IRC log for #bzflag on 20081220

00:01.37*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
00:07.08*** part/#bzflag Shaba1 (
00:18.07*** join/#bzflag swigg (n=Paul@bzflag/player/Swigg)
00:25.51*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
01:39.42*** part/#bzflag forrestv (
01:44.46*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
01:55.57*** join/#bzflag Ratfink (
02:09.01blast007Ratfink:  ?
02:09.10RatfinkI'm testing my internet
02:09.16a_meteoritecan you test it without IRC?
02:09.23Ratfinkif it disconnects, I know what is wrong
02:09.37blast007Ratfink: automatic spam disconnect?  :P
02:10.00a_meteoriteif it stops pinging, you know either you went down, or google was attacked by the soviets
02:10.03blast007could always join an empty channel instead of being here
02:10.05a_meteoriteyour choice
02:10.13Ratfinkoh yeah *blush*
02:10.19Ratfinkforgot about the ping command
02:10.38Ratfinkguess I'll do that now
02:11.16a_meteoriteI used my head to help a fellow rat in need.
02:17.02*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
02:17.18*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
02:33.16*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (
02:38.31*** join/#bzflag swigg (n=Paul@bzflag/player/Swigg)
02:41.49*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
03:05.10*** join/#bzflag ShadowSpectre__ (
03:12.40*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
03:31.11*** join/#bzflag Fiberchunks (
03:51.49*** part/#bzflag delusional (n=delusion@unaffiliated/delusional)
03:59.54*** join/#bzflag forrest`a (
04:03.35*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
04:14.29*** join/#bzflag delusional (
04:14.42*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
04:39.23*** part/#bzflag forrest`a (
04:40.34*** join/#bzflag TimRiker (n=timr@bzflag/projectlead/TimRiker)
04:40.34*** mode/#bzflag [+o TimRiker] by ChanServ
05:06.18*** join/#bzflag KingRobot1 (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
05:20.31*** part/#bzflag KingRobot1 (n=mathew@unaffiliated/kingrobot)
05:22.35*** join/#bzflag bier__ (
05:39.14*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
06:12.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
06:21.01*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (
06:24.57*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
06:55.24*** join/#bzflag Greywhind_ (
07:11.23*** join/#bzflag Admirarc1 (
08:29.39*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (n=mathias@
08:37.06*** join/#bzflag statico (
08:45.46javawizard2539123 API methods bound to Java, 35 more to go
08:45.51javawizard2539And then a whole lotta class methods...
08:46.54javawizard2539correction: 123 API methods generated by my auto-generated, 35 that it won't generate due to lists and stuff, and then a whole lotta class methods...
08:50.00AAA_awrightjavawizard2539: For what?
08:53.40javawizard2539AAA_awright: I'm writing a plugin that allows plugins to be written in Java
08:54.39trepanc++, python, javascript, lua, java  --  thar be options
08:56.49javawizard2539trepan: javascript != java
08:57.04javawizard2539But I like that one too, just that I haven't been able to get it to compile on windows :)
08:57.08trepanjavawizard2539: reread
08:57.40javawizard2539AAA_awright: ecmascript != java
08:57.51trepan< javawizard2539> trepan: javascript != java   <--  reread what I wrote
08:58.08trepanit's bloody apparently that having listed them separately i understand that they are not the same
08:58.14javawizard2539oh, heh
08:58.16javawizard2539didn't see that
08:58.21javawizard2539I just saw the topic post
08:59.17AAA_awrightjavawizard2539: That is why I called it ECMAScript and not Javascript (which is different anyways, it has functions defined)
08:59.47javawizard2539um, ok
08:59.59javawizard2539still confused on why it's relevant, but...
09:00.10jh`javawizard you know about javascript?
09:00.23javawizard2539jh`: Yes
09:00.34AAA_awright AWESOME
09:00.49*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
09:00.54AAA_awrightExactly what I am trying to do with MasterBot
09:00.57jh`know a script called lightbox?
09:00.59javawizard2539runs over his modem with a tank
09:01.04trepan<+trepan> c++, python, javascript, lua, java  --  thar be options    <--  that's why it's relevant
09:01.14trepanjs lightbox?
09:01.25javawizard2539oh, heh
09:01.27javawizard25392:00AM isn't good for my brain
09:01.35trepanyup, lightbox, thickbox, etc...  used a bunch of 'em
09:02.00jh`i have some odd issue with it, when i try to use it in body onload
09:02.16jh`sometimes it crashes on ie
09:02.25trepanthat applies to most scripts  :)
09:02.27jh`never on firefox
09:02.52jh`wonder why it is just sometimes
09:02.58jh`not every time
09:03.17jh`does it have to do with page loading time or something
09:03.22trepancrashes ie, locks up ... ? attach a debugger to it
09:03.54jh`bla bla is null or not an object
09:04.12jh`bla bla=i dont remember what name variable it is
09:04.38trepanyou want a specific answer, you've got to trace the specific problem
09:05.55jh`just weird it dont crash everytime
09:05.59jh`like 1/20
09:07.08jh`this.options.container is null or not an object
09:42.27*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
10:37.56*** join/#bzflag zee441 (
12:14.38*** join/#bzflag LongDon1 (
12:27.19*** join/#bzflag kirun (
12:35.42*** part/#bzflag LongDon1 (
13:19.20*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
14:11.18*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
14:22.24*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
15:16.08*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
15:48.46*** join/#bzflag dcat (
16:06.38*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=khazhy@bzflag/player/Me1)
16:07.32me1woo, more spam. :\
16:23.35blast007me1: taken care of, thx
16:35.24*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
16:52.48*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
17:01.22*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
17:01.22*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
17:17.40*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
17:17.40*** mode/#bzflag [+o JeffM2501] by ChanServ
17:33.34*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
17:45.26*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
17:45.37*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
17:59.26*** join/#bzflag fahadAFG (
17:59.56fahadAFGI keep getting kicked off because of the UDP thing.
