IRC log for #bzflag on 20080517

00:16.28spldartomglol @ BC
00:16.59spldartBulletCatcher's Power of Attourney
00:30.16*** join/#bzflag KTL (
00:30.23KTLfantastisch die regen
00:30.26ConstitutionBulletCatcher: congrats
00:30.37KTLsorry, wrong channel due to xchat starting up
00:31.25KTLthe sewer cover is jumping up in front of my window due to the rain, spooky sound
00:33.16*** join/#bzflag Erroneous (n=dtremena@about/essy/CrazyCoder/DTRemenak)
00:33.17*** mode/#bzflag [+v Erroneous] by ChanServ
00:39.57BulletCatcherThanks, Constitution.
00:48.01spldartFun to watch storm runoff blow through serwer covers :)
01:25.16*** join/#bzflag EvanEjk (
01:25.34EvanEjkdoes anybody have experiance with web hosting?
01:26.26EvanEjkim wondering if when you transfer a domain does that mean there is just a redirect link on the new one of it actually gets moved to the new hoster?
01:48.55*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
01:48.57ConstitutionEvanEjk: moved to a new hoster
01:52.54*** join/#bzflag FusionDu1e (
01:58.46F687sIs it remotely possible to use two config files for a bzfs server? (like, one for common and one for map-specific)
02:00.05Constitutionjust specify multiple -conf flags
02:00.19F687sUsually when I try that it uses one and ignores the other.
02:00.40Constitutionit shouldn't
02:01.14F687sYah, I'll have to look into that.
02:09.12spldartmy experience has been use first ignore second
02:09.26spldartbut haven't tried in quite a while
02:11.44*** join/#bzflag keith80403 (
02:12.07*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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02:13.13*** join/#bzflag BenUrban (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
02:27.55*** join/#bzflag Mets (
02:39.32*** join/#bzflag coffee (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
02:44.29*** join/#bzflag Quol (
02:52.00*** join/#bzflag whoda|iPod (n=whoda|
02:53.14Quolapparently, if your linux box has not been rebooted in 300 days, a file system check is performed which takes about 20 minutes :) - I thought my server was dead there for a bit
03:10.04short_circuitwhats the process name?
03:10.11BulletCatcherF687s: A configuration file can contain -conf lines that reference other files.  You should be able to nest them as much as you want.
03:16.43*** join/#bzflag QuantumBeep (
03:17.35BulletCatcherQuol: A command like "dumpe2fs -h /dev/sda1 | grep -i check" will tell you when the next automatic check is scheduled for an ext2 or ext3 file system.
03:18.23QuolBulletCatcher, ya - I know...I just forgot about it, and since it was a year ago that I rebooted that darn box, I was worried that after 20 min it was dead :) - but thanks for the reminder
03:18.46Quolhard to do that command after you initiate the shutdown -r now :)
03:19.16BulletCatcher:-)  The same thing happened to me recently, but at least I could see the console so I knew what it was doing.
03:20.13Quollol - ya, I wish my console over IP redirection was working - but that broke a little while back - don't know why...the silly java IPMI thingy isn't working anymore :(
03:21.27BulletCatcherYou can change the check interval using the tune2fs command if you want, but if you only reboot once every 10 months then you are probably doomed to be surprised by it every time. :-)
03:21.42Quolanyone here use gentoo? if so - anyone ever tried upgrading from a 2006.0 profile to a 2008.0 profile directly (without going to a 2007 profile that is)?
03:22.22Quollol BulletCatcher  - ya, probably, I think I will set a shutdown message reminding me of that :)
03:24.32*** join/#bzflag delusional (
03:28.12*** join/#bzflag jude- (
03:28.17jude-hello all
03:28.28jude-finals exams are finished :)
03:29.01BulletCatcherCongrats.  Hope you did well.
03:29.13jude-we'll see--grades are not yet posted
03:29.18Constitutionheya jude-
03:29.23jude-hey Constitution!
03:29.38jude-what's up?
03:29.54Constitutionnot too much... finals just finished here too. :) taking it easy for a bit
03:30.20jude-I had my last one only a few hours ago
03:36.27jude-I should have said this much earlier, but better late than never:  Congratulations to all of the GSoC 2008 students!  You're in for a world of fun!
