IRC log for #bzflag on 20081112

00:03.17brlcadworks here
00:08.00*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
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01:09.30*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
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02:03.56*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron1 (n=ZeeBaron@
02:23.02*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
02:39.44*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
03:04.32*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
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05:55.03*** part/#bzflag TheRedBaron (n=ZeeBaron@
07:09.53*** join/#bzflag a_dead_man (
07:11.54a_dead_manknock knock
07:56.27*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
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10:51.16remotewhen i run bzflag in window mode, how do I escape the mouse control?
10:51.44remotecurrently it's impossible to drag the mouse out of bzflag so even if it's in window mode i can't go to any other application in my window manager
10:59.45delusionalin  options >> input settings ... confine mouse,  no
11:02.18delusionalanother mapper's trick is to find your  config.cfg  file, and  set showCoordinates 1
11:07.24*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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11:35.58*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
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14:08.34*** join/#bzflag Swigg (n=Default@bzflag/player/Swigg)
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14:34.32kierrabrlcad esta de vacacion?
14:34.41brlcadkierra: nope
14:34.54brlcadayer si
14:35.04kierraah, esta abajo
14:35.23brlcadgusta abajo
14:35.35brlcader, le yeah
14:35.39kierra* le gusta abajo
14:36.02kierrai have another favor to ask :)
14:36.20kierrayou are my goto man
14:36.42brlcadharia lo que sea para la bella kierra
14:37.12kierrameno should take lessons from you ;)
14:58.25Manuhola brlcad
14:58.28Manuhola kierra :)
15:13.50kierrahola Manu :)
15:27.49remotehola everyboy
15:35.08kierrahola remote
15:35.13kierraadios a todos
15:35.17*** part/#bzflag kierra (
15:45.53CIA-39BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r18910 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ServerLink.cxx: Initialize the starting time for network statistics collection.
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21:19.51tsI need a bit help regarding replays. If I have a replay, what will happen to the lag?
21:20.08JeffMthe server saves the packets when it gets them
21:20.19tsWill the bullets in the replay lag and the dodge as well in same ratio?
21:20.20JeffMso the client -> server lag is saved in the recording
21:20.33JeffMwhen you replay, you get your own server -> you lag
21:20.44JeffMso only 1/2 the lag is saved
21:21.14JeffMit will not give you the exact same state unless your current server -> you lag is the same as it was when the recording was made.
21:21.18tsI am afraid I'm not fully understanding
21:21.39JeffMlets say that when the recording was made your lag to the server was 100ms
21:21.50JeffMbut now your lag is 150ms
21:21.55tshmm, ok
21:22.04JeffMwhen watching the recording, you get all the messages 50ms later
21:22.18JeffMso they will not appear at the same place/time they did before
21:22.25JeffMsince they are offset by 50ms
21:22.40JeffMif your offset is constant, it may not matter much
21:22.50tsThat sounds awful
21:22.57JeffMbut there is no code to compensate for lag in bzflag
21:23.24JeffMyes it is, its all part of the core problem that no 2 clients ever have the same state
21:23.35JeffMbzflag was not meant to be played over the internet
21:24.00tsIs it valid to assume it'll stay the same when I watched the playing with 10ms lag and look at the replay with 10ms lag the player's positons won't change?
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21:24.24JeffMif your jitter is low, it's probalby not going to be that perceptable of a change
21:24.49tsMy jitter is usually 0, or 1 at most
21:24.59JeffMthen your lag is fairly constant
21:25.19JeffMthen all you are seeing is an offset of what the server saw
21:25.27JeffMthat dosn't mean thats what the recorded client saw
21:25.35JeffMbut it's what the server saw, and some players may have seen
21:26.35tsThe problem is when I'm looking at a scene I feel unable to interpret it
21:29.11tsLet's say a shooter has 50+-2ms and the target has 125+-3ms
21:29.11JeffMrecordings are not facts
21:29.11JeffMI would not use them for what I know you are trying to use them for
21:29.11JeffMjust make your descion on your gut and go with it, don't try to "prove" anything with science
21:29.11JeffMthe core problem is you do not know the lag for each packet
21:29.11JeffMso there is always a possiblitly that ONE packet is off by something
21:29.12tsI'm wondering about when I see the target being inside the shot vector (it would hit without lag) approx 160ms.
21:29.12JeffMwe don't do per message lag
21:29.29JeffMhow can you be sure that the person being shot saw themselves inside the shot vector?
