IRC log for #bzflag on 20080627

00:00.18L4m3rit is fun to see newbs accuse players of using them though
00:00.51*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
00:01.05JeffMit'll be fun to see the old hat players miss like mad with 3.0 for a bit :)
00:01.13L4m3rI know
00:01.27L4m3rit will be tough for many of us to get used to
00:01.35L4m3reven the ones who aren't old hats :P
00:01.44L4m3rI'm so used to shooting ahead of the tank
00:02.15JeffMshould put a bit sign by the lag stats that says "this word does not mean what you think it means"
00:02.29JeffMor actualy just change it to be a green, yellow, red bar
00:02.57JeffMthen only show it to admins
00:02.59JeffMas a number
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00:49.18KTLsvntrunk compiles at 64bit linux
00:50.54bugQ-helpmsg is weird! why not a folder? name of file = name of message
01:05.52bugQe.g. /help monkey will read and dump helpmsgs/monkey or monkey.txt
01:14.44brlcadbugQ: make a patch, if it's a folder do one thing, if a file or non-existent do what it does now
01:18.35*** join/#bzflag Gabe_G23 (
01:23.42*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@
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01:53.24KingofCamelotAnyone around who understands the HUD menu stuff?
01:54.51brlcadKingofCamelot: sup?
01:55.17brlcadunderstanding it and being able to answer questions about it aren't quite correllated ;)
01:56.23KingofCamelotI need to make it so that the tank selected icon moves down the list with my HUDuiScrollList class. Right now it just stays in the one place while the class changes it's selected item on the list.
01:56.40KingofCamelotI've been brainstorming about it, but nothing's really sparked yet.
01:57.11spldartcrosses KoC's wires so he gets plenty of sparks
01:57.54spldartinstalles a meh gnome web browser so KoC has an 'epiphany'
01:59.01spldartis practicing some serious lameness
02:04.46brlcadKingofCamelot: well, lets see if I can explain it
02:04.54brlcadmight even get it correct, but not likely :)
02:05.16brlcadthere's so the menu's are all part of the HUDui
02:06.05spldartwonders of shot branch is still a ways from merging to trunk
02:06.10brlcadthey all define a HUDDialogStack that controls their navigation, and that navigation for each dialog employs a focus concept
02:06.24brlcadif a ui element is focused, an "arrow" is drawn
02:06.58KingofCamelotMmm k
02:07.04brlcadrather "controls" on the ui get focused, and that's where the actual texture is rendered iirc
02:08.04brlcadso you can trace down through something like the main menu
02:08.21brlcadwhich registers a huddialogstack for each of the menu options
02:09.12brlcadon that stack is a huddialog, and on the dialog are controls
02:09.31brlcadif a control is focused, 'arrow' is drawn
02:10.28KingofCamelotOk, so my dilema is I need my HUDuiScrollList control to be have control focus, but the selected HUDuiScrollListItem to have visible focus
02:12.05brlcadgood luck with that
02:12.30brlcad(j/k) .. DTRemenak probably has some better guidance there, I'd be stabbing at the code till it behaved myself
02:12.45*** join/#bzflag zee677 (n=d474db6c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
02:12.55KingofCamelotYea...unfortunately DTRemenak and I never seem to be on at the same time
02:13.54brlcadhe's normally on at this time
02:13.56brlcadjust a fluke
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02:15.41KingofCamelotHmm..well I've messaged him a few times and he never seems to be around
02:15.52KingofCamelotAnyways, I gotta run, but thanks for the clarification brlcad :)
02:19.39brlcadKingofCamelot: also, if you stay logged onto irc, even if you leave
02:19.48brlcadsomeone will eventually answer
02:20.10brlcadscreen+irssi ftw
02:20.20blast007;)  was just going to say that
02:21.55F687sI could never get screen working right... (Last time I checked, it ignored my .bash_profile or something)
02:23.47*** join/#bzflag noyb__ (n=noyb@nat/sun/x-688009af30bf2b06)
02:24.36spldartthe only problem I ran into with screen is trying to use ssh to get into another screen session in a screen session
02:52.41Thumper_spldart: change the escape character
03:06.17spldartjust salvaged a cute little baby keyboard and didn't have the irony lost on him
03:08.55Thumper_isn't ctrl-a the default?  You can make it something else - that way you can talk to both screen sessions separately
03:09.32spldartctrl-a n for changing windows ctrl-a c for creating a new window
03:09.42spldartIC what your saying
03:09.46Thumper_yeah so you make the other screen session be ctrl-b or something
03:09.58spldartI assume that's in the config for any particula ssh instance
03:10.07Thumper_no screen session config
03:10.07spldartkew thanks :)
03:11.23Thumper_screen -e xy blah
03:11.32Thumper_-e xy         Change command characters.
