IRC log for #bzflag on 20090109

00:00.55spldartheh... just had to fight with one of my teenagers for a minute
00:01.41spldartbuild is cruising right along
00:01.52spldart... and I spoke to soon
00:03.49spldartI'm gonna have to get this rig and my work rig on the same checkout revision then config both and do a diff on their config.log's. see if I can figure what is braking my lenny workstation that is fine on my etch home multimedia machine.
00:04.46*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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00:05.33trepanthat last error means that the the glew header should be updated
00:05.46spldartOh know
00:06.32spldarts/know/sinking feeling
00:07.32trepanthe glew.h in src/other/glew/include/GL has those defines
00:08.04trepanwhat is your build config? os/compiler ?
00:08.04*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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00:09.02trepanguess we should throw in a glew version check as well
00:10.52spldartbuilding on debian etch G++ 4.1.1-21, gcc  4.1.1-21
00:11.28spldartI don't know the version lenny is at at the moment. That's a whole other gl issue ball of wax :(
00:11.52trepanshould also add a --enable-glew-build ./configure option, i guess
00:15.33spldart# --enable-glew-build didn't change the error. But I'll worry about that another day.
00:15.40trepanit doesn't exist yet
00:15.55spldartmissed the 'add'
00:16.10spldartkicks himself
00:16.23trepanit's almost done here ...
00:19.02*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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00:23.23*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
00:37.14*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
00:39.11KingofCamelotHave the MSVC project/solution files in the repo been moved over to MSVC 2008?
00:42.03me1for 2.99.x, yes
00:42.12me1for 2.0.x, it is vc7.1
00:42.50KingofCamelotIs there any easy way to still compile 2.99.x on MSVC 2005?
00:42.51spldartWhy doesn't configure poop a brick of you try to pass an option that isn't recognized?
00:44.07spldartIs it something that can be made to happen so one know when one does something really stupid? ;-)
00:44.39spldarts/of/if in line timestamped 18:42
00:45.10spldarts/know/knows in line timestamped 18/44
00:46.35spldartPerhaps a sr. dev should slightly update :)
00:49.21spldartjust realized that he's probably earned a position as 'talked to himself the most' stat on freenode stats page.
00:51.13*** join/#bzflag leeguy92 (
00:51.39leeguy92are the tank models hard coded, or is there an obj file somewhere?
00:52.36trepanhard coded
00:52.47leeguy92ah, ok. ty
00:52.57trepanbut that doesn't matter anymore  ;-)
00:53.03me1why are there links for the names of the maintainers? I doubt any of them would (be allowed to) have a page on wikipedia...
00:54.24brad <
00:54.42bradwhy wouldn't they be allowed to have a page? :P
00:54.59me1I remember hearing a whole two days on the subject in #wikipedia
00:55.18me1unless the person is widely known etc., no wikipedia page for them.
00:55.38me1wonders why tim was the only person without the link, if he's the only with _with_ a page :p
00:56.04bradfix it :P
01:03.14*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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01:03.53me1looking at revisions for tim's page
01:04.00me1"Removing image with no copyright information. Such images that are older than seven days may be deleted at any time"
01:04.06me1"(it's my image and I'll cry if I want to)"
01:05.24*** join/#bzflag dexter- (
01:06.15*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
01:08.17*** join/#bzflag Happy_Alice (n=AliceD@unaffiliated/happyalice/x-10468)
01:12.01*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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01:14.38Think_Differentlme1, heh
01:18.03*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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01:21.20*** join/#bzflag whodaman (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
01:21.56trepanthis may look familiar to some:
01:22.13trepanbut this time, you can already do it  ;-)
01:23.12trepangreen line is the shot path predictor ...
01:23.52me1is the bump-mapping part of lua, or?
01:24.04trepanworld is drawn using lua
01:24.21spldartis that that 4 way ctf and rabbit map but with diamond plate textures applied?
01:25.01*** join/#bzflag Ride- (i=602a01a6@gateway/web/ajax/
01:25.10Happy_Alicelua come with a 3D engine?
01:25.29trepanthat's what a lot of my code is for
01:25.42Think_Differentlso lua support is a client side plugin?
