03:29.52gartralblast007: nvidia restricted.. the card is anchient tho
03:30.28gartralGeForce2 MX 440
03:30.33JeffMprobably hasn't detected your monitor correctly and dons't know the resolutions
03:31.18gartralJeffM: no, the full rang is there, the crash is in X when i exit, the game hangs x, and i have to ssh in and kill it before x will recover
03:31.36blast007Ctrl+Alt+Backspace doesn't work?
03:31.45blast007(that's supposed to restart X)
03:31.54gartrali have *NO* kb controls locally after the hang
03:31.55JeffMyeah dosn't look like we have a config option for windowed
03:32.13JeffMapps arn't suposed to be able to do that in linux
03:32.17JeffMuserspace etc..
03:33.03gartralno their not.. but.. Ubuntu isnt really Linux, now is it?
03:33.14pacman87gartral: yes it is
03:33.27JeffMyes.. yes it is
03:33.30gartralit was a joke >.>
03:33.40trepanin config.cfg:  set __window 1   (iirc)
03:34.06JeffMdosn't show in the default config
03:34.09JeffMprobalby optional then
03:34.10trepan(and:   set _window 1)
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03:34.21trepanya, you can see how it's used in bzflag.cxx
03:34.29JeffMpffff that takes work :0
03:36.28trepanya, you can see how it's used in bzflag.cxx  <--
03:37.12CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19655 10/trunk/bzflag/ (74 files in 9 dirs):
03:37.12CIA-60BZFlag: * replace 'GLfloat' with 'float', mainly in the following directories:
03:37.12CIA-60BZFlag:  - include/
03:37.12CIA-60BZFlag:  - src/geometry/
03:37.13CIA-60BZFlag:  - src/bzflga/
03:41.35gartralnext question, is there a way to have sound output through OSS
03:41.38trepancould clear out the GLint and GLenum's too, remove bzfgl.h from the include/ headers
03:42.12JeffMgartral: yeah change your SDL to the one that links to OSS
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03:42.28gartralwonders how to do that
03:42.38JeffMusualy it's a package
03:42.56JeffMone SDL package per sound system basicly
03:43.13JeffMit's probably on ESD, and you want to change to ALSA so it can use OSS emulation
03:43.18trepangartral: Options->Audio Settings->Driver
03:43.43trepanthis may work too:
03:44.28gartralJeffM: ide really rather have it use OSS, its set to alsa, but the wrong card is being used (i have one internal, one PCI, i want the PCI one) and i dont have ESD installed, but i do have Pulseaudio
03:45.05trepantry setting the driver to 'pulse'  (according to the posted link)
03:45.33JeffMyeah you can try telling SDL what to use
03:45.44JeffMbut there are different versions of SDL that link to different audio libs
03:45.55JeffMit usualy requires a combination of the package and driver
03:46.01JeffMis not a fan of sound on linux
03:46.35trepanheh, SDLMedia::setDriver() just uses putenv() anyways  ;_)
03:46.45trepan* ;), crap typing this evening
03:46.58JeffMour code, nor SDL do much on the way of sound
03:47.21JeffMcall API, get buffer, move on
03:47.22gartraltheres a glitch, i have the offending card blacklisted, disabled, and all audio ins are unplugged, yet the system REFUSES to let me use the the PCI card...
03:47.33JeffMwelcome to sound on linux ;)
03:47.34gartralat least for alsa
03:47.45gartralOSS works beautifully
03:48.03gartraleven has the right card as /dev/dsp
03:48.33blast007no BIOS option or jumper to disable the onboard sound?
03:48.34trepanyou tried driver = dsp ?
03:48.49trepanand device = /dev/dsp ...
03:49.31gartralbios on this board are a glorified RTC controll with pretty colors and a password, cant even set boot device, thats done in another prompt, seperate from bios setup...
03:51.50gartraldriver keeps resetting itself
03:52.08gartraland alsa is complaining that it cant find the /dev/dsp device
03:54.33JeffMwhat options for SDL packages do you have?
03:54.39gartralhow do i check?
03:54.49blast007search in your package manager
03:56.00JeffMsearch for SDL in synaptic
03:57.11gartralahh, oss and alsa packs were not installed, thank you
03:57.31JeffMfor SDL?
