IRC log for #bzflag on 20090217

00:09.30*** join/#bzflag menotume (n=menotume@bzflag/contributor/menotume)
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00:12.50trepanshould culling grid and collision grid options only be allowed when observing?
00:12.52*** join/#bzflag sniper15 (
00:13.21trepan(can reveal otherwise invisible solid world objects)
00:23.56BulletCatcherIt could be an option while observing, but I think you already have the answer for players.
00:25.30trepanso, in a word, yes
00:30.50*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
00:40.05*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@
00:49.27*** join/#bzflag FastLizard4 (i=FastLiza@wikipedia/FastLizard4)
00:49.28WinnyPoll: Helvetica or Georgia
00:53.54spldartNot an easy choice.
00:57.16spldartIf I were using some software app I guess I lean ever so slightly towards helv.
01:02.29*** join/#bzflag Nathans (
01:03.38spldartWhy does my silly VC 2k8 EE keep switching from debug to debug distro >8-[ grr
01:07.26*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
01:18.41trepanspldart: looks like you need to add the lua library to the project
01:19.39trepanwhy would that surprise you?
01:19.45trepandid you look through your pastebin?
01:20.02spldartnot yet
01:20.12spldartMillion things goin on at once here hehe
01:29.27*** join/#bzflag Abominable (
01:30.02spldartUGH! NEW HARDWARE! UGH!!!!
01:32.43CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19329 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (5 files): * showCullingGrid and showCollisionGrid options are limited to observers
01:32.47CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19330 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/DisplayMenu.cxx: * simplify
01:32.51CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19331 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
01:32.53CIA-66BZFlag: * 'BZ_ORG' -> 'BZORG'
01:32.55CIA-66BZFlag: * used BZDBCache's tesselation value
01:43.01CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19324 10/trunk/bzflag/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
01:43.03CIA-66BZFlag: * re-organized the DisplayMenu
01:43.07CIA-66BZFlag: * replaced the wireframe/hiddenLine/depthcomplexity variables with an enumerated
01:43.09CIA-66BZFlag:  'specialMode' variable, which is always NoSpecial unless roaming is enabled
01:43.13CIA-66BZFlag: * culling grid and collision grid options are only available if (debugLevel > 0)
01:43.19CIA-66BZFlag:  before the first time that the DisplayMenu is opened
01:43.23CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19325 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/DisplayMenu.cxx: * darkened the "Only for Observers" entry
01:43.43CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19326 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/DisplayMenu.cxx: * made the "Unavailable" entries a little lighter
01:43.48CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19327 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/DisplayMenu.cxx: * replaced the remaining "Unavailable" entries
01:46.32CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19328 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (9 files):
01:46.43CIA-66BZFlag: * cleaned up defaultBZDB.cxx
01:46.44CIA-66BZFlag: * placed the callbacks.h functions into the Callbacks namespace
01:47.45Winnytrepan: CIA-66 is back ;)
01:53.48CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19332 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
01:53.48CIA-66BZFlag: * reverted the stencilShadows value when using depthComplexity rendering
01:53.48CIA-66BZFlag: * added the bz.NotifyStyleChange() call-out
01:55.25*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@
02:02.25spldartHrm... maybe the WINDOWS.README needs more updating ^_-
02:03.49spldart So. I have to resolve a lua dependency now?
02:04.23trepanyou also have curl errors now
02:04.30trepan(missing curl/curl.h)
02:04.37spldartNah.. those were there before.. I didn't include them the first time
02:04.59spldartI guess I could have a corrupt checkout... perhaps I need to re-checkout
02:05.08spldartBut anywho.
02:05.20spldartinclude in the paste
02:05.51spldartIsn't lua and curl in the head code checkout default?
02:10.46*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
02:17.27BulletCatcherYes, lua and curl are distributed under src/other.  They are automatically built as needed on Lunix, but the Windows build environment is completely separate.
02:19.03spldartSo... A windows builder needs to take further steps to get head code built under the currently supported vc9?
02:20.19BulletCatcherI think so, but someone who actually knows something about building on Windows is likely to give you more helpful answers.
02:21.14spldartOki doke. Jeff has been scarce lately and he's usualy not only the answer guy but has been guiding the project to a no-nonsense windows build.
02:21.33spldartThere are others though. Perhaps they will weigh in in a bit.
02:27.52spldartWow.... it's been a while :(
02:39.16*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
02:58.02*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
03:04.44*** join/#bzflag ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
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03:10.19Quolanyone here know anything about
03:10.42Winnyhands quol a z
03:11.01Quolhey winny :)
03:11.07Winnygood evening
03:11.31Quolsry to hear about you pulling the plug on your servers... :)
03:11.47Winnydon't be
03:12.18Quolabout weblogin.php....anyone know why if I stick a password that is wrong, the thing still gives a token out?
