IRC log for #bzflag on 20080810

00:04.07*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
00:14.41*** join/#bzflag Qew (
00:23.53*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
00:45.21*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
00:59.20*** join/#bzflag Qew_ (
01:04.47*** join/#bzflag pacman87 (n=Timothy@
01:18.06*** join/#bzflag CIA-36 (
01:22.48*** join/#bzflag JeffMMain (
01:47.31*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
01:59.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
02:52.46*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=L4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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03:06.19*** join/#bzflag spldart (
03:06.19*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
03:29.41*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
03:37.05*** join/#bzflag JeffMMain (
03:45.18spldartThe acid metal mp3 cd did me pretty good. Thanks for the ideas. I'll research the e-book thing more when I get back home.
04:30.46spldartStargate Continuum was pretty fun :) and I'm outty 500
05:16.44*** join/#bzflag spldart2 (
05:24.51CIA-36BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18309 10/trunk/bzflag/src/game/PlayerInfo.cxx: warning fix
05:57.14*** join/#bzflag QuantumT1m (
06:11.52*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
06:28.54*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
06:38.59*** join/#bzflag Gilly (n=btw@
06:40.03*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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07:15.47*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
08:19.29*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
09:29.50*** join/#bzflag CIA-36 (
09:52.58*** join/#bzflag WWCD (n=WWCD@
09:54.28WWCDadmins? :(
09:54.31WWCDneed help
09:57.00*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
10:01.58*** join/#bzflag wegstar (
10:45.28*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
11:00.57*** join/#bzflag HighKarateKitty (
11:13.13Constitutionhi kitty :)
11:41.47*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
11:46.22*** join/#bzflag MPS_ (
12:00.50*** join/#bzflag Wits (
12:09.47*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
12:16.02*** join/#bzflag I_Died_Once (n=I_Died_O@unaffiliated/idiedonce/x-1828535)
12:16.15I_Died_Oncecan anyone link me to the bzflag image submitter
12:16.20I_Died_Oncepretty please with sugar on top
12:16.23I_Died_Onceand stuff
12:17.13I_Died_Oncerock out, thanks
12:18.55*** join/#bzflag CIA-36 (
12:19.00I_Died_Oncenow, discuss the genius that is ME
12:21.28I_Died_Onceis anyone around that can approve images???
12:33.45*** mode/#bzflag [+v spldart] by ChanServ
12:41.32spldartCrap! It's to bad they chose to use the quicktime plugin :(
12:41.53Constitutionit's too bad you chose to use a PC
12:42.19ManuConstitution: haven't you a PC? ;)
12:42.34Constitutionyes, but I don't use it :)
12:42.53Wyk3dspldart: install the plugin, it's worth it :)
12:42.54spldartWhat are you irc'ing on then.. a mobile phone?
12:43.00ManuConstitution: then what do you use to connect here? ;)
12:43.26Constitutionwow... surrounded by people who can't imagine alternatives to PC's :P
12:43.53Manureminds Constitution PC means Personal Computer even iphone is a personal computer ;)
12:43.58spldartDude! Personal Computer... are you taling os's
12:44.33spldartI didn't wanna sully my windows or linux installs with anything apple :(
12:45.07Manulikes pears
12:45.57ManuConstitution: it looks for girls :-p
12:46.28spldartI'm downloading now... But I feel dirty somehow so I'm gonna take a shower.
12:47.12Constitutionhugs CIA-36
12:47.57CIA-36hugs Constitution
13:01.06spldartman this hotel's wireless isn't the fastest :/
13:01.12spldartBut got it installed
13:01.53spldartis there quicktime plugin for linux? say for iceweasel or something
13:04.17Manuspldart: I use linux and have watched the video
13:04.23Manujust mplayer or mplayer-plugin
13:04.35spldartah. kew
13:04.50Manumplayer-plugin for firefox/iceweasel ;)
13:14.58*** join/#bzflag ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
13:52.53Wyk3din what header should I declare extern SocketHandler authSockHandler; if it's used in RegMenu and ServerList ?
13:54.44*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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14:10.40*** join/#bzflag CBG (
14:12.23*** join/#bzflag Perepikhone (
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14:46.30*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)
14:51.23*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)
14:57.42*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
15:11.25*** join/#bzflag ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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15:13.28Wyk3dand again First-chance exception at 0x0096f763 in bzflag.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000004.
15:13.28Wyk3dFirst-chance exception at 0x00b9c494 in bzflag.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefeee.
15:13.40Wyk3dwithout breaking at the line :((
15:17.50*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
15:19.03Wyk3dJeffM: do you know what options I need to set in VC8 for the debugger to break on any kind of exception ?
15:19.37JeffMit should do that by itself,and let you hit 'debug' to break it
15:19.45JeffMjust run in the debuger
15:20.16Wyk3di did that and it doesn't work for certain crashes
15:20.28Wyk3dFirst-chance exception at 0x00b9c494 in bzflag.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfeeefeee.
