IRC log for #bzflag on 20080724

00:01.20JeffMis it for the client or the server? or obht?
00:01.35Flashit is in net
00:01.37JeffMthen it can't go in platform
00:01.42Flashactually network.cxx
00:01.44JeffMso big #def
00:02.05JeffMplatform is client only
00:07.32*** join/#bzflag _anomaly_ (
00:10.21CIA-35BZFlag: 03wyk3d * r18154 10/trunk/bzauthd/bzauthd/ (9 files):
00:10.21CIA-35BZFlag: * Added a config option for the token expire delay
00:10.21CIA-35BZFlag: * Added C string reading capability to the Packet class
00:10.21CIA-35BZFlag: * Implemented the token validation packet
00:10.21CIA-35BZFlag: * Added some comments
00:15.34*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
00:17.05brlcadConstitution: is that the page you're going to use for updates?
00:25.38*** join/#bzflag Olgem (n=Olgem@
00:26.46OlgemSo, do you think it is possible to play bzflag on an AMD Geode LX800, which is 500mhz, but is supposed to perform at the level of a P3 800mhz. The graphics are only 2d and are integrated onto the CPU.
00:27.09blast007It would run, but not very well  ;)
00:27.11spldartProlly not without 3d
00:27.21JeffMwe always run with 3d
00:27.25JeffMit just wont' be accelerated
00:27.27blast007my 800MHz with a nVidia 5200 doesn't even run very well
00:27.39JeffMat a low res, with textures off it would probably run
00:27.49OlgemYeah, I vaguely remember something about switching to bitmaps instead of textures
00:27.49JeffMbut not at any level of performance
00:27.52spldartThat's a cpu issue there. I get ok performance with a 5200
00:28.18blast007spldart: your karma
00:28.20OlgemJeffM, are you saying, even at say, 640x480 with no textures, it still wouldn't run well?
00:28.39JeffMOlgem, it would depend on the map
00:28.56JeffMwe are no longer targeting software rendering, so yeah it may not be great
00:29.22JeffMtry it and see
00:29.38blast007I recall running an older 2.0.x client on a 75MHz 486  ;)  but it wasn't for playing, just seeing if it *would* run
00:29.53blast007or maybe it was 1.10..
00:30.26Constitutionbrlcad: which?
00:30.27blast007but yeah, try it out and see.  You can probably run some maps without problems, but it will be an issue on maps that have more geometry
00:30.35JeffMthe removal of the depth buffer off would be a big thing
00:30.48blast007might have to tweak the settings as well
00:31.01blast007even the radar mode settings might heavily affect the CPU
00:31.06blast007or turning off the chat panel
00:31.16JeffMwhile the BSP wasn't correct, it was moderatly fast
00:31.25JeffMyeah fonts will be slower
00:31.28JeffMsince they are textures
00:31.43JeffMOlgem, how much ram does it have?
00:31.55JeffMit'll run
00:32.28JeffMbut really, we want hardware
00:32.55JeffMon a 450mhz celleron, even back in the 1.7 days I had issues playing with out hardware
00:33.06OlgemHeh, ok. I'm not really dissapointed, its probably better to not keep development limited by software rendering :]
00:33.19blast007hmm... I used to play 1.7 on a 133MHz, so maybe your celeron just sucked  ;)
00:33.34JeffMat what res?
00:33.41blast007heck if I know
00:33.46blast007probably 800x600
00:33.49JeffMI was 1280
00:33.59OlgemWhat is the lowest resolution supported by bzflag?
00:34.01JeffMended up having to get a TNT
00:34.08JeffM320x240 IIRC
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00:34.14OlgemIs that even playable?
00:34.15JeffMor something super small like that
00:34.16blast007Olgem: 640x480 is probably the lowest you *want* to go
00:34.19JeffMit's a joke
00:34.23OlgemAh, k.
00:34.33JeffMwe consider 800x600 to be the efective miniumum for development
00:34.43JeffMwhat exactly are you trying to do?
00:34.57OlgemHmmm, ok. I was just thinking offhand, if I were to ever get a Linutop.
