IRC log for #bzflag on 20080610

00:05.08*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
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01:11.10Winnysomeone is using TOR to DoS my player slots
01:11.52spldartWow... what a productive existance someone must have.
01:13.52Lukstrbetter yet
01:14.11Winnythanks, Lukstr
01:14.29Lukstrnp, things like tor should not be abused
01:15.08temp_distWinny, arey you using the torBlock plugin?
01:15.58Winnyjust enabled it
01:16.08Winnybut they aren't establishing a full player connection
01:16.14Winnyso I dunno if it'll work or not
01:45.20Flashblast007: ping
01:45.30FlashWinny: which is/are your server(s)?
01:48.33WinnyFlash ^
01:49.17*** join/#bzflag Falseprophet (n=Chee@unaffiliated/emonemo)
01:52.52*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=Jeff@unaffiliated/jeffm)
02:01.23JeffMibot seen epyon
02:01.39ibotepyon is currently on #bzflag (2h 34m 32s), last said: 'Again, a big sorry to all. Sunday it should be all cleared up.'.
02:08.18blast007Flash: pong
02:11.30EpyonJeffM, pong
02:11.53JeffMEpyon: hows your working going?
02:11.58JeffMnot seeing much from you at all
02:12.49JeffMwhat is your plan for your codebase?
02:12.52JeffMand your schedule
02:15.11JeffMwhat is your plan, Epyon ?
02:21.02*** join/#bzflag Epyon_ (
02:29.08JeffMconnection issues Epyon ?
02:29.15blast007Epyon_: did you see JeffM's messages?
02:29.28blast007last one being "what is your plan"
02:29.32Epyon_JeffM, yes -- if you wrote something after my last message please repeat it
02:29.46JeffM<JeffM> Epyon: hows your working going?
02:29.46JeffM<JeffM> not seeing much from you at all
02:29.46JeffM<JeffM> what is your plan for your codebase?
02:29.46JeffM<JeffM> and your schedule
02:29.47JeffM<JeffM> what is your plan, Epyon ?
02:30.22Epyon_TBH, just get up and fight again. That's the current plan. If it succeeds, all will be well.
02:30.48Thumper_Flash: ping
02:30.48JeffMso I can expect commits from you daily from here on out?
02:31.17Epyon_I havn't even filed in the documents to Google, all I'm interested in now, is to resolve my commitment to BZFlag.
02:31.44JeffMyou should take care of it all
02:31.55JeffMI can't think the documents would take longer then an hour
02:32.35Epyon_It doesn't matter to me that much now, money is not an issue now, that I don't have any reason to have it. I'm more concerned to fulfill my commitments.
02:32.51Epyon_I just hope I can recover enough to do that.
02:33.03JeffMthat is completely contrary to what you've said before
02:33.12Epyon_I did some research however.
02:33.23JeffMand honestly if you are going to do the entire thing it's somewhat of a waste of our time to push you
02:33.29Epyon_JeffM, I know. But my life changed 180 degree now.
02:33.42JeffMthen you have to decide what you want to do.
02:33.56Epyon_I want to do what I promised to do, no matter what.
02:34.14Epyon_A commitment is a commitment.
02:34.28JeffMare you going to stay in the SoC program or not?
02:34.31JeffMthat's all I need to know
02:35.08Epyon_If I make the deadline for the document submission I will. But I intend to do what I applied for anyway.
02:35.19Epyon_And on schedule.
02:35.21JeffMwhen is that deadline?
02:35.36Epyon_Midterm and final deadline
02:36.11JeffMso as of now you intend to say in the program
02:36.23JeffMthen what is your planned schedule for work? will I see commits from you tomorow?
02:36.25LukstrEpyon_: Document problems?
02:36.51Epyon_I'm sorry JeffM, I *never* expected this to happen. However I have no intentions to break my word.
02:37.05Epyon_Lukstr, personal problems.
02:37.21JeffMEpyon_: honestly I don't care about your inentions
02:37.25JeffMit's down to biz time now
02:37.42JeffMwhat is your schedule like, will I see commits from you tomorow? how often?