03:12.21*** join/#bzflag bz31 (
03:13.03Winnydoes it return a null token or something?
03:13.41QuolI get a token number, that I then can check against the list_server for group memberships - and it appears to be a good token
03:14.03Winnyperhaps you should poke blast007
03:14.24Quolya - I just discovered this now as I am testing/integrating it into my site...
03:14.29blast007Quol: hmmm
03:14.55Winnywhoa, yeah, it is broken
03:15.12WinnyI just tried to use strayer's bzstat's and I put in "wrongpassword" and got in >_<
03:15.32Quolok - at least I know it's not just me :)
03:15.39QuolI thought I was going crazy
03:16.07blast007nope, just me ;)
03:16.13Winnyyep, tried with two different wrong passwords - both let me in
03:17.00blast007try now
03:17.13Quolahh - that's better
03:17.25Winnyblast007: what did you do? :P
03:17.30Quolat least it gives an invalid user thing :)
03:18.47CIA-66BZFlag: 03blast007 * r19333 10/trunk/db/weblogin.php: Use || instead of &&
03:19.18blast007Quol: thanks for noticing that
03:19.35Quolyay me :)
03:19.38Quolya - no prob
03:20.07QuolI thought I was loosing my mind there, and when I started debugging further - I thought I was crazy :)
03:20.21Winnyyou are crazy ;)
03:20.31Quollol about || instead of &&
03:20.40Quolthx winny :)
03:26.50Quolalso - just to confirm, the group names are case sensitive right? (it appears to be so). does a group name in the forums change often? I guess not?
03:27.17Quolmeaning weblogin matches the group names in a case sensitve manner
03:29.21blast007Quol: group names need to be all uppercase at this point
03:30.01blast007(the phpbb3 tables are case sensitive now, and bzfs sends them in all uppercase, so we converted all group names to uppercase)
03:30.30blast007I really want to get away from using phpBB for groups and auth now because of the extra memory usage for phpBB3 auth
03:30.49Quolahh - ok. so even if the group name i th foum is mixed case, I can safely uppercase them to check then? (and I guess it's not weblogin but the token check against the list server)
03:30.50blast007adds 2 to 3MB of RAM usage to run the list server now
03:31.06Quolwow - sry for typos there :)
03:31.08blast007(which probably didn't even use 1MB before per script)
03:31.35blast007if the group name is mixed case on the forum it won't work in-game
03:31.48blast007you want to make it all uppercase
03:32.13Quolya - I just realized that they are all uppercase now - I am checking the forum now...
03:32.26Quolsome of these used to be mixed case  - at least I thought so
03:33.21blast007I converted every group to uppercase after the phpBB3 upgrade
03:34.42Quolso - the uppercase thing - I guess that will stay like this for a while? ie - I can rely on it to keep working for a little bit?
03:35.38blast007and if it changes, it would probably be case insensitive
03:35.54Quolcool - that's what I figured, but I just wanted to be sure...thx
03:35.55blast007I'm not 100% sure how LDAP handles group names, but I *think* it's case insensitive
03:36.01blast007and that won't happen for a while
03:36.09Quolmost LDAP's my experience anyways
03:36.26blast007I'll probably be moving to a different solution first using MySQL
03:36.35blast007group manager web app
03:36.48Quolat least that's true for active directory, and openldap
03:36.58blast007and we'd be using OpenLDAP
03:37.24blast007anyways, gonna head home now :)
03:37.29Quolya - I figured that :) you sure? you mean you don't want to buy the 1000$ MS server license? :)
03:37.42Quolok- thx again - see ya later :)
03:39.07Quolok - I am out also...see you later all
03:48.56*** join/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
03:49.12*** part/#bzflag KingRobot (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
04:12.42*** join/#bzflag Swigg_ (
04:38.53*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
04:55.58*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
04:56.15I_Died_Oncefeature request: tie autopilot with a perm
04:56.40I_Died_Oncepretty please with sugar on top
04:57.42*** join/#bzflag iShock (i=Wtf@unaffiliated/ishock)
05:17.35*** join/#bzflag bier (
05:19.38*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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05:22.15trepanI_Died_Once: -disableBots
05:22.35iShockHe wants some people to be able to
05:23.04*** join/#bzflag iShock (
05:23.28sniper15He want's to tie [auto] to a group perm
05:23.53sniper15Not disable it intirely.
05:35.34I_Died_Oncetrepan - I would like my admins and other group members to be able to go autopilot, just not every asshat hat logs in the server
05:36.31iShock'Unable to position flags on this world.'
05:38.05iShockAnyone care to tell me a cause of this?
05:38.49I_Died_Oncei care to tell you very much
05:38.52I_Died_Oncejust need more info
05:39.01I_Died_OnceWTF are you doing?
