IRC log for #bzflag on 20081103

00:04.49*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk_ (
00:06.43*** join/#bzflag TD---Linux (
00:45.37CBGI would imagine a Zune looks much better when it's smoking.
01:01.36blast007only if it's next to a iPod that's on fire after being smashed with a hammer
01:28.09Think_Differentlif rockbox was ported to the zune, i'd buy one.
01:33.48*** join/#bzflag Pimpi_ (
01:34.24*** join/#bzflag ryanakca (n=ryan@ubuntu/member/ryanakca)
01:35.50ryanakcaI'm guessing there's nothing to do about people using cheat clients on public servers until the server admin shows up?
01:40.29JeffM2501it's up to the owner to decide what they want to do, so not really
01:40.33JeffM2501pollban if it's enabled
01:41.27ryanakcaJeffM2501: isn't, sadly :/
01:41.49JeffM2501then it is a poorly run server, simply play elsewhere
01:41.55JeffM2501there are LOTS of servers :)
01:43.09spldartUhm... Wow... getting 3d set up properly in lenny is proving way more difficult than just doing a complete build of trunk in lenny :( I was only getting 8 to 10 fps with my last nights build. Was wondering why.
01:50.04*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (n=a_meteor@
01:55.45*** join/#bzflag longhair (
02:01.00*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
02:12.35*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
02:47.29*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
02:50.20*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
02:58.34*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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03:08.33*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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03:11.53*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron (n=kemhof@
05:29.58*** join/#bzflag Legoguy (
05:33.55*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
06:23.16*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
06:24.24*** join/#bzflag PrezKennnedy (
09:17.44*** join/#bzflag tsykoduk (
12:32.39*** join/#bzflag QuantumT1m (n=tim@
12:54.33*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
12:54.42*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
13:07.01*** join/#bzflag brad (
13:22.10joevanoWhere in the world are our devs?
13:23.09joevanosee if you can find em..
14:00.06Manujoevano: find wally ;)
14:00.52Manujoevano: I guess found Sean
14:01.20joevanoyeah that one was easy, just look for the guns and the hat ;)
14:01.31Manuhehe true :)
14:01.44Manujoevano: and the arms ;)
14:04.00Manujoevano: is JeffM the one in the right?
14:05.42joevanoim not sure
14:06.14Manulooks him after eat some bzflag player ;)
14:08.12joevanohehe.. ive only seen him with a beard
14:08.29joevanocould be
14:09.32joevanoDTRemenak was there too, i think.. but I don't see him
14:10.32joevanocould possibly be front row 2nd from left, but no glasses
14:30.41Manujoevano: or two left 1 up from Sean
14:31.42joevanoah, maybe
14:31.50*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
14:32.16Manu~wake brad
14:32.16ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on brad and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
14:32.38Manu~wake brlcad
14:32.39ibotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on brlcad and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
14:32.46Manusilly autocompletion :/
14:34.48brlcadbrad deserved it
14:35.09brlcaddtr is easy.. jeff's the hard one to find
14:35.38Manubrlcad: isn't Jeff the one in the right of the pic? (after eat a bzflag player) ;)
14:35.49Manuor the one close to you?
14:36.14Manuto find JeffM.. look for the beer
14:36.46Manubrlcad: I see there is one older than me in the pic ;)
14:37.27brlcadjeff is not near me
14:37.44Manubrlcad: so the one in the right of the pic?
14:38.07brlcadheh, nope
14:38.34*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron1 (n=kemhof@
14:38.36brlcadhe's really hard to find actually
14:39.00Manuonly shows the head?
14:40.19Manubrlcad: in the upper row?