03:12.09spldartcan be done both ways
03:13.36spldartwelp.. got late evening project done.. Now if only I could catch up on this 7 days a week work load :(
03:15.12Thumper_spldart: so stop talking to us ;)
03:15.28spldartfinally has his linux/windows test rigs running regular again too.. trunk is fine.. But I've heard I'm to late for that fun ;-)
03:15.37Thumper_unless of course the complaining is therapeutic :)
03:15.43spldartIt is
03:15.50Thumper_we don't mind
03:17.34spldartmust resist the urge to take on any new projects till after jul 7th.
03:28.40KTLaw new map is a succes, it's only quite a download
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04:56.30CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17885 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
04:56.30CIA-35BZFlag: new templates
04:56.30CIA-35BZFlag: extracted a header template
04:58.54bugQthings will speed up from here...
04:59.38JeffMthe new HTTP system ok for you?
04:59.44bugQyep, it's very nice.
05:02.29JeffMyou don't have the token
05:02.38JeffMso you have no way to display it
05:02.48JeffMbut the time it gets to you the token is varified and done with
05:02.57JeffMfrom then on it's tracked as a session state
05:03.17bugQoh right, main.tmpl is still a bit outdated
05:07.01CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17886 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/templates/main.tmpl: updated main page
05:07.18bugQok, blah.  more tomorrow.
05:21.42*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
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05:40.06CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17887 10/trunk/web/submitimages/upload.js: Don't show the permission page when "I stole this" is selected.
06:28.34Lukstrbrlcad: I bet you're awake
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06:41.56LukstrI guess not
06:42.00Lukstroh well
06:45.05*** join/#bzflag JBdiGriz (
07:00.54KingofCamelotcan't seem to figure out where the code for up/down on the main menu is...hmm
07:02.43CIA-35BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r17888 10/trunk/bzflag/data/ (85 files in 9 dirs): Change the Subversion property svn:mime-type from application/octet-stream to image/png on the .png files in the data directory.
07:07.21CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17889 10/trunk/web/submitimages/ (7 files in 3 dirs):
07:07.21CIA-35BZFlag: Add is support for customizing the takedown email via the configuration file.
07:07.21CIA-35BZFlag: Add reCAPTCHA Mailhide support for the takedown email.
07:08.38*** join/#bzflag dgmul (
07:22.57CIA-35BZFlag: 03blast007 * r17890 10/trunk/web/submitimages/ (TODO bztheme.css templates/permission.tpl templates/tos.tpl):
07:22.57CIA-35BZFlag: Tweak the wording of the "Derivative work" section on the permissions page, since technically some licenses we could allow would prevent derivative works. (such as CC Attribution No Derivatives)
07:22.57CIA-35BZFlag: Link to the permission page on the TOS page.
07:38.53*** join/#bzflag temp_dist (n=temporal@about/essy/alarming/a-temp-dist)
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08:20.31Fartashhi, anyone could help me on udp problem in linux?
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09:13.06brlcadLukstr: heh
09:13.13Lukstrthere you are!
09:14.03Lukstrbzw files: Is "position 10" legal? or must all three properties be there, etc.?
09:16.09brlcadI believe it's supposed to be 3 always
09:16.44brlcadat least that's what the manpage states and makes sense
09:20.24*** join/#bzflag DTRemenak|RDP (n=DTRemena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
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09:33.45brlcadLukstr: I actually have a .l lexer file for the format somewhere -- I could hunt for it if useful to you
09:34.15Lukstrthis is tempting
09:34.27brlcadthe link to the existing c++ lexer/parser I was thinking of, apparently has been absorbed into boost:
09:34.40Lukstrhah, figures
09:34.51Lukstris adding boost as a dependancy an option?
09:35.56brlcadfor this particular purpose, it actually wouldn't be too bad I think
09:36.13Lukstrwell it would then be a dependancy for all of bzflag
09:36.17brlcadboost just tends to be hella lot of headers, but nothing to compile
09:36.32brlcadspirit is fairly self-contained
09:36.41Lukstralright I'll definitely consider it
09:36.53LukstrI'm not sure how much of an advantage it would give me at this point however
09:37.09Lukstrthe parsing is almost trivial
09:37.55brlcadthe benefit is mainly the firm structuring of the scanner and parser
09:38.17brlcadmakes it harder down the road to just add little tweaks to the format that break the consistency
09:39.21brlcadthose sorts of hacks become blatently obvious bad things to do when you see the format in a simple BNF
09:39.42Lukstrthe parser I've cooked up is fairly flexible
09:40.16Lukstrone odd question:
09:40.30Lukstrhow come defines end with "enddef"s instead of just "end" ?
