IRC log for #bzflag on 20080701

00:00.17Thumper_you're talking about the directory they live in versus what the file internals looks like?
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00:01.38Thumper_for linux we can just symlink it to the real place but not sure how/if that works on windows
00:02.51bugQI originally thought of giving the path to the conf file as an arg to the plugin, so it can parse it and find all of the other files
00:03.07bugQthen I thought of letting the plugin know those locations through the api
00:03.11bugQthen I thought of this.
00:03.18Thumper_I'm missing some context here though I think.  webadmin is going to use/edit these files ... ok
00:03.40Thumper_you could use a configuration file for webadmin and specify key=value pairs for all of the configuration items you need
00:03.49Thumper_then you could specify a patch for each time (if you want)
00:04.27Thumper_there's a class that reads a config file now and the owner can edit the config appropriately so things are in the 'right' place
00:04.50bugQok, that might work
00:04.50Thumper_and the plugin can just parse the config and get dir specs or whatever values it needs
00:05.10Thumper_it's easier than a huge commandline - you can provide a sample config with the plugin source
00:05.52Thumper_the serverControl plugin already uses this (but it has sane defaults if there is no config) IIRC
00:06.34Thumper_I think it's just -loadplugin webadmin,path/to/config/file
00:06.50Thumper_and you pass the config arg to the class that opens and parses the config file
00:06.53Thumper_then you just ask it for strings
00:07.00bugQah, i see it, not too bad
00:07.15Thumper_that's more managable than a huge commandline
00:08.06Thumper_and if you are making configs for the dirs the items are in you can provide a default one where everything is like itemDir = ./
00:08.28Thumper_then we're free to move them wherever on the platform running it
00:09.11Thumper_I think the config class is pretty easy to use (but then I wrote it :-P)
00:09.18Thumper_so I'm biased :)
00:10.38Thumper_the serverControl plugin has a plugins.cfg example file
00:11.00Thumper_and the layout is just [section] key=value
00:13.30Thumper_will be back later
00:17.29bugQwill be back after foods
00:19.13spldartwill stop staring
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00:58.09JeffM2501the API should be able to get all the paths that webadmin needs
00:58.16JeffM2501it should NOT write configs
00:58.39JeffM2501in fact I don't see why it should have to access a file at all.
01:03.45bugQexcept for files in the helpdir.
01:04.29JeffM2501even I'm not so sure on that
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01:05.03JeffM2501I could see a bz_newHelpFile() system
01:05.16JeffM2501but I think help editing is a MINOR part of the task
01:05.37JeffM2501if you do, you shold just be able to query the API for the help paths
01:06.18JeffM2501but you do NOT need the config dir
01:06.28JeffM2501nor assume anything about a file layout
01:06.36JeffM2501there may not even been a file layout or a config.
01:06.54bugQright then.
01:07.07JeffM2501just be sure to remember that this plugin is not the server manager
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01:07.13JeffM2501it dosnt' start and stop servers
01:07.36JeffM2501it's mostly to let people manage important tasks while the game is on, kick, ban filter, reset flags, etc..
01:07.41JeffM2501stuff that bzadmin can do
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01:08.13JeffM2501then the other stuff that bzadmin can't do, like edit help, upload maps, etc.. can be added later as bonus material :)
01:09.29spldarthad fun on his shop's HP designjet 110 +
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01:19.20blast007bugQ: remember, if you find something that the API can't do easily, let us know.  We can add stuff fairly easily.  :)
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01:24.55bugQlike an actual referentiable list of the permssion strings at bzfsAPI.h:157?
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01:26.33JeffM2501that is the list of basic permisions
01:26.43JeffM2501there can be N other custom permisions
01:26.47JeffM2501so there is no "list"
01:27.14JeffM2501so just do those and have an "other" with an edit text
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01:40.24blast007bugQ: assume that the ones that are currently there are the ones you need to worry about
01:40.42blast007since it's an official plugin, if we add permissions, we can update the plugin before a release as well
01:41.05bugQyes, so I will have to make such a list myself. I'm just wondering if webadmin is the only place where such a list is useful.