03:57.39JeffMjust pick one
03:57.41JeffMnot both
03:57.54JeffMbasicly it's SDL linked with that one audio thing, and you don't want 2 SDLs
03:57.54gartrallibsdl1.2debian-oss/alsa/pulse all unchecked
03:58.15blast007which one is checked right now?
03:58.16JeffMjust do oss and see what that gets you
03:58.24JeffMyeah is ESD checked?
03:58.28gartralthe oss pack is dependent on the alsa one
03:58.31JeffMor soemthing else?
03:58.41JeffMahh does it via oss emulation
03:59.17gartralohh wait, no, the alsa one needs removed to have oss installed, ok, i misinterpreted
03:59.28JeffMsee ;)
03:59.34JeffMyou get one
03:59.38gartralso yes, alsa sdl is instaled
04:00.23gartraltheres also a libSDL-all package
04:00.41JeffMif you know OSS works, then stick with that
04:01.10blast007the -all one would probably require you to manually configure which driver to use
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04:05.13gartralok, seems to work
04:06.47gartralwell, that killed the error, but i stil dont have sound
04:07.24gartralof corse, turning it up might help
04:07.37JeffMvolume FTW!
04:07.50gartralyay, its working
04:08.15JeffMhas never seen the driver or device fields ever do anything for anyone ;)
04:08.41blast007probably only would if the -all package was installed
04:08.51JeffMbut who wants to do that? :)
04:09.05blast007apparently someone, cuz they have the package.. ;)
04:09.42JeffMthose people build the system from sources, they won't use ubuntu
04:13.17gartralwell... the ubuntu devs build from sources
04:13.47JeffMprobably not the entire thing ;)
04:14.01JeffMand I bet they pick the SDL package for there sound system
04:14.17JeffMit's a rare case where a user will want to swap between cards at runtime
04:15.02gartralwell, in my systems case, its mandatory
04:15.29JeffMnot really, you don't swap at run time
04:15.37JeffMyou always want to use that one card, the one that works
04:15.54JeffMyou don't have 2 cards, one for monday, and one for thursday
04:15.55gartraloh, yea
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04:18.47trepanGLCollect can die?  (never used)
04:20.29CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19656 10/trunk/bzflag/ (4 files in 2 dirs): * removed GLCollect (was not being used)
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05:25.27CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19657 10/trunk/bzflag/ (78 files in 6 dirs): (log message trimmed)
05:25.27CIA-60BZFlag: * made all header files (except for bzfgl.h) GL independent
05:25.27CIA-60BZFlag:  - removed <#include "bzfgl.h> from the common header files
05:25.27CIA-60BZFlag:  - replaced GL(int|uint|enum|clampf|uchar) types in the common header files
05:25.29CIA-60BZFlag:  - added <#include "bzfgl.h"> to the files that needed it
05:25.31CIA-60BZFlag:  - copied some GL_ #defines to BZ_GL_ in OpenGLGState.h to avoid including bzfgl.h
05:25.33CIA-60BZFlag:  (note: this might be better done with a bzfnogl.h header, have a look...)
05:32.42nightstrikehey mentors, howz the application ranking going on?
05:33.10JeffMit's going
05:33.28JeffMI think we are pretty much settled on what we'll do
05:33.40JeffMwe won't have a final slot count untill monday
05:34.13nightstrikegoogle gives you the slot count?
05:34.21nightstrikeor is it your discretion?
05:34.31JeffMwe fill in how many we would like
05:34.36JeffMthen they tell us how many we can have
05:34.40JeffMthe numbers arn't always the same
05:35.19nightstrikeI see. How was the competition this time? Did you have a hard time picking out of the good apps?
05:35.34JeffMthe good apps stood out right away
05:35.52JeffMour hard problem this year is making sure we have enough mentors to handle the slots
05:36.03JeffMlast year we had too many students for our mentor pool
05:36.07JeffMand we don't want to repeat that
05:36.21JeffMand this year we have less mentors then last
05:36.41nightstrikeI see. Is that why you guys said you'll mentor as a group?