01:26.05trepanwith sources from both server-side and client-side  (LuaWorld and LuaClient, respectively)
01:26.14trepanoops,  s/LuaClient/LuaUser
01:26.29Happy_Alicehow lua can draw the world like this ?
01:26.42*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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01:27.04trepanthe little lua script I wrote even fixes base textures on older mesh maps  ;-)
01:27.14spldartImma rebooty to winderze
01:28.27whodamanWinny, jeez
01:28.42whodamanI gotta question concerning the hix map in 3.0. will it still be possible to shoot through the bases and cat-walks?
01:28.54Think_Differentlisn't lua the shading for doom 3?
01:29.58*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
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01:30.24Happy_Alicei like this sentence :"trepan: the LITTLEl ua script I wrote [...]"
01:30.43Happy_Alicelittle is so relative
01:32.24Ride-Is lua a computer language?
01:33.22dexter-trepan, do you know?
01:33.46temp_distI understand lua is a scripting language
01:33.56Happy_Alicedexter: lol
01:33.59me1dexter-, try for yourself :p
01:34.13dexter-Happy_Alice, what?
01:34.29Happy_Aliceu ask if trepan know what lua is?
01:34.38dexter-uhh, no.
01:34.48Happy_Aliceyes u did :-)
01:34.54dexter-I asked if he knew the answer to my question. (read above)
01:35.01dexter-I just saw trepan had done some work with the hix map, at least he has it running it on a 3.0 server
01:36.07trepanthe bzflag lua client-side scripts are a port of the ones i did for spring
01:36.11dexter-me1, i did. didn't work, as far as i could tell
01:36.15trepan(with some improvements)
01:36.43trepanshoot through? with GM?
01:37.02*** join/#bzflag Swigg_ (
01:37.24dexter-No, I mean, in can shoot through the bases and the cat-walks on the HiX map.
01:37.36dexter-At a certain angle, the bullet will go through
01:37.36trepanah, dunno, not something that i'm working on
01:37.51me1dexter-, I don't think it goes thru, but it does kill
01:37.52trepanjust used hix to show that the graphics could override a standard map
01:38.44trepan(i actually cheated, haven't done the primitives reproduction yet; added 'color white' to all of the boxes and pyramids   :)
01:39.08me1hmm, that hix looks broken
01:39.20dexter-me1, it does go through, at least the cat walks
01:39.28dexter-Should i show you?
01:39.49dexter-me1, quol58
01:44.14Think_Differentlso will the lua plugin be included with the final release of 3.0?
01:44.56Happy_Alicewhy do u think trepan is coding it?
01:44.57trepandifferent servers can use different 'maplets'
01:45.52Think_DifferentlHappy_Alice, i dunno, why do people code anything?
01:46.12trepanthere's a bzfs lua plugin, that will come with 3.0
01:46.18temp_distThink_Differentl:  because it's there!
01:47.34Happy_Alicethink_differentl: idk. Why are u coding?
01:48.03Think_DifferentlI'm not.
01:48.05Happy_Alicethink_differentl: we all have one reason. But i bet it is not the same for all
01:51.35*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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01:55.57Winnybrain fart time
01:56.08temp_distblame the god
01:56.16Winnywhat do you call it when you have something like f(x) = g(f(x))
01:56.23Happy_Alicedont blame god
01:56.28WinnyIt's right on the tip of my tounge
01:56.47Winnytemp_dist: no, like what it's doing..redundant or something... recurring? ugh
01:56.48Happy_Aliceg is identifty
01:56.51WinnyI know it starts with r
01:56.53temp_distconjunction junction
01:57.20WinnyL4m3r: yes!
01:57.23Winnythank you!
01:57.41Happy_Alicef(x) = g o f (x) for all x means g = identity
01:59.16Winnytotal brain fart there
02:00.02me1dexter-, one of the tricks you showed me worked in 2.99.x, not sure about the rest
02:00.13dexter-me1, which one?
02:00.23dexter-im compiling 3.0 now..gonna check it out
02:01.05me1dexter-, the one where you jump and shoot the side pyras on the bases
02:01.17dexter-thought so
02:01.40trepanmake the base thicker ?