00:35.17brlcadConstitution: Modular_Collisions
00:35.41JeffMOlgem, eww
00:36.04JeffMthat's an interent browser, not a gaming machine :)
00:36.32OlgemLinutop is a small Geode based computer. Interesting in that it runs coreboot by default(I believe)
00:36.32Olgemblast007, which driver do you use with your FX5200
00:36.51JeffMit's a data entry machine/ SIGN ;)
00:37.17OlgemJeffM, hehe, i've been using an olpc xo-1 now just to see if I could, and its even slower.
00:37.50JeffMwell don't run 3.0 then ;)
00:39.40bugQwhere'd you get an xo-1?
00:39.59OlgemSome lady at UC Berkeley sent it to me free of charge and shipping.
00:40.08OlgemI'm very lucky.
00:41.04blast007Olgem: I use the official driver (the system runs XP)
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00:42.44Constitutionbrlcad: no... I just saw that all the other projects had an info page except for mine, so I created one. My updates will go to a section of my blog at (I'll post something tonight).
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00:55.04brlcadConstitution: okay thanks!
00:55.34brlcadeither way, the wiki update was a good start ;)
00:55.42*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (
00:57.08brlcadKingofCamelot: did you have a site as well for updates?
00:57.49*** join/#bzflag Blizzard- (
01:08.51*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
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02:09.02CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r18155 10/trunk/bzflag/ (6 files in 4 dirs):
02:09.02CIA-35BZFlag: API function to get jumping game type
02:09.02CIA-35BZFlag: move jump velocity and burrow limits to lib game, as well as add some vector utils.
02:09.02CIA-35BZFlag: finalize code for server side bot motion and collisions.
02:09.33JeffMif that works, then server side bots can drive around and run into stuff
02:24.28*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (n=alex@
02:33.05Flashclass Address ... seems to be just a hostname/ip address. Any reason why it shouldn't include a port?
02:36.02*** join/#bzflag fatass (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
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02:40.50bugQJeffM: could loops in templates without [*EMPTY] default to nothing?
02:43.26*** join/#bzflag PrezKennnedy (
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02:53.25bugQuh oh, segfault on group page too
02:53.43brlcadbugQ: what sort of template?
02:54.06brlcadc++ templates?
02:54.30bugQjeff's template system for html pages
02:56.13bugQdescribed in plugins/plugin_utils/templates_readme.txt
02:56.20bugQhe appears to be gone, I'l wait
02:59.00CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18156 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/templates_readme.txt: spelling
02:59.17brlcadooh, beat me to it
02:59.30brlcadresolves conflict
03:04.01CIA-35BZFlag: 03brlcad * r18157 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/templates_readme.txt: lil more cleanup
03:06.47CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18158 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/webadmin.cpp: templating issues on group page
03:09.37brlcadbugQ: per your question, it's certainly possible that the code can be made to parse those files however is desired
03:09.59brlcadjust whether it's worth the effort when the page-maker can add the tag and move on
03:10.20bugQya, that's what I'm doing
03:10.22bugQnot that bad
03:25.14*** join/#bzflag ep (n=mdr@about/essy/guynextdoor/ep)
03:30.36CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18159 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/ (11 files in 4 dirs):
03:30.36CIA-35BZFlag: Changed ServerList over to using a map instead of a vector for storing the
03:30.36CIA-35BZFlag: servers, and added a lookup function for the map. Added code to link
03:30.36CIA-35BZFlag: HUDuiServerList to the ServerList, and the ability for ServerListItems to store
03:30.36CIA-35BZFlag: the key for the server that created them, for later lookup.
03:34.01bugQcyberduck, why dost thou vex me so?
03:45.29*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temp_dis@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
03:49.16CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18160 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/ (5 files in 2 dirs): more template issues
03:49.47bugQboy, do I like screen, though
04:02.54bugQok, that's all folks
04:22.01*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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04:41.03CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r18161 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/serverSideBotSample/ (serverSideBotSample.cpp serverSideBotSample.sln): whitespace
04:51.28Constitutionokay, I must be blind
04:51.56Constitutionin LocalPlayer.cxx there is a shots[] array referenced... but it's not defined there nor in the header
04:52.32Constitutiondoesn't it have to be defined in the source file or declared extern?
04:52.59JeffMwhat line?
04:53.39Constitutionthere are lots of references to shots[]... I just don't see the definition
04:53.49JeffMwhat is the line number of one of the refs?
