IRC log for #bzflag on 20081022

00:02.07*** join/#bzflag Gnurdux (
00:17.04*** join/#bzflag AHA (n=aha@bzflag/player/aHeartAttack)
00:32.15*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=Jeff@bzflag/projectadmin/JeffM)
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00:37.57TD-Linuxhas AWESOME hills
00:38.06TD-Linuxas in, rediculously awesome
00:38.24TD-Linuxas in, if someone knows the author of that map, those hills should get included in bzflag
00:41.33JeffM2501what do you mean?
00:42.25me1The map uses a custom mountains texture
00:42.36JeffM2501ahh texture
00:42.40JeffM2501what license is it?
00:42.59me1"if someone knows the author of that map,"
00:43.29JeffM2501download the map, find the material, find the dir in and find the author/license
00:45.35JeffM2501ahh old URLS
00:46.02JeffM2501that should have been converted to .net by now
00:46.25JeffM2501wonder when tim is going to do that
00:47.15WinnyJeffM2501: well, judging his speed on other things ;)
00:47.22JeffM2501yeah no crap
00:47.38WinnyI'd schedule it for right around the 3.0 release
00:47.46JeffM2501it needs to be done before that
00:48.03JeffM2501then it's not a mad scramble
00:58.10pacman87reload only shows up after you shoot
00:59.02pacman87still needs the "X / Y" text
00:59.32me1I'd be nice knowing the total amount of shots right there on the hud, without shooting them all
01:02.26pacman87me1: did you see
01:03.28pacman87do you think "X / Y" for available/total shots would work?
01:03.52me1btw, if you don't put a space after the url, the commas and question marks are include in the link
01:03.58TD-LinuxI kind of like the way it is
01:04.02TD-Linuxyou can make the white lighter
01:04.07TD-Linuxbut it doesn't obscure shots
01:04.14TD-Linuxbecause it's white and only rabbit shots are that color
01:04.21TD-Linuxby lighter I mean more transparent
01:04.33pacman87except on pillbox, when the shots are red/green while reloading :(
01:04.55me1I don't think anyone is going to miss a bullet because of a reloader
01:05.05TD-Linuxnor do I
01:05.09pacman87raises his hand
01:05.17pacman87it's happened to me a few times
01:05.25TD-Linuxthat's odd
01:05.37me1But this way looks cooler, but if you are going to have them only appear when you shot them, and x/y would be nice
01:05.37pacman87shot coming in at exactly that angle
01:05.42me1or at least a y (total)
01:05.53TD-Linuxis strongly against x/y
01:06.18TD-Linuxit's harder to see
01:06.21pacman87what about a lightly tinted background for the total amount of shots?
01:06.35TD-Linuxsame reason cars have analog speedometers
01:06.49TD-Linuxpacman87, that just obscures the hud more
01:07.00me1TD-Linux, what do you propose?
01:07.05TD-Linuxmaybe you can just make it more transparent
01:07.10JeffM2501actualy all hud items will have to have a tinted background
01:07.19*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
01:07.23JeffM2501or they look like crap over sky
01:07.36JeffM2501white + day sky = unreadable
01:08.05TD-Linuxbut the mouse box for example
01:08.09TD-Linuxoh wait
01:08.10JeffM2501the UI element is suposed to obscure the item behind it
01:08.11me1maybe have a team color tint behind the mousebox area?
01:08.14TD-LinuxI suppose the mouse box is going
01:08.16JeffM2501it's a UI element ;)
01:08.23JeffM2501at some point yeah
01:08.24TD-Linuxand replaced by those bars
01:08.41TD-Linuxthe white part would be invisible on sky, hmm
01:08.45JeffM2501if you want to keep the area clear I'd do a flyout controll that swung into place, said it's stuff, then swung out
01:09.23TD-LinuxJeffM2501, are the 2.99 shots going be tied to Experimental or be standard?
01:09.37JeffM2501TD-Linux: depends what shots you are talking about?