02:02.10me1it's not the actual base, and, according to guleaguers, its a "feature"
02:03.43WinnyI hear s=2
02:04.50Winnysagonet issue looks like
02:05.02Winnycuz there goes the other me
02:05.29*** join/#bzflag dexter- (
02:05.32Winnyeven the sagonet admin panel is down
02:06.00*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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02:08.39*** join/#bzflag SportChick (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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02:08.45*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
02:18.40*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (i=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
02:30.40*** join/#bzflag quantumfoam (
02:31.19quantumfoamanything going on with listserver tonight or is it me?
02:32.09dexter-it's down at the moment, i think
02:32.19me1still down
02:32.21MindstormsKidwon't work for me
02:32.28me1Winny says sagonet is sucking atm
02:33.14quantumfoamthanks - helps knowing (vs spending time giving my system various forms of enemas)
02:37.14spldartAt least vc9 build is perfectamundo
02:37.41quantumfoamwhile I'm here - something I've been meaningn to figure out for the longest time. is there a way to window the game without holding onto the mouse (having to alt-tab away from the window)?
02:38.02MindstormsKidpress f1
02:38.20quantumfoamthat windows but still holds the mouse hoistage
02:38.24quantumfoamhostage even
02:38.57quantumfoamthat just minimizes
02:39.22me1confine mouse - off
02:40.06quantumfoamgdam i knew it was something simple and I KNOW i scanned all the options fields (obvioulsy not close enoughZ)
02:40.20quantumfoamdanka seini
02:41.01MindstormsKidthat is awesome XD
02:41.16*** join/#bzflag ts (
02:41.32quantumfoami can finnally now observe matches while doing something other than drinking (well.... in addition to drinkling)
02:43.08dexter-i suck..
02:44.43me1can't talk thru client
02:45.07me1~cache clear
02:47.12dexter-was back for a second..
02:49.31quantumfoamseems back now
02:50.10dexter-can't connect, heh
02:50.13me1its gone
02:50.30me1and there is is again!
02:52.05quantumfoamhey me - one last thing on that windowing thing. now the mouse is free but if i change focus to any other program BZ minimizes (I'd like to do side by side stuff)
02:52.27me1Can't change that
02:52.57quantumfoamwell - you guys here can right?- where's the feature request form around here?
02:53.17quantumfoami know i know - get onto a real operating system
02:53.28me1since you asked:
02:53.48me1also, if you use ubuntu 8.10, for whatever reason it does _not_ minimize
02:53.57me1though i'm not sure if that was caused by my custom theme
02:55.58me1"I can only say that some admins assume anyone smart enough to compile the windows version is cheating. "
02:56.04*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
02:57.01me1woo, i may beat spldart in talking to myself!
02:57.10me1where's taht stat's thing now
02:57.13ibotSince Wed Dec 31 15:52:43 2008, there have been 124 modifications, 776 questions, 0 dunnos, 0 morons and 617 commands.  I have been awake for 8d 11h 4m 30s this session, and currently reference 115760 factoids.  I'm using about 20640 kB of memory. With 0 active forks. Process time user/system 18892.62/823.75 child 0/0.01
02:57.29tsykodukme1: I'm listening. just not paying attention. :P
02:57.58dexter-why can't i connect to the listerver
02:58.02dexter-fail :\
02:58.29me1tsykoduk, huh?
02:58.48tsykodukme1: what?
03:01.07me1is very confused
03:02.33*** join/#bzflag erk (n=Essy@about/apple/iPod/BeZerk)
03:02.37erkbrlcad: ping
03:06.26*** mode/#bzflag [+v SportChick] by ChanServ
03:09.15*** join/#bzflag danji (
03:10.09danjiuhh anyone heer?
03:10.21dexter-hi danji
03:10.30danjihaving bz problems
03:11.12danjiim on the bz actual game play page then i click join game
03:11.23spldartand you sit for a while
03:11.33danjiand i cant talk with server list and i keep on gettign - by my name
03:11.57spldartlist server is having issues
03:12.06spldarthas a - too
03:12.15danjii click on serch for server and  no servers pop up
03:12.25danjiand i cant go on
03:12.37temp_distdanji: the server is having troubles - give it some time
03:12.40spldartJust relax and wait a while.. maybe try again later n stuff
03:12.42dexter-yes, danji. list server is having trouble. have a little patience..should be back in a couple of minutes
03:12.54dexter-I love how we all say the same thing
03:13.01danjino i mean i cant go on :
03:13.10danjiproblems to?