15:20.30JeffMthen those probably arn't excpeptions
15:20.37JeffMahh first chances
15:20.57JeffMI've used boundchecker for those
15:23.22I_Died_OnceI dare you to approve my images I submitted
15:23.38I_Died_Oncelisence is good and everything
15:23.42JeffMWyk3d: if you know around where the code is, put a breakpoint and step line by line
15:23.55JeffMthen you can see what line throws it
15:24.01I_Died_Onceand i think blaster wisconsin has one too that need approval
15:24.23I_Died_Oncehis is needed as its screwing up The Passion's teleporters
15:24.42Wyk3dJeffM: i know, that's what I did last time, it's just a lot easier when it breaks at the line
15:24.52I_Died_Oncepretty please with sugar on top
15:25.11I_Died_Oncewoot woot thx
15:25.16JeffMWyk3d: yeah
15:25.21JeffMI_Died_Once: np
15:26.29JeffMWyk3d: well there is an exceptions item under the debug menu
15:26.32JeffMdid you look there?
15:27.45JeffMyeah you can turn on c0000005 under "win32 exceptions"
15:29.21Wyk3dJeffM: actually, that's what I was checking right now :) .. i'll see if it works
15:46.56*** join/#bzflag pymike (
15:47.11pymikehi, how do I toggle fullscreen in bzflag?
15:47.59Winnyif you want to minimize, f4
15:48.25pymikenow how do I turn off mouse grab?
15:48.30pymikeor can you?
15:48.43JeffMit's an option in the setup menu
15:49.06pymikeok thx
16:10.58*** part/#bzflag pymike (
16:14.00*** join/#bzflag roboter5a (
16:49.44Wyk3dJeffM: yep, that works, but now I have a different problem
16:50.09Wyk3dsometimes when the debugger breaks, the bzflag window doesn't go away
16:50.23Wyk3dnot even if i "End Task" it :O
16:50.35Wyk3donly killing devenv makes it go away
16:50.36JeffMyou have to hit "stop debuging"
16:50.44JeffMyou can't end the task of a debuged process
16:50.49JeffMcus the debuger has it locked
16:51.05Wyk3dactually no, i can end task bzauthd just fine
16:51.12Wyk3dbut not bzflag
16:51.20JeffMauthd dosn't create a window
16:51.28JeffMso the system window never gets the close event
16:51.37JeffMtry it with just hitting stop debuging in vc
16:51.40JeffMthat's what I always do
16:51.44Wyk3dyes well i can't "hit" it
16:51.48Wyk3dcause i can't see it :)
16:51.58JeffMis BZ running in a window or fullscreen?
16:52.08Wyk3dguess i should make it windowed ?
16:52.10JeffMand you only have one display?
16:52.14Wyk3donly one yes
16:52.26JeffMyou can't efectivly debug the client in fullscreen
16:52.42JeffMthe code that would make bz minimze isn't called on a break
16:52.44Wyk3dwell it only gets stuck sometimes
16:52.49JeffMso the visual context gets wierd
16:52.54JeffMyeah window is a lot better
16:52.57JeffMor dual head
16:53.14JeffMyou may also want to add set Win32noMin 1 to your config
16:53.37JeffMso it dosn't try to minimise and restore the bzwindow everytime you come back from a breakpoint
16:54.01JeffMjust add -window 800x600 to the command line part of the debug page in VC
16:57.22*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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17:02.03Wyk3dseems to be working in windowed mode now, thanks :)
17:02.23Wyk3dis there any way to move the window btw ?
17:02.32JeffMdrag it
17:02.45Wyk3dbut it captures the mouse
17:02.49JeffMturn that off
17:02.56JeffMthats' another big thing for debuging
17:02.58JeffMturn off capture
17:08.40Wyk3dis there a command line option for that ?
17:09.28blast007Wyk3d: no. it's under options > input settings > confine mouse
17:09.54blast007set it to no, then force a configuration file save in the Options menu (or wherever it's at)
17:11.26Wyk3ddone, thanks :)
17:15.45*** join/#bzflag bryjen_ (
17:18.14*** join/#bzflag Upsetter (
17:39.20*** join/#bzflag F687s (
17:40.22Wyk3dhmm CIA's offline .. anyway the reg menu seems to work now
17:51.39blast007hugs CIA-36
17:51.40CIA-36hugs blast007
17:51.57blast007ah, the site is down
18:06.32*** join/#bzflag Dont (
18:07.37*** join/#bzflag Abominable (
18:09.02Dontoh, thanks
18:09.35blast007looks like your port isn't forwarded right
18:09.46Dontit is forwarded
18:09.59blast007it's not working
18:11.37*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
18:16.44*** join/#bzflag Dont (
18:18.02blast007that's a local address
18:18.21blast007your external IP is
18:20.24*** join/#bzflag Dont (
18:20.35Dontnow aggain
18:23.06Dontaggain wrong?
18:24.34JeffMis your router setup to port forward?
18:24.40blast007no, you're doing it right here, but your router/computer isn't set up right, or your ISP blocks incoming traffic
18:38.46*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
18:43.51*** join/#bzflag Phase (n=Phase@unaffiliated/phase)
18:46.29*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
19:04.21*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
19:13.56*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (n=alex@
19:42.00I_Died_Oncewhat was the name of that font that looks like blood dripping off of the lettters.....
19:42.12I_Died_Onceoops wrong room
20:42.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
20:48.55*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
20:54.44*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (
20:57.25*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
21:06.00*** join/#bzflag CBG (
21:28.05*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
21:41.12*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
21:46.33*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
22:08.41*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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22:13.11*** join/#bzflag LongDon1 (
22:23.35*** part/#bzflag LongDon1 (
22:32.29*** join/#bzflag andrecastelo___ (n=chatzill@
22:39.06*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
22:41.12*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
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23:14.32*** join/#bzflag TJ13820 (
23:36.24*** join/#bzflag bier (
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