04:54.23JeffMplayer.h, line206
04:54.30JeffMlocalplayer is a derived class from player
04:54.40Constitutionaahh, ok
04:54.41JeffMthe base player class has the shots
04:54.44Constitutionknew it was something simple
04:54.59JeffMcrap text editor 0 , Visual C++ 1
04:55.36JeffMall I had to do was double click on it
04:55.50JeffMand it tells me the class the variable is scoped in
04:55.52JeffMand what it is :)
04:56.00Constitutionyou can do that in Xcode too if it was set up that way
04:56.03JeffManother click and I can go to it's deceleration
04:56.20Constitutionbut I think Xcode just interfaces with the scripts somehow
04:56.23JeffMwhy would that not be the default for C files?
04:56.30JeffMyeah it does
04:56.37JeffMso install windows
04:56.51ConstitutionI'd rather be burned alive
04:57.11JeffMyou'd still be faster then what you are doing now ;)
04:57.12Constitutionwell maybe not quite ;)
04:57.20Constitutionheh, true
04:57.49Constitutionis there a particular reason why we don't use Xcode like we use the windows IDEs?
04:57.59Constitutiontoo hard to maintain?
04:58.25JeffMbrlcad is lazy
04:59.22Flashscript in my path to find stuff in the source tree
04:59.27Flash(I don't use XCode either)
04:59.33Constitutionhmm cool
04:59.41JeffMsearching for the word "shots" is a bad idea
04:59.45JeffMyou want to find it in contect
04:59.46Constitutionyeah Xcode is pointless as far as editing code
04:59.54TylerMhi guys.. i'm working on a custom control that i'm reading from serial port...
05:00.07TylerManyway I can inject movements into my client (legally? ;-) )
05:00.10JeffMgrep is cool and all, but you need more then a fancy find for stuff.
05:00.23JeffMTylerM: what do you mean?
05:00.50TylerMhi JeffM - in some programs I use I can connect to a tcp/udp listener and send commands.. that would be ideal
05:00.59JeffMwhat is your goal?
05:01.01TylerMe.g. to do turns and jumps
05:01.10brlcadxcode will do full code indexing if you tell it to (and does by default for xcode projects)
05:01.19JeffMyou want to throw messages in the middle of our updates to add your own movements?
05:01.45TylerMJeffM: pretty much yeah.. instead of my keyboard or joystick
05:02.06TylerMi've got a wii nunchuk wired up, please want to use a GPS receiver and a bunch of other wacky stuff to move my tank around :)
05:02.09JeffMwhy would you want to do it with messages?
05:02.16JeffMdo it with the client as an input device
05:02.27brlcadabosolutely too lazy to maintain that custom build system for just one platform when the build system that works well "everywhere except windows" works just fine on Mac
05:02.28TylerMthats a good question...
05:02.29JeffMmessages woudl just screw up SO Much stuff.
05:02.41JeffMTylerM: you have the sources to bzflag, add a new input mode
05:02.58TylerMi can't seem to make this custom device appear as an input device for the operating system.. not yet anyway..
05:03.04JeffMthen your client would you know, SEE your updates.
05:03.19JeffMTylerM: so don't use the OS, make it a mode and code for it directly
05:03.36TylerMhmm.. not a bad idea..
05:03.44TylerMcan i do it with python ? ;)
05:03.58JeffMtho you could make the C call the python
05:04.02TylerMheh.. just kidding, but that's where my programming smarts end ;)
05:04.22brlcadnot to bust your momentum bubble hopefully but someone got the wii controller working with bzflag over a year ago
05:04.24TylerMI'm learning a bit of c-like language using the arduino platform for this new device
05:04.32brlcadthere was a youtube video of it iirc
05:04.53TylerMbrlcad: oh yeah, that's no big deal for me.. I'm fusing a bunch of sensors together, that's the goal
05:04.54JeffMyeah making the wiimote show as a joystick isn't that hard it seems
05:05.08JeffMbut yeah, you don't want to mess with the networking stream
05:05.22JeffManything you insert is 1) a cheat, and 2) won't be refelected on the client.
