IRC log for #bzflag on 20080720

00:08.14*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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00:24.41blast007Wyk3d: what LDAP server are you using to test bzauthd?  OpenLDAP on a *nix system?
00:27.24Wyk3dOpenLDAP on windows :)
00:27.35blast007cygwin? or native?
00:27.48Wyk3di've no idea how it was compiled i just found it in binary :)
00:28.18Wyk3di think i tried compiling openldap with cygwin/mingw and it didn't work
00:29.37Wyk3dor maybe it did .. not sure, it was a while ago
00:29.56Wyk3danyway now i'm using a precompiled one
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00:37.26Wyk3dwhy do you ask btw ?
00:46.02blast007just want to be able to test
00:46.29blast007I might just do a linux VM with OpenLDAP
00:46.41blast007that way I'd be half way set up for when bzauthd runs on linux  :)
00:47.35Wyk3di could upload the win installer for you if you'd like :)
01:25.42*** join/#bzflag whodaman (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
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02:58.30*** join/#bzflag Epyon (
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03:12.43brlcadenables a password policy on .bz given a couple weak passwords
03:18.33Blizzard-like, password :)
03:18.58brlcadnothing quite that bad
03:24.33*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d1 (n=Wyk3d@
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10:13.27whodamanlooks for BZFlag on the app store ;)
10:25.41CIA-35BZFlag: 03kingofcamelot * r18107 10/branches/gsoc_server_listing/src/bzflag/ (HUDuiServerInfo.cxx HUDuiServerInfo.h):
10:25.41CIA-35BZFlag: Created the HUDuiServerInfo class. This class will render the selected server's
10:25.41CIA-35BZFlag: information. Was originally going to grab the data from ServerItems, but now
10:25.41CIA-35BZFlag: it's more of a wrapper for ServerItems. No need to re-invent the wheel.
11:14.14*** join/#bzflag Wits (
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13:44.19brlcadwhodaman: heh, thought about it
13:57.42*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (n=alex@
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14:03.13whodamanbrlcad, I'll pay ya ;)
14:06.12Winnyit seems like it would be rather hard to control, and you could only really talk when you're dead
14:18.15brlcadwhodaman: the biggest discentive is that you'd really only be able to play over wifi/lan connections and even then the latency/lag would be fairly high and jittery
14:19.17whodamanbrlcad, I'd REALLY love a bzadmin
14:19.38brlcadthat'd be a lot easier
14:24.32*** join/#bzflag ShadowSpectre (
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14:40.26brlcadciao tupone
14:43.42Tuponehola brlcad
14:53.04whodamanbrlcad, playing would definitely be no fun
15:01.05*** join/#bzflag Alex135 (n=alex@
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15:07.59ibotSubversion (aka SVN) is version control software that aims to be a better CVS than CVS. See
15:24.34*** join/#bzflag Blizzard- (
15:25.01whodamanoh wow
15:25.05whodamanthis checkout is taking forever
15:29.23spldartsourceforge has been extremely slow for days now
15:32.27*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
15:36.44whodamanOnly took 29 minutes :P
15:40.04*** join/#bzflag Wyk3d (n=Wyk3d@
16:12.19blast007Wyk3d: is there any specific LDAP hierarchy that I should be following?
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16:17.54*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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16:33.48Wyk3dblast007: no, I used the default schemas
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16:45.34blast007Wyk3d: meaning you're just creating users right inside the root?
16:51.44Wyk3dyes, basicly
16:57.41blast007Wyk3d: does the method of user password encryption matter?
16:58.13Wyk3di used simple
16:58.28Wyk3d"user password encryption"
16:58.36Wyk3dyou can't set that
16:58.46Wyk3dif you mean auth for the root dn
16:58.57Wyk3dthen you should use "simple authentication"
16:59.30Wyk3di manually set the userPassword attribute for users to the base65 md5 hash of the password
16:59.37blast007I'm using phpLDAPadmin, and when creating a user, it gives me options like blowfish, md5, crypt, clear, etc
16:59.49Wyk3doh, then use md5
16:59.53Wyk3dor well
17:00.00Wyk3dactually it doesn't matter
17:00.05Wyk3di think it will auth anyway
17:00.12Wyk3dnew users are created using md5
17:02.14Wyk3d(i.e new users that are created via registration in the daemon)
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17:10.18Wyk3dbtw does phpLDAPadmin create users with just the "person" objectclass or does it add others ?
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17:32.14Wyk3dwhat debian packages do i need for opengl
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17:34.02JeffMbut if you get that error in config, it's probalby not the problem
17:34.30GnurduxWyk3d, if your trying to compile stuff you need the dev packages
17:34.44JeffMis it a fresh debian?
17:36.14Wyk3dwell it's fresh .. actually it's ubuntu
17:36.38JeffMyeah you need to install the C++ compiler
17:36.42JeffMit's not there by default
17:36.57Wyk3di have that :)
17:37.13Wyk3dit configured everything, it just says opengl is missing
17:37.14JeffMwhat video card do you have?
17:37.25JeffMyeah that is the generic error when it can't compile any sample
17:37.30JeffMeven if GL is not the cause
17:37.49Wyk3di did apt-get gcc and g++
17:38.02JeffMdid you do sdl dev?
17:38.20JeffMdo that, it gets a lot of depen dencies
17:38.31Wyk3d"sdl-dev" ?
17:38.37JeffMand waht video card do you have? nvidia or ati?
