IRC log for #bzflag on 20080718

00:00.53blast007QuantumZ: did you read them yet?
00:01.17blast007my name should show up next to #bzflag on your channel tab list
00:02.50QuantumZthe messages about me cpying other peoples names?
00:08.09QuantumZat quols ductai style we have having weird problems
00:08.33QuantumZserver is mdisconnceting and spawns are going out of zone it crazy
00:08.46QuantumZcome down here check it out
00:17.07*** join/#bzflag CBG (
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00:25.34QuantumZthats the problem i chose this one on my own without "trying or atttempting"to steal someone elses
00:26.33QuantumZni watched the movie quantum man and herad about a show called zin the allien boy
00:26.58QuantumZsrry poor typing for me : (
00:29.20QuantumZnexactly poor typing : (
00:29.32QuantumZit a new word nexactly
00:29.40CBGOh dear lord...
00:29.48QuantumZmeans cheese with ham
00:30.03spldartZin the alien boy sounds to close to the Invader Zim concept
00:30.06QuantumZlol CBG is going family guy on us
00:30.18QuantumZnyea thats what i meant
00:30.30spldartnstop n'ing
00:30.45QuantumZi just didnt want to put a m there
00:30.46CBGStop talking completely.
00:31.04CBGNo, I mean it.
00:31.13QuantumZoh ok..
00:31.50JeffMquantumZ mostyly you just arn't making any sense
00:32.14spldartHe sounds more 'under the influence' than I am.
00:32.25QuantumZnswergart noodles does that help?-_-
00:32.30spldartPlease Quantum.. it's a dev channel and this is the wrong place for that.
00:32.34CBGHe sounds about 10 years too young to be under the influence.
00:32.43spldartProlly true.
00:32.54QuantumZok i'll stp talking
00:32.59spldartThank you.
00:46.27blast007QuantumZ: I find that story hard to believe
01:14.27*** join/#bzflag ShadowSpectre (
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03:02.55Flashdo we even pretend to support IPv6?
03:06.06a_meteoriteshush don't leak such secrets
03:18.36Flashcan anyone defend NetHandler::whoIsAtIP ?
03:19.12Flashit is currently used to kick/ban a player who changed nick while a poll was in progress by matching IP address
03:19.26Flashseems bad, because multiple players can (and do) use the same IP address
03:42.12*** join/#bzflag JeffMMain (
04:59.16BulletCatcherFlash: NetHandler::whoIsAtIP() is used only if the banned/kicked player's original callsign cannot be found.  Since banning is usually done by IP address, multiple players on a single IP address will be affected anyway.
04:59.17BulletCatcherFor a kick, if the kickee has quit and rejoined that has the same effect, so I see no point in trying quite so hard to do it forcefully.
05:00.40Flashso you agree that it could/should be removed?
05:01.22BulletCatcherMy vote would be to keep it for banning, but not for kicking.
05:01.40Flashwhy? as you pointed out, bans are usually by IP address anyway
05:01.48JeffMMainbut they are not always
05:01.53JeffMMainthere are hostmask and ID bans
05:02.01JeffMMainkicks should only kill the one connection for the playerID
05:02.16JeffMMainregardless of how many other IDs share the IP
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05:05.36BulletCatcherOkay, for a ban the only consequence of not using NetHandler::whoIsAtIP() would be that the banned user would not see the vote result message.  I assume the ban -- whatever form -- will still take effect.
05:06.13BulletCatcherSo yes, I agree that there is no reason to use whoIsAtIP().
05:06.38FlashI don't think that's quite right
05:07.34Flash(first, I think whoIsAtIP is broken; it only finds closed NetHandlers)
05:08.15Flashbut it can remove a player whose NetHandler matches the IP of the poll target
05:11.06*** join/#bzflag JeffM2501 (n=JeffM@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/JeffM2501)
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05:13.00BulletCatcherI suspect the lack of a ! on the closed check is a typo.
05:13.11Flashme too
05:14.13Flashbut more to the point, I think it is a logic error to assume that there is only one player at a given IP address
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05:14.34Flashand that is what that function does
05:14.38BulletCatcherThere *is* a ! on the test in 2.0.x.  It's a bug.