03:36.53blast007hi jude-!
03:37.00jude-hey blast007!
03:37.10jude-how goes it?
03:37.33blast007going good
03:38.11jude-glad to hear it :)
03:55.52*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
04:00.03*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
04:03.59FlashF687s: you can have a -conf argument in your conf file
04:04.08Flashso one can "include" another
04:04.50Flashoh... what BulletCatcher said
04:09.10blast007hmm, I wonder...
04:09.45blast007make one config called 'one.conf' that contains -conf two.conf, and another config called 'two.conf' that contains -conf one.conf   :P
04:10.03blast007quick, someone try it!  ;)
04:10.05Flashblast007: that would not be fun
04:10.31Flashno infinite loop detection in the conf argument handling
04:29.32Metswow i just posted 1250 lag on some new server
04:29.59Metsthat is really impressive, that's like three times my highest ever
05:14.01*** join/#bzflag Flash (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
05:17.53*** part/#bzflag Mets (
05:19.26jude-goes to bed
05:35.54*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
06:05.25*** join/#bzflag Pimpinella (
07:31.34*** join/#bzflag Saturos_iPod (
09:15.35*** join/#bzflag CBG` (
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11:01.14*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
11:20.30*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
12:01.04*** join/#bzflag Mets (
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12:03.31*** part/#bzflag Mets (
12:18.27*** join/#bzflag Dessy2 (
12:40.07*** part/#bzflag LongDon (
12:45.25*** join/#bzflag Saturos (
13:26.09*** join/#bzflag Suspect (
13:43.39*** join/#bzflag TD-Linux (n=wheeeeee@about/essy/indecisive/TD-Linux)
14:00.54*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
14:38.37F687sThis looks relatively pointless. (
14:38.57Winnyit's officially summer
14:39.22Winnyin about a month they'll get bored and go away
14:41.01me1D:, it's not summer here for a month
14:41.32F687sI mean, who would post a topic that is similar to one right below it?
14:42.14F687sSpeaking of summer, maybe some of these lusers will get the idea of actually _going outside_ this summer, making the forums a better place. ;-)
14:43.26me1What is really bad are those that don't go away at the end of summer
15:02.46*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
15:06.32delusionalconstitution... it's not a multiple -conf, but similar,  don't forget the "include" function in bzw, which i find especially useful when working with drawinfo.
15:14.15Winnyblast007: around?
15:31.43blast007Winny: sorta
15:31.46*** join/#bzflag O-Neil (
15:38.11Winnyblast007: any idea who is going to code the sidebar items for the site?
15:38.29blast007drupal stuff?
15:40.37*** join/#bzflag silverspeed (n=eric@
15:41.44*** part/#bzflag silverspeed (n=eric@
15:43.09Winnyfigures :P
15:44.08blast007probably me..
15:44.37*** join/#bzflag pjtr (
15:45.53TD-Linuxcan't wait to see what his bzbb thread causes
15:47.05blast007"make teh laser shuut thru walls!!!"
15:47.52*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
16:09.38*** join/#bzflag BenUrban_ (n=benurban@unaffiliated/benurban)
16:15.41WinnyTWIYF -> The Wiki is your friend
16:16.14WinnyI should make that into a sig or something
16:27.46F687sWinny: You can try, but that won't guarantee people will listen. ;-)
16:48.38*** join/#bzflag Think_Differentl (n=shedelj@unaffiliated/thinkdifferentl/x-838543)
17:16.28*** join/#bzflag jftsang (
17:16.41ibothi, jftsang
17:16.59jftsangwhat is the package for curses on Linux that I need for BZFlag?
17:18.42JeffMthe dev one
17:18.45JeffMif you are building
17:19.05jftsangwhat's the name?
17:19.14JeffMdepends on the distro
17:19.19JeffMwhat choices do you have?
17:19.31jftsangit doesn't present me with any choices
17:19.43JeffMwhat disro are you using?
17:20.03jftsangUbuntu Hardy Herron
17:20.15JeffMrun synaptic and search for curses
17:20.23JeffMit will show you the ones that are available
17:21.12jftsangthere are a few libcurses-*-dev, so I install one of them?
17:21.25Think_Differentli would install the latest libcurses-dev
17:21.34JeffMyeah is the * just a number?