03:13.11me1list server and site on same server
03:13.16me1tho i was just on forums
03:13.22temp_distdanji: that's right - just give it some time, try again later
03:13.24me1guess they are having surges
03:13.30danjithanks then
03:13.31me1silly sagonet
03:14.37me1they trip on the cords, put them back in, and the next guy tripps
03:14.37me1they need some kind of warning sign
03:14.56spldartMachine's are looking for network settings for several minutes again..
03:15.06ibot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
03:15.16spldartduh.. Was it or or......
03:15.50temp_distcould anyone give me a hint on this build error?
03:15.55*** join/#bzflag Ratfink (
03:16.10Ratfinkhow do I make certain faces of a meshbox drivethrough?
03:16.29spldartWhat is it with 3d stuff lately :(
03:16.38temp_distRatfink both directions?
03:16.39spldartNot you Rat.
03:16.52*** join/#bzflag essy (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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03:16.58Ratfinkum, just like 3 faces
03:17.01trepanuse the 'drivethrough' keyword
03:17.15Ratfinkbut I just want certain faces drivethrough, not all of them
03:17.16MindstormsKidlols @ Rat
03:17.17trepanface \n drivethrough \n ... \n end
03:17.27MindstormsKidcurses autocomplete
03:17.29Ratfinknot a mesh, a meshbox
03:17.42MindstormsKidRatfink: impossible
03:17.45Ratfinkoh :(
03:17.49Ratfinkthat sucks
03:17.52MindstormsKidRatfink: you need a mesh for that
03:17.55RatfinkI hate working with meshes
03:17.56trepanRatfink: use a real mesh
03:17.57temp_distwell you could put a wall on the other faces
03:18.23temp_dista wall that isn't drivethrough
03:18.32RatfinkI guess I'll just figure out how to make a mesh
03:18.37trepantried the 'box' meshes ?
03:18.51trepani may have done per-face drivethrough on those
03:19.02Ratfinkthe 'box' is even more primative than a meshbox I thought.
03:19.36trepannot if you add a v2.0 keyword to it  (bzfs v2.0.10+, or maybe 12)
03:19.47trepanthey render faster than meshboxes too
03:19.51trepanmeshboxes are obsolete
03:20.06MindstormsKidthey are? thought it was the other way around O_o
03:20.21Ratfinkso I might make a normal box with certain faces drivethrough?
03:20.27trepannope, newest is fastest
03:20.35trepani had a post on the BB about it years ago
03:20.54Ratfinkoh well, I need to figure out meshes anyway
03:21.58trepanit's actaully x+, x-, etc... maybe it's the wiki codes ?
03:22.02trepanman page was never updated
03:23.13*** join/#bzflag Ratfink1 (
03:23.46Ratfinkit looks like you can just texture various faces, not make them drivethrough.
03:23.48Ratfinkoh well
03:24.04trepanthe wiki author was not the code author  ;-)
03:24.38Ratfinkso if I do something like -x drivethrough
03:24.48Ratfinkit will make the -x side drivethrough?
03:25.18Ratfinkoh no, it's x-
03:25.22RatfinkI'll try this
03:25.40MindstormsKidnno, that won't work 9_9
03:27.35trepanhm, there's a mistake in the code ... probably wont work
03:27.52iShockMistake in the code, trepan does a lot of edits
03:27.53trepanit'll be fixed for 3.0
03:27.54iShockadds 2+2
03:28.31trepaniShock: continue on that path, see where it gets ya
03:28.33Ratfinkokay, I keep getting sealed half way through
03:28.50Ratfinkis that the mistake?
03:29.14trepanno, the mistake is that the entire box is set drivethrough if any face is
03:29.22Ratfinkno, that didn't happen
03:29.29trepanreally ? odd
03:29.37RatfinkI use 2.0.12
03:29.42iShocktrepan: Can't take a joke?
