IRC log for #bzflag on 20080603

00:23.50Lukstrwee, 33m12.086s for bzflag to build
00:25.27me1switch the m to h and the s to m, and you got me, more or less :P
00:25.46Winnybrlcad: how long does it take to build BZ on the mac pro?
00:26.52Lukstrdoes current trunk build?
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00:39.58blast007Lukstr: is it not building for you?
00:41.01blast007Lukstr: typically a broken build only affects some systems (like maybe Windows only, or people with certain versions of GCC, or certain configure options)
00:41.22blast007so it might work for me just fine  ;)
00:42.24tj13820Lukstr: what system are you building on, what OS
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00:56.08*** part/#bzflag tj13820 (
01:01.02spldartblast007 speaks the truth.. I often build linux and windows side by side after an update. And often the last dev to update will build under their preferred build sys of choice and yet have warning or more rarely so an error in the other build sys.
01:04.33spldartis Deb Etch and XP Pro.
01:04.47spldartis sad he came in as BugQ just left
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01:21.16Lukstrsorry about the delay
01:21.44Lukstr5 errors in XDisplay.cxx, all saying 'class BzfKeyEvent' has no member named 'ascii'
01:22.38Lukstrlet me get it up on pastebin
01:25.55LukstrUbuntu, PIII
01:29.01DTRemenakLukstr: make sure you have the sdl development packages installed and that configure says "(with SDL)" after "bzflag client"
01:29.24Lukstrchecking now
01:29.30Lukstr(weird that I got this to build earlier though)
01:29.45LukstrI may have apt-get removed something though :/
01:31.05Lukstrwell I haev the SDL dev packages installed
01:31.11Lukstrlet me scour the configure
01:32.19CIA-33BZFlag: 03dtremenak * r17370 10/trunk/bzflag/src/platform/XDisplay.cxx: probably best to at least build in the non-SDL case, even if we don't support wide-character input.
01:35.24Lukstraww, sdl package was broked
01:38.04Lukstrsorry about that :P
01:40.40CIA-33BZFlag: 03dtremenak * r17371 10/trunk/bzflag/src/platform/ (BeOSWindow.cxx BeOSWindow2.cxx): theoretically make beos allow wide-character input. naturally, I have no idea if this works (or even compiles), but the manual says it should ;)
01:43.46Lukstrokay, I fixed the SDL package but it's still complaining that it can't find it
01:47.29*** join/#bzflag eT``out (
01:49.14Lukstrbizarre, configure says if sdl-config's installed, it's not on my path... but it IS installed and IS in my path
01:49.51blast007Lukstr: did you try reinstalling Windows?
01:50.06LukstrI'm talking to you on Windows :P
01:50.11LukstrI compromise nothing!
01:50.36Lukstrmy ubuntu box is just forwarding X
01:50.44blast007so you can run 'sdl-config' from the same terminal you're running ./configure from?
01:51.03blast007check the config.log and see what it says
01:51.23blast007the output you see isn't always the most detailed
01:51.27Lukstrpretty much what I just described :P
01:51.39Lukstrnothing more useful, at least
01:51.40LukstrI tried
01:51.48LukstrSDL_CONFIG=/usr/bin/sdl-config ./configure
01:51.54Lukstrso maybe magic will happen
01:52.41Lukstr:( no dice
01:52.55Lukstrwhy have you forsaken me autoconf!
01:52.56blast007what SDL packages do you have installed?
01:53.09Lukstris there a *good* way to get a list of installed packages?
01:53.15LukstrI seem to remember doing it, but not how to
01:53.18blast007you're running X, right?
01:53.27blast007use the graphical package manager
01:53.39Lukstrpff, none installed
01:53.52LukstrI'll just use aptitude
01:54.02LukstrI remember tricking it to poop out the list of all packages
01:54.21Thumper_Lukstr: dpkg -l ?
01:54.49Lukstrfor some reason
01:54.52LukstrI am stoopid today
01:55.00spldartI am too...
01:55.04spldartbut its for a reason
01:55.17Lukstrand I'm perfectly sober...