01:09.45JeffM2501there are 3 types of shots in 2.99
01:09.49TD-LinuxI mean, the way the shots look
01:10.03JeffM2501so do I
01:10.19JeffM2501geobolt, spatered billboards, and single billboards
01:10.26JeffM2501geobolt is in expermeiental
01:10.37JeffM2501the billboards are controlled by the shot size controll
01:10.44JeffM2501random and shrinking
01:10.52JeffM2501they leave little trails
01:11.19me1learned a new word today
01:11.52TD-LinuxI was talking about geobolt.
01:12.03TD-Linuxmaybe that should be moved into the Effects options
01:12.22JeffM2501it'll probably be removed
01:12.36JeffM2501and just use the billboards for shots and geolaser for lasers
01:12.45JeffM2501we don't need 3 shot types
01:12.49TD-LinuxI kinda liked the trails :(
01:12.50JeffM2501that are user controlled
01:12.56JeffM2501the trails will be kept
01:13.00JeffM2501I'll remove geobolt
01:13.02me1is theif staying geo?
01:13.08JeffM2501it's a beam
01:13.09JeffM2501so yeah
01:13.17JeffM2501the current beam sucks
01:14.20me1wonders what the super bolt looks like with the trail
01:14.25L4m3rno more geobolt? wow
01:14.31TD-LinuxI kinda liked the geobolt too
01:14.32JeffM2501you can't have both me1
01:14.33L4m3rthat's been in for a long time :)
01:14.47JeffM2501L4m3r: treapan put in a better shot one using billboards
01:15.01me1JeffM2501, you know, a flag, SB is it's abbv.?
01:15.08L4m3rJeffM2501: the really old one with trailing shrinking shots?
01:15.12TD-Linuxwow, my bzflag trunk is a month out of date
01:15.25JeffM2501L4m3r: no not that old, like last month
01:15.35JeffM2501me1: SB just makes the bolt transperant
01:15.52L4m3rI mean, are they the same ones he did and pulled back in like, 2.0.6?
01:16.04JeffM2501I think he updated them
01:16.10JeffM2501they look prety good
01:16.27JeffM2501geobolt for GM is weak
01:16.32JeffM2501goes to find foods
01:16.58me1btw, I noticed gm had a different bolt in 2.0.11-nao, was that geobolt?
01:17.34me1erm, 2.1.1
01:20.31TD-Linuxalso, -mtune=i686 is still in trunk
01:24.51TD-Linux2.99 memory leaked on exit
01:25.03TD-Linuxas in, immediate thrash
01:25.11TD-Linuxfilled my swap partition completely
01:25.22JeffM2501so fix it
01:25.24TD-Linuxlet me test that again
01:27.25TD-Linuxnot reproducable, maybe it was something else on my system
01:28.54JeffM2501like linux? ;)
01:31.56*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
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04:04.10pacman87, 20.png to 23.png
04:07.42BulletCatcherFor me, the box around the shot indicators is excess clutter.
04:08.40pacman87i'm going based on jeff's hud changes image
04:09.16pacman87i'm thinking about moving it to the left side to avoid the altimeter
04:10.54BulletCatcherThat would be in the radar on my screen.  I would rather have it in the chat box.
04:11.15pacman87the top left corner of your mousebox is in your radar?
04:12.04BulletCatcherNot the corner itself, but a 6-shot indicator would intrude into my radar area.
04:12.41BulletCatcherI have "set radarsize 26" in my config file.
04:12.50pacman87what do you think about having a fixed height for the reload shot area, and scaling the height of the reload bars to fit into that height?
04:14.56BulletCatcherThe bars would be too big on Ducati-style servers (2-shot), and too small on the occasional 20-shot server.
04:15.37BulletCatcherI am wondering if there might be a completely different way to display the info, but I don't have any ideas.
04:16.00pacman87what about a max height? use current behavior until a certain number of shots, then start shrinking?
04:16.16BulletCatcherThat ought to be okay.
04:16.44BulletCatcherIt would still need a minimum bar height for the crazy-shot maps.
04:16.55pacman871 px :)
04:17.51pacman87what's the max # of shots in bzfs?
04:19.54BulletCatcher20 in trunk
04:20.49BulletCatcherSame for branch.