03:29.46Ratfinkdoes that change anything?
03:30.35trepanthe code appears much the same in 2.99
03:31.04Ratfinkhow odd
03:31.11Ratfinkbut I still seal half way through
03:31.12trepanheh, no, someone broke it in 2.99
03:31.21Ratfinkso I guess I'll just use a mesh
03:31.32trepanya, safest bet
03:31.47Ratfinkthen I can make the 4 boxes the same box
03:31.59Ratfinkwell, not a box
03:32.01Ratfinkthe same mesh
03:32.44ibotgame is probably full?, or, or, or possibly
03:33.21Ratfinkum, ibot started repeating himself... the same message
03:35.14Winny~literal game
03:35.15ibot"game" is "full?, or, or, or possibly"
03:35.26trepanas it turns out, it was an intentional change:  r16031
03:35.50trepanRatfink: so, don't use that feature if you want it to be forwards compatible ...
03:36.22trepanoops, the change was in r17000, not 16031
03:36.41*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539_1 (
03:37.43*** join/#bzflag Ratfink1 (
03:38.36iShocktrepan, is changing the bzadmin e-mail string bad?
03:51.10*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
03:51.29dexter-I've had a sudden decrease in FPS. what could've caused that?
03:53.07iShockThe phrase 'being an ass' comes to mind.
03:53.15MindstormsKidkicks iShock
03:53.21MindstormsKidEnough rudeness.
03:53.38MindstormsKiddexter-: on a map or what?
03:54.00MindstormsKidhmmm, no idea
03:54.39dexter-anyone here upgraded to 10.5.6 on a MacBook?
03:54.52*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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03:55.28dexter-OS X, 10.5.6
03:55.29iShockdexter-: Didn't set fpslimit did you?
03:55.43dexter-yes, I did. It's set to 30
03:56.02iShockDid you try raising it?
03:56.49dexter-well, it sinks way below that
03:56.54dexter-but /me tries
04:26.28dexter-hey SportChick
04:26.37dexter-hugs SportChick quickly
04:31.20*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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04:40.49dexter-I wonder if 10.5.6 on the macbook still breaks BZ..
04:51.57*** join/#bzflag rowrbazz1e (
04:58.39*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
05:24.56*** join/#bzflag bier (
06:31.14*** join/#bzflag KTL (
06:31.25*** join/#bzflag jcp (
06:38.14*** join/#bzflag brlcad (
07:09.24CIA-64BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r19181 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/lua/ Use new names for project files.
07:12.33*** join/#bzflag Manu (n=jujibo@about/essy/JujiboHunter/Manu)
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07:14.03*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539_1 (
07:42.16*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (
07:49.21*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (
07:49.48CIA-64BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r19182 10/trunk/bzflag/
07:49.48CIA-64BZFlag: Implement the --enable-glew-build command line option.
07:49.48CIA-64BZFlag: Fix some cut-and-paste errors in comments.
07:49.48CIA-64BZFlag: Give a final report on whether glew will be built from includes sources.
07:50.04CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r19183 10/trunk/bzflag/ (11 files in 5 dirs):
07:50.04CIA-64BZFlag: * better LuaShaders errorLog reporting
07:50.04CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetMaterialTextureCount()
07:50.04CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetMaterialShaderCount()
07:50.05CIA-64BZFlag: * added the DrawWorldStart() call-in to SceneRenderer.cxx
07:50.07CIA-64BZFlag: * added a callback to BzVFS so that it can reregister the LuaUser
07:50.09CIA-64BZFlag:  BzFS dynamically when the 'luaUserDir' BZDB variable is changed
08:05.26*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
08:14.11*** join/#bzflag rowrbazz1e (
08:14.11*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (i=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
08:15.29*** join/#bzflag jftsang (n=jftsang@bzflag/player/JFTsang)
08:20.08CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r19184 10/trunk/bzflag/src/lua/ (LuaCallOuts.cxx LuaCallOuts.h):
08:20.08CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetPlayerAngVel()
08:20.08CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetPlayerDimensions()
08:20.08CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetPlayerPhysicsDriver()
08:20.08CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetPlayerDesiredSpeed()
08:20.09CIA-64BZFlag: * added bz.GetPlayerDesiredAngVel()
08:20.11CIA-64BZFlag: - guess what the next visual item to be replaced is ... ;-)
08:30.40jcpIs there any bug in 2.0.10 that would cause a tank to go almost twice the speed set by _tankSpeed?