05:05.31TylerMoh i see what you mean
05:05.36brlcadat least, if you do .. but sure to write a full protocol-testing interface while you're at it so we can test things out ;)
05:05.56TylerMcovers his ears with talk like that
05:06.08brlcad(i.e. write your own headless client)
05:06.39TylerMi've only touch bzflag code once and that wasn't too do much :)
05:06.53JeffMbrlcad always shooting for the moon :)
05:08.00brlcadJeffM: or add an 'r' and i'm shooting for the .. eh, 'stuckee' to do the work ;)
05:08.53TylerMi was capturing tank positions and plotting them in a web map.. heh.. it was so lame but fun
05:09.09TylerMajax tank ;)
05:10.31JeffMyou'd do that with a plugin now
05:10.46JeffMmessing with the raw data is lame, since it changes and your app is pooche
05:26.17CIA-35BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r18162 10/branches/v2_99_net_branch/src/bzfs/bzfs.cxx: Eliminate an extra copy
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07:30.29CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18163 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/src/bzflag/HUDuiScrollList.cxx: Fixed a bug in HUDuiScrollList that would cause crashes when the list had no items and the user tried to go up/down in the list.
08:21.28CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18164 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/src/bzflag/ (HUDuiServerList.cxx HUDuiServerList.h): Starting to add in filtering methods for HUDuiServerList.
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15:08.36BulletCatchersvn uses a separate https connection per file committed.  sigh.
15:08.50CIA-35BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r18165 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/freetype/ (160 files in 36 dirs): Add the Subversion svn:eol-style=native property to miscellaneous text files in our copy of the FreeType package.
15:24.10*** join/#bzflag randomparticle (n=randompa@about/essy/snick/randomparticle)
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15:34.36Constitutionhi snick
15:35.04CIA-35BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r18166 10/trunk/bzflag/src/other/curl/ (72 files in 7 dirs): Add the Subversion svn:eol-style=native property to miscellaneous text files in our copy of the cURL package.
15:38.01randomparticlehi :(
15:38.09randomparticlei mean :)
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16:53.27delusionaljeff, i'd like to ask some questions about some commits you did awhile back concerning tangability.. first of all.. is it still in trunk?  If so, what exactly can a mapper do with it? And of course how?
16:54.07delusionalit's intrigued me too long.
16:57.14JeffMmapers don't use
16:57.46JeffMit is not a map feature but a server features
16:57.50JeffMplugins would use it
16:58.09JeffMa plugin can turn objects drive thru or solid
16:58.11JeffMthat's it
17:02.54*** join/#bzflag Blizzard- (
17:04.21JeffMto use it with a map, you'd add specific names to your ojbects, then write a plugin for those names and have it do whatever logic you wanted to turn them solid or not
17:04.27*** join/#bzflag MattP (n=aha@unaffiliated/aha)
17:05.14JeffMor have someone write a plugin that imbeds logic into custom map objects and then does the same thing
17:09.32*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
17:10.15delusionalcould a weather plugin be devised, that changed the alpha of objects, (or some other technique) to read weather from a server, and change the map accordingly?
17:10.50delusionalwith clouds..
17:11.14delusionalthere's currently only one partly cloudy setting
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17:12.23delusionalno tangability plugin has been written yet?
17:12.44JeffMmaterials can not be changed at this time
17:12.49JeffMso changing alpha is not possible
17:13.08JeffMand no, there is no tang plugin yet
17:13.16JeffMwhat I did was simply lay the groundwork
17:13.36delusionalso even with a plugin... the tang-door would look the same, weather it was passable or not?
17:13.38JeffMby itself it won't be that useufll, I need to add the ability to change materials on a per ojbect basis to
17:14.05JeffMalso you can not change the shoot thru property of it
17:14.08JeffMjust drive thru
17:14.35delusionalthanks, that's a good status update jeff.  just letting you know we're interested in it.
17:14.59JeffMshots won't happen untill probalby 4.0
17:15.06JeffMas they require shotbranch
17:15.23delusionalwow, never heard 4.0 mentioned before.
17:15.44JeffMwell I doubt it would be ready for 3.0
17:15.50JeffMand it's a proto change, so that means 4.0
17:17.48Constitutionwhenever someone talks about a new feature, they talk about 3.0 for some reason... nobody seems to be clued in that we're trying to release soon
17:18.09JeffMwelcome to online comunities ;)
17:18.17JeffMit's just the "next" version they know of
17:18.31JeffMand most people are not realy sure how software is made
17:18.45JeffMsome mysterious "they" just makes it happen, right?