09:41.01brlcadbecause it was an easy tweak to the format that broke the consistency? :)
09:41.32Lukstrcan I make them interchangable?
09:41.52LukstrI can't see the harm
09:42.06brlcadthey were/are conceptionally different blocks, so just happens to have a differently named terminator -- theoretically allows for some better error checking
09:42.42Lukstrwell as far as error checking should be concerned
09:42.55Lukstrit shouldn't matter, really
09:43.03LukstrI mean if there's an end missing that's all that matters
09:43.35LukstrAny harm done by making them equivalent terminators?
09:43.55brlcadbut it does matter
09:44.07brlcadif you're defining a region of properties
09:44.50LukstrI don't understand
09:45.04brlcadif the values were swapped so an enddef came after an end, you'd technically be able to set up some simple metaprogramming iirc
09:46.20Lukstrany examples?
09:47.09brlcaddoubtful, not unless you can get ahold of trepan
09:47.35brlcadyou can sort of think of them as mini #include blocks
09:47.52brlcadat least iirc, that was part of the original intent (and reason for the separate terminator)
09:48.05brlcadsimilar thing for endface
09:48.06Lukstrwell, as I see it it shouldn't matter
09:48.37Lukstrthey're all just blocks
09:48.40Lukstrlike {}'s
09:49.07brlcadcept if you say that they "don't matter", then you can't have an } in your {} block
09:49.13brlcadwhere presently it allows it
09:49.32Lukstrit allows world end end ?
09:49.34brlcadbecause it's more like having []'s and {}'s
09:50.47LukstrI'm still not following, can you show me an example?
09:51.01brlcadmore like defgroup blah; ..; end; enddef; ... world; .. blah;
09:51.17brlcad(no final end; because it's in the group)
09:51.52brlcadwhether that's actually allowed is another issue, but semantically the parser structure intent was something along those lines
09:51.59LukstrI see.
09:52.06brlcadnamed blocks of code
09:52.27LukstrI see what you mean
09:52.37Lukstrthat's odd
09:52.54Lukstrthat wouldn't work though
09:53.03brlcadit's generalized (and potentially useful actually if it were a rigid format)
09:53.32Lukstrdefine stuff; ...; end; enddef; world; group stuff; ...; end;
09:53.51brlcadpersonally, I'd like to see proper c preprocessor support get added, then some of those format inconsistencies can go away
09:55.03LukstrWell, I see what you mean
09:55.05brlcadthat's also where a non-custom parser would really be nice
09:55.12Lukstrand yes, it could potentially work
09:55.16brlcadso you don't code up the parsing itself, you code up the rules
09:55.37Lukstrbut because many blocks don't allow other types of blocks inside, it doesn't currently work
09:55.37brlcadthen it becomes more blatently obvious
09:55.44LukstrI agree
09:58.52CIA-35BZFlag: 03lukstr * r17891 10/branches/gsoc_libbzw/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
09:58.52CIA-35BZFlag: * Stubbed more functions.
09:58.52CIA-35BZFlag: * Added rudimentary example in
09:58.52CIA-35BZFlag: * Added expected input registering methods
09:58.52CIA-35BZFlag: * Added data-retrieval methods
09:58.56brlcadback to your original question on it though, it doesn't make much difference iff you support "scopes" (having end's inside of other blocks)
09:59.32brlcadbut as a stream format, it'd be bad since a defgroup can have ends inside it now (and be valid)
09:59.54LukstrIf it has ends in side it then it's not truly parsed
09:59.59Lukstrer, one-pass parsed
10:00.28Lukstrthere's an example of how my parser will work
10:00.54LukstrI really should catch some leep
10:01.05brlcadit's still one-passable
10:01.07*** join/#bzflag ViciousM (
10:01.10LukstrI have to drive to university in... 6 hours
10:01.13brlcadit just has scopes
10:01.19Lukstrhow, if defines can come after their groups
10:01.19brlcadyou'd have to maintain a stack
10:01.51brlcadthat's where a BNF parser becomes more useful..