08:30.59jcpOn sniper15's server, about half of the people (including me) are going around 45 when the limit is 32
08:47.21jcpAnd how do you set how long a tank is idle for before the tank is kicked?
08:47.29jcpI can't find a slash command or a var to do it
09:02.31*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
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09:26.40CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r19185 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (5 files in 2 dirs): * devDriving works again
09:47.57CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r19186 10/trunk/bzflag/src/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
09:47.57CIA-64BZFlag: * the exposed treads option has been re-enabled
09:47.57CIA-64BZFlag:  (it's removal was harldy a clean job anyways ;-)
09:47.57CIA-64BZFlag: * the treadStyle default has been changed to covered
09:47.57*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
09:57.20delusionaltrepan, i got the latest changes, they compile well.     About that big Oval we talked about last night...   when i join a server it is not there.  Once I press F1 and go from full screen to windowed mode, it appears and won't go away.  Does not appear if I'm not joined.
10:02.36delusionaljcp  that's -maxidle  , Its a configuration option.
10:03.56delusionaluh, he ledt
10:19.05*** join/#bzflag LePoulpe303 (n=olivier@about/essy/MobileTarget/LePoulpe303)
10:20.55delusionaltrepan, it doesnt seem to have anything to do with lua
10:20.59delusionalthat oval
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11:47.54delusionalHere's a bug report you might be able to do something with, trepan.
11:55.10delusionalI wanted to begin using lua with bzfs, so I looked at the docket I downloaded from your testserver.  Figured was a good place to start. So I modified,  #commenting most of it,  and used it to start a public server.  
11:56.57delusionalWhen I loaded -world ww.bzw  ...  The oval did not appear no matter how many times I switched between fullscreen and windowed mode.
12:01.14delusionalthat's the bzw with the GM worldweapon.  The missile itself looked good, until the first time I switched from fullscreen to windowed, After the switch, the missile, and it's smoke puffs disappeared, but the lighting on the floor remained.  
12:01.58delusionali repeated this procedure to be sure.
12:02.04*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
12:02.34delusional(adding and removing ww.bzw)
12:04.48delusionalnext, I added sphere.bzw, still no oval
12:05.24delusionalthe oval returned when i added test.bzw to the mix.
12:40.46*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
12:57.06delusionalyeah the oval appears on any server i join, the first time i switch to windowed mode, so I'm guessing it's not caused by lua, but it's definitely not the lua fog.  here's that screenie   (no oval with the gm worldweapon)  
12:58.50Cobra_Fastthat looks strange :p
12:59.07Cobra_Fastdoes it also appear without OO?
13:00.09iShockIs /Users/ a mac thing?
13:10.40delusionaladding GM flags to my server doesnt seem to help...  only the GM worldweapon
13:11.17delusionalww.bzw is the only thing that seems to help.  Yes mac.
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17:12.56dexter-okay.. 10.5.6 is crap too. It seems that all 3D apps don't run
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17:26.22JefferyMjoevano, didn't you know, I totaly am a cheater? ;)
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17:28.38bryjenyes, you change the code all the time ;)
17:28.57JefferyMand use it on public serveres
17:29.14JefferyMguess I need to be banned
17:36.30*** join/#bzflag kierra (
17:36.35kierraChestal: ping
17:39.42*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
17:39.50kierraforget the ping, chestal....
17:40.48JefferyMmy gut says that ping would have timed out first ;)
17:41.19kierra:) most likely
17:44.31trepandelusional: i wouldn't about it too much, the lua GL entry/exit state code will be modified fairly soon  (near the top of the list  :)
17:44.59trepanglad to hear that LuaWorld worked on Mac's at all  (docket packing, etc...)