04:21.16pacman87so 2px bar plus 1px border is 60px
04:21.58BulletCatcher~(2 + 1) * 20
04:22.03BulletCatcherYep. :-)
04:22.30pacman8762 if you want to leave 1px border top and bottom
04:23.09BulletCatcherThere are only 19 gaps between them, so it would be 59 or 61.
04:23.26pacman87good call
04:44.37*** join/#bzflag PrezKennnedy (
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05:36.27*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
05:42.02brlcadthinks there's got to be a lot cooler way to display shots than those little loading bars
05:43.08brlcadlike even just a single big horizontal bar, centered, that expands as you shoot, then drops back to center
05:43.57brlcador a radial dial like an RPM meter (and another for speed..)
06:02.09pacman87brlcad: so when that bar reaches the sides, you're out of shots?
06:02.27pacman87hmmm, interesting
06:02.44pacman87could that take the place of the left side bar on the new U?
06:02.49pacman87since it's currently redundant?
06:03.09brlcadit could take a lot of different forms/places
06:03.41pacman87i do see one problem with that
06:03.46brlcadcould be vertical, but it really seems horizontal fits well with the subject
06:04.37pacman87if you fire all your shots at once vs staggered, the bar could be the same length, but in the first case you'd still be out of ammo, but the second you could shoot
06:08.15brlcadyeah, that would be misleading (or you'd have variable rate slider or find some other way)
06:08.48pacman87add tick marks along the width for each shot?
06:09.11pacman87in the first case, it'd go really slow from full to full-1, then drop immediately to zero
06:10.07pacman87the second would drop more steadily
06:11.19brlcadyeah, I would expect tick marks
06:12.04brlcadanother would be to basically do what we do now with the per-shot slider .. but put them all together on one line (and make them skinnier/longer)
06:12.53brlcadmirror that across onto the other side so it's balanced, and you might have soemthing there
06:13.23L4m3rif we do a round mousebox we could have a curved thingy on the right for shots, and one on the left for tank speed
06:13.44L4m3rmaybe a small one below for angvel
06:13.56brlcadL4m3r: true, though that'd beg for skinning/customization given how drastic the change :)
06:14.07L4m3rwe could make it subtle
06:14.13L4m3rwell, maybe not the mousebox :)
06:15.05L4m3rit'd be pretty easy to make all the shot bars into one vertical bar- just draw a "redline" one shot length below the top, so as long as the needle/line is below that redline, you can shoot
06:15.33L4m3rshooting pops it up one shot length, and it drops at a constant speed
06:15.45pacman87L4m3r: what if you shoot all at once?
06:16.02L4m3rthen it stacks up to the top and you can't shoot
06:16.06pacman87if it drops at a constant rate, it'll drop below the redline before you can shoot
06:16.24L4m3rno it won't
06:16.58L4m3runloading all your shots at once is the only way to get the needle all the way to the top... otherwise, it won't go as high
06:17.09L4m3rbecause the previous shots have already fallen off
06:18.39pacman87assuming n shots, and t reload time.  if you fire all n, you have to wait time t before your next shot.  also, at time t, you can shoot all n shots again, so the bar must drop to zero after t time, and start at full.  if it drops at a constant rate, then at time t/n, it will drop below the redline, but you still can't shoot
06:19.21pacman87er, that last t/n should be "t(n-1)/n"
06:20.01L4m3rah, so it would fall too slowly
06:20.19L4m3rso I guess it would have to drop at a speed of kn, where n is the number of shots reloading
06:20.37pacman87it would have to fall from full to full-1 in time t, then immediately drop to zero
06:21.09L4m3rswitching to sequential loading would probably piss off a lot of players :)
06:21.19L4m3rit could just fall smoothly and quickly
06:21.23L4m3rthe math would be trivial
06:21.39pacman87sequential loading?
06:21.49L4m3ronly reload one shot at a time
06:22.10L4m3rso if you empty your magazine, you have to wait for t*n before you could empty it again
06:22.17L4m3rcould make an interesting server option though.