05:36.50JeffMwell that just makes sense :)
05:37.02JeffMgiven our work habbits, there is no way we can do one on one with a student
05:37.13JeffMwe won't be here 100% of the time the student will
05:37.27nightstrikeI see...
05:37.30JeffMso as a group you have a higher chance of having a mentor be there when you need it
05:37.34nightstrikeI've been so darn stuck with exams, assignments and submissions, I'm going crazy. I wanted to work on some more patches. :(
05:37.55JeffMyou can always work on patches whenever you want
05:37.58nightstrikeyeah. And you guys said you'll be taking in less students as well, so that'd make the mentoring part easier eh?
05:38.22JeffMwell not easier, just more time to devote to the students we will have
05:38.25nightstrikeI can see all the other applicants pumping out patches, so I thought I should be there doing the same as well
05:38.29JeffMbetter for the students
05:38.37JeffMI expect we'll work just as hard as last year, if not harder
05:39.13nightstrikeand to think I actually thought mentors had it easy :P
05:39.13trepanJeffM: you should probably avoid member names like of OBJVert::glVertex()
05:39.30JeffMtrepan: well that's what it does ;)
05:39.49trepansame goes for your OpenGLUtils.h names
05:40.00JeffMnamed em after what they did
05:40.14trepannamed them poorly  ;-)
05:40.33JeffMwhat woudl you have called it "putVertexInGL"?
05:40.42trepanexecVertex() would suffice
05:40.48JeffMit was meant to represent the wraper it was
05:40.50trepandon't use gl[A-Z] or GL[a-z]
05:42.53JeffMnever liked #define for gl crap anyway
05:44.04JeffMyou'll have it all replaced with lua soon enough
05:44.35trepanlua already has more GL capability then the rest of the engine, that happened a while ago
05:44.59trepanand still, your point was?
05:45.12JeffMthat I don't think the majority of the C gl code will stay
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05:45.19JeffMsince as you say the lua stuff has more
05:45.42trepanlua is what it is, it is not intended to replace all engine rendering
05:45.59JeffMit seems like it could do most of it
05:46.07trepanit can, all of it
05:46.08JeffMat least the stupid stuff like tank drawing
05:46.10trepanbut optionally
05:46.23JeffMship default scripts and let em tweak em :)
05:46.52trepanthat's one possibility, but probably not the best way to go
05:47.07JeffMa real engine would proably be the best way to go
05:47.19trepanwords are cheap  :)
05:49.00JeffMthat they are
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06:24.21*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
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07:21.51JeffMhas had enough octree joy for one night
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07:43.48CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19658 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ogl/OpenGLContext.cxx: * moved the bzfgl.h #include (after the UNSAFE_GL_CONTEXT #define)
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07:55.17CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19659 10/trunk/bzflag/src/geometry/MeshSceneNode.cxx: * changed a variable to a reference
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09:01.54trepananonymous unions -- g++ has them (working for the past 4.5 years), msvc has them (afaik), ibm has them (afaik), can we use them?  :)
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10:11.22ConstitutionBulletCatcher should be a dev something on the bzbb
10:12.23Constitutionbrlcad blast007 L4m3r DTRemenak ^^
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15:17.10Cygalcan anyone confirm than the FIXME in bzflag/Player.cxx:1741 is no longer true? there are some occurences of in the code
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15:50.47Thumper_Cygal: yes that looks right.  The original FIXME was added by chestal in Dec 2003 and there have been commits since then (2006) that now references
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15:52.52BulletCatcherI agree with Thumper_.  We now use, and that FIXME is obsolete and should be removed.
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16:01.22Winny/ FIXME - Remove FIXME ;)
16:16.33CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19660 10/trunk/bzflag/ (16 files in 6 dirs):
16:16.33CIA-60BZFlag: * added the <r,g,b,a> and <s,t,p,q> access names to the [fd]vec[234] types
16:16.33CIA-60BZFlag:  using simple anonymous unions (looks like it won't be an issue for c++98)
16:16.35CIA-60BZFlag: * added the rgb() swizzle casting member to the vec4 types
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16:38.27CIA-60BZFlag: 03SpazzyMcGee 07 * r5766 10/w/Jargon: /* Jargon */ Shouldn't include an 'incorrect' term.