17:45.17trepanit's probably easier for you to start poking around using LuaUser
18:05.11CIA-64BZFlag: 03trepan * r19187 10/trunk/bzflag/ (14 files in 3 dirs):
18:05.11CIA-64BZFlag: * removed the GLContextFree() lua call-in
18:05.11CIA-64BZFlag: * renamed the GLContextInit() lua call-in to GLReload()
18:05.13CIA-64BZFlag: * moved the static GL context protection functions to OpenGLContext.cxx
18:05.15CIA-64BZFlag: * context protected the shader, FBO, and RBO Gen/Create/Delete GL functions
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23:11.09leeguy921how are the shots mediated?(who decides when they hit someone?) by the shooter, or do all players check they haven't been hit?
23:11.28*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
23:11.30JefferyMthe person hit
23:11.36JefferyMyou say if you did or not
23:11.42JefferyMso they arn't mediated at all
23:11.54JefferyMthats why god mode is a common cheat
23:12.02JefferyMjust never send the "I died" message
23:12.50leeguy921that being changed in bzflag 3?
23:13.02JefferyMit's a very very large change
23:13.04leeguy921ah, ok
23:13.07JefferyMbut we are staring the code to get to there
23:13.08*** join/#bzflag jftsang (n=jftsang@bzflag/player/JFTsang)
23:13.22Greywhindhey JeffM - remember me from the mentor summit?
23:13.22JefferyMbefore we can do that, the server has to have an accurate state of all the players and all the shots
23:13.28JefferyMI do, how are you?
23:13.32Greywhindi'm good. you?
23:13.40JefferyMstill has your magnet on his fridge :)
23:13.46JefferyMTired but I'll live
23:13.56JefferyMMS Crypto API is kicking my butt
23:14.26Greywhindwell, i've looked a little bit at the BZFlag code, but there's quite a lot of it :P
23:14.32JefferyMthat there is
23:15.10Greywhindi also looked at the list of current bugs, but I thought maybe you could let me know if you think you have a good one that i could start on
23:15.26JefferyMwhat kinda stuff do you want to do?
23:15.57Greywhindnot sure - at this point, i'd like to do anything that will introduce me to the code a bit
23:16.06Greywhindthe client, probably, rather than the server
23:16.09JefferyManything on the bug list look fun?
23:16.27Greywhindlet me check it again
23:16.38JefferyMif you havent' guessed, we arn't too big on asignments :)
23:18.10Greywhindwell, i looked a bit at the "Teleporter does not teleport bullets" bug, and a bit at the "Can't select chat recipient when using keyboard" one
23:18.20JefferyMcan you duplicate them?
23:19.26Greywhindwell, i tried to duplicate the chat recipient one, but i think to test it i'd have to have multiple other players in a server for the SVN client version... i tried adding bots, but the server crashed when there was more than 1 bot.
23:19.36*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
23:19.45blast007run several real clients
23:19.48JefferyMwell that looks like a bug to fix :)
23:20.07JefferyMbut I'm sure blast007, joevano , and spldart can help you test, they are great guys ;)
23:20.10leeguy921when i added bots, all of them left immediately, except one.
23:20.21Greywhindi can duplicate the segfault with the -solo <number> command and the server
23:20.28JefferyMcool, fix that one :)
23:20.50JefferyMevery little bit helps
23:22.08JefferyMyay, I can encrypt and decrypt files!
23:22.12leeguy921im svn'ing the code right now
23:22.22leeguy921why is the svn server so slow?
23:23.32bradits quite speedy here leeguy:)
23:25.28*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (n=tsykoduk@
23:25.40Greywhindhm. interesting. this time one of the bots quit, rather than a segfault
23:27.32leeguy921yup, that what happened to me
23:27.41Greywhindi guess i should svn update first
23:27.45Greywhindand recompile
23:28.12leeguy921how do you build with debug symbols?
23:29.44leeguy921it's ok, i got it
23:29.59JefferyMpulldown the build menu, change to debug and hit F5
23:31.47leeguy921im doing this from terminal. not usin an IDE
23:32.29JefferyMok, so go to the VC site, download the installer, install the IDE, and then go ;)
23:32.29leeguy921so i did ./configure --enable-debug
23:32.52leeguy921im in linux, i doubt VC work sin there(im not sure, though)
23:33.20JefferyMok, so get a vista cd, throw that in there, wipe the partion, then go online and get VC, etc...