21:30.07tsTarget started to dodge and was pretty far away
21:30.30JeffMthat dosn't answer the question
21:30.41JeffMis there any way that recording can tell you that the person's client knew it had goten hit?
21:31.00tsKnowing is impossible. I can't see the person's screen.
21:31.24JeffMall you have is a recording of lagy packets, that your client is then also applying DR to
21:31.36JeffMit will not tell you anything conclusive
21:31.43JeffMit can just help you guess
21:31.47tsIt's a fair guess someone sees the shot when it's obvious he tries to avoid the bullet
21:31.57JeffMyeah it is
21:33.15tsHmm, the shots may lag as well in the replay, right?
21:33.41JeffMevery message may
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21:33.48tsor they could be shot faster than I see
21:34.07JeffMdpending on the instnat lag of each message sure
21:34.26JeffMall you have is a recording of when the server got each message
21:34.36JeffMreplay will send those back out on that same timing
21:35.31tsI got the impression that the timing might be completly wrong in the replay.
21:35.31JeffMwrong from who's perspective?
21:35.37JeffMwrong from when the other clients realy did receive the message?
21:35.45JeffMwrong from what the sender sent it?
21:36.00JeffMI belive they are accurate from when the server got them
21:36.03JeffMthat is it
21:36.18JeffMonce they leave the server, it has no say over how long they take
21:36.51tsWrong in the way that it can't resemble what happened for the target
21:37.08JeffMit can't
21:37.15JeffMit won't ever be exactly the same
21:37.32JeffMyou can not expect a replay to show a client watching it, exactly what any other client saw
21:37.37JeffMduring the real event
21:37.50JeffMheck, all the clients during the real event saw something slightly differnet anyway
21:37.55JeffMthat's the nature of our networking system
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21:38.27JeffMall you are seeing is what it would have looked like to you if you had been connected to the server with your current lag, at the time of the event.
21:38.34tsI see, that means the actual game works exactly the same (with limitation to observers connections)?
21:38.55JeffMI do not understand that statement
21:39.05JeffMthe gamestate for every connected user is different
21:39.35JeffMif we are both on the same server, where I see a shot right now is not where you see the same shot at the same real time
21:40.48tsThat's obvious because of network lag my packet telling I shot takes a while to reach server and a while to reach you from server.
21:40.48JeffMwell that and the fact that we don't lag comp the shot
21:40.53JeffMwhen I shoot, I start the shot at my XY
21:40.56JeffMand move it
21:41.12ts"move it"?
21:41.14JeffMwhen you get the shot, 100ms later you add it to your world at that XY and move it
21:41.21JeffMgive it a velocity and update it every frame
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21:41.52JeffMso at +100MS, your shot is at XY but mine has moved for 100MS and is now at a different XY
21:43.06tsyour shot would be nearer to me (in assumption I'm far away)
21:43.33JeffMon my screen yeah
21:43.39JeffMso on my screen I see the shot go thru you
21:43.46JeffMbut on your screen it hasn't
21:43.57JeffMMy eyes say you should be dead
21:44.01JeffMbut your client says no
21:44.05tsHrm, the more I think about that kind of world state, the more I feel like it's a pretty bad joke
21:44.05JeffMand you move out of the way
21:44.27JeffMagain, bzflag was NOT writen with the internet and high letency in mind
21:44.39JeffMit was intended for the latency to be close to the frame rate
21:44.44JeffMwhere none of this matters
21:44.57tsheh, as if I didn't know what it was written for :)
21:45.17tsI'm just screwed with understanding how things work
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21:46.47*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak (i=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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21:46.48*** mode/#bzflag [+ov TimRiker DTRemenak] by
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21:46.54JeffMit's very simple to see how bzflag works
21:46.54tse.g. I don't see how much "too late" I could dodge without being shot
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21:46.58JeffMwhat you can not do is make the assumption that a recording will give you any kind of "fact" about what a client may have seen
21:46.58JeffMthere is no way for you to know where that shot would have been on that guy's screen
21:47.00JeffMso you can only make a guess
21:47.00tsWhen it comes to interpretation in practical cases I've major problems
21:47.27JeffMthe use of recordings for what you are doing is stupid IMHO
21:47.27JeffMwatch the guy live, and make a choice based on your gut
21:47.27JeffMdon't try to use math and scient to solve a social problem
21:47.45Fiberchunkssays "Stand back, JeffM is going to attempt science!"
21:47.47JeffMif he realy is causing a problem to the game, then boot him, it dosn't matter what the techincal reason is.