17:19.06JeffMjust be glad we arn't a MMO
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17:19.27JeffMwe'd be called 'lazy f''ers" for not fixing the one small bug that one person just happens to have
17:20.04JeffMConstitution, I added a new flileset to Game, MotionUtils.h
17:20.20SwiggThe same people also probably think that IRC is new. :P
17:20.21JeffMit has the logics for a lot of common things, like max speed, momentum, friction, etc..
17:20.48JeffMif you have any logics for shots that are shared between client and server, that's a good place to put them
17:20.53Constitutionah ok
17:21.14JeffMI'll add the stuff for tank size based on flag, etc.. there too
17:21.26JeffMfigured it'd be good to only have one place where we do that kinda logic
17:22.54Constitutionstuff for variances in shot speed based on flag type go in there too?
17:24.27JeffMyeah I think anything that we want to compute the same way on both client and server
17:24.41JeffMI'm sure at some point we'll have more then one fileset too :)
17:25.10JeffMlike I did float computeAngleVelocity(float old, float desired, float dt );
17:25.36JeffMthat does the computation for taking a tank from it's current rotation vel to it's input rotation vel
17:25.57JeffMand I made the client and server both use it
17:26.05JeffMand we can have th cheat detations use, etc..
17:26.31*** part/#bzflag TylerM (n=TylerM@osgeo/member/TylerM)
17:27.24JeffMis there a min time between wings flaps?
17:28.55Gnurduxif there is, its pretty short
17:30.02Gnurduxalso isnt it a bad idea to release 3.0 without some of the important fixes it was going to have?
17:30.40Gnurduxlike server-side shots
17:30.54JeffM3.0 will be a year late for that
17:31.05JeffMbetter to get 3.0 out now, and then just do 4.0 in a year
17:31.16Gnurduxi guess
17:31.23JeffM3.0 still has other features
17:31.26JeffMthat don't hurt
17:31.34Gnurduxits just that proto breaks are sort of bad
17:32.00Gnurduxthey take time to work out often
17:32.16JeffMyeah but they make the game better overall
17:32.21JeffMand we have auto updates now
17:32.26Gnurduxwouldnt it be possible to make a server flag that tells the client whether or not server will be handling shots?
17:32.36JeffMit's more then that
17:32.38Gnurduxand have the client know how to deal with it
17:32.40JeffMserver side shots are just HARD
17:32.47Gnurduxand just not do the server side of it
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17:33.18JeffMthe problem with that is we'd have to forsee what handling it on the server woudl be now
17:33.22JeffMand that's the part we don't know
17:33.35JeffMsure if we could look into the future we could do that
17:33.46JeffMbut also we could just implement it, and be done with it ;(
17:34.02Gnurduxhow does quake3 handle it?
17:34.14JeffMquake clients are stupid
17:34.17Gnurduxor does quake3 just hope punkbuster will catch the cheaters?
17:34.19JeffMand all actions happen on the server
17:34.37JeffMthey have a totaly different type of networking then us
17:34.45JeffMpunkbuster looks for different stuff then we do
17:34.51Gnurduxwhy doesnt bz do that?
17:34.59JeffMbecause we don't
17:35.00Gnurduxjust move everything to the server
17:35.05JeffMand i'm not sure that it would be better
17:35.27JeffMand basicly we'd have to rewrite the entire client and server
17:36.14JeffMpunkbuster looks for input level cheats
17:36.19JeffMaimbots, etc..
17:36.38JeffMit mostly does staticital anallasis on the input to try and see if it's a meat player or not
17:36.45JeffMour problems are much worse then that
17:37.11JeffMthe quake system is very lag sensitive
17:37.26JeffMand I think we can get to a parallel game state system that will be much more lag tolelrant
17:37.32JeffMand still give us the same effects.
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17:51.59CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r18167 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx): tell server side bots when they pickup a flag, or when there shot types change.
18:09.30pacman87umm, meant that for #brlcad
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20:17.46CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18168 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/webadmin.cpp: null method pointer
20:18.08bugQhooray, method pointers :\
20:32.24JeffMbugQ, why do you have to use the this pointer?
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20:33.00bugQit's calling the method that pair->second points to, on this
20:33.19JeffMwhy do you need this
20:33.34bugQnot sure, I tried it without it
20:33.39JeffMthis->pair.whaterver == pair.whatever
20:33.52JeffMdo you have more then one thing with the same name?