05:15.09*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
05:16.02BulletCatcherWell, if a vote was successful the code wants to ban/kick *someone*, but you have convinced me it is a bit overzealous.
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05:20.20BulletCatcherWhat I still wonder is: if we don't call removePlayer() from doVoteArbiter(), will a ban be executed somewhere else?
05:20.39FlashremovePlayer *is* called
05:21.05Flashthe whoIsAtIP call was in another block that tried to find the player
05:21.15Flashoh... if the player isn't found until then
05:21.23Flashif he isn't found, he doesn't need to be removed
05:22.07FlashI think the real ban happens in clOptions->acl.ban(realIP,...)
05:22.36BulletCatcherIt shouldn't be too hard to set up a test.
05:23.29BulletCatcherWe would just need a 3rd registered player to enable voting.
05:24.38Flashand a 4th player to be banned
05:25.08BulletCatcherI have a 2nd computer from which I can provide the evil player.
05:26.05*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@about/apple/macbook/whodaman-)
05:27.59CIA-35BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r18096 10/branches/v2_99_net_branch/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
05:27.59CIA-35BZFlag: remove NetHandler::whoIsAtIP. It is based on an invalid assumption that only
05:27.59CIA-35BZFlag: one player is using a given IP (it really should return a collection of matches)
05:27.59CIA-35BZFlag: and it's only use in the code was suspect.
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10:49.35Wyk3dIs it a problem if I store the session tokens in memory only ? It will be lost if/when the server restarts, but it could later be replicated to other daemons. The worst thing that can happen is a player has to auth again after the server restarts. Why not store it in LDAP? That's meant for frequent reads not updates. It will be much more efficient if stored in memory.
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14:01.28BulletCatcherWyk3d: Players will be unhappy if they have to manually reauthenticate just because the auth server restarts, but if it can be done without their interaction (because the client has the password) then they shouldn't notice.
14:01.30BulletCatcherIf you'll include appropriate calls to subroutines such as saveTokenToCache() and loadTokensFromCache(), but leave them unimplemented, then it will be easy to add token persistence later if necessary.
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16:57.01*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
17:04.30randomparticlewhat do you think about take mouse input directly from the mouse?
17:05.06randomparticlei.e., bypassing the OS pointer warbling
17:05.40randomparticlethere's code for it here:
17:07.09JeffMdoubt it would change gameplay that much, and would just add an extra complexity layer
17:07.29JeffMand I don't see the SGI and SUN hardwares on there
17:07.38randomparticleatm bzflag feels completely different under different OSs because they use different mouse smoothing/acceleration
17:08.00JeffMwell that's because we don't do anything to standardise the input
17:08.02JeffMthat I want to fix
17:08.06randomparticleit could be as is for those. hardly anyone uses sgi/sun anyway
17:08.13JeffMnot just for the mouse
17:08.25JeffMI don't think it's an API problem but just in how we use the input
17:08.38JeffMyou can get the SAME OS to feel different just by setting the OS
17:08.54randomparticlemany games have these settings in-game
17:08.59JeffMyes, we need them
17:09.05JeffMfor all our input
17:09.35JeffMit's an interesting idea, but I think you are going too low level from the get go
17:10.01JeffMcus we have similar problems with joysticks too
17:10.08randomparticlehmm.. i'm not sure it's so low-level. it's not kernel level :)
17:10.16JeffMrandomparticle, it's one above that
17:10.19randomparticlebrb phone
17:10.59JeffMalso OS Swapers are probably also rare, so there arn't many people that have this problem
17:12.35randomparticlei use my own cursor manipulator to avoid the OS X acceleration problem
17:12.58randomparticlemost people who use OS X use some weird driver or other. that shouldn't be necessary
17:13.05JeffMgood for you
17:13.22randomparticlethe OS acceleration curves are designed for desktop use. not for games
17:13.39randomparticlejust as in XP. that's why many turn off "enhance pointer precision"
17:13.51randomparticlethat's why people are buying really expensive mice
17:14.00randomparticleG5's etc
17:14.28randomparticlebzflag shouldn't be about who has the best mouse or best driver
17:14.42JeffMor the best joystick
17:14.50JeffMhence why I'd like general solution in game
17:15.01JeffMmostly we need to apply acceleration limits to all input
17:15.03JeffMeven keys
17:15.21randomparticlei'd be willing to work the manymouse code into bzflag if anyone's interested
17:15.30randomparticleit's under the fairly liberal zlib license
17:15.41JeffMI would not want it untill AFTER we did our in game stuff and found that failing
17:16.06randomparticlethe in-game stuff is?