06:22.22pacman87yeah, i don't think it's a good idea to change gameplay mechanics just to make UI easier
06:22.39L4m3rnah, just a thought. I think league players might actually like that, though :)
06:23.17pacman87that makes multi-shot bursts very expensive
06:23.45L4m3rthe hardcore leagues like pb would not use it, probably
06:24.02L4m3rbut it'd allow compromise- more shots, but more penalty for spraying shots
06:24.19L4m3rand reloadtime could always be lowered, in theory
06:24.24AAA_awrightHow about multiple ticks on a single progress line? Fire, and one tick moves to the top and falls down. A number at the bottom shows shots ready to fire.
06:24.55L4m3rcould get messy on those 20-shot servers :)
06:25.11pacman87are you even paying attention to your reload bar on a 20 shot server?
06:25.29L4m3rI always wondered...
06:25.46L4m3rway back when, before the shot bars were added, there was a server... forget the name
06:25.56L4m3rEmerald Mosque, I think
06:26.09L4m3rthe server was hacked to have 200 shots
06:26.25AAA_awrightI remember those kinds of servers :)
06:26.50L4m3rI've always wondered what the reload bar would look like on that server, if someone joined it with a newer client
06:27.29AAA_awrightIsn't the number of shown shot bars limited to ~8 or something?
06:27.52L4m3rI've seen it go right up to 20- bigger than the mouse box
06:27.55pacman87there's no limits in the code
06:28.06AAA_awrightEven if there was a 100 shot server, The multiple ticks on a single bar would still be useful
06:28.11L4m3rAAA_awright, your idea would be neat if each reload bar had low opacity, so multiple layered bars would become more dense/bright. could burden crappy systems, though.
06:28.39AAA_awrightI am thinking like the diamond that shows team and antidote flags
06:28.52AAA_awrightBut along one of the sides instead
06:29.04L4m3respecially if red was used... your shot bar would be bright red if you were out of shots :)
06:29.32pacman87on a 5 shot server, how much color diff would there be between one left and all out?
06:29.43AAA_awrightHm, which I had time to code a patch, I REALLY like this/that idea
06:29.48L4m3rthe difference could always be scaled to the number of shots
06:30.05L4m3rso on a two-shot server, you'd get half-red and bright red :)
06:30.17pacman87AAA_awright: HUDRenderer::renderShots()
06:30.33AAA_awrightI'll keep that in mind
06:30.43pacman87the distinction between all out and not all out is rather important
06:31.03AAA_awrightDo you understand what I envision?
06:31.25pacman87AAA_awright: me, i think so
06:32.21AAA_awrightHm. Well, later.
06:35.40L4m3rhm, do I want to try and finish assembling my server, or figure out if these other mobos and CPUs are fried or not? :P
06:45.31blast007I vote for doing the middle one
06:46.26pacman87blast007: responding to L4m3r's server/hardware issues, or the reload timer discussion?
06:46.41blast007responding to L4m3r
06:47.14blast007for you, I vote for the one with the reload indicator
06:47.40pacman87they're all reload indicators...
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11:15.53Winnybzbb admins;
11:16.24Winnylots  of other topics too :(
12:01.20*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
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13:51.21quantumdotjoevano: you might wish to take care of this spam :)
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13:59.59Ploujhey guys
14:00.30PloujSince you like one tank game, I think some of you might like another one. If that's so, please consider pledging to donate about $20 for this game:
14:03.43BulletCatcherPlease do not solicit donations in this channel.
14:06.37*** part/#bzflag Plouj (
14:13.50temp_distsome BZBB spam
14:14.19temp_distthat user has spam in a couple threads
14:15.04delusionalyah, more than a few, delete the account?
14:18.19quantumdotspeaking about donations, that reminded me of making one to bzflag project
14:18.27quantumdotjust did
14:19.43Manuquantumdot: free beer ;)
14:28.17quantumdotmanu: beer is ok, but not without a good "jabugo"
14:31.18Manujabugo? better extremenyan ;)
14:31.42quantumdotany of those would surely do for me Manu
14:35.33Manuquantumdot: e to
14:35.33Manuquantumdot:                     bzflag project
14:35.51quantumdotdecrypt please
14:35.55Manusilly copy/paste :/
14:37.05Manuquantumdot: irssi sometimes gets confused
14:37.08quantumdotay ay
14:37.40quantumdotmy visa might get some squeeze ...
