IRC log for #bzflag on 20090321

00:08.18*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
00:10.18CIA-11BZFlag: 03trepan * r19490 10/trunk/bzflag/ * updated the FTGL build test (FTFont::ControlBlending() => FTGL::RENDER_NOBLEND)
00:12.00CIA-11BZFlag: 03trepan * r19491 10/trunk/bzflag/ * killed the silly
00:20.24*** join/#bzflag the_j0k3r (n=the_j0k3@
00:45.28*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
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00:57.00*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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01:09.24BulletCatcherAttention all Linux developers and testers: please let me know if your system has libtool version 2.x installed.  The first line of a "libtool --version" command output provides the answer.
01:09.31BulletCatcherThe latest version of cURL assumes version 2.x, but Fedora 10 has version 1.5.26 which requires a change to their libtool.m4 file.
01:09.34BulletCatcherI just want to know whether a proper adaptive fix is needed now or if a quick hack will get us by until later.
01:13.01BulletCatcherThe difference is that 1.5.x defines $echo, while 2.x defines $ECHO.  I can make it do one or the other, but haven't found a working way to make it do both.
01:15.20BulletCatcherOther than that, cURL 7.19.4 seems to work fine with BZFlag.
01:20.02blast0071.5.22 on debian etch
01:20.24BulletCatcherOkay, thanks.
01:33.36spldartEtch? That old thing? ;-)
01:37.10Erroneous1.5.22 here
01:37.55Erroneouson two different machines, with different distros
01:38.22Erroneous(neither of them Etch ;) )
01:40.54*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
01:50.26BulletCatcherThanks for that too.  It looks like Fedora 11 will have libtool 2.2.6 when it is released.
02:17.32*** join/#bzflag gmazzola (
03:05.51TD-Linux1.5.26 here
03:09.09a_meteorite9001.3.1337 here
03:09.49a_meteoriteI signed up for the pre-alpha version, I wish I could go back... ;)
03:33.07*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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03:44.46blast007JeffM: sound works fine on the build I did on Vista (VC2008EE, Nov 2008 DX SDK, and Server 2008 .NET 3.5 Windows SDK)
03:45.07*** join/#bzflag pacman87 (
03:48.15*** join/#bzflag FastLizard4 (i=FastLiza@wikipedia/FastLizard4)
03:57.49blast007don't think I updated the Windows SDK on my XP system, so that might have affected audio
04:00.32*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=spldart2@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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04:04.33*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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05:24.42*** join/#bzflag PositiveG (
06:16.50*** join/#bzflag nightstrike_ (n=nightstr@
06:30.25nightstrike_I've been going through the source lately, and just to see if I've understood things right, can someone tell me if getPostition() used with shots, tanks etc is an example of code that has been repeated everywhere, and hence needs to be moved to libgame?
06:37.32blast007I think the general idea is to move any shared game logic to a shared lib, that way it's easy for all of the applications to have the same behavior
06:38.08blast007and could also help us run a simulation of the game on the server to do better sanity/cheat checks
06:38.59nightstrike_hmmm... true
06:39.17nightstrike_Can you give me a few more examples of such code? Which needs to be moved?
06:39.38nightstrike_I'll spend a day or two more checking out code before I start preparing my GSoC proposal/application
06:40.54blast007tank physics in general, shot simulation, etc
06:41.15nightstrike_okies, I'll get on it... thanks blast007
06:41.21blast007no problem
06:41.50blast007I'm probably not the best one for that topic, so feel free to ask one of the other devs for more clarification of any details
06:43.08nightstrike_of course, brlcad comes online at around 6-8 hours from now, I'll ask him
06:46.22trepannightstrike_: anything related to game state should be extracted from the src/bzflag dir
06:47.31nightstrike_yes, like positions of different objects and scores?
06:47.59nightstrike_wow! So what'll be left in src/bzflag?
06:48.48nightstrike_presently, there's game logic and OpenGL code there... what else?
06:49.16nightstrike_and communications code of course
06:50.45trepaninitialization, input event management, command bindings, etc...