17:16.13JeffMnot writen yet
17:16.29randomparticlesorry. i'm not sure what you're referring to exactly
17:17.06JeffMredoing the entire input system to have per axis senstitivy settings, and have the tank motion be based of acceleration values and a system to display that
17:17.16JeffMacceleration of the tank not the input
17:17.25randomparticlei see
17:17.26JeffMcus if you look at it, keyboard is max input acceleration
17:17.33JeffMyou can go from +1 to -1 in a single frame
17:17.45JeffMI want to get rid of the cursor
17:17.56JeffMand turn the outter mousebox into a U shaped controll
17:18.09randomparticlesounds interesting
17:18.13JeffMwhere the vertical sides shows your actual speed and input speed
17:18.30JeffMso you get a mark for where you want to be, and a bar that fills in for where you are ( at the acceleration rate)
17:18.38JeffMsame for the lower bar for turning
17:18.45JeffMthen the center actualy becomes a gunsight
17:18.57JeffMthen we have the same input tracking system for all input modes
17:19.18JeffMand it dosn't really matter how fast your input moves, as you will be ballenced by the physical properties of the tank and can see it
17:19.30randomparticleis this going to change the feel of the game completely?
17:19.46randomparticleam struggling to imagine it
17:19.50JeffMit will be the same as if -a is on in 2.0
17:19.53JeffMit will look different
17:20.02JeffMbut once you get used to the controll it will play the same
17:20.08JeffMyou will sill move your mose in the same way
17:20.42JeffMyou just won't have to visualy compute where the mouse is in the box to figure your speed
17:20.59JeffMand the center will be unobstructed for shooting
17:21.07JeffMit should be better in the long run
17:21.20JeffMand look MORE like a tank's interface would
17:21.30JeffMalso gets rid if the stupid cursor over the menus
17:21.43JeffMcursors are for pointing and clicking, not driving
17:22.46randomparticlethe -a thing
17:23.00randomparticlewhat's that may i ask?
17:23.08JeffMI prefer that system beause then the thing that equalises it is the game logic (with tank acceleration ) not input logic
17:23.19randomparticlethe acc limit?
17:23.27randomparticlei see
17:23.28JeffM2.0.x it was optional
17:23.32JeffMin 3 it's manditory
17:23.59JeffMhaving tanks that can flip dirs in a single frame causes lots of problems
17:24.02JeffMmostly with DR
17:24.03randomparticledifferent units?
17:24.17JeffMIIRC it's WU/S/S
17:24.20randomparticlebecause a typical server might have, say, 38 50
17:24.40JeffMyeah it's up to the server
17:24.46randomparticle2.0 seems an awful lot smaller than either of those :)
17:24.58JeffM2.0's default is 0
17:25.00JeffMit was optional
17:25.14randomparticleah, bz 2.0. got it
17:25.22randomparticlefriday syndrome
17:25.28JeffMwhat other 2.0 would I be talking about? ;)
17:26.26randomparticleso it's mandatory, but can be set to any value?
17:26.36JeffMthere is a lower bound IIRC
17:26.37randomparticlein 3.0.x that is
17:26.58randomparticleok. what sort of numbers are we talking about?
17:27.14JeffMI don't know off the top of my head, you'd have to go look
17:27.20randomparticleok. nvm
17:27.38randomparticlei'd still say the input thing is worthwhile
17:27.43randomparticleeven if acc is capped
17:27.56JeffMit ma be, but I'd still want to wait till after that was all done
17:28.00JeffMmay be
17:28.36randomparticlei think linux has the best mouse system
17:28.46randomparticlemainly because it's not very sophisticated :)
17:28.52JeffMummm ok...