14:38.11Manuquantumdot: y el vino de mi cuñado ->
14:38.22quantumdotjoder como vivimos!
14:39.00Manuhehe ;)
14:40.17Manuquantumdot: don't forget this
14:40.32Manuand after it... play bzfkag ;)
14:41.24quantumdotnunca probe la torta de Casar
14:42.38Manuyo prefiero la de la Serena :)
14:50.09*** join/#bzflag ElectricElf (
15:00.32quantumdotbrlcad, joevano or other bzbb admin, a user jackix188 seems to be spaming the forum today
15:01.17brlcadnoted, thx quantumdot
15:04.34*** join/#bzflag SportChick (i=essy@freenode/staff/sportchick)
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15:10.17Manuquantumdot: probably a bot, not an user ;)
15:11.21Manubrlcad: you can add 'poker' for bzbb filtering ;)
15:19.35*** join/#bzflag a (
15:20.53aHi! I have a problem running bzflag . can anyone help me outwith that?
15:21.02ibotrumour has it, ask is Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:22.26aI tried to install Bzflag in fedora core 8. Seems like the game is way tooo slow. Its not only the network connectivity, which is actually fast but the game is pretty slow
15:22.51Manua: have you 3D support enabled?
15:23.00aSlow to an extent where I cannot even select the option
15:23.02Manubzflag needs 3D acceleration
15:23.24Manuyes, then probably you haven't 3D acceleration enabled
15:23.33Manua: what's your graphic card?
15:23.38ahow do I enable that?
15:24.14Manuto enable it you must load the right driver
15:24.27Manunvidia, flgrx...
15:24.32Manuit depends of your graphic card
15:24.47Manuif you are using ATI probably you are in troubles
15:25.24Manubecause AFAIK fedora uses xorg 1.5.2 and there aren't compatible drivers for it
15:25.41aHow do i determine wat graphics card I have?
15:25.49aI havea dell vostro 1400
15:26.02aI could play the game in windows
15:26.36Manua: let me check
15:27.12Manua: it uses nvidia so you are lucky
15:27.26Manuyou must look in fedora forums for nvidia driver
15:27.38aoh.. how do I find out what graphics driver has been loaded?
15:27.54Manua: like here
15:28.37Manua: enter in a terminal  cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep Driver
15:28.52Manuprobably it's 'nv'
15:28.57Manuinstead of 'nvidia'
15:29.22ait shows    Driver      "kbd"
15:29.31Manuoh.. intel
15:30.10Manucan you run: glxgears  in a terminal and tell me how many fps it reports?
15:30.51aabout 1146 frames per second
15:31.11Manunot too much but enough
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15:37.29ahey sorry. I was disconnected
15:38.16aI tried glxgears again now, after the first 2 entries, it drops to 291 FPS
15:42.59Manu291 fps is too low
15:44.23ManuI dunno about intel graphic card drivers
15:44.46aWould going to Fedora IRC help?
15:44.54Manuyes, better
15:45.15Manubecause it looks isn't bzflag related :/
15:45.23Manujust 3D acceleration
15:45.43Manuso your model probably has the intel X3100
15:45.43aokay thanks a lot.
15:45.59aHow do I determine wat exact graphics card I have?
15:46.13Manuin your Dell bill? :)
15:47.08Manuor with the command lspci
15:48.07ayea got that
15:48.10aIntel® Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100
15:48.17au were right :)
15:48.29Manuit's the Intel mobile GPA ;)
15:50.00aSo that meaans that my main memory is used?
15:50.11Manushared, probably yes
15:50.22Chestala: you can also try   env LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxgears
15:50.57anow its 300 FPS
15:51.00Manuhi Chestal :)
15:51.10Chestalhi :-)
15:51.17Manua: all under 1000 fps isn't enough probably
15:51.31aBut I was able to play the same game in windows
15:52.09Manua: is not the graphic card, it's the driver
15:52.15Manuprobably you can get better perfomance
15:52.29aoh. I just have to search the right driver?