10:02.07brlcadit's just a recursive rule
10:02.09LukstrI'll read into it tomorrow
10:02.19Lukstrthe boost lexer
10:02.57Lukstrlet me know what you think of my example code
10:03.37Lukstrheh, line 59 is totally invalid.
10:03.42brlcadI see a parser, not example code :)
10:04.01Lukstrwell it doesn't actually touch streams yet :P
10:04.37Lukstryour maps should be XML!
10:04.39Lukstrducks, sleeps
10:19.46*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
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12:42.16donny_bakerblog post mentioning BzFlag was played at Rail Camp 08:
13:05.33F687sNo internet, huh? Might be kinda painful...
13:27.37*** join/#bzflag ShadowSpectre (
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13:40.01bugQspldart: I mis-counted the days (started on monday, not sunday) and I'll be gone all day tomorrow...
13:40.17bugQdangit, not here.
14:04.30*** join/#bzflag Quol (
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14:58.44Thumper_bugQ: I'll let him know (or you can use ibot botmail)
15:00.47bugQok, botmail sent.
15:01.09bugQwait, spldart is here now.
15:01.29spldartbug.... short_circuit is my asleep login for catching what goes on while I'm gone
15:01.53spldartanywho.. apparently you were trying to get ahold of me while I was commuting to work
15:03.11spldartWhat days got miscounted?
15:03.42*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
15:03.45bugQit's just that I planned my week as starting on monday.
15:04.32spldartand your gone tomorrow?
15:04.53*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
15:06.47spldartI'm glad to see an upward trend in your activity. I hope you will continue it :)
15:09.58*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
15:53.00*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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16:13.23CIA-35BZFlag: 03bullet_catcher * r17892 10/trunk/bzflag/data/ (31 files): Change the Subversion property svn:mime-type from application/octet-stream to audio/x-wav on the .wav files.
16:31.53bugQJeffM, how does plugin_HTTP handle things like "" for when multiple checkboxes are given the same name?
16:32.22JeffMbugQ, well it'd have to be HTTP://
16:32.30bugQwell ya.
16:32.31JeffMit parses out the paramaters for you
16:32.44JeffMand you just call getParam on the request
16:32.48JeffMwith the paramater name
16:32.52JeffMand it'll return the value
16:32.53Lukstrbut there are two foo's
16:32.55JeffMor an empty string
16:33.01JeffMahh 2 foos
16:33.05JeffMyou only get one
16:33.14Lukstrwhich one?
16:33.16JeffMdidn't see 2 foos
16:33.17JeffMlast one
16:33.24bugQas I thought
16:33.31JeffMit's bad form to double foo :)
16:34.02JeffMif you had REALY good reason to have more then one, I could make it keep them all
16:34.15Lukstrdoes it handle arrays and whatnot?
16:34.17bugQI can probably work around it
16:34.31JeffMbugQ, what did you need more then one for
16:34.35JeffMtalk to me about it :)
16:34.49JeffMLukstr, the URL itself dosn't support arrays
16:35.26*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
16:35.31bugQit's for checkbox groups.
16:35.58JeffMahh when you have more then one value
16:36.11JeffMok that's good enough reason
16:36.19JeffMI'll go make a getParam that fills in an array for you
16:37.07JeffMI'll make the current getParam return the last one on the array
16:37.12JeffMand the array one return em all
16:37.16JeffMwill that work for what you need?
16:48.13CIA-35BZFlag: 03JeffM2501 * r17893 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
16:48.13CIA-35BZFlag: store paramaters as a vector so that if there is more then one they are preserved
16:48.13CIA-35BZFlag: add versions of getParam that return the vector.
16:48.13CIA-35BZFlag: have the normal getParam return the last item with the name.
16:48.25JeffMbugQ, there ya go
16:48.37JeffMtry it and make sure it works and let me know
16:48.46JeffMI have to do some real work so I coudn't test it
16:48.58bugQright then, thanks
16:49.38JeffMgoes back to emulating proAXIS
17:03.45LukstrAlright lads, I'm off on a bit of a driving excursion. If the internet's fast enough for me to tunnel X I'll be around and do some coding later, otherwise I'll be back sunday!
17:08.23spldartgood luck
17:08.27spldarthave fun
17:08.32spldartdon't get any tickets
17:11.49LukstrI'll try
17:11.53Lukstrnot to, that is.
17:12.04Lukstrdisappears for a while
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18:05.43Constitutionsomeone wanna break this thread into two where it diverges?