17:28.54JeffMgood for it
17:29.01randomparticleit's linear in most cases, which is what gamers generally want
17:29.30randomparticleno registry hacks, no special acceleration off driver options, etc etc
17:29.38JeffMagain, good for it
17:31.08randomparticleyou can often tell which mouse someone is using by observing their playing style
17:31.22randomparticlethe G5s are very obvious in some cases
17:31.57randomparticletwitch-fest :)
17:32.14JeffMperhaps they are using keyboards
17:32.31randomparticlekeyboard players tend to be slower
17:32.36randomparticleit's physiological
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17:33.43randomparticlei noticed that there's a 4000dpi mouse now
17:34.03randomparticlei can't imagine why 4000dpi would be necessary
17:34.25randomparticlewhat's the smallest distance you could move a mouse by hand?
17:34.36JeffMwhen drawing, very small
17:34.40randomparticlei bet it's not even < 1/1000th of an inch
17:35.21JeffMpeople will use what they like
17:35.37JeffMjust because you can't see why dosn't mean others won't :)
17:35.58randomparticlei think it's using hardware to solve a software problem
17:36.06pacman87mine's up to 2400, but i usually play at 1600
17:36.09JeffMI'm sure you do
17:36.24randomparticlepeople aren't using 4000dpi mice so they can move it 1/4000th of an inch and have that register
17:36.36JeffMgo get a job at logitch and find out
17:37.07randomparticlehardly practical is it? :)
17:38.34randomparticlethe dpi thing is about speed, not accuracy
17:38.49JeffMit's just as practical as ranting about it on a video game IRC channel ;)
17:38.55randomparticlei'm not ranting
17:39.02JeffMkinda looks like it man ;)
17:39.19randomparticledo you have to be such a confrontational twat all the time?
17:39.37JeffMjust stating my opinon, just like you were, no need to get snippy
17:39.39randomparticleis it not possible to discuss these things without you getting your knickers in a twist?
17:40.22randomparticlei'm interesting about mice, having a civil discussion etc
17:40.46JeffMI know, and I made a JOKE about the practicality
17:40.46randomparticleit's not about ranting, it's about being curious about things and thinkig them through
17:41.13JeffMcus TO ME it seemed like you were starting up a rant, not that there is anything wrong with a good rant.
17:41.33randomparticlewell, you got it wrong
17:41.40JeffMentirely possible
17:43.50WinnyJeffM: wanna move/delete this?
17:43.55Winnysort of useless/out of place
17:44.12JeffMthat would be the second time I've done so.... :(
17:46.46JeffMrandomparticle, I'm sorry my opinoons intrupted yours, please continue.
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17:55.26spldartWell.. Since Jeff, or noone elsle for that matter, called you on it.... Watch the language.
17:55.53randomparticleyeah, and watch the sarcastic know-it all comments
17:56.24spldartYou'll probably want to drop the attitude before you get yourself in trouble with those that run the channel.
17:56.31randomparticlei come here to discuss constructively, to offer to code up stuff for bzflag. not to be told to go and work for logitech
17:56.42spldartDisagreements are fine. But not foul language
17:57.10randomparticleevery time i come here jeffm gets all uppity and confrontational and turns it all into a massive argument.
17:57.28spldartDude. I don't care about your disagreement.
17:57.31randomparticleit's perfectly possible to remain civil and polite and discuss mice
17:59.30randomparticlethis is the guy who came onto a server and publicly accused me of cheating because he didn't understand how the server was set up
18:06.33*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
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18:16.22randomparticleis it worth my while trying to get bzflag to compile etc with visual-c++ 9.0?
18:16.44randomparticlei understand there is a problem with manifests
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20:50.23randomparticlehi cons
20:50.35Constitutionhey snick
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22:53.01spldartQuestion... In the BUGS file does an issue with the text in the menus at certain resolutions go under the 'Rendering
22:53.01spldart---------' Sub_heading? It would seem to be appropriate.
22:58.14spldartI'll assume yes and fix later if need be.
22:58.39CIA-35BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r18097 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: High resolution font menu issue.
23:07.21CIA-35BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r18098 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: Wings jump/landing issue.
23:33.51spldartis the 'wide angle' view suppossed to include a 1/4 to 1/3 view of your own flag?
23:33.57spldartin trunk
23:38.41CIA-35BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r18099 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: Further clarify wings/jump bug.
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23:44.51CIA-35BZFlag: 03bzspldart * r18100 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: Possible wide angle bug.

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