01:55.42spldartAre you building remotely?
01:56.10Thumper_hmmm /playerlist seems to be broken on trunk
01:56.13Lukstrlibsdl1.2-dev 1.2.13-1ubuntu1     libsdl1.2debian 1.2.13-1ubuntu1     libsdl1.2debian-alsa 1.2.13-1ubuntu1     libsdl-image1.2 1.2.6-3     libsdl-image1.2-dev 1.2.6-3
01:56.31Lukstrspldart: yes, if you consider my right arm resting on the box remote
01:57.19LukstrI could use the KVM but I don't like the one second delay
01:57.24Lukstrbetween switching inputs
01:57.26spldartYour trying to build a X compatible direct accelled client remotely?
01:57.47blast007DTRemenak: is bzadmin set up for wide-characters?
01:57.59Lukstrspldart: why does that matter?
01:58.09blast007I'm seeing there's a wide-character version of ncurses
01:58.11blast007libncursesw5 - Shared libraries for terminal handling (wide character support)
02:04.44spldartis back
02:04.53spldartsays it doesn't
02:05.01spldartis giving you a hard time
02:05.21spldartlibncursesw-dev lol
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02:07.47LukstrAlright, this is weird
02:07.58spldartAren't we al
02:08.11spldartooOOoo that looks like a pipe3
02:08.14Lukstrsdl is definitely installed, I tried compiling the SDL test program on my own and it worked perfectly
02:09.19blast007Lukstr: trunk code?
02:09.45blast007hmm, unfortunately I'm not around a linux system that, well, has a screen
02:11.09spldartThe only one I'm around, that's on screen, is to slow to be any help.
02:13.28Lukstrokay, dug up more
02:13.46Lukstrgcc: SDL: No such file or directory
02:13.56Lukstrcc1: error: unrecognized command line option "-framework"
02:14.13Lukstrwhere the option for gcc is -framework SDL
02:17.32blast007that's the OSX stuff, iirc
02:17.37blast007so it's just testing if that works
02:17.47Lukstrbut if it fails it assumes there's no SDL :/
02:17.57blast007it should have more than one SDL test
02:17.57Lukstrwhat version of GCC do you have?
02:18.15blast007heck if I know
02:18.22blast007the linux lappy is at home  :)
02:18.22Lukstronly one SDL test I can see
02:18.48Lukstrchanging -framework SDL to -FSDL solves everything
02:19.37blast007can you upload the config.log somewhere?
02:19.43Lukstrsure thing
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02:20.38LukstrI'm guessing I perhaps smashed some packages during a lot of re-installing
02:27.43spldartgcc --version?
02:28.15spldartThere is blast's answer
02:28.40spldartyour newer than me
02:29.08spldartwhat's your distro/ver?
02:29.21Lukstrspldart: do you need perms to use
02:29.29spldartNot last I checked
02:29.34LukstrI got denied
02:29.47LukstrForbidden at pastebin.php
02:30.04spldartlemme check
02:30.48Lukstrmaybe it can't take 1000 lines?
02:31.22spldartseems fine
02:31.35spldartThat's alotta lines
02:32.02Lukstrsame thing again
02:32.13Lukstrworks with one line for me
02:32.18Lukstrapparently 1000 not so good
02:32.43spldarta thousand.......
02:33.03Lukstr2020 actually
02:33.21Lukstr2051 actually :P
02:33.24Lukstrbut slexy chopped some off
02:33.48spldartNot so slexy
02:33.57LukstrI'll go bug php jedi now
02:34.14spldartis tinkeirng
02:38.18blast007Lukstr: hmm... just for fun, try closing down the terminal and starting a new one
02:38.36Lukstrbetter yet let me restart my x connection
02:40.11Lukstrargh, slashdot mod points
02:41.07spldartis surprised that he hasn't heard anything directly related to the tranformer explosiong related to the datacenter in Houston Sunday.
02:41.14spldart.... In here.