21:48.08*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
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21:48.08*** mode/#bzflag [+ov JBdiGriz trepan] by
21:48.12JeffMFiberchunks, not in all cases :)
21:48.30ts"I don't like the way you dodge shots" isn't a very good reason for a ban, in my humble opionion
21:48.31JeffMif we were sure we had a lag compensating client
21:48.42JeffMts then he isn't causing a game breaking problem, and drop it
21:48.47JeffMat that point it's a waste of your time
21:49.32JeffMI mean unless you just want to be a petty and vengfull bastard
21:50.05*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
21:51.36tsI've been swearing so much behind my desk when I constantly shoot through laggy opponents and they begin to dodge after my shot has gone through, I just want to get a rough idea of where they see the actual bullet
21:51.54JeffMts have you tried decafinated coffie?
21:52.26JeffMif you see them dodge after you shoot them, then it is that exact case I described
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21:52.37JeffMsince it takes THERE motions there lag + your lag to get back to you
21:52.58JeffMyou probalby look exactly the same to them
21:53.11tsI usually play with strong emotions (but I don't message them)
21:53.23JeffMit's a game, you should chill out
21:53.35Fiberchunksbzflag, ftw! yarrrrrrr!
21:53.41JeffMthe game you want to play has lag compensation
21:53.48JeffMso you can be fairly sure that what you see is what they see
21:54.00tsThe game must work the very way you wrote..just hoped for a little hint of where my bullets might be
21:54.23JeffMin a lag compensated game, when you get my shot message, you don't just put the shot down at XY, you know it's been in transit for 100ms, and advance it the same distance I did, then add it
21:54.31JeffMthen our 2 shots are in the same place at the same time.
21:56.03tsThat case would be "interesting" with high lag from the shooter :)
21:56.19JeffMtrue, he may just see the shot "appear" right in front of him
21:56.27JeffMbut that's his fault for being a laggy bastard
21:57.07JeffMlets say that you have a lag of 500ms
21:57.08tsI thought the shooter would be the lagger, not the victim
21:57.21JeffMdepends who has the lag :)
21:57.27JeffMlets say you have 500ms lag right?
21:57.40JeffMand you are 495ms away from me in "shot time"
21:57.41tsHmm, ok :)
21:57.44JeffMI shoot
21:58.01JeffMor wait, lets say you are 550 ms away from me in shot time
21:58.06JeffMI shoot
21:58.14JeffM500ms later you get the shot message
21:58.30JeffMyour client says "oh it's been shot for 500ms, let me put the shot where it would be now"
21:58.36JeffMand it moves the shot 50ms away from you
21:58.54JeffMso right then, BAM, you see a shot appear right next to you
21:59.00JeffMyou don't have time to dodge it, and you die
21:59.12JeffMbut on my screen I saw the shot travel the entire distance
21:59.17JeffMyou just didn't move
21:59.31JeffMbecause your lag is so high you are at a disadvantage
21:59.41tsThe same thing would work exactly the other way around
21:59.56JeffMbut at least eveyrone has the shot in the same place
22:00.07JeffMit dosn't solve every one of our problems
22:00.14JeffMbut it at least makes more of them constant
22:00.47JeffMbased on the shot and tank speeds there would be a "playable" max lag
22:00.50tsI wonder, would that kind of logic be feasible and wanted for the svn trunk version?
22:01.00JeffMthat is in trunk now
22:01.16JeffMthe Z axis for DR is busted tho
22:01.21tsJeez, and I didn't notice :o
22:01.29JeffMit's been in for over a year
22:01.58brlcadciao Manu
22:02.00JeffMMsgWhatTimeIsIt works to create a server side synced clock, and each client stamps shots and movement updates with the server time
22:02.23JeffMso we have a constant stamp to compensate on
22:02.40tsZ-axis..hmm, just thinking of what it is in bzflag's coordinate system. Is BZFlag turned at an angle and uses right-hand?
22:02.55JeffMyes we use right hand rule
22:03.00tsAh thanks
22:03.01JeffMand Z is up
22:03.21JeffMthere is a double comp somewhere in the Z DR
22:03.24JeffMbranch has it
22:03.33tsWas just putting my hand in some "funny" position and playing with my fingers to get the figure right :)
22:03.36JeffMit just seems to show up worse in trunk due to the lag comp
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22:05.00tsWell, haven't seen anyone playing at trunk for a looong time
22:05.13L4m3rwoo, my shirts have shipped! :)
22:05.22JeffMthat it did L4m3r
22:05.34JeffMI just have 2 more packages to send out and they will all be done
22:05.51JeffMyours went too IIRC
22:06.03JeffMI just have Temp distractions, and Winny's to ship
22:06.27JeffMthey will go tomorow
22:07.29Thumper_JeffM: do you have any medium size green shirts?