02:37.43JeffMwhat days
02:37.52JeffMI need to know exactly what to expect from you
02:37.57Epyon_JeffM, if you just care about the results, you'll get them, no matter wether google keeps me in the program or not.
02:38.22JeffMEpyon_: if google takes you out of the program then what you say you will do dosn't matter anymore
02:38.29JeffMwhy will you not answer my question?
02:38.59Epyon_JeffM, if google dumps me out of the program, I wont be able to commit anymore?
02:39.19JeffMsure you will
02:39.27JeffMbut we will stop tracking you as a student
02:39.41JeffMalso don't forget that google is NOT the only one who can take you of of the program
02:39.47JeffMat present you are very close to being failed by us
02:40.24JeffMso I need to know when I can expect work from you?
02:41.25JeffMcus if you aren't going to do it any work we have to cut the losses and put the resources to the otehr students
02:47.34*** join/#bzflag blast007` (n=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
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02:47.42*** part/#bzflag blast007` (n=blast@pdpc/supporter/active/blast007)
03:04.18FlashThumper_: pong
03:05.33Flashblast007: looks like JeffM's change fixes the server crash (at least locally). Don't know if you ever finished building my branch or not
03:05.46blast007Flash: I think I did finish building, but let me check
03:06.02blast007yup, got yours to build
03:06.12blast007do I need to update and build again?
03:06.16JeffMFlash: did your branch also kick the bots if the host player got booted?
03:06.32FlashI think so
03:06.43FlashI think I kick all players using the connection
03:07.16JeffMhow did you link bot players to the host?
03:07.38Flashthere's a function to find the "next" player using a NetHandler
03:07.45Flashso I iterated through them all
03:07.50JeffMbut how did you know what the real host was?
03:07.55FlashI like your fix better
03:07.58JeffMit's viable to kick a bot but not the host
03:08.18Flashbut I wasn't ready to bite off a protocol break
03:08.28JeffMthey are cheap ;)
03:08.29Flashbecause I'm new
03:09.20JeffMnever fear the code
03:09.27JeffMif you are unsure waht to do please just ask :)
03:09.31FlashI don't fear the code; I fear the developers ;-)
03:10.19spldartThey are really nice. .... To intelligent well intended people ;)
03:10.44blast007spldart: unless it's a full moon
03:14.41*** join/#bzflag eTangenT (
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04:22.48*** join/#bzflag noyb (
04:40.49*** join/#bzflag Falseprophet (n=Chee@unaffiliated/emonemo)
04:42.46CIA-34BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r17469 10/trunk/bzflag/include/common.h: fix Local Variables declaration for emacs
04:45.38CIA-34BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r17470 10/branches/v2_99_net_branch/src/bzflag/ (ServerLink.cxx ServerLink.h): Make more Windows friendly, using SOCKET
04:45.48Lukstrmy god, it's storming like crazy out here
04:47.22CIA-34BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r17471 10/branches/v2_99_net_branch/ (include/bzfsProto.h src/game/bzfsProto.cxx): Remove inappropriate dependency on bzfs
04:55.43*** join/#bzflag skwurp_ (
04:56.37*** part/#bzflag skwurp_ (
05:08.57Lukstrany other VI nuts find the vi-prefs line in bzflag code a bit weird?
05:14.50Flashwhat do you mean?
05:16.06*** join/#bzflag delusional_ (
05:25.20CIA-34BZFlag: 03lukstr * r17472 10/branches/gsoc_libbzw/src/world/ (BZWorld.cxx BZWorld.h): Started copying some BZWReader functionality, very rough, broken.
05:25.36Lukstrfor one why aren't softtabs in there?
05:25.43Lukstrunless other people use VI differently
05:25.44Lukstrthan I
05:29.04Lukstreh, collapse sleep time
05:30.08FlashLukstr: this has been discussed extensively before
05:30.17Flashthe modeline is to enforce the project standards
05:30.30Flashwhether the standards match your preferences is irrelevant
05:32.38Lukstralright... I'm not saying preferences
05:32.51LukstrI'm saying default stock vi doesn't match the desired settings
05:33.06Flashright, and that's why there's a mode line
05:33.11Lukstrdoes everybody indent with the spacebar?