17:38.51JeffMit'll be like sdl1.2-dev or something
17:39.34JeffMthen there is an nvidia dev package too
17:40.19JeffMdid you do automake, autoconf and autotools too?'
17:41.16blast007Wyk3d: it uses "inetOrgPerson" when I create a user
17:41.51Wyk3dJeffM: yes, it didn't without those
17:41.56blast007also adds the object class "top"
17:45.05Wyk3dblast007: currently i use just "person" but for auth it will work with anything that has a userPassword field ..
17:49.45Wyk3dlater though, that may change, depending on what other user information we want to store in the directory
17:51.09blast007are groups used at all yet? or is this just users so far?
17:53.21Wyk3djust users ..
17:55.39Wyk3dhmm .. i installed sdl and now it keeps complaining about freetype :-/
18:02.52Wyk3dFTGL/ftgl.h : no such file or directory ..
18:04.10blast007try adding --enable-freetype-build to ./configure
18:04.25blast007and/or --enable-ftgl-build
18:04.37blast007we have freetype and FTGL in our source tree
18:05.59*** join/#bzflag Wits (
18:06.15Wyk3dblast007: that worked .. thanks :)
18:08.44Wyk3dbtw, i'm doing this in a debian image from coLinux under windows :)
18:09.36Wyk3dcan you mount other partitions with vmware ?
18:10.21blast007you can create a disk image that maps directory to a host partition
18:10.29blast007not recommended, of course
18:11.31Wyk3din coLinux, it's just a simple command line option cofs=C:\temp and then mount cofs /mnt/tmpdir :)
18:12.44blast007vmware also lets you map to an entire hard drive as well
18:14.03Wyk3dsame, i thought vmware didn't support those things though .. maybe that was with some older version dunno..
18:16.50blast007can you use 3D graphics acceleration with coLinux?
18:18.50Wyk3dnot sure yet
18:19.41Wyk3dtheoretically i should be able to install if i don't have it
18:20.24Wyk3dcoLinux just runs the kernel natively, with some fixes to not bother windows
18:27.19*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
18:43.12Blizzard-Wyk3d: ping
18:44.34Blizzard-I can't run linux on my machine and I'm not sure why.
18:45.04Blizzard-When I boot up with the CD, it takes me to a login screen, but there's a constent clacking noise.
18:45.35Blizzard-so, I turn off the sound, login, and it's THE most basic linux, stone age.
18:45.46Blizzard-I can't download any drivers, install anything, can't do shit
18:46.00Blizzard-except use the internet and crappy apps that came with the CD
18:46.09Wyk3dsorry, I'm not the right person to ask and I don't know if it's right channel to ask on for that matter
18:46.31Blizzard-well ya'll where talking about linux and what not earlier :P
18:47.14Wyk3dnot about "how to install" stuff :)
18:48.21Blizzard-bagh bah
18:50.35Wyk3di recommend asking on channels related to the specific linux distro you'd like to install
18:51.05Blizzard-yeah I'm at ##linux, just thought I'd give it a shot here :P
18:53.02Wyk3dremember that not all linux distros are the same
18:53.38Wyk3dhence your questions are impossible to answer
18:54.39Blizzard-i want to say it's my hardware, but I've got linux to work on a hp before
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19:38.41a_temp_distMOTD borked?
19:40.47CIA-35BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r18108 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/BUGS: GM crashing client.
20:01.05*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=fatass__@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
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20:09.14*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
20:10.46JeffMConstitution: how's it going?
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20:11.13Paul_PLhello all
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20:51.42Wyk3dwhat can cause creating the window to fail using linux ?
20:52.11JeffMdid you install SDL?
20:52.18JeffMor it's asking for a res that it can't do
20:52.53Wyk3dsdl is installed yes
20:53.05Wyk3dthing is i'm not using a normal X server
20:53.10Wyk3dbut a remote connection to one
20:53.17JeffMthat'd probalby be it
20:53.59Wyk3dyes, well is should be possible to create a window remotely or ?
20:54.09JeffMthat I don't know. I've never done it
20:54.51Wyk3dso far i've only tried xterm besides bzflag but that works fine that way
20:55.46Wyk3danother thing, where is the linux specific platform factory defined ?
20:56.07Wyk3di see a winplatformfactory but ..
20:56.10JeffMsdldisplay, sdlwin ,etc..
20:56.23JeffMit's ether SDL or X11
20:56.36JeffMas more then linux runs SDL and X11
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21:28.07Wyk3dby default it will use X11 right ?
21:28.35JeffMif SDL is not installed
21:28.47JeffMif SDL is installed and detected at configure time, it will use SDL
21:29.08JeffMSDL is the prefered method for all OSs other then windows
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21:52.00ConstitutionJeffM: going well. I'm working on modularizing the shot strategy and getting the server-side shot info storage ready to tie into it.
21:52.56JeffMhow is decoupling it from the client logic going?
21:56.41Constitutionnot bad... just need to find a generic way of getting the map info that will work with both client and server
21:57.22JeffMwhen do you think you will commit something?
21:57.37JeffMobstacle manager should exist on both client and server
21:58.12Constitutionshouldn't be too hard then
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22:44.55spldartooOOoo... /me stands ready for what sounds like a fairly large commit :)
22:52.05Constitutionspldart: not terribly... I switched over to my own branch early last week, and have spent some time looking over the different way shots are handled in trunk. Takes me a little time to get up to speed when I have new code to deal with.
23:01.01spldartIC. Well.. I look forward to seeing it and possibly tinkering with it :)
23:04.38Constitutioncool :)
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