01:41.27blast007probably at this point
01:41.32bugQall right
01:42.40JeffM2501all other input is just people typing
01:43.12JeffM2501if you want to make a list, then you can do it in plugin_utils for now
01:43.32JeffM2501then it can be used by others
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02:08.15spldartWe got a real winner making the rounds server owners... Yummi Kum... ban on site if yah trust me :)
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02:53.32CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17951 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_utils.h: vector of permission strings
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03:05.54bugQblarg, it's getting stuck at localhost:5154 again. what did I do wrong?
03:07.25*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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03:48.05bugQokay, I got a garbled response this time...
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04:22.24blast007bugQ: hmm?
04:24.41bugQcan't get bzfs to respond properly with any of the http plugins
04:25.36JeffMdo you have in the same dir as the one you are loading?
04:25.48bugQoh right. thanks.
04:34.18CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17952 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_HTTP.cpp: throw up a 0 level warning when a HTTP Vdir plugin is unable to register.
04:38.06blast007bugQ: is the webadmin plugin supposed to do something?
04:38.14blast007I don't think I've ever gotten it to show a page..
04:38.28bugQnot yet, anyway.
04:38.54JeffMit should ask you for auth then show your auth status
04:38.56blast007so how are you testing it?
04:39.02blast007JeffM: it doesn't
04:39.10blast007it does *nothing* when I request the URL
04:39.18blast007I see the connection on the server log
04:39.32blast007but I don't get any indication on the browser that it's doing anything
04:39.35JeffMdoes it show on the index page?
04:39.48JeffMtesting time :)
04:40.05blast007bugQ: has it worked for you?
04:40.29bugQbefore JeffM's rewrite of plugin_HTTP for global auth
04:40.33JeffMquad cores, ACTIVATE!
04:40.43bugQbut I haven't tried putting the .so files in the same place yet
04:40.52blast007this is from a make install
04:41.02blast0072008-06-30 23:38:03: bz_loadPlugin: HTTPServer
04:41.02blast0072008-06-30 23:38:03: Plugin:HTTPServer loaded
04:41.02blast0072008-06-30 23:38:03: Plugin:../plugins3/webadmin loaded
04:41.09bugQI have found other things to busy myself with
04:41.12JeffMwow it works froma  make install?
04:41.16JeffMblast007: can you put a breakpoint?
04:41.30blast007JeffM: I have no idea..
04:41.36blast007no clickyness
04:41.50blast007nor do I think the plugins are building with debug anyway
04:42.04JeffMMSVC FTW!
04:43.27JeffMwell if you can, the thing to do would be put a breakpoint in bool BZFSHTTPAuth::handleRequest ( const HTTPRequest &request, HTTPReply &reply ) and see if it gets there
04:47.07JeffMblast007: do you have groups?
04:47.23blast007do I need something special?
04:47.40JeffMoh nevermind
04:47.44JeffMit's not view report :)
04:47.55JeffMit should tell you that you are not authed still
04:48.05JeffMto auth it looks for global groups with kick and ban
04:48.28bugQheehee. is this line too convoluted?
04:48.29bugQif (key == "players")return (tmplvars["callsign"] = *it++) == bzu_standardPerms.end();
04:50.21JeffMthat is prety much unreadable
04:51.55bugQoh, it would also throw an error.
04:52.19JeffMahh the auth page is empty
04:54.04CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17953 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/webadmin.cpp: init the auth page
04:54.39blast007what exactly does this mean?
04:54.55blast007(when compiling BZWGen)
04:55.16CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17954 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_HTTP.cpp: always force the authpage to be inited if it's empty.
04:55.34bugQthat sounds better.
04:58.52blast007hehe, it redirects back to localhost:25155 ..
04:59.25CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17955 10/trunk/bzwgen/inc/BaseZone.h: fix the initialization order.