18:00.47fahadAFGUsing Vista, windows firewall disabled, Eset Smart Security enabled (turning it off doesn't help), and behind a Netgear WGR614 (other people behind it have no problems)
18:03.49fahadAFGbrb installing proper client
18:07.44*** join/#bzflag fahadsadah (
18:08.17fahadsadahI'm that guy who came on a sec ago, fahadAFG
18:08.18spldartThings move slow in here sometimes.. especially near a holiday. Wait a bit for a response.
18:12.44blast007fahadsadah: have you tried connecting the modem straight to the computer instead of through the router?
18:13.20blast007guess "a bit" means 4 minutes
18:25.47*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
18:26.35spldartPerhaps I should have said "hang out for a while"
18:26.50spldartstill resists the vista
18:28.19blast007probably some issue with his router
18:28.31blast007or his Eset Smart Security
18:44.59Winnycould be his ISP too
18:45.08Winnyrogers randomly drops all UDP packets sometimes
18:45.23Winnyfor days at a time
18:51.36*** join/#bzflag mmarshall (
18:53.55tsbzbb admins: Please look at
18:55.48JeffM2501yay more of em
18:56.02*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
18:56.28*** join/#bzflag javawizard2539 (
18:59.56blast007guess we're gonna have to implement some better spammer blocking code..
19:00.24blast007I already deleted some from earlier today
19:00.54MindstormsKidthinks we should make an AI spam filter
19:01.10MindstormsKidoh wait, those have a history of taking over :P
19:02.31DTRemenakthe boards that I've migrated to phpbb3 have seen a pretty good drop in spam
19:02.42DTRemenaknot to mention being way cooler ;)
19:03.49blast007meh, maybe I'll look into upgrading today or tomorrow
19:04.55MindstormsKidwonders if anyone got the joke -_-
19:05.15blast007MindstormsKid: I'm afraid I can't do that, MindstormsKid.
19:15.18JeffM2501blast007: maybe somethign with the website field
19:19.07*** join/#bzflag LongDon1 (
19:36.09*** part/#bzflag LongDon1 (
19:36.46blast007JeffM2501: or an autoban for anyone that mentions "runescape"  ;)  (jk)
19:40.05MindstormsKidblast007: do all physical objects (box, pyra, mesh, etc.) have the name, position, rotation, shootthrough and drivethrough options?
19:44.55*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
19:45.35MindstormsKidpokes blast007
19:52.26*** join/#bzflag swigg_ (
19:55.09javawizard2539MindstormsKid: I'm almost certain that name, position, and rotation are present on all those, but I'm not sure about shootthrough or drivethrough
19:56.02javawizard2539In the docs, it only shows shootthrough on groups, but I'd be surprised if it's not present on others as well
19:56.07javawizard2539suggests trying it out
20:00.30*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
20:00.30*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
20:05.43*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
20:06.15JeffM2501blast007: actualy I'd like to put some ban filters on websties
20:06.27JeffM2501that kinda stuff
20:07.11JeffM2501hopes dtr is packed
20:16.30*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
20:36.08trepanMindstormsKid: the FILE SYNTAX section of the manpage has what you want
21:11.42*** join/#bzflag steerpike (n=Unknown@unaffiliated/steerpike)
21:11.54steerpikewhy aren't the curl requests threaded?
21:13.04steerpikeit's the main reason why the program is slow to respond (ie, when the bzflag webserver is sluggish)
21:13.56steerpikeyou have to wait until the MOTD messages load before you can even use the menus
21:14.44*** join/#bzflag LongDon2 (
21:14.48steerpikeand how about some caching for the server list? :\
21:14.54*** part/#bzflag LongDon2 (
21:16.35trepancan set 'disableMOTD' to 1
21:16.44steerpikeyeah, but that's not my point
21:17.05trepanit's not done because you haven't submitted your patch yet?
21:20.38*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
21:37.49*** join/#bzflag Danji (
21:42.39*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@bzflag/contributor/SpazzyMcGee)
21:57.02*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@bzflag/developer/Constitution)
22:19.44*** join/#bzflag SunnyDay (i=45861af6@gateway/web/ajax/
22:20.52SunnyDayWill there be full screen radar on 3.0? :|
22:28.19Winnyno, fullscreen has been removed
22:28.22Winnyoh.. he left
22:51.41blast007steerpike: there is a caching option for the server list
22:53.00blast007has been for years
22:57.07steerpikewell, that's good then
22:57.16steerpikesorry ^_^
22:58.01steerpikewell, how about a option to refresh server list on demand?
22:59.35blast007patches welcome  ;)
22:59.56blast007I haven't looked recently at the 2.99.x server list though
23:00.11blast007it's a different UI for that version
23:11.08*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)
23:57.45*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@bzflag/developer/BulletCatcher)

Generated by Modified by Tim Riker to work with infobot.