15:52.35Manuprobably Fedora guys can help you
15:52.36ChestalI only get 120 fps fullscreen with glxgears here on laptop (unless I set a higher clock rate), but it's sufficient for bz
15:53.10tsHeh, the famous intel GMA
15:53.11ManuChestal: I mean the default glxgears window size :)
15:53.26Manuts: do you mean infamous? ;)
15:53.36aOn mine , with full screen its about 50 FPS :)
15:53.41Chestalok, I get ~1280 there
15:54.00ts¡Hola Manu!
15:54.06Manuhallo ts :)
15:54.14tsManu: Well, I made a joke. Thought it was very very obvious
15:54.22aBut that it works on windows but not on Fedora tells me its not a problem with the famous or infamous GAM
15:55.39Manua: probably it's your configuration or the drivers
15:55.47Manuthat's why I say that Fedora guys can help you
15:55.52ManuI'm not fedora user
15:56.40aohhh. okay thanks. I would ask them. thanks for the response!
15:57.08Manua: I have read you have to install the Intel Media Accelerator ;)
15:57.50aohh how non trivial would that be?
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17:22.46JeffM2501spends 425$ of bzflag money
17:27.38JeffM2501Winny: you arround?
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17:27.50*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
17:30.11JeffM2501owes Winny 65$
17:31.16me1When are you going to send out the shirts?
17:31.41JeffM2501when I get them
17:31.45JeffM2501I just ordered them today
17:32.26JeffM2501I could not order them untill I knew how many hoodies we needed, and that preorder just ended monday
17:32.58JeffM2501I don't keep hoodies "in stock"
17:33.17JeffM2501I expect them to go out early/mid november
17:33.27JeffM2501if I'm lucky I'll get art aproval tomorow
17:33.34JeffM2501then it'll be 5 biz days for printing
17:33.39JeffM2501then a week in shiping
17:33.47JeffM2501then we pack and send
17:34.01JeffM2501it's a very small order this time
17:34.04JeffM2501only 54 items
17:34.30me1I also ordered one of the older shirts that were still in stock, will that be sent with the new shirts?
17:34.53JeffM2501saves on the shiping
17:35.12JeffM2501you did zone shipping right?
17:35.36me1My dad ordered, so I don't know.
17:35.45JeffM2501probably did
17:35.47JeffM2501it's the cheapest
17:35.57JeffM2501I can fit 2 shirts into the zone evelope
17:59.13TheRedBaron~weather ktlh
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18:26.22MindstormsKidsetting up a server is hard :(
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18:42.25blast007MindstormsKid: yup
18:42.34blast007definately not a trivial task :)
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20:16.34Cobra_Slowhey ppl
20:16.49Cobra_FastSk3letr0n cheatet again
20:16.52Cobra_Fastnot the client
20:16.55Cobra_Fastthe server
20:17.09Cobra_Fastit ables him to obtain the password of every player that joins
20:17.26Cobra_Fasthe did
20:17.37me1the server NEVER gets the password
20:17.42me1so there is no way to get it
20:17.50Cobra_FastBUT HE DOES
20:17.53me1no, he doesn't
20:17.56Cobra_Fasthe got every password of every joined player
20:17.58JeffM2501he dosn't
20:18.01JeffM2501he just adds the +
20:18.10Cobra_Fastand how is he then abled to log in as those players?
20:18.12JeffM2501the server tells your client if the user is + or not
20:18.13JeffM2501he isn't
20:18.18JeffM2501he's faking it
20:18.26Cobra_Fastso he's kidding everyone
20:18.35JeffM2501what is the server IP?
20:18.40Cobra_Fastdont know
20:18.43Cobra_Fastroboter5a told
20:18.48JeffM2501is it public?
20:18.50Cobra_Fastits a public server
20:19.13JeffM2501were you on it?
20:19.48JeffM2501was it
20:19.53Cobra_Fastdont know
20:20.03Cobra_Fastmay the chatlog tells
20:20.08JeffM2501then talking about it here is pointless
20:20.24Cobra_Fastlook at bottom
20:20.31Cobra_Fastrob said
20:20.32WinnyJeffM2501: if you owe me money, I'm here... however if it's the other way 'round ;)
20:20.46JeffM2501Winny: I owe you 65$
20:21.25Winnyyay :)
20:21.27JeffM2501Cobra_Fast: well if you can find out let me know
20:21.42JeffM2501Winny: what paypal addy do you want it to?