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04:59.40JeffMtry that blast007
04:59.51JeffMblast007: is your server set as public?
04:59.58JeffMand does it have a publicaddr?
05:01.49CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17956 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_HTTP.cpp: nothing != !
05:02.18JeffMtry that
05:03.20blast007weee, my bzfs locked up
05:03.49blast007wonder how this works... top said it was using 101% of the CPU
05:03.51JeffMrealy need to get a debuger on that
05:04.09blast007will do when I get home
05:06.07JeffMhow far did it get before it locked?
05:06.50blast007I got a authed session message
05:07.05JeffMok so that part worked
05:07.22blast007then I tried to go to the base vdir and it inf looped
05:07.50blast007or maybe it if looped at the end of the auth response..
05:08.03bugQblast007: are you on multiple cores?
05:08.24bugQ101% CPU would make sense
05:08.34JeffMhmm I get it to dupe
05:09.28CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17957 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/plugin_utils/plugin_HTTP.cpp: increment the iterator when it hasn't timed out.
05:09.36JeffMnothing to see here
05:09.38JeffMmove along
05:13.18bugQlearned const_iterators today
05:13.30JeffMconst is your friend
05:22.19bugQexcept that you can't make a vector<const string>
05:25.30JeffMno, no you can't
05:26.12JeffMthe contents of the container don't have to be const, if the access to the container is
05:28.50JeffMa const_itrerator will return a const std::string & when you iterate, so that's just as good
05:38.50CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17958 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/templates/ (banlist.tmpl header.tmpl helpmsg.tmpl main.tmpl):
05:38.50CIA-35BZFlag: moved nav to header
05:38.50CIA-35BZFlag: added kick interface
05:40.39CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17959 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/webadmin.cpp: unfinished backend workings
05:41.00JeffMhow are you testing these templates?
05:41.37bugQi'm not, I'm just designing the interfaces first as blueprints for the backend logic
05:45.36bugQi'm also trying to keep them as simple as possible
05:52.22bugQunconscious in 5, 4...
06:18.09blast007Epyon: are you missing some files for BZWGen?  (src/GridMap.cxx and src/Material.cxx are referenced in the Makefile, but don't exist in SVN)
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07:12.07EpyonMakefile is out of date. Material.cxx and GridMap.cxx are not needed anymore
07:13.37CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17960 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (Makefile inc/BuildZone.h inc/Output.h inc/graph/Face.h):
07:13.37CIA-35BZFlag: Closer to building. Fixed a few warnings and removed a couple old
07:13.37CIA-35BZFlag: entries from the Makefile.
07:22.08Epyonblast007, src/graph/* need to be added to the makefile
07:22.17blast007yeah, just realized that
07:23.16Epyonwonders if the fact that he has two files named Face.h will make a problem on linux
07:24.18CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17961 10/trunk/bzwgen/Makefile: Add the files in src/graph/
07:25.25blast007you might want to check your SVN properties as well.. some of your .cxx files have svn:executable
07:25.44Epyonoh yeah, the big pain of windows svn -_-
07:32.45CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17962 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (15 files in 6 dirs): Get rid of svn:executable on things that don't need it.
07:34.28blast007there we go  :)  BZWGen server is back online (2.0.x)
07:34.59Epyonneeds to finally make the output different
07:35.09Epyonblast007, using standalone or plugin?
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12:31.16zimnyxWhere should I put a map file downloaded from the net to be able to use it in server menu?
12:32.06zimnyxI .bzf/HERE work fine.
12:39.10CBGWhat OS?
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14:32.26Hannibolanyone here ?T_T
14:33.21WinnyDude it's not funny
14:33.25Winnythere was an accident
14:33.28Hannibolum winny i need to ask,are you a gu league admin?
14:33.45Winnyno, but brad is an I'm sure he'd be happy to help you
14:34.07Hannibolthanks :}
14:35.24Winnynot sure if he's here, though
14:35.31Winny~poke brad
14:35.32ibotACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind brad, pokes brad repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
14:50.28bradwhatcha need?