02:42.07Lukstrblast007: a good call, I think that did the trick
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03:04.20Lukstrautomake es sexy
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03:38.12Lukstrso, new lesson learned: building everything takes about an 1.5 hours
03:38.30blast007do you have ccache?
03:38.40Lukstrfirst build with it though
03:38.57blast007speaking of building, I should try it on my new server  :)
03:41.18*** join/#bzflag mboyd (
03:41.31mboydheh, wrong username
03:43.54blast007hmm, guess it helps if I install make  ;D
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03:59.28Constitutionbzbb admins
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05:18.07think_tankthought just occurred to me. it would be neat if players could leave their own customized tag in game, sort of like counter-strike
05:18.44think_tanktoo bad the potential for abuse is too high
05:29.40AAA_awrightthink_tank: Erm, like the email string? Or something else?
05:30.27think_tankin counter-strike you can "spray paint" an image/logo of your choosing onto the map itself
05:31.01think_tankit's temporary, of course, but lasts and is visible to others for an amount of time specified in the server's config file
05:35.07Lukstryeah but counter-strike is a terrible game
05:35.25think_tankdon't tell think_different
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05:55.02SportChickhugs brlcad
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09:01.31Constitutionyay, got some kind of little flash when shots are fired :)
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09:13.02CIA-33BZFlag: 03macsforme * r17372 10/branches/v2_99_shot_branch/src/bzflag/playing.cxx: gotBlowedUp() is gone; don't need the reasons anymore.
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12:22.51CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1170 10/trunk/ (BUGS m4/font.m4):
12:22.51CIA-33FTGL: * Multiline sed scripts won't work very well on Cygwin. Falling back to
12:22.51CIA-33FTGL:  two piped sed calls instead.
12:23.11CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1171 10/trunk/ (4 files in 3 dirs): * Coding style: remove tabs and trailing spaces, wrap long lines.
12:23.27CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1172 10/trunk/ ( src/FTFont/FTBufferFont.cpp): * FTBufferFont: use strndup() and, when available, wcsdup().
12:24.45CIA-33FTGL: 03sammy * r1173 10/trunk/src/FTGlyph/FTExtrudeGlyph.cpp: * Fix a crash in FTExtrudeGlyph caused by uninitialised members.
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15:33.43brlcadhey bugQ
15:33.52brlcadhow's the coding coming along?
15:34.58bugQOK...not much to show yet
15:35.06bugQI'm going to try to work out a timeline today.
15:35.38brlcaddidn't you already have a timeline? :)
15:35.44bugQnot as such.
15:36.01bugQi.e. in bits and pieces
15:37.21brlcadlet someone know if you run into problems, you really shouldn't be lingering on planning at this point
15:37.56brlcadshould be actually coding / committing more than anything (like .. daily)
15:38.19brlcadeven if what you're working on is incomplete, the idea is to get into a workflow where you commit while you work (constantly)
15:38.26brlcadso it tells a story
15:38.35brlcad(that goes for everyone really, not just you)
15:40.06brlcadi.e. if someone isn't committing, then they're not working .. and that's not good of course, especially the closer we get to evaluation :-)
15:40.18bugQright then.
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17:09.29CIA-33BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17373 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/ (11 files in 2 dirs): skeleton for webadmin plugin created
17:16.05Thumper_bugQ: don't think you want to checking .deps/* files and since these are autogenerated
17:16.24Thumper_checking-> check in
17:16.52bugQah, ok. I wasn't sure what had been generated
17:17.14Erroneousthey shouldn't get there anyway...copy the svn:ignore property from one of the other directories
17:17.40Erroneousafter deleting them
17:18.25Erroneousand nice to see a checkin :)
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17:48.47CIA-33BZFlag: 03bugQ * r17374 10/trunk/bzflag/plugins/webadmin/ (. .deps/ removed autogen'd files
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17:55.10spldartYay! And were off
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18:14.13CIA-33BZFlag: 03bthansen * r17375 10/trunk/bzflag/BUGS: /playerlist is broken
18:15.24Thumper_can't fix it now and I figured I should document it so it doesn't get lost
18:19.49brlcada good plan
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20:26.34SbgodinHi all. Maybe I'm not that awaken... But why "bzfs -a 0 0 -public "TESTING" leads to "Segmentation fault" ? (BZFlag server (protocol 0026))
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20:31.02blast007Sbgodin: could be a buggy version of curl
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20:31.38blast007try this and see if it still crashes: "bzfs -a 0 0 -noMasterBanlist"
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20:34.15SbgodinWorks !