14:40.23brlcadbtw, that's not a picture of everyone -- there were plenty of others that didn't make the trip
14:40.38brlcadwe had to walk across the facility to get to the Android statue
14:40.44*** join/#bzflag spldart (n=short_ci@bzflag/contributor/spldart)
14:40.44*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
14:42.08brlcadpretty easy to find JBdiGriz
14:42.26brlcadthe group photo before that one is even better though
14:43.50Manudunno if I have ever seen a pic of JBdiGriz
14:44.18Manuprobably I must look for one with kids around him ;)
14:47.42brlcadyou can see everyone better here:
14:48.15``Erik_now that's a lot of nerds
14:49.40Manubrlcad: yes, I see jeffm there.. (I guess)
14:52.06Manu``Erik_: no nerds there :-p
14:52.50Manuprobably geeks ;)
14:53.27``Erik_all geeks, but a lot of nerds, ... :D
14:53.33*** join/#bzflag [dmp]_ (
15:11.17*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
15:11.59*** join/#bzflag [dmp]_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:11.59*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron1 (n=kemhof@
15:12.00*** join/#bzflag Greywhind ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:12.00*** join/#bzflag ``Erik_ (
15:12.00*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:12.00*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper)
15:12.00*** mode/#bzflag [+v Thumper_] by
15:27.59*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
15:35.23joevanoDTR was easy to spot in the second pic
15:35.34*** join/#bzflag [dmp]_ ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:35.34*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron1 (n=kemhof@ [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:35.34*** join/#bzflag ``Erik_ (
15:35.34*** join/#bzflag CBG (n=CBG@about/essy/fan/CBG)
15:35.35*** join/#bzflag Thumper_ (n=Thumper@about/essy/coffeeAddict/Thumper) [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
15:35.35*** mode/#bzflag [+v Thumper_] by
15:36.24joevanomust be jeff right behind him
15:36.43joevanocan still see the big guns in that pic too ;)
15:40.30joevanobrlcad: is that JB to your right?
15:40.59joevanofound a pic of him on SportCicks's web site ;)
15:48.26joevanobzflag was finally mentioned in the dr who podcast that was talked about on the forums a few months ago
15:54.26*** join/#bzflag bier (
16:09.06*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
16:26.22blast007joevano: wow, looks like an older version in that screenshot
16:27.08joevanoi thought it looked funny, couldn't put my finger on it
16:27.33TheRedBaronlooks like the 'g' version
16:27.56blast007can't find any of those names on the stats site either
16:28.18TheRedBaronor early 1.10
16:31.36*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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16:33.16*** join/#bzflag dexter- (n=whodaman@bzflag/player/Dexter)
16:35.26brlcad"we cannot fire where it is, only where it was"
16:40.01TheRedBaronI like the new ./configure output
16:40.06TheRedBaronfor 2.99
16:45.48*** join/#bzflag KTL (
17:02.43TheRedBaronbtw - configure reports this error:
17:04.44TheRedBaronits that because i ran --disable-client ?
17:08.00brlcadthe first line doesn't have anything to do with the following lines
17:09.15TheRedBaronyea.  that I know.  I didn't mean to copy that line
17:09.52TheRedBaronthe reason why I asked about --disable-client, is I'm not sure if i even have x11 on this machine.  Its a server with no video card.
17:10.56TheRedBaronand there is these warnings from 'make':
17:16.35brlcadTheRedBaron: is that head or branch?
17:16.56brlcadbecause the line numbers don't seem to match up on head, and I don't care about branch :)
17:17.53brlcadactually it adds up but implies that htonl is a macro on your system
17:18.30TheRedBaronbrlcad: its head
17:18.44TheRedBaronjust checked out revision 18900
17:18.50brlcadk, yeah -- doesn't seem important
17:19.34TheRedBaronok.  I was just following instructions.  ./configure told me to report it :)
17:27.17Manushadowed declarations :)
17:29.46CIA-38BZFlag: 03dtremenak * r18901 10/trunk/bzflag/ include header dependency when checking for xf86vm
17:29.48DTRemenakTheRedBaron: that should take care of the configure warning
17:56.47KTLManu, do you have any news about that kernel issue that hangs my input to bzflag?
17:56.54KTLi did not downgrade
17:57.14KTL(and am getting extremely pissed with my handicap)
17:59.59KTL(i can play with a broken hand, i cant play with a broken kernel)
18:03.49*** join/#bzflag Greywhind (
18:08.04KTLis going to try it all: killing all processes that possibly could interfere, removing kernel modules, recompiling kernel (if i figure out what of it can be changed)
18:10.48*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (
18:13.56MindstormsKidwho are those people? O_o
18:14.58Greywhindhey look - it's me, upside-down
18:19.20*** join/#bzflag temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
18:24.38*** join/#bzflag red-der (
18:26.49*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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18:31.18JeffMI look sad
18:32.40*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
18:33.11GreywhindJeffM: but at least you don't look upside-down :P
18:33.28JeffMGreywhind, yeah but the rotatate function can fix that for you
18:33.41Greywhindvery true
18:36.38MindstormsKidwonders which one JeffM is
18:37.36*** join/#bzflag MB3 (
18:37.48joevanoMindstormsKid: he is one of them between DTR and brlcad ;)
18:38.27joevanoah, that pic makes me sick
18:38.34*** part/#bzflag temp_work (n=temporal@bzflag/serverop/TemporalDistraction)
18:38.48joevanoMindstormsKid: cancel that comment it was meant for the prvious pic
18:39.01*** topic/#bzflag by Erroneous -> Topic for #bzflag is: || || this channel is logged at || || 2.0.12 is the latest linux release, 2.0.10 for others
18:39.05JeffMI'm not actualy near brlcad in that one
18:40.35JeffMdtr is way in the back
18:40.51Erroneoushiding from the camera, as usual ;)
18:40.59joevanoyour opposite brl correct
18:42.20joevanoah.. there you are DTR
18:43.34BulletCatcherHow was the camera supported?