05:39.17iShockA zone to spawn an SR flag on a box
05:40.23I_Died_Oncemake sure the box has a high enough roof to allot for a spawn
05:40.39I_Died_Onceif there is an object that is too low it'll prevent flag spawnage
05:40.54iShockname Box
05:40.54iShockposition -150 -150 0
05:40.54iShockrotation 0
05:40.54iShocksize 1 1 18
05:41.15I_Died_Oncei mean above that
05:41.27iShockThere's nothing but sky above it
05:41.44I_Died_Oncemake sure your spawn zone is straight
05:41.44temp_disthow thick is the sky?
05:42.11iShockposition -150 -150 18
05:42.11iShocksize 1 1 1
05:42.11iShockzoneflag SR
05:43.58delusional_try the -fb switch
05:44.56iShock... Thanks :\
05:46.22*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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05:53.13*** join/#bzflag Legoguy_ (n=Legoguy@
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06:30.07*** join/#bzflag Default__ (
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07:51.33*** join/#bzflag brad (
08:07.56CIA-66BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r19334 10/trunk/bzflag/MSVC/build/ (bzfs.vcproj clientLua.vcproj): make lua build
08:16.12CIA-66BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r19335 10/trunk/bzflag/ (10 files in 4 dirs):
08:16.12CIA-66BZFlag: proto/version bump
08:16.13CIA-66BZFlag: autopilot is now a request to the server to see if the client can turn it on or off.
08:16.17CIA-66BZFlag: client will force autopilot on or off if server sends the message, regardless of who initiates the request(client or server).
08:16.20CIA-66BZFlag: add API functions and events to control and monitor autopilot requests.
08:22.31*** join/#bzflag iShock (i=Wtf@unaffiliated/ishock)
08:48.34*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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09:25.27*** join/#bzflag LeeM2 (
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09:26.02*** join/#bzflag iShock (i=Wtf@unaffiliated/ishock)
09:29.25CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19336 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (9 files in 5 dirs):
09:29.25CIA-66BZFlag: * renamed 'rabbitIndex' in GameKeeper.cxx to avoid the global shadow
09:29.25CIA-66BZFlag: * did a cleanup in GUIOptionsMenu.cxx and Team.cxx
09:29.25CIA-66BZFlag: * added the autopilot stuff to luabzfs
09:33.25iShockHi trepan
09:41.01iShockhi blast007
09:44.43CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19337 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (19 files in 4 dirs): * renamed LuaBZFS to LuaServer
09:44.55a_meteoritetrepan, busy man :)
09:45.59trepansearch & replace, just a few keystrokes  :)
09:46.48a_meteoritenot just that, but the other commits within the last few days and so
09:46.53a_meteorite'grats :)
09:47.30iShockI lack a life
09:48.05CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19338 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/lua/LuaServer.h: * s/LUA_BZFS_H/LUA_SERVER_H/
09:48.05a_meteorite'tis good to have a life
09:48.08trepana_meteorite: all relatively insignificant compared to the bulk of the lua stuff ...
09:48.22a_meteoriteI saw some lua demos, looks amazing
09:48.40iShocktrepan: Are there any noticeable differences between 2.0.10 and 2.0.13?
09:48.46a_meteoriteI'm gonna bet my GMA 950 is gonna take a beating though, trunk as of a few months ago in experimental already did that
09:50.15iShockOr a_meteorite, if you know
09:50.39a_meteoritethe server stops the /me spam protections
09:50.46a_meteoriteer, s/protections//
09:50.54iShockI actually meant client
09:51.13a_meteoritesince 2.0.12 was just for linux, I'd imagine .13 would have nothing new
09:51.29iShockSo no point upgrading from 2.0.10 on windows?
09:51.29a_meteorite2.0.x dev has stopped except for critical bug fixes afaik
09:51.39a_meteoritenot unless you have a specific reason to, I'd say no
09:56.09iShockI can't decide if I should continue my wrestling ring map
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09:56.43a_meteoritemost maps will never succeed because of the immense competition and loyalty of players to other maps
09:56.59iShockBut it's fun :P
09:57.27a_meteorite(and to an extent, certain servers as well, I've hosted plenty of maps that I wouldn't consider an end-all, and they became popular because of the label on it...)
09:58.20a_meteoritewhat people look for: the popular map (it's no fun playing on an empty server), secondary to how well it is, and the server (don't want to play on a server with crap admins and rules, do ya?)
10:00.34iShockMofo has crap rules, it's ALWAYS loaded :\
10:01.42a_meteoriteit also attracts a different type of crowd
10:03.22*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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10:04.45iShockMaybe my wrestling map will attract a few FFA players
10:05.03iShockEven has like diving from the top rope
10:06.01a_meteoriteso.. everyone ready for the DTV transition? :)
10:06.13iShockNot till June
10:06.14a_meteoriteis picking up the converter box in the morning.. I know, I'm late
10:06.27a_meteoriteiShock: you do realize that most stations are transitioning now?