20:34.30blast007my guess is a bad version of curl
20:34.33SbgodinA new bug? Feature? I'm banned?
20:34.35blast007see if you can upgrade it
20:35.19blast007was this a build you made?
20:38.49SbgodinIt's a bzfs from Debian GNU/Linux lenny/sid with a uname "Linux manzana"
20:38.58SbgodinNo self compilation
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20:43.22L4m3r_Sbgodin: the debian package might be broken
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20:45.17SbgodinThe error occurs on my own Debian pc as well. No corresponding update but "gimp-libcurl"....
20:45.34SbgodinBtw, how did you guess the origin of the error?
20:47.26L4m3rI'd recommend rolling your own from SVN to see what happens. If you plan to run a server, you should use the latest version anyway.
20:51.59SbgodinI already run a server, but don't care about compiling, in spite of I can do it myself. Just a matter of time.
20:52.21SbgodinI was told the server was going to die, replaced by a new one. I'll see when it happens. Thanks for you quick responses.
20:55.23TuponeSbgodin: do you happen to know what version of c-ares you have?
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20:56.51SbgodinTupone> no. Is this so important?
20:57.40Tuponedepend on what version, if that is the wrong version is important, if is the good one, it is not
20:58.29Sbgodinc-are is a library, isn't it?
20:58.34blast007Tupone: wasn't there a curl bug before?
20:59.10TuponeI remember a curl bug, but I don't remember the details
20:59.58Tuponewhile I know about a c-ares incompatibility on the new versions
21:01.45blast007Tupone: how would one find the version it was built with?
21:02.40TuponeI think is dynamically linked, so a dpkg command is enough. Or just looking at /usr/share/doc/curl-*
21:03.32TuponeSbgodin: it is a library, Yes
21:03.36blast007ah, yeah, it is
21:04.14SbgodinMy hoster replaces this server. I'll try tomorrow and tell you what happens.
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21:34.46wandaping Mets
21:35.22wandahi, I saw your post in the forum, did u succeed linking meanwhile?
21:35.35Metsfor solaris?
21:35.57Metsno I tried giving it the flags but it didn't work, still getting that error
21:36.13Metshave you gotten it to compile before on solaris?
21:36.40wandacould u check your version of .. looks like it does not support these multi calls
21:37.54wandapse try :  nm /usr/local/lib/ | grep multi
21:38.22wandano i didnt even try to compile/link on solaris
21:38.22Metslets see, last time i tried it I used 7.15.4 from the libcurl website, precompiled
21:39.10Mets[936]   |    118272|     156|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_add_handle
21:39.10Mets[1051]  |    120012|     148|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_cleanup
21:39.10Mets[749]   |    118648|     292|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_fdset
21:39.10Mets[832]   |    120160|     156|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_info_read
21:39.10Mets[992]   |    118180|      92|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_init
21:39.10Mets[1007]  |    118948|    1064|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_perform
21:39.12Mets[1035]  |    118428|     220|FUNC |GLOB |0    |9      |curl_multi_remove_handle
21:39.14Mets[738]   |         0|       0|FILE |LOCL |0    |ABS    |multi.c
21:39.37ibotextra, extra, read all about it, bzpastebin is or a place to put large chunks of text so as not to flood a channel
21:39.51Metssorry :p
21:40.56wandahmmm.. so these funcs are defined ...
21:42.43wandaare u able to modify the linking sequence?
21:43.00Metswhat do you mean?