20:34.20bugQah, it would be more clear if I wrote it like: this->*(pair->second)
20:34.26JeffMyou don't need this
20:34.29JeffMthat is bad programing
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20:38.08JeffMwhat did not work when you took out the this pointer?
20:38.51bugQI don't remember, exactly
20:38.59bugQbig update, recompiling, will try it
20:39.07JeffMdoes not like the use of non static methods as function pointers
20:39.12JeffMI'm not sure that works on all systems
20:39.36bugQI'll see if I can do it another way, then
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20:44.38bugQI get this on .de:
20:44.54JeffMI was wrong you need the this
20:44.59JeffMit's just very "eww" code
20:45.19JeffMnot the way I'd have done it
20:45.31JeffMbut whatever works
20:45.34bugQyes, it's weird
20:46.59bugQI guess it came from my familiarity with dynamic languages
20:48.33JeffMyeah, I nor Erroneous are sure how portable that is going to be
20:48.48JeffMthe C++ way would be to have each page be it's own class
20:48.59JeffMether drived or friends
20:49.02JeffMor use functors
20:49.37JeffMI mean all you are getting away from is doing a switch on the names
20:50.13JeffMand I don't see that the switch is a big problem
20:50.26bugQok, I'll use another tactic
20:51.04JeffMI mean realy all you need there is if (page == "main")generateMainPage(); else if (page =="whatever") etc..
20:51.29JeffMand that's basicly the same as moving the list of method registrations down from the constructor to the caller
20:51.49JeffMyou still have to type something that does a name to method maping
20:51.54JeffMit's just in another place
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20:52.31JeffMand see I told you you think in php type code ;)
20:52.40bugQi guess so
20:52.51JeffMat least you arn't like MikeO
20:52.54JeffMhe thinks in fortran
20:52.57JeffMHUGE functions
20:53.22JeffMhates rewriting his plug-ins
20:54.14Erroneousmacro is the most fun one
20:54.36Erroneoushe's got several functions with 2k+ lines
20:56.36bugQreally wish switch would work on objects with an operator ==, though
21:00.19JeffMbugQ, welcome to C++
21:10.31Wyk3dabout non-static method pointer, how portable do you need it to be ?
21:10.46JeffMrun on all the compilers we support ;)
21:11.03Wyk3dthey work on older gcc, all vc above 7.1 may 6.0 too , intel
21:11.38JeffMthat'd be the kicker, "maybe"
21:11.59JeffMthe code isn't that prety or readable ether
21:12.00Wyk3dthe rest of the code won't compile on 6.0 anyway :)
21:12.06JeffMthis is true
21:12.13JeffMthank the gods for the death of VC6
21:12.22JeffMfor(int i ) FTW!
21:12.36Wyk3dyeah extreme standards compliance problems there
21:12.51Erroneousstandards?  what standards?  :)
21:13.15Wyk3dyeah i guess they didn't know the meaning of the word when they made it ;)
21:14.14bugQpretty is relative :P
21:15.05Wyk3dand well you can wrap them in some nice templated code and they're prettier than anything you can make with void * casts ;)
21:15.38Wyk3dwhich, doesn't work with multiple inheritance btw
21:16.22bugQanyway, my stuff is nice and method-pointer-free now
21:16.39JeffMI could see needint something like them if you had 100's of callbacks
21:16.51JeffMbut at that point it woudl be better to use a more generic callback base class
21:17.03JeffMthe map lookup IS faster then the nested IFs
21:17.05CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18169 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/webadmin.cpp: no more method pointers, oh well
21:17.09JeffMbut it's not worht it for small stuff
21:17.17Wyk3dyou can make them more generinc than void * casts with templates
21:17.25Wyk3d*more generic
21:17.28JeffMhe wasn't void casting
21:17.47Epyontheres always a better way to do it in boo^D^D^D^D^D somwhere out there.
21:18.03JeffMall depends on your needs
21:18.08bugQpff, boo.
21:18.53bugQtemplates are quite cool, though, I need to get the hang of them
21:19.16EpyonbugQ, probably templates would be a solution to your problem.