06:52.17nightstrike_okies, thanks trepan. I'll go through some more code and I'll discuss further
06:52.30nightstrike_in around 8-9 hours time maybe
06:56.04*** join/#bzflag nightstrike_ (n=nightstr@
07:23.23CIA-11BZFlag: 03trepan * r19493 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (9 files in 4 dirs):
07:23.23CIA-11BZFlag: * added the bz.SetMouseBox() call-in
07:23.23CIA-11BZFlag: * renamed the bzdb variable 'GroundOverideColor' to 'GroundOverrideColor'
07:23.23CIA-11BZFlag:  ===>>> not backwards compatible <<<===
07:23.25CIA-11BZFlag: 03trepan * r19492 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/clientCommands.cxx:
07:23.25CIA-11BZFlag: * added concatArgs() for the luauser, luaworld, and luabzorg commands,
07:23.28CIA-11BZFlag:  so that arbitrary lua command lines (with whitespace), can be bound
07:23.30CIA-11BZFlag:  (ex: bind & down luauser customcommand arg1 arg2 arg2)
07:23.32CIA-11BZFlag: * did a little reformatting
07:35.04CIA-11BZFlag: 03trepan * r19494 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
07:35.04CIA-11BZFlag: * renamed some bzdb variables for consistency:
07:35.04CIA-11BZFlag:  GroundOverrideColor => groundOverrideColor
07:35.04CIA-11BZFlag:  UseBitmapFonts => useBitmapFonts
07:35.04CIA-11BZFlag:  MinAliasedFontSize => minAliasedFontSize
07:35.05CIA-11BZFlag:  NoDisplayListsForFonts => noDisplayListsForFonts
07:35.07CIA-11BZFlag:  NOTE: the SDLAudio, SDLVideo, SDLJoystick, and Win32NoMin
08:00.54*** join/#bzflag Cygal (
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08:01.13I_Died_OnceNightMare is on the Cubist Missile Crisis server
08:01.53I_Died_Oncehe left
08:18.31*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
08:27.29*** join/#bzflag jh` (
09:24.13*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
09:52.03*** join/#bzflag trepan (n=trepan@unaffiliated/trepan)
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10:41.31*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
11:33.24*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
12:40.58*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
13:05.18*** join/#bzflag nightstrike_ (n=nightstr@
13:09.52*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
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14:57.03*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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15:16.38*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
15:39.20*** join/#bzflag res|laptop (n=res@pdpc/supporter/student/res2k)
15:43.39res|laptopso... potential SoC students who found an idea on the bzflags ideas list that fits them pretty well, how should they best start with getting in touch with the developing community? ;)
15:44.13joevanouh, you have started :P
15:44.36res|laptopthat was easy
15:45.15joevanotakes a while sometimes for someone to respond, but we are alwaysout here.. just maybe not at our keyboard
15:45.48res|laptopyeah. my IRC client also runs 24/7, whereever I actually am ;)
15:45.48joevanoso how may we help you :)
15:46.09res|laptopnothing in particular yet
15:46.23res|laptopjust talking to people a bit
15:46.25res|laptopthe particular idea I'm interested in is "Modularization of OpenGL logic"
15:46.31joevanowell we encourage communication all through the application process
15:47.46joevanowe encourage talking about your application and thoughts before the submission deadline
15:48.07joevanomakes for much a much better application process
15:48.53joevanoand we get to know each other a bit that way before we need to decide who we are going to take on
15:50.10res|laptopwell ... I'll just be rummaging a bit through the code, make myself a picture how 'bad' the situation with the GL calls is ;)
15:54.23joevanosounds like an excellent plan and good luck
15:56.12res|laptopyeah. can't do anything wrong with lurking!
15:56.59*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
16:10.46*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
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16:43.12Wyk3dblast007: can you reproduce that worldeventmanager crash again or was that just a one time fluke ?
16:44.09Wyk3di've added fastmap and httpserver plugins, do i need to add more ?
16:44.16blast007I'll have to test again with new code
16:44.35Wyk3dwell i'm testing with ~week old code actually :)
16:45.07Wyk3dso what do you do to reproduce it ?
