IRC log for #bzflag on 20080913

00:28.23WinnyAnyone know what the song is from the new iPod nano commercial?
00:30.20Winnynvm, found it
00:35.20*** join/#bzflag me1_ (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
00:36.05*** join/#bzflag ryanakca (n=ryan@ubuntu/member/ryanakca)
00:36.47ryanakcaCould someone help me sort out why I can't get the server list? When I try to connect to the last server I used (~6 months ago), it doesn't let me identify...
00:39.38brad can you see that ?
00:43.46ryanakcabrad: yes
00:49.53*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (n=chatzill@wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
00:57.45Abominableryanakca whoah
01:00.34donny_bakerryanakca: could a proxy have been put up between you and the server during that time?
01:01.20ryanakcadonny_baker: not to my knowledge, I manage the router... unless my ISP did something, which I highly doubt...
01:01.34donny_bakeryou can connect though
01:01.46donny_bakerjust not identify
01:02.10ryanakcadonny_baker: I can connect to a server, just not identify or get the server list...
01:02.42donny_bakerbut you could get to , which is the list
01:05.09ryanakcadonny_baker: Works, thanks. I wonder why bzflag can't connect on port 80... I use 3/4s of my web browsers (as in lynx, w3m, etc) without a proxy (using a seperate browser for Tor or Privoxy)
01:06.06donny_bakerthe issue is with our tokens for authentication
01:06.24donny_bakerwe have them set to not be cached, but some proxies ignore the standards
01:07.03donny_bakeror at least that is what I remember ;)
01:14.39*** join/#bzflag Archangel_13 (
01:22.18*** join/#bzflag ahs3- (
01:53.03*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
01:55.03*** join/#bzflag Constitution (
01:56.12*** join/#bzflag Quantum (
01:57.51JeffMbrlcad: alive?
01:58.19JeffMor JBdiGriz or DTRemenak
01:58.43JeffMnew card pdf to view
02:04.21TD-Linuxare you selling these?
02:04.28spldartCute business card
02:05.22KTLwhat's the proof label doing there?
02:06.14KTLand wasnt there a trick to let the server do a map change the moment noone was logged in?
02:06.27KTLwants to rotate between mad city and badgerkings map
02:08.27brlcadJeffM: mebbie
02:08.39KTLfound the wiki page about rotating maps
02:23.24JeffMKTL: it's from the printers site
02:23.34JeffMbrlcad: new card layout, it ok?
02:46.16*** part/#bzflag Quantum (
02:50.29KTLhow can i config a server so that it kills itself when there is noone on it? or how else can it rotate?
02:51.40JBdiGrizJeffM: The layout looks good. I think I would prefer name on the top rather than IRC handle.
02:52.53a_meteoriteKTL: on second thought that may not work as expected
02:53.04a_meteoriteI think that's purposed towards a time limit
02:53.31KTLit closed
02:53.34KTLi just tried it
02:53.55KTLindeed cool
03:05.53*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (
03:07.29*** join/#bzflag JeffMMain (
03:27.06*** join/#bzflag bier|tp_ (
03:28.19*** join/#bzflag Admirarch (
03:29.54JeffMMainJBdiGriz: reload it, hows that now?
03:40.22*** join/#bzflag bier_ (
03:41.57*** join/#bzflag Ebert (
03:52.13*** join/#bzflag QBeep (
04:47.13*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=L4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
04:47.13*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
05:26.02BulletCatcherMuch fun at The Compound tonight, L4m3r.  Thanks for sharing your map.
05:26.23L4m3rI should set up a script or something to run it for a couple days every month
05:40.17Flashis it just me? I don't see *any* servers in the list
05:41.06Flashor are there just 3e6 servers running and it takes a long time....
05:41.13Flash(and I mean a LONG time)
05:44.53remoteit's just you
05:49.33BulletCatcherMy client just loaded 25 pages of servers in about a second.
05:51.46delusionali like to choose randomones from the back pages and check /uptime
05:52.04delusionalthere was one almost 2 years..
06:00.38BulletCatcherImpressive, but that means the server was about 2 years behind on patches.
06:37.55*** part/#bzflag Ebert (
07:05.48Flashhas anyone actually created a new tab in the server list?
07:10.14*** join/#bzflag L4m3r_ (n=L4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
07:10.14*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r_] by ChanServ
07:22.34*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=L4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
07:22.34*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
07:24.24*** join/#bzflag Gilly (n=btw@
08:00.47*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
08:00.48*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
08:30.21*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
08:47.06FlashKingofCamelot: pong ??