21:19.30EpyonbugQ, they usualy are to any C++ related problem xP
21:19.49Wyk3dand they do work on all compilers that matter
21:19.56Erroneousheh, I was gonna dispute that, then realized you said "a" solution, not "the" solution :P
21:20.00Wyk3dyou need template support to compile stl
21:21.17EpyonErroneous, intentional :P
21:21.17CIA-35BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r18170 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (6 files in 3 dirs):
21:21.17CIA-35BZFlag: * Subgraphs for faces -- handling, implementation, initial graph creation and cleanup
21:21.17CIA-35BZFlag: * various minor cleanups
21:21.38ErroneousEpyon: I'm sure it was :)
21:23.02bugQwhat the fnord is making the compiler on .de treat warnings like errors?
21:24.20JeffMEpyon, for what he's doing I don't think templates would work well
21:24.31JeffMbugQ, fix the warnings
21:24.56JeffMall his method pointers are in the same class/object
21:25.23Wyk3dyou can write a solution that is reusable for any type of class
21:25.50JeffMWyk3d, I mean that basicly it was just a name ->method map where all the methods are in the same class
21:26.17bugQwhatever, I have something that works now and is not a pain to extend
21:26.23JeffMI'd have registered page generation classes for each page
21:26.29JeffMbugQ, good
21:27.52JeffMsullies his Virtual dir with post5.dll :(
21:28.09EpyonJeffM, I'd need to have to take a look, but I'd rather spend my time now on my project. However recently I saw some really absurd things done easily with templates so they have my awe :)
21:28.30JeffMyes they are very powerfull, but they are not the solution for all cases
21:29.00EpyonJeffM, like Erroneous, not *the* solution, but often *a* :)
21:29.38JeffMthe solution in this case would mean redoing it in a totaly different way, whre having it as a template or not would solve the problem
21:29.42JeffMso sure, you can do it with templates
21:29.54bugQI got nothing on this one
21:29.54JeffMbut once you redo it to work with templates, you'd not need them :)
21:30.16JeffMthat's mee
21:30.29JeffMone sec
21:30.33JeffMprobalby have order wrong
21:30.52Thumper_reorder the initializers
21:31.05bugQthere are none :|
21:31.07JeffMhence my comment
21:31.10JeffMbugQ, there are
21:31.12Thumper_at least what's what I've done in the past. hmm :)
21:31.13JeffMin bzfs
21:31.39JeffMtho why it cares I do not know
21:33.02Wyk3dmaybe the standard says it has to initalize them in the order you specify, but it's more efficient to do it in the order in which they appear in the class ..
21:33.31bugQthat is almost silly
21:34.00JeffMit's your compiler, not mine :)
21:34.10CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r18171 10/trunk/bzflag/ (include/bzfsAPI.h src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx):
21:34.10CIA-35BZFlag: init the ServerSidePlayers in the correct order.
21:34.10CIA-35BZFlag: add generic update method
21:35.36Epyonfound out what const_iterator is for. By accident xP
21:35.50JeffMthey are for awesomeness!
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21:36.32bugQall right! next one:
21:36.33bugQbzfsAPI.cxx:4321: warning: declaration of 'update' shadows a member of 'this'
21:37.00JeffMI know
21:37.02JeffMa local
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21:39.12ErroneousWyk3d: the standard says they need to be initialized in the order they're declared.  gcc follows that, and warns you if that means they'll not be in the order that you originally asked for...this lets you know that you need to change something if one of your initializers depends on another one.
21:39.12JeffMI'd fix it if I could
21:39.18JeffMbut SVN just went down
21:41.23EpyonUh, yeah
21:41.30EpyonJust wanted to ask :/
21:42.52Erroneouswow, pinch turning is a total hack...
21:44.02JeffMyes.. yes it is
21:52.02CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18172 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/ (include/ServerList.h src/game/ServerList.cxx): Added a getServerAt(index) method to ServerList to wrap the iterators and make for cleaner code.
21:52.49JeffMyay it's back
21:52.51CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r18173 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzfs/bzfsAPI.cxx: since there is now a method called update, we can't use that as a local variable name in updatePhysics
21:53.56*** join/#bzflag MindstormsKid (n=chatzill@wikipedia/MindstormsKid)
21:54.21MindstormsKidoh, nvm :(
21:54.28MindstormsKidi was banned on a server
21:54.32MindstormsKidno idea why
21:54.40JeffMok, talk to the owner
21:54.43JeffMit's a private thing
21:54.51JeffMof course you do
21:56.25CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18174 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/src/bzflag/ (HUDuiServerList.cxx HUDuiServerList.h): Cleaning up and refactoring the sorting and filtering code for HUDuiServerList.