17:22.11jftsangnot necessarily
17:22.35JeffMgive us an example
17:22.40JeffMwe can't read your screen
17:23.03Think_DifferentlI think you want libncurses5 and libncurses5-dev
17:23.26JeffMbest to just pick the largest number, as I don't think they have changed anythign major
17:23.53jftsangexcept that I already have the packages that Think_Differentl named
17:24.11JeffMwhat is the error you get?
17:24.41jftsangBZFlag- with the following:
17:25.03jftsanglast few lines of the output from configure
17:25.05Think_Differentlbuilds fine for me with libncurses5 & -dev
17:25.12JeffMyou probably are missing other things
17:25.17JeffMis this a new install?
17:25.22jftsangnew build, yes
17:25.32JeffMdid you install the C++ compiler?
17:26.05jftsangI have automake, autoconf, autotools, libSDL and libcURL
17:26.09JeffMdid you install the C++ compiler?
17:26.32jftsangI didn't install it; gcc was with the distro
17:26.35Think_Differentlyou need g++
17:26.42JeffMgcc is not the C++ compiler
17:26.46JeffMit is the C compiler
17:26.54JeffMyes you need g++
17:29.21jftsangwell, configure worked fine
17:30.00JeffMhelps when it can compile the samples it uses to test :)
17:30.12JeffMall the basic distro tools are C not C++
17:30.20jftsangah ok
17:30.20JeffMso they only include gcc not g++
17:30.59jftsangand as for plugins, do I just ./configure and make, unless otherwise stated?
17:31.13JeffMwhat version of BZ?
17:32.00JeffMdid you configigure with --enable_plugins and --enable_shared ?
17:32.13jftsang*sigh, reconfigures*
17:32.25TD-Linuxalso don't forget opengl headers
17:32.30JeffMthen it'll build all the plugins automaticly
17:38.27jftsangum, is there a package for OpenGL?
17:38.54TD-Linuxprobably something like libmesa
17:39.18JeffMdid configure tell you that GL was not found?
17:39.28JeffMor did it say bzflag client?
17:39.36jftsangit said bzflag client
17:39.43JeffMthen you have the gl headers
17:39.47JeffMand are good to go
17:39.59JeffMthey probalby got put in with SDL since it uses them too
17:42.19jftsangonce the plugins are built, where are they found? the src is in /usr/local/src/bzflag
17:45.05JeffMdid you do a make install?
17:46.57jftsangwell, I shall
17:48.24JeffMthat should copy them to some lib dir
17:48.33JeffMif not they are in hiden .lib dirs in each plugin IIRC
17:48.46JeffMgoes to do his patriotic duty and blow 600$ of "stimuls"
17:49.21spldartYour last 4 in your social are a low number like mine then
17:49.28spldartJust deposited mine
17:59.08jftsangis that a "don't worry, everything is working fine"?
18:02.05ruskieyeah just nobody on ;)
18:05.16*** join/#bzflag Constitution (n=const@unaffiliated/macsforme)
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18:16.54*** join/#bzflag me1 (n=me1@unaffiliated/me1)
18:19.16Constitutionany bzbb admins about?
18:21.30spldartNot I said the fly
18:45.48*** join/#bzflag jftsan2 (
18:58.38*** join/#bzflag hobbsc (
19:00.03*** join/#bzflag SpazzyMcGee (n=SpazzyMc@unaffiliated/spazzymcgee)
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19:08.55*** join/#bzflag think_tank (n=think_ta@unaffiliated/thinktank/x-168245)
19:13.55*** join/#bzflag KTL (
19:14.20KTLthose flag resets. the idea is that the flags would get more evenly distributed right?
19:14.33KTLi was thinking about a self organizing map
19:14.51KTLthose flags could move all the time by themselves
19:15.32KTLevery so many seconds they could move so many units away, towards a more even distribution over the map
19:16.29Constitutionwhich flag resets are you talking about?
19:16.41Constitutionunless they're specified in zones, flags are supposed to spawn randomly
19:16.57KTLplayers asking for flag resets because they get the impression their current place is not right
19:17.13KTLyes, i got the idea to let them move by themselves, but slowly
19:17.26*** join/#bzflag FalseProphet (n=Tom@unaffiliated/emonemo)
19:17.34KTLdrifting around
19:17.56Winnyso who in here can I sucke... I mean ask to do the IE 6 fixes in the drupal template? I'm stumped.