09:08.37*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (i=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
09:08.37*** mode/#bzflag [+v L4m3r] by ChanServ
09:52.26*** join/#bzflag Wits (
12:16.43*** join/#bzflag jorgenpt (
12:18.46*** join/#bzflag chaoscon (i=jeremy@smartserv/ceo/chaoscon)
13:37.59*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
13:43.43*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
13:45.45*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
13:59.53*** join/#bzflag QBeep (
14:51.06*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
14:58.54*** join/#bzflag KTL (
15:10.12*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
15:17.28*** join/#bzflag bier (
15:34.40ManuKTL: not bad ;)
15:40.20KTLyour score too
15:40.33KTLnext time i note down your ip and compare it
15:47.30ManuKTL: mine is not longer static :-p
15:47.46KTLyour whole subnet will do the job as well
15:48.58*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:01.37*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:06.10*** join/#bzflag a_temp_work (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:08.30*** join/#bzflag a_temp_dist_ (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:10.08*** join/#bzflag QBeep (
16:20.43*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:23.04*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
16:25.45*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
16:48.39*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
17:29.36*** join/#bzflag lol_udied (
17:35.04*** join/#bzflag Wits (
17:43.35lol_udiedlol Im downloading bzflag 1.10.8
17:43.42lol_udiedDo bord xD
17:44.05*** join/#bzflag Macrosoft (
17:44.36temp_distlast I looked, there was one server on 1.10 - pie in the sky
17:44.54lol_udiedill go look then
17:51.30lol_udiedlol 1.10.8 sucked
17:51.39lol_udiedbut it was ok for first release
17:51.48JeffMit wasn't the first release
17:51.50temp_distit was far from a first release
17:51.55JeffMdo you even know what you are talking about?
17:52.01lol_udiedwhere can I download first releas
17:52.04JeffMor do you just constaly say 'lol'
17:52.05JeffMyou can't
17:52.12JeffMbzflag was not open source at that time
17:52.22JeffMyou are on a mac?
17:53.38JeffMthe oldest you'd get would be 1.7d9
17:53.55JeffMthat was the first winbin posted on sourceforge
17:54.04temp_distdoes TR still have his 1.7 server up?
17:54.05JeffMI have b2,
17:54.09lol_udiedthen how did poeple play on the first release?
17:54.13JeffMthey don't
17:54.21JeffMthe servers are GONE
17:54.28JeffMthe first release was SGI only
17:54.36JeffMdo you know how old bzflag is?
17:54.39lol_udiedI saw one server for a second then it vanished for 1.10.8
17:54.57lol_udiedJeffM: 8 years?
17:55.11lol_udiedim 14 years old!
17:55.19temp_distthat explains a lot
17:55.20JeffMyeah and it shows
17:55.36lol_udiedBut honestly wow, bzflag changed alot
17:56.01temp_distlearn how to code, help make it even better
17:56.07lol_udiedbut what are you going to do for 3.0? will it still be compatible with 2.0 servers?
17:56.19lol_udiedtemp_dist: Im taking C++ tutorials in school
17:56.25JeffMmajor versions are NEVER compatable
17:56.38lol_udiedhow about 2.0 maps?
17:56.43JeffMmaps are maps
17:58.16lol_udiedIs someone currently working on bzflag right now? Just wondering
17:58.47JeffMpeople do stuff on there own time
18:04.49TD-Linuxlol_udied, look at the SVN logs
18:04.56TD-Linuxyou can see exactly what people are doing
18:05.10TD-Linuxyou'll also see CIA report commits on this channel
18:10.39JeffMhmm, bzflag is actualy 16 years old now, 92
18:10.50JeffMsomeone give it a drivers license
18:12.50TD-Linuxwhy does the copyright say 93?
18:13.15me1wasn't it released to the public in 93?
18:14.42JeffMwell it was released on SGI demo disks then
18:25.57*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
18:54.23*** join/#bzflag Pimpi (
19:02.17*** join/#bzflag Tupone (n=Tupone@pdpc/supporter/active/Tupone)
19:02.18*** mode/#bzflag [+v Tupone] by ChanServ
19:06.39*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
19:52.26JBdiGrizJeffM: That png looks good. It would be nice to make some use of that white space, but I can't think of anything appropriate.
19:53.00JBdiGrizDo we get to choose our titles?
19:53.08JeffMyeah neher could I
19:53.19JeffMI was just going with what I knew
19:53.33JeffMwhat do you want to be?
19:54.14JBdiGrizI have to think about it. Possible choices would be "Bad Influence", or "Arrogant Bastard".
19:54.30JeffMnether of which you are
19:55.55JBdiGrizI'm sure there are people in this channel who would disagree with you.
19:56.08JeffMI think it should say software developer on it, but I don't mind doing a / and another title below it
19:56.40JBdiGrizSince we have the room, that's a good idea.
19:56.52JeffMyeah, reall title then silly title
19:57.51JBdiGrizHas spldart checked in today?
20:16.14*** join/#bzflag sadysta (
21:27.47donny_bakerJBdiGriz: no went off air at ~2300 last night
21:28.13WinnyJBdiGriz: He was in the path of Ike
21:28.19Winnyso I imagine he'll be gone for a while
21:28.20donny_bakeri expect him to be gone for a few days
21:28.52donny_bakerwasn't 23:00 about the time Ike maid landfall?