18:43.56joevanoits a new google hoover camera.. shh
18:44.13*** join/#bzflag KTL (
18:44.38ManuKTL: kernel issue?
18:44.52Manuwhat kernel?
18:45.11KTLthat the games doesnt get my input on time sometimes, i dont jump or i jump later, that kind of things
18:45.26KTL2.6.26 with vserver patches
18:45.59ManuI tried 2.6.26 and use actually 2.6.27 and didn't experienced any issues
18:46.10Manubut not vserver patch I guess
18:46.32KTLi did closed the xserver, only ran one for bzflag now, with nice -4, stopped several services, ... and i didnt have it again
18:46.40ManuKTL: I use kvm ;)
18:47.09KTLbut i could be mistaken, next time i will do a /etc/init.d/ virtualbox-ose en vmware stop
18:47.37KTLManu, i just went to virtual box coming from vmware :)
18:47.56ManuI use both, virtualbox and kvm
18:48.08KTLand didnt you need a patched kernel for that?
18:48.08Manubut kvm is handy to test things ;)
18:48.17blast007KTL: have you tried a kernel that doesn't have anything for virtualization in it?  ;)
18:48.32ManuKTL: I don't need any patch to run it
18:48.56Manublast007: :)
18:49.11KTLmmm's a bit messy to get nvidia to work everytime :)
18:49.23Manupoints KTL to occam's razor ;)
18:49.40ManuKTL: I use it with both, nvidia and ati
18:50.44TheRedBaronshaves Manu with occam's razor
18:50.53KTLpffff it's just mindbreaking, i want to shoot ... no bullets i keep on rotating ... rotate against a wall bang bullet came
18:51.24ManuKTL: the only problem with KVM is you need a cpu with virtualization featura to get high perfomance ;)
18:52.05Manuvirtualbox performs better in a normal cpu
18:52.54KTLbtw ... i saw lots of patches for bzflag the last days
18:52.57ManuTheRedBaron: too late I was just saved ;)
18:53.00KTLis a release coming?
18:53.06ManuTheRedBaron: shaved*
18:53.21ManuKTL: good question ;)
18:53.35ManuKTL: there is a difference between coming and coming soon ;)
18:53.41Manuso yes, it's coming :-p
18:54.19blast007It's going to be coined the 'Ragnarok Release'
19:01.55*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
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19:11.27*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@bzflag/player/ThinkDifferent)
19:21.54*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=khazhy@bzflag/player/Me1)
19:33.03*** join/#bzflag TheRedBaron1 (n=kemhof@
20:48.57JeffMis somehow amazed at how cool simple layer effects can look :)
20:50.52*** join/#bzflag kirun (n=kirun@
21:08.58blast007error I'm getting from building trunk:
21:10.03JeffMblast007, linux is never done.
21:10.07JeffMit's never sleeps
21:10.10JeffMalways watching
21:11.37*** join/#bzflag Deepa|AFK ( [NETSPLIT VICTIM]
21:15.50*** join/#bzflag CIA-41 (n=CIA@
21:59.36*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
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22:01.07blast007JeffM: I just like how it's trying to run 'Done.' as a command  ;)
22:05.52*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
22:10.26*** join/#bzflag Abominable (
22:10.42blast007bah, and I didn't set up my port forwarding right, so I can get to that system  :(
22:30.42*** join/#bzflag Abominable (
22:40.19*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
23:02.58*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (i=l4m3r@bzflag/developer/L4m3r)
23:02.58*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r_] by ChanServ

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