05:33.17FlashI use emacs ;-)
05:33.28Lukstrbe gone you!
05:33.48Lukstrmaybe my VI isn't reading the lines all
05:33.54Flashtry vim?
05:34.42Lukstrit is vim
05:35.12LukstrI use gvim so I have no choice :P
05:35.23FlashI don't know; I have a guy at work who is ALMOST as productive with vim as I am with xemacs, but I'm not that guy ;-)
05:35.48Lukstrvim is nice because it's always installed
05:35.54Lukstrwell, vi
05:36.17Lukstranyways, my gripe is that either A) vim isn't parsing that crap right, or B) it's not working the expected way, I suppose
05:36.27Lukstrit's indenting 8 spaces instead of the desired 2
05:38.11Lukstrunless it's expected I use sane tabs in vim or something
05:38.29Lukstreither way having softtabstop=2 would solve everything
05:38.39Flashno, tabs must be 8 chars
05:38.44Lukstrtabs still are
05:39.13Lukstris bzflag src code indented 8 spaces when you see it?
05:42.39Flashno, each indent is 2
05:42.47Flashdo you use shift?
05:43.07Lukstrshift what
05:43.31Flashin command mode type ">>" (without the quotes) to increase indent level
05:43.50Lukstrright, which is 8 spaces
05:44.05Flashnot with shiftwidth=2 set
05:44.31Lukstrwell then it's not reading the settings.. hmm
05:44.34FlashI see... vim is not picking up the line
05:44.49Flashif you manually :set shiftwidth=2 it behaves
05:51.56Lukstrjust tried it on my other computer with wildy different vim settings and same deal
05:53.06Lukstrdoes your vim pick up the line?
05:55.38BulletCatchervim on my Fedora 8 system seems to honor the settings line
05:55.59BulletCatcherDo you guys have a .virc (or whatever it is called) file?
05:56.17Lukstron one of my machines yes
05:56.18Lukstrthe other, no
05:56.59LukstrI never noticed this on my last machine because the file settings were identical to my .vimrc
05:57.09Lukstrbut I just commented them out and it's buggering up
05:57.15BulletCatcherWhat version of vi?  (rpm -qf /bin/vi shows vim-minimal-7.1.245-1.fc8 for me)
05:58.04Lukstrone box is 7.1.145 (no newer version available)
05:58.06Lukstrother is..
05:58.24Lukstrlet me check the package
05:59.38FlashI'm running 7.0
06:00.13Lukstron my ubuntu box
06:04.00Lukstrbah, can't figure it out
06:04.39*** join/#bzflag KingofCamelot (
06:06.30BulletCatcherI see nothing in between patches 145 and 245 that would be relevant.
06:07.59Lukstron the one box
06:08.15Lukstrsame on other
06:08.25FlashI'm getting 0
06:08.30Flashwhich disables checking
06:10.06Flashwhat is the value of :set modeline?
06:10.39Flash(I added :set modeline and :set modelines=5 to my .vimrc and it now works properly)
06:10.50Flashof course, I did munge the modeline a bit....
06:12.37Lukstrread up :P
06:12.46Flashno, there are two variables
06:12.54Flashmodeline (boolean) and modelines (int)
06:12.56Lukstrmodeline and modelines
06:13.03Flashthe ? form interrogates a boolean
06:13.10Flashso :set modeline?
06:13.25Lukstrnothing happens
06:13.43Flashdid you type the ? as well?
06:13.45BulletCatcherYou have to include the question mark at the end.
06:13.58Flash(now you have set it, so the test is bogus)
06:15.06Lukstrit seems to have made >> work
06:15.15Flashexit and start again
06:15.16Lukstrbut tab is still 8 chars;
06:15.19Lukstralready did
06:16.02Lukstrmakes >> work
06:16.03Lukstrnot tab
06:16.14Flashit shouldn't make anything work
06:16.21Flashit should tell you the state of the boolean
06:16.34Flashare you typing it correctly?