23:33.23JefferyMit's rather simple
23:33.28GreywhindBZFlag takes quite a long time to compile
23:33.36JefferyMit can yeah
23:33.44JefferyMhow many cores did you have it use?
23:34.08JefferyMhow many cores do you have?
23:34.23JefferyMit helps a lot to have it do 3 at a time on a dual core
23:34.59JefferyMthen it always has one ready to go
23:35.09JefferyMthe OS is going to swap out the cores anyway
23:35.16JefferyMso cores +1 is optimal
23:35.24Greywhindhm. k. what's the parameter?
23:36.09JefferyMthat, sadly I do not remember
23:36.34JefferyM-j 3 maybe?
23:36.55Greywhindalso, i'm apparently getting an error when compiling after this update
23:37.01Greywhindmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `XfireGameClient.cpp', needed by `XfireGameClient.o'.  Stop.
23:37.14JefferyMdid you rerun configure?
23:37.25JefferyMhow about autogen?
23:37.38JefferyMthat file was renamed to cxx,
23:37.41JefferyMyeah redo autogen
23:37.47JefferyMso it'll make the makefiles again
23:37.51leeguy921it seems like compiling in linux would be quicker than installin vista, dling VC, and doing it in there... is there any advantage to buildin on win?
23:38.05JefferyMleeguy921, deepends on how good your connection is
23:38.13JefferyMyeah, you get a vc, and a kickass debuger
23:38.28JefferyMmulticore builds by default
23:38.33JefferyMand clicky buttons
23:38.47leeguy921but.....its windoze............ :(
23:39.09JefferyMthen you wait for it to build, and deal with gdb ;)
23:39.13JefferyMcan't stand gdb
23:39.14leeguy921also i am on Athlon 64 3700
23:39.37JefferyM754 or socket A?
23:39.48leeguy921is that worse?
23:39.49JefferyMI"m so sorry
23:40.07JefferyMno DDR2 for you
23:40.08leeguy921this computer was really fast when i put it together ~6 years ago
23:40.18JefferyMthat's 50 years in computer time
23:40.32JefferyMIIRC the 3700 was never a top end chip
23:40.44JefferyMbut whatever works
23:40.49leeguy921my laptop has a core2 5250. it is quite a bit faster
23:41.06JefferyMindeed, the core chips are a good design
23:41.11JefferyMunlike that nasty P4
23:41.35Greywhind-j 3 was correct, apparently.
23:41.47Greywhindstill getting the error though
23:41.49Greywhindmake[2]: *** No rule to make target `XfireGameClient.cpp', needed by `XfireGameClient.o'.  Stop.
23:42.12JefferyMguess the makefiles didn't get updated
23:43.47leeguy921im compiling bzf3, downloading insight(i wanna try it out), and trying to come up with a protocol for BZ2D.
23:45.17JefferyMGreywhind, in your /src/bzflag/
23:45.27JefferyMdoes it say XfireGameClient.cxx\
23:45.31JefferyMor XfireGameClient.cpp\
23:45.54JefferyMthen it makes no sense why you are trying to build .cpp
23:46.03JefferyMsomething in your dir need to be cleaned out
23:46.08JefferyMyou have some old stuff somehow
23:46.16JefferyMmake dist clean maybe
23:46.21BulletCatcherGreywhind, do a "make distclean", then, configure, make
23:46.22JefferyMor just make clean
23:46.26JefferyMyeah that
23:46.35JefferyMI knew it was something like that
23:47.29Greywhindit should still be making the XFireGameClient stuff on Linux?
23:48.05trepanor, edit src/bzflag/.deps/XfireGameClient.Po  (probably cause)
23:48.38trepanthe autoconf setup doesn't appear to handle rename/removes gracefully
23:51.09leeguy921yup, i just built it, it works in linux.
23:51.30leeguy921but the server doesnt crash, it just kicks all of the bots except 1
23:56.27Greywhindmake distclean fixed the problem.
23:59.52*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (

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