16:46.21*** join/#bzflag ll (
16:47.25blast007I had torblock, servercontrol, fastmap, and webstats
16:47.53blast007and I was just joining/leaving a couple times
16:48.02*** join/#bzflag jcp (n=jw@unaffiliated/javawizard2539)
16:52.24*** join/#bzflag Carnage00 (
17:07.20*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
17:10.00Wyk3domg .. reproduced it :D .. well not it, better than it, found the cause ^^
17:12.26WinnyI blame the failwhale
17:25.40*** join/#bzflag zwergy (
17:33.03*** join/#bzflag Ratfink (
17:33.44Ratfinkis it possible to make a plugin that changes the teleporter linkage table?
17:41.47*** join/#bzflag JefferyM (n=JefferyM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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17:42.12*** join/#bzflag DiegoCasella (
17:42.33*** join/#bzflag Ratfink1 (
17:47.29pacman87Ratfink:  i dont think so for 2.0.x, but i'm pretty sure there's a teleport event in 2.99 you can link into
17:47.44pacman87but i've been out of the loop for a while
17:48.12Ratfinkit would be really cool if you could have teleporters that can be linked or unlinked depending on the position of other players
17:49.13pacman87i think the idea with the 2.99 version is that a plugin can determine the endpoint of a teleportor
17:49.34pacman87so to "unlink" you'd set the exit to be the same as the entrance
17:49.46pacman87but i haven't played with it myself
17:49.55Ratfinkthat would be really cool if you could do that
17:50.21pacman87are you working with 2.0 or 2.99?
17:50.40RatfinkI'm not really working with anything
17:50.46RatfinkI was just wondering if it was possible
17:52.03*** join/#bzflag Ratfink1 (
17:53.23pacman87you can't actually change anything, i was wrong
17:53.28pacman87it's just a notification event
17:58.15ibotSubversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
17:58.21iboti heard bzsvn is and svn co bzflag
18:18.43*** join/#bzflag tj13820 (n=unknown@unaffiliated/tj13820)
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18:43.54nightstrike_Hi all, as far as the libgame project is concerned, I've found a couple of instances of redundant code and I'm getting a better idea of the problem at hand. So as far as deliverables for the project is concerned, may I know what the developers have in mind?
18:45.53nightstrike_is refactoring and modularizing redundant code, say in, src/bzflag, src/bzrobots and src/bzfs a sufficiently long list?
18:53.03pacman87TimeKeeper.cxx: In static member function 'static void TimeKeeper::setProcessorAffinity(int)':
18:53.03pacman87TimeKeeper.cxx:398: error: ISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressions
18:54.48*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=ausom@bzflag/player/Me1)
19:07.34pacman87i have gcc 4.2.4 on slackware 12
19:09.12*** part/#bzflag pacman87 (
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19:10.59trepanlibc version?
19:25.08*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
19:31.00*** join/#bzflag Khezar (
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19:40.00*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
19:42.29*** join/#bzflag Khezar_ (
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19:46.54*** join/#bzflag bier (
19:47.03*** join/#bzflag Will07c5 (
20:00.50Wyk3dglobals are bad ..
20:00.58Wyk3dstatic URLFetchHandler urlFetchHandler;
20:01.30Wyk3dstatic std::map<CURL*, cURLManager*> cURLMap;
20:01.48Wyk3durlFetchHandler's destructor wants to erase something from cURLMap
20:01.59Wyk3dguess what happens if cURLMap is destroyed first
20:03.10*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
20:10.15trepanhilarity ensues?
20:10.21Wyk3dtotally ..
20:10.29trepanurlFetchHandler would be my bad, cURLMap ... not so much
20:11.12trepanwere you guys tracking down a running crash, or a shutdown segv?
20:11.29pacman87trepan: upgrading to glibc 2.9 fixed it for me, thanks
20:11.35Wyk3dwell i could only reproduce it as a shutdown crash
20:11.51trepanso there's a running crash still to be found?