10:06.40iShockCable ftw :P
10:06.48a_meteoritethe legislation passed made it optional for stations to move 'till June, per FCC approval
10:06.54a_meteoritemost stations got that approval
10:07.03a_meteorite(to transition today)
10:07.16iShockI have Cable
10:07.23iShockI'm just interested in what is actually gonna happen
10:07.25a_meteoriteah, cable, lucky you, way too expensive out here.. and plus it's Charter (need I say more?)
10:07.34iShockNew channels? New channel numbers?
10:08.00a_meteoritemany channels will be physically changing their freq, yes
10:08.24a_meteoriteeven the ones that were broadcasting digital already may be moved which is why they're telling people to re-scan (depends what part of the spectrum it is)
10:08.26iShockCool, any new channels maybe?
10:08.42a_meteoriteyeah, subchannels
10:08.59a_meteoritetwo of the three major networks here have subchannels, with completely different programming. that'll be nice.
10:09.10a_meteorite(and actually stuff I'd watch, not just more news)
10:09.16iShockI want Smackdown :\
10:09.28iShockI get Raw, ECW, TNA, and all that stuff
10:09.34iShockTNA and ECW suck, raw rocks
10:09.40iShockBut I miss smackdown
10:09.46a_meteoritewrestling? ick...
10:10.00a_meteoritepersonally, watching people fake beat each other up isn't my thing
10:10.27a_meteoriteof course there's that real stuff people are getting into now, name escapes me, but that's even ... hmmm .. still not my thing watching someone's face get beat in
10:10.46a_meteoritesome would probably say that I lack any testosterone at this point :)
10:10.49a_meteoriteyeah, UFC
10:10.56iShockIt used to annoy me
10:11.01iShockI got over it
10:14.17iShocka_meteorite, 5154
10:14.20iShockCome see :P
10:23.19iShockWhat's the default tankHeight?
10:24.37iShocktrepan: Poke
11:02.01*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
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16:26.05CIA-66BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r19339 10/trunk/bzflag/
16:26.05CIA-66BZFlag: Update to 2.99.18 to match buildDate.cxx
16:26.05CIA-66BZFlag: Completely ignore GLEW when clients are not built.
16:26.05CIA-66BZFlag: Convert a multiline warning to a single line.
16:29.13*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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16:34.11CIA-66BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r19340 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/lua/src/ldebug.cxx: Refactor "if" statement to avoid spurious warning by gcc 4.0.1 on MacOS about function not returning a value.
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17:18.42essyDTRemenak, are you around? is down?
17:18.59essythere's an issue I think, quol
17:19.04joevanoseems to be
17:19.28joevanoi think that means yes
17:19.52essythe server is out of disc space, i believe
17:20.14Quolwell - I guess that means it's time for lunch :) (was writing code that uses weblogin - so no more testing until it's up :) )
17:26.18*** join/#bzflag SportChick (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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17:27.14joevanowow the web site is really fast when people aren't hitting the server ;)
17:32.01SportChickit's sort of back but not for long if it gets too much thrown at it
17:44.18brlcadmy bad, I knew it was low
17:44.47*** join/#bzflag temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
17:48.19brlcadwas related to the migration actually
17:48.32brlcadhowdy Quol !
18:07.33*** join/#bzflag Yassen (
18:16.04Quolhey there brlcad, how are ya? It's been a while hasn't it
18:18.37joevano~lart brlcad
18:18.37ibotslaps brlcad upside the head with a wet fish
18:19.36Quolthx joevano, brlcad deserves that for making me wait :)
18:22.24*** join/#bzflag bier (
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19:15.01SportChickhugs brlcad
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22:43.22*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
22:45.26CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19341 10/trunk/bzflag/ (10 files in 4 dirs): * simplified top level lua script handling
22:50.47CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19342 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/lua/ ( README.txt): * oops, forgot to change the library name
22:52.41CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19343 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/ * library name change, take II
22:56.17*** join/#bzflag Not_Gabe1G23 (
23:01.15*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
23:01.15*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
23:22.01CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19344 10/trunk/bzflag/src/platform/SDLDisplay.cxx: * replaced 'std::cout <<' output with logDebugMessage()
23:28.17CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19345 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: * added stencil bits debug info
23:45.21CIA-66BZFlag: 03trepan * r19346 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (DisplayMenu.cxx SceneRenderer.cxx): * disabled the stencil shadow option was the stencil buffer is not available
23:48.08*** join/#bzflag Carnage00 (
23:48.31*** join/#bzflag tj13820 (n=unknown@unaffiliated/tj13820)
23:49.01tj13820Is anyone here a dev for BZWB? When i compile in VC 7.1 it states that BZWorkbench.lib is missing
23:58.03*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=khazhy@bzflag/player/Me1)

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