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20:26.28JeffMThey fall in line, one at at time, ready to play. I can see them anyway. No time to loose, we've got to move, steady your hand.I am loosing sight again. Fire your guns, it's itme to go, blow me away! I will stay unless I may. After the fall, we'll shake it off, show me the way
20:27.12JeffMlead me to heaven when we die. I am a shadow on the wall. I'll be the one to save us all.
20:30.19*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
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20:34.15JeffMBoomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada, Boomdeyada.
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20:37.37Lukstr|Laptopno air conditioning = lose :(
20:37.55whodaman-being in the USA = lose :P
20:38.00Constitutionopen a window and flap your arms
20:38.09Lukstr|Laptopit's hotter outside than inside
20:38.20WinnyConstitution: Your arms are not very efficient air moving bodies.
20:38.29Lukstr|Laptopmany fans it is
20:39.17CIA-35BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17894 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/templates/ (banlist.tmpl groups.tmpl helpmsg.tmpl):
20:39.17CIA-35BZFlag: added minimal groupdb editing interface
20:39.17CIA-35BZFlag: added checkbox labels
20:40.21bugQis the tracker the place for a new bzfs cmdln option?
20:44.14JeffMwhat option do you want?
20:44.34bugQ-helpdir, as an alternative to -helpmsg
20:44.49JeffMand have it scan all the files in the dir?
20:45.23JeffMdosn't helpmsg have a name and a file?
20:45.58bugQyes, I'd just like to be able to throw a file in the dir and bz_reloadHelp()
20:46.05Thumper_-helpmsg "help/map" map
20:46.38JeffMso are you saying have it use the file name as the second paramater?
20:46.48JeffMwhat extension?
20:47.04bugQsure, or .txt, or none
20:47.06Thumper_no extension needed on unix
20:47.18JeffMThumper_, I know not needed, but you may not want it to try to load ALL files
20:47.29JeffMso the extension can act as a filter
20:47.47bugQI think having it load everything is the general idea...
20:47.49brlcadif it's documented one way or the other, folks should be able to deal given it'd be new behavior
20:47.49JeffMthen you know that those specific files wWILL Be loaded
20:48.00JeffMI'd prefer an extension
20:48.05JeffMmakes editing easier on windows
20:48.08Thumper_just sticks all help files ina dir called 'help
20:48.17bugQok, .txt
20:48.18brlcadmaybe .txt?
20:48.28Thumper_it's just text... .txt works
20:48.29JeffMI'll write it up
20:48.30brlcad.hlp implies windows help file to me for some reason
20:49.55brlcadprepares to go see wallE
20:50.14Thumper_isn't going until next week... don't spoil it for me (please) :)
20:50.28JeffMbugQ, Thumper_ , you want recurseive? or just one dir?
20:50.38bugQhm, just one is fine, I think
20:50.40Thumper_one dir should be fine
20:50.59Thumper_is the extension required?  or can I still have files w/o extensions?
20:51.26JeffMI need to give it a search
20:51.31JeffMso it'll do *.txt
20:51.36JeffMThumper_, you don't use this command now
20:51.38JeffMso it wont' matter
20:51.42Thumper_true :)
20:51.43Lukstr|Laptopwhy not .help or something
20:51.53Lukstr|Laptopwhat's with the three letter extension limit?
20:52.03Thumper_but I have help files w/o extensions now... I can deal with .txt - was just asking :)
20:52.15JeffMlukstrcus text is what it is, and used by many systems already
20:52.28Lukstr|Laptopsilly :P
20:52.30Thumper_so helpfile.txt -> /help helpfile in game?
20:52.44JeffMwhy invent the wheel again?
20:52.47JeffMThumper_, yes
20:52.50Thumper_cool thx
20:53.16Lukstr|Laptopbecause the wheel's a bit out of date
20:53.27JeffMno, it works
20:53.30JeffMperfectly fine
20:53.36JeffMyou just don't like it
20:54.21Lukstr|Laptopyes :)
20:54.58Lukstr|Laptopyou are right though, if there's nothing special with the files they should be .txt
20:55.07Lukstr|Laptopif they had some special syntax, I'd argue otherwise
20:56.56brlcadbugQ: so you're going to work on that?
20:59.49JeffMbugQ, look at OSDir in OSFile.h it'll do the directory scanning for you and make it very easy to do
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21:01.03bugQbrlcad: yes, JeffM: thanks, that's what I was looking for.
21:01.28bugQright now, though, I must leave for a bit
21:03.38JeffMhave fun, and ask for help on it if it gets confusing or you get stuck.
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