21:44.04wandasave that failing command from your log, modify and execute only this modofied command from shell
21:45.12Metsok let me take a quick look at it
21:48.26Metsfor modifying, is there anything you want me to look for, or just make something up and see if it links
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21:50.08Metsit seems more of a symbol problem than a function problem
21:55.10wandai would try this sequence, taken from your post and modified:
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21:59.11Metswanda, where do you want me to put this?
22:01.19wandadid u write a log file from your failing 'make'? did u select that failing command, u partially posted in the forum? pse take this command to a newly created file
22:02.03MetsI just copied the output from make in the terminal and posted it in the forum
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22:02.48Metsthe log file would read the same I assume
22:04.04Metsoh I see what you mean, sorry
22:04.08Metshow do I change that?
22:04.10wandabut your copy and paste was the whole command .. my idea is to execute this 'linking' separately with a modified sequence in the libraries
22:04.21MetsI misunderstood
22:04.25wandawas NOT the whole. ...
22:05.15Metsalright, so what do I edit to make these changes?
22:06.09wandabecause the linker could not resolve some symbols although they are defined as function in your libcurl .. so maybe its a problem of the linking sequence
22:08.28wandamy proposal changes the command after ../date/.libs/libDate.a,  if u did select the linking command, delete all after  ../date/.libs/libDate.a and insert my proposal from pastebin and giv it a try ...
22:08.38wandadont forget to cd into the right directory
22:11.34Metswanda, in what file does it change things after ../date/.libs/libDate.a?
22:13.37wandaok ... step by step ...
22:13.47Metsty :)
22:13.53Metshaven't done this before, sorry
22:14.09Metsi follow what you are trying to do though, just not sure which files to touch and which ones to leave alone
22:14.48wandai will simulate here as good as i can
22:15.26wanda1.:   $ make 2>&1 | tee foo
22:17.41wandacould  u please put the relevant part to pastebin?
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22:21.10Metsthat's from the make log, the full command of what it's trying to do
22:21.25Metseverything is fine until then - that gives the error I posted in the forum
22:24.02wandasorry, where is the failure? the pastebin is ok as far as i see
22:24.58Metslines 3 and 4 fail
22:25.45wandaok .. line 4 gives the failure, right?
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22:25.50Metsactually, line 3 is fine
22:26.19Metsthe last line of 4 is the 3rd line in the error post on bzbb.  It then reports the Undefined Symbol problem
22:29.21wandaok .. one moment please
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22:35.23*** join/#bzflag Falseprophet (n=Chee@unaffiliated/emonemo)
22:35.46wandaMets , please try
22:36.14wandaas command from commands from caommand line
22:36.33wandasorry .. as commands from command line
22:42.20Metsk one sec
22:44.20Metsld: fatal: file /usr/openwin/lib: unknown file type
22:44.20Metsld: fatal: File processing errors. No output written to bzfs
22:47.33*** join/#bzflag bier|tp (
22:47.45wandaok, please change: -Wl,/usr/local/lib -> -L/usr/local/lib   and delete: -Wl,/usr/openwin/lib from the line
22:50.40Metssimilar errors
22:52.40wandahmm ... no idea any more in the moment ... sorry that i couldnt help... i have to go to bed now .. 1.00 am here ..
22:53.18wandabut i still think its a matter of sequence ...
22:53.19Metsthanks for the try wanda
22:53.31wandagood night Mets
22:53.31Metswe can pick it up tomorrow if you want, i'll be here
22:53.36Metsi appreciate the help
22:53.38Metsnight :)
23:03.02*** join/#bzflag Warinthestar (
23:06.05CIA-33BZFlag: 03chaos-dev * r17376 10/trunk/bzwgen/ (Doxyfile inc/BZWGenerator.h inc/Generator.h inc/globals.h):
23:06.05CIA-33BZFlag: * proper define markings
23:06.05CIA-33BZFlag: * include shuffling
23:06.05CIA-33BZFlag: * Doxyfile added
23:24.53*** join/#bzflag eT``out (
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23:39.14*** join/#bzflag JeffM (n=JeffM@unaffiliated/jeffm)
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