14:50.38bradoh pm
14:56.15*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
15:31.47whodaman-some guy regged Saturos Jr. too
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16:04.55whodaman-menotume, ping
16:09.05blast007whodaman-: I don't see the name "saturos jr."
16:09.16blast007have a link to their profile?
16:09.18whodaman-blast007, Jeff asked him to chose another one
16:09.31whodaman-You are too late!
16:11.06blast007and R3LAX Jr is the same guy
16:11.24whodaman-oh my
16:39.32Viza  <- outdated :p
16:39.56Winnythen fix it <- :p
16:40.11Vizai wanted to but i didn't see an edit button
16:40.30Winnymight need to log in for the download page
16:40.44JeffMI got it
16:40.49JeffMit is curent for most OSs
16:42.16Vizawonders what changed in the linux version
16:42.19JeffM.12 is only to fix a package build error on some linux distros
16:42.39JeffMcurl and ares needed an update to build on gentoo and debian
16:42.50Vizaah i see
16:45.28JeffMthere ya go, updated
16:48.32*** join/#bzflag bugQ (
16:48.47blast007hi bugQ
16:49.03Vizathanks JeffM
16:53.29JeffMthere, now there is a version page for it too
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17:25.58BulletCatcherFreeType 2.3.7 has been released, fixing some potential security problems.
17:25.59BulletCatcherI have successfully tested it on Linux.  Is there any reason not to update from 2.3.4 in trunk?
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18:02.22KTLwanted to test the fog effect this morning, ran a server, people joined, people didnt leave, they are still playing and meanwhile they proclaimed me a cheater and tried to kick me on my own server :D
18:08.31Vizai had a 30ms ping, and someone had a 232ms ping
18:08.47Vizaand they said i was cheating and that "lag" was an excuse
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18:20.16JeffMthere own lag can make you look jumpy
18:20.28JeffMthat is one of the problems with 2.0.x's system
18:21.41Vizai gotta say though, the poll system was a great idea
19:04.04brlcadConstitution: howdy!
19:05.36Winnyrun, it's a trap!
19:05.37brlcadhow goes your project?
19:06.16Constitutionburied in breakpoints
19:06.25brlcadhehe, fun :)
19:06.33Constitutionnot really :P
19:07.01ConstitutionI'm dealing with some networking bug
19:07.21brlcadi heard
19:07.48brlcadthat's why that branch isn't on head :)
19:10.41Constitutionwe're getting closer... although sometimes I feel that Jeff is doing more work than me
19:11.48Constitutionit's required a lot of digging into the code to find the root causes for several issues... I'm definitely learning the codebase
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19:42.10whodaman-brad, lets match
19:42.21bradyes, sir!
19:42.26whodaman-then join :p
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20:17.26whodaman-I get pwnt by ibot
20:19.39blast007bugQ: are you planning on making your plugin do something soon?  ;)
20:20.04JeffMblast007, did the inf loop thing work out after that last change?
20:20.19bugQof course.  that's what I'm tring to do now
20:20.25blast007bugQ: k
20:21.00brlcad<yoda>do or do not. there is no try.</yoda>
20:21.37blast007do the templates get compiled into the plugin? or do they have to be copied to the install location as well?
20:21.49JeffMthey are seperate files
20:22.01JeffMthe template system can load them from a path
20:22.06JeffMor take the text directly
20:22.18JeffMall the others are setup to take a template dir as a paramater
20:22.23JeffMbut look in ./ by default
20:22.35blast007okay, but should the base one gets throw into a named directory in the plugin install location?
20:22.47JeffMthat I don't know
20:22.49blast007looking in ./ is rather odd..