16:41.23CIA-60BZFlag: 03SpazzyMcGee 07 * r5767 10/w/Jargon: /* Acronyms */ Shouldn't include flag acronyms...
16:43.14BulletCatchertrepan, what do s, t, p, & q represent?
16:44.41trepanstandard GL / GLSL
16:44.58BulletCatcherOkay, thanks.
16:46.17trepanever coded GLSL?  its swizzles are a nice feature  :)
16:46.46trepanex:  color.rgb = color2.rrg    (can use any of the names in any order)
16:47.01BulletCatcherI haven't.  By the way ...
16:47.06BulletCatcherConverting the vectors to classes will help future development a lot.
16:47.30trepanmakes it cleaner / safer  :)
16:47.42trepan... and easier to type  (that being a key point)
16:48.01trepanon that note, was wondering about having standard uchar, ushort, ulong, uint types
16:48.26trepan(in common.h)
16:48.52BulletCatcherStandard names for those types already exist.  We should use them.
16:49.00trepan'unsigned int' ?
16:52.37BulletCatcherWe don't define "sint" or any such thing.  I see no real need for "uint".
16:53.14trepansint ? there's no need for a wordy qualifier, it's the default
16:56.18BulletCatcherI view something like "typedef unsigned int unit" as causing more confusion than anything else.  Coders have enough redefinitions to keep in mind as it is.
16:59.21trepanif any of 'uchar, ushort, ulong, uint' confuses you, c++ isn't a language you can put on your CV  ;-)
17:00.29BulletCatcherI understand, but that's where I draw the line on changing the language.
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17:04.32trepanthere's also precedence all through-out the bz code
17:04.51trepanuint16_t (note uint part), nboPackUChar(), etc...
17:05.09trepanwhich reminds me, the packing names should probably be using bit lengths, not type names
17:05.39brlcadtrepan: I'd be opposed to defining our own standard types -- just a level of indirection
17:05.41trepannobPackUInt32(), nboUnpackInt16()  (or nboPackU32(), nboPackI16)
17:05.45brlcadnow stdint types should be fair game though
17:06.32trepani assume i can at least get agreement about the packing names ...
17:06.42brlcadmost of the places I can think of that use it, use the stdint.h types pretty consistently
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17:08.23trepanew, funny chars in HUDuiServerList.cxx string constants
17:08.29trepanhex 'em up
17:09.14brlcadwhat do you mean about the packing names? the fact that they're inconsistent with the types they take or something else?
17:09.36trepanis an 'int' always a int32_t ?
17:09.51trepanso they're poorly named
17:10.46brlcadso the answer was simply "yes" to the first half of my question there
17:11.08trepan"i assume i can at least get agreement about the packing names ..."  was still waiting for a yes to that one  ;)
17:12.50brlcadwell, that wasn't a question :P
17:13.18brlcadbut no, I wouldn't have a problem with making those consistently named
17:14.00brlcadthink they even just took simple types in an earlier rendition, only with more pervasive 64bitness that the stdint types were added
17:14.25brlcadso they were consistent, but made inconsistent with the stdint types
17:15.41trepanconsistent with inconsistent type lengths, nice for packing  ;-)
17:16.26brlcadwhen everything ever encountered was pretty much just one type length, it worked
17:17.15brlcadyay for code evolving
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17:25.23kristofferIs daniel or Jeffrey here?
17:26.35ibotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:26.48brlcadand yes, they're both here
17:27.07JefferyMkristoffer, you can talk about SOC here
17:27.25JefferyMand your previous work isn't what is important
17:27.28Thumper_wonders who came up with the "or against our will" part
17:27.29JefferyMit is that you can use our system
17:27.33JefferyMand use our code
17:27.38JefferyMso we do need a patch from our stuff
17:27.50JefferyMain't getin no linux kernel ;)
17:28.24kristofferJefferyM, ;) roger, So its okey if I submit a patch now?
17:28.30JefferyMfinds kristoffer's proposal
17:28.40JefferyMyou can always submit a patch to us :)
17:29.00JefferyMyou are kristoffer ericson correct?