19:20.28*** join/#bzflag Mets (
19:22.49Winnyonce that's done it ready except for the sidebar stats
19:22.55Winnywhich can be done at a later date
19:27.09*** join/#bzflag zee703 (n=c636ca46@gateway/web/cgi-irc/
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19:32.26*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
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20:02.10BulletCatcherFor KTL's situation it shouldn't be too hard to invent a limit to the time non-zoned flags will stay at rest.  When the time (perhaps slightly randomized) expires, a flag would simply fly and be repositioned the usual way.  I suspect that a patch to implement this would be welcome.
20:04.03BulletCatcherSet a really short timeout and the game could be "catch the flag". :-)
20:04.10*** join/#bzflag whodaman- (n=whodaman@pdpc/supporter/student/whodaman-)
20:05.17Constitutionstill no bzbb admins about?
20:06.16Flashwell, I thought I was ready for my next test, but I've managed to break communications entires.
20:06.31FlashI can connect, but I can't enter/spawn
20:06.39WinnyConstitution, why?
20:06.43FlashI have my server set for 10-sec idle kick, and it does ;-)
20:06.45WinnyI think donny_baker was here a while ago
20:06.58ConstitutionI'm thinking we have an innappropriate image
20:07.05Winnyooh where :P
20:08.07ruskiewhere where
20:08.26*** join/#bzflag JeffM (
20:08.32*** join/#bzflag FusionDude (n=jwmelto@unaffiliated/flash)
20:08.37Constitutionand there he is
20:08.49WinnyConstitution, mention the devil and he appears ;)
20:11.50*** join/#bzflag spldart (
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20:11.54JeffMso you call upon the powers of darkness when in need?
20:12.33spldartI was called 'el diablo' today
20:20.58KTLhow did you deserve it? :D
20:23.19spldartSome hispanic catholic chic @ wife's work named Flo
20:23.40spldartSomething about my incident @ 3AM this morning involving lots of blood
20:23.54Flashwas there a chicken involved?
20:24.06spldartNo.. but there was a goat or two
20:24.44KTLsplashing goats with your tank in the morning?
20:25.09spldartNot quite.. I don't call it my tank
20:25.53KTLnever sees any goats in belgium, no chance you bump into them
20:27.43spldartMe has 'inspector Perot' on the brain now
20:28.31ibotmethinks bz20svn is and svn co
20:31.34spldartI stand corrected hercule poirot
20:32.08KTLwoot that's the first time
20:32.35spldartYou deserve it ;-)
20:40.20Flashyay. I got data flowing again....
21:29.46delusionalAt mofo we use the cron plugin to send  "/flag reset unused" every 15 minutes.. works very well, flags have a tendency to crowd into the corners  
21:31.40*** join/#bzflag CBG (
21:35.21*** part/#bzflag jftsan2 (
21:35.35*** join/#bzflag L4m3r (n=l4m3r@about/essy/warning/L4m3r)
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21:49.10*** join/#bzflag LongDon (
22:24.28*** join/#bzflag Viza (i=viza@nylug/member/Viza)
22:25.03Vizahi, would anyone be able to reload the fox burrow server?
22:25.10Vizanone of the teleporters work
22:26.14whodaman-Thumper_, ^^
22:26.22whodaman-Although, maybe I can do it over the site
22:27.16whodaman-meh, gotta go
22:27.28whodaman-maybe donny_baker or some other Norang admin can help
22:27.34Vizaah np, thanks anyways
22:28.42TD-LinuxViza, hmm?
22:29.00TD-Linuxdo you still want it restarted?
22:29.05spldartall transporters are dead
22:29.14spldarton foxburrow
22:29.27spldarta restart might be nice...
22:29.37spldartsince that like my third favorite server evar
22:29.52spldartloves a good rabbit chase
22:30.09whodaman-ok, hang on
22:30.13whodaman-lemme see if I can do this
22:30.20spldartthat's a norant isn't it
22:30.27spldartI can restart myself
22:30.30TD-Linuxwhat is the server name?