20:12.21Wyk3din blast007's case i don't know .. it could have been that the server shut itself down for some reason
20:12.36Wyk3dthat can happen from several places as i've found
20:13.09Wyk3dand that crash is also caused by global madness
20:13.25Wyk3d(found the CURL one by mistake)
20:14.10Wyk3dserverControl and torblock use global vars for eventhandlers
20:15.08Wyk3dand for some reason when you shut the server down bz_Unload doesn't seem to be called and the global in the DLL is deleted before the worldEventManager
20:17.08*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
20:19.38Wyk3dand by "shut the server down" i mean send a terminate signal to it by X-ing the window
20:20.08Wyk3di saw that signal get triggered but didn't find any signal handlers anyway
20:20.24Wyk3dthat may be the problem
20:21.48trepani fix the urlFetchHandler shutdown problem, unless you want to
20:21.55trepans/i fix/i'll fix/
20:23.56Wyk3di'd fix it, just need to find where urlFetchHandler needs to be initialized and destroyed if not globally
20:24.51trepananother way to do it would be to use a static function call for cURLMap accesses
20:26.54Wyk3dand by static function call you mean static getCurlMap() { static cURLMapType *curlmap = new CurlMap(); return *curlmap; } or ?
20:27.21Wyk3di.e singleton-like
20:29.44Wyk3dthat would work i guess .. and then you woud delete &getCurlMap when you are sure you won't need it again .. but that is when ?
20:32.03blast007Wyk3d: I'll play with it more when I get home. My issue might already be fixed.
20:41.39Wyk3dtrepan: i think the easiest way is to use cURLManager::ref to find out when it needs to be cURLMap needs to be created/destroyed
20:42.08Wyk3ds/it needs to be//
20:42.26*** join/#bzflag short_circuit (
21:06.06CIA-11BZFlag: 03Wyk3d * r19495 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/cURLManager.h src/common/cURLManager.cxx): Fixed a crash caused by the static cURLMap being destroyed sooner than global cURLManagers.
21:12.49trepanWyk3d: i step out for a few minutes, and you've already got it fixed  :)
21:13.11Wyk3dsorry ;)
21:22.39Will07c5any developers around that can answer a question about one of the gsoc ideas?
21:36.22trepanWill07c5: on irc, it's usually best to just ask your question and wait for a reply
21:37.03*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
21:37.43Will07c5thanks for the tip
21:39.30Will07c5I was just wondering if the opengl modularization includes hunting down and replacing all the opengl calls in bzflag
21:47.17*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@
21:51.02brlcadmysql is overloaded doing something
21:51.04brlcadresetting it
22:00.02*** join/#bzflag KTL (
22:06.02blast007Will07c5: find all the GL calls, moving them to a central location, and then either replacing those calls and/or reorganizing how the drawing is done
22:11.05*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
22:16.15Will07c5can you point me to where most of the opengl calls are located in the code?
22:20.46trepanfind . -name *.cxx -exec grep -Rl '[^a-zA-Z]gl[A-WYZ]' {} \; > gl-files.txt
22:21.05trepan  (for the *nix disabled  ;-)
22:24.55trepansorted and re-uploaded ...
22:31.55trepanon another topic,
22:33.36*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
22:34.15trepani can see the justification for some of them, but effectsRenderer.cxx and the like should probably be corralled into the herd
22:35.44trepanalmost typed 'hurd' :)
22:38.07*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
22:41.23Will07c5trepan: thanks for uploading that since I am stuck with windows for the week :/
22:43.17*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
22:59.39tj13820does the BZFlag project have a twitter account?
23:03.01*** part/#bzflag pacman87 (
23:07.07ConstitutionWill07c5: vmware + ubuntu
23:08.30Will07c5actually even using vmware will completely crash my machine
23:09.41Will07c5I should probably just go for an older version of ubuntu since I think it is the latest kernel that causes the issue
23:10.06*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
23:18.24Winnytj13820: that would be an interesting way of providing commit updates
23:19.20tj13820@Winny: i was thinking more of "Project Information and status" as nowadays /everyone/ has twitter
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23:55.22*** join/#bzflag elad01 (n=none@

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