17:29.06kristofferJefferyM, yeah
17:29.22kristofferJefferyM, I assumed you wanted patch against bzflag? :)
17:29.36JefferyMwell that would be the simplest thing yes
17:29.45JefferyMsince your proposal does involve bzflag
17:30.18kristofferJefferyM, roger, any specific area? Or just random build warnings/formatting/... ? Not exactly sure what you want out of the patch
17:30.42kristofferJefferyM, I could fix a bug I guess, but would need a day or so :D
17:30.47JefferyMhave you read our wiki page for the checklist of students?
17:31.07kristofferJefferyM, I believe so, but Ive read so much gsoc stuff lately. I can give it another look.
17:31.24JefferyMwhat we are looking for is 1) a sample of your skills, 2) the ability to solve a problems, 3) how well you communicate when you solve the problem, and 4) that you can use our build system/svn/etc..
17:31.24kristofferJefferyM, anyhow, I will update the proposal and submit patch, and give you a shout once its done
17:31.47JefferyMpost a comment back to the application, there are many mentors who can review it
17:31.59kristofferJefferyM, will do, thx for time. cya laterz
17:32.13JefferyMany reason you decied to come into IRC just now? and not anytime before?
17:32.40kristofferJefferyM, I got a mail from an gsoc mentor which forgot to state which organization he was from
17:32.48kristofferSo I looked through all the proposals Ive sent :)
17:32.55JefferyMI just mean in general
17:33.17JefferyMhow many projects did you apply to?
17:33.30kristofferJefferyM, 5 projects and perhaps 8 proposals
17:33.38JefferyMlarge range
17:33.43JefferyMwhat other projects?
17:34.05kristofferJefferyM, OpenSSH, Minix, Glendix, Plan9
17:34.09kristofferand some other I believe
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17:34.22kristofferMostly coding stuff
17:34.30JefferyMbzflag is very different from those, why did you pick it?
17:34.51JefferyMare you simply looking for a summer job? or do you have a real interest in being a developer afterwards?
17:34.56JefferyMor even before
17:35.35kristofferJefferyM, Ive playd alot of bzflag in the past and thought it would be a good way of getting into graphics programming, which I rarely see in the kernel (except for the occasional bitblt optimizing)
17:35.55kristofferJefferyM, Mostly interested in learning while fixing, and of course that damn t-shirt
17:36.18JefferyMwell most of the other students have been around on IRC the entire time since the applicaton days
17:36.39JefferyMand that's kinda what we expect when the project comes to code time
17:36.53JefferyMnot "go off and do code" but "tay on IRC and work interactively
17:36.58JefferyMstay even :)
17:37.10JefferyMjust trying to make sure you are aware of our expectations
17:37.10kristofferJefferyM, Im on freenode 24/7, just wasnt in channel before
17:37.15JefferyMI know
17:37.35JefferyMbots are wonderfull things for that info :)
17:37.37brlcadhence his question :)
17:38.02JefferyMjust seems a little odd that if you are interested in us, you haven't hung out at all
17:38.14JefferyMor realy put any effort into seeing how your application went, etc..
17:38.25JefferyMsounds like your passion is with the kernel
17:38.35JefferyMand that's great, cus I know I don't want to touch it :)
17:39.17kristofferJefferyM, I can understand your point, only thing I can blame on is being in africa at the time of applications
17:39.28kristofferor rather came home in middle
17:39.36JefferyMlife happens we understand
17:39.56JefferyMwe would just hope that students would talk to us about such things ;)
17:40.15JefferyMhow are your other applications looking
17:41.23kristofferJefferyM, Hard to say really, Im getting good response from them but obviously alot of people. I would guess that sftp project and/or plan9 is looking best so far.
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17:41.40JefferyMhave they talked to you about it, on IRC etc..?
17:42.08JefferyMor mailing lists, whatever they use
17:42.32kristofferJefferyM, yeah a split between mails and irc. Minix seems to be more for ML while glendix is solely irc
17:42.43JefferyMeach has there own :)
17:43.09kristofferJefferyM, How many applications has bzflag gotten so far?