22:07.47JeffMwe did not order any extra in any color other then chestnut
22:07.51JeffMhence the preorder
22:08.02Thumper_ok thx. can you ping me for the next preorder?
22:08.12JeffMThumper_, nope there is no way I will remember
22:08.14tsThanks for the explanation Jeff
22:08.20Thumper_fair enough :)
22:08.22JeffMyou can sign up to be notified at the store for product updates
22:08.32Thumper_goes to look
22:08.32JeffMI send out a newsletter before we do any preorders
22:08.45JeffMts, sure thing I hope it helped
22:09.10tsYes, I do now realize measuring is a no-go
22:11.18Thumper_JeffM: thx.  that'll work.
22:11.27Thumper_totally missed the last round of orders
22:13.20JeffMI do have one XXL in prarie dust that is extra
22:13.27JeffMit is the awesome one
22:13.39JeffMI totaly should have done all of them in that clor
22:14.13Thumper_XXL is kinda big for my 7yr old :)
22:14.22Thumper_sure he'll grow into it... someday maybe
22:14.22Fiberchunksgrow into it :)
22:15.29JeffMthis is the chestnut one
22:15.42JeffMbut this is the dust one,
22:15.52JeffMmill green came out good too
22:16.38JeffMmisses his sand hoodie :(
22:18.34Thumper_JeffM:  those links are identical
22:18.47brlcadstill thinks it looks a bit like BZAag
22:18.53JeffMhit next
22:19.10JeffMyeah probably should have put some more space in the F and L
22:19.25JeffMgood thing this was our smallest order
22:20.26JeffMI'm not sure how I feel about the contest Idea as a whole
22:20.30brlcadthe hoodies are the best
22:20.42JeffMthe one for LH went out today
22:20.49JeffMsent it to the googleplex
22:20.52brlcadreally, why?
22:21.06brlcadliked the contest -- got folks interested and working
22:21.08JeffMthe turn out wasn't as a good as a I hoped
22:21.09brlcadjust needed "more"
22:21.14JeffMit was a lot of work
22:21.25JeffMI think some feelings got hurt
22:21.40JeffMand the fact that we were prety much commited to using ONE of the submited designs
22:22.25JeffMI'd like to formalise a few more things before we do another one
22:22.28brlcadall the more reason to host it again and give others a chance, maybe stipulate that past winners can't win consecutively
22:22.30JeffMbut I'm not against another one
22:22.41JeffMyeah maybe
22:22.49brlcadyeah, I think a little more formality would have gone a long ways
22:22.55brlcadmore advance notice of the competition
22:23.05JeffMa better timeline on it all
22:23.37JeffMthe money part went smother then I had figured it would, so that's good
22:24.02JeffMI do wish we had vector art tho
22:24.28JeffMthe raster to vector they did has a few small errors in a couple places
22:24.29brlcadknowing a couple months in advance, throw in some prizes for the top three to spread the love, formal timeline and rules, sample submission "packet"
22:25.12JeffMhave to see how long it'll take to sell out of these
22:25.20JeffMwe still have a few blues left
22:27.12JeffMwe got 0 international pre-orders this time
22:27.58AAA_awrightOhh, did anyone notice the new tracker?
22:28.25AAA_awrightWhen did they put that out? Usually they note updates in an email...
22:29.20JeffMthey need a color and design class
22:29.32JeffMorange + white + lime green... WTF?
22:29.50brlcadAAA_awright: they sent out an e-mail saying there's a new site status section to the site with feeds
22:29.50AAA_awrightHm, nvm, they sent out the email two months ago
22:29.55brlcadso you have to ask for the updates
22:30.23brlcadbut yeah, the next tracker has been fully in place for several months, was in beta like 6 months ago
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23:11.27CIA-39BZFlag: 03trepan * r18911 10/branches/trepan/: * removing before bitrot start to stink up the joint
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23:31.38trepans/$/, bah, black sheep, have you any wool?/
23:32.43me1yes sir, yes sir, three bags full
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23:37.31me1now you're just adding random \'s
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23:58.05a_meteoriteme1: you need a \ to escape a \... thus \\
23:58.23a_meteoriteI ... think ... escaping gets complicated very fast :)

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