06:17.00Lukstrjust says "modeline"
06:17.09Flashok, that means it was set
06:17.27Lukstrtab not work so much
06:17.37Flashtry this:
06:19.24Flashyes, that's what I see too
06:19.38Lukstrwhen you press tab it goes 8 spaces?
06:20.00Flashtry :set cindent
06:20.05Flashit should make you happy
06:20.30Lukstrwell that indents on newlines
06:20.41LukstrI'm used to tab indenting (with spaces, not \t's)
06:20.46LukstrI think...
06:20.56Lukstrautoexpandtabs and whatnot
06:21.30Flashthe indenting is based on shiftwidth, and should be 2 spaces
06:22.17Lukstrwhen using the tab key? or just newlines
06:22.25Lukstrand >>
06:23.01FlashI don't think it uses tab
06:23.23Flashbut with the "electric" mode, you should be indented to the right level
06:23.48Flashand you have long ago exceeded my knowledge of vim
06:24.10LukstrI've been using the same .vimrc file for so long I forgot about all this crap
06:26.19BulletCatcherIt would be worse to debug a .emacs file, if it is any consolation.
06:26.21LukstrI guess I have to find the emacs-esque setting for treating tab as >>
06:27.05Lukstr`emacs -nw` will suffice
06:27.59BulletCatcher"emacs -q" is what ignores the .emacs file.  Close enough, though.
06:28.35LukstrWell, I guess this brings up the bigger question of what exactly that tab key should do and I suppose it's user preference
06:28.43Lukstrbut, softtabstop=2
06:29.09Lukstrsofttabstop=shiftwidth :P
06:47.55CIA-34BZFlag: 03jwmelto * r17473 10/branches/v2_99_net_branch/ (208 files in 66 dirs): Merge -r 17261:17469 to stay close
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12:41.46CIA-34BZFlag: 03bthansen * r17474 10/trunk/bzflag/src/bzflag/ (ServerLink.cxx playing.cxx): Quell compiler warning about NULL used in arithmetic
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14:02.21FlashThumper_: that change in ServerLink was next to another questionable line
14:03.02Flashthere's a const_cast so that an assignment (null termination) can be made that looks sketchy
14:03.30Flashwhat was the arithmetic being used anyway?
14:03.48Thumper_just checking if somethign was a null ptr - GCC bitches about that
14:03.55Thumper_if (ptr != NULL)
14:04.11FlashAh. it's right you know
14:04.25Thumper_dtr added it - I just fixed it ;)
14:04.48FlashI was looking at it, because I wasn't sure I caused it in my branch when I merged
14:04.57Flashonce I figured out it was in trunk, I went to bed
14:04.58Thumper_my nightly server build died on those lines
14:06.21Thumper_builds in debug and treats compiler warnings as errors
14:06.34Flashapplauds Thumper_ for his diligence
14:07.41Thumper_it's 10AM and I leave for lunch in an hour... barely worth starting work at this point
14:08.56FlashI am 2 hours behind you and I need to get going so I can drop off my absentee ballot with the city on the way to work.
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17:47.30JeffMlearns how to use C++ streams
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18:51.26AAA_awrightIs there a way to increase the time text appears on the HUD?
18:54.34whodaman-good question
18:58.13Winnywoo, restart
19:01.10*** join/#bzflag Winny (n=KyleVE@unaffiliated/winny)
19:02.28Winnyhooray for pth tuesday
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19:38.44whodaman-oh, hmm
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22:36.54Winnytries to figure out what Calculus is
22:37.55*** join/#bzflag Lukstr (
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23:29.59CIA-34BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r17475 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (inc/BZWGenerator.h src/bzwgen.cxx): Doxygen comments only
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23:58.51JeffMibot Epyon++
23:59.15EpyonJeffM, oh no, that was just doxygen documentattion :/
23:59.33EpyonHowever, I'm now writing a more detailed timeline.
23:59.34JeffMEpyon, it's at least work
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23:59.52EpyonI'll give you a link in a momemt

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