17:43.23JefferyMso far? the deadline has long past
17:43.41kristofferyeah I know, just thinking slower than I type as usual
17:44.06JefferyMwe have 34 proposals that were not marked as invalid
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17:44.52kristofferJefferyM, alot of interest then, sweet.
17:45.20JefferyMif I were you I'd focus more on the projects you had more communication with
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17:45.58kristofferJefferyM, I kinda got that impression also.
17:46.32JefferyMfocus is always good
17:46.50JefferyMyou are more then welcome to work on bzflag no matter what happens, we can always use patches and code
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17:47.28JefferyMfights his stupid compiler
17:47.36brlcadyou have about 30 hours to severely impress
17:48.10kristofferwow, you guys dont beat around the bush alot do you :D
17:48.21JefferyMI do, he dosn't
17:48.46kristofferhehe, well. Ill download the sources and see what I can do in 30hours then.
17:48.46brlcadrefrains from making bush jokes
17:49.19spldartCue ban pun music.
17:49.32brlcadwhat he said is very true, though -- we're not just looking for good coders, we're looking for new developers
17:50.03brlcadbest way to get into gsoc is often to spend a year getting to know a project, getting involved in the coding
17:50.21JefferyMor make a new CMS and apply to be a mentoring org ;)
17:50.45brlcadone of our students last year was rejected the year before, and will be a mentor this year -- that's excellent
17:50.51JefferyMor not be PlaneShift
17:50.54kristofferbrlcad, yes I can understand that. And as I say in my proposal Ive spent X years on everything I got interested in, and same would be for bzflag I guess.
17:51.06kristofferbut hard to say without looking at the code I guess
17:51.33JefferyMwell we would have hoped you'd have looked at the code before you applied, specialy for the bugs project
17:52.33kristofferthats not what I ment :) was talking about the development in terms of direction rather than current state
17:52.49JefferyMwe have no direction :)
17:53.14JefferyMother then some feature requets and some project specs
17:53.20JefferyMbut nothing like a roadmap
17:53.30JefferyMmore just general "make it better" kinda stuff
17:54.38kristofferAbit different from kernel work then
17:56.34nightstrikewhat project are you doing under plan9 kristoffer? who's your potential mentor?
17:57.30kristoffernightstrike, distribution project
17:57.43nightstrikeI see
17:57.44kristoffernightstrike, KillerX :D cant remember his real name
17:57.48nightstrikeyou in touch with Kix?
17:57.54nightstrikehis real name is anant narayanan
17:58.08kristofferright thats it, I only see killerx, so it kinda gets stuck on that
17:58.41nightstrikehe had worked on an alternative implementation of 9P two years back as a GSoC student
17:58.53nightstrikethat's how he got into plan9
17:58.58nightstrikeyou familiar with glendix?
17:59.01kristofferbrad, just out of interest, what would severly impress the mentors?
17:59.26kristoffernightstrike, aah, had no idea about that. Yeah I am, and learning as we speak
17:59.27nightstrikeawaits an answer with great interest
17:59.47kristoffernightstrike, you applied to plan9 also? for distro also?
17:59.57bradkristoffer: bribe them with cookies (you meant brlcad right?)
18:00.06kristofferbrad, haha, sorry man.
18:00.22kristofferbrlcad, just out of interest, what would severly impress the mentors?
18:00.50nightstrikeAnant is my senior from college, so I know him well. I'm interested in OSes and all, but never had any great coding experience in that area. I've only sent one proposal for gsoc, and that's to bzflag
18:01.26kristoffernightstrike, Sweet, you worked on it alot before?
18:02.06nightstrikenopes, just the patch I sent as part of my app process. But i've always wanted to be a game dev, I game a lot as well see?
18:02.58nightstrikeso hence, I applied to BZFlag :)
18:03.14kristoffernightstrike, :) those damn patches again ;) Sounds like a good idea.