21:29.21*** join/#bzflag lukstr (
21:31.39donny_bakerfrom bzchat: -22:44:15- :       spldart : Probably gonnna lose power soon... Prolly wont get it back any time soon. If so cyah :)
21:31.45lukstrwill return in many hours with far less sobriety than currently possessed.
21:33.37*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
21:34.11*** join/#bzflag nn64 (n=nn@
21:50.29*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
22:26.51brlcadJeffM: having the tank on the left was nice..
22:27.09JeffMso mirror what I have?
22:27.11brlcadsame basic design, but flip left for right?
22:27.32JeffMwhat do you want your silly title to be?
22:28.05JeffMand how many do you want, 100?
22:28.17brlcadwhat's the min?
22:28.38brlcadyeah, doubt i'd want/need more before wanting a new design :)
22:30.52JeffMwhat do you want your title as?
22:31.44brlcaddunno really, what're the rest going for?
22:31.55brlcadplayful or serious?
22:32.02JeffMjbd would like both
22:32.08JeffMbecause I wanted a real title on there
22:32.21JeffMyou and myself as project admins, the others as software developer
22:32.31brlcadsounds fine with me
22:32.45JeffMdo you want a silly one after it?
22:32.48JeffMwe have whitespace
22:33.06JeffMPoject Administrator / Duke of silly hats/
22:33.34brlcadhas no silly hats
22:34.21brlcadcan't think of anything at the moment
22:45.02JeffMbrlcad: it morrison or morison ?
22:45.27JeffMand it sean at
22:45.31JeffMor blrcad
22:46.14brlcadlearner at bz
22:46.36JeffMyou rarely use that one anymore don't you
22:46.48brlcadwhen I play I do
22:47.14brlcadplus it's my first callsign, sentimental value
22:48.59JeffMJBdiGriz: do you have a .bz email alias?
22:49.29brlcadjust about everyone has one, whether they know it or not .. at least everyone with a .bz login
22:49.39JeffMso what is his?
22:50.21brlcadcallsign at .bz
22:51.35JeffMsucks that it costs more for shiping on the cards then the cards do :(
22:52.10JeffM47.53 is what it will cost
22:54.52brlcadnot bad
23:01.25brlcadmm, "+Z is Up"
23:01.54blast007a_meteorite: business cards
23:01.57JeffMa_meteorite: yes, small bits of stiff paper
23:02.23a_meteoriteI mean, you guys are making bzflag cards?
23:02.36a_meteoriteplaying cards, greeting cards...?
23:02.44blast007a_meteorite: read what I said..
23:02.44JeffMhe said what kind of cards
23:02.54JeffMright then
23:03.30*** join/#bzflag a_meteorite (
23:04.12blast007a_meteorite: playing cards. We're rewriting the game into a turn based, card based system. Quick, buy a power pack deck so you can fire missiles!
23:04.19JeffMBZFlag CCG
23:04.24JeffMGM is ultra rare
23:04.29JBdiGrizbrlcad: I'll have to log in and set up a forwarder.
23:04.35JeffMat some point I do hope to make it into a minis game too
23:04.45brlcadJBdiGriz: it's just an alias
23:04.46a_meteoritewhat would one do with a bzflag business card I wonder?
23:04.49brlcadthere is no local delivery
23:04.49JeffMJBdiGriz: is it davidw or jbd?
23:04.57JeffMa_meteorite: give them out to people we meet
23:05.02brlcadwell, there is .. but you have to use for local
23:05.23brlcadJBdiGriz: it already forwards to your w addr
23:06.41JeffMJBdiGriz: do you really want arrogant bastard on yours? you will be the only one
23:08.21donny_bakerJeffM: the only one that is identified ;)
23:08.54JeffMDTRemenak: what do you want on your card?
23:12.49*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
23:13.02*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
23:16.43JBdiGrizI will be the only arrogant bastard, or the only one with a silly title?
23:16.44JeffMJBdiGriz: so is it JBdiGriz at bz or davidw ?
23:16.51JeffMJBdiGriz: both ;)
23:18.34brlcadwould be okay with the +Z is Up on his card :)
23:19.08JBdiGrizNow I have to decide whether to be a conformist or a non-conformist.
23:19.23JeffMwell he's going to get +Z is up
23:20.46JeffMso now it's 1/2 of them with a silly saying
23:20.57JeffMif I could pick what to put on it, it'd be a majority
23:21.06brlcadeither that or "Tanks don't jump.  It's a bug."
23:24.23*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)
23:29.26*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
23:38.36brlcadopens his last ABA
23:40.43JBdiGrizWhat is DTRemenak putting on his?
23:42.18JBdiGrizDo you need me to bring you some more in October?
23:44.51brlcadheh, no but thanks
23:44.56brlcadthey finally got a license to sell in MD
23:45.11brlcadabout a year ago
23:58.09*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)

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