22:30.34TD-LinuxI'm already there spldart:)
22:30.34whodaman-on it
22:30.34spldartbut I'm to intoxicated
22:30.39whodaman-I just did it
22:30.41whodaman-via the site
22:30.41TD-LinuxME FIRST
22:30.49TD-Linuxgrr I hate you whodaman-
22:30.51whodaman-did it disconnect?
22:31.00TD-LinuxI just found it... too late
22:31.02whodaman-thanks, TD-Linux
22:31.03TD-LinuxLET ME CLICK
22:31.07whodaman-ok, I'm out
22:31.08spldartI always think "Touch Down, Linux" when I see your name
22:31.15TD-Linuxshould I restart it again?
22:31.21TD-Linuxspldart, hah, I have football
22:31.55Vizait didn't seem to restart
22:32.04TD-Linuxrestart pending it says
22:32.11TD-Linuxit probably gives a warning or something
22:33.55spldartit's not working
22:34.01spldartepic fail
22:37.14*** part/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)
22:38.51*** join/#bzflag bryjen (
22:38.51*** mode/#bzflag [+v bryjen] by ChanServ
22:57.18Vizaso apparently someone loaded a new map with broken teleporters
23:24.06Dr_Spacemanhas failed in his patriotic duty :(
23:25.03Winnyyou voted for bush?
23:28.39Dr_SpacemanI was unable to spend my 600$ like they wanted
23:28.50Dr_Spacemanall I was able to do was blow 19.99$
23:28.58L4m3rsend the rest to me
23:29.00Winnyyou could send the rest to me
23:29.03Winnybah L4m3r
23:29.06L4m3rit will stimulate my economy :)
23:29.26Dr_SpacemanWinny: sending it out of country is not the point
23:29.28L4m3rWinny: our dollars are worthless to you anyway :P
23:29.36Winnythis is true :P
23:30.32L4m3rDr_Spaceman: yeah, that's too bad, since a significant portion of people are probably just going to smoke that check :P
23:30.45L4m3rand guess where that money goes?
23:31.00Dr_Spacemanthe us federal government
23:31.18L4m3rer, no, Mexico, generally
23:31.30L4m3r(I'm not talking about literally smoking the check...)
23:31.42Dr_SpacemanI know what you mean
23:31.58Dr_Spacemanand like you belive that the drug rings arn't fronts for the CIA.. pshh
23:32.03L4m3rbut yeah, the whole thing is kind of dumb
23:32.19L4m3rpeople aren't just going to go out and spend when the economy is down
23:32.30L4m3rthey're just going to pay off some credit card debt or save it
23:32.42Dr_Spacemanhumans are supid
23:32.46Dr_Spacemanmost can't manage debt
23:32.52Dr_SpacemanI'll bet a lot gets spent
23:33.27ConstitutionI should probably apply mine to my 40-year mortgage from when I bought my MacBook Pro
23:33.49Dr_Spacemanthats' one week right?
23:34.08Constitutionhm? :)
23:34.24Dr_Spacemanmy goal is to get a Core 2 quad 9700 to replace this old 6000+
23:34.54Dr_Spacemansorry 6700
23:34.59Dr_Spacemanstupid numbers
23:37.20Metstax refunds I gather?
23:37.28Metserr rebates
23:37.47Metswell better than the alternative
23:46.39L4m3rI'm still claimed as a dependent, so I don't get anything :(
23:46.46*** part/#bzflag Viza (i=viza@nylug/member/Viza)
23:48.05Metsyou can get something even ad a dependent, just depends on if you file your own tax return or not
23:48.18Mets*even if your
23:51.27think_tankMets, wrong
23:51.43think_tankif someone else can claim u on their return, you are NOT eligible for a stimulus payment
23:51.52think_tankregardless of if u file ur own return or not
23:52.11think_tankthe mere ability for another person being able to claim you as a dependent automatically disqualifies you
23:55.07Dr_Spacemanhis parents get more on there for him
23:56.40think_tank*if* they claim him
23:56.51think_tankwhich logically one would...
23:57.08Dr_Spacemanif they don't then he's not a dependent, and is elegible for his own ;)
23:57.32think_tankif they don't claim him, that does not change his dependency status. and we should probably move this to #bzchat ;)
23:58.32*** join/#bzflag BulletCatcher (n=bc@unaffiliated/bulletcatcher)

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