18:03.58kristoffernightstrike, Im afk while I download sources. cya later man
18:04.10nightstrikesure thing
18:04.11nightstrikesee ya
18:06.16brlcadkristoffer: that's for you to figure out ;)
18:06.29brlcadsustained contributions tends to be the most impressive
18:09.20kristofferbrlcad, ;)
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18:32.53brlcadbz's filesystem is being crunched at the moment, so some folks connecting from there may get 'full'/error messages
18:33.06brlcadshould be benign/false alarms, though, or temporary at best
18:33.58brlcadonce the crunch is done, should be back to normal
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19:49.41CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19661 10/trunk/bzflag/ (17 files in 7 dirs):
19:49.41CIA-60BZFlag: * more fvec'ing (especially in SceneRenderer and BackgroundRenderer)
19:49.41CIA-60BZFlag: * added the .xy(), .yz(), .zw() vec2<T> accessors to the vec4<T> classes
19:51.36trepanfrom BackgroundRenderer:  atanf((float)((60.0 * M_PI / 180.0) / 60.0)) -- superfluous 60s  :)
19:52.52Cygalsurprising :)
20:03.42JefferyMCygal, can you please commit any uncommited bug fix patches you have submited to trunk
20:04.44Cygalwell, the first uncommited patch waits some mentor advice, and the only other "patch" I can think of is "remove a FIXME"
20:04.55Cygaland I don't have commit access afaik :p
20:05.08JefferyMthe last statement is not true
20:05.59Cygal! I did not know that
20:06.11JefferyMI know, that's why I just told you ;)
20:06.26JefferyMyour stuff seems good, and i'm too lazy to apply them myself
20:07.31JefferyMdid the same for Will07c5 you guys are working hard, and we'd give a regular dev commit after that ammount of work :)
20:08.54JefferyMjust do your best to not break anything, and know that we'll just revert/fix if you do :)
20:09.02Cygalsure. thanks!
20:09.14JefferyMno thank you for your work
20:11.09CIA-60BZFlag: 03cygal * r19662 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/Player.cxx: removed an outdated FIXME
20:14.49CygalJefferyM: concerning the bots bug, is it worth changing the protocol?
20:15.10JefferyMthe protcoll can change as much as we want for 3.0
20:15.43JefferyMand adding messages to have things have more info or die cleaner is always good
20:16.01JefferyMthe more we have in the proto to the more flexability we have later
20:16.05JefferyMso yeah, sure
20:16.24trepanCygal: if you want to fix protocol stuff, you could also take a look at MsgPause
20:16.38CygalI saw that, indeed
20:16.51Cygalstill not sure what is wrong with it, I'll check the code
20:16.56JefferyMjust make sure to bump the proto version and the revision when you do it
20:16.57trepan@playing.cxx:3947, you can see it's being spammed
20:17.32trepanCygal: update versions in src/date/buildDate.cxx, and
20:17.55JefferyMconfigure needs it?
20:18.02trepansadly, yes
20:18.05JefferyMit's not all pulled from date?
20:18.06JefferyMthat sucks
20:28.10Will07c5I'm going to fix the minor remaining issues with my updated DR code, like you still go through the wall slightly if you are turning while against it
20:28.29Cygal# sed magic to get version numbers from src/date/buildDate.cxx
20:28.37Cygallooks like it is pulled from data
20:29.09trepanlook up a few lines
20:29.30trepanthose values are not used for AC_INIT()
20:30.09JefferyMWill07c5, I'd not worry about that
20:30.14JefferyMunless it's easy
20:30.56Will07c5any other things you want me to work on then?
20:32.43Will07c5I think it is easy but I'm not entirely sure, if the fix I'm thinking of doesn't work I'll probably just forget about it
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20:59.42CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19663 10/trunk/bzflag/ (64 files in 11 dirs):
20:59.50CIA-60BZFlag: * renamed the packing functions:
20:59.54CIA-60BZFlag:  UByte -> UInt8
20:59.58CIA-60BZFlag:  Short -> Int16, UShort -> UInt16
21:00.02CIA-60BZFlag:  Int -> Int32, UInt -> UInt32
21:00.06CIA-60BZFlag:  I64 -> Int64, U64 -> UInt64
21:04.32brlcadthat's much more consistent :)
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21:52.06trepanis tempted to throw in Int8 versions, just because :)
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22:24.40CIA-60BZFlag: 03trepan * r19664 10/trunk/bzflag/ (2 files in 2 dirs): * added the [u]int64_t types to the BufferedNetworkMessage pack/unpack roster
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