20:22.43Winnywait.. so if the client can pretend it's a logged in person.. can they pretend to have elevated privs? or does it only "trick" the clients, and not the server
20:23.28me1Winny, he uses a plugin or modifies the server, iirc
20:24.54JeffM2501the client dosn't care about the +
20:24.57JeffM2501so there is no "trick"
20:25.06JeffM2501what does your client do differently if I'm +?
20:25.49Winnyah, so the server isn't effected... that's what I thought
20:26.34JeffM2501no it is ONLY the server
20:26.46JeffM2501the server is the only thing that cares about + - or @
20:26.49JeffM2501his server is moded
20:26.54Winnyah, I missed that
20:26.56JeffM2501it gives anyone he wants +
20:27.05JeffM2501but only on that server
20:27.13JeffM2501basicly he sends out the "+" bit
20:27.17JeffM2501to the connected clients
20:29.10JeffM2501so he isn't "hacking" anything
20:29.18JeffM2501he's using an API function, that is all
20:29.46Winnyonce I read the above properly I see my error
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20:44.53brlcadJeffM2501: care to drive up the street on friday afternoon?  need to make a pitstop to pick up a gift for L
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20:49.09JeffM2501brlcad: sure
20:49.14JeffM2501we'll be there about 2ish
20:49.24JeffM2501I just got some books for her
20:53.43brlcadscorche and I were getting her something
20:54.15brlcaddidn't want to bring it on the plane if I don't have to
20:54.16JeffM2501the car will be available to any of us who need it
20:57.01brlcadwhen do you leave?
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20:57.34brlcadI think we fly out around noon
20:58.30JeffM2501we are driving back, so it's kinda a whenever thing
21:01.09brlcadlh wants us all to go out to breakfast monday
21:01.28JeffM2501that should be very dooable
21:01.46JeffM2501breafst, then we can drop you guys off at the airport, then we can go home
21:03.58brlcadcool, sounds like a plan
21:04.35JeffM2501then I try to get an apartment :)
21:05.41brlcadan apartment?
21:07.43brlcadin mountain view?
21:07.58brlcador you mean when you get back?
21:08.19JeffM2501when I get back
21:12.15brlcadcool, weren't you like really close to work already though?
21:12.23brlcadmiss the traffic? :)
21:12.24JeffM2501I'm about 10 miles
21:12.38JeffM2501I will be moving closer
21:12.41JeffM2501less then a mile
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21:21.34brlcadthat is close :)
21:21.41brlcadso flip flops and pjs
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22:22.22Ratfinkis the bzw file format casse-sensitive or not?
22:23.50JeffM2501generaly not
22:24.24AbominableRatfink, if you're adding "options" in the bzw file and you're going to have flags set in the options
22:24.30Abominablemake sure you have +f and not +F
22:25.11JeffM2501yeah that's not the format, that's bzflag
22:25.29RatfinkI'm not using options
22:25.38AbominableYeah, I was just putting that out there just for further information.
22:25.55RatfinkI just wonder if the objects like "box" have to be lower-case or not
22:26.29JeffM2501they should not be
22:26.31AbominableWell, of course if you name a "box" BoX make sure if you refer back to it, to refer back to it as BoX
22:27.01Ratfinkso the format is not case-sensitive?
22:27.34JeffM2501again it should not be
22:27.47Ratfinkso It's not.
22:27.59Ratfinknot not, that is
22:29.17L4m3rgenerally, names are case-sensitive and syntax is not
22:29.43a_meteoriteeither way it's a good idea to be consistent with your approach :)
22:30.23a_meteoriteotherwise when you or someone else comes back to read it, they may end up scratching their heads for a long time if it's always switching up
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22:32.14RatfinkOkay, I just tested it.  I just needed this info for my map editor.  I wasn't sure if file loading should be case sensitive or not.  Thank you.
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