20:22.54JeffMwe should decide what we ant to do wth them
20:23.04JeffMyeah, I just threw it in as a default untill we decided
20:23.16blast007it should look under ./pluginname/  (if that's possible)
20:23.21JeffMmay want to do templates/pluginname/thing
20:23.26JeffMit fully supports paths
20:24.16blast007just a thought, since most (all?) of our builds have the plugins all in the same directory  :)
20:24.16JeffMit can even do includes
20:24.23JeffMso you can have a common_templates dir
20:33.35bugQwhen I make install, there aren't .so files for HTTPServer, webadmin, webReport, or chatlog
20:34.07bugQthe object files are there, just without the extension
20:36.54blast007there is for me..
20:37.08JeffMin general I thought you didn't do a make install on the tosh
20:40.14bugQhm, make uninstall leaves the .so files that were copied
20:40.36bugQall right, I'll do this elsehow
20:46.38blast007could always make it install into your home directory instead
20:48.33JeffMit should copy all the plugins to the plugins dir now. you can just run from the tree
20:49.13blast007"should" being the key word?
20:49.25blast007I don't see any .so files inside the ./plugins/ directory
20:49.41JeffMThumper_ suposedly did that
20:49.45JeffMmaybe it's not toshtastic
20:49.50blast007I'm on linux
20:50.09Thumper_didn't do that
20:50.58JeffMsomeone did I thought
20:51.05JeffMmaybe I've gone daft
20:51.07Thumper_we talked about it
20:51.13JeffMwell do it!
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20:59.52JeffMbids fairwell to the last bzflag hat
21:15.47brlcadbid? selling them on ebay now? :)
21:17.25JeffMsays bye bye
21:17.33JeffMit's on it's way to slovenia
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22:31.10KTLsvn trunk compiles well on debian unstable 64 bit
22:32.44spldartBeen a bit 'commit' quiet today.
22:33.01KTLbut running it was ... throwing all my memory and swap full!
22:33.31Thumper_is holidaying
22:33.52KTLthe client gave many lines of "getGLFont CREATED face:4 size:252 0x2aab1cffde40", after that i killed it from another terminal
22:34.10KTLwith -window no problems
22:34.20JeffMwe never said we had 64 bit clean code ;)
22:34.49JeffMin fact I can't see any reason WHY you'd want to run a 64 bit version
22:34.53JeffMit won't be any faster
22:34.58JeffMwe don't use over 4 gigs of ram
22:35.05JeffMin fact it coudl be slower
22:35.17KTLhow can i tell the compile process to make a 32 bit version?
22:35.33KTLwill a 32 bit version be compatible with my 64 bit os?
22:35.53JeffMmost linuxes have 32bit emulation
22:35.56JeffMwindows does
22:36.07KTLbtw ... the teleporters on top of meshe
22:36.12KTLare those fixed?
22:36.14JeffMdon't work well
22:36.21spldartdon't seem to be
22:36.46JeffMI don't belive anything with our collisions have changed
22:37.07KTLi tried to avoid the problem by putting classic boxes beneath them in maps, i can go through but many people get stuck on them
22:37.23KTLthe boxes are 0.05 high
22:37.54*** join/#bzflag AAA_awright (
22:39.28spldartsame here
22:39.40spldartregular box on top of mesh can still lead to sticks
22:40.26JeffMit all needs to be redone
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22:58.28brlcadgoes to see Wall-E (again)
23:11.16bugQJeffM: HTTPRequest::resource is the part of the url after the vdir, ya?
23:15.56JeffMbugQ, yes
23:15.59JeffMbut before the ?
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23:21.51bugQwhee method pointers.
23:36.01bugQah, it might seem commit-quiet because CIA-35 isn't doing its job...
23:36.20JeffMhugs CIA-35
23:36.21CIA-35hugs JeffM
23:36.48bugQI just committed...
23:36.55JeffMit can take a bit
23:37.09spldartI did an update 1/2 hour ago. The last 24 hour ago... almost and nothing
23:37.21spldartNow it will get busy perhaps
23:37.35JeffMthe rss feeds show it
23:37.47spldart3 files.. got it

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