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22:33.45CIA-35BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r18175 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
22:33.46CIA-35BZFlag: * Subgraph initialization should create Connections?
22:33.46CIA-35BZFlag: * const_iterator for the getNodes to be a const method.
22:33.46CIA-35BZFlag: * couple cleanups
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22:57.29CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18176 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/templates/banlist.tmpl: template tag typo
22:57.59tj13820I have 8 images awaiting moderation, could someone check em out please?
22:59.45JeffMsolid colors?
22:59.50JeffMwhy not just use a material?
23:00.10tj13820it is for a "Rockem Sockem Robots" stage
23:00.16tj13820they are specific colors
23:00.24JeffMagain, why not just use a material with that specific color?
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23:00.33JeffMyou can specify the RGB of a material
23:00.40JeffMand have it not textured
23:00.45tj13820i don't know the RGB information.
23:00.55JeffMyou did to make the texture
23:01.05tj13820i used photoshop
23:01.17JeffMthen you have even LESS of an excuse
23:01.25JeffMwhat were the color paramaters in photoshop?
23:01.26CBG`So use the colour picker tool thing.
23:01.29tj13820and just copied the color from the original image to this one
23:01.31JeffMit TELLS you the color
23:01.45JeffMwhen you picked the color, that was it
23:02.00tj13820from an image off of the internet.
23:02.14JeffMthat you opened in photoshop
23:02.16tj13820so how do i define the RGB values
23:02.26JeffMwhat are they in photoshop?
23:02.32tj13820hold on, i'll find out.
23:03.28CBG`material \n name colour1 \n diffuse 0.12 0.34 0.56 1.00 \n end \n meshbox \n matref colour 1 \n size/pos/etc \n end. voila.
23:04.33JeffMyou may also need to add notextures to the material if the base normaly has a texture
23:04.35tj13820Red -- R-221 G-23  B-20
23:04.41JeffMdivide by 255
23:04.48JeffMthat gives you the decimal values for bzflag
23:05.28tj13820so diffuse 0 0 0 0 = colors
23:05.41tj13820very cool
23:06.02CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r18177 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/ (BUGS webadmin.cpp):
23:06.02CIA-35BZFlag: reset the editing flag after processing request
23:06.02CIA-35BZFlag: fixed a segfault, found another
23:06.11CBG`0.8667 0.0902 0.0784 1.00
23:06.46tj13820^ is that it?
23:07.03CBG`no I made them up off the top of my head to confuse you and be an ass.
23:07.12tj13820well this is new to me
23:07.31CBG`I think the term you're looking for is "Ta very much, gov'na."
23:07.46JeffMtj13820, have you read the docs on material?
23:07.52JeffMit goes over all of this
23:07.56tj13820i have, but never really understood this
23:08.03JeffMthere is even a page just on color
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23:08.07tj13820i've found making a texture was easier
23:08.57JeffMyeah but it's going to waste texture memory, bandwith, disk space, etc...
23:09.10tj13820thank you
23:09.15JeffMand potentaly draw slower
23:09.31JeffMit's going to be mipmaped, etc...
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23:15.47tj13820what does the 1.00 at the end do?
23:16.48JeffMopacity basicly
23:17.06JeffM0 is transperant 1 is solid
23:17.11tj13820so 1.00 is the highest setting?
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23:18.01Epyontj13820, you want it more solid than solid? Use viagra.
23:18.50JeffMit can not be more solid then 100%
23:19.00JeffMdid you read the page on color?
23:19.02tj13820okay ... and
23:19.24tj13820well just wanted to know if there is some kind of bug that makes some cool setting possible
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23:19.41JeffMit's math
23:23.28spldart"What... She killed them with math"
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23:27.08JeffMmath is delicous
23:28.30spldartCorpus delecti
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23:31.35Thumper_bugQ: thanks - I really like the info provided by your updates to the BUGS file
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23:49.46spldartFor the honest, clear and productive blog entry.
23:51.34spldartheh... not to imply dishonesty... But a more straightforward and clear entry. IMHO
23:51.55bugQsure thing :)
23:53.46Thumper_bugQ: I really like that your blog entry says you _are_ doing vs what you did
23:55.49CIA-35BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r18178 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
23:55.49CIA-35BZFlag: * ordering of files in the project file
23:55.49CIA-35